166-Article Text-733-1-10-20200526
166-Article Text-733-1-10-20200526
166-Article Text-733-1-10-20200526
Faculty of Medicine, Abstract
Universitas Indonesia,
Jakarta, Indonesia
One of the key factors in reaching ‘healthy lives’ based on the
Goal 3 of Sustainable Development Goals is the access to
Correspondence should
medical care. Many countries have been implementing their own
be addressed to
health insurance in order to facilitate access for good quality
Mochammad Izzatullah.
medical care. Some studies indicated that health insurance has a
Faculty of Medicine,
positive effect on improving the health quality especially in
Universitas Indonesia.
terms of mortality rates. However, several other studies revealed
Address: Jl. Salemba Raya
that there is an inverted effect of owning health insurance and
No.6, Jakarta 10430,
health quality. Therefore, this systematic review aims to
investigate about the research regarding the relationship of
E-mail: health quality and health insurance. The keyword for this review
[email protected] was "Insurance, Health"[Mesh]) AND "Health Care Quality,
Access, and Evaluation"[Mesh] on the database of Pubmed. By
Cite this article as: using this keyword, we found 6 papers related to our topic. Then,
we evaluated it by using STROBE method. From six papers we
Gamalliel N, Sutanto RL,
reviewed, all of them state that ownership of health insurance
Izzatullah M, Gustya GF.
may indicate better prognosis of the patient, regardless of the
Effectiveness of various
disease. Furthermore, the government of countries may consider
health insurances in
administering a social insurance system, or at least the
tackling health problems
government may increase people’s participation in health
of the 21st century: a
insurance. Future studies must be conducted due to the fact that
systematic review. J Asian
the paper we review are varies in term of research location and
Med Stud Assoc.
population target
Key words: health insurance, health care, health care quality,
Received: 11 Jun 2019;
health care access, health care evaluation
Accepted: 10 May 2020.
J Asian Med Stud Assoc
Review Article
J Asian Med Stud Assoc
Review Article
J Asian Med Stud Assoc
Table 1. Included study designs and characteristics
Author and Type of Research Location Sample size Disease Method of Results Limitation of Study
Year of Insurance Design Analysis
Review Article
Xie Y, et al; 2017 Private Observational Netherlands 7,155 patients Type I SAS 9.4: t-test, Higher rate of Pharmacy fills do not
(19.33/22) Retrospective (3,575 low-cost Diabetes Pearson’s chi- continued testing necessarily confirm
share group, Mellitus square, modified strip fills in low- actual use of dispensed
3,580 high-cost Poisson model cost share group testing strips, all
share group) than high-cost patients were from a
share group (89% single large commercial
vs 82%, P<0.001) insurer
Andersen MD, et Private and Retrospective United 826 patients; Acuity Mann-Whitney Underinsured Study only includes
al; 2017 government States 736 had of rank sum test, patients were at patient who underwent
(16.16/22) al insurance; 90 Thoracic chi-square test; greatest risk of operation; does not
(Medicare, were Aortic requiring account for unmeasured
regression, Cox
USA) underinsured Operatio nonelective confounders, such as
ns thoracic aortic social variables; single-
operations (OR: institution analysis
2.67; P<0.0001)
(middle-aged surrogate of SCA
Table 1. Included study designs and characteristics (cont’d)
102 per 100,000 to
85 per 100,000
with P = 0.01;
elderly population:
275 per 100,000 to
Review Article
Review Article
of this study is that individuals with NCMS understandable given the nature of
are more inferior to those with UEMI in systematic review as a qualitative literature.
biomedical parameters, which include
haemoglobin levels, phosphorus in blood,
nutrition, and residual renal function. For
example, individuals with NCMS have Conclusion
lower haemoglobin levels that can be due to
low-income-related-malnutrition. This review using systematic
Hypophosphatemia does exist in methods shows that ownership of health
individuals with NCMS which also insurance may indicate better prognosis of
correlates with economic status in rural the patient, regardless of the disease.
residents. In conclusion, individuals with Furthermore, the government of countries
NCMS do have higher rate of mortality may try to consider administering a social
associated with peritoneal dialysis insurance system, or at least the
compared with individuals with UEMI due government may try to increase people’s
to different economic status.13 participation in health insurance. It is
recommended that the community may
The study conducted by Wang et al consider enrolling in health insurance for
also correlates with other studies that better access to the health care services thus
compare uninsured and insured individuals higher health quality., etc. These attempts
like the study conducted by Stecker et al may be one of many ways to achieve a
and Saunders et al. Those three studies better health level for the community.
showed significant differences in patients Further research should be conducted with
with insurance or those with private more homogeneous data, especially related
insurance when compared to public to location the research conducted. Future
insurance. Higher economic status (those research could fruitfully explore this issue
with private insurance) associated with by conducting the study in developing
more compliance in check-ups and drug country, , seeing that most of the studies
intake compared to those with lower related to the linking between health
economic status. However, compared to insurance and health quality conducted in
those who were uninsured, individuals with developed countries. More databases may
insurance (public or private) do have a also be used in order to get more studies
higher survival rate almost in all studies. related to the relation between health
insurance and health quality.
Even though a profound connection
between quality health insurance and health
outcomes of its users could be seen, this
systematic review has several limitations. Acknowledgement
Firstly, the studies included were quite
heterogeneous in location, sample size, as None.
well as in type of insurances and diseases.
This heterogeneity could become a Conflict of Interest
potential source of bias. However, this
should be understandable given the small None declared.
amount of current literature on the effects
of health insurance. Secondly, as a Sources of Funding
systematic review, it could be susceptible to
bias arising from author competing None.
interests of its assessors. This is
J Asian Med Stud Assoc
Review Article
J Asian Med Stud Assoc