Archived Document: January 2012
Archived Document: January 2012
Archived Document: January 2012
This archived document is no longer being reviewed through the CLSI Consensus Document Development
Process. However, this document is technically valid as of June 2018. Because of its value to the laboratory
community, it is being retained in CLSI’s library.
January 2012
Expression of Measurement Uncertainty in
Laboratory Medicine; Approved Guideline
A guideline for global application developed through the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute consensus process.
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Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute document EP29-A—Expression of Measurement Uncertainty in Laboratory
Medicine; Approved Guideline describes the principles of estimating measurement uncertainty and provides guidance to clinical
laboratories and in vitro diagnostic device manufacturers on the specific issues to be considered for implementation of the
concept in laboratory medicine. This document illustrates the assessment of measurement uncertainty with both bottom-up and
top-down approaches. The bottom-up approach suggests that all possible sources of uncertainty are identified and quantified in
an uncertainty budget. A combined uncertainty is calculated using statistical propagation rules. The top-down approach directly
estimates the measurement uncertainty results produced by a measuring system. Methods to estimate the imprecision and bias are
presented theoretically and in worked examples.
Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI). Expression of Measurement Uncertainty in Laboratory Medicine; Approved
Guideline. CLSI document EP29-A (ISBN 1-56238-787-1 [Print]; ISBN 1-56238-788-X [Electronic]). Clinical and Laboratory
Standards Institute, 950 West Valley Road, Suite 2500, Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087 USA, 2012.
The Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute consensus process, which is the mechanism for moving a document through
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Number 4 EP29-A
Copyright ©2012 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. Except as stated below, any reproduction of
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Suggested Citation
Previous Edition:
December 2010
June 2018
Volume 32 EP29-A
Committee Membership
Consensus Committee on Clinical Chemistry and Toxicology
David G. Grenache, PhD, Yung W. Chan, MT(ASCP) Jessie Shih, PhD
DABCC, FACB FDA Center for Devices and Abbott
Chairholder Radiological Health Abbott Park, Illinois, USA
University of Utah, ARUP Rockville, Maryland, USA
Laboratories Graham H. White, PhD
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA Corinne R. Fantz, PhD, DABCC Flinders Medical Centre
Emory University Bedford Park, South Australia
Loralie J. Langman, PhD Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Vice-Chairholder Jack Zakowski, PhD, FACB
Mayo Clinic T. Scott Isbell, PhD, DABCC, Beckman Coulter
Rochester, Minnesota, USA FACB Brea, California, USA
Nova Biomedical Corporation
Julianne Cook Botelho, PhD Chicago, Illinois, USA
Centers for Disease Control and
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Ryan J. Torres, BA
Assistant Editor
Number 4 EP29-A
This guideline was prepared by the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) as part of a
cooperative effort with the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
(IFCC) to work toward the advancement and dissemination of laboratory standards on a worldwide basis.
CLSI gratefully acknowledges the participation of IFCC expert Graham H. White, PhD, on this project.
CLSI, the Consensus Committee on Clinical Chemistry and Toxicology, and the Document Development
Committee on Expression of Measurement Uncertainty in Laboratory Medicine gratefully acknowledge
the following individuals for important contributions made during the development of this document:
CLSI, the Consensus Committee on Clinical Chemistry and Toxicology, and the Document Development
Committee on Expression of Measurement Uncertainty in Laboratory Medicine also wish to recognize the
contributions of Richard R. Miller, Jr., champion of measurement excellence within the clinical
laboratory communities. Rick was instrumental in the development of this document and served as
subcommittee chairholder until his untimely passing in July 2007. Rick’s clear vision, deep wisdom,
gentle wit, and above all his spirit of collegiality guided the document’s evolution and inspired the
document development committee’s efforts to bring it to fruition.
Volume 32 EP29-A
Abstract ....................................................................................................................................................i
Committee Membership........................................................................................................................ iii
Foreword .............................................................................................................................................. vii
1 Scope .......................................................................................................................................... 1
2 Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 1
3 Terminology............................................................................................................................... 2
3.1 A Note on Terminology ................................................................................................ 2
3.2 Metrological Concepts and Terms as Applied in Laboratory Medicine ....................... 3
3.3 Definitions of Concepts and Terms Used in This Document ....................................... 4
3.4 Abbreviations and Acronyms ..................................................................................... 11
3.5 Symbols ...................................................................................................................... 12
3.6 Summary Statistics ..................................................................................................... 12
4 Strategies to Estimate Measurement Uncertainty .................................................................... 17
4.1 Potential Sources of Measurement Uncertainty .......................................................... 18
4.2 Use of Readily Available Data ................................................................................... 18
4.3 Combining Random and Systematic Measurement Errors: Two Approaches ............ 19
5 Overview of Measurement Uncertainty ................................................................................... 21
5.1 Introduction to Terminology of Measurement Uncertainty ........................................ 21
6 Bottom-up Uncertainty Estimation .......................................................................................... 22
6.1 Sources of Uncertainty ................................................................................................ 22
6.2 Uncertainty Budget ..................................................................................................... 24
6.3 Quantification of Uncertainties ................................................................................... 24
6.4 Measurement Function and Estimation of the Combined Standard Uncertainty ........ 25
6.5 Combining Measurement Uncertainty With Uncertainties From Other Sources ....... 28
7 Top-Down Approach to Estimation of Measurement Uncertainty .......................................... 28
7.1 General ........................................................................................................................ 28
7.2 Assessment of Measurement Uncertainty Using Internal Quality Control Data ........ 29
7.3 Analysis of Variance—Variance Components ........................................................... 29
7.4 Uncertainty Profiles .................................................................................................... 31
7.5 Use of Results From Interlaboratory Comparisons..................................................... 32
7.6 Unsatisfactory Results ................................................................................................ 33
8 Bias Assessment ...................................................................................................................... 33
8.1 Bias ............................................................................................................................. 33
8.2 Bias Correction ........................................................................................................... 33
8.3 Estimating the Uncertainty of the Bias Correction ..................................................... 34
9 Uses of Uncertainty Estimates ................................................................................................. 37
9.1 Reporting Measurement Results and Their Uncertainties .......................................... 37
9.2 Number of Significant Digits ...................................................................................... 38
9.3 Clinical Use of Measurement Uncertainty Estimates ................................................. 38
10 Summary .................................................................................................................................. 44
References ............................................................................................................................................. 46
Number 4 EP29-A
Contents (Continued)
Additional References ........................................................................................................................... 49
Appendix A. Transformation of Type B Limit Specifications ............................................................. 50
Appendix B. Uncertainty Estimates From Routine Quality Control Results ........................................ 53
The Quality Management System Approach ........................................................................................ 56
Related CLSI Reference Materials ....................................................................................................... 57
Volume 32 EP29-A
When measurements are repeated, some variation of the results will be observed due to random variation
of the measurement conditions. The differences will be noticeable if the sensitivity and resolution of the
measuring system is sufficient. Therefore, for measurement results to be useful, such result variability
(uncertainty) needs to be quantified so that those performing measurements and those receiving results
have an objective estimate of the quality (reliability) of the results produced. Quantification of the
variability of measurement results also allows a result to be meaningfully compared with the results of
other similar measurements that may have been made at different times using the same measurement
system. The concept of measurement uncertainty provides a theoretical and practical framework for
objectively estimating the reliability of results produced by any given measurement system.
Knowledge of the sources of uncertainty and their relative magnitude may also provide opportunities for
modifying a measurement system to improve the quality of results. Uncertainty estimates at various
analyte concentrations also contribute to determining uncertainty profiles, which can be important in
defining the measuring interval of measurement systems to ensure that the quality of results issued meets
clinical requirements.
This document describes the principles of estimating measurement uncertainty and gives guidance on the
specific issues to be considered for implementation of the concept in laboratory medicine. The concept of
measurement uncertainty and its use in measuring quantities in laboratory medicine is provided for
clinical laboratories and in vitro diagnostic device manufacturers.
Key Words
Number 4 EP29-A
Volume 32 EP29-A
1 Scope
This guideline explains the concept, estimation, and application of measurement uncertainty in the field of
clinical laboratory medicine. The recommendations provided are consistent with the Guide to the
expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM)1 and with the International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) standards concerned with laboratory accreditation.2,3
This guideline briefly discusses, but does not fully address, the following nonmeasurement sources of
uncertainty of a measurement result:
The guideline discusses the definition of what is intended to be measured, lists sources of measurement
uncertainty, describes the generation of statistical estimates of uncertainties and their combination, and
discusses the use of uncertainty estimates. The guideline applies only to quantitative measurements. In
measurement procedures that are reported in qualitative terms based on a quantitative measurement, the
uncertainty at the threshold(s) for a qualitative interpretation should be considered when making the
qualitative assessment.
This guideline is intended for clinical laboratories and in vitro diagnostic (IVD) device manufacturers.
2 Introduction
Regardless of method, repeated measurements produce different results due to inherent variations within a
sufficiently sensitive measurement procedure. Some knowledge of the result variability expected from a
given measurement system is required if results are to be meaningfully compared with previous results
from the same patient or important clinical decision limits. In addition, evaluation and elimination of bias
in a measuring system relative to the relevant reference material or reference procedure is essential if
results from different laboratories using the same or different measuring systems are to be compared for
the same patient.
Characterization of the variability of repeated measurement results and identification of the factors that
contributed to that variability can provide useful insights into the reliability of results and potential means
for improvement. Existing quality control (QC) and method verification data can be used to define the
performance characteristics of routine measuring systems. This document provides guidance on how
measurement uncertainty can be estimated and used in the field of laboratory medicine. The principles for
expression of measurement uncertainty provided in this document illustrate how the components of
measurement uncertainty can be combined to help estimate the performance characteristics that can be
reliably achieved by the measuring system.
Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved. 1
Number 4 EP29-A
3 Terminology
A hierarchy of terminology was agreed upon, involving ISO (, CEN (, CLSI
(, and the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) (
Essentially, new documents are obliged to adhere to the International Vocabulary of Metrology – Basic
and General Concepts and Associated Terms (VIM),4 whenever an ambiguity in the interpretation or
understanding of terms occurs. The VIM deals with general metrology and terminology that should be
useful for most disciplines that measure quantities.
The understanding of a few terms has changed during the last decade as the concepts have developed.
Particularly, trueness (measurement trueness) is defined as expressing the closeness of agreement between
the average of an infinite number of replicate measurements and a reference value; and precision
(measurement precision) is defined as closeness of agreement between indications or measured quantity
values obtained by repeated measurements of the same sample and quantity under specified conditions.
Consequently, accuracy (measurement accuracy) is the closeness of agreement between a measured value
and a true quantity value of a measurand. Thus, this concept comprises both trueness and precision, and
applies to a single result. Measuring interval has replaced reportable range when referring to “a set of
values of a measurand for which the error of a measuring instrument (test) is intended to lie within
specified limits.” An interval [a;b] is delineated by two limits a and b (b > a), whereas a range (r[a;b]) is
expressed as the difference between b and a (b − a). Thus, the range of the interval [a;b] is the difference
(b − a) that is denoted by r[a;b].
The term measurand is used when referring to the quantity intended to be measured instead of analyte
(component represented in the name of a measurable quantity); the term measurement procedure replaces
analytical method for a set of operations, used in the performance of particular measurements according
to a given method.
In this document, the terms preanalytical, analytical, and postanalytical appear parenthetically after the
terms preexamination, examination, and postexamination where appropriate. Furthermore, in order to
align the usage of terminology in this document with that of ISO and CLSI document GP02,5 the term
standard operating procedure (SOP) has been replaced with the term procedures/instructions.
2 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved.
Volume 32 EP29-A
Metrology, the science of measurement, has developed concepts and definitions (see Section 3.3) to
describe the theoretical and practical aspects of measurements. The application of some commonly used
metrological terms in laboratory medicine is illustrated here.
When considering some properties of erythrocytes, for example, one notes that one property is the color
red, another is the biconcave disc shape, another is the diameter, and another is the volume. Some of these
properties are measurable (ie, have a magnitude that can be expressed as a number and a unit), and some
are not (eg, the nominal property of color). In metrology, a measurable property is termed a quantity. To
adequately define a given quantity, it is necessary to also identify the system in which it is located (eg,
blood, urine, expired air), the component of interest (eg, erythrocyte), and the kind of quantity (eg,
length, light absorption).
For example, if the laboratory has a routine measuring system for estimating red blood cell diameters, the
system is venous blood, the quantity is diameter, and the kind of quantity is length. Together, these terms
describe the quantity the laboratory intends to measure, the term for which is measurand. In this
example, it happens that the measurand is directly measurable by the measuring system. However, with
clinical laboratory methods, it is rarely possible to directly measure the measurand (quantity intended to
be measured), eg, creatinine molecules in serum cannot be directly counted. Therefore, such methods
must indirectly measure the measurand via another quantity that can be quantitatively related to the
measurand, eg, by use of a calibration function.
In the case of measuring creatinine concentration in serum, the measurand (quantity intended to be
measured) is the amount-of-substance concentration (kind of quantity) of creatinine (component) in serum
(system). However, because the creatinine concentration cannot be directly measured, the absorbance of a
colored reaction product between creatinine and alkaline picrate is measured. In this case, the color is the
component, the absorbance at a given wavelength is the kind of quantity, and the system is serum. The
magnitude of the absorbance detected by the measuring system is termed the indication. The indication is
then related to the creatinine concentration by a calibration function, using a reference material with a
known creatinine concentration. Thus, it is usually the case for clinical laboratory measurement methods
that the quantity actually measured and the measurand differ; ideally, through the calibration procedure,
the numerical value is the same. If the serum concentration of creatinine were measured by an enzymatic
procedure, then the quantity would be different but the measurand and its kind of quantity would be
unchanged. In this particular case, the quantity value may differ owing to the difference in chemical
selectivity of the measurement procedures.
In laboratory medicine, measurands are sometimes not unequivocally defined, eg, a protein subject to
glycation leading to complex and variable mixtures in a system such as human chorionic gonadotropin
species in serum is a “multimeasurand.” This may lead to varying interactions with the measuring system
and is termed definitional uncertainty. However, when the quantity actually measured depends on the
measuring system (eg, a specific antibody and/or epitope), the description of the quantity would need to
include relevant details of the measuring system (eg, molecular species, measurement system details, and
Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved. 3
Number 4 EP29-A
calibrator). In the case of proteins and other complex materials, the metrological traceability may only be
possible to a defined measurement procedure.
coefficient of variation (CV) – for a non-negative characteristic, the ratio of the standard deviation to the
average (ISO 3534-1)9; NOTE 1: The term “relative standard deviation” is sometimes used as an
alternative to “coefficient of variation” but this use is not recommended; NOTE 2: It is a measure of
relative imprecision; it is often multiplied by 100 and expressed as a percentage and abbreviated as %CV.
commutability – (of a reference material) property of a reference material, demonstrated by the closeness
of agreement between the relation among the measurement results for a stated quantity in this material,
obtained according to two given measurement procedures, and the relation obtained among the
measurement results for other specified materials (JCGM 200:2008)4; NOTE: The reference material in
question is usually a reference material (calibrator) and the other specified materials are usually routine
samples (modified from JCGM 200:2008 § 5.15).4
covariance – the covariance of two random variables is a measure of their mutual dependence (JCGM
100:2008 § C3.4)1; NOTE: The covariance between two random variables x and y can be symbolized sxy
or cov(x,y).
coverage factor – number larger than one by which a combined standard measurement uncertainty is
multiplied to obtain an expanded measurement uncertainty (JCGM 200:2008 § 2.38)4; NOTE: A
coverage factor is usually symbolized k (JCGM 200:2008).4
coverage interval – interval containing the set of true quantity values of a measurand with a stated
probability, based on the information available; NOTE 1: A coverage interval does not need to be
4 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved.
Volume 32 EP29-A
centered on the chosen measured quantity value; NOTE 2: A coverage interval should not be termed
“confidence interval,” to avoid confusion with the statistical concept; NOTE 3: A coverage interval can
be derived from an expanded measurement uncertainty (JCGM 200:2008 § 2.36).4
coverage probability – probability that the set of true quantity values of a measurand is contained within
a specified coverage interval; NOTE 1: This definition pertains to the Uncertainty Approach as presented
in the GUM1; NOTE 2: The coverage probability is also termed “level of confidence” in the GUM1
(JCGM 200:2008 § 2.37).4
definitional uncertainty – component of measurement uncertainty resulting from the finite amount of
detail in the definition of a measurand; NOTE 1: Definitional uncertainty is the practical minimum
measurement uncertainty achievable in any measurement of a given measurand; NOTE 2: Any change in
the descriptive detail leads to another definitional uncertainty (JCGM 200:2008 § 2.27).4
internal quality control (IQC) – set of procedures undertaken by laboratory staff for the continuous
monitoring of operation and the results of measurements in order to decide whether results are reliable
enough to be released.10
measurement – process of experimentally obtaining one or more quantity values that can reasonably be
attributed to a quantity; NOTE 1: Measurement does not apply to nominal properties; NOTE 2:
Measurement presupposes a description of the quantity commensurate with the intended use of a
measurement result, a measurement procedure, and a calibrated measuring system operating according to
the specified measurement procedure, including the measurement conditions (JCGM 200:2008 § 2.1).4
measurement function – function of quantities, the value of which, when calculated using known
quantity values for the input quantities in a measurement model, is a measured quantity value of the
output quantity in the measurement model; NOTE 1: If a measurement model h(Y, X1, …, Xn) = 0 can
explicitly be written as Y = f(X1, …, Xn), where Y is the output quantity in the measurement model, the
function f is the measurement function. More generally, f may symbolize an algorithm, yielding for input
quantity values x1, …, xn a corresponding unique output quantity value y = f(x1, …, xn); NOTE 2: A
measurement function is also used to calculate the measurement uncertainty associated with the measured
quantity value of Y (JCGM 200:2008 § 2.49).4
measuring interval//working interval – set of values of quantities of the same kind that can be measured
by a given measuring instrument or measuring system with specified instrumental uncertainty, under
defined conditions; NOTE 1: The lower limit of a measuring interval should not be confused with
detection limit; NOTE 2: In some fields, the term is “measuring range” or “measurement range,” but this
usage should be discouraged (JCGM 200:2008 § 4.7)4; EXAMPLE: The measuring interval r[a;b] has
the measuring range b − a (JCGM 200:2008).4
measuring system – set of one or more measuring instruments and often other devices, including any
reagent and supply, assembled and adapted to give information used to generate measured quantity values
within specified intervals for quantities of specified kinds (JCGM 200:2008 § 3.2).4
Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved. 7
Number 4 EP29-A
metrological traceability – property of a measurement result whereby the result can be related to a
reference through a documented unbroken chain of calibrations, each contributing to the measurement
uncertainty; NOTE 1: For this definition, a “reference” can be a definition of a measurement unit through its
practical realization, or a measurement procedure including the measurement unit for a nonordinal quantity,
or a measurement standard; NOTE 2: Metrological traceability requires an established calibration hierarchy;
NOTE 3: Metrological traceability of a measurement result does not ensure that the measurement
uncertainty is adequate for a given purpose or that there is an absence of mistakes; NOTE 4: A comparison
between two measurement standards may be viewed as a calibration if the comparison is used to check and,
if necessary, correct the quantity value and measurement uncertainty attributed to one of the measurement
standards (JCGM 200:2008 § 2.41).4
nominal property – property of a phenomenon, body, or substance, where the property has no
magnitude; NOTE: A nominal property has a value, which can be expressed in words, by alphanumerical
codes, or by other means; EXAMPLE 1: Sex of a human being; EXAMPLE 2: Color of a spot test in
chemistry; EXAMPLE 3: Sequence of amino acids in a polypeptide; EXAMPLE 4: Blood group (JCGM
200:2008 § 1.30).4
ordinal quantity – quantity, defined by a conventional measurement procedure, for which a total
ordering relation can be established, according to magnitude, with other quantities of the same kind, but
for which no algebraic operations among those quantities exist; NOTE 1: Ordinal quantities can enter into
empirical relations only. Differences and ratios of ordinal quantities have no physical meaning; NOTE 2:
Ordinal quantities are arranged according to ordinal quantity-value scales (JCGM 200:2008 § 1.26)4;
EXAMPLE 1: +, ++, +++ for arbitrary mass concentration of protein in urine; EXAMPLE 2: Urine
protein amount-of-substance concentration expressed as 0, 1, 2, or 3 with reference to a measurement
output quantity in a measurement model//output quantity – quantity, the measured value of which is
calculated using the values of input quantities in a measurement model (JCGM 200:2008 § 2.51).4
property – inherent state- or process-descriptive feature of a system including any pertinent components;
NOTE 1: A process of a system may be internal or involve the environment; NOTE 2: “Quantity” and
“nominal property” are specific concepts under the general generic concept “property”; “quantity” is
related to magnitude whereas “nominal property” has no such relation (IUPAC § 5.5).12
quantity – property of a phenomenon, body, or substance, where the property has a magnitude that can be
expressed as a number and a reference; NOTE 1: A reference can be a measurement unit, a measurement
procedure, a reference material, or a combination of such; NOTE 2: The preferred IUPAC/IFCC format
for designations of quantities in laboratory medicine is “System—Component; kind of quantity”;
EXAMPLE: “Plasma (Blood)-Sodium ion; amount-of-substance concentration equal to 143 mmol/L in a
given person at a given time”; NOTE 3: The term “quantity” should not be confused with the term
“amount.” The term “quantity” is often used for “kind of quantity” (JCGM 200:2008 § 1.1).4
A product of a number and a measurement unit; the measurement unit one is generally not indicated
for quantities of dimension one,
8 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved.
Volume 32 EP29-A
run – series of measurements within which the trueness and precision of the measuring system are
expected to be stable; NOTE 1: In a series of observations, the occurrence of an uninterrupted series of
the same quantity is called a “run”; NOTE 2: Between analytical runs, events may occur that render the
measurement process susceptible to important variations.
sample – one or more parts taken from a system, and intended to provide information on the system, often
to serve as a basis for decision on the system or its production (ISO 15189)13; EXAMPLE 1: A volume of
serum taken from a larger volume of serum; EXAMPLE 2: An unbiased or randomly selected subset of a
population of measurement results.
concentration of creatinine in blood plasma by a Jaffe procedure without being influenced by the glucose,
urate, ketone, and protein concentrations (JCGM 200:2008 § 4.13).4
series – a delineated set of measured samples; NOTE: The series can be defined differently depending on
the measurement system, eg, between calibrations, or reagent lots, within a defined time interval.14
standard deviation (SD) – the positive square root of the variance (V(X)): σ = √V(X) (ISO 3534-1 § 1.23)9;
NOTE: The SD of the quantity x is symbolized sx or s(x).
true quantity value//true value of a quantity//true value – quantity value consistent with the definition
of a quantity (JCGM 200:2008 § 2.11)4; NOTE 1: When the definitional uncertainty associated with the
measurand is considered to be negligible compared to the other components of the measurement
uncertainty, the measurand may be considered to have an “essentially unique” true quantity value. This is
the approach taken by the GUM1 and associated documents, where the word “true” is considered to be
redundant (JCGM 200:2008)4; NOTE 2: For most measurands, there is no single true quantity value but
rather a set of true quantity values consistent with the definition; they are expressed as a definitional
uncertainty associated with a measured quantity value. If the definitional uncertainty is considered to be
negligible compared to the other components of a measurement uncertainty, the measurand may be
considered to have an “essentially unique” true quantity value.
10 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved.
Volume 32 EP29-A
NOTE: Although Type A and Type B evaluations are treated the same mathematically, in applications for
clearance or approval of devices by regulatory agencies, Type A evaluations are generally preferred when
they are practical.
validation – verification, where the specified requirements are adequate for an intended use;
EXAMPLE: A measurement procedure, ordinarily used for the measurement of mass concentration of
nitrogen in water, may be validated also for measurement in human serum (JCGM 200:2008 § 2.45)4;
NOTE: The intended use or user’s needs are external to the measuring system and independent of it,
whereas a performance characteristic is part of the measuring system or measurement procedure, ie, it is
internal to the measuring system (verification).
variance – the expectation of the square of the centered random variable (ISO 3534-1 § 1.22)9; NOTE:
The expected variance of measurements of the quantity x is symbolized 2x or σ2(x).
verification – provision of objective evidence that a given item fulfills specified requirements (JCGM
200:2008)4; EXAMPLE: Confirmation that performance properties or legal requirements of a measuring
system are achieved (JCGM 200:2008)4; NOTE 1: The item may be, eg, a process, measurement
procedure, material, compound, or measuring system (JCGM 200:2008)4; NOTE 2: The specified
requirements may be, eg, that a manufacturer’s specifications are met (JCGM 200:2008)4; NOTE 3: In
chemistry, verification of the identity of the entity involved, or of activity, requires a description of the
structure or properties of that entity or activity (JCGM 200:2008).4
3.5 Symbols
The following are mathematical definitions for concepts used in this document. The following symbols
3.6.1 Mean of x
i 1
x (1)
12 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved.
Volume 32 EP29-A
x i x
s 2 x i
n 1
The statistical community tends to work with variances for mathematical convenience. However, the units
of s2(x) are not the same as the x values and thus are less suited to physical interpretation.
x i x
sx s 2 x i
n 1
To the extent that the x values can be considered to be an independent, identically distributed sample from
a roughly normal (gaussian) distribution (denoted N(.,.)), the mean and variance of x characterize the
distribution of the x values as N x , s 2 x .
3.6.4 Coefficient of Variation//Relative Standard Deviation Expressed as Percent
%CV x 100
For many clinical measurements, standard deviation (SD) increases proportionally with the magnitude of
the measured value over the linear portion of the measuring interval. For such measurements, the
coefficient of variation expressed in percent (%CV(x)) can be a more convenient summary of expected
measurement variability than is s(x) itself.
sx (5)
The standard deviation of a series of n independent repeated measurements, s(x), usefully summarizes the
variability of the population of x values only to the extent that the x values follow a normal (gaussian)
distribution. The standard deviation of the mean, sx , summarizes the variability of the estimated mean
of the x values irrespective of the distribution of the x values themselves.
If the SD is constant in the measuring interval and if the data are organized into groups, the best estimate
of the SD is provided by pooling the SDs of the individual groups, s(xi):
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n i 1 s 2 xi
s pooled x i
. (6)
ni m
where n is the number of observations in each group and m is the number of groups.
For example, the within-run mean square MSwth described in Section 7.3 is a pooled SD. In the special
case in which every group consists of two values (eg, duplicate results for patient samples), this can be
simplified as
d i
s pooledx i
; d i x1i x 2i . (7)
x i x yi y
r x, y i
n n
i x
i y
The value of r(x,y) measures the strength of the linear association between x and y, ranging from 1 for
perfectly correlated values (y increases linearly as x increases) to 0 for completely uncorrelated values (no
linear relationship between the values) to −1 for perfectly negatively correlated values (y decreases
linearly as x increases).
3.6.8 Covariance of x and y
x i x yi y
covx, y i
Covariance is positive if a value x above the mean x tends to occur when the value of y is above its
mean y .
Given a measurement equation that combines two (or more) input measurement values, z = f(x,y), one
needs to know how to propagate (combine) the uncertainties of the measured variables, u(x) and u(y), to
determine the uncertainty of the desired result: uc(z). The following illustrate the GUM-recommended1
method for accomplishing this propagation.
Other well documented computationally intense methods are available.47 Although for very complex
measurement equations these methods may offer advantages, the following (relatively) simple
propagation formulae are adequate in most situations. One should bear in mind, however, that all methods
of uncertainty evaluation and error propagation are approximations and that different methods may yield
somewhat different estimates.
14 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved.
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Given the equation z = f(x,y), where f is any algebraic function, the first-order Taylor’s series
approximation for uc(z) is the rather intimidating
z z
u c z u f x, y u x u y 2 covx,y ,
x y xy
where z x and z y indicate evaluation of the partial derivative of the function with respect to
the given term (x or y). The qualifier “first order” signifies that this approximation is quite good for
functions that are nearly linear in x and y in the “near neighborhood” of a particular value for z. This
approximation is always good for addition and subtraction, and is generally adequate for any smoothly
changing function, such as multiplication or division by a value not close to zero. The approximation
grows less adequate as the curvature of the function grows larger, such as division by values increasingly
close to zero. These first-order equations yield uncertainty estimates that are adequate for most purposes
met in the clinical laboratory.
Although the general formula appears daunting, it reduces to tractable forms for the common functions of
addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. This is particularly true when the input values can be
assumed to be independent—that is, there is no correlation between the x and the y values, so their
covariance, cov(x,y), is zero.
The assumption of independence among the input variables is generally “true enough” for
nonsimultaneous measurements. However, it needs to be carefully evaluated whenever the measurement
results are related experimentally (eg, areas of overlapping chromatographic peaks), particularly when the
measurement equation uses one or more of the input variables more than once (eg, volumetric dilution—
see Example 3 in Section 6.4).
Given the equation z = x ± y, and assuming that x and y are independently determined,
u c z u x y u 2 x u 2 y , (10)
where ± indicates that the equation applies to both addition (+) and subtraction (−).
If x and y are significantly correlated, then cov(x,y) will not be zero and the following full form of the
propagation formula is required:
uc z u x y u 2 x u 2 y 2 covx, y
. (10a)
u 2 x u 2 y 2 u x u y r x, y
Consider estimating the uncertainty of the difference between two independent results A and B with the
same uncertainty u(A): the function is z = A − B and Equation 10 yields
u A B u 2 A u 2 A 2 u 2 A 2 u A .
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However, if A and B were perfectly correlated so that r(A,B) = 1, and thus should not be ignored, then
Equation 10a yields
u A B u 2 A u 2 A 2 u A u A r A, B 2 u 2 A 2 u 2 A 1 0 .
If instead, the uncertainty of the sum of A and B, leading to the function z = A + B, were considered, then
the above expressions would be:
u A B u 2 A u 2 A 2 u 2 A 2 u A and
u A B u 2 A u 2 A 2 u A u A r A, B 2 u 2 A 2 u 2 A 1 2 u A .
Given the equation z = x × y or z = x/y, and assuming that x and y are independently determined,
u c z u x y u x y u x u y
2 2
or , (11)
z x y x y x y
where |z| indicates taking the absolute value of the function, reminding us that uncertainties must never be
smaller than zero.
If x and y are significantly correlated, then cov(x,y) will not be zero and the full forms of the propagation
formula are required. The formula for multiplication is
u c z u x y u x u y covx, y
2 2
z x y x y x y
, (11a)
u x u y u x u y
2 2
2 r x, y
x y x y
u c z u x y u x u y covx, y
2 2
z x y x y x y
. (11b)
u x u y u x u y
2 2
2 r x, y
x y x y
Consider multiplication or division of the independent results A and B, both having the same uncertainty
u(A). Equation 11 yields
u A B u A B u A u A
2 2
u A
1 1
A B AB A B A 2
16 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved.
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However, if A and B were again perfectly correlated so that r(A,B) = 1, and thus should not be ignored, for
the multiplication function z = A × B, Equation 11a yields
u A B u A u A u A u A
2 2 2
1 1
2 r A, B u A ,
u A B u A u A u A u A
2 2 2
1 1
2 r A,B u A .
While measurements in laboratory practice generally involve more than two input values, error
propagation can generally be accomplished through a series of binary combinations. Examples 1 and 2 in
Section 6.4 exemplify the tractable formula for simple addition/subtraction and
multiplication/division. Example 3, also in Section 6.4, exemplifies the more general situation in which
the tractable formulae are applied in series.
The combined standard uncertainty, uc(x), can be considered as the “SD” estimate for the variability of a
bias-corrected result x. It is common metrological practice to assert that the interval x ± 2 × uc(x) includes
the true value of x with approximately a 95% level of confidence, and that x ± 3 × uc(x) includes the true
value with about a 99% level of confidence. Underlying these levels of confidence are the assumptions
uc(x) has been quite well established, typically by evaluation of a large number of independent
measurements, where “large” is a somewhat subjective concept but often taken to be anything greater
than 10.
When uc(x) is not based on a large number of measurements, then the coverage factor, k, needed to
achieve a defined level of confidence must be otherwise estimated, eg, from the Student t distribution. The
coverage level of confidence, p, associated with the U(x) should always be specified, either in words or
using the notation Up(x).
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Most laboratories use a combination of fully automated commercial measurement systems and less
automated assays developed using components and instruments purchased from various sources. Both
types of assays have multiple sources of variation, some that are inherent in the purchased products and
some that are caused by laboratory procedures and personnel.
Examples of activities associated with measurement procedures that can affect measurement uncertainty
Frequency of calibration
The uncertainty inherent in a measurement procedure can be assessed in various ways. A straightforward
approach is to design an experiment in which patient samples and/or control materials are measured
repeatedly under defined conditions (see CLSI documents C24,15 EP05,16 EP06,17 EP09,18 EP10,19 and
EP15,20 as well as ISO 217483 and ISO TS 217492). However, the routine QC and method verification
data collected by most laboratories contain valuable information for understanding and controlling
measurement uncertainty. For example, most laboratories repeatedly measure control specimens at
multiple concentrations. These data provide an immediate assessment of variability at the particular
concentrations. When such data are collected over a sufficiently long period of time, they may be used to
identify and quantify sources of measurement uncertainty that influence the measurement system. The
variability of these influences over a defined period of time, typically estimated as SDs, can be used to
estimate the combined standard uncertainty (uc). It should be recognized that the standard uncertainty
obtained from control materials may differ from that using patient materials.
18 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved.
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If suitable identifiers, eg, instrument number, reagent lot number, calibrator number, and other operational
parameters, are attached to the results of the measurements of the control samples, statistical techniques
can be used to estimate the measurement uncertainty associated with each of these variables. Similarly,
the verification data collected when procedures are implemented can be used to estimate some of the
components of assay variability.3
For manufacturers of reagents and instruments and other providers of measurement methods, estimating
the magnitude of various sources of measurement uncertainty and how they contribute to a target
allowable uncertainty can help guide the development of new measurement methods. The evaluation of
the overall uncertainty of the measurement is an essential aspect of demonstrating that it is suitable for its
intended purpose. Therefore, estimation of measurement uncertainty is an essential component of the
specification of IVD devices by manufacturers.
Laboratory measurements are subject to random error and systematic error. Random error refers to the
random scatter, or imprecision, of repeated measurements (see CLSI documents EP0516 and EP1520).
Systematic error, or bias, is the difference between the mean of the measured quantity values and the
assumed true value for that quantity. (See Section 8 and CLSI documents EP0918 and EP15.20) Bias of a
particular measurement procedure may vary over time, eg, depending on variation in calibrators and
reagent lots. Taking a long-term view, some short-term bias may reasonably be regarded as random
The measurement uncertainty approach to quantifying measurement variability is relatively new to the
field of laboratory medicine. The “uncertainty model” provides a slightly different view of the nature of
measurement results than the traditional “error model” does, and attempts to combine random and
systematic errors into one concept.23 The major distinguishing characteristics of the two models are
summarized below.
Traditionally, a so-called total error for a measured quantity value is the calculated sum of two terms. The
first term, the total systematic measurement error, is based on observations or literature and expressed as
the mean of the difference between observed values and the reference or target value. The second term is
an estimate of the random measurement variation, ie, the SD of the observed differences multiplied by a
coverage factor, according to the desired level of confidence. The sum of the two terms is an upper limit
on the total error of a measurement, assuming random error follows a gaussian distribution.
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The total error model is described in detail in CLSI document EP21,24 which also provides a
nonparametric approach. CLSI document EP2124 emphasizes that all sources of assay error be included
using a data collection protocol that is representative of routine assay use.
If a quantity for which a total error was calculated is used as input to another measurement, the total error
has to be separated into its systematic and random components before they can be combined with those of
the other input quantities in a measurement model. This lack of transferability is an important drawback of
the error model.
Defines an interval within which the true value of the measurement is expected to lie with a stated
level of confidence
Assumes that all significant systematic errors can be identified and corrected within some defined
uncertainty so that all uncertainty components can be treated in the same manner
Allows the laboratory to report the bias (and its associated uncertainty, if known), along with any
uncorrected result, if a laboratory decides not to correct for known bias, for instance, to comply with
applicable local, regional, or national regulations.
The uncertainty model is described in detail in the GUM1 and also discussed in another publication.26
The “uncertainty model” corrects for the known biases and combines the uncertainties of these corrections
with the uncertainty due to the components of random error. The associated uncertainty interval will be
wider than that estimated from only the random sources of uncertainty. This approach of combining the
errors is illustrated in Figure 1.
bias = “error”
CRM CRM estimate
assigned measured coverage interval
Figure 1. Uncertainty Model Approach to Combining Random and Systematic Errors. A) The
measured quantity value of a certified reference material (CRM) is corrected giving B) an estimate of the
quantity value with an increased uncertainty. The estimate of the quantity value coincides with the
assigned value of the CRM after bias correction. The “best estimate” will be within the coverage interval
with a stated level of confidence (p). The coverage interval is recognized as the estimate of the expanded
20 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved.
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uncertainty, U, which is the combined uncertainty multiplied by a coverage factor, k (see Section 3.6.10).
In the first row of Figure 1, arrows indicate the uncertainty of the CRM assigned value and the uncertainty
of the measurement quantity value. In the second row, arrows indicate the bias as the difference between
the measured value and the CRM assigned value. See Section 8.3 for a numerical example.
The top-down modeling approach uses statistical principles to directly estimate the overall uncertainty
of a given measuring system, typically by evaluation of experimental data from special protocols, QC
data, or data from a method verification experiment (ISO 217483).
If top-down estimates suggest that performance targets have not been met, the bottom-up approach can be
used to identify potentially modifiable sources of uncertainty. The bottom-up procedure may be more
useful during method development and top-down for characterizing developed methods or verification.
Ideally, the uncertainty estimated by the top-down and bottom-up approaches should be interchangeable.
In both cases, bias needs to be addressed separately and the uncertainty in the estimate of bias, depending
on its magnitude relative to other sources, included in the combined uncertainty. Whichever method is
used, a first step is to identify the measurand, ie, the quantity that the procedure intends to measure. This
can be straightforward and uncomplicated, but in many cases, a quantity is measured that is not the true
intended quantity (see Section 3.2).
Consider the estimation of 24-hour urine total protein using the equation:
where U-Protein is the concentration of protein in the collected urine, U-Volume is the volume of urine
collected over a given period of time, Time is the period of time over which the urine was collected, and
U-Proteintotal is the expected amount of protein excreted in urine over a 24-hour period.
Estimating the expected uncertainty associated with {U-Proteintotal} requires knowledge of the uncertainty
associated with each of the input quantities. When expressed in the form of SDs, the uncertainties
associated with the input quantities are termed standard uncertainties and are symbolized u(x). Here,
u(U-Protein) is the uncertainty in the protein concentration, u(U-Volume) is the uncertainty in the urine
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volume, and u(Time) is the uncertainty in the collection time. The constant factor 24 has, by definition, no
associated uncertainty.
These u(x) values can be estimated by different methods, as described below. The u(x) is propagated
through the measurement function according to certain rules (see Section 3.6.9) to yield the combined
standard uncertainty of the result, designated uc(y), where here y symbolizes U-Proteintotal and
uc(U-Proteintotal) is the combined standard uncertainty of the 24-hour urine total protein measurement.
The combined uncertainty can be used to construct an interval of values, centered on the measured (best
estimate) value, within which the true value is expected to lie with a stated probability. To reach a level of
confidence corresponding to a specified probability, the combined uncertainty is multiplied by a coverage
factor, k. The uncertainty thus obtained is called the expanded uncertainty: U(y) = ± k × uc(y). It is
conventional to assert that k = 2 provides an approximate 95% level of confidence that the true quantity
value is expected to lie in the interval y = ± k × uc(y).
The standard uncertainties u(x) can be estimated either by direct experiment (Type A) or from other
sources of information (Type B), or a combination of both. The choice depends on the nature of the
measurement and the availability of required information.
Type A: an estimate based on statistical analysis of a series of measurements, eg, results from
measurements repeated under defined conditions. The u(x) is equal to the SD of such results.
Type B: an evaluation of uncertainty by means other than statistical analysis, eg, from one’s own
previous studies on related measuring systems, manufacturers’ data, the literature, or
professional judgment (see Appendix A).
Both Type A and Type B approaches yield standard uncertainty estimates that can be treated identically
when propagated through the measurement function. Ideally, for a given procedure, the measurement
uncertainty evaluated using Type A and Type B approaches should give identical results. Note that the
distinction between the two approaches is somewhat arbitrary: the result of a Type A evaluation
“becomes” a Type B estimate when used for any reason but the original intended purpose. The distinction
is made to help evaluate the quality and relevance of the estimate.
The extent to which sources of uncertainty are identified and quantified largely depends on the quality
requirements of the users of the measurement results. In laboratory medicine, sources of uncertainty are
commonly grouped as affecting the premeasurement, measurement, and postmeasurement phases. This
document considers only uncertainty sources that are directly related to the measuring system itself,
such as:
22 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved.
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Imprecision (within run, between run, between laboratories, and between instruments)
Calibration (parameter estimation, model error)
Trueness of calibrator-assigned values, and commutability of calibrators and reference materials
Sample-related effects (matrix, interferences)
Batch differences in reagents, product calibrators, and reference materials
Differences among operators
Equipment variability (eg, balances, pipettes, instrument maintenance)
Environmental variability (eg, temperature, humidity, vibration, voltage)
Also, influence factors, ie, quantities that do not affect the quantity that is actually measured but may
affect the relation between the indication and the measurement result, need to be identified. Interferences
and other matrix effects are among the more common clinically relevant influence factors. Because
influence factors may cause incorrect results, they need to be identified. Some influence factors may not
be measureable properties.
Figure 2 illustrates the interactions of the input and influence quantities for the measurement of a 24-hour
urine total protein calculation of Equation 13. The basic format of Figure 2 is variously termed “Ishikawa
diagram,” “cause-and effect diagram,” or “fish-bone diagram.”
The influence factors for {Urine-Volume} in Figure 2 have been intentionally left blank as an instructional
exercise for the reader. Factors that readers may want to consider include the definition of a urine
collection or a 24-hour urine total protein amount, measurement technique, temperature, pressure, density,
completeness of urine collection, and variables that can influence these quantities. A quantitative estimate
of the combined uncertainty is given in Example 10 in Section 9.3.4.
Clock Procedure
24-hour Urine
Total protein
Urine-Volume Function
Figure 2. Ishikawa Diagram, Illustrating Input Variables and Some Possible Influence Factors in
the Estimation of Urine Total Protein Amount Excreted in 24 Hours. The reader is encouraged to
consider what factors should be associated with the empty boxes for urine volume.
Strictly speaking, only uncertainty sources pertaining to the measurement should be included in the
measurement uncertainty. However, some or all of the pre- and postmeasurement sources generally have
an effect on the reported result and, therefore, potentially on how it is interpreted by the user. Pre- and
postmeasurement uncertainties may be difficult to estimate and treat correctly. In laboratory medicine, it
is common practice to minimize—where possible—the pre- and postmeasurement uncertainties by
Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved. 23
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implementing standardized procedures for patient preparation, staff training, specimen collection,
transport, storage, and time limit to measurement. It should be noted that a practical premise of the
measurement uncertainty concept is that it is assumed that measurements are conducted according to the
relevant procedure and without blunders or other technical noncompliances.
Once the input quantities and their relationships in a measurement model have been identified, the next
step is to establish a list of the sources of uncertainty, their magnitudes as standard uncertainties, and their
interactions in the measurement model. The outcome of this exercise is termed an uncertainty budget.
Review of the uncertainty budget should check its appropriateness and then be used to help select whether
a bottom-up or top-down approach to estimating the combined standard measurement uncertainty of the
measurement process is the most appropriate.
For a generic example of a two-point calibration photometric assay, the measurement function is
S S0
Concsample s ccal d Em Eu .
Scal S0
Type A uncertainties in Table 1 are typically estimated as the SD of repeated measurements. Type B
evaluations are based on literature, professional experience, and so on, and therefore, they may not be
directly expressed as standard uncertainties. However, Type B information can be transformed to standard
uncertainties by making reasonable assumptions about the nature of the information.
As an example of a simple transformation of Type B information, assume that for Table 1, the
manufacturer states the calibrator concentration as ccal = X ± 1% and specifies that this uncertainty
provides a 95% level of confidence. Therefore, the relative standard uncertainty for the calibrator is
± 0.5% (because U = k × uc, and k = 2, thus uc = 1%/2 = 0.5%) or, expressed as a fraction rather than a
percent, uc = 0.005. If the manufacturer does not state the coverage probability, then a conservative
assumption would be that the stated uncertainty represents uc and not U, ie, uc = 1% = 0.01.
24 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved.
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See Appendix A for further information on the transformation of some Type B uncertainty specifications.
The measurement function describes mathematically how the input quantities interact to generate the
results. The uncertainties of the input variables are propagated according to the measurement function to
yield the combined uncertainty. Simple propagation rules using the squares of the uncertainties can be
applied, provided the input quantities are independent (see Section 3.6.9). The following examples
illustrate how the propagation rules are applied to three different common types of measurement function
using standard uncertainties (not expanded uncertainties). A simple everyday measurement procedure
may serve as an example of the principle.
EXAMPLE 1: Propagation when quantities are added or subtracted in the measurement function
Estimate the uncertainty of combining two independently delivered volumes, V1 and V2, to give a total
volume V3. The measurement function is
V3 V1 V2 . (14)
Following Equation 10 and recognizing that no correlation exists between independent input quantities,
the combined uncertainty uc(V3) is
Given the input quantity values V1 = (100 ± 0.1) mL, and V2 = (90 ± 0.2) mL, (ie, V1 = 100.0 mL,
u(V1) = 0.1 mL, V2 = 90.0 mL, and u(V2) = 0.2 mL), the output quantity value is V3 = 190 mL with
uc(V3) = 0.22 mL (see Equation 15). With the appropriate rounding (see Section 9.2), the result is
V3 = (190.0 ± 0.2) mL.
If the input volumes are not independently delivered but perhaps use the same pipette and tip, then V1 and
V2 are likely to be somewhat positively correlated, that is, r(V1,V2) > 0. In which case, uc(V3) will be
somewhat greater than by Equation 15 (the extent of the increase being dependent on the strength of the
To observe the potential magnitude of this effect, assume that the same pipette and tip are used to deliver
two equal volumes over a short period of time so that V1 = V2, u(V1) = u(V2) = 0.1, and r(V1,V2) = 1. Then
uc(V3) is
Whereas if the same volumes with the same u(V1) = u(V2) uncertainties were delivered independently,
perhaps by different operators using different pipettes, then r(V1,V2) = 0 and uc(V3) would be
If the same volumes were delivered independently, perhaps by different operators using different pipettes,
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but u(V1) ≠ u(V2), eg, 0.1 and 0.2, respectively, then r(V1,V2) = 0 and the expanded uncertainty, U(V3),
with a probability defined by a coverage factor k, would be
Estimate the uncertainty of the amount of protein, U-Proteinamount, in a given collection of urine,
U-Volume, of protein concentration U-Protein. The measurement function is
Following Equation 11 and observing that the values of the two dissimilar input quantities are
independently determined and thus uncorrelated, the combined uncertainty uc(U-Proteinamount) is
. (17)
U -Protein amount U - Protein U -Volume
Given {U-Protein} = (150.0 ± 3.0) mg/L and {U-Volume} = (1.500 ± 0.015) L, then
{U-Proteinamount} = 225.0 mg, uc(U-Proteinamount)/{U-Proteinamount} = 0.0224 = 2.24%, and
uc(U-Proteinamount) = 5.03 mg. With the appropriate rounding (see Section 9.2), the result can be expressed
as {U-Proteinamount} = 225 mg ± 2.2%, or (225 ± 5) mg.
u c U - Proteinamount
2 2
3.0 0.015
U -Proteinamount 150.0 1.5
EXAMPLE 3: Propagation when quantities are added, multiplied, and divided in the measurement
Estimate the uncertainty of the concentration C3 after diluting a solution of volume V1 = (10 ± 0.11) mL
and concentration C1 = (15 ± 0.2) mmol/L with V2 = (90 ± 3) mL of a solution of concentration
C2 = (2 ± 0.1) mmol/L. The measurement function is
C1 V1 C 2 V2
C3 , therefore (18)
V1 V2
15 10 2 90
C3 3.3 mmol/L .
10 90
Evaluating the uncertainty for this rather more complicated function is less daunting than it may appear
because it can be done in a series of simple steps. As shown in Example 1, if the volumes are independent,
then the combined uncertainty of the denominator, denom = V1 + V1, is
26 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved.
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Again following Equation 11, (see Example 2) and observing that the concentrations and volumes are
independent, the relative combined uncertainty of the two terms in the numerator, C1 × V1, and C2 × V2,
1 and c 2 (20)
C1 V1 C1 V1 C 2 V2 C2 V2 , therefore
uc C1 V1 u C V
2 2 2 2
0.2 0.11 0.1 3
0.02 and c 2 2 0.06 .
C1 V1 15 10 C2 V2 2 90
By rearranging and substituting these two relative uncertainties into Equation 10, the combined
uncertainty of the numerator, num = C1 × V1 + C2 × V2, is
u C 2 u V 2 u C 2
u V2
u num C1 V1 2
C 2 V2
C1 V1 C 2 V2 , therefore
Finally, following Equation 11 and treating the numerator and denominator terms as if they are
independent, the relative uncertainty of C3 = num/denom is
u c C 3 u num u denom
2 2
C3 num denom , therefore
uc C3
2 2
11.1 3
0.0451; uc C3 0.149 mmol/L .
C3 330 100
Inserting the values of the input quantities into the above formulas, C3 = 3.300 mmol/L,
u(C3)/|C3| = 0.0451, and u(C3) = 0.149 mmol/L. With the appropriate rounding (see Section 9.2), the result
can be expressed as C3 = 3.30 mmol/L ± 4.5% or (3.30 ± 0.15) mmol/L.
However, this uncertainty estimate is somewhat too large. The quantities V1 and V2 appear in both the
numerator and denominator, and thus num and denom are somewhat positively correlated. Although the
mathematical basis for estimating the strength of this correlation is beyond the scope of this document,a
for this example, r(num,denom) ≈0.55 and a less conservative estimate of the relative uncertainty is
u num u denom
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which, after appropriate rounding, yields C3 = 3.30 mmol/L ± 3.0% or (3.30 ± 0.10) mmol/L.
Often the result of a particular measured quantity value, y, may be modified by factors not included in the
measurement equation, such as pre- and postanalytical (pre- and postexamination) procedures and sources
of biological variation. To the extent that these factors can be identified and the uncertainty attributable to
each quantified, an extended function can be defined.
In clinical laboratory medicine as in other areas of chemistry, many effects are proportional to
concentration and the extended function involves a series of multiplications29,30:
To the extent that the various factors are independent, following Equation 11, uc(Result) is
... . (24)
Result y factor1 factor2 factorn
Factors that do not influence the value of the measurement result but do contribute to the uncertainty of
the result, such as unknown time since last meal for serum glucose, can be designated as having unit
magnitude, factori = 1. Factors that do not contribute significant uncertainty, such as the uncertainty in
atomic masses due to variability in isotopic abundances for quantities involving molecular weights, can
either be excluded from the uncertainty evaluation or assigned to have zero uncertainty, u(factori) = 0.
Other effects are added to or subtracted from the measurement result, giving an extended function having
the form31:
To the extent that the various factors are independent, following Equation 10, uc(Result) is
For such an additive function, factors that do not influence the measurement result should be assigned to
have a value of zero, factori = 0. Factors that do not contribute significant uncertainty should again be
excluded from the uncertainty evaluation or assigned to have zero uncertainty, u(factori) = 0.
As shown in Example 3, the evaluation of uncertainty for extended models that combine additive and
multiplicative factors—although tedious—is relatively straightforward.
7.1 General
In the top-down approach, the combined standard uncertainty of the measurement is directly estimated
from repeated measurements of selected samples. This approach is particularly well suited to the closed
measuring systems commonly encountered in routine medical laboratories. However, where possible, it is
important to develop an uncertainty budget so as to better understand the important sources of uncertainty
and their contribution to the combined uncertainty, and to identify opportunities for their reduction or
elimination. One such approach applicable to medical laboratories has been proposed.32
28 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved.
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Data can be obtained from ongoing internal quality control (IQC) procedures, assuming that QC materials
behave like patient samples.33 It is important that data are collected during a sufficiently long period of
time to ensure that the data encompass as many routine changes of conditions as possible, eg,
recalibrations, replenishment of reagents (same lot), routine instrument maintenance, lot changes of
calibrators and reagents, and different operators.
However, collecting results from samples in succession over several runs may lead to overestimating the
measurement uncertainty if undue systematic effects occur. On the other hand, recalculating the
uncertainty of the IQC results at too frequent intervals may result in underestimating the characteristic
long-term uncertainty of the measurement by eliminating the between-run component of variation.
Underestimation of uncertainty may also arise with overzealous identification and elimination of outliers
or excessive trimming of the dataset. Any trimming of the dataset should be carefully justified.
The risk for over- and underestimation of the uncertainty may be minimized by splitting the series of IQC
results at times of major changes of materials, reagents, or other measurement conditions and combining
estimates made for each of the subsets. This can also be achieved through analysis of variance (ANOVA)
components of the data (see Section 7.3).
Note that shifts both large and small occurring at routine changes of conditions can be regarded as
systematic errors and, if large, may demand intervention. However, when viewed over the long term, the shifts
may be regarded as random variation attributable to ongoing routine changes of conditions rather than bias.
IQC programs usually comprise measurements of control material of at least two concentrations in each
run (arbitrarily defined). If only one measurement of each concentration is obtained in each run, then uc
for each material is just the SD estimated from all results for that material. If more than one measurement
of each concentration is performed in each run, then uc must at least include both within- and between-run
components. The magnitudes of these uncertainty components can be estimated using variance component
analysis based on ANOVA techniques.
ANOVA procedures are provided in many general purpose data analysis software systems, including
spreadsheet programs. These systems vary greatly in their applicability, ranging from very narrow, rigid,
and simple to use, to extremely general, flexible, and requiring expert knowledge. However, even the
simplest of these systems provides the basic “one-factor” or “one-way” ANOVA suitable for the analysis
of data grouped only by run. Typical output from a one-way ANOVA is shown in Example 4.
One need not study or fully understand the mathematics behind the one-way ANOVA to make use of the
output. For estimating the magnitude of the within- and between-run uncertainty components, the critical
quantities listed in Table 2 are the within-run mean square (MSwth), and the between-run mean square
(MSbtw). The sum of squares (SS) and degrees of freedom (df) values are intermediate results, and the F
and P values indicate the significance of between-run differences.
The within-run SD (swth) is directly estimated from the listed MSwth value:
Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved. 29
Number 4 EP29-A
The between-run SD (sbtw) is estimated from the listed MSbtw and MSwth and a value, n0, related to the
number of data values available for each of the m runs included in the following analysis:
MS btw MS wth
s btw MAX 0, (28)
n0 ,
where MAX(a,b) is the function “take the maximum of a and b.” Thus, if MSbtw < MSwth, then sbtw = 0.
When all runs have the same number of data values, the dataset is said to be “balanced,” and n0 is the
number of data values within each run. Otherwise, a formula is used to calculate n0.b
From the experimental design, the uncertainties swth and sbtw are independent and the combined
uncertainty, uc, appropriate for a single measurement of a given control material is
u c s wth
s btw
. (29)
The uncertainty associated with the mean, x , of all the measurements included in a one-way ANOVA is
also of interest for bias correction (see Example 6a, Section 8.3.2). When sbtw > 0, the uncertainty of the
mean is
MS btw
u c x , (30)
n total
where ntotal is the total number of measurements used in the analysis; when sbtw = 0, the assumptions of the
one-way ANOVA model are not met, and Equation 5 provides the more appropriate estimate:
u c x sx . (30a)
n total
The 25 measurement quantity values, {P-Creatinine}, and one-way ANOVA results are presented in
Table 2.
When the numbers of data are not the same, ie, the dataset is “unbalanced,” n0 is
N2 n
i 1
s n2 ,
n0 n
N m 1 N
where m is the number of groups, N is the total number of observations, nj is the number of data values in the jth group, n is the
arithmetic mean of the number of results in each run, and sn the SD of the nj values. The value of n0 will always be between the
smallest and largest of the nj. If the difference between the number of observations in each group is small, n is generally an
adequate approximation.
30 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved.
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Table 2. Results of Five Repeated Measurements (Replicates) in Five Runs and the Output
Generated With the ANOVA Single-Factor Analysis Method Provided in a Spreadsheet Program
Replicates Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Run 4 Run 5
1 140 138 143 143 142
2 140 139 144 143 143
3 140 138 144 142 141
4 141 137 145 143 142
5 140 139 143 142 143
Groups Count Sum Average Variance
Run 1 5 701 140.20 0.20
Run 2 5 691 138.20 0.70
Run 3 5 719 143.80 0.70
Run 4 5 713 142.60 0.30
Run 5 5 711 142.20 0.70
Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between run 97.6 4 24.4 46.9 0.0 2.9
Within run 10.4 20 0.52
Total 108.0 24
From Equation 27, the value for s wth 0.52 0.72 mmol/L;
24.4 0.52
from Equation 28, s btw MAX 0, 4.78 2.19 mmol/L; and
from Equation 29, uc (P-Creatinine) 2.192 0.722 5.30 2.30 mmol/L.
NOTE: This value of uc(P-Creatinine) estimates the uncertainty for single measurements of this
particular control material measured under the same conditions (ie, same reagent lot).
For these data, the simple SD of the 25 data measurements is 2.12 mmol/L and provides a similar estimate
for uc(P-Creatinine). However, the SD calculated directly from an entire dataset will increasingly
underestimate uc(P-Creatinine) as differences between the runs increase.
For many measurements in clinical laboratory medicine, the uncertainty varies as a function of the
measured value. If considered over a wide measuring interval, it is often appropriate to quote the
uncertainty as a relative uncertainty, u(x)/|x| or %u(x), whereas at low concentrations or within narrow
intervals, it is usually better to quote the uncertainty as an absolute value, u(x). In some cases, it is
reasonable to consider both a constant and a relative contribution to the uncertainty because the SD of
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Number 4 EP29-A
repeated measurements often tends to be fairly constant at low values, whereas the %CV tends to be fairly
constant at high concentrations.
10 15 20 25 30
Relative Measurement Uncertainty (%)
Measurement Uncertainty ( g/L)
0.001 0.01
0.1 0.1
1 1
1.0 10
10 100
100 0.001
0.01 0.01
0.1 0.1
1 1
1.0 10
10 100
Interlaboratory comparison studies are known by many names, including “proficiency tests,” “external
quality assessment schedules,” “collaborative reference programs,” “collaborative analytical studies,”
“multicenter studies,” “ring trials,” and “round robin exercises.”35,36 In addition to monitoring the
performance of an individual laboratory, these studies may characterize materials, analytical procedures,
and the state of the art within a defined measurement community. Thus, the studies vary widely in their
primary goals and there is probably no single design that meets them all. 37 Unless specifically designed
for the task, these studies are of very limited value for characterizing the measurement uncertainty
characteristics of a measurement procedure within a particular laboratory.38,39 However, interlaboratory
comparison programs may be used to verify claims of measurement uncertainty.40 For example, if a
proficiency testing program evaluates performance using a commutable material with a metrologically
traceable value, rather than a consensus value, the difference between a laboratory’s result and the
reference value should be less than the combined expanded uncertainties claimed by the laboratory and
stated for the value of the reference material. Study designs involving several well-characterized,
traceable, and commutable test materials for each measurement procedure and measurand may be used to
characterize measurement uncertainty for individual processes.41 A series of related individual studies
conducted over a period of time can be used to characterize long-term performance.42 The evaluation of
data from such studies is beyond the scope of this document.
32 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved.
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If the uncertainty estimated by the top-down method for a particular measurement procedure is not within
that expected by the specifications of the measurement procedure or does not meet the needs for the
intended use of the results, a systematic review of the uncertainty sources and components is necessary.
The bottom-up procedure offers such a structured approach for measurement systems when the
component subprocesses can be individually characterized.
If the uncertainty estimated by the top-down method exceeds the estimate from the bottom-up method, the
user should review the measurement model and components of the bottom-up method for missing or
underestimated components.
8 Bias Assessment
8.1 Bias
Bias is the numerical expression of trueness, as imprecision is the numerical expression of precision. Any
estimate of the value of a bias is inevitably uncertain; therefore, correcting a measured value for this bias
adds to the combined uncertainty. Correcting for known bias will therefore improve the trueness of a
reported result, but increase the uncertainty.
From a formal metrological point of view, calibration using a commutable reference material with an
assigned value and stated uncertainty and traceability provides the most direct correction for bias. In
practice, however, the results of a measurement are influenced by many factors that many calibrators do
not fully address. Therefore, additional ways to assess bias, for example, comparing results of
measurements of patient samples by different methods, instruments, or laboratories, are used. Methods for
assessing bias are discussed in CLSI documents EP07,43 EP09,18 and EP15.20
Any uncertainty model needs to accommodate both the bias formally linked to the traceability of the
calibrator to one or more reference materials of a higher order and to influences of other input quantities,
eg, the matrix of the sample and any interfering substances.44 Pre- and postmeasurement uncertainties may
also need to be considered (see Section 6.5).
When a bias is determined and found to be small relative to the uncertainty of the uncorrected
measurement, it is not necessary to correct the measurement result for the bias because it will not make a
material difference to the coverage interval of the result. Furthermore, any bias correction that is
insignificant relative to the clinical utility of the result adds little or no value.
Should a bias be determined that is significant relative to the uncertainty of the uncorrected measurement
or to clinical utility, it may indicate that the measurement system is out of calibration or is otherwise
producing invalid results and corrective actions are required. Any modification of a measurement
system’s standard calibration protocol needs to be fully documented and validated.
When the root cause of a bias cannot be determined or eliminated, methods have been proposed for
expanding the uncertainty interval to cover the bias; see Magnusson and Ellison25 for a comprehensive
review and discussion of consequences.
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Even when a bias is determined to be insignificant, the uncertainty in that determination should be
included in the calculation of uncertainty of the result. The uncertainty of the bias correction can be
assessed by either Type A or Type B procedures. In Examples 5 and 6, two common approaches are
described (see CLSI document EP1520), which illustrates the Type A procedure.
When results of a test method are compared with results of a reference or a conventional method (see
CLSI document EP1520), a regression function can be estimated (see CLSI document EP0918). This
function, Xtest = f(Xreference), can be used to reassign either a value of the calibrator or the test method’s
results. The expected function for two validated methods is a straight line having unit slope and zero
intercept. In any case, such functions are estimated with uncertainty and may be valid only for the sample
populations and concentration intervals from which they were derived.
EXAMPLE 5: Uncertainty in bias estimation from a comparison between results of measurements (the
assumptions and values used in this example have been simplified for illustrative purposes)
In a bias estimation experiment, the concentration of X in a suitably large number, n, of patient samples
was measured by a reference method and by a test method. The concentrations in these samples, by the
reference method, ranged from 22 to 52 units/L. The test method measurement imprecision, s(xtest), was
determined to be constant over this entire interval.
The bias (bi) was estimated as the difference between the result provided by the test method and that of
the reference method, bi = x,i − xreference,i.
From Equation 1, the estimate of the bias is b bi n units/L.
i 1
b b n 1 units/L.
From Equation 2, the SD of the differences is sb
i 1
From Equation 5, the SD of the estimated bias is s b sb n units/L.
From Equation 10, the combined uncertainty of a test method result is uc s 2 xtest s b 2
Assume that n = 144, s(b) = 1.2 units/L, and s(xtest) = 0.71 units/L. Then s b 1.2 144 0.10 units/L and
uc 0.712 0.102 = 0.72 units/L.
If b is between about -2×0.10 units/L and 2×0.10 units/L, results from the test method may not require
bias correction but the uncertainty of the reported uncorrected results should include the uncertainty of the
bias determination and may thus be slightly larger than the method imprecision alone. Should b be
outside this interval, then the test method is biased relative to the reference method and a recalibration
considered. If the test method is recalibrated to eliminate the observed bias then the relative combined
uncertainty is expressed in relation to the bias-corrected result.
34 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved.
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units/L? Note, however, that the number of samples needed to adequately inform the bias correction
component of the overall uncertainty is very dependent on the magnitudes of the other components.
When available, natural matrix CRMs are often evaluated as part of a laboratory’s method verification
protocol. These materials are designed to have properties as similar as possible to those expected for
patient samples and can serve to verify that the materials used to calibrate a method are suitably
commutable. Natural matrix CRMs may also be used during the evaluation of QC materials to help
resolve whether observed changes are related to drift in the measurement method or to QC material
To access the bias of a measurement procedure, a laboratorian repeatedly measured the concentration of a
particular measurand, X, in a commutable CRM having a certified concentration of 6.3 ± 0.1 units/L (k = 2).
Duplicate measurements were made in six different runsc on independently prepared aliquots of the CRM
material. The within-run duplicate measurements were made under repeatability conditions. There were
no intentional changes in these conditions between runs, but there may have been small unintentional
changes in, for example, reagents and environmental factors. Table 3 lists the 12 measurement values, xij,
where i indexes the runs and j indexes the replicates.
The mean, x , of these 12 measurements is 6.04 units/L. From a one-way ANOVA, the MSwth = 0.02083
and between-run mean square is MSbtw = 0.02483. By Equation 30, the standard uncertainty of the mean is
uc x
MS btw 0.02483
0.045 units/L.
ntotal 12
The certified concentration of X in the commutable CRM material, xCRM ± U(xCRM), is 6.3 ± 0.1 units/L,
where U(xCRM) is an expanded uncertainty at the 95% level of confidence. Following typical metrological
practice, the standard uncertainty of the certified value, u(xCRM), is U(xCRM)/2 = 0.05 units/L. The bias
between the measured mean and the certified value of X is thus
More measurements are desirable; but due to the limited availability of CRMs, six observations are considered practical.
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Because the observed bias, b = −0.26 units/L, is not covered by the expanded uncertainty interval,
After having determined the bias of the measurement procedure and establishing that calibration materials
were the best available, the laboratorian wishes to estimate the uncertainty appropriate for future bias-
corrected measurements. The literature-claimed 95% long-term single laboratory imprecision for the
measurement procedure as “typically” implemented is ± 7% of the measurement result:
U x
x 0.07 x units/L.
Again, following metrological practice, the standard uncertainty expected for a single future measurement
made in a typical laboratory is thus
U x
u c x
x x 0.035 x units/L.
2 2
The expected uncertainty for the future measurement after bias correction, x − b, combines the expected
uncertainty of the measurement procedure with the estimated uncertainty of the bias correction:
If the 6.3 units/L CRM was to be measured again, the expected result of the measurement would be the
6.04 units/L mean value determined previously. The bias-corrected result would be
Alternatively, the ANOVA of the measurement values in Table 3 could be used to estimate the
imprecision of the measurement process in the laboratorian’s hands. Recalling that MSwth = 0.02083 and
MSbtw = 0.02483, by Equations 27 and 28,
By Equation 29, the combined uncertainty for a future measured value of 6.04 units/L is
36 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved.
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u c 6.04 s wth
s btw
0.1442 0.0452 0.151 units/L.
By converting this estimate into an expanded uncertainty and expressing it in percent relative form,
2 u c x 2 0.151
100 100 5.0 %,
x 6.04
it appears that the laboratorian’s implementation of the measurement procedure is somewhat more precise
than the literature claim. Using the directly estimated uc(6.04), the expected uncertainty for the
laboratorian’s single bias-corrected measurement of the 6.3 units/L CRM would be
Measurement results cannot be compared with other results or with reference values unless information
concerning their reliability is available to those performing measurements and those receiving results
(clinical users). Although in practical work, clinical experience may suffice, medical laboratories may
wish to make measurement uncertainties available to clinical users.
For electronic databases, the following information is recommended for each measurement:
The coverage factor (k) and/or the expanded uncertainty, U(x) = k × uc(x)
The units of x
Whether the uncertainty should be reported in the units of measurement or as a percentage of the
When presenting the measurement result with its uncertainty to a user, report the:
Units of the measurement
U(x) or %U(x)
Units of the uncertainty, ie, either the units of measurement or percent
Coverage factor k used to calculate U(x) = k × uc(x) or level of confidence, eg, 95%
Several formats are commonly used for expressing the result and its uncertainty. The GUM 1 recommends
the complete form:
“S-Creatinine; substance concentration = (50 ±1) mol/L, where the number following the
symbol ± is the expanded uncertainty U = k × uc, with U determined from (a combined standard
uncertainty) uc = 1 μmol/L and (a coverage factor) k = 2 and defines an interval estimated to
have a level of confidence of 95 percent.”
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In practice, “{S-Creatinine} = (50 ±1) mol/L, k = 2” is as informative and rather more compact.
The numerical value of a measurement (x); its standard uncertainty, uc(x); or its expanded uncertainty
U(x), should not be given with an excessive number of digits. It usually suffices to quote uc(x) and U(x)
to, at most, two significant digits. In reporting final results, it is generally better to round uncertainties up
rather than to the nearest digit. The measurement value should be stated to be consistent with its
uncertainty. For example, if x = 48.261 mg with U(x) = 1.2 mg, x should be rounded to 48.3 mg; if
U(x) = 1 mg, x should be rounded to 48 mg.
Results of measurements are used in different situations in which the uncertainty plays a role. The
uncertainty should be appropriate for the concentration interval and the uncertainty profile of the
measurement procedure should be considered (see Section 7.4). The clinical value and use of the
uncertainty will increase as data accumulate and the laboratory information systems become capable of
comparing new results with previous results, ie, “delta checks.”
Monitoring means that a measurement is repeated on a different sample collected from the same patient at
a different time, and the two results, x1 and x2, are assessed for clinically significant changes. If the two
samples are analyzed by the same laboratory using the same measurement system, it can be reasonably
assumed that the uncertainty of both results will be the same, u(x1) = u(x2). Although both results are
usually considered best estimates, if both were to be repeated, then the new results could fall on either
side of the originals, with a probability distribution described by the SD of the measuring system. For this
reason, a two-tailed probability test is used, typically using k = 2 for an approximate 95% level of
confidence. The following examples will consider only the uncertainties of the measurements themselves.
In the clinical situation, other influence factors need to be considered, eg, pre- and postmeasurement
uncertainties, the time between repeated measurements, and possible covariances or correlations between
The reference change value (RCV) is the minimum difference of a measurement from a reference value
that is considered as distinguishable from measurement uncertainty. Thus, RCV > k × |x1 − x2| is required
for there to be a probability that the two measurements differ. (Use of k = 2 provides about a 95% level of
confidence in the decision.)
Rounding the factor 2.83 to 3 gives the usual “rule of thumb” that the absolute value of the difference
between two successive measurements must be greater than three times the measurement uncertainty to be
considered different.
The S-Sodium amount-of-substance concentration was found to be 137 mmol/L with a standard
measurement uncertainty of 0.5%. A new sample was measured a few hours later. The MD that would be
considered significant is
0.5 137
MD 2.83 1.9 mmol/L,
38 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved.
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Therefore, if the two results differ by 2 mmol/L or more, the difference is statistically significant at about
a 95% level of confidence and the two results are analytically distinguishable.
If the sample is sent to different laboratories or there is reason to assume that the uncertainty is different
between the measurement occasions, both uncertainties must be considered. In all cases, additional
sources of uncertainty, eg, preanalytical (preexamination) effects, should be considered and, if necessary,
combined with one or both of the measurement uncertainties (see Section 6.5).
The S-Sodium amount-of-substance concentration was found to be 137 mmol/L measured in the
emergency room with a measurement uncertainty of 1%. It was later measured by the laboratory with a
measurement uncertainty of 0.5%. The minimum significant difference between the two values that could
be distinguished from measurement uncertainty is
MD k u 2 x1 u 2 x2
A measurement result, x, is compared with a biological reference interval, xlow to xhigh, or clinical decision
limit (xlimit). If x lies outside the reference interval or above (or below) a decision limit (depending on the
nature of the limit), the probability for disease or risk is believed to be larger than if x is within the
interval or does not exceed the limit. Reference intervals and decision limits are determined by a variety
of ways, but once defined, their values are considered to have no associated uncertainty,
u(xlow) = u(xhigh) = u(xlimit) = 0.
A patient result (x) is considered to deviate from a clinical decision limit if it differs from the limit by an
amount that exceeds a given MD. MD is defined such that the probability of exceeding it is small when
the true value of the quantity is not above or below the limit. For a reference interval, the patient result x is
considered to lie outside the interval if either (xlow − x) or (xl − xhigh) exceeds the MD. MD is defined to be
the expanded uncertainty k × u(x), where coverage factor k specifies the desired level of confidence.
Because only values above or below a limit give cause for concern, the comparison is one-sided, and k is
defined accordingly. For an approximate one-sided 95% level of confidence, k = 1.65, assuming a normal
distribution. (This contrasts with k = 2 for two-sided 95% level of confidence.)
The serum cholesterol (S-Cholesterol) amount of substance concentration was found to be 5.5 mmol/L.
The standard measurement uncertainty was 3%. The MD for a result, x, to indicate a concentration above
the upper limit of the reference interval, xhigh, with a probability of 95% is
MD x xhigh 1.65 5.5 0.27 mmol/L .
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Therefore, for a limit of 5 mmol/L, any result above 5.3 mmol/L would be significantly above the limit.
In certain cases, additional clinical value can be achieved by combining results of different markers in an
algorithm. This can be based on:
Because the measurement uncertainty concept expresses all uncertainty in an identical manner, it is
possible to combine the uncertainties of the input quantities of such algorithms to estimate a combined
standard uncertainty.
Cl cr
U - Vol U - Crea .
S -Crea Time
where {U-Volume} is the urine volume in milliliters collected during Time minutes with a concentration
of {U-Creatinine} in mmol/L, and {S-Creatinine} is the serum concentration of creatinine in µmol/L.
Suppose {U-Creatinine} is measured with an combined uncertainty of 3%, {S-Creatinine} with 5%, the
standard uncertainty of the time of collection is 15 minutes, and the standard uncertainty of the measured
volume is 1.5%. The voided urine volume (1500 mL) could be up to 200 mL larger than that collected and
Assuming that the maximum underestimation of the urine volume (200 mL) defines a rectangular
distribution centered at the half-interval, {U-Volumeprea} = 100 mL, and the best estimate, {U-Volume} =
1500 + 200/2 = 1600 mL. The standard uncertainty of this preanalytical (preexamination) volume is
u U-Vol prea
57.7 mL .
2 3
See Appendix A for information on the estimation of the standard uncertainty of a rectangular
As witnessed with Example 3, a pencil-and-paper evaluation of u(Clcr) for this mixed-operation function
is somewhat involved. A better option is to use a computer program, eg, the Kragten template26,45,46 or
Monte Carlo methods,47 for all but the simplest uncertainty calculations. Certain limitations apply to some
methods, eg, the usual Kragten approximation requires independent input quantities and cannot handle
complex functions such as exponential functions, eg, those found in the algorithm for the “estimated
glomerular filtration rate.”
40 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved.
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Figure 4 displays a Kragten analysis for this measurement function with the specified input quantities and
uncertainties. With these assumptions, the combined relative uncertainty is 6.9% and the major source of
the uncertainty is the measurement of serum creatinine concentration.
However, although tedious, assuming that all of the quantities are independent, the uncertainty is
Cl cr S -Crea
U -Vol U -Vol prea 2 U -Crea Time
and with the input quantities from Figure 4,
u (Cl cr ) 22.5 2 57.7 2 15
0.052 0.032 0.071.
Cl cr 1600
The difference between the estimates (0.071 vs 0.069) may be attributable to the approximations used in
the Kragten analysis.
EXAMPLE 11: Uncertainty for a prediction equation derived from a linear regression
An algorithm for predicting eAG from measurements of glycated hemoglobin (A1C) was recently
published48 that, with additional information provided by the authors, enables estimation of u(eAG) for a
given A1C ± u(A1C) measurement. The prediction equation is
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where α and β are the intercept and slope estimated by linear regression of A1C on average glucose (AG)
measurements and ε represents the normally distributed random error between the predicted and “true”
AG values, eAG − AG. By definition, the expected value of ε for any given A1C measurement is zero but
with an expected uncertainty of u(ε).
Applying Equation 10, the expected combined standard uncertainty for a future eAG predicted from an
A1C measurement is
u 2 u 2 A1C u 2
u c eAG
2 cova, A1C cova, cov A1C , ,
where u(α) is the estimated uncertainty on the intercept, u(β × A1C) is the uncertainty of the product of the
slope and a measured A1C value, and cov(.,.) denotes the covariance between two terms. For any new
measurement of A1C, the specific value of ε is not related to the parameters estimated in the regression and
all covariance terms involving ε are zero. For any fixed value of A1C, cov(α,β × A1C) is equal to A1C × cov(α,β).
However, because α and β were simultaneously estimated from a given set of data, these values are
correlated and cov(α,β) cannot be assumed to be zero. Although the relationship is not at all obvious, for
this linear model49:
where A1C is the average of the A1C values used to define the regression parameters.
Now applying Equation 11a (see Section to expand the u(β × A1C) term,
u A1C A1C 2 ,
A1C A1C 2
where u(β) is the estimated uncertainty of the slope parameters and u(A1C) is the standard uncertainty of
the A1C measurement. For any fixed value of A1C, cov(β,A1C) is equal to zero.
Using the conventional coverage factor k = 2, the approximate 95% level of confidence expanded
uncertainty of the predicted value is
Table 4 lists numerical values for the various terms. Note that u(ε) is not constant for all A1C but increases
proportionally as A1C increases. Similarly, although the expected value of u(A1C) for a given A1C will
differ by measurement method and laboratory instrumentation, 0.05 × A1C (a %CV of 5%) was set as the
targeted upper bound during the development of one commercial system.50
42 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved.
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Figure 5 displays the summary data listed in the article by Nathan and associates48 and the modeled
relationship between eAG and A1C. Overlaid on these data and relationships, Figure 5 displays the
eAG ± U(eAG) intervals calculated with Equations 31 and 32 for three values of u(A1C): 0%, 0.02 × A1C%
(ie, 2%), and 0.05 × A1C% (ie, 5%). Within the interval of the A1C values reported in the article,48 the
calculated 95% intervals for u(A1C) of 0% and 0.02 × A1C% agree very well with the empirical 95%
intervals. For u(A1C) = 0.05 × A1C, the predicted 95% interval is outside the empirical error bars.
eAG (mg/dL)
3 5 7 9 11 13 15
A1C (%)
Figure 5. Uncertainty Intervals for the Estimation of AG From Measurements of A1C With Three
Assumed Values of u(A1C). The dot-and-bar symbols denote the summary data and empirical 95%
confidence intervals in the article by Nathan and colleagues.48 The thick black line represents predictions
using Equation 31. The three sets of solid blue lines represent intervals calculated from Equation 33 using
the parameter values given in Table 4 and, in expanding order from the prediction line, u(A1C) values of
0%, 0.02 × A1C%, and 0.05 × A1C%.
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To better visualize the impact of A1C measurement uncertainty on the prediction of eAG, Figure 6
displays the uncertainties calculated with Equation 32 in the form of relative percent,
%uc(eAG) = 100 × uc(eAG)/eAG, for the three values of u(A1C). At 2% relative, the uncertainty of A1C
measurement does not significantly increase the uncertainty in the predicted eAG values over most of the
analytical range. However, 5% relative A1C measurement uncertainty can more than double the expected
uncertainty of the predicted value for very low measured values of A1C.
%u c(eAG)
3 5 7 9 11 13 15
A1C (%)
Figure 6. Relative Uncertainty of eAG From Measurements of A1C With Three Assumed Values for
u(A1C). The thick black line represents the relative uncertainty estimated with Equation 32, assuming that
the A1C measurements are exact and have no associated uncertainty. The dashed blue line represents
uncertainties estimated assuming a relative A1C measurement uncertainty of 2%; the solid blue line
represents 5% relative uncertainty.
10 Summary
The measurement uncertainty can be estimated by different methods. Figure 7 summarizes the bottom-up
and the top-down approaches. The bottom-up approach requires that a thorough uncertainty budget is
created and that a functional relation between the input variables is defined. The uncertainty of each of the
input variables is then assessed by either a Type A or a Type B estimation. The top-down approach
estimates the entire process by a Type A or a Type B estimation. The outcome should ideally be the same,
but the bottom-up system allows a systematic approach to improvement of the performance. The
top-down approach is robust against incomplete models and/or underestimated components in the model.
Whichever route is chosen, the laboratory should always verify the model. If the bottom-up model is
chosen, it should always be verified by the top-down procedure; if the top-down route is chosen and the
results are found to be acceptable, nothing more needs to be done. However, if this approach is
unsatisfactory, a systematic search for the root cause should be performed by the bottom-up procedure.
44 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved.
Volume 32 EP29-A
Combine by
measurement function (6.4)
Estimate u(bias)
correction (8.2)
Review and
verify model (7.5)
Figure 7. Flow Chart for the Estimation of Measurement Uncertainty Using the Bottom-up or Top-
Down Model. Numbers within parentheses refer to sections in the text. The action in the box with the
dotted border is conditional to identification and quantification of the sources of uncertainty.
Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved. 45
Number 4 EP29-A
Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM). Evaluation of measurement data – Guide to the expression of uncertainty in
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ISO/TS. Measurement uncertainty for metrological applications – Repeated measurements and nested experiments. ISO/TS 21749. Geneva,
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ISO. Guidance for the use of repeatability, reproducibility and trueness estimates in measurement uncertainty estimation. ISO 21748.
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Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM). International Vocabulary of Metrology – Basic and General Concepts and Associated
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CLSI/NCCLS. Estimation of Total Analytical Error for Clinical Laboratory Methods; Approved Guideline. CLSI/NCCLS document EP21-A.
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Kristiansen J. The Guide to expression of uncertainty in measurement approach for estimating uncertainty: an appraisal. Clin Chem.
Maroto A, Boqué R, Jordi R, Xavier R. Evaluating uncertainty in routine analysis. Trends Analyt Chem. 1999;18(9-10):577-584.
National Pathology Accreditation Advisory Council (Australia). Requirements for the estimation of measurement uncertainty (2007).$File/dhaeou.pdf.
Accessed January 17, 2012.
ASTM. Standard Practice for Estimating and Monitoring the Uncertainty of Test Results of a Test Method in a Single Laboratory Using a
Control Sample Program. ASTM E2554-07. West Conshohocken, PA, USA: ASTM International; 2007.
Sadler WA. Variance Function Program (version 10.0). Accessed January 17, 2012.
Libeer JC, Baadenhuijsen H, Fraser CG, et al. Characterization and classification of external quality assessment schemes (EQA) according
to objectives such as evaluation of method and participant bias and standard deviation. Eur J Clin Chem Clin Biochem. 1996;34(8):665-678.
Eurachem Proficiency Testing Working Group. Terms and definitions related to proficiency testing.
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Petersen PH. Is it possible to create a perfect external control system? Scand J Clin Lab Invest. 1998;58(4):265-268.
Linko S, Ornemark U, Kessel R, Taylor PD. Evaluation of uncertainty of measurement in routine clinical chemistry – applications to
determination of the substance concentration of calcium and glucose in serum. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2002;40(4):391-398.
Thienpont LM, Stöckl D, Friedecký B, Kratochvíla J, Budina M. Trueness verification in European external quality assessment schemes:
time to care about the quality of the samples. Scan J Clin Lab Invest. 2003;63(3):195-201.
ISO/IEC. Conformity assessment – General requirements for proficiency testing. ISO/IEC 17043. Geneva, Switzerland: International
Organization for Standardization; 2010.
Dimech W, Francis B, Kox J, Roberts G; Serology Uncertainty of Measurement Working Party. Calculating uncertainty of measurement for
serology assays by use of precision and bias. Clin Chem. 2006;52(3):526-529.
Duewer DL, Kline MC, Sharpless KE, Thomas JB, Gary KT, Sowell AL. Micronutrients Measurement Quality Assurance Program: helping
participants use interlaboratory comparison exercise results to improve their long-term measurement performance. Anal Chem.
CLSI. Interference Testing in Clinical Chemistry; Approved Guideline—Second Edition. CLSI document EP07-A2. Wayne, PA: Clinical
and Laboratory Standards Institute; 2005.
Eurachem/CITAC. Traceability in chemical measurement: a guide to achieving comparable results in chemical measurement; 2003. Accessed January 17, 2012.
Kragten J. A standard scheme for calculating numerically standard deviations and confidence intervals. Chemometr Intell Lab.
Kragten J. Tutorial review: calculating standard deviations and confidence intervals with a universally applicable spreadsheet technique.
Analyst. 1994;119:2161-2165.
JCGM. Evaluation of measurement data — Supplement 1 to the “Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement” — Propagation of
distributions using a Monte Carlo method.
Accessed January 17, 2012.
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Number 4 EP29-A
Nathan DM, Kuenen J, Borg R, Zheng H, Schoenfeld D, Heine RJ; A1c-Derived Average Glucose Study Group. Translating the A1C assay
into estimated average glucose values. Diabetes Care. 2008;31(8):1473-1478.
Fuller WA. Measurement Error Models. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley Interscience; 2006.
Holownia P, Bishop E, Newman DJ, John WG, Price CP. Adaptation of latex-enhanced assay for percent glycohemoglobin to a Dade
Dimension analyzer. Clin Chem. 1997;43(1):76-84.
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Additional References
Barwick VJ, Ellison SLR. Estimating measurement uncertainty using a cause and effect and reconciliation approach. Part 2. Measurement
uncertainty estimates compared with collaborative trial expectation. Anal Commun. 1998;35:377-383.
Barwick VJ, Ellison SLR. Measurement uncertainty: approaches to the evaluation of uncertainties associated with recovery. Analyst.
Ellison SLR, Barwick VJ. Using validation data for ISO measurement uncertainty estimation. Part 1. Principles of an approach using cause and
effect analysis. Analyst. 1998;123:1387-1392.
EUROLAB. Guide to the evaluation of measurement uncertainty for quantitative test results. EUROLAB Technical Report 1/2006. Accessed January 25, 2012.
EUROLAB. Measurement uncertainty in testing. EUROLAB Technical Report 1/2002. Accessed January 25, 2012.
EUROLAB. Measurement uncertainty revisited: alternative approaches to uncertainty evaluation. EUROLAB Technical Report 1/2007. Accessed January 25, 2012.
ISO. In vitro diagnostic medical devices – Measurement of quantities in biological samples – Metrological traceability of values assigned to
calibrators and control materials. ISO 17511. Geneva, Switzerland: International Organization for Standardization; 2003.
ISO. In vitro diagnostic medical devices – Measurement of quantities in biological samples – Metrological traceability of values for catalytic
concentration of enzymes assigned calibrators and control materials. ISO 18153. Geneva, Switzerland: International Organization for
Standardization; 2003.
ISO. In vitro diagnostic medical devices – Measurement of quantities in samples of biological origin – Requirements for certified reference
materials and the content of supporting documentation. ISO 15194. Geneva, Switzerland: International Organization for Standardization; 2009.
ISO. In vitro diagnostic medical devices – Measurement of quantities in samples of biological origin – Requirements for content and presentation
of reference measurement procedures. ISO 15193. Geneva, Switzerland: International Organization for Standardization; 2009.
ISO. Laboratory medicine – Requirements for reference measurement laboratories. ISO 15195. Geneva, Switzerland: International Organization
for Standardization; 2003.
JCGM. Evaluation of measurement data — An introduction to the “Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement” and related
documents. Accessed January 17, 2012.
Kenny D, Fraser CG, Hyltoft Petersen P, Kallner A. Consensus agreement: Conference on strategies to set global analytical quality specifications
in laboratory medicine. Scand J Clin Lab Invest. 1999;59:585.
Krouwer JS. Critique of the Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement method of estimating and reporting uncertainty in diagnostic
assays. Clin Chem. 2003;49(11):1818-1821.
Krouwer JS. Estimating total analytical error and its sources: techniques to improve method evaluation. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 1992;116(7):726-
Thienpont LM, Van Uytfanghe K, De Leenheer AP. Reference measurement systems in clinical chemistry. Clin Chim Acta. 2002;323(1-2):73-87.
Thompson M, Ellison SLR. A review of interference effects and their correction in chemical analysis with special reference to uncertainty.
Accred Qual Assur. 2005;10(3):82-97.
White G. Basics of estimating measurement uncertainty. Clin Biochem Rev. 2008;29 Suppl 1:S53-S60.
Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved. 49
Number 4 EP29-A
Anywhere between the limits with about equal probability, and there is no chance that the value is
outside the limits—the rectangular or uniform distribution
Anywhere between the limits with the half-width as the most likely value, and there is no chance that
the value is outside the limits—the triangular distribution
A defined probability of being between the limits with the half-width as the most likely, but there is
some chance that the value is outside the limits—the gaussian or normal distribution
The rectangular (or uniform) distribution assumes that all effects on the reported value, between LL and
UL, are equally likely for the particular source of uncertainty and is a reasonable default model if there is
no other information available. If there are indications that values are more likely to be in the center of the
interval, then a triangular distribution or a gaussian distribution can be appropriate. If the limits of
uncertainty are provided, then the coverage of the stated limits (eg, 95%) can be used to calculate one SD,
depending on the distribution assumed. That is, by defining the LL and UL (eg, 90 and 180 units,
respectively) and identifying the distribution, a standard uncertainty can be estimated that will have
roughly the same coverage properties as those implied by the specification limits. The rectangular
distribution is the more conservative (ie, larger uncertainty) of the three distributions. Table A1 presents
the formula for converting limit specifications into standard uncertainties for these three distributions.
In a manufacturing environment, the specifications will provide an acceptance interval that uses a
measuring device to determine the value. The simplest such device is a balance. When the acceptance
interval is broad relative to the uncertainty of the measurement, the uncertainty of the value is driven by
the specification.
Consider preparation by weighing a component of a calibrator that has a specification of 156 g ± 1 g. The
operator is instructed to stop adding or removing material from the balance once the balance reads a value
from 155 to 157 g. A rectangular distribution is assumed because the value can be anywhere in the
interval of the specification. From Table A1, the standard uncertainty of the amount weighed is
50 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved.
Volume 32 EP29-A
Appendix A. (Continued)
157 155
u 156 0.577 g.
2 3
The operator stopped when the balance showed 155.7 g, and thus the nominal quantity value of the
calibrator is 155.7 g ± 0.6 g.
The total uncertainty estimate for the weighing has other components, such as linearity and repeatability,
that can be neglected so long as they are small relative to the specification. The manufacture’s literature
states that the balance’s readout is expected to be linearly proportional to mass to within ± 0.02 g and
repeatable to within the resolution of the digital readout of 0.01 g.
Because the balance must be tared, two weighings are required to determine any given quantity value,
Weight. Assuming that the linearity and repeatability uncertainty components are best modeled as drawn
(UL LL ) (UL LL )
from triangular and gaussian distributions, respectively, their expected
(2 6 ) (2 9 )
contribution to the overall uncertainty of a given weighing is
u Weight 2 2
2 6 2 9
0.02 2 0.01 2
2 0.013 g .
2.45 3
However, if the specification is changed to 156.0 g ± 0.1 g and the operator stops when the balance shows
156.07, then the combined uncertainty would be
156.1 155.9
u c (156.0 Total ) 0.0132 0.05572 0.0132 0.059 g ,
2 3
and the linearity and repeatability characteristics of the balance begin to have a small influence.
These uses of Type B limit specifications can greatly facilitate the selection of the appropriate procedure
and equipment to reach a desired level of performance. However, in applications for clearance or
approval of devices by regulatory agencies, when Type A evaluations are practical, they are generally
In these examples, rounding was not made to better illustrate the point.
These uses of Type B limit specifications can greatly facilitate the selection of the appropriate procedure
and equipment to reach a desired level of performance. However, in applications for clearance or
approval of devices by regulatory agencies, when Type A evaluations are practical, they are generally
Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved. 51
Number 4 EP29-A
Appendix A. (Continued)
Reference for Appendix A
Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM). International Vocabulary of Metrology – Basic and
General Concepts and Associated Terms (VIM, 3rd edition, JCGM 200:2008) and Corrigendum (May
2010). Accessed January 17, 2012.
52 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved.
Volume 32 EP29-A
Table B1. Routine Cholesterol Measurement Results for a Single Lot of QC Material
Reagent Lot A Reagent Lot B
Run Tech Rep1 Rep2 Rep3 Run Tech Rep1 Rep2 Rep3
1 AK 7.9 7.9 8.1 22 AK 7.9 7.9 7.8
2 AK 7.5 7.3 7.6 23 DT 7.6 7.7 7.6
3 DT 7.2 7.2 7.2 24 DT 7.4 7.6 7.4
4 DD 6.6 6.8 6.5 25 AK 7.3 7.2 7.4
5 AK 7.3 7.3 7.3 26 AK 7.7 7.5 7.7
6 AK 7.6 7.5 7.6 27 DT 7.8 7.9 7.7
7 DT 7.5 7.5 7.5 28 DT 8.0 8.0 8.1
8 DT 8.0 8.0 8.0 29 AK 7.9 8.1 7.8
9 AK 7.3 7.3 7.3 30 DT 7.7 7.6 7.7
10 DT 7.8 7.8 7.9 31 DT 7.9 7.7 7.8
11 AK 7.8 7.8 8.0 32 DT 7.5 7.5 7.5
12 AK 7.4 7.5 7.4 33 AK 7.4 7.4 7.6
13 AK 7.5 7.6 7.4 34 DT 7.5 7.5 7.4
14 DT 7.7 7.6 7.7 35 AK 7.7 7.7 7.6
15 AK 7.9 7.9 8.0 36 AK 7.6 7.6 7.8
16 DT 8.0 8.0 8.2 37 AK 7.8 7.9 7.7
17 DT 7.8 7.8 7.7 38 DT 7.8 7.8 7.8
18 DT 7.9 8.1 7.9 39 DT 8.0 7.9 8.0
19 AK 7.5 7.6 7.7 40 AK 7.8 7.7 7.8
20 DT 7.6 7.6 7.8 41 DT 7.9 8.0 7.9
21 DT 7.8 7.6 7.7 42 DT 7.8 7.8 7.9
Consider a situation in which only the “Run” and “Rep1” data are available, representing a single QC
measurement made per run. The mean value for the first 21 results is 7.60 mmol/L with a standard
deviation (SD) of 0.33 mmol/L. The mean value for the second 21 results is 7.71 mmol/L with an SD of
0.20 mmol/L. The mean for all 42 results is 7.66 mmol/L with an SD of 0.28 mmol/L. Figure B1 displays
the measurement results as a function of Run number, along with lines representing the mean value (solid
blue lines) and 95% level of confidence intervals (solid red lines) for each of the two sets of 21 results and
the 95% intervals (dashed red lines) for all 42 measurements. Given the relatively large number of
independent measurements, use of the coverage factor k = 2 is justified and the confidence intervals are
calculated as Mean ± 2 × SD.1
The shift in the mean values and the somewhat different widths of the 95% intervals may be consistent
with usual shifts and therefore the small differences can be considered to reflect the increased variability
expected with longer-term measurement conditions. The overall mean and SD suggest that the coefficient
of variation expressed in percent [%CV]) = 100 × 0.28/7.66 = 3.6% for an expanded uncertainty of
%U = 2 × 3.6 = 7.2%.
Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved. 53
Number 4 EP29-A
Appendix B. (Continued)
Cholesterol, mmol/L
0 10 20 30 40
Run Number
Figure B1. Control Chart for One QC Measurement per Run. Dotted lines refer to the overall average
and SD. The solid lines refer to those of the reagent lots A and B.
On closer inspection, the 6.6 mmol/L result produced in Run 4 was excluded as technically suspect, and
the mean value for the first 20 valid results is 7.65 mmol/L with an SD of 0.24 mmol/L and the overall
mean is 7.68 mmol/L with an SD of 0.22 mmol/L. The overall mean and SD now suggest a %CV of about
2.9% and %U of 5.8%.
Consider now the situation in which “Rep2” and “Rep3” results are available in addition to “Run” and
“Rep1,” representing three QC measurements per run. These additional results enable use of analysis of
variance (ANOVA) components (see Section 7.3 of this document) to estimate within-run as well as
between-run imprecision. Table B2 displays results from a one-way ANOVA for these data, with the
technically suspect results for Run 4 removed.
The grand average of the 123 valid measurements is 7.69 mmol/L. The %CV of the valid measurements
is thus %U x 100 0.470 7.69 = 6.1%.
This estimate for %U is slightly larger than the 5.8% from the single results per run scenario because it
takes into account the within-run variability.
54 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved.
Volume 32 EP29-A
Appendix B. (Continued)
Quantity value results of two or more control materials having different levels of cholesterol would
enable a more complete characterization of the imprecision components of the measurement process. The
characterization could be expanded to reflect the performance of several instruments in a laboratory or
that of several laboratories.2 Measurement bias could be estimated if the control materials have been
appropriately value-assigned, typically using a higher-order measurement system in conjunction with one
or more higher-order certified reference materials.
Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved. 55
Number 4 EP29-A
EP29-A addresses the QSE indicated by an “X.” For a description of the other documents listed in the grid, please
refer to the Related CLSI Reference Materials section on the following page.
Event Management
Customer Focus
Documents and
Purchasing and
Facilities and
EP07 EP07
EP10 EP10
GP02 GP02
56 Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved.
Volume 32 EP29-A
EP07-A2 Interference Testing in Clinical Chemistry; Approved Guideline—Second Edition (2005). This document
provides background information, guidance, and experimental procedures for investigating, identifying, and
characterizing the effects of interfering substances on clinical chemistry test results.
EP09-A2-IR Method Comparison and Bias Estimation Using Patient Samples; Approved Guideline—Second Edition
(Interim Revision) (2010). This document addresses procedures for determining the bias between two clinical
methods, and the design of a method comparison experiment using split patient samples and data analysis.
EP15-A2 User Verification of Performance for Precision and Trueness; Approved Guideline—Second Edition
(2006). This document describes the demonstration of method precision and trueness for clinical laboratory
quantitative methods utilizing a protocol designed to be completed within five working days or less.
EP21-A Estimation of Total Analytical Error for Clinical Laboratory Methods; Approved Guideline (2003).
This document provides manufacturers and end users with a means to estimate total analytical error for an
assay. A data collection protocol and an analysis method that can be used to judge the clinical acceptability of
new methods using patient specimens are included. These tools can also monitor an assay’s total analytical
error by using quality control samples.
GP02-A5 Laboratory Documents: Development and Control; Approved Guideline—Fifth Edition (2006). This
document provides guidance on development, review, approval, management, and use of policy, process, and
procedure documents in the medical laboratory community.
CLSI documents are continually reviewed and revised through the CLSI consensus process; therefore, readers should refer to
the most current editions.
Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute. All rights reserved. 57
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Clin. Molec. Biology Access Genetics NJK & Associates, Inc. Center (NJ)
JCCLS Aderans Research NorDx - Scarborough Campus Anand Diagnostic Laboratory (India)
National Society for Histotechnology, AdvaMed Nova Biomedical Corporation Anne Arundel Medical Center (MD)
Inc. Akonni Biosystems NovaBiotics Antech Diagnostics (CA)
Nova Scotia Association of Clinical Ammirati Regulatory Consulting Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Antelope Valley Hospital District (CA)
Laboratory Managers Anapharm, Inc. Research Appalachian Regional Healthcare System
Ontario Medical Association Quality Aria Diagnostics Optimer Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (NC)
Management Program-Laboratory AspenBio Pharma, Inc. Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Inc. Arkansas Dept of Health Public Health
Service Astellas Pharma Ortho-McNeil, Inc. Laboratory (AR)
RCPA Quality Assurance Programs Pty AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals Oxyrase, Inc. Arkansas Methodist Medical Center (AR)
Limited Astute Medical, Inc. Paratek Pharmaceuticals, Inc. ARUP Laboratories (UT)
SIMeL Ativa Medical PathCare Pathology Laboratory Asan Medical Center (Korea, Republic
Sociedad Española de Bioquímica Axis-Shield PoC AS PerkinElmer Genetics, Inc. Of)
Clínica y Patología Molec. Bayer Healthcare, LLC Diagnostic Pfizer Animal Health Asante Health System (OR)
Sociedade Brasileira de Análises Clínicas Division Pfizer Inc Ashley County Medical Center (AR)
Sociedade Brasileira de Patologia Clínica BD Pfizer Italia Srl Asiri Group of Hospitals Ltd. (Sri Lanka)
The Joint Commission BD Biosciences - San Jose, CA Phadia AB Aspen Valley Hospital (CO)
The Korean Society for Laboratory BD Diagnostic Systems Philips Healthcare Incubator ASPETAR (Qatar Orthopedic and Sports
Medicine BD Vacutainer Systems PPD Medicine Hospital) (Qatar)
World Health Organization Beaufort Advisors, LLC ProteoGenix, Inc. Aspirus Wausau Hospital (WI)
Beckman Coulter Cellular Analysis QML Pathology Atlantic Diagnostics Laboratories (PA)
Government Members Business Center Quotient Bioresearch Ltd. Atrium Medical Center (OH)
Beckman Coulter, Inc. R-Biopharm AG Auburn Regional Medical Center (WA)
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Beth Goldstein Consultant Radiometer America, Inc. Augusta Health (VA)
BC Centre for Disease Control Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. Roche Diagnostics GmbH Aultman Hospital (OH)
Canadian Science Center for Human and Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. - France Roche Diagnostics, Inc. Avera McKennan Laboratory (SD)
Animal Health Bioanalyse, Ltd. Roche Molecular Systems AZ Sint-Jan (Belgium)
Centers for Disease Control and Biocartis RPL Laboratory Solutions, Inc. Azienda Ospedale Di Lecco (Italy)
Prevention BioDevelopment S.r.l. DBA RPL Compliance Solutions Baptist Hospital of Miami (FL)
Centers for Disease Control and Biohit Oyj. Sanofi Pasteur Baptist Memorial Health Care
Prevention - Ethiopia Biomedia Laboratories SDN BHD Sarstedt, Inc. Corporation - Hospital Laboratories
Centers for Disease Control and bioMérieux, Inc. Sekisui Diagnostics Works (TN)
Prevention - Namibia Blaine Healthcare Associates, Inc. Seventh Sense Biosystems Barnes-Jewish Hospital (MO)
Centers for Disease Control and BRI Consultants Limited Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Inc. Bassett Healthcare (NY)
Prevention - Nigeria Calloway Laboratories Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics Products Baton Rouge General (LA)
Centers for Disease Control and Canon U.S. Life Sciences, Inc. GmbH Baxter Regional Medical Center (AR)
Prevention - Tanzania CBI Inc. Soloy Laboratory Consulting Services, BayCare Health System (FL)
Centers for Disease Control and Cempra Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Llc Baylor Health Care System (TX)
Prevention - Zambia Cepheid SomaLogic Bayou Pathology, APMC (LA)
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Cerilliant Corp. Sphere Medical Holding Limited Baystate Medical Center (MA)
Services Compliance Insight, Inc. Streck Laboratories, Inc. BC Biomedical Laboratories (BC,
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Constitution Medical Inc Super Religare Laboratories Ltd Canada)
Services/CLIA Program Controllab Sysmex America, Inc. Beloit Memorial Hospital (WI)
Chinese Committee for Clinical Copan Diagnostics Inc. Sysmex Corporation - Japan Beth Israel Medical Center (NY)
Laboratory Standards Courtagen Life Sciences Inc. Tetraphase Pharmaceuticals Bio-Reference Laboratories (NJ)
Blanchard Valley Hospital (OH) Contra Costa Regional Medical Center Health Network Lab (PA) Laboratória Médico Santa Luzia LTDA
Bon Secours Health Partners (VA) (CA) Health Sciences Research Institute (Brazil)
Bonnyville Health Center (AB, Canada) Cook Children’s Medical Center (TX) (Japan) Laboratory Alliance of Central New York
Boston Medical Center (MA) Cookeville Regional Medical Center Health Waikato (New Zealand) (NY)
Boulder Community Hospital (CO) (TN) Heartland Health (MO) Laboratory Corporation of America (NJ)
Boyce & Bynum Pathology Labs (MO) Cornwall Community Hospital (ON, Heidelberg Army Hospital (AE) Laboratory Medicin Dalarna (Dalarna,
Brant Community Healthcare Canada) Helen Hayes Hospital (NY) Sweden)
System/Brant General Hospital Covance CLS (IN) Helix (Russian Federation) LabPlus Auckland District Health Board
(Ontario, Canada) Covenant Medical Center (TX) Henry Ford Hospital (MI) (New Zealand)
Bremerton Naval Hospital (WA) Creighton Medical Lab (NE) Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the LAC/USC Medical Center (CA)
Brian All Good Community Hospital/121 Crozer-Chester Medical Center (PA) Advancement of Military Medicine- Lafayette General Medical Center (LA)
Combat (AP) Cumberland Medical Center (TN) MD (MD) Lakeland Regional Medical Center (FL)
Bridgeport Hospital (CT) Darwin Library NT Territory Health Hi-Desert Medical Center (CA) Lancaster General Hospital (PA)
Brooke Army Medical Center (TX) Services (NT, Australia) Highlands Medical Center (AL) Landstuhl Regional Medical Center
Broward General Medical Center (FL) David Grant Medical Center (CA) HJF Naval Infectious Diseases (Germany)
Cadham Provincial Laboratory-MB Daviess Community Hospital (IN) Diagnostic Laboratory (MD) Langley Air Force Base (VA)
Health (MB, Canada) Deaconess Hospital Laboratory (IN) Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian LeBonheur Children’s Hospital (TN)
Calgary Laboratory Services (AB, Dean Medical Center (WI) (CA) Legacy Laboratory Services (OR)
Canada) DHHS NC State Lab of Public Health Hoboken University Medical Center (NJ) Letherbridge Regional Hospital (AB,
Cambridge Health Alliance (MA) (NC) Holy Cross Hospital (MD) Canada)
Cape Fear Valley Medical Center DiagnoSearch Life Sciences Inc. Holy Name Hospital (NJ) Lewis-Gale Medical Center (VA)
Laboratory (NC) (Maharashtra, India) Holy Spirit Hospital (PA) Lexington Medical Center (SC)
Capital Coast Health (New Zealand) Diagnostic Laboratory Services, Inc. (HI) Hôpital de la Cité-de-La-Santé De Laval L’Hotel-Dieu de Québec (PQ, Canada)
Capital Health System Mercer Campus Diagnostic Services of Manitoba (MB, (Quebec, Canada) Licking Memorial Hospital (OH)
(NJ) Canada) Hôpital du Haut-Richelieu (PQ, Canada) LifeBridge Health Sinai Hospital (MD)
Caritas Norwood Hospital (MA) Dimensions Healthcare System Prince Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont (PQ, LifeLabs Medical Laboratory Services
Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center George’s Hospital Center (MD) Canada) (BC, Canada)
Department of Pathology (TX) DMC University Laboratories (MI) Hôpital Santa Cabrini Ospedale (PQ, Lifeline Hospital (United Arab Emirates)
Carolina Medical Laboratory (NC) Drake Center (OH) Canada) Loma Linda University Medical Center
Carolinas Healthcare System (NC) Driscoll Children’s Hospital (TX) Horizon Health Network (N.B., Canada) (LLUMC) (CA)
Carpermor S.A. de C.V. (D.F., Mexico) DUHS Clinical Laboratories Franklin Hospital Albert Einstein (SP, Brazil) Long Beach Memorial Medical Center-
Catholic Health Initiatives (KY) Site (NC) Hospital Sacre-Coeur de Montreal LBMMC (CA)
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center (CA) Dynacare Laboratory (WI) (Quebec, Canada) Long Island Jewish Medical Center (NY)
Cenetron Diagnostics (TX) Dynacare NW, Inc - Seattle (WA) Hôtel-Dieu Grace Hospital Library (ON, Louisiana Office of Public Health
Central Baptist Hospital (KY) DynaLIFE (AB, Canada) Canada) Laboratory (LA)
Central Kansas Medical Center (KS) E. A. Conway Medical Center (LA) Hunter Area Pathology Service Louisiana State University Medical Ctr.
Centre Hospitalier Anna-Laberge East Georgia Regional Medical Center (Australia) (LA)
(Quebec, Canada) (GA) Hunter Labs (CA) Lower Columbia Pathologists, P.S. (WA)
Centre Hospitalier Regional De Trois East Kootenay Regional Hospital Huntington Memorial Hospital (CA) Lower Mainland Laboratories (BC,
Riveras (PQ, Canada) Laboratory-Interior Health (BC, Imelda Hospital (Belgium) Canada)
Centro Médico Imbanaco (Colombia) Canada) Indian River Memorial Hospital (FL) Lyndon B. Johnson General Hospital
Chaleur Regional Hospital (NB, Canada) East Texas Medical Center-Pittsburg Indiana University Health Bloomington (TX)
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital (TX) Hospital (IN) Maccabi Medical Care and Health Fund
(Taiwan) Eastern Health - Health Sciences Centre Indiana University Health Care- (Israel)
Changhua Christian Hospital (Taiwan) (NL, Canada) Pathology Laboratory (IN) Madigan Army Medical Center (WA)
Changi General Hospital (Singapore) Eastern Health Pathology (Victoria, Inova Central Laboratory (VA) Mafraq Hospital (United Arab Emirates)
Chatham - Kent Health Alliance (ON, Australia) Institut fur Stand. und Dok. im Med. Lab. Magnolia Regional Health Center (MS)
Canada) Easton Hospital (PA) (Germany) Main Line Clinical Laboratories, Inc.
Chesapeake General Hospital (VA) Edward Hospital (IL) Institut National de Santé Publique Du Lankenau Hospital (PA)
Chester County Hospital (PA) Effingham Hospital (GA) Quebec Centre de Doc. - INSPQ (PQ, Makerere University Walter Reed Project
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta (GA) Elmhurst Hospital Center (NY) Canada) Makerere University Medical School
Childrens Hosp.- Kings Daughters (VA) Emory University Hospital (GA) Institute Health Laboratories (PR) (Uganda)
Children’s Hospital & Research Center Evangelical Community Hospital (PA) Institute of Clinical Pathology and Marquette General Hospital (MI)
At Oakland (CA) Evans Army Community Hospital (CO) Medical Research (Australia) Marshfield Clinic (WI)
Childrens Hospital Los Angeles (CA) Exeter Hospital (NH) Institute of Laboratory Medicine Martha Jefferson Hospital (VA)
Children’s Hospital Medical Center (OH) Exosome Diagnostics, Inc. (MN) Landspitali Univ. Hospital (Iceland) Martin Luther King, Jr./Drew Medical
Children’s Hospital of Central California Federal Medical Center (MN) Institute of Medical & Veterinary Science Center (CA)
(CA) First Health of the Carolinas Moore (SA, Australia) Martin Memorial Health Systems (FL)
Children’s Hospital of Orange County Regional Hospital (NC) Integrated Regional Laboratories South Mary Hitchcock Memorial Hospital (NH)
(CA) Fletcher Allen Health Care (VT) Florida (HCA) (VA) Mary Washington Hospital (VA)
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (PA) Fleury S.A. (Brazil) Intermountain Health Care Lab Services Mater Health Services - Pathology
Childrens Hospital of Wisconsin (WI) Florida Hospital (FL) (UT) (Australia)
Children’s Hospitals and Clinics (MN) Fox Chase Cancer Center (PA) International Health Management Maxwell Air Force Base (AL)
Children’s Medical Center (OH) Fraser Health Authority Royal Associates, Inc. (IL) Mayo Clinic (MN)
Children’s Medical Center (TX) Columbian Hospital Site (BC, Canada) Irwin Army Community Hospital (KS) MCG Health (GA)
Christiana Care Health Services (DE) Fundação Faculdade de Medicina (SP, Jackson County Memorial Hospital (OK) Meadows Regional Medical Center (GA)
CHU - Saint Pierre (Belgium) Brazil) Jackson Memorial Hospital (FL) Medical Center Hospital (TX)
CHU Sainte-Justine (Quebec, Canada) Gamma-Dynacare Laboratories (ON, Jackson Purchase Medical Center (KY) Medical Center of Louisiana At NO-
CHUM Hospital Saint-Luc (Quebec, Canada) Jessa Ziekenhuis VZW (Belgium) Charity (LA)
Canada) Garden City Hospital (MI) John C. Lincoln Hospital - N.MT. (AZ) Medical Centre Ljubljana (Slovenia)
CHW-St. Mary’s Medical Center (CA) Garfield Medical Center (CA) John F. Kennedy Medical Center (NJ) Medical College of Virginia Hospital
City of Hope National Medical Center Gaston Memorial Hospital (NC) John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook (VA)
(CA) Geisinger Medical Center (PA) County (IL) Medical University Hospital Authority
Clearstone Central Laboratories (ON, Genesis Healthcare System (OH) John Muir Health (CA) (SC)
Canada) George Washington University Hospital John T. Mather Memorial Hospital (NY) Memorial Hermann Healthcare System
Cleveland Clinic (OH) (DC) Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions (MD) (TX)
Cleveland Heartlab, LLC (OH) Gestión de Calidad (Argentina) Johns Hopkins University (MD) Memorial Medical Center (IL)
Clinica Alemana De Santiago (Chile) Gettysburg Hospital (PA) Johnson City Medical Center Hospital Memorial Medical Center (PA)
Clinical and Laboratory Standards Ghent University Hospital (Belgium) (TN) Memorial Regional Hospital (FL)
Institute (PA) Good Shepherd Medical Center (TX) JPS Health Network (TX) Mercy Franciscan Mt. Airy (OH)
Clinical Labs of Hawaii (HI) Grana S.A. (TX) Kailos Genetics (AL) Mercy Hospital & Medical Center (IL)
Clinical Trials Service (Belgium) Grand River Hospital (ON, Canada) Kaiser Permanente (MD) Methodist Dallas Medical Center (TX)
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Grand Strand Regional Medical Center Kaiser Permanente (OH) Methodist Healthcare (North) (TN)
Alberta (AB, Canada) (SC) Kaiser Permanente Medical Care (CA) Methodist Hospital (TX)
Collingwood General & Marine Hospital Grey Bruce Regional Health Center (ON, Kaohsiun Chang Gung Memorial Methodist Hospital (TX)
(ON, Canada) Canada) Hospital (Taiwan) Methodist Hospital Park Nicollet Health
Commonwealth of Kentucky (KY) Group Health Cooperative (WA) Kenora-Rainy River Reg. Lab. Program Services (MN)
Commonwealth of Virginia (DCLS) Gundersen Lutheran Medical Center (ON, Canada) Methodist Hospital Pathology (NE)
(VA) (WI) KFMC (Saudi Arabia) Methodist Willowbrook Hospital (TX)
Community Hospital (IN) Guthrie Clinic Laboratories (PA) King Abdulaziz Hospital, Al Ahsa Dept. MetroHealth Medical Center (OH)
Community Hospital of the Monterey Hôtel-Dieu de Lévis (PQ, Canada) of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Metropolitan Hospital Center (NY)
Peninsula (CA) Halton Healthcare Services (ON, Canada) (Al-hasa, Saudi Arabia) Metropolitan Medical Laboratory, PLC
Community Medical Center (NJ) Hamad Medical Corporation (Qatar) King Fahad National Guard Hospital (IA)
Community Memorial Hospital (WI) Hamilton Regional Laboratory Medicine KAMC - NGHA (Saudi Arabia) Miami Children’s Hospital (FL)
Complexe Hospitalier de la Sagamie Program - St. Joseph’s (ON, Canada) King Fahad Specialist Hospital- Mid Michigan Medical Center - Midland
(Quebec, Canada) Hanover General Hospital (PA) Dammam, K.S.A. (Eastern Region, (MI)
CompuNet Clinical Laboratories Quest Harford Memorial Hospital (MD) Saudi Arabia) Middelheim General Hospital (Belgium)
Diagnostics JV (OH) Harris Methodist Fort Worth (TX) King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Middlesex Hospital (CT)
Concord Hospital (NH) Harris Methodist Hospital Southwest Research Center (Saudi Arabia) Minneapolis Medical Research
Consultants Laboratory of WI LLC (WI) (TX) King Hussein Cancer Center (Jordan) Foundation (MN)
Hartford Hospital (CT) Kingston General Hospital (ON, Canada) Mississippi Baptist Medical Center (MS)
Mississippi Public Health Lab (MS) Queensland Health Pathology Services St. Michael’s Medical Center, Inc. (NJ) University Hospital Center Sherbrooke
Monongalia General Hospital (WV) (Australia) St. Tammany Parish Hospital (LA) (CHUS) (Quebec, Canada)
Montreal General Hospital (Quebec, Queensway Carleton Hospital (ON, Stanford Hospital and Clinics (CA) University Medical Center at Princeton
Canada) Canada) Stanton Territorial Health Authority (NT, (NJ)
Morehead Memorial Hospital (NC) Quest Diagnostics, Incorporated (CA) Canada) University of Alabama Hospital Lab
Mouwasat Hospital (GA, Saudi Arabia) Quintiles Laboratories, Ltd. (GA) State of Connecticut Department of (AL)
Mt. Carmel Health System (OH) Rady Children’s Hospital San Diego Public Health (CT) University of Chicago Hospitals
Mt. Sinai Hospital (ON, Canada) (CA) State of Ohio/Corrections Medical Center Laboratories (IL)
Mt. Sinai Hospital - New York (NY) Ramathibodi Hospital (Thailand) Laboratory (OH) University of Colorado Health Sciences
Naples Community Hospital (FL) Redington-Fairview General Hospital State of Washington Public Health Labs Center (CO)
Nassau County Medical Center (NY) (ME) (WA) University of Colorado Hospital (CO)
National B Virus Resource Laboratory Regions Hospital (MN) Stillwater Medical Center (OK) University of Illinois Medical Center (IL)
(GA) Reid Hospital & Health Care Services Stony Brook University Hospital (NY) University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
National Cancer Center (Korea, Republic (IN) Stormont-Vail Regional Medical Ctr. (IA)
Of) Reinier De Graaf Groep (Netherlands) (KS) University of Kentucky Medical Center
National Institutes of Health, Clinical Renown Regional Medical Center (NV) Sudbury Regional Hospital (ON, Canada) (KY)
Center (MD) Research Medical Center (MO) Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre (ON, University of Maryland Medical System
National Naval Medical Center (MD) Response Genetics, Inc. (CA) Canada) (MD)
National University Hospital Department RIPAS Hospital (Brunei-Maura, Brunei Sunrise Hospital and Medical Center University of Minnesota Medical Center-
of Laboratory Medicine (Singapore) Darussalam) (NV) Fairview (MN)
National University of Ireland, Galway Riverside County Regional Medical Swedish Edmonds Hospital (WA) University of Missouri Hospital (MO)
(NUIG) (Ireland) Center (CA) Swedish Medical Center (CO) University of Pennsylvania Health
Nationwide Children’s Hospital (OH) Riverside Health System (VA) Sydney South West Pathology Service System (PA)
Naval Hospital Oak Harbor (WA) Riverside Methodist Hospital (OH) Liverpool Hospital (NSW, Australia) University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Naval Medical Center Portsmouth (VA) Riyadh Armed Forces Hospital, T.J. Samson Community Hospital (KY) (PA)
Naval Medical Clinic Hawaii (HI) Sulaymainia (Saudi Arabia) Taichung Veterans General Hospital University of Texas Health Center (TX)
NB Department of Health (NB, Canada) Rockford Memorial Hospital (IL) (Taiwan) University of the Ryukyus (Japan)
New England Baptist Hospital (MA) Royal Victoria Hospital (ON, Canada) Taiwan Society of Laboratory Medicine University of Virginia Medical Center
New England Fertility Institute (CT) SAAD Specialist Hospital (Saudi Arabia) (Taiwan) (VA)
New England Sinai Hospital (MA) Sacred Heart Hospital (FL) Tallaght Hospital (Ireland) UPMC Bedford Memorial (PA)
New Lexington Clinic (KY) Sacred Heart Hospital (WI) Tartu University Clinics (Estonia) US Naval Hospital Naples
New York Presbyterian Hospital (NY) Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset Temple Univ. Hospital - Parkinson Pav. UZ-KUL Medical Center (Belgium)
New York Presbyterian Hospital (NY) (Sweden) (PA) VA (Asheville) Medical Center (NC)
New York University Medical Center Saint Francis Hospital & Medical Center Tenet Healthcare (PA) VA (Bay Pines) Medical Center (FL)
(NY) (CT) Texas Children’s Hospital (TX) VA (Central Texas) Veterans Health Care
Newark Beth Israel Medical Center (NJ) Saint Mary’s Regional Medical Center Texas Department of State Health System (TX)
Newfoundland Public Health Laboratory (NV) Services (TX) VA (Chillicothe) Medical Center (OH)
(NL, Canada) Saints Memorial Medical Center (MA) Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital VA (Cincinnati) Medical Center (OH)
North Carolina Baptist Hospital (NC) Salem Memorial District Hospital (MO) Dallas (TX) VA (Dallas) Medical Center (TX)
North District Hospital (China) Sampson Regional Medical Center (NC) The Brooklyn Hospital Center (NY) VA (Dayton) Medical Center (OH)
North Mississippi Medical Center (MS) Samsung Medical Center (Korea, The Charlotte Hungerford Hospital (CT) VA (Hines) Medical Center (IL)
North Shore Hospital Laboratory (New Republic Of) The Children’s Mercy Hospital (MO) VA (Indianapolis) Medical Center (IN)
Zealand) San Francisco General Hospital- The Cooley Dickinson Hospital, Inc. VA (Iowa City) Medical Center (IA)
North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health University of California San Francisco (MA) VA (Miami) Medical Center (FL)
System Laboratories (NY) (CA) The Credit Valley Hospital (ON, Canada) VA (San Diego) Medical Center (CA)
Northridge Hospital Medical Center (CA) Sanford USD Medical Center (SD) The Hospital for Sick Children (ON, VA (Tampa) Hospital (FL)
Northside Hospital (GA) Santa Clara Valley Medical Center (CA) Canada) VA (Wilmington) Medical Center (DE)
Northside Medical Center (OH) SARL Laboratoire Caron (France) The Medical Center of Aurora (CO) Vancouver Island Health Authority (SI)
Northwest Texas Hospital (TX) Scott & White Memorial Hospital (TX) The Michener Inst. for Applied Health (BC, Canada)
Northwestern Memorial Hospital (IL) Seattle Children’s Hospital/Children’s Sciences (ON, Canada) Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Norton Healthcare (KY) Hospital and Regional Medical Center The Naval Hospital of Jacksonville (FL) (TN)
Ochsner Clinic Foundation (LA) (WA) The Nebraska Medical Center (NE) Verinata Health, Inc. (CA)
Ohio State University Hospitals (OH) Seoul National University Hospital The Ottawa Hospital (ON, Canada) Via Christi Regional Medical Center
Ohio Valley Medical Center (WV) (Korea, Republic Of) The Permanente Medical Group (CA) (KS)
Onze Lieve Vrouwziekenhuis (Belgium) Seoul St. Mary’s Hospital (Korea, The Toledo Hospital (OH) Viracor-IBT Reference Laboratory (MO)
Ordre Professionnel Des Technologistes Republic Of) The University of Texas Medical Branch Virginia Regional Medical Center (MN)
Médicaux Du Quebec (Quebec, Seton Healthcare Network (TX) (TX) Virtua - West Jersey Hospital (NJ)
Canada) Seton Medical Center (CA) Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, WakeMed (NC)
Orebro University Hospital (Sweden) Sharp Health Care Laboratory Services Inc. (PA) Walter Reed Army Medical Center (DC)
Orlando Health (FL) (CA) Timmins and District Hospital (ON, Warren Hospital (NJ)
Ospedale Casa Sollievo Della Sofferenza Sheik Kalifa Medical City (United Arab Canada) Washington Hospital Center (DC)
- IRCCS (Italy) Emirates) Tokyo Metro. Res. Lab of Public Health Washington Hospital Healthcare System
Our Lady’s Hospital For Sick Children Shore Memorial Hospital (NJ) (Japan) (CA)
(Ireland) Singapore General Hospital (Singapore) Touro Infirmary (LA) Waterbury Hospital (CT)
Palmetto Baptist Medical Center (SC) Slotervaart Ziekenhuis (Netherlands) TriCore Reference Laboratories (NM) Waterford Regional Hospital (Ireland)
Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern South Bend Medical Foundation (IN) Trident Medical Center (SC) Weed Army Community Hospital
Hospital (Hong Kong East Cluster) South Eastern Area Laboratory Services Trinity Medical Center (AL) Laboratory (CA)
(Hong Kong) (NSW, Australia) Trinity Muscatine (IA) Weirton Medical Center (WV)
Pathgroup (TN) South Miami Hospital (FL) Tripler Army Medical Center (HI) West Jefferson Medical Center (LA)
Pathlab (IA) Southern Community Laboratories Tuen Mun Hospital, Hospital Authority West Penn Allegheny Health System-
Pathology and Cytology Laboratories, (Canterbury, New Zealand) (China) Allegheny General Hospital (PA)
Inc. (KY) Southern Health Care Network Tufts Medical Center Hospital (MA) West Shore Medical Center (MI)
Pathology Associates Medical Lab. (WA) (Australia) Tulane Medical Center Hospital & Clinic West Valley Medical Center Laboratory
Pathology Inc. (CA) Southwest Healthcare System (CA) (LA) (ID)
Penn State Hershey Medical Center (PA) Southwestern Medical Center (OK) Turku University Central Hospital Westchester Medical Center (NY)
Pennsylvania Hospital (PA) Spectra East (NJ) (Finland) Western Baptist Hospital (KY)
Peterborough Regional Health Centre Spectra Laboratories (CA) Twin Lakes Regional Medical Center Western Healthcare Corporation (NL,
(ON, Canada) St. Agnes Healthcare (MD) (KY) Canada)
PHS Indian Hospital - Pine Ridge (SD) St. Anthony Hospital (OK) UCI Medical Center (CA) Wheaton Franciscan Laboratories (WI)
Piedmont Hospital (GA) St. Barnabas Medical Center (NJ) UCLA Medical Center Clinical Wheeling Hospital (WV)
Pitt County Memorial Hospital (NC) St. Elizabeth Community Hospital (CA) Laboratories (CA) White Memorial Medical Center (CA)
Potomac Hospital (VA) St. Eustache Hospital (Quebec, Canada) UCSD Medical Center (CA) Whitehorse General Hospital (YT,
Prairie Lakes Hospital (SD) St. Francis Hospital (SC) UCSF Medical Center China Basin (CA) Canada)
Presbyterian Hospital - Laboratory (NC) St. Francis Memorial Hospital (CA) UMC of El Paso- Laboratory (TX) William Beaumont Army Medical Center
Presbyterian/St. Luke’s Medical Center St. John Hospital and Medical Center UMC of Southern Nevada (NV) (TX)
(CO) (MI) UNC Hospitals (NC) William Beaumont Hospital (MI)
Prince of Wales Hospital (Hong Kong) St. John’s Hospital & Health Center (CA) Unidad De Patología Clínica (Mexico) William Osler Health Centre (ON,
Princess Margaret Hospital (Hong Kong, St. John’s Mercy Medical Center (MO) Union Clinical Laboratory (Taiwan) Canada)
China) St. John’s Regional Health Center (MO) United Christian Hospital (Kowloon, Winchester Hospital (MA)
Providence Alaska Medical Center (AK) St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Hong Kong) Winn Army Community Hospital (GA)
Providence Health Services, Regional (TN) United States Air Force School of Wishard Health Sciences (IN)
Laboratory (OR) St. Luke’s Hospital (IA) Aerospace Medicine / PHE (OH) Womack Army Medical Center
Provincial Laboratory for Public Health St. Luke’s Hospital (PA) Universitair Ziekenhuis Antwerpen Department of Pathology (NC)
(AB, Canada) St. Mary Medical Center (CA) (Belgium) Womens and Childrens Hospital (LA)
Queen Elizabeth Hospital (P.E.I, Canada) St. Mary’s Hospital (WI) University College Hospital (Ireland) York Hospital (PA)
Queen Elizabeth Hospital (China) University Hospital (GA) Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Regional
Hospital (AK)
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