Ede Assignment 7
Ede Assignment 7
Ede Assignment 7
Collect loan application forms of nationalize banks/other financial institutions
Name of the Bank: …………
Application to the Committee for a Corrective Action Plan under
Revival & Rehabilitation of MSME
(For Existing Loan Exposure above Rs.10 Lakhs and up to Rs.25Crore)
( To be submitted along with documents as per the check list )
Total (2)
3. Grand Total (1+2)
Reasons of Overdue/Default in Repayment:
G. Financials: (Amount
in Lacs)
Particulars Past Year- Past Present Next Year-I Next Year-
II (Actual) Year-I Year (Projection) II
(Actual) (Estimate) (Projection)
Net Sales
Operating Income)
(%) growth in net sales
over previous year
Operating Profit (after
Operating Profit Margin
Other Income
Profit Before tax
Net Profit Margin (%)
Paid-up Equity Capital/
Tangible Net Worth
Current Ratio
Debt Equity Ratio
Debt Service Coverage
J. Declaration: I/We hereby certify that all information furnished by me/us is true, correct
and completeto the best of my/our knowledge and belief. I/We shall furnish all other
information that may be required by Bank in connection with my/our application. The
information may also be exchanged by you with any agency you may deem fit. You, your
representatives or any other agency as authorised by you, may at any time, inspect/ verify
my/our assets, books of accounts etc. in my/our factory/business premises. You may take
appropriate safeguards/action for recovery of bank’s dues.
CHECK LIST: (The check list is only indicative and not exhaustive and depending
upon the requirementsof banks addition/deletion could be made as per necessity)
1) Last two years audited balance sheets of the units along with income tax/sales tax
return etc.
2) Projected balance sheets for two years in case of working capital limits and for the
period of the loan in case of term loan.
3) Sales achieved during the current financial yearup to the date of submission of
4) Asset & Liability statement ofProprietor/ Partners/ Directors.
5) If funds proposed to be infused by borrower, please specify Sources.
6) Detailed Particulars of securities primary/collateral proposed, if any.
7) Details of all liabilities of the enterprise, including the liabilities owed to the State
or Central Government and unsecured creditors, if any.
8) Detailed note on nature of stress faced by the Enterprise.
9) Suggested remedial measures with the estimated time frame by the Enterprise with
supporting details to justify the action plan /solution.duly supported/vetted by TEV as
the case may be.
Acknowledgement Slip for Application to the Committee for Corrective Action Plan
under Revival & Rehabilitation of MSMEs
Office Copy:
Received form
……………………...(Name & Address)an application dated...........................for corrective
action plan under revival & rehabilitation of MSMEs.
1. This is only an acknowledgement for having received the application and this should not
be construed as an indication of our acceptance of the proposal, a decision on which will
be taken only after due consideration of the proposal on its merit and / or on fulfilment
of conditions if any, that may be stipulated by the Bank.
2. The application will be taken up for consideration only after all the particulars /
data / documents as may be required are received by the Bank.
3. The application will be disposed off within…........days from the date of receipt of all the
details /papers/documents /clarifications sought by the Bank.
4. In case the proposal is rejected/not considered the reasons for the same will be
intimated to the applicant.
Customer copy:
Received form
………...(Name & Address)an application dated...........................for corrective action plan
under revival & rehabilitation of MSMEs.