Lotus Domino Console Commands

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Lotus Domino Commands

Domino Server Tasks

A few lines in NOTES.INI define which server tasks are started when the server starts up, and also which scheduled tasks are to run at various times during the day. The ServerTasks= line lists the tasks to start as the server starts up.

By default, the following tasks are configured to start, depending on how the server has been configured:

y y y y y

y y y y y y

When the Quick and Easy Configuration setup option is selected, the tasks set to start at startup are Router, Replica, Update, AMgr, AdminP, CalConn, Event, Sched , Stats, and Maps. Then other tasks are added depending on which other client audience options are selected: Web Browsers adds HTTP and DIIOP Internet Mail Packages adds IMAP and POP3 News Readers adds NNTP Enterprise Connection Services adds DECs When the Advanced Configuration setup option is selected, the tasks set to start at startup are AdminP, AMgr, Update, Replica, Router, and Maps. Other tasks, such as CalConn, Event, Sched, and Stat, are optionally added if selected. Other tasks are added if they are selected by name. These are: HTTP, DIIOP IMAP, POP3

When the server has been upgraded from 4.x, you are not required to run the setup application after the code has been installed. This means that the original list of startup tasks is retained. Because the Reports task no longer exists in R5 and has been replaced by the Collect task, you must remove it. You also must remove the SMTPMTA statement, since this function has been added to the Router process.

Then, for the scheduled tasks in NOTES.INI, these entries are added as part of the original installation:
ServerTasksAt1=Catalog,Design ServerTasksAt2=UpdAll,Object Collect mailobj.nsf

ServerTasksAt3=Object Info -Full ServerTasksAt5=Statlog

A list of all of the Domino server tasks, their functions, and the specific console commands they accept AdminP
The Administration Process automates many administration tasks. This task has the following commands available to modify its behavior while it is running:
tell adminp process all

Instructs the admin process to process all new and modified immediate/interval/daily/delayed requests.
tell adminp process daily

Instructs the admin process to process all new and modified daily requests.
tell adminp process delayed

Instructs the admin process to process all new and modified delayed requests.
tell adminp process interval

Instructs the admin process to process all immediate and interval requests.
tell adminp process new

Instructs the admin process to process all new requests.

tell adminp process people

Instructs the admin process to process all new and modified requests to update Person records within the Domino Directory.
tell adminp process time

Instructs the admin process to process all new and modified requests to delete mail files that become unlinked.
tell adminp show databases

Lists the databases that an administration server manages, and also lists databases that do not have an administration server configured.

The Agent Manager runs scheduled and triggered agents in Domino databases. This task has the following commands available to modify its behavior while it is running:
tell amgr pause

Pauses the agent manager service, so no new agents can be scheduled for execution on the server.
tell amgr resume

Resumes the agent manager service, so new agents can be scheduled for execution on the server.
tell amgr schedule

Displays the scheduled agents that are to run today, and also the database in which they reside.
tell amgr status

Displays the status of the agent manager, and also configuration information of the agent manager from the server document in the Domino Directory.

Collects the configured usage information for billing.

Calconn (Calendar Connector)

Used to request free/busy time information for users whose mail databases reside on other servers.

Maintains the Domain Catalog, which helps users to find and locate Domino databases and files of interest to them within the Domino domain.

Performs updates of database full text indexes for databases that are configured to be updated hourly or daily. This task is autostarted by Domino and does not need to be added to NOTES.INI in order to run. You can cause this task to run immediately by issuing the commands load chronos daily or load chronos hourly.
Cladmin (Cluster Administration Process)

Ensures correct operation of the Domino application-level cluster.

Cldbdir (Cluster Database Directory Manager)

Maintains the cluster database directory.

Clrepl (Cluster Replicator)

Replicates between servers in a cluster in real time. Cluster replication is event-driven, whereas standard replication is schedule-driven. This task has the following commands available to modify its behavior while it is running:
tell clrepl log

Instructs the cluster replication tasks to immediately log information into the server log database, rather than wait for the defined log interval. Use this command when cluster replication is encountering problems--you can view the log entries for the errors and ensure that the problem is resolved before the next cluster replication attempt.

Collects server activity statistics from one or more servers. This task has the following command available to modify its behavior while it is running:
tell collector collect

Runs the Domino server statistic collection on every server specified and creates statistic reports.

Compact (Database Compaction)

Reorganizes the disk usage by each database in order to free up unused space. The

Compact task can be invoked with the following commands (the various
options can be combined as needed):
load compact [database]

Compacts the database or specified subdirectory.

load compact [database] -S X

Compacts databases with greater than X % free space.

load compact [database] -D

Compacts databases and deletes any built view indexes.

load compact [database] -R

Compacts databases and changes the ODS version to R4 from R5. Used when backing out of an upgrade from R4 to R5.
load compact [database] -M

For R4 databases, sets a maximum size of 4GB and compacts the database.
load compact [database] -b

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