Moodys Analytics Risk Perspectives Risk Finance Accounting
Moodys Analytics Risk Perspectives Risk Finance Accounting
Moodys Analytics Risk Perspectives Risk Finance Accounting
Find additional risk, finance, and accounting articles, interviews, IFRS 9 SURVEY RESULTS 28
and multimedia content at Preparedness for and opinions on IFRS 9 guidelines
EDITORIAL Web Content Managers David Little Dr. Anthony Hughes Michael van Steen
Editor-in-Chief Mary Sitzenstatter Katherine Pilnick Anna Krayn Dr. Yashan Wang
Anna Krayn Meghann Solosy Katerina Soumilova Glenn Levine Ed Young
Ed Young Dr. Juan Licari
Managing Editors ADVISORY BOARD Jing Zhang David Little SPECIAL THANKS
Clemens Frischenschlager Michael Adler Emil Lopez Gus Harris
Katherine Pilnick Michelle Adler CONTRIBUTORS Dr. Samuel W. Malone Mary Hunt
Celia Chen Barnaby Black Michael McDonald Robert King
DESIGN AND LAYOUT Dr. Shirish Chinchalkar María C. Cañamero Travis Nacey
Nancy Michael
Art Directors Danielle Ferry Dr. Shirish Chinchalkar Nihil Patel Salli Schwartz
Chun-Yu Huang Clemens Frischenschlager Christopher Crossen Jeffrey Reiser Stephen Tulenko
Yomi Ikotun Jacob Grotta Cayetano Gea-Carrasco Yagmur Uenal
Anna Krayn Christian Henkel
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Anna Krayn, Editor-in-Chief, introduces this Risk Perspectives edition and its focus on the convergence of Risk,
Finance, and Accounting.
Implementing an IFRS 9 Solution: Challenges Faced by Financial Institutions 8
Cayetano Gea-Carrasco and Nihil Patel
Solving the Counterparty Default Scenario Problem: A 2016 CCAR Case Study 74
Dr. Samuel W. Malone
Reading the Tea Leaves of Recent Regulatory Guidance 84
Anna Krayn, Ed Young, and David Little
Financial entities must adopt IFRS 9 by January
Despite rapid provisioning, coverage (measured
By late 2015, 96% of surveyed regional
1, 2018. as the ratio of reserves to noncurrent loans) fell banks expected challenges in the IFRS 9
Implementing an IFRS 9 Solution: Challenges below 60% in the fourth quarter of 2009, down Impairment phase.
Faced by Financial Institutions. from a typical 100%. IFRS 9 Survey Results.
Page 8 Preparing for the New Impairment Page 28
Requirements: Practitioner's View.
Page 11
Factors influencing vintage-segment
Small business borrowers spend an average of
Crossing the threshold from positive to negative
performance can be conceptually divided into 24 hours on paperwork for bank loans. interest rates may stimulate the economy, as
three classifications. How Banks Can Raise Their Game in Small Central Banks are hoping, but it can also cause
Complying with IFRS 9 Impairment Calculations Business Lending. economic challenges.
for Retail Portfolios. Page 58 Are Deposits Safe Under Negative Interest
Page 48 Rates?
Page 66
For eight bank holding companies, the Fed now
When implementing recent regulatory guidance,
The new AnaCredit regulation proposes that
requires layering a counterparty default scenario there are three common themes to consider. banks report at least 95 data elements regarding
onto standard CCAR exercises, and next- Reading the Tea Leaves of Recent Regulatory exposures’ credit risk.
generation stress tests could feature shocks to Guidance. AnaCredit: A New Approach to Banking
bank interconnectedness. Page 84 Regulatory Compliance.
Solving the Counterparty Default Scenario Page 92
Problem: A 2016 CCAR Case Study.
Page 74
will make financial institutions evaluate have built-in data quality checks and reports,
how economic and credit changes alter and must be able to define or choose ad hoc
their capital and provision levels at each economic forecast and scenarios. It must be
monitoring the development of ECL models need to reflect IFRS 9 calculations and new
addition, multiple processes including those impairment calculation will require higher
in risk, finance, and accounting groups will volumes of data than the current IAS incurred
need to be integrated for the IFRS 9 provision loss model, Basel guidelines, or stress
an IFRS 9 solution requires multiple layers, level analyses, and calculations leveraging
including: risk and finance data aggregation scalable architecture, such as grid computing
layer, ECL calculation engine, general ledger (GL) »» Tax treatment: IFRS 9 may affect effective
reconciliation layer, and reporting and variance tax rates, as some institutions may leverage
analysis layer. IFRS 9 as a tax optimization tool.
calculations and ongoing monitoring. These enable boards and senior management to
This article describes the new standards set forth by the FASB. It
Christian Henkel
covers the history of the ALLL and explains how the recent financial Senior Director – Risk
crisis highlighted the need for new standards. It also suggests how Management
In many cases, the ALLL does little to show the true extent of the credit risk
inherent in a bank’s loan portfolio. That is among the most commonly cited
criticisms of the existing rules. Emil Lopez is a Director in the Moody’s Analytics Risk
Measurement Group, where he leads risk modeling
advisory engagements and manages the team's data
quality, risk reporting, and IFRS 9 research. Prior to
the Current Expected Credit Loss model (CECL), developments since earlier policy statements
joining the group, he oversaw operations for Moody's
for the recognition and measurement of credit and to ensure consistency with Generally Analytics Credit Research Database, one of the world's
losses for loans and debt securities. The final Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). It also largest private firm credit risk data repositories. Emil
standard is expected to be released in June 2016 expanded the scope of coverage to credit unions. has extensive experience in credit risk modeling and
with implementation beginning in 2018. This reporting, data sourcing, and quality control. Emil has
While the 2006 policy statement is the most an MBA from New York University and a BS in Finance
new standard is far more than an exercise in
comprehensive guidance to date – helping to and Business Administration from the University of
financial accounting and bank regulation. It will Vermont.
establish rules and governance and to bring
replace the current incurred loss model with an
together supervisory entities – it was left with
expected loss model, one of the most significant
significant deficiencies that the Great Recession
changes in the history of bank accounting.
would soon reveal.
1 Interagency Policy Statement on the Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses, Federal Reserve, December 2006.
Banks allowed to
deduct loan loss
provisions from tax
Source: Moody's Analytics It is important to first understand how the To help illustrate the point, Figures 2, 3, and
existing guidance is applied in practice. There are 4 show excerpts from an annual report of a
approximately 6,000 banks in the US (far fewer $25 billion commercial bank.
if you consider that more than three-fourths are
For commercial banks, loans and leases
part of a bank holding company, or BHC), and
comprise the majority of their assets, and the
they are all required to report their allowance in
ALLL is the most significant estimate on their
the same way and under the same rules. As we’ll
balance sheets. Commercial banks make loans
discuss later, how they derive at the allowance
to businesses and individuals with the money
estimate will differ considerably.
they raise through issuing deposits and other In this example, the bank set aside $175 million
borrowings, with the objective of getting fully in reserves to account for management’s best
repaid on both the principal and interest on estimate of the NCOs that are likely to be
the loan. However, some borrowers inevitably realized from its $15 billion in loans outstanding,
default on their loans, which often results in given the facts and circumstances as of the
the bank having to charge off all or a portion of evaluation date (December 31, 2015). At the
the debt. On average, the net charge-off (NCO, end of the prior reporting period, the bank held
which is gross charge-offs less recoveries) rate is $159 million in reserves in anticipation of future
about 1%.2 charge-offs. The amount of the allowance is
2 Average annualized quarterly NCO rate for all loans and leases 1984–2015 is 0.91%; FDIC.
December 31,
Federal Home Loan Bank and Federal Reserve Bank stock 188,347 193,290
(In thousands)
(In thousands, except per share data) Years ended December 31,
Interest Expense:
Net interest income after provision for loan and 615,325 591,191
lease losses
Non-interest Income:
Non-interest Expense:
In this case, the bank reported NCOs during the amount of potential loss is unknown, so
fiscal year 2015 of $33.6 million ($43.6 million it is usually estimated on a “pool” basis rather
gross charge-offs and $10.0 million in than an individual basis. That is, the assets are
recoveries) and a provision expense of $49.3 grouped into relatively homogenous groups of
million to arrive at the $175 million allowance. risk characteristics. This segmentation approach
Said another way, the NCOs during 2015 is similar to the approach bank management
reduced the bank’s ALLL by $33.6 million, but might take when determining the appropriate
the bank had to expense through the income risk rating methodology or model for a specific
statement another $49.3 million in order to portfolio. To perform this grouping, the portfolio
ensure the amount of the allowance remained of borrowers is stratified by characteristics such
adequate (i.e., $175 million) for future charge- as sector, size, geography, and loan type before
offs based upon the facts and circumstances at determining the best metrics for estimating
the end of 2015 (Figure 3). future credit risk. Under the existing guidance,
Figure 5 Ratio of reserves to total loans and reserves to noncurrent loans (1985–2015)
Reserves/NCL Reserves/TL
4.0 200%
The Great Recession
Reserves as a Percentage of Outstanding Loans
2.0 100%
0 0%
Source: FDIC
An institution may choose the appropriate “When the [down]turn finally did come, and
impairment measurement method on a pool or the tidal wave of losses began hitting shore,
loan-by-loan basis for an individually impaired banks have had to recognize losses through a
loan, except for a collateral-dependent loan.3 sudden series of increased provisions to the loan
Aside from the fact that these rules are loss reserve, which in turn has more than offset
inherently complex, with several impairment earnings and eaten into precious capital. Stated
models, another critical component of the differently, rather than being counter-cyclical,
existing guidance is the distinction between loan loss provisioning has become decidedly
accrual versus disclosure. As subtle as it may pro-cyclical, magnifying the impact of the
justification for a new impairment model. Post-Crisis Era and Why the Requirements Are
According to the rule, an allowance should Changing
be recorded in the financial statements if it is While many institutions had been interpreting
“probable” that a loss will incur and the amount the existing guidance more broadly and
can be reasonably estimated. Otherwise it increasing reserves proactively as problems
should be disclosed in the notes, or omitted arose, it is hard to argue that the incurred loss
altogether. In practice, this incurred loss model model was working as intended.
delays recognition of loss by only considering Figure 5 shows a 30-year time series of two
past events and current conditions. important financial ratios used when analyzing
In the words of Comptroller of the Currency John asset quality. The bars in the chart, whose values
Dugan in 2009: are associated with the left vertical axis, show
the trend in the amount of reserves held by the
3 Interagency Policy Statement on the Allowance for Loan and Lease Losses, Federal Reserve, December 2006.
4 Comptroller Dugan Urges Less Pro-Cyclical Approach to Reserves, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, March 2009.
Now look at the line in the chart, whose values along with recommendations for potential
are associated with the right vertical axis. changes to the global regulatory environment.
On average, the average ratio of reserves to The July 2009 report issued by the FCAG
noncurrent loans (defined as loans that are 90 contained several recommendations, including
days or more past due or placed on nonaccrual the need to explore alternatives to the incurred
status by the bank) has been 100.16%, loss model for loan loss provisioning that use
indicating that for every $100 of problem loans more forward-looking information. These
the industry has set aside $100 in reserves. alternatives include an expected loss model and
While it is debatable whether banks should be a fair value model.
reserving for the full amount of defaulted loans
While an objective of the joint advisory group
(loss given default is generally less than 100%),
was convergence in accounting standards,
the trend in the two ratios leading into and
the FASB and IASB decided to go in different
through the Great Recession highlights a major
directions. In December 2012, FASB introduced
its proposed accounting standards update,6
In the fourth quarter of 2009, the ratio of known as the Current Expected Credit Loss
reserves to total loans rose to more than 3%, model (CECL). In July 2014, the IASB released
nearly tripling in just two years. In order for the its final impairment rules, known as IFRS 9. The
industry to maintain an allowance that was FASB is expected to release its final standard in
believed to be adequate for future loan losses, June 2016. Figure 6 shows the timeline of key
banks had to record $583 billion in provision events.
expenses from 2008 to 2010. As a direct5
While the two boards did achieve convergence
impact on earnings and capital, this put many
on a number of issues raised by the FCAG, there
institutions in capital preservation mode, which
are two significant distinctions worth noting:
made financing less available for businesses and
»» Impairment under IFRS 9 begins with a
individuals at a time when they needed it most,
classification stage to determine how
exacerbating the downturn.
financial assets and liabilities are measured.
Although the industry was increasing the
The classification is driven by the cash flow
allowance at record pace, it could not keep
characteristics and business model in which
up with the pace of rising problem loans. The
an asset is held, but measurement ultimately
coverage ratio fell to a level not seen since
ends up in a single impairment model being
the savings and loan crisis in the late 1980s
applied to all financial instruments. While
and early 1990s. Despite the costly rapid
FASB’s proposal includes a single impairment
provisioning to boost the ALLL, the ratio of
model, it does not include a classification
reserves to noncurrent loans fell below 60%,
underlining one of the primary limitations of the
»» Under IFRS 9, full lifetime expected losses
incurred loss model.
are to be measured only if credit risk
A New Impairment Model Is Born has increased significantly since initial
In October 2008, in the midst of the financial recognition. Otherwise, the impairment
FASB published
the Exposure Draft
“Proposed Accounting
Standards Update,
Financial Instruments
– Credit Losses.”
Introduced CECL.
IASB published
Exposure Draft,
adding further
support for a
published a
measure of ECL 2Q16
Joint effort supplementary
between FASB document FASB expected
and IASB introducing to release final
to address “Good Book” standards for
reporting issues and “Bad Book” CECL
arising distinction
from the global
financial crisis
Source: FASB
Since the release of the FASB’s accounting for banks that are not SEC registrants.
standards update more than three years ago, Early adoption will be permitted for all
there have been comment periods, deliberations organizations for fiscal years beginning after
draw closer to the soon-to-be-final standard, collected at the reporting date. Not only will
the FASB has released several key decisions to this remove the “probable” threshold in the
date, including the following:7 current approach, but it will also broaden the
»» An entity should apply the CECL model range of information to be considered when
cost, such as loans, debt securities, trade The following paragraphs illustrate some of the
receivables, lease receivables, and any other key changes CECL may bring. There will not be
receivables that represent the contractual a “one size fits all” approach when it comes to
right to receive cash. implementation, a common misconception.
»» An entity should consider available The rules to comply and the presentation of an
information relevant to assessing the entity’s financial statements will largely be the
collectability of contractual cash flows, same from one institution to the next, but how
including information about past events, they arrive at an estimate of expected credit
current conditions, and reasonable and losses will depend on factors unique to the size
»» An entity should consider all contractual cash Measuring Expected Credit Loss
flows over the life of the related financial It is clear that the goal of CECL is to improve
assets (life of loan). the process by which institutions measure
credit risk, to the benefit of third parties and the
»» An entity’s estimate of expected credit losses
institutions themselves.
should always reflect the risk of loss, even
when that risk is remote. The measurement of expected credit loss often
starts with a look to the past as a predictor of
»» Methods to estimate expected credit losses
future performance. By grouping financial assets
may include the following: discounted cash
into pools of similar risk characteristics, an
institution can look to its historical experience its risk measurement process and capabilities.
or the experience of a suitable benchmark for The same recommendation would apply if
those assets. Although no two credit cycles the output of the ratings is not calibrated to a
are the same, reasonable inferences about the specific risk measure such as a PD or expected
future can be made from information from the loss (EL).
past. In fact, that’s the fundamental assumption
Over the last decade, many regional banks and
in the current allowance process and in most
larger community banks have sought to improve
credit risk rating models.
their risk rating practices by making their
CECL will not prescribe a specific methodology internal ratings much less subjective. A common
to be used for measuring expected credit losses, approach has been a bifurcation of credit risk
but a logical approach toward compliance would whereby borrowers are rated on their likelihood
be one that starts with an institution’s current of default (i.e., PD), and credit facilities are rated
risk rating practices, to the extent they are on the severity of loss should default occur
effective at both differentiating the credit risk (i.e., LGD). Through accurate risk measures, an
Figure 7 Quarterly (annualized) charge-off rates: C&I and CRE loans (1985–2015)
Annualized NCO Rate (%)
of borrowers within a portfolio and producing institution can derive an estimate of EL that
a reliable financial measure of credit risk. That could be used not only for managing risk, but
is a limitation with which many institutions also as a foundation for CECL compliance.
struggle. For example, if 80% of the loans in
Incorporating Current Conditions
a relatively diverse commercial loan portfolio
Using historical averages as a basis for deriving
share a similar rating, then it may be necessary
forecasts of credit quality is an approach widely
for management to revisit the effectiveness of
accepted in the banking industry. While such a
Take the energy sector as a very recent and Industrial (C&I) loans over the last 25 years is
relevant example. With oil prices continuing to 0.77%, but it climbed to approximately 2.50%
hover around $40 per barrel as of March 2016 during the recession of 2001 and during the
(compared to roughly $100 per barrel only recent financial crisis. The impact of the credit
two years ago),8 many energy companies are environment is even more pronounced with
defaulting or nearing default on their loans. At Commercial Real Estate (CRE) loans. While the
the same time, to hedge future credit losses, average NCO rate for the same period is 0.62%,
lenders are curtailing lending and seeking to the median is only 0.14%, indicating that loans
reduce exposure as they ramp up reserves. If secured by CRE are usually a safe and low-risk
oil prices continue to remain at a level not seen investment. That is, until the cycle shifts.
since the height of the financial crisis, the $3 During the nine-quarter period between Q3
trillion sector could soon face a funding crisis 2007 and Q4 2009, the industry’s NCO rate
with rippling effects cascading throughout the for CRE loans rose exponentially, from 0.16%
broader economy. to 3.26%. At the end of 2015, the rate of NCOs
Taking a longer view, we can see how current on CRE loans had returned to near zero – below
Figure 8 Term structure of default risk for a low-risk firm and a high-risk firm
4.00% 30.00%
3.50% 25.35%
2.60% 20.00%
Cumulative PD
Cumulative PD
0 0
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
Year Year
Manage Establish Program Perform Financial Impact Perform Gap Develop an Initial
Expectations Governance Analysis Analysis Roadmap
It is quite a different story when compared to properly, CECL should enable institutions to add
the energy sector. to reserves when times are good, in anticipation
By incorporating information about current of a shift in the cycle, and to begin to release
conditions, perhaps as a factor within a model reserves when it appears the worst is behind
Analysis Credit
& Reporting Data
loan forecast of credit losses will be recorded exponential (0.52% x 5)), the cumulative
at origination, thereby mandating reserves be default risk is 2.60%, which is considerably
set aside when a loan is made and maintained less than 3.93%. The opposite is the case with
throughout its contractual life. What’s more, the the high-risk firm, which has a 5.07% one-year
new standard suggests that it is inappropriate PD. On a linear basis, the five-year cumulative
to simply “gross-up” annual measures. Figure default risk is more than 25%; however, on
8 illustrates the difference between a term an empirical basis, the probability of default
structure of default risk calculated on a over five years is only about 18%. These two
purely linear basis and one calculated on an examples highlight the reality that the term
empirically-derived non-linear basis. structure for low-risk firms is increasing
The low-risk firm has a one-year PD of 0.52%. (mathematically, the intercept coefficient is
Assuming a five-year maturity, the cumulative positive), whereas for high-risk firms, the term
increase over a five-year period. When the To summarize, with many institutions
term structure of default risk is calculated by establishing an allowance equal to an estimate
simply multiplying the one-year measure by of NCOs over a one-year horizon, the life-of-
the number of years (i.e., linear rather than loan requirement introduces complexity beyond
Expected credit losses must represent an severity, exposure at default, and/or expected
unbiased estimate using reasonable and losses for the various segments of the portfolio.
supportable information about past events and Some institutions have developed sophisticated
current conditions, as well as forecasts of future model development and validation functions to
economic conditions. To account for forecasts support internal model development. Others
of future economic conditions, institutions will have outsourced some of these capabilities,
need to source economic scenarios internally leveraging the data or expertise of third
or by third parties. They must determine which parties for specific asset classes. Regardless
variables to forecast, the number of possible of the source of these tools, the models must
possible outcomes, and the source(s) of the credit risk throughout the life of the exposure.
economic forecast. Large financial institutions Some institutions have developed credit risk
have developed economic forecasting models for Basel and internal risk management
capabilities for stress testing purposes,10 but purposes. In most cases these will need to be
capability gap for most financial institutions. (most current models estimate credit risk over
a one-year horizon) and to reflect current and
Credit data encompasses the current
forward-looking information.
information required to estimate credit losses
for each of the exposures in the portfolio Institutions must also develop the capability
cash flow profile, etc.). In addition, it includes of impairment calculation, this refers to the
the credit research data required to develop ability to test the sensitivity of the impairment
loss estimation models that are trained using estimates to model assumptions. Sensitivity
historical data. Some institutions will need to analysis could take place in various forms,
develop the capability to integrate all the loan including changing the scenarios or the
accounting and risk profile data into a single probability assigned to each scenario, or using
system for impairment calculations. In addition, alternative credit risk models to estimate credit
firms will need to aggregate historical credit losses. This could be a very manual process, or it
risk data from internal and external sources to could be carried out in a controlled environment
facilitate credit risk model development. with auditability, reporting, and archiving
10 For example, CCAR banks in the US are required to generate firm-specific stressed loss forecasts in addition to the regulatory
features. Ultimately, the idea is to better inform disseminated throughout the organization.
management of the uncertainty around the Accordingly, institutions may need to enhance
impairment estimates. reporting capabilities to address new and
analysis and reporting focus on the operating Large institutions have developed robust data
environment used for impairment calculations. repositories and reporting infrastructures to
Because impairment values are used directly address Basel and stress testing requirements,
in an organization’s financial statements, they but enhanced reporting will pose a particular
require strong governance and controls. Unlike challenge to small and mid-size institutions.
risk parameter estimates used for regulatory Technical footprint, performance, flexibility, and
reporting, risk estimates used for impairment compatibility with existing systems should be
calculation will fall directly under the purview of carefully considered when investing in a new
auditors. The calculation environment will ideally infrastructure solution.
support workflow and overlay management to
define user roles and track overrides to model
While we await the release of the final standard,
estimates. The system will need to integrate
we interpret CECL to be consistent across
the scenarios, data, models, and provision
institutions. However, implementation of the
calculations in a way that facilitates user
rules will be unique to the size, complexity, and
interactivity and auditability.
geographical footprint of the institution. One
In many jurisdictions, reporting requirements size certainly will not fit all. The capabilities
for regulated financial institutions are being required to be compliant will differ throughout
adapted to reflect changes in the impairment the industry, but the mandate to provide
framework. Institutions would be required to stakeholders with actionable information about
explain the drivers of the changes in provisions an institution’s credit risk will not.
between reporting periods. For example, banks
For all its shortcomings, CECL should bring about
may need to separate changes due to new
a more comprehensive view and a disciplined
originations, asset disposal, change in the risk
approach for quantifying the expected credit
of existing loans, and changes due to updates
losses inherent in an institution’s financial
in the estimation methodology. Furthermore,
management may have its own preferences
regarding the analysis and reports that will be
Market Research Sample by Total Assets Main Asset Class of Portfolio Participants by Job Function
C&I Finance 15
13% 7% Risk 8
5 9 11
Other Accounting 8
0 5 10 15 20 25 Res. Financial Reporting 3
<$5b 58% Real
$5-15b $15-30b Estate Other 2
3% Treasury 1
preparation steps. Nearly a third of respondents of their efforts. More than a quarter of those not
had not initiated any work, and almost half currently following an internal ratings-based
were still focusing on their gap analysis. That (IRB) approach were planning on leveraging
leaves a scant 20 percent that had started design the IFRS 9 enhancements to move to an IRB
or building work. Figure 2 shows the status of approach for regulatory capital.
banks’ IFRS 9 implementation progress at the
Anticipated Challenges
time of this survey.
New IFRS 9 guidelines are structured in three
Both country and bank size were found to main phases:
factor into preparedness levels. In Canada, the
1. Classification and Measurement
Netherlands, and the UK, most banks anticipated
investment decisions in 2016, and the largest 2. Impairment
institutions were furthest along. Spanish and 3. Hedge Accounting
Italian banks generally had not begun their IFRS
9 preparations. Banks anticipated that Phase 2, Impairment,
would pose the most challenges. Nearly all
For most banks surveyed, IFRS 9 compliance
respondents expected challenges in this phase,
requires more resources than they have readily
while relatively few foresaw issues in Phases 1
available. Nearly 80 percent of respondents
and 3, as shown in Figure 3.
stated that they were or would be considering
external help for their IFRS 9 compliance Banks expected IFRS 9 to significantly impact
projects. loan origination policies and bank provisioning,
with 80 percent expecting increases in
Banks were, however, planning to make the most
provisions. More than a quarter expected
Gap analysis
32 4%
4% 8%
32% Phase 1: Phase 2: Phase 3:
Classification & Impairment Hedge Accounting
changes to loan origination policies, with The banks interviewed also noted infrastructure
anticipated impacts on data capturing, pricing, challenges of low or medium criticality,
and credit decisioning (Figure 4). including:
This survey found that when addressing »» Issues related to handling larger volume of
impairment, most banks were challenged calculations
with data and modeling demands, with some
»» Data quality due to legacy system issues
infrastructure challenges, as well.
»» Need for improved systems to gain
In terms of data challenges, the most critical
automation and auditability in IFRS 9
challenge for many banks was the lack of
historical data for some portfolios. Banks also
faced a lack of PD data at origination, and some IFRS 9 compliance requires sizable investments
data characteristics which were needed for IFRS by banks, with a primary focus on credit
9 were not previously gathered or stored. modeling to overcome stated challenges. Nearly
75 percent of respondents stated they had
Modeling challenges, the most critical for banks,
defined an IFRS 9 budget to be used for staff
included the following:
cost, fees of external advisors, and tool upgrades.
»» Lack of PD / LGD models for some portfolios
Banks in Austria, Canada, the Netherlands,
»» Lack of robustness in existing PD / LGD and the UK were the most likely to spend a
models significant amount, with almost 40 percent
»» Issues converting Through-the-Cycle (TTC) to reporting that they planned to invest over $1
»» Need for model enhancements to address investment among survey respondents, with
Figure 4 Impact on loan origination policies Figure 5 IFRS 9 impact on resources and business areas
»» More granular data needs to Department with increase of internal resources planned
(# of respondents)
be captured at origination
YES »» Pricing as a result of
28% increased provisions 13
»» Credit decisioning
N/A NO 6
52% 20% 2
staffing to handle IFRS 9 challenges (Figure 5). representative. “There are inconsistencies in
Other main areas of planned investment how financial instruments are accounted for and
included equipment upgrades and third party the balance sheet still will not reflect the real
Risk Practitioner
Conference 2016
Our annual Risk Practitioner Conference brings
together industry experts and leading risk
practitioners from across the globe.
The theme of this year’s Risk Practitioner Conference is The Convergence of Risk, Finance,
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The Risk Practitioner Conference has evolved since its inception 11 years ago, and this evolution reflects
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as a rather unique, regional seminar focused on innovations in credit risk has grown into an event
that attracts risk, finance, and technology professionals from around the world. In response to the
financial crisis, new regulatory forces and governance practices are driving dramatic change in financial
institutions’ management of risk. Stress testing programs implemented by regional banking regulators,
new accounting standards, and more rigorous capital adequacy and liquidity risk requirements are
bringing risk, treasury, and finance functions closer together. Because this is top of mind for financial
institutions, we have organized our program accordingly.
© 2016 Moody's Analytics, Inc. and/or its licensors and affiliates. All rights reserved.
this convergence of risk and finance functions, and Moody’s Analytics is eager to contribute to this
process by facilitating dialogue among industry participants on these important topics.
Introduction: The Revised Impairment Model is increasing the timeliness of loss recognition
and Implementation Challenges and addressing the over-complexity of the
Dr. Yashan Wang IASB published the final version of IFRS 9 in July multiple impairment approaches required under
Senior Director – Research
2014, which marked the completion of replacing the IAS 39 “incurred loss” model.
IAS 39. The revised impairment model aims to
IFRS 9 requires recognition of loss allowance
provide users with more transparent and useful
for expected credit losses at all times. It further
Dr. Yashan Wang is a Senior Director at Moody’s information regarding expected credit losses.
requires that this amount be updated at each
Analytics where he leads the research and quantitative
One of the key differences between the two reporting date to reflect changes in the credit
modeling team for portfolio valuation and balance
sheet analytics. He has led several research initiatives standards, with large implications, is the risk of financial instruments in scope. IFRS
in asset valuation, credit migration, joint credit and clarification and methodology for recognizing 9 provides three approaches for recognizing
interest rate dynamics, and balance sheet analytics. impairment. Under the old IAS 39 “incurred impairment loss:
Yashan has also worked with global clients and
loss” model, impairment depended upon how
provided training and advice on enterprise risk »» A general “three-bucket” approach for regular
a financial instrument was classified. Under the
management, asset and liability management, PPNR, financial instruments
and stress testing. Prior to joining Moody’s Analytics, new IFRS 9 model, impairment measurement
Yashan was an Assistant Professor at the MIT Sloan is the same regardless of instrument type and »» A simplified approach for lease receivables,
School of Management. He has a PhD in Management classification. The new impairment model uses trade receivables, and contract assets without
Science from Columbia University. a significant financing component
a single, forward-looking expected credit loss
model that applies to all types of financial »» A special, “credit-adjusted Effective
instruments within the scope of impairment Interest Rate (EIR)” method for purchased
accounting. The new model requires recognizing or originated credit-impaired financial
expected losses since origination or acquisition instruments
date. The major advantage of the new approach
The new impairment standard applies to all »» Enhancements required for PD/LGD/EAD and
firms reporting under IFRS 9. In particular, loss rate models, in order to achieve IFRS
requirements affect firms holding financial 9-compliant expected credit loss calculation.
instruments such as loans, investments in debt, 1
securities, and intragroup loans must also revise impairment calculation. IFRS 9 requires a more
current impairment loss calculations. granular and dynamic approach for portfolio
Firms must capture and collect historical segmentation. Firms must group financial assets
data and other trend information required for based on shared credit characteristics that
building a forward-looking impairment model typically react in a similar way to the current
and for tracking credit risk migration since the environment and macroeconomic factors. These
origination and recognition of the financial characteristics include instrument type, credit
instrument. Data will include the historical risk ratings, industry, geographical location,
probability of defaults, ratings, loss amount, date of initial recognition, remaining term to
product features, and economic scenario maturity, and underlying collateral. Groupings
variables. Firms may also need to develop are reevaluated and re-segmented whenever
new models and processes or upgrade existing new, relevant information arises, such as a
models in order to identify an increase in change in economic conditions, or when credit
credit risk and calculate one-year or lifetime risk expectations change.
expected losses. Gathering this granular data Determining Significant Changes in Credit
has been ranked the number one challenge by Quality
banks responding to a recent Moody’s Analytics
A true economic loss occurs when current
expected losses exceed initial expectations.
Key Challenges to Implementing IFRS 9 Recognizing lifetime expected credit losses after
Impairment Requirements
a significant risk increase reflects economic loss
The primary methodological and analytical
more accurately in the financial statements. To
challenges that firms may encounter while
determine significant credit deterioration, a firm
implementing an IFRS 9 impairment model will
should consider reasonable and supportable
arise in the following areas:
information available without undue cost or
»» Portfolio segmentation techniques for credit effort, and then compare the following:
risk modeling and expected credit losses
»» Risk of default at the reporting date
»» Risk of default at the date of initial
»» Application of different thresholds for
assessing significant increases in the credit
risk of financial instruments A significant increase in credit risk assessment
1 Investments in equity instruments are outside the scope of the IFRS 9 impairment requirements, because they are accounted
for either at Fair Value through Profit or Loss (FVTPL) or at Fair Value through Other Comprehensive Income (FVOCI), with no
reclassification of any fair value gains or losses to profit or loss (i.e. the FVOCI election for equity instruments).
2 Gea-Carrasco (2015).
»» For instruments with low credit risk, firms can Other institutions may use in-house models
continue to recognize a 12-month allowance. and processes for stress testing and adjust
the forecast for the forward-looking scenario
The low credit risk exemption is often viewed as
rather than the stressed scenarios. Estimating
a suitable approach for wholesale and corporate
“forward-looking,” future economic conditions is
exposures because firms can often map internal
only the first step of the adjustment process, for
grades to external rating agencies. Likewise, the
which institutions may need to develop single
30 days past-due criterion is often applied to
or multiple economic scenarios to calculate
retail portfolios because firms usually cannot
expected credit losses. The most challenging
map the portfolio to external ratings.
aspect of the change may be incorporating the
While IFRS 9 does not explicitly require it, Moody’s Analytics recommends
that banks and insurers consider a more robust and sophisticated “expected
loss approach” for most portfolios.
However, the Basel committee maintains higher macroeconomic factors forecast (interest rates,
expectations for banks implementing IFRS 9. The unemployment, GDP growth, etc.) into the PD/
committee considers both the low credit risk LGD/EAD modeling and, thus, into the expected
exemption and the 30 days past-due criterion credit loss calculation. Adjusted models must
to be a “very low-quality implementation” of an reflect how such changes in factors affected
expected credit loss model. The committee has defaults and losses in the past. However, it is
strong expectations that a bank will not fall back possible that the combination of forecast factors
on the 30 days past-due assumption, unless all may never have been seen historically.
forward-looking information has no substantive
Even if all the IFRS 9-compliant models for
relationship with credit risk. The appropriate
loss rate and the different components in the
approach will vary by the institution’s level of
expected loss approach are readily available,
sophistication, the financial instrument, and data
additional issues will arise when determining the
expected credit loss. Rules require discounting
Expected Credit Loss Calculation the expected cash shortfalls in order to obtain
The IASB acknowledges firms may measure the current value at the reporting date. Current
expected credit losses (ECL) using various regulatory calculations do not discount at all
techniques. While IFRS 9 does not explicitly or discount only from the date of the expected
require it, Moody’s Analytics recommends that default point. Firms will need to modify existing
banks and insurers consider a more robust and systems to better capture the expected timing of
credit losses and to discount future amounts to risk changes after initial recognition affect only
the reporting date. IFRS 9 requires the use of the some exposures within a group, those exposures
effective interest rate at initial recognition when should be segmented out into appropriate
discounting the cash flows. Firms must also subgroups.
backfill the effective interest rate for financial
Determining Significant Changes in Credit
instruments if this information is missing in the
current accounting system. In addition, firms
IFRS 9 requires assessing financial instruments
may need to enhance or replace a current loan
for significant credit risk increases since initial
loss calculation engine to accommodate the
recognition. Firms must use change in lifetime
demanding computational loads of exposure
default risk (considering quantitative and/
level, cash flow-based, lifetime expected credit
or qualitative information), a low credit risk
loss calculations.
exemption, and a rebuttable presumption of 30
Potential Solutions for Implementing the IFRS 9 days past-due. For instruments whose default
Impairment Model
occurrences are not concentrated at a specific
Given these challenges, we next discuss
point in time during the expected life, firms
potential solutions for each of the previous areas
can use changes in one-year in default risk to
of discussion.
approximate changes in lifetime default risk.
Portfolio Segmentation
When using a loss rate approach to measure
Implementing the IFRS 9 impairment model credit risk increases, firms should use changes
results in a granular and dynamic portfolio in credit risk isolated from other expected loss
segmentation scheme. Financial instruments drivers, such as collateral. Also, the loss rates
should be segmented based on shared credit should be applied to groups defined in a similar
risk characteristics. Instruments grouped way to the groups for which the historical credit
together should respond to historical and loss rates are calculated. Since loss rates should
current environments, as well as to forward- incorporate information regarding current and
looking information and macroeconomic factors forward-looking economic conditions, firms
in a similar way, with respect to changes in should apply historical loss rates consistent with
credit risk level. The grouping method should the current and expected economic conditions.
be granular enough to assess changes in credit If the historic economic conditions differ, an
quality leading to migration to a different credit adjustment is needed. A possible approach for
risk rating, thus impacting the estimation of calculating loss rates dependent upon economic
expected credit losses. Segmentation should conditions is to develop a model linking loss
be reevaluated and exposures re-segmented rates with economic variables.
whenever there is relevant new information
PDs can also be used to identify significant credit
or whenever credit risk expectations change.
risk increases. If using PD changes, Moody’s
Most importantly, exposures should not be
Analytics recommends assessing the logarithmic
grouped in such a way that the performance of
change instead of raw changes,3 as the
the segment as a whole masks an increase in
significance of a specific change in PD depends
a particular exposure’s credit risk. When credit
on the starting point.
3 Logarithmic changes are similar to percentage changes for small fluctuations. However, logarithmic changes have more
desirable properties, as they are symmetric and additive.
by the regulator, which are not suitable for IFRS parameter that represents the credit
9 requirements. However, banks estimate PD cycle.
under both FIRB and AIRB, which can be used as »» Another option for incorporating
a starting point for calculating IFRS 9-compliant forward-looking information into an
PDs. existing PD is to use a stress testing
approach, where the projected PD
In order to use the Basel framework to obtain
depends upon particular economic
PDs for the IFRS 9 calculation, firms should
consider the following adjustments:
»» A third option is to develop a PD
I. Align the Basel definition of default and the
model that incorporates the current
institution’s risk management practice.
explanatory variables as well as
IFRS 9 states that firms shall apply a
forward-looking variables, such as
definition of default consistent with the
forecasts of macroeconomic variables
definition used for internal credit risk
and/or signals from the equity market.
management purposes. However, there is a
rebuttable presumption that a default does In addition to the aforementioned three
not occur later than when the instrument approaches used for developing the PD
is 90 days past-due. The firm may rebut model, firms can also consider simulating
the presumption if it has reasonable and individual loan and collateral performance,
regarding current conditions and forecasts To calculate lifetime expected loss, users
of future conditions, TTC PDs require a cycle must construct a term structure of PDs
4 While there is no universally agreed-upon definition, the conventional view is that a rating system or a PD model with outputs
that remain relatively stable across different macroeconomic conditions is a TTC system.
5 See Belkin, Suchower, & Forest (1998a, 1998b); Aguais, et al. (2004, 2006).
Some firms also develop internal LGD models Alternatively, firms can develop an LGD
for Basel and risk management purposes, which model that uses the most up-to-date
they can leverage for IFRS 9. To use the Basel information at each point in time. The
framework to obtain IFRS 9-compatible LGDs, resulting LGD requires that each explanatory
firms should make the following adjustments: variable is forecast for the entire lifetime
of each loan, but it does not require an
I. Remove the downturn component.
assumption on the LGD term structure.
IFRS 9 states expected loss estimations
should reflect current and forward-looking V. Other adjustments.
expected losses, not downturn economic Basel LGD estimations may include indirect
conditions. This method disregards the costs related to collecting on the exposure
for IFRS 9 purposes, the downturn component not include these components, they must be
6 Under the Standardized and the Foundation Internal Ratings-based Approaches, firms have less flexibility with EAD calculation.
7 Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (2015).
horizon in order to cover the expected life of for calculating the 12-month or lifetime expected
the financial instrument. losses, including the expected loss approach
based on PD/LGD/EAD modeling or loss rate
Loss Rate Method approach. These models can be developed
Unlike the PD/LGD/EAD modeling approach internally or provided by vendors.
discussed above, loss rate models estimate credit
Credit risk models developed for Basel capital
losses by aggregating PD, LGD, and EAD. These
requirement calculation or stress testing
models are often used for short-term portfolios
purposes can be leveraged for IFRS 9 expected
such as credit cards, trade and lease receivables,
credit loss calculation as well. The forward-
and some non-material exposures. In addition,
looking information required by IFRS 9 can be
medium- or small-sized firms often rely on these
incorporated into credit risk models based on
simple modeling approaches for loss allowance
signals from macroeconomic variables or from
the equity or debt markets. Possible approaches
Commonly used loss rate models include: for incorporating forward-looking information
»» Net charge-off rate model include transition matrices, scenario-dependent
estimations, and simulation approaches. Firms
»» Roll-rate model
must extend the one-year PD, LGD, and EAD
»» Vintage loss curve model estimations to the instrument’s lifetime, for
which different statistical techniques can be
used. Possible techniques include transition
To address the new IFRS 9 impairment model
matrices, time-dependent models, separate
requirements, we recommend firms use a more
models for different time horizons, and models
granular and dynamic approach for portfolio
that use the most up-to-date information at
segmentation by grouping financial assets
each point in time. Further, institutions will need
based on shared credit characteristics that
to incorporate specific adjustments to models
typically react in a similar way to the current
developed for Basel requirements.
environment and forward-looking information.
Firms can implement different credit risk models
Aguais, Scott, et al., M. Ong (ed.), Designing and Implementing a Basel II Compliant PIT-TTC Ratings Framework, The Basel
Handbook: A Guide for Financial Practitioners, London: Risk Books, 2006.
Aguais, Scott, et al., M. Ong (ed.), Point-in-Time versus Through-the-Cycle Ratings, The Basel Handbook: A Guide for Financial
Practitioners, London: Risk Books, 2004.
Bao, Eric, Maria Buitrago, Jun Chen, Yanping Pan, Yashan Wang, Jing Zhang, and Janet Zhao, IFRS 9 Impairment Regulations:
Implementation Challenges and Potential Solutions, Moody’s Analytics white paper, December 2015.
Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, Guidance on Accounting for Expected Credit Losses, February 2015.
Belkin, Barry, Stephan Suchower, and Lawrence Forest, The Effect of Systematic Credit Risk on Loan Portfolios and Loan Pricing,
Credit-Metrics Monitor, pp 17-28, 1998a.
Belkin, Barry, Stephan Suchower, and Lawrence Forest, A One-Parameter Representation of Credit Risk and Transition Matrices,
Credit-Metrics Monitor, pp 17-28, 1998b.
Deloitte, Fifth Global IFRS Banking Survey: Finding Your Way, September 2015.
Ernst and Young, Facing the Challenges: Business implications of IFRS 4, 9 and Solvency II for insurers, 2015.
Gea-Carrasco, Cayetano, IFRS 9 Will Significantly Impact Banks’ Provisions and Financial Statements, Risk Perspectives Magazine,
June 2015, Moody’s Analytics.
International Accounting Standards Board, International Financial Reporting Standard: IFRS 9 Financial Instruments, July 2014.
International Accounting Standards Board, Implementation Guidance: IFRS 9 Financial Instruments, July 2014.
International Accounting Standards Board, Basis for Conclusions: IFRS 9 Financial Instruments, July 2014.
International Accounting Standards Board, IFRS 9 Project Summary, July 2014.
McPhail, Joseph and Lihong McPhail, Forecasting Lifetime Credit Losses: Modeling Considerations for Complying with the New FASB
and IASB Current Expected Credit Loss Models, Working paper, 2014.
1 See paragraph 54 of IFRS staff paper, Transition Resource Group for Impairment of Financial Instruments, December 11, 2015
The report concludes with an example from the the third approach uses an unconditional PD
wholesale lending space, which illustrates three that does not require a specific macro scenario
Dr. Juan M. Licari
different approaches to IFRS 9 compliance. or probability weighting. Similarly, there is an Managing Director, Chief
upper limit to the number of scenarios that may International Economist
How Many Macroeconomic Scenarios?
be appropriate. Section BC5.265 suggests,2 “The
The IFRS 9 standard does not explicitly define
calculation of an expected value need not be
the number of macroeconomic scenarios that Dr. Juan M. Licari is a managing director at Moody's
a rigorous mathematical exercise whereby an
should be used for impairment calculations. Item Analytics and the head of the Economic and Consumer
entity identifies every single possible outcome Credit Analytics team in EMEA. Dr. Licari’s team
B5.5.42 is again instructive:
and its probability,” so the requirement of a provides consulting support to major industry players,
builds econometric tools to model credit phenomena,
and has implemented several stress testing platforms
to quantify portfolio risk exposure. He has a PhD
The language used by IFRS 9 is intentionally vague, and the interpretation
and an MA in economics from the University of
of the number and type of economic scenarios will differ by firm, portfolio Pennsylvania and graduated summa cum laude from
complexity, geographical spread, and local regulator. the National University of Cordoba in Argentina.
"In practice, this may not need to be a complex simulation-based approach over thousands of
analysis. In some cases, relatively simple scenarios can be disregarded.
modelling may be sufficient, without the need
The language used by the standard is
for a large number of detailed simulations of
intentionally vague (“at least two”), and the
scenarios. For example, the average credit losses
interpretation of the number and type of
of a large group of financial instruments with
economic scenarios will differ by firm and
shared risk characteristics may be a reasonable
portfolio complexity. In this article, we outline
estimate of the probability-weighted amount. In
three approaches, two of which use multiple
other situations, the identification of scenarios
economic scenarios covering both upside and
that specify the amount and timing of the cash
downside possibilities. This seems appropriate for
flows for particular outcomes and the estimated
most firms and most portfolios as the standard
probability of those outcomes will probably be
is designed for firms to consider a representative
needed. In those situations, the expected credit
sample of the complete distribution.3 The
losses shall reflect at least two outcomes in
framework can be extended to incorporate more
accordance with paragraph 5.5.18.” (Emphasis
scenarios or greater complexity.
How to Ensure an Unbiased Probability-
In some limited cases, then, the use of one or
Weighted Outcome Using Alternative
even zero economic scenarios may be sufficient. Macroeconomic Scenarios
The illustrative example below, from the Moody’s Analytics economics division produces
wholesale sector, outlines three approaches monthly off-the-shelf macroeconomic forecasts
to the problem. The first two methods utilize under a baseline scenario and several alternative
macro scenarios and probability weights, while economic scenarios, known as S1 through S4.
2 See Page 5, Section 10, of Incorporation of forward-looking scenarios by the Transition Resource Group (IFRS staff paper,
December 11, 2015).
3 See paragraph 46(b) of IFRS staff paper.
The baseline is a 50% scenario, implying a 50% may not be appropriate. (Other economists may
probability that the actual outcome is worse forecast the mode – the most likely outcome –
than the baseline forecast, broadly speaking, and which is also inappropriate, without overlays,
a 50% probability that the outcome is better. within IFRS 9.) These scenario probabilities
Similarly, the S1 upside scenario has a 10% describe a cumulative distribution function
probability attached to it (10% probability that (CDF) showing probabilities for the economy to
the outcome is better; 90% probability that perform better or worse than a given forecast
scenario; S3 is a 10% downside scenario; and S4 An expected value can be derived from a CDF in
is a 4% downside scenario. Moody’s Analytics two ways. First, we could “integrate” the CDF to
LO S4 S3 S2 BL S1 H1
also internally produces two “bookend” calculate the area under the curve. This would
scenarios, which are 1-in-10,000 probability give a single mean economic outcome that could
events that describe the upper and lower bounds be conditioned on in expected loss calculations.
of possible economic outcomes. These bookend However, as will be discussed later, it may be
scenarios help to illustrate the theoretical preferable to use several economic scenarios,
approach, but were excluded from the following push these scenarios across credit expected
wholesale example as the guidance recommends loss inputs (PDs, EADs, LGDs), and then weight
that firms “should not estimate a worst-case these scenario-conditional risk parameters by
scenario nor the best-case scenario.”4 the scenario probabilities. A second option is
The baseline scenario is therefore the median to “differentiate” the CDF, or take its slope at
outcome, and not the mean. The IFRS 9 each point, to produce a probability distribution
function (PDF). Figure 2 describes the PDF using scenario may not be appropriate if the
US GDP (in billions of 2009 USD). relationship between credit losses and the
We can calculate an expected value by using macroeconomy is nonlinear. This will often be
the probability masses from this PDF to weight the case in a properly specified credit model.
either the economic data or the credit outcomes Moreover, even if the credit estimate is unbiased,
conditioned on that economic data, depending a single weighted scenario may be undesirable
on which stage of the process the weights are as the standard emphasizes evaluating a range
LO-S4 S4-S3 S3-S2 S2-BL BL-SL S1-H1
example, using the above approach, should the Firm A models its expected credit losses under a
probability weights be applied to the economic single, probability-weighted economic scenario,
data to produce a single, probability-weighted showing only mild credit losses under this
economic scenario which is then put through scenario. Firm B, however, uses several economic
the credit model? Or should the user put all scenarios and notices that while its expected
relevant scenarios through the credit model probability-weighted credit losses are modest,
and then apply the scenario weights to obtain a its losses under a sharp recession (such as S4)
probability-weighted credit outcome? are severe enough to put it out of business.
Public discussion at the Transition Resource From an accounting perspective, both Firm A and
Group for Impairment of Financial Instruments Firm B may recognize similar expected losses
emphasized that using a single macroeconomic under IFRS 9. Yet from a statistical perspective,
Figure 3 JP Morgan, scenario conditional 1-year PD curves & weighted average (expected value)
1 Weighted Average
Jan-15 Jan-15 Jan-16 July-15 Jan-15 Jan-18 Jan-18
5 A modeling approach for retail portfolios is detailed in Black, Chinchalkar, & Licari, Complying with IFRS 9 Impairment
Calculations for Retail Portfolios, Risk Perspectives Magazine, June 2016, Moody’s Analytics
6 The IFRS staff paper outlines three approaches that broadly mirror the three options, plus a fourth possibility which uses the
modal or most likely economic scenario in combination with a qualitative overlay. Our recommendations borrow heavily from
this directive.
simply use the eight-year EDF as a measure Figure 5 summarizes the results using the two-
of lifetime PD. The resulting EL calculation year cumulative PD from each approach.
can be considered a weighted distribution
Concluding Remarks
of economic scenarios. That is, the EDF
In this article we have analyzed the use of
metric combines data from a firm’s balance
macroeconomic scenarios as part of the
sheet with the firm’s stock price, which is
forward-looking, probability-weighted IFRS 9
also the market’s expectation of discounted
framework. Some of the key questions around
future profits, with every possible profit path
the practical use of alternative scenarios and
weighted by the probability of that path
their probabilities have been answered, and a
History (EDF)
EDF (%)
Jan-15 Jan-15 Jan-16 July-16 Jan-17 Jan-17 Jan-18 Jan-18
Two-Year Cumulative PD
1. Probability weighted on the SEDFs 1.19
2. Probability weighted on the economic scenarios 0.86
3. Unconditional EDF 0.91
occurring. The measure is also unbiased by case study illustrates these concepts in practice.
the construction of the EDF model, which is We argue in favor of leveraging a handful of
calibrated to physical default probabilities alternative forecasts in order to comply with
using Moody’s Analytics default database. recent regulation. The shape and severity of the
scenarios can vary over industries and firms,
All three options may be suitable in different but the regulatory language is fairly clear when
situations, depending on the relationship requesting the need to account for alternative
between credit risk and the macroeconomy and outcomes under a probability-weighted
the desired objective of the reporting process. framework.
A bottom-up approach has the advantage that Segment-level models are easier to build
the results are naturally available at the highest because they typically require less data. The
Dr. Juan M. Licari
level of granularity. The explanatory variables, performance variables of interest can be Managing Director, Chief
such as loan and borrower characteristics and directly modeled as a function of segment-level International Economist
macroeconomic variables, are used at the loan characteristics. Models can be implemented
level. Likewise, the performance variables, such faster.
Dr. Juan M. Licari is a managing director at Moody's
as defaults, prepayments, cash flows, and losses,
Segment-level models are better suited to Analytics and the head of the Economic and Consumer
are modeled at the loan level. Heterogeneity Credit Analytics team in EMEA. Dr. Licari’s team
homogeneous portfolios. When a portfolio
of the loan characteristics can be easily provides consulting support to major industry players,
consists of heterogeneous assets, several
accommodated. builds econometric tools to model credit phenomena,
segments are needed in order to accurately
and has implemented several stress testing platforms
Building loan-level models requires reliable model the portfolio along multiple dimensions. to quantify portfolio risk exposure. He has a PhD
historical loan-level data. This can be onerous If portfolio composition changes through time or and an MA in economics from the University of
and expensive. If the loan-level data is not if assets migrate from one segment to another, Pennsylvania and graduated summa cum laude from
the National University of Cordoba in Argentina.
reliable, the models that are built may have to greater care is needed in segmenting the
be recalibrated. The implementation can also portfolio.
require additional resources. In situations where
The suitability of a particular model will thus
the portfolio consists of a large number of
depend on the type of collateral and the
homogeneous assets, a loan-level approach may
portfolio composition.
not be necessary.
A bottom-up approach has the advantage that the results are naturally
available at the highest level of granularity. Heterogeneity of the loan
characteristics can be easily accommodated.
An econometric model of the retail assets, as time passes if the credit risk is unchanged and
whether it is done at the cohort level or the the financial instrument is closer to maturity.”
loan level, involves relating the performance of An econometric panel data modeling approach
the assets to macroeconomic factors. Once this can help identify a forward-looking lifetime
relationship is established, forecasting the losses PD at the latest reporting date, but a question
or determining the lifetime PD requires using is raised concerning if and how to determine a
these models on prescribed scenarios. forward-looking lifetime PD at origination. To
One way to include forward-looking information use forward-looking information historically, one
is to incorporate econometric panel data models could either leverage historical macroeconomic
that will give risk parameter forecasts under scenarios on a monthly basis, or adjust
multiple scenarios. As the stage allocation origination PDs with historical macroeconomic
should use the change in the risk of a default data (i.e., utilizing what has actually happened in
occurring over the expected life of the financial the economy since origination).
instrument, banks need to determine the extent Our recommendation is to incorporate forward-
to which forward-looking information will be looking information into the assessment of
included in lifetime PDs. lifetime PDs for lending originated solely after
Our interpretation of the quantitative metric the implementation of IFRS 9. For lending
the change in the lifetime PD of an instrument IFRS 9, lifetime PDs at origination can reflect
since origination, relative to age. The caveat the assessment of credit risk at the time of
that the change is relative to age is essential origination, which may not include forward-
for retail portfolios, as the lifetime PD will looking information. The usage of historical
depend on time until derecognition (retail origination PDs for instruments originated prior
since-origination). This is highlighted in appendix »» Prior to the introduction of IFRS 9, there was
paragraph B5.5.11 of the standard: no explicit requirement for forward-looking
»» The work required to adjust historical PDs product type, region, or LTV band.
to incorporate forward-looking information
Factors influencing vintage-segment
would be considerable, going against the
performance can be conceptually divided
clause to “use information that is available
into three classifications: the lifecycle trends
without undue cost or effort” (B7.2.2).
depending on a loan’s age-on-books (seasoning),
The rationale behind stage allocation, which the factors indicating the quality of a vintage,
requires origination PD, is to compare the current and the characteristics of the current economic
view of default risk with the view that was held environment that depend only on calendar time.
when the lending was agreed and the product Other effects also operate across more than one
was priced. To adjust the origination PDs for of these main categories and can be modeled
data) would be inconsistent with this aim. of each of these types of effects in isolation is
The only adjustments that should be made to essential to understanding the multidimensional
origination PDs are ensuring these are unbiased nature of the data and the models used to
point-in-time best estimates of the lifetime PD. forecast it. Using this approach on a panel data
of marginal default rates and loss rates can help
In summary, our recommendation to address
provide 12-month and lifetime ECL.
the forward-looking aspect of the standard is to
use panel data (vintage or loan-level models) Consider a bank that already has 12-month
using macroeconomic drivers for retail portfolios. Point-in-Time (PiT) Basel models or 12-month
These granular-level outputs can be calibrated Through-the-Cycle (TTC) models with an easily
to instrument-level figures, if required, before extractable PiT component. The bank can
The inclusion of macroeconomic variables allows process that leverages the vintage-level outputs
the estimation of ECL under several different to provide account-level lifetime expected
scenarios and the generation of probability- credit losses that are consistent with the Basel
a range of forecasts and the non-linearity in the For banks that use 12-month TTC models, with
ECL calculation. no possibility of extracting PiT outputs, our
proposal is to use a vintage-level panel data
How to Calculate Unbiased Point-in-Time
Estimates modeling approach to estimate 12-month and
Paragraph 5.5.17(a) of the standard states lifetime ECL. The distribution of TTC PDs for a
that an entity shall measure ECL of a financial given vintage can then be used as a benchmark
instrument in a way that reflects an unbiased to define the ranking distribution of the account
amount. Therefore, banks need to consider PiT PDs around the new vintage-level mean.
if and how their existing capital models and When using a loan-level model, an unbiased
methodologies can be leveraged. This decision point-in-time estimate can be obtained by
will likely be driven by the level at which using models that incorporate lifecycle effects
downturn adjustments are incorporated into and macroeconomic factors. Using survival
their existing models. models, the dependence of the PD of a loan on
Banks that lack suitable models for IFRS its seasoning can be captured. Therefore, newly
9 purposes can use a panel data modeling originated loans will behave differently from
approach where the data is split by vintages. For seasoned loans. Loan-level models use past
PD modeling, the vintages refer to the month information through changes in macroeconomic
or quarter of origination, whereas for LGD variables such as home prices and
modeling, the vintages refer to the month or unemployment rates from loan origination to the
quarter of default. Data can be split by further reporting date, and forward-looking information
levels of client-specific segmentation such as such as future changes in macroeconomic
and the entity’s contractual ability to demand of the standard defines the significant increase
repayment and cancel the undrawn commitment in credit risk as a significant “change in the risk
does not limit the entity’s exposure to credit of a default occurring over the expected life of
losses to the contractual notice period. For such the financial instrument.” This suggests that
financial instruments, and only those financial the decision should be based on the change
instruments, the entity shall measure expected in the lifetime PD since origination; however,
credit losses over the period that the entity there is little guidance around what quantifies
is exposed to credit risk and expected credit a significant change. We need to first define
losses would not be mitigated by credit risk this change in the risk of default and then set
management actions, even if that period extends a threshold to determine what constitutes a
beyond the maximum contractual period.” significant increase. There are many options
In order to measure over the expected period for the exact metric by which to allocate
that these entities are exposed to credit risk, instruments into stages for retail portfolios.
1 Further discussion on generating scenarios and their associated probabilities can be found in Black, Levine, & Licari, Probability-
Weighted Outcomes Under IFRS 9: A Macroeconomic Approach, Risk Perspectives Magazine, June 2016, Moody’s Analytics.
PD forecast compares the lifetime PD at the Whether the absolute distance differs across
latest reporting month (at age α) with the age would need to be assessed. It is likely that
lifetime PD forecast at origination for the the age dimension would remain essential in
instrument once it reaches age α. In Figure 1, a setting the threshold using the absolute change.
vintage of instruments are modeled using the Our recommendation is thus to consider the
panel data modeling approach to give a vintage relative change in the age-specific lifetime PD
lifetime PD curve. The panel data approach forecast. This has the caveat of paragraph 5.5.10
models marginal default rates that can be as mentioned, which states that low values at
accumulated to give the lifetime PD curve. origination can have notable increases but still
Similarly, the marginal default rates can be be classified as stage 1.
accumulated into 12-month PD curves over age.
Considering the options for determining the
The vintage 12-month PD curve can be calibrated
metric above has helped identify some of the
against Basel 12-month PDs to give instrument-
dimensions that need to be assessed when
specific 12-month PD curves through the
quantitatively setting a threshold for stage
Figure 1 Lifetime PD
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
allocation. Below are some of the key areas for Concluding Remarks
consideration: In this paper, we have addressed several
»» The size of the lifetime PD at origination important considerations in the modeling and
implementation of the IFRS 9 standard for retail
»» The age of the instrument at the latest
portfolios. We have shown how these guidelines
reporting date
should be interpreted and how they can be
»» The length of the lifetime remaining incorporated into loan-level and segment/
»» The product type vintage-level models. We have looked to address
some of the key IFRS 9 issues facing banks with
Besides the quantitative assessment, entities a focus on a retail perspective. What is clear
also need to consider whether to rebut the from discussing these issues with peers across
presumption that a financial asset’s PD has the globe is that the standard leaves room for
increased significantly since initial recognition interpretation in defining methodologies to
when contractual payments are more than reach IFRS 9-compliant impairment models.
30 days past due. On top of this, a qualitative Time will tell as to whether any specificities
assessment is recommended for identifying any of methodology design become enforced by
changes in behavior that are not immediately regulators.
captured in an entity’s default definition.
often offering turnaround times for credit by a down credit cycle. Delinquency rates and
decisions in less than a day. A recent Morgan net charge-offs for business loans at banks are
Stanley report estimated that online lenders the lowest they’ve been in more than three
granted nearly $8 billion in credit to small decades. Some online lenders are using new
businesses in 2015, reflecting year-on-year techniques and information, like social data and
growth of 68%. At the current rate, they
educational backgrounds of borrowers, that are
estimate online lending could claim as much as contributing to approval rates well above those
20% of the small business loan market in the at banks and credit unions (Figure 2).
next five years.
Total small bus. loans, $ mill Small bus. loans / Total bus. loans
500,000 28%
Source: FDIC
3 Rudegeair, Peter & James Sterngold, Online Lenders Deluge Small Business, The Wall Street Journal, October 1, 2015.
Figure 2 Small business loan approval rates by type of lender, February 2016
Alternative Small banks Credit unions Large banks
Despite these activities, regulators and advocacy of marketplace lenders in combination with
groups are starting to put increased scrutiny on their traditional strengths in credit and risk
alternative lenders as loan volume has increased. management to better serve small businesses.
A recent paper by the Consumer Financial Some have begun developing similar process
Protection Bureau considers expanding the scope capabilities or partnering with online providers
of consumer protection to small business loans,4 for prospecting, onboarding, and information-
and the Treasury Department closed a comment gathering, but these activities are still in their
period on marketplace lending in September infancy. Traditional lenders that act now to
2015. More regulation is likely to follow, streamline and improve their small business
particularly in the areas of disclosure, predatory lending practices will be best equipped to
lending, and sales tactics. address the funding needs of their small
Third, while small business borrowers clearly business customers and remain competitive and
respond to the ease of getting credit quickly from profitable as new players emerge.
4 Outline of Proposals Under Consideration and Alternatives Considered, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, March 2015.
Banks often collect customer and third-party entangled that it can be nearly impossible to
information on paper or through static files adopt new technologies that could dramatically
that require data to be manually keyed into streamline workflows. Together, these
approaches contribute to labor-intensive
Difficult 21%
application 52%
process 51%
Unfavorable 51%
repayment 15%
terms 16%
High interest
rate 15%
of bank CIOs plan to increase their technology The emergence of marketplace lenders as
spending on lending platforms in 2016.5 So far, significant competitors makes this a more
that spending has focused mostly on banks’ urgent problem. Some are starting to do auto-
internal processes, and often it is invested in decisioning on loans to small businesses and
rebuilding or replacing in-house proprietary moving up the size scale quickly, granting and
systems with similarly customized internal funding six-figure loans in days.
platforms that will face obsolescence in only a
Banks can address this challenge by
few years. Meanwhile, banks often continue to
standardizing their credit analyses of small
overlook the customer-facing systems and tools
businesses through adoption of automated
on which marketplace lenders win.
spreading and quantitative scoring models for
There is an opportunity to do a lot more. larger loan sizes. These models should heavily
Streamlining banks’ internal processes and weight the fundamental financial information
offering customer tools that match the for the business that has proven to be most
experience provided by online lenders will predictive of future default, while incorporating
require active divestment in legacy systems, basic behavioral elements that are indicative of
not just the introduction of new tools overlaid small business credit risk.
on dysfunctional or inefficient processes. To
Our research has found that complementing
avoid legacy problems, banks must design new,
financial data with limited, relatively easy-
modular systems and processes that leverage
to-provide information on the prospective
cloud technology, APIs, and web tools, and
borrower’s relationship with the bank, available
require less customization and implementation
5 Terris, Harry, Banks to Spend More on Tech in 2016 – Especially Security, American Banker, October 15, 2015.
credit line utilization, and past delinquency their customers do business can become more
substantially increases accuracy while preserving valuable partners to their customers and create
the efficiency of model-based decisioning. new lending opportunities in this segment.
Incorporating these elements leads to higher
Raising the Game
predictive power among small businesses than
Strong demand for small business credit
existing financial-only or behavioral-only models
is expected to continue unabated. Online
based on 30 years of historical data. Scoring
and marketplace lenders will continue to
tools that utilize this information can also be
disrupt the small business lending industry by
used more proactively for early warning and loan
changing customer expectations with high-
monitoring, helping lenders prioritize credits
speed, technology-facilitated loan decisions,
warranting more scrutiny based on changes in
more accessible credit information, and vastly
improved customer experiences. At the same
Borrower Education and Enablement time, alternative sources of funding will continue
The 2015 Small Business Credit Survey shows to expand the population of the “bankable”
that one-sixth of employer firms that didn’t beyond businesses and individuals with
apply for credit were discouraged either because traditional scores, making new types of data
they felt they would not qualify or because and new approaches to modeling increasingly
they thought the process would be too arduous important. Across the industry, the rapid
to justify the time commitment. At the same evolution of technology and new sources of
time, banks continue to be the primary and data will shorten the time to obsolescence of in-
most trusted sources of information for small house, customized, non-modular platforms and
business borrowers – 73% of applicants asked of existing decisioning models.
their bankers for financing advice according to
It is critical for banks to modernize the small
the Fed’s research.
business lending process now to remain
Banks have an opportunity to solidify their competitive. This means divesting of heavy,
position as trusted advisors to their business obsolete, customized systems and adopting
customers and prospects by providing education modular cloud-based technologies for rapid
and tools that help the borrower understand deployment and agility. It means automating
their credit standing before they apply for a processes that are typically done manually
loan. Resources that provide a credit score and leveraging workflow solutions that speed
and simple, accessible information to help the the process. It means buying into automated
user understand what is driving it would go scoring solutions and innovative use of data to
a long way toward addressing this untapped inform rapid and consistent decisioning, while
market. Consumer tools abound in this area, maintaining a position of strength in traditional
but there are few that equip businesses to credit and risk management. And most of all, it
better understand and manage their credit means investing in the customer experience to
positions. Banks that provide such tools in ways make it easy, fast, transparent, and adapted to
that are adapted to when, where, and how the way small businesses operate.
Banks want to maintain a consistent deposit base so they can avoid using
other, more expensive sources of capital to fund their activities.
More recently, a few countries have tried a new control the interest and noninterest costs of
tack that involves charging banks for depositing retaining these depositors, especially given the
reserve funds in the vaults of the central bank. tight profit margins imposed from the asset
Such policies have been implemented in side of the ledger. Bear in mind that many large
Japan, which has been a pioneer in the use of banks are restricted from increasing the riskiness
radical monetary stimulation techniques; the of their asset holdings due to the firm grip
eurozone; Switzerland; Denmark; and Sweden. being applied by regulators in every advanced
The possibility that the US could chart a similar economy around the world.
course cannot be easily dismissed.
Serious questions emerge regarding the effect
On the asset side of the balance sheet, such of negative central bank deposit rates on the
a move is likely to have symmetric effects on volume of deposits actually held. If, under
commercial bank activity. With zero or razor-thin negative rates, households and businesses
deposit rates, interest revenue earned by banks continue to demand bank services to store their
accumulated wealth in a risk-free manner, banks In more pointed analysis, Poi, Malone, Hughes,
will be able to divert their attention to more and Zandi3 considered the effect of quantitative
profitable lending activities. Some, though, easing policies (and their subsequent reversal) on
fear that negative rates will cause an exodus of the deposit base held by US and Japanese banks.
depositors, forcing banks to raise capital from Using a variety of champion and challenger
other places or to curtail their money-making models for both jurisdictions, they found only
operations. This paper seeks to cast some marginal overall effects of the radical policies on
light on these issues from a macroeconomic the size of the deposit pie. The implication is that
perspective. if central banks want to “push on the string” in a
very low interest rate environment, or to remove
Building on Previous Research
said impetus from said ligature, it will have little
Moody’s Analytics has previously engaged
overall effect on bank holdings of deposits.
in numerous studies of the effect of stressed
economies on the aggregate deposit base. For The analysis in this paper should be viewed as an
example, Hughes looked at developing CCAR-
1 extension of earlier work.
style stress testing models for total US deposits We will begin by taking a theoretical look at the
in various categories. While the mix of deposits problem of negative rates and try to identify
held in a range of products is acutely affected key factors that may influence the volume of
by macroeconomic effects, the overall level of deposits held in the economy. This discussion
funds held by banks tends to be only marginally will then be used to guide an empirical study
impacted by generic macro stress. Recessions do that will seek to tease out the asymmetries that
cause growth to slow, but typically with quite exist in the relationship between deposits and
a long lag. Lower interest rates, holding all else interest rates. We will follow a similar approach
equal, tend to push clients away from CDs and to that used by Poi et al. and seek to identify
term deposits in favor of more convenient forms the most useful test case for empirical analysis.
of on-demand services. “Deposit recessions” Specifically, here we will consider the case of
– situations where overall volumes actually Sweden, mainly because the Riksbank was the
shrink – are very difficult to generate even under first to employ negative rates as a key plank in
extreme macroeconomic duress. its monetary policy back in 2009. Sweden is
“Deposit recessions,” in which overall volumes actually shrink, are very rare
even under extreme macroeconomic duress.
In a similar vein, Hughes and Poi2 extended unique in that there were two distinct instances
this analysis to an individual institution with of negative deposit rates with a brief intervening
a long history of high-quality deposit data period of positive rates. Poi et al. used Japan for
(North Carolina State Employees Credit Union). the same reasons in their consideration of the
They found that account funds held by such impact of QE on overall deposit behavior.
an institution are likely to also grow in the
Theoretical Analysis
midst of a recession, though pricing of services
In their economic activities, businesses and
relative to the market plays an important role
households generate stores of wealth. Part of
in determining the size of the slice eventually
this is then reinvested in risky ventures (like
retained by the institution in question.
stocks and property) to generate additional
1 Hughes, Anthony, Deposit Stress Testing, Moody’s Analytics white paper, June 2013.
2 Hughes & Poi, Improved Deposit Modeling: Using the Moody’s Analytics Pre-Provision Net Revenue Factors Library to Augment
Internal Data, Moody’s Analytics white paper, July 2015.
3 Hughes, Malone, Poi, & Zandi, Quantitative Easing and Bank Deposits, Moody’s Analytics white paper, October 2015.
In a negative interest rate environment, it is safe This simple analysis assumes that holding cash is
to assume that the real economy is performing as riskless as holding insured deposits.
poorly. This implies both that the overall wealth
Some media speculation has picked up on these
generation engine is sputtering and that the
theoretical musings, often with a comedic bent.
range of available attractive, risky investment
The authors will opine about the likelihood of
options is limited. The upshot of this, holding
companies and/or households withdrawing all
all else equal, is that investors will tend, at the
their funds and putting $100 bills in tin cans to
margin, to retrench their risky investments but
be buried in the garden. Such activities carry a
retain a high demand for the risk-free options.
variety of risks that belie the notion that cash is
Though the overall wealth pie may be shrinking
a riskless way to store wealth. Mattresses can
or stagnant, the riskless slice will tend to grow
burn, treasure maps can be stolen, and buried
in scale throughout the period of real economic
notes can suffer water damage or be forgotten.
On a more practical level, for households in
If interest rates on short-term government the modern age, paychecks are electronically
bonds and bank deposits are zero, in theory, deposited and bills are paid automatically by
people will be indifferent between holding cash, remote computers. It is hard to imagine anyone
bonds, or deposits. If interest rates on bonds and with a measure of accumulated savings ever
deposits are negative, again in theory, people truly going off the banking grid.
-3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5
For businesses and companies, the operational due to a severe recession, the overnight deposit
meshing with banks is even more extreme than it rate in Sweden first entered negative territory in
is for households. the summer of 2009. As GDP growth bounced,
Moreover, imagine for a moment that Apple, the rate was then lifted in late 2010, though this
which reportedly holds more than $200 billion move was highly controversial at the time due
in cash reserves, decided to avoid paying the to the severe recession that was continuing to
negative interest rate deposit charges imposed rage across much of Europe. The doubters were
by their bankers and to instead bury 200 tons then proved right as economic clouds once more
of $100 banknotes in the hills of Cupertino. engulfed Sweden. Renewed recession led to a
Now imagine the meeting taking place between resumption of the negative rate policy in the
Apple’s CFO and the company’s army of external summer of 2014. This situation remains in place
auditors. today.
It’s just never going to happen. The set of circumstances endured by the Swedes
sets up an ideal test case for an assessment of
Given that a range of unobserved risks and
negative rates. The most important feature is
operational rigidities associated with holding
that we observe two substantial, distinct periods
cash remains, the question of the impact of
during which the external policy treatment was
negative rates on deposit holdings is squarely
applied, as well as two separate baseline periods
empirical in nature. We will consider other
during which more normal operations were
theoretical musings – notably the effect of the
undertaken. Moreover, the controversy regarding
carry trade – in our empirical discussion of the
the initial removal of the policy in 2010 implies
Swedish economy.
that the action can be viewed as exogenously
Empirical Findings undertaken by monetary authorities. Data
For a variety of technical and policy reasons, and sourced from Statistics Sweden is of high
quality, with a long history allowing precise battle with deflation during the early 2000s. In
modeling to proceed. Regression results used the current environment, where rates are low
for the following analysis are included in the everywhere, we should expect the carry trade
accompanying figures. to be far less prominent. Nevertheless, we are
decomposing statistics for monetary aggregates. to control for its potential impact in the work
separate categories that progressively aggregate The final set of controls focuses on the real
longer-duration forms of bank deposits. The M0 domestic economy. In a nutshell, we give
category is very narrowly defined, incorporating Swedish households and businesses the option of
highly liquid forms of central bank deposits, consuming their deposits or of reinvesting their
banknotes, and coins. M1 adds in deposits savings in more risky forms of investment. These
available on demand; M2 adds small time macroeconomic factors enter our models with
deposits and other forms of savings accounts; a lag to stave off any accusations of potential
and M3 adds large time deposits typically owned endogeneity.
by corporations and wealthy individuals. We
We transform all control variables to ensure an
therefore interpret M1-M0 as “demand deposits,”
absence of unit roots.
M2-M1 as “small time/savings deposits,” and
Our primary focus here is in assessing the
M3-M2 as “large time deposits.”
symmetry of the observed relationships
We augment this data using information
between short-term policy rates and various
regarding interest rates at a variety of terms.
deposit categories. We create a dummy variable
We seek to control for longer end yield curve
that is generally zero but switches to unity if
dynamics that will allow us to focus our
negative deposit rates prevail within the Swedish
attention on the specific effects of the overnight
monetary system at the time. The third variable
deposit rate. Importantly, we also consider
of key interest is an interaction between the
external channels through which the Swedish
deposit rate and the dummy.
economy may interact with other countries
If the marginal effect of a change in rates is
and regions. To do this, we include net exports
the same on either side of the zero frontier,
of goods and services, the exchange rate of the
the parameter on the interaction term in our
krona with the euro, and a variety of prevailing
regression will be precisely zero. Statistically,
European interest rates.
This set of variables allows us to consider the therefore, we can test the hypothesis that this
effect of the carry trade on the behavior of phenomenon prevails in the data by using a
domestic deposits. If safe returns at home are t-test on the estimated coefficient in the model.
elusive, one option available to depositors Similarly, the inclusion of the dummy variable
involves investing their funds in a foreign allows us to consider the specific marginal effect
currency-denominated account in which involved with crossing the zero frontier. If the act
positive interest will be paid. Such investments of moving from positive to negative rates causes
carry exchange rate risk, but these potential a change in deposit behavior we will observe
misfortunes are sometimes adequately a level shift in the deposit growth rate as this
compensated by the available interest rate unfolds. The included figures display the key
differential. The carry trade is generally regression results.
considered an important dynamic in Japan’s
For all time deposits, the intuitive effect of than anticipated growth in demand deposits.
an increase in rates continues to hold on the The second implication is that the duration of
negative side of the zero rate boundary. For the deposit book will tend to decline as funds
large time deposits, abstracting from the are moved out of term deposits and CDs into
presence of the level shift, the effect of rates vehicles that allow funds to be drawn instantly.
© 2016 Moody's Analytics, Inc. and/or its licensors and affiliates. All rights reserved.
By Dr. Samuel W. Malone
1 Heltman, 2015.
2 The full documentation and validation of Credit Risk Cascades can be found in Malone (2015).
Here, I illustrate the use of the Credit Risk and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Cascades tool via a case study for US financial (FDIC) recently said that the resolution plans
firms under the CCAR 2016 baseline and severely submitted in 2015 by five of the largest US banks
adverse macroeconomic scenarios. EDF forecasts failed to pass muster and must be rewritten by
under these scenarios, obtained from Stressed the banks prior to October 1, 2016.4 Among the
EDF, are modified in response to the default of a faults found in the living wills, regulators cited
small set of counterparties in a way that allows the failure to fully address the material financial
credit risk shocks to propagate more strongly interconnections between banks and broker-
when bank interconnectedness is high. After dealers that would be relevant when winding
discussing other regulatory applications of CRC down trading portfolios. Network methodologies
and providing a brief methodology overview, the such as the one behind CRC are fit-for-purpose
case study illustrates the effects that different for quantifying the strength and direction of such
counterparty and systemic risk events could interconnections under economic stress.
have for a select group of major US banks under
Methodology Overview
alternative paths for the macroeconomy.
The CRC model builds on Systemic Risk Monitor5
Regulatory Context: Other Applications of CRC for network model estimates, and on Stressed
While the counterparty default scenario that EDF6 for projections of EDFs conditioned only on
forms the focus of this article is a key regulatory the macroeconomic scenario. CRC combines the
application of CRC, it is not the only one. information in the network model and Stressed
Two other regulatory applications include EDF to arrive at the CRC-EDF forecast paths for
single counterparty credit limits (SCCL) and financial institution PDs under the compound
compliance issues related to the “living will” scenario, which includes the macroeconomic
portion of Dodd-Frank. scenario as well as the systemic risk path and
counterparty shocks specified by the user. All of
Related to the first point, the Fed has recently
the aforementioned methodologies employ the
proposed an update to the rules governing
most recent iteration of CreditEdge, the EDF9
SCCLs for US bank holding companies and
measure, as the core input. The construction of
foreign banking organizations with at least
this newest iteration of the EDF metric of default
$50 billion in total consolidated assets. As
probability and differences with the previous
part of the proposed rules, whenever a bank
version are documented in detail in Chen et al.
holding company’s net credit exposure to an
unaffiliated counterparty exceeds 5% of the
bank’s eligible capital, the bank must determine The financial network I use to drive this
whether the counterparty is economically application of CRC is the Global Megabanks
interdependent with any of the bank’s other network, which consists of all publicly traded
unaffiliated counterparties. The analysis
financial institutions whose book assets exceed
required to determine such a relationship turns $100 billion in value. Historical estimates of this
directly upon whether the financial distress of network’s structure and associated systemic risk
one counterparty is likely to impair the ability of measures are provided in Hughes and Malone
other bank counterparties to make good on their (2015), and were updated for this study using
liabilities to the bank. As the case study of this the most recent available CreditEdge data.
article illustrates, CRC quantifies precisely the The Global Megabanks network is the natural
extent to which the distress of one counterparty peer group of global CCAR-sized institutions
will transfer to another counterparty of interest in general and the institutions subject to the
under a variety of economic scenarios. counterparty default scenario in particular.
Regarding the living wills required of major US Systemic Risk Monitor estimates the extent and
banks under Dodd-Frank, the Federal Reserve strength of Granger causal connections between
3 An unaffiliated counterparty is generally understood to be one that the bank does not control, is not controlled by the bank, and
is not under common control with the bank that is the subject of SCCL regulation.
4 Hamilton & Dexheimer, 2016.
5 This is documented in Hughes & Malone (2015).
6 This is documented in Ferry, Hughes, & Ding (2012).
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27
Forecast Horizon
the EDF series of all distinct pairs of financial In CRC, counterparty shocks take the form of
institutions in the network, and this information perfect-foresight PD paths. In other words, the
is passed to CRC for forecasting. user specifies the time series that a given bank’s
PD will follow over the course of the forecast
Case Study
horizon, and the CRC algorithm solves for the
The base date for our compound counterparty
PDs of other banks endogenously using model
default scenario is February 2016. For
averaging to construct forecasts. In this case
illustrative purposes, I consider shocks to two
study, I assume that from month 0 (February
counterparties: Fifth Third Bancorp and US
2016) until month 27 (May 2018) of the forecast
Bancorp. Both of these firms are subject to
horizon, the PDs of both Fifth Third Bancorp
CCAR stress tests but are not required to do
and US Bancorp follow the path taken by the
the counterparty default scenario. I adopt a
EDF of Lehman Brothers during the 28 -month
27-month time horizon and forecast default
period from January 2008 to April 2010. During
probabilities for each month during that
this period, Lehman Brothers’ EDF reached the
period for two firms that are required to do
maximum value for financial firms of 35% for the
counterparty default scenarios under CCAR:
first time in September 2008, or month 8, and
Bank of New York Mellon and JP Morgan Chase.
remained there for the rest of the time horizon.
As stated in the previous section, I measure
Compound scenarios are closed by specifying
PDs using the Moody’s CreditEdge EDF metric,
macroeconomic and systemic risk components.
which provides an estimate of the 1-year ahead
The macro scenario choice set for our purposes
probability of default. CRC and Stressed EDF
consists of the 2016 Fed baseline scenario and
both forecast EDFs under scenarios, and I
the 2016 Fed severely adverse scenario. For
will refer to these forecasts as CRC-EDFs and
the systemic risk scenario choice set, I consider
SEDFs, respectively. CRC-EDFs are compound
two alternatives: network stasis and network
scenario forecasts, whereas SEDFs are forecasts
stress. Under network stasis, it is assumed that
conditional on only the macroeconomic
the interconnectedness measure for
component of the scenario. For the same
the Global Megabanks network will remain at
underlying Fed macro scenario, their difference
its February 2016 value over the scenario time
can be attributed to counterparty shocks
horizon. Under network stress, in contrast, the
and the effect of changes in financial sector measure is assumed to follow the path
it took during the turbulent period from January more than that of JP Morgan Chase in response
2008 to April 2010, to coincide with the same to a US Bancorp default. These findings illustrate
period from which the Lehman Brothers EDF the role that Credit Risk Cascades might play in
values are sourced for the counterparty shock. counterparty selection in the context of bank
The time paths of the measure under stress testing.
network stasis and stress are depicted in Figure 1.
It is useful to compare Figures 2 and 4. In Figure
The results are organized into four figures of four 4, the small deviations from Stressed EDF under
plots each. Each individual plot displays the CRC- the Fed baseline scenario are magnified when we
EDF and SEDF of either Bank of New York Mellon increase the level of interconnectedness in the
or JP Morgan Chase under a specific compound financial network, and the net effect of a Fifth
scenario. Each of the four figures corresponds Third Bancorp shock on JP Morgan Chase’s EDF
to a choice of macroeconomic scenario (Fed forecast turns positive under network stress.
baseline or Fed severely adverse) and a choice This result illustrates the importance of risk
of systemic risk scenario (network stasis or transmission via the intermediate counterparties
network stress). For a given figure, each of four connecting the two banks in the network.
plots corresponds to one of the four choices of
Additionally, a comparison of the right-hand
shocked counterparty bank (Fifth Third Bancorp
columns of Figures 2 and 4, as well as of Figures
or US Bancorp) and bank whose shocked CRC-
3 and 5, shows that a heightened level of
EDFs and SEDFs are displayed (Bank of New York
interconnectedness in the financial network
Mellon or JP Morgan Chase).
would exacerbate the effect of the US Bancorp
Results counterparty shock on both banks. In general,
Results are displayed in Figures 2 through 5. the counterparty-systemic interactions impact
Figure 2 shows CRC-EDF9 and SEDF9 paths BNY Mellon and JP Morgan Chase differently
under the Fed baseline macro scenario and depending on which counterparty we shock.
network stasis. Figure 3 shows these series under These results illustrate the potential for
the Fed severely adverse macro scenario and counterparty shocks to be more damaging
network stasis. Figure 4 shows results for the when the strength and prevalence of credit risk
Fed baseline macro scenario and network stress, spillovers in the financial network increase, as is
and Figure 5 shows results for the Fed severely the case during periods of market stress.
adverse macro scenario and network stress. We can gain specific insight on the relative
As seen in the left column of Figure 2, a shock to contributions of the three components of the
Fifth Third Bancorp has a small negative effect compound scenario to the resulting CRC-EDF
on the CRC-EDF of BNY Mellon relative to its of a bank by decomposing the PD forecast on a
Stressed EDF. The Fifth Third Bancorp shock specific date. Let us take as an example the case
produces virtually no effect on the CRC-EDF of BNY Mellon in February 2017, one year after
forecast relative to the Stressed EDF for JP the scenario begins.
Morgan. In contrast to the case of the Fifth Third In February 2017, BNY Mellon’s CRC-EDF under
Bancorp shock, the distress and subsequent the compound scenario involving (a) the Fed
default of US Bancorp would nontrivially raise severely adverse macroeconomic scenario,
the default probabilities of both JP Morgan Chase (b) a counterparty shock to US Bancorp, and
and BNY Mellon, even under network stasis. This (c) network stress – located in the upper right
can be seen in the right column of Figure 2. corner of Figure 5 – is approximately 4.2 percent.
As is evident in the right-hand columns of all four This compares to the Stressed EDF on the same
figures, BNY Mellon’s EDF would be impacted date under the Fed baseline scenario of just
BNY MELLON, counterparty shock: FIFTH THIRD BANCORP BNY MELLON, counterparty shock: US BANCORP
1.00 1.00
0.90 0.90
0.80 0.80
0.70 0.70
0.60 0.60
0.50 0.50
0.40 0.40
0.30 0.30
2016-02 2016-08 2017-02 2017-08 2018-02 2016-02 2016-08 2017-02 2017-08 2018-02
JP MORGAN CHASE, counterparty shock: FIFTH THIRD BANCORP JP MORGAN CHASE, counterparty shock: US BANCORP
1.00 1.00
0.90 0.90
0.80 0.80
0.70 0.70
0.60 0.60
0.50 0.50
0.40 0.40
0.30 0.30
2016-02 2016-08 2017-02 2017-08 2018-02 2016-02 2016-08 2017-02 2017-08 2018-02
under 0.5 percent, as shown for example in the remaining 0.5 percentage point increase, to bring
upper right corner of Figure 2. Let’s decompose us to the CRC-EDF of 4.2 percent under the most
this difference of 3.7 percentage points. stressful compound scenario, shown in Figure 5.
Compared to the SEDF under the Fed baseline, The relative magnitudes of these contributions
adding macroeconomic stress alone accounts for to the CRC-EDF accord with intuition about their
an increase of 2.2 percentage points in the EDF. relative importance in most situations.
This gets us to a SEDF under the Fed severely CRC does not use information on direct
adverse scenario of 0.5 + 2.2 = 2.7%, as shown counterparty exposures on banks’ books. Rather,
in the upper right-hand corner of Figure 3. it uses information from the last five years of
From there, the US Bancorp counterparty shock history to estimate the presence and strength
accounts for an additional 1 percentage point of spillovers between the PDs of all pairs of
increase in the EDF, taking us to 3.7 percent banks in the financial network. This produces
under the scenario involving the Fed severely real-time, market-based conditional forecasts of
adverse macro component, the US Bancorp financial institutions' PDs under macroeconomic,
counterparty shock, and network stasis. This systemic, and counterparty stress.
result can be seen by inspecting the CRC line in
Without a doubt, banks could incorporate
the upper right-hand corner of Figure 3. Layering
private information on their own direct
on financial network stress accounts for the
Figure 3 CRC-EDF9 and SEDF9 paths under Fed severely adverse and network stasis
BNY MELLON, counterparty shock: FIFTH THIRD BANCORP BNY MELLON, counterparty shock: US BANCORP
4.00 4.00
3.50 3.50
3.00 3.00
2.50 2.50
2.00 2.00
1.50 1.50
1.00 1.00
0.50 0.50
0.00 0.00
2016-02 2016-08 2017-02 2017-08 2018-02 2016-02 2016-08 2017-02 2017-08 2018-02
JP MORGAN CHASE, counterparty shock: FIFTH THIRD BANCORP JP MORGAN CHASE, counterparty shock: US BANCORP
4.00 4.00
3.50 3.50
3.00 3.00
2.50 2.50
2.00 2.00
1.50 1.50
1.00 1.00
0.50 0.50
0.00 0.00
2016-02 2016-08 2017-02 2017-08 2018-02 2016-02 2016-08 2017-02 2017-08 2018-02
counterparty exposures to further increase the user to take a granular view of how the PDs
the realism of results, such as by shocking of different counterparties might evolve over the
their assets directly in the face of a projected forecast horizon as their projected default events
counterparty default. The shocked bank assets draw near.
would flow through the structural formula that
Finally, while banks know who their own
drives the bank EDF, and this direct impact
counterparties are and their exposure to them,
could be overlaid on the results provided by
they know comparatively little about their
CRC. Alternatively, banks could use their own
counterparties’ counterparties. This lack of
PD series to calibrate the model instead of using
knowledge can be most dangerous precisely
CreditEdge EDFs, so long as their PD series are
when it matters most: in times of market stress.
available with sufficient frequency (monthly)
Banks take it for granted that the default of a
and history (at least five years is recommended).
direct counterparty will affect them, but often
An important advantage of CRC is that it allows gloss over the potential for that default (or
risk managers to view counterparty default as default by a third party) to take down a second
the culmination of a process of deteriorating of their important counterparties. CRC uses
credit quality. Such deterioration manifests network models and model averaging techniques
itself in the form of persistent increases in the to create conditional forecasts of financial firm
probability of default over time, and CRC allows PDs. In a backtest using data from the financial
BNY MELLON, counterparty shock: FIFTH THIRD BANCORP BNY MELLON, counterparty shock: US BANCORP
1.00 1.00
0.90 0.90
0.80 0.80
0.70 0.70
0.60 0.60
0.50 0.50
0.40 0.40
0.30 0.30
2016-02 2016-08 2017-02 2017-08 2018-02 2016-02 2016-08 2017-02 2017-08 2018-02
JP MORGAN CHASE, counterparty shock: FIFTH THIRD BANCORP JP MORGAN CHASE, counterparty shock: US BANCORP
1.00 1.00
0.90 0.90
0.80 0.80
0.70 0.70
0.60 0.60
0.50 0.50
0.40 0.40
0.30 0.30
2016-02 2016-08 2017-02 2017-08 2018-02 2016-02 2016-08 2017-02 2017-08 2018-02
While banks know who their own counterparties are and their exposure
to them, they know comparatively little about their counterparties’
counterparties. This lack of knowledge can be most dangerous precisely
when it matters most: in times of market stress.
CCAR. The CRC model allows users to evaluate constructed and shocked for publicly traded
the impact on firm default probabilities of financial institutions around the world. CRC
compound scenarios. Such scenarios involve can be used to select counterparties for default
a macroeconomic scenario component, a scenarios in terms of their impact, and in this
Figure 5 CRC-EDF9 and SEDF9 paths under Fed severely adverse and network stress
BNY MELLON, counterparty shock: FIFTH THIRD BANCORP BNY MELLON, counterparty shock: US BANCORP
4.00 4.00
3.50 3.50
3.00 3.00
2.50 2.50
2.00 2.00
1.50 1.50
1.00 1.00
0.50 0.50
0.00 0.00
2016-02 2016-08 2017-02 2017-08 2018-02 2016-02 2016-08 2017-02 2017-08 2018-02
JP MORGAN CHASE, counterparty shock: FIFTH THIRD BANCORP JP MORGAN CHASE, counterparty shock: US BANCORP
4.00 4.00
3.50 3.50
3.00 3.00
2.50 2.50
2.00 2.00
1.50 1.50
1.00 1.00
0.50 0.50
0.00 0.00
2016-02 2016-08 2017-02 2017-08 2018-02 2016-02 2016-08 2017-02 2017-08 2018-02
way can help banks construct more effective Finally, the regulatory applications of CRC are
counterparty default scenarios. The case study not limited to the counterparty default scenario
presented here, based on the network of Global alone. Single counterparty credit limit (SCCL)
Megabanks with at least $100 billion in assets, regulations and the need to better take into
shows that both appropriate counterparty account interconnectedness when devising
selection and a rise in financial sector resolution plans, or “living wills,” also provide
interconnectedness can cause material changes highly relevant applications for this network-
in projected credit quality for banks subject to based solution.
Chen, Nan, Houman Dehghan, Min Ding, Jian Du, Douglas Dwyer, James Edwards, Danielle Ferry, Pooya Nazeran, Zhao Sun, Jing
Zhang, and Sue Zhang, EDF9: Introduction and Overview, Moody’s Analytics white paper, June 2015.
Ferry, Danielle, Anthony Hughes, and Min Ding, Stressed EDF Credit Measures for North America, Moody’s Analytics white paper,
May 2012.
Hamilton, Jesse, and Elizabeth Dexheimer, Five Big Banks’ Living Wills are Rejected by U.S. Regulators, Bloomberg News, April 13,
Heltman, John, “How the Fed Might Change Stress Tests in Version 2.0”, The American Banker, December 28, 2015.
Hughes, Anthony and Samuel W. Malone, Systemic Risk Monitor 1.0: A Network Approach, Moody's Analytics white paper, June
Malone, Samuel W., Credit Risk Cascades: Forecasting PDs under compound scenarios, Moody's Analytics white paper, November
December 2015 was a busy month for recent regulatory guidance and proposals, there
regulatory agencies and global standard setters. are themes that will compel financial institutions
Throughout 2015, the industry had been to take another critical view of their information
waiting for additional guidance on high-impact systems. Additionally, these publications confirm
Ed Young
Senior Director, Capital topics including capital planning and allowance that scenario-driven analysis is spreading
Planning and Stress Testing methodologies, and in the final stretch of the from stress testing to business-as-usual risk
year, both the Federal Reserve and the Basel management, including allowance processes.
Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) While much of the recent guidance will require
Ed is a Senior Director on the Stress Testing and
complied. This paper will primarily focus on interpretation over the coming months, we
Capital Planning Team. In this capacity, he focuses on
structuring solutions that bring together capabilities
common themes in these two releases: review the common themes, summarized in
across Moody’s Analytics to support robust capital 1. The Federal Reserve’s “Guidance on Figure 1, and their interconnectedness across
planning and stress testing processes. His primary organizational silos of the finance and risk
Supervisory Assessment of Capital Planning
focus is on clients in the banking and insurance sectors functions.
across the Americas. and Positions” (SR 15-18 and SR 15-19)
2. The BCBS’s “Guidance on Credit Risk and A common thread consistently emphasized by
Accounting for Expected Credit Losses” the regulators is for financial institutions to
improve risk identification and measurement at
Recent guidance across a range of jurisdictions the enterprise level. The traditional delineation
David Little builds on previously voiced recognition that of responsibilities between chief financial officers
Managing Director, Head of the technology systems at many banks need and chief risk officers has led to a segregation
US Enterprise Risk Solutions and
Stress Testing Sales Teams
David is responsible for helping financial institutions A common thread consistently emphasized by regulators is for financial
worldwide with their enterprise risk management, institutions to improve risk identification and measurement at the
liquidity, and stress testing solutions. Since joining enterprise level.
Moody’s in 2002, David has been Managing Director
in the Product Strategy group, responsible for a global
portfolio of research, data, and analytic products
across all fixed income asset classes, led end-of-day improvement. Technology infrastructure has of duties that has greatly enhanced risk
pricing business at Moody’s Evaluations Inc., and been stifled by legacy mergers and acquisitions management practices at large firms. However,
headed the Global Structured Finance Sales team at that led to tactical system integrations, and the changes have also contributed to fragmented
Moody’s Analytics.
by patched solutions to address immediate risk reporting that in turn obfuscates the “top of
regulatory requirements. We observe that in the house” view of a firm’s risk profile.
Benchmark Sensitivity/
Data/Models Scenario
2. Leverage benchmark data and models to support and enhance your capital planning
and ALLL projections.
Managing the complexity of data and models to identify and manage risk while maximizing
across business lines and developing a efficiency. In this paper, we will address three
comprehensive strategy that is aligned with key themes that are elements in achieving these
a firm’s risk appetite is a challenging task. To objectives.
maintain an effective process, management
Theme #1: Focus on governance and
must focus on organizational planning, internal controls to unify risk management
communication, and implementing robust infrastructure.
information systems. As a result, a need for When considering how to meet the spirit of the
cross-organization coordination is imperative recent regulatory standards, viewing the various
subsequent years, supervisors have become December 31, 2016, LISCC firms will attest to
for governance. The recent Fed guidance notes 2. Beginning with monthly, quarterly, and
that firms must have “integrated management semi-annual reports as of January 31, 2017,
information systems, effective reporting, and there will be an additional attestation to the
change control processes.” This message can accuracy of the reported data, conformance
be directly linked with the concurrent Agency with FR Y-14 instructions, and agreement to
Information Collection Proposal that stated
report material weaknesses and any material
“all respondents to the FR Y–14A/Q/M reports errors.
should meet the Federal Reserve’s expectations
3. Beginning December 31, 2017, LISCC firms will
for internal controls.” The proposal was recently
attest to the effectiveness of internal controls
approved3 and requires Chief Financial Officers of
around the FR Y-14A/M/Q (as a replacement
LISCC4 firms to attest to the quality of FR Y–14A/
to attestation described under #1 above).
Q/M reporting “in order to encourage large firms
to improve their systems for developing data As a result of the new requirements, many
necessary for the stress tests and CCAR.” These firms will need to reduce the number of ad
latest releases can be viewed as an effort by the hoc manual processes, replacing them with
regulators to remediate lingering issues initially automated solutions that serve as a foundation
outlined in the wake of the financial crisis. for a transparent and auditable capital planning
process, credible stress testing results, and risk
At many banks, internal audits of the stress
appetite framework quantification.
testing processes have prompted management
to take initial steps to trace data lineage for each Revised Allowance Processes Guidance Leading
FR Y-14A report line item. However, a significant to Infrastructure Reassessment
challenge for banks to overcome is the array of Concurrently, accounting standard-setters
decentralized systems (often dozens) that feed around the globe are in the process of adopting
the capital planning process. The governance of
1 Senior Supervisors Group, Risk management lessons from the global banking crisis of 2008, October 2009
2 Federal Register / Vol. 80, No. 179 / Wednesday, September 16, 2015 / Notices, Request for Comment on Information Collection
3 Federal Register / January 14, 2016 / Capital Assessments and Stress Testing information collection.
4 Firms supervised by Large Institution Supervision Coordinating Committee of the Federal Reserve. As of this writing, the LISCC
Portfolio includes American International Group, Inc., Bank of America Corporation, The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation,
Barclays PLC, Citigroup Inc., Credit Suisse Group AG, Deutsche Bank AG, General Electric Capital Corporation, The Goldman
Sachs Group, Inc., JP Morgan Chase & Co., MetLife, Inc., Morgan Stanley, Prudential Financial, Inc., State Street Corporation,
UBS AG, and Wells Fargo & Company.
standards that aim to address the many highlights that the ECL framework may lead to
documented failures of the incurred loss model significant investment:
by requiring forward-looking credit loss models.
“While the implementation of ECL accounting
The global IFRS 9 standard was published in July
frameworks may require an investment in
2014, and in the US, the Financial Accounting
both resources and system developments/
Standards Board’s Current Expected Credit Loss
upgrades, standard setters have given (or are
(CECL) standard is expected to be released in
expected to give) firms a considerable time
June 2016. With a targeted implementation in
period to transition to the updated accounting
2018 for IFRS 9 and essentially 2020 for CECL,
requirements. On that basis, the Committee has
we are only beginning to see the impact these
significantly heightened supervisory expectations
changes will have on processes and controls, and
that internationally active banks will have a high-
therefore information systems at banks.
quality implementation of an ECL accounting
The move to forward-looking measures to framework.”
inform the allowance will push firms to better
The implications are significant, and are
integrate allowance methodologies with stress
summarized in Figure 2.
testing processes. That said, initially, the greatest
Today, many financial institutions employ
challenge for the banking industry will be
different systems and processes across their
interpretation of the standards. In December,
accounting, capital planning, and credit risk
the BCBS published Guidance on Credit Risk and
management groups. This leads to different
Accounting for Expected Credit Losses (ECL)
1. Use of economic scenarios may cause volatility of the provision expense, driving a need to run a
multitude of scenarios (as highlighted in the IFRS Transition Resource Group staff paper) more
frequently than current scenario analysis practices.5
2. Depending on interpretation, the ECL-driven allowance calculation may require more granular
data, which will in turn put pressure on processing time.
3. Capital calculation and reporting will require monthly reconciliation, putting pressure on monthly
data collection / cleansing activities and processing time.
4. Auditability of the results and transparency of the process is key, in particular since “the
Committee … expects management to apply its experienced credit judgment to consider
future scenarios … and the resulting impact on the measurement of ECL” and use of temporary
adjustments and overrides will require “appropriate documentation, and subject to appropriate
governance processes.”
5. Since there is obvious commonality in data and processes used for allowance and capital
adequacy calculations, “The Committee expects banks to leverage and integrate common
processes” to “reduce cost and potential bias and also encourage consistency in the
measurement, management and reporting.”
6. IFRS 9 stage allocation (i.e., the movement from “bucket” 1 to “bucket” 2, and to “bucket” 3) will
create significant workflow requirements.
5 Transition Resource Group for Impairment of Financial Instruments, Incorporation of forward-looking scenarios, December 11,
“A firm should use internal data to estimate losses “A firm may use either internal or external data to
and PPNR as part of its enterprise-wide stress estimate losses and PPNR as part of its enterprise-wide
testing and capital planning practices. However, it stress testing and capital planning practices.”
may be appropriate for a firm to use external data if
internal data limitations exist as a result of systems
limitations, acquisitions, or new products, or other
factors that may cause internal data to be less
relevant for developing stressed estimates.”
“A firm should use benchmark or challenger models “… A firm should use a variety of methods to assess
to assess the performance of its primary models performance of material models and gain comfort
for all material portfolios or to supplement, where with material model estimates. However, a firm is
appropriate, the primary models.” not expected to use benchmark models in its capital
planning process.”
“A firm should also use benchmark models during
validation as an additional check on the primary
model and its results.”
Use of Vendor Models Permitted with “heightened expectations for… Permitted, with expectations that “any vendor or other
controls around the use of vendor models.” third-party models [used] are sound, appropriate for the
given task, and implemented properly.”
data hierarchies and levels of granularity. Theme #2: Leverage benchmark data and
Ongoing work to interpret the IFRS 9 standard models to support and enhance capital planning
and ALLL projections.
and eventual CECL standard will drive future
The use of external data and models is common
systems requirements, but it is evident that in
practice for financial institutions of all sizes.
many instances current information systems
Reasons to employ external data or third-party
will not suffice. There will be opportunities
models include:
in some cases to leverage common data and
models across an organization. Enhancing these 1. The cost efficiency of leveraging industry-
linkages will improve governance, transparency, tested solutions versus those developed
and efficiency for firms. However, many firms in-house
will not have the technology infrastructure 2. The time savings of implementing an out-of-
to seamlessly implement efficient processes. the-box or customized third-party tool
While existing Basel and Stress Testing / Capital
3. The supplementation of internally developed
Planning infrastructures may serve as starting
solutions that may have insufficient internal
points, both will need enhancement to meet
data for modeling due to portfolio changes or
the new standards. Moving forward, governance
lack of internal historical data
expectations from regulators across the globe
will guide firms to strengthen the symbiotic Additionally, external data and models are
relationship between stress testing frameworks often used as benchmarks to meet industry
and business as usual risk management systems. model risk management standards. However,
bank supervisors’ more rigorous model risk Theme #3: Consider a range of potential
management expectations have raised the bar outcomes using sensitivity and scenario
analysis to improve decision-making.
for implementing these solutions with stricter
In the wake of the financial crisis, risk managers
“fit for use” criteria.
have been inundated with questions from
In the “Assessment of Capital Planning and regulators about how their bank gauges
Positions” guidance, the Fed aimed to clarify uncertainty and how they incorporate
how it tailors expectations for large and complex uncertainty into their pro-forma estimates.
firms versus noncomplex firms (e.g., generally However, until recently, regulators released
large regional banks with assets between $50 very little public guidance on how banks should
billion and $250 billion). Figure 3 is a summary specifically address uncertainty and include
of the differentiated standard as it relates to the “difficult to quantify” risks in their stress
use of external data and models. It highlights scenarios. The recent publications from the Fed
areas subject to interpretation. For example, and the BCBS continue to highlight uncertainty
noncomplex firms, through conversations with as a concern. Fortunately, the Fed has provided
the three regulatory agencies, will need to some details for minimum expectations on the
ascertain the interplay between Principle 2 of topic (as it pertains to Capital Planning). While
the interagency guidance on stress testing that the new guidance leaves questions as to how
requires “multiple conceptually sound stress to incorporate various difficult-to-quantify
testing activities and approaches” and SR 15-19 risks, there is a clear theme of using sensitivity
that as a minimum expectation eliminates the and scenario analysis to provide perspective
mandate for benchmark model use. on the pro-forma results. Banks are expected
There are many open questions on the use to leverage scenario analysis and sensitivity
of external data and models with respect to analysis to broadly capture uncertainty in
ECL-based allowance implementation, as their estimates due to the inherent limitations
well. BCBS guidance on ECL states that robust embedded within a single deterministic stress
allowance frameworks will generally “consider scenario.
the relevant internal and external factors, that For capital planning, the Fed also outlined
may affect ECL estimates, such as … changes in the need to address the uncertainty of model
industry, geographical, economic and political outputs through sensitivity analysis of key
factors.” Some types of models applicable assumptions. These expectations span the entire
under IFRS 9 and expected under CECL may capital planning process, and include identifying
require more granular historical data with and sensitivity testing key assumptions in
longer time series than available internally (to individual models, as well as collectively
establish relationship with macroeconomic at the aggregated level to “inform senior
variables). The introduction of forward-looking management and the board of directors about
credit loss models will inevitably increase the potential uncertainty” associated with the firm’s
volatility of allowance calculations under ECL. projections. This will require firms to ensure they
The increased complexity of the calculation, have strong assumption management processes
coupled with the volatility of a forward-looking in place, and also an established, transparent
measure will have a direct impact to earnings. and auditable process to “justify, document, and
Thus, the lack of recognition for the increased appropriately challenge” assumptions.
allowance in key capital ratios will likely drive
Scenario analysis has emerged as an effective
firms to conduct additional sensitivity analysis
forward-looking tool to manage risk. However,
around key assumptions and increase the use
the time, effort, and technology needed to
of benchmarks. At the same time, any use of
conduct a bottom-up assessment of many
external tools will be subject to both an external
different scenarios is daunting. For allowance
and internal audit assessment of “reasonable
calculations, it appears that the BCBS and the
and supportable tools.”
6 Transition Resource Group for Impairment of Financial Instruments, Incorporation of forward-looking scenarios, December 11,
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By Michael van Steen
During the crisis, eurozone banks were unable to identify and aggregate
credit exposures, despite the widespread availability of credit data and
elaborate reporting architectures.
Since the banking crisis, there has been an for banks to submit comprehensive, granular
extensive overhaul of the global banking datasets for detailed analysis by regulators.
regulatory framework. The overhaul has been AnaCredit will run in parallel to the existing
led by Basel III but also encompasses regimes frameworks.
including IFRS 9 and stress testing.
AnaCredit will require significantly more
An overarching theme of the changes is exposure-by-exposure credit risk information,
much more extensive reporting, and banks such as collateral values and probabilities of
are now required to create a much wider set defaults (PDs), as well as significantly more
of compliance reports. They must complete accounting metrics. It will be rolled out in phases
significantly more work to consolidate data, starting in September 2018, and will feature
calculate results, and submit reports to results and provisions computed according
regulators, using a predefined format. to the new IFRS 9 accounting standard being
Analytical Credit Datasets, or AnaCredit for introduced in January 2018.
short, is a new regulatory framework that will Although AnaCredit will be for the eurozone, it
be introduced in the eurozone. It will take a is anticipated that its granular approach will be
different approach to regulating banks. Rather replicated in most regulatory jurisdictions.
than submitting a report for review, it calls
This article summarizes the rationale behind
AnaCredit, as well as relevant timelines, features, other element, AnaCredit, is a much more
and challenges. It concludes by offering some comprehensive regulatory initiative which
guidance on how institutions can best meet emphasizes more frequent and much more
AnaCredit challenges and benefit from the work granular data submissions.
The goal of AnaCredit – to create a eurozone-
Background wide Central Credit Registry – will be a new
Credit institutions around the world are in near- development in the European regulatory
constant communication with their regulators. landscape. Before this, many national rules and
This communication provides regulators technology hurdles inhibited the aggregation of
with information about institutions’ liquidity data outside of individual states. Post-crisis, the
conditions, capital levels, and credit exposures. arrival of a European Union (EU) banking union
Lessons from the banking crisis have driven and the emergence of new powerful statistical
regulators to have access to more specific, and data-handling technologies (“big data”) have
credible, and timely information so they can enabled the creation of AnaCredit.
identify and address real and potential issues. AnaCredit will fundamentally transform the
During the crisis, eurozone banks were unable European regulatory landscape. It will push
to identify and aggregate credit exposures, frequent, fine-grained, and comprehensive data
despite the widespread availability of credit submissions to the center of regulation and
data and elaborate reporting architectures. compliance. Regulators will use this data as their
Credit exposure data gaps around particular primary means to monitor and mitigate credit
branches, or the total borrowings of a firm across issues at the institutions they regulate. It is
institutions, persist to this day. In addition, critically important for these credit institutions
the constantly evolving regulatory reporting to implement the systems and data processes
architecture is a significant burden on regulated needed to successfully deploy AnaCredit.
institutions, which are responsible for both
AnaCredit Overview
reporting their data and monitoring regulatory
The European System of Central Banks (ESCB),
comprised of the ECB and the National Central
To address these problems, the European Banks (NCBs) of EU member states, is driving the
Central Bank (ECB) has established a high-level AnaCredit framework.
roadmap. One element focuses on incremental
AnaCredit builds on Central Credit Registers
efforts, such as common data dictionaries
(CCR) now used in many eurozone countries
and a common data reporting framework. The
by NCBs to collect credit data and monitor and
The first stage will start on September 1, 2018. The ECB proposes reporting 10 interrelated
Submissions during this first stage will include datasets, each organized around individual
information on debtors who are legal entities instruments or a single counterparty, as shown
and who have instruments which 1) give rise in Figure 1. All datasets would include internal
to credit risk and 2) total €25,000 or greater. identifiers, which are intended to have no
All credit instruments of these debtors will be meaning outside of AnaCredit. These internal
reported. identifiers would allow data to be cross-
Two subsequent stages, though not currently referenced and uniquely identified.
»» Consolidating and processing data from compliance with Basel III, stress testing, and
different sources in the institution. AnaCredit capital planning, and now will need to do the
The key highlight of AnaCredit is that data is taking the place of reporting.
»» Aggregating and presenting group and An optimal solution for implementing AnaCredit
standalone data. AnaCredit focuses on should deliver the following results:
individual exposures as well as differing
»» The seamless consolidation of risk and finance
national Central Credit Registries across
data from different sources into a central
the eurozone. A bank with an obligor with
internal repository
borrowings across several countries in the
»» Accuracy and consistency so that common
eurozone will need to report these exposures
data definitions and calculations shared
in different ways on a country-by-country
between AnaCredit, Basel III, and IFRS are
always consistent
»» Complex implementation. AnaCredit
»» Automation to drive efficient, accurate, and
significantly expands the data that
cost-effective compliance and reporting
institutions must provide. This presents
At its core, the optimal solution needs to AnaCredit reporting templates to streamline the
consolidate all the loan-level and counterparty reporting process and assure accuracy.
data into a unified data set to provide solid
This consolidated approach to AnaCredit
foundations for AnaCredit calculations and
reporting can lend itself to integrated reporting
reports. It needs to have powerful data
for Basel III, IFRS 9, and stress testing.
At its core, the optimal solution needs to consolidate all the loan-level and
counterparty data into a unified data set.
cleansing capabilities, so managers can quickly Consolidated reporting helps a bank deliver a
identify and address data that does not meet the consistent, accurate message across multiple
bank’s data quality standards. The solution also regulatory regimes, while leveraging a single
needs to be open and flexible, so it can import data source to deliver cost-effective regulatory
risk and balance sheet information quickly and compliance and reporting.
The solution also needs to have a fully AnaCredit is a major change to eurozone
integrated, credit risk-weighted asset calculation reporting architectures as it moves regulatory
engine so banks can compute their credit risks compliance away from ever-changing reports to
at loan level. Furthermore, the solution needs to a more data-rich submissions framework.
have an integrated IFRS 9 calculation engine that
In the short- to medium-term, focus should be
can calculate the expected credit loss provisions
on ensuring reporting architecture is as efficient
at loan level.
and transparent, both internally and externally,
Finally, the solution should leverage a powerful, as possible.
integrated data publishing solution that can
In the longer term, there is potential for reduced
consolidate risk, finance, and other results
reporting costs due to more stable reporting
from across the business to meet the frequent
processes, greater use of automation, and the
reporting requirements of AnaCredit. The
application of powerful new tools.
solution should also allow banks to apply
[email protected]
Anna Krayn
Senior Director and Team Lead, Capital Planning
and Stress Testing
David Little
Anna is responsible for the business development Managing Director, Head of the US Enterprise Risk
of stress testing and capital planning solutions. Solutions and Stress Testing Sales Teams
Her clients include a variety of financial services David is responsible for helping financial
institutions, including those in the insurance, institutions worldwide with their enterprise
banking, and consumer finance sectors across risk management, liquidity, and stress testing
the Americas. solutions. Since joining Moody’s in 2002, David
[email protected] has been Managing Director in the Product Strategy group, responsible for a global portfolio
of research, data, and analytic products across all
fixed income asset classes, led end-of-day pricing
Glenn Levine
business at Moody’s Evaluations Inc., and headed
Associate Director, Senior Research Analyst
the Global Structured Finance Sales team at
Glenn Levine is an Associate Director in the
Moody’s Analytics.
Moody’s Analytics Capital Markets Research
[email protected]
Group. He provides support for the EDF product
suite and is the lead researcher for Stressed
EDF. Prior to his current role, he was a Senior
Economist in the Economics and Consumer
Credit division based in Sydney, Australia.
He holds an MS from the London School of
Economics and a bachelor’s degree from the
University of New South Wales.
[email protected]
Emil Lopez is a Director in the Moody’s Analytics Nancy works to conceive and build innovative
Risk Measurement Group, where he leads risk solutions for credit assessment of small
modeling advisory engagements and manages businesses. Drawing on her previous experience
the team's data quality, risk reporting, and IFRS co-founding a small business, she has built
9 research. Prior to joining the group, he oversaw products and strategies to help financial
operations for Moody's Analytics Credit Research companies better serve the needs of their
Database, one of the world's largest private firm customers. Nancy previously led the Client
credit risk data repositories. Emil has extensive Solutions team for the Training and Certification
experience in credit risk modeling and reporting, division and headed Strategy and Marketing
data sourcing, and quality control. Emil has for the company’s training and consulting
an MBA from New York University and a BS in businesses. Nancy received a BS in Economics
Finance and Business Administration from the from the Wharton School of the University of
University of Vermont. Pennsylvania, with concentrations in Strategic [email protected]
Dr. Samuel W. Malone
Director, Specialized Modeling Group Nihil Patel
Senior Director – Product Management
Dr. Malone develops novel risk and forecasting
solutions for financial institutions while Nihil Patel is a Senior Director within the
providing thought leadership on related trends Enterprise Risk Services division at Moody's
in global financial markets. He also frequently Analytics. He serves as the business lead driving
leads consulting projects taken on by the our product strategy related to credit portfolio
Specialized Modeling Group. He is coauthor analytics. Nihil has broad experience in research,
of the highly-cited book Macrofinancial Risk modeling, service delivery, and customer
Analysis, which offered the first operational, engagement. Prior to his current role, Nihil spent
validated systemic risk framework in the midst nine years in the Research organization leading
of the global financial crisis, as well as numerous the Portfolio Modeling Services team as well as
peer-reviewed academic articles in applied the Correlation Research team. Nihil holds a MSE
and financial econometrics. He has BS degrees in Operations Research and Financial Engineering
in Mathematics and Economics from Duke from Princeton University and a BS in Industrial
University, where he graduated summa cum Engineering and Operations Research from UC
laude, and a doctorate in economics from the Berkeley.
University of Oxford. [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Moody’s Analytics offers award-winning solutions and best practices for We help organizations answer critical risk-related questions, combining
measuring and managing risk through expertise and experience in credit best-in-class software, analytics, data and services, and models –
analysis, economic research, and financial risk management. By providing empowering banks, insurers, asset managers, corporate entities, and
leading-edge software, advisory services, data, and research, we deliver governments to make informed decisions for allocating capital and
comprehensive investment, risk management, and workforce solutions. maximizing opportunities. Through training, education, and certifications,
As the exclusive distributor of all Moody’s Investors Service content, we help organizations maximize the capabilities of their professional staff
we offer investment research, analytics, and tools to help debt capital so they can make a positive, measurable impact on their business. More
markets and risk management professionals worldwide respond to an information is available at
evolving marketplace with confidence.
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