Literature Review Concept Map Examples
Literature Review Concept Map Examples
Literature Review Concept Map Examples
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The journey of creating a comprehensive literature review is one that many scholars and researchers
face with a mix of anticipation and dread. It's a task that demands not just a deep dive into the
existing body of work in a specific area but also requires the ability to critically evaluate, synthesize,
and organize vast amounts of information into a coherent, structured narrative. This process, while
intellectually rewarding, poses significant challenges even to the most seasoned academics.
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In the realm of academic research, the literature review is your foundation. Building it with
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It can be deduced that both disorientation and extraneous processing are a consequence of an
inadequate structure within the concept map. Over time, several validated instruments were
developed for measuring the different types of cognitive load along with the ECL (Eysink et al.,
2009; Klepsch et al., 2017; Leppink et al., 2013 ). However, these measurements capture extraneous
processing while learning relatively unspecific. He is interested in learning with concept maps, the
design of animations and the measurement of cognitive load. The learner has to mentally structure
the map himself accompanied by many search processes. These are the things that should be
included under your subtopics. In this review, the distinction between quantitative, qualitative,
similarity and holistic analysis is chosen, as these methods of analysis consider the concept map
characteristics distinctively and they are based on different principles and theoretical assumptions. A
generalization to other educational settings (e.g., types of schools, school subjects, or students at a
different age) is hardly possible and requires replications. Open-ended concept map studies devoted
to knowledge and learning apply a variety of methods of analysis. Watch the video below to see how
easy it is to create a concept map with Lucidchart. Each participant was randomly assigned to one of
the four aforementioned treatment groups. A map of literature is a “graphical plan”, “diagrammatic
representation”, or a “geographical metaphor” of the research topic. Often this can be one of the
hardest sections of your paper requiring perfect formatting and careful writing which is why you will
often need our specialists to work with you. It is on the rise as an instructional method (e.g. Nair and
Narayanasamy 2017 ), to aid in curriculum design (e.g. Buhmann and Kingsbury 2015 ) and as an
assessment tool (e.g. Marriott and Torres 2016 ). One of my students used sticky notes with each
sticky note presenting a concept, and with smaller strips of sticky notes showing the relationships
between concepts. Accordingly, the structure serves as an attention guidance assistant. In particular,
learners with rather low prior knowledge often need further help to internalize knowledge which
consists of interconnections. Unleashing the Power of AI Tools for Enhancing Research, International
FDP on. Implications for practitioners This study gives some practical insights into designing
concept maps in educational settings. Improve the quality of your literature review by editing and
proofreading. The conclusions are presented based on the three main aspects of the research question,
namely methods of analysis, concept map characteristics and conclusions drawn, as well as their
mutual associations. 4.1 Methods of analysis This review explored the methods of analysis applied in
open-ended concept map studies and provided a first step towards exploring which methods of
analysis are applied and how. To be able to answer this question correctly, participants had to apply
their knowledge of the functions of this cell organelle. Erlbaum, Hillsdale, New Jersey (1988)
Coombs, C.: Coherence and transparency: some advice for qualitative researchers. Many provide
stunning graphical displays of search results (Edward Tufte would approve). Scientific articles are
selected from three databases: the Education Resources Information Center (ERIC); PsycINFO; and
the Web of Science (WOS). Qualitative analysis was the only way to explore concept maps content
inductively. GSlides can create concept maps using their Diagram feature. Sample Literature Review
Grids A Google Sheet with multiple tabs containing different grids for recording notes to help with
synthesizing sources. Conclusions about an increase or growth, are mainly based on counting
structural concept map characteristics, or applying quantitative analysis. As the first step towards
conducting a successful and impactful research is completed, what follows it is the gruesome process
of literature review. At its core, a concept map consists of nodes, which represent individual concepts
or ideas, and links, which depict the relationships between these concepts.
In line with Mayer ( 2002 ), all cognitive processes related to the integration of new information into
existing prior knowledge structures can be described as meaningful learning. In addition, it allows
paper imports from an ORCID profile. c. Keywords search method is used to find Litmaps indexed
papers. d. Additionally, it allows setting up email updates of “emergent literature”. e. Its unique
feature that allows overlay of different maps helps to look for overlaps of papers. f. Lastly, its
explore function allows finding related papers to add to the map. 4. Citation-based Sites a. As well
has helping you to organise the literature for your review, a literature map can be used to help you
analyse the information in a particular journal article, supporting the exploration of strengths and
weaknesses of the methodology and the resultant findings and enabling you to explore how key
themes and concepts in the article link together. With a basic principle of cause and effect and
problem solving, concept maps can show the relationship between theory and practice. 6. Rhetorical
Mapping: The use of rhetoric communication to discuss, influence, or persuade is particularly
important in social policy and political science and can be considered a linking strategy. Perceived
disorientation: An examination of a new measure to assess web design effectiveness. It generates a
graphical representation of the flow of citations reviewed in the course of a Systematic Review. It
can be deduced that both disorientation and extraneous processing are a consequence of an
inadequate structure within the concept map. Previews in hypertexts: Effects on navigation and
knowledge acquisition. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. Different distinctions
between methods of analysis are found in the literature. Scientific articles are selected from three
databases: the Education Resources Information Center (ERIC); PsycINFO; and the Web of Science
(WOS). Some of the software out there is paid for while others give you a free version for some
basic concept mapping. Digital concept maps for managing knowledge and information. If you are
planning to feature your concept map in your thesis, dissertation or research article, now is the time
to turn your rough concept map into something more presentable. In future research, the guidelines
provided in this study will assist scholars to make more informed choices for their analysis of
idiosyncratic data gathered with open-ended concept maps. Nevertheless, an ultimate solution to this
problem of conglomerating relevant data is literature mapping. This should be avoided as it is based
on the assumption that your views are the correct ones, and it is possible that you could miss key
ideas and findings that could take your research in new and exciting directions. By explicitly using
the conclusion to be elicited as a basis for choosing methods of analysis and concept map
characteristics, the transparency of research increases, which enables better quality assessment
(Coombs 2017; Verhage and Boels 2017 ). 5 Discussion When relating these conclusions to broader
theory, the first point of discussion is that 20 out of 21 repeated measures studies identified learning
or conceptual growth. For this analysis, the retention and comprehension scores were subsumed to
the variable learning performance. Figure 4 provides an overview of the types of conclusions that can
be drawn from open-ended concept maps, in accordance with the identified methods of analysis and
concept map characteristics. In order to increase the quality of this process, the inclusion and
exclusion criteria are discussed with co-researchers until consensus is reached. 703 articles did not
apply concept maps, or concept maps were used as learning tool, instructional tool, for curriculum
design or to analyze answers, texts or interviews. Qualitative and quantitative analysis are most
commonly applied to open concept maps, but to make concept maps more comparable, it is common
to use both methods, in which case quantitative analysis is preceded by qualitative analysis. Spatial
metaphors and disorientation in hypertext browsing. Researchers are often overwhelmed by the large
amount of information they encounter and have difficulty identifying and organizing information in
the context of their research. Powerful Tools for Mapping a Research Literature Professor Courtney
Page Tan, Assistant Professor of Human Resilience in the Department of Security and Emergency
Services at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, has compiled a list of powerful literature
mapping tools. Digital knowledge maps in education: Technology-enhanced support for teachers and
learners. Category representation was calculated by the number of nodes per category and was also
referred to as knowledge richness, frequencies of themes, presence of systems, representational level
or category distribution (Cakmak 2010; Kostromina et al. 2017; Ritchhart et al. 2009; Tripto et al.
2018; Yaman and Ayas 2015 ). Overall, the entire experiment took between 35 and 45 min. For each
subtopic, decide on a few crucial points of research and one by one, write them down below the
relevant subtopic, as shown in Figure 1. It is a tool for organizing and representing information in a
hierarchical and interconnected manner.
Quantitative analysis reduces the unique terms respondents use to numbers. Springer Nature remains
neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations. The
process of creating a concept map is an iterative one and you will find that it feels like you have
drawn and redrawn the map over and over so many times that you wonder if you are ever going to
get to a final version. Besides the statistical significance of this effect, the explained variance of 7%,
which corresponds to a medium effect size, indicates that the map structure affects perceived
disorientation notably. Download citation Accepted: 11 February 2021 Published: 24 February 2021
Issue Date: February 2022 DOI: Share this article Anyone you share the following link with will be
able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Therefore,
the aim of this study was to gain deeper insights into how the salience of the map structure and the
number of nodes per sub-concept affect cognitive learning processes. Learning time is stated in
seconds Analyses of variance To investigate possible effects of the independent variables on learning
performances, a MANOVA was conducted using retention and comprehension as dependent
variables. The literature review conceptualizes research structures as a “knowledge production
domain” that defines a productive and ongoing constructive element. Also, the research objects are
not included in Fig. 4, as references to research objects were ambiguous in previous studies and it
was unclear whether studies referred to the same objects differently, or studied different objects. If
material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not
permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission
directly from the copyright holder. How to guide for effectually writing a publishable research
manuscript - Pub. However, with numerous options available online, it does get difficult for
researchers to select one tool that is efficient. When learners can rely on sufficient knowledge how to
use a concept map, it may be easier for them to navigate through the learning material. Conclusions
about numbers of concept map characteristics are labelled as quantitative, conclusions about
descriptions are labelled as qualitative, conclusions about overlap with a reference map are labeled
as similarity and conclusions about the quality of the map as a whole are labelled as holistic.
Similarity and holistic methods analyze concept maps from expected structures or content and have
an evaluative or prescriptive purpose. This type of literature review pertains to a comprehensive and
thorough researching that could sometimes drive you to avail dissertation literature review writing
services. A concept map assignment includes: concepts or nodes, links or linking lines, linking
phrases, and the concept map structure, and all these aspects can be either respondent driven or
provided by the instructor (Ruiz-Primo 2000 ). Jot down all the ideas that come to mind while you
answer the following questions: What is your research about. Explanation of the rationale for
concept map characteristics and measures varied from just mentioning which characteristics are
measured and how, to studies that explain their operationalization based on theoretical descriptions
of the research object that is explicitly deduced into specific concept map characteristics and
measures. The main feedback given to the student who wrote this outline was to add to a brief
introductory section which explained the context and importance of the research question,
mentioned the key terms, conveyed the thesis statement, and provided a general outline of the
literature review. Structural complexity considered nodes and links and seems relatively easy and
objective to determine; however, it is more interpretative than it seems, especially as concept maps
grow more complex. Here, no inter-rater reliability was calculated since only one answer per item
was correct. Implications for practitioners This study gives some practical insights into designing
concept maps in educational settings. Gordon Universally Designed Learning Spaces: Some
Considerations Universally Designed Learning Spaces: Some Considerations Damian T. Two of the
three studies applying one method of analysis, qualitatively described the terms used in maps. For
the mediation calculation, the SPSS macro process, written by Hayes ( 2013 ), was used. In sum, 13
points could be reached in the comprehension test. Prior knowledge Learners’ prior knowledge was
measured because of its empirically proven influence on cognitive load perceptions and learning
performances (Chen et al., 2017 ). Two different task types were used to capture this concept.
Evaluating the terms used and categorizing or unifying them was a necessary preliminary step for
calculating other concept map characteristics, namely: category representation, interlinkage and
complexity index. A total of 109 citations were extracted from these three studies. 2.4 Data analysis
Data analysis is performed by using the selected articles for within- and cross-case analysis (Miles
and Huberman 1994 ).