HPI Last Work 12

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Clasificate the data

After cleaning the data we sorted the data into two tables, with the countries of
each continent.

Europe (740.433.713 Inhabitants) 740433713 America (1.043.901.526 Inhabitants)

Countries Deaths per 1000000 Countries

Deaths Confirmed inhabitants Deaths
Albania 66,779 4,126,460 9.02 Argentina 27,764

Andorra 885 69,047 0.12 Bahamas 2,349

Austria 1,016 174,842 0.14 Barbados 3,604

Belarus 24,830 516,023 3.35 Belize 130,682

Belgium 9,376 1,726,402 1.27 Bolivia 10,361

Bosnia and Herzegovina 125 7,766 0.02 Brazil 29,477

Bulgaria 4,628 399,449 0.63 Canada 168

Croatia 3,632 171,888 0.49 Colombia 7,118

670 46,864 53,470
0.09 Costa Rica
Denmark 997 63,764 0.13 Cuba 113

Estonia 1,937 106,303 0.26 Dominica 142,727

4,230 201,833 9,368
Finland 0.57 Republic
France 14,125 4,436,359 1.91 Ecuador 416
307 49,051 17,132
0.04 Guatemala
Greece 177 9,614 0.02 Haiti 183

Hungary 8,775 451,272 1.19 Honduras 38,009

Iceland 121,880 99,321,637 16.46 Jamaica 533,316

Ireland 3,163 57,423 0.43 Panama 22,986

Italy 18,057 2,583,470 2.44 Paraguay 12,031

Latvia 399 22,106 0.05 Peru 1

Latvia 62,082 5,325,080 8.38 Uruguay 124

Liechtenstein 199 25,954 0.03 USA 5,856

Lithuania 2,934 604,950 0.40 Venezuela 31

Luxembourg 2,250 233,731 0.30 Mexico 6,437

malt 48,874 2,220,168 6.60 Belize 130,682

Moldova 1,468 99,333 0.20 The Savior 29,423

Monaco 16,298 1,278,055 2.20 Chili 21

Montenegro 16,374 403,443 2.21 Surinam 80

174,979 38,437,756 4,390

Netherlands Trinidad
23.63 and Tobago
North Macedonia 19,072 1,502,857 2.58 Barbados 3,604

Norway 24 5,085 0.00 Bahamas 2,349

Poland 172 51,220 0.02 Grenade 238

Romania 37,218 5,160,116 5.03 Guyana 468

Russia 24 5,085 0.00 St. Lucia 1,971

San Marino 8,929 3,423,176 1.21 America 1,226,949

Serbia 671 218,903 0.09
Slovakia 2,654 251,280 0.36
Slovenia 709 35,892 0.10
Spain 1,299 73,676 0.18
Sweden 167,985 38,997,490 22.69
Swiss 2,570 666,551 0.35
Ukraine 67 17,181 0.01
United Kingdom 9 6,249 0.00
Europe 852,849 213,584,804 115.18
Este gráfico no está disponible en su versión de Excel. Este gráfico no está di

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Europe 115.1823566413

Enthusiastic Innovation: Aray Castellano, Enrique Sosa, Nick Willhem, Jose Antonio
Transform the data
We transform the data from tables to 4 graphs, 2
on deaths and on 2 confirmed people.
.901.526 Inhabitants) 1043901526
European Deaths per 1000000 inhabitants
Deaths per 1000000
Confirmed inhabitants
5,634,044 2.66
1,067,030 0.23
334,090 0.35 15.00
10,074,137 12.52
834,241 0.99
2,046,165 2.82

321,235 0.02 0.00

ia ia m ia ia ia ce ce nd ly ia ia lt co ds ay ia no ia in ss m
994,037 0.68
ban ustr lgiu lgar ech ton ran ree ela Ita Latv uan ma ona lan rw an ari vak Spa Swi gdo
4,743,991 5.12
Al A Be Bu Cz Es F G Ic Lit
h r o
M the N Rom n M Slo Ki
e S a ed
N it
15,440 0.01
6,384,551 13.67 American Deaths per 1000000 inhabitants
1,230,653 0.90 60.00

64,474 0.04
1,855,289 1.64 40.00

17,130 0.02
5,494,594 3.64
45,004,816 51.09 10.00
8,623,210 2.20
1,003,450 1.15 na os via da ica ica dor aiti aica uay uay ela lize hil ago as ana
nti rbad Boli ana a R min cua H m g ug z u e C b am y
5,393 0.00 rg e a C st Do E J a a
ar Ur ene
B To a h G u
A B Co P V d B
9,674 0.01 a d
552,695 0.56 Tr
16,780 0.00
507,269 0.62 European confirmed
10,074,137 12.52 120,000,000
1,153,361 2.82 100,000,000
62,697 0.00 80,000,000
6,719 0.01 60,000,000

191,496 0.42 40,000,000

a a a a a e e d y a a t o s y a o a n s
ni tri um ri hi ni nc ec an tal tvi ni al ac nd a ni in ki ai is om
334,090 0.35 l ba Aus elgi ulga zec sto Fra Gre Icel I La hua m on rla orw ma Mar lova Sp Sw ngd
A B B C E Lit M the N Ro n S Ki
1,067,030 0.23 Ne Sa ti e

19,693 0.02

38,572 0.04
American Confirmed
American Confirmed
89,033 0.19
109,871,216 118 100,000,000
a s ia a a a or iti a y y la e ili o s a a
ntin ado oliv nad Ric inic ad Ha aic gua gua zue eliz Ch bag ama yan eric
b a a u m a u B o u
g e ar B C st om Ec Ja Par Ur ene T
d Ba
h G Am
Ar B Co D V an
ir n


Este gráfico no está disponible en su versión de Excel.

Si edita esta forma o guarda el libro en un formato de archivo diferente, el gráfico no se podrá utilizar.

Nick Willhem, Jose Antonio Felipe

graphs, 2


Comparision deaths per 100000 inhabitan-

ay nia ino kia ain iss m
rw ma ar ova Sp Sw gdo ts Europe/ America
M Sl n
R o an d
S e
Graph grouping deaths by
habitants country for each continent
since the onset of the virus.

Europe America

e ili go as na
Ch ba am uya
Be To a h G
nd B
ir n

Comparision confirmed Europe/ America

ds ay nia rino kia ain iss om Graph grouping people confirmed

rw a a va Sp Sw gd to have been infected with the
No Rom n M Slo Ki
Sa d virus by country for each
ti e continent since the onset of the Europe 115 Europe 213,584,804
virus. America 118 America 109,871,216
virus by country for each
continent since the onset of the

Europe America

e li o s a a
liz Chi bag ma yan eric
Be T o a u
h G Am
d Ba
ir n


These graphs show in a

more visual way the deaths
pertainin to each country in
each continent.

The graphs show that, although there are fewer infections in America,
there are more deaths per 100,000 inhabitants in America, because
there are more people in America than in Europe, and on top of that
we think that America has an inefficient healthcare system.

pe/ America

This paper outlines the process of creating an Excel

dashboard to compare COVID-19 deaths between
America and Europe.The goal is to provide a visual
representation of the pandemic's impact, facilitating
easy analysis and understanding of the data.

Our purpose is to create a comparison between the

American and European continents.
To do this we have extracted the data from a data
source called:

Once we have these data, we clean the columns we

are not interested in, we also clean the countries
that do not belong to these continents.
Then, we transformed these tables into graphs and
compared them, and finally we modelled this
information to create the conclusion.

Página 9

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