P 7980205
Odon doded :489
riOad *B:o$: 2 rloErJC) rio€ e9o6?Jc) i 100
1- doci €O@Jisd dJad& .Hl €{dgrojq cgb d66&d rrCb ,}eX d-6(sd)d d{lrld, .r6a €tlgr
q6*6dd) dod)
ndl r-..0..106 rrDgp 6ddodr€3 drre#Adrd .,d( Sc6o$ doeae $p!*cdna6ri .rderoco)t,{Jaffi. .od) # erql,eeoj$
€$gionqd $6lriddl doojcaf! do8oeM d€(.#]a69 €{dg*onq! .rDdd,oeE:*3 rd't e{F€dx dc.*!e{d)eg.
2. OMR .rDgd @doi4 dr+ €drd €*e &adrd dsi&Jdq i.6*.erFl.
3. lrfob e{dgtu goloec Cq r-ie!ro6. rred @ddq $€tu66d ar* €{doroo g.deftd$dr oarq e!Std.€dd!6.
{Ft*l$ dod a)odef *os$dd rt$q edd d* d} i,^oo.!,d. tlgd @dooe eree6&d glcaob €{deaosq. do$i**.
4. oe* €qrJ?.io &d codrJ$ qcbqd
droeodc6 doa3,
5. d€dE qd3idd €{r3groi, rsddqcdr( Cd)! d.6ro6.6 iqd)di dl]aa3de*.
€qdgioi4 dd bd,q ardoirtdd).
6. * €qdg*oi$ 100 €qrddn &dd€oa&S. €edrood, €qojp 4 .rdl.lddtr &ettraoa+F. o4l e ,gd addobq rird)* &ddrdn$d
!,gpddlcrd? &airag c,od dd !,el l"odeJd d* n6obd !r!9#6d)oc$ ild rlrEOETJd &dxl (9qgFld&drd !n gq rbd\*
&6. &$c crde €E €*l ll(cl tcde Lod) 6l,gd$i eg .rdl &dJdi. aid, &d Erdffd d€d surdddl &!6i,e(66 &a*:
., .,l)gp*Cldi r,e"6ldodr dE &ef,erart5rud.
7. €tH, 4F dC (,{ d€F (qle €{'ld{ d€erdatu) + qrdd#d "ryt t*lc l; sddF
.tJadrEde cq*4€rid, €tJddl d &e.aind, €{dq !r+**,€(FCl
tnrJ q:Edd)
8. a(8 orEFit*dl idrl r.n8d@ndrJ EBt s"noet' ri8d @fu) dxd ido dCg erF n(r) E Od, rxrocod$ dQpq *g did &ddrdr. LLI
9. rr44Fd, d{ netsooalizcd r..ot d. qW cdole sCehds et+gi g.cld* psdd d,e.dd dq !r*!de r$e+Fdd
dl-g, 9r.&6., rd! -arq era ni€$*F* .l+ dd zr.d* t {4F.6, ed gEid €qp$dq slddslhtdBd ed ,rl
dse 4dq ecrr*t !r?F€* q[Oed z^oo!,d. sEF a,r.6g s€ead €Fgb gErd{| sqrFq.ia*6ktdd,
10. r"od) d.d (,d#Eo$, dd.oB.tqtpeo$ personalizeal e.-ooeeo6. uDqd @do$E uDgoidg. .,d E-oo..rr. trlgd.Edo$q
r,t Cdod dol.Hdryn$dl
11. .rr*Q.odI c*oo(9d. qDgp @'Colxl &riadalrC {d.: d" eddB+. dq&9d lrd !,,1060S s^5otrd. cDlid adoSq erioddd
Ort *rrl€a.
12. e?ll#FoiD Nou-personalized z^-ocrd. .'Dgp @do$.e sE$4ef lrq{OEotu do.odcl Jq$dl LdEtud,d *gtje ?.rdd, ne.)6q
sEdl o.!6irdG6 &d8+ ddr. €{dgt gecf 6drt€ &ol) io#sl qer6-dh eidolzJd d$l .Hadald dgcr€g J8o &aid.6.
3ei+ef t od .rqrFFo! !*oono.- t!9d 6!do$q lrtuoqnd.d dffiaik 4$Crt.
13- @O*, d.@ ef (@r.603 @CFe sr#d, d€* do @ddB+.
14. r4*, dirfd ed* ndldl uullo{,sdg !r(B q.-o(d. qtsd @ddq .*i+dd eidd!8rldd.
i5. J,6qdr dJryosdl d.d.tdrd r,oe.) doA ztdoRd qPd. r*5o..ro5. sDgd dddoi4 6qd& rbdr3, Sd)sdl Seej.dr. Joe$rd,
z)od Nl{g5d c-oqed. rn gd E-ddodrdl dl dq d#)*J60d, dfi*6d#16 0$6.r#*dx drcddfit.
16. t,qle€oio rae)ed dod a.ooeo6. ou:p @Cod, €E (Candidat€ copy)o3:rQ eoldr lr.q&Jdriq €dold#tl d,o..s6iisn
aodit"0ld-€gdd .rd,qd$ odEd* noeJFdeg @oidrsd<, d6Qf"{:i, d# .r* €Eodrq @3dr$aadB+
1?. lte srdqo @d**q €Fgtur AEdd,g d.H@ad €{dgil, €dfOd ed F-rdedr,o 3q ed 06Sd, rtddq edFg.
18. dq AQdqld d.d:
.rq[4Ecod d+ rn6s ed+] c'ry| dq oodr,ridEil
(, gE #F cn*ho en .dfidq ed(Fnd Eg €qd .rq*eEdi, .*iB ced elade (9 tflfl rsasd<xd lro#de % (0.%) d*
.rdrdq d.d d,de J+dqrbdtrr
(ii) .r!*Ard, ard, €$ edtd dEt t'8ddq &oE*.rde e.d sl)gi€ i0(6f1*.6 # .rdl a* llEid..d neadqlddl
cgd, dxd E{rdddx (, €qt dqdddl oAd(:ErlQdr
(in) t,(*e..tu odDd* e*t s'Eed .se) lraJod er.dd .rugdddi CdE{:i e €$ e€* d4 OQd('Errdq}
.r$cidde d.tchq,HA*r!6d
Note ; English uersion of the instructintls is prituted' on the back couer of this booklet.
2. Sr3,03d
l)< AF6
t SdoaSd
I alr3
fdnd 5 ecddetJori6 fu*od aobFrid zl{ ds
d€f8dddl dorJdtu tCEd e8ee#lCdtr dOdcatu
o 4660 d,66
\.,/o AE6d
t d,g \J
o. dgeryo eedlu dodorc)oe drdro8r3
{€d#rJCl oo2^) eruorbcbrld
.frodde d?Tfoqd
z). eridr$dd Cgdfdd doeEoll
?9. dodJo$Jd oiropoddooBr3
AN6od erdooa)ld:gp dooflne€iogp
tu. €ednodr doobriddru 0prfdm8 tu. qerorid <Cdrdd
$oriBSepnd A. uod,D.lm€o3rod ddd
A. t€dt6ri$ doduo$Op.
i"dhd erdrl9od
trt erDddaoA d6obd
&e6&d erd:d9od
trt dOolnd erustlaE tneoe erd;* erd3 eA
doed erdl erQ atuA.
(1) o-&es, ?9-s?3, tu-dq$ a-,s?s
(1) o dlCr
(2) o-So3, ?5-(cee, fu-cDd, A-d-dB
(2) 25 t'od)
(3) tu t'd)
(3) o-$a3, A-dai* tu-,Cet, B-&cs
(4) A frd) (4) o-d+ a-0ar, tu-Sa3, A-S?s
489-P (2)
1 Regarding Processors following two o FAT, FAT32, NTFSs, HPFS are
statements are given : related to
A. RISC is reusable instruction set (1) Operating system
computing processors
(2) File system
B. CISC is complex instruction set
computing processors
(3) Memory system
is/are correct?
Select the code for the correct answer
from the options given below : 4. Compiler is an example for
(1) A only
(1) Hardware
(2) B only
(2) Application software
(3) Both A and B (3) System software
(4) Neither A nor B (4) Firmware
Consider following statements 5 Consider following statements
regarding format of a magnetic disk regarding functions of operating
A. Disk drive creates a set of rings system
ca-lled tracks on each side of the A. Loads the program into
ilisk. computer memory
B. The number of tracks depends B. Coordinates with the computer
on the type of disk.
C. Each sectors are divided into
C. Managing of flles
D. The tracks are numbered.
D. Protection from external attack
Select the code for the correct answer Select the code for the correct answer
from the options given below : from the options given below :
obdrddq ecd:dododAe3
489- P (4)
6 Full form of DHCP I Decimal Equivalent of (346)e is
(1) Dynamic Host Configuration (1) 816
(2) 230
(2) Daily llost Configuration
(3) 232
(1) C language
7 Identifu a,valid possible IP address
in IPv4 (2) Python language
(3) Assembly language
(2) 333.222.222.222
(4) Binary language
(4) 43.247.t56.26
489- P (6)
t2. a page
orientation 15. Which of the following statement is
where the page is wider than it is true with respect to BCC?
(1) Stands for Bound Carbon Copy.
(1) Page Break Each user whose addresses are
(2) l.andscape typed in BCC is unaware of the
489- P (8)
17. Consider the following statements about 19. Consider the following statements
computer keyboaril : with reference to RAM :
18. The fastest memory in a computer is Which of the above statements is/are
(1) Cache
(1) OnIyA
(2) RAM
(2) Only B
(3) Register
(3) Both A and B
(4) ROM (4) Neither A nor B
I. 1024 MB
Choose the code for the correct
answer from the options given
[. 1024 x 1024IlB
below : m. lO24 x lO24 x 1024 Bytes
&o$€t'Dd dopoE edr
(3) *€e03orl6 mc0lottr eedde03on6
\J fuaEf
(Floating point (1) €dnr6
Operating Processing System)
(2) d$e.:oe
(4) S4e{Jon6 erde&ff dgedtuons
tu*$f (Floating Operations (3) er#eulorF tudf,f
Processing System) (4) Bo0.lo6€0io6
489- P (L2)
26. In email communication CC stands 29. Which of the following is true about
desired information
(3) drdd
(4) g, mon
(4) d:d epPoJ:
(4) dt 6$rJCJad)
43. qdde;0"iaoorild oodfrdnb* 46. "erdr z-Odod acd:d" ood: de€d
6H)?rd6o8 doeBfu.
P erd dded .CrlA dBtuddg
doooonddl ab$ erddr drd0od (1)
ddnO atnddeeQ
a e:d8d)6od& domo$dd:o #oO (2) ergHradeS
(3) r.tduafidg
R qdffi)d zsedhedund& ood:
ddoix>rngQ. (4) dedd aoRd>oJ:,
S ioe4d&ridl rco&er*o dO-fud
*edo$&{ d0rJc6fu erdgE?od0r3
C-oslo$&{ CealQddr.
(1) PQRS 47. . ri.J
qJL J(,
+ J-J- o.)
eiJ(, ( IJLIJ!g.\)
(2) QRSP
(3) SRQP Q,dd
(4) RSPQ
(1) d0{
(3) ddd
(4) z:rBco
48. eSooriJ'ednod:
45. '€droddrded' de)gdeJdo$ SrgF ed&r3
sqg9d.' (1) srodaaJ,
(1) sEiloC (2) @doa:O
(2) erdodsed
(3) e%)dd r$Ei (?) sB ad
(4) F*€ .
(4) d>aad,
489- P (16)
49. emSduodt aodd 52. bqr .3dolx#dr' - eeJdtdrd:
(1) ri:ca eradd
.t edno6&a$d
eddddl.{ (1) dQoood q:oaSoodr
ded:d #
(2) d6ooo=odro3:
(2) dnQqbO$rd e*cQr{ dd
(3) d6sood
(3) &ode troSot elded dt'grJeod
dddd:o de$d dd
(2) erud#oofod
(2) doolr:gi pd:
(3) daoooooorod
(3) *tBrrd pdr
@\ eroderoe.:orod
3 ''{ (4) errH:rd qodr
489- P (17) lP. T. O.
55. 'at5d:" edd d&uo$rdridr 58. .3d add eCdd dd*d dnd ri8rtu.
(4) erdnezJd
(3) ffiF
(4) {-oodr
57. ds oodpOd r3d oCd eoQeatr affi
std4d drad .$d8fu.
ao rldra-ozeooEdt draeeSesc 60. zSodd ood
e, oE
(1) drodd
(2) sed
(2) d$ds
(3) #drod
(3) erud_eal
(4) aSoBd
(4) i.,:d4ed
489- P (18)
61. r$o&r3 deffidlu r$&efu. 64. 'doar0Jd doBedd &oaa$d'ooa dd0r3
(2) u).oo.Ae
(1) qoofuefosr
(2) qeodgyaoo
65. qdo.0Soohd:d ECdCd:4 erCrdncar
(3) EdoeefCot
(4) dt. a-od.a-oE
(1) 6\9pJJ
(2) QSPR
(3) SQRP
(3) dgF6$
(2) Iegal
68. The child was well behaved and
requiretl little vlsron.
(3) biased
(fo look after)
(1) mis.-
(3) wonderful
(2) de -
(4) popular (3) un -
(4) dis -
489-P (20)
Direction : (Question No. 70) In Directions : In questions no.72 to
the following question a sentence has 74, each question contains a
paragraph of 6 sentences. The first
been given in active/passing voice. and the sixth sentences are given in
Out of the four given alternatives, the begirrlring and end and numbered
select the one which best expresses 1 and 6 respectively. The four
sentences in the middle are jumbled
the same sentence in passive/active and labelled P, Q, R and S. You must
voice and shade/blacken the identify the proper order of these
corresponding circle in your answer four sentences and shade/bracken the
option that correctly identifies this
sheet. sequences.
Example :
70. All banks offer credit cards
1 Once upon a time a prince who
(1) Credit cards is offered by all ruled Persia fell in love with a
peasant girl and asked her to
banks marry him.
(2) Credit cards were offered by all P One day some dacoits kitlnapped
banks the prince and hid him in a cave
and demanded for ransom.
(3) Credit cards was offered by all a The hardworking peasant girl
banks agreed to marry him only if he
could weave a carpet.
(4) Credit cards are offered by aII
R The prince asked the dacoits to
banks get him material to weave
carpets and secretly embroidered
the location.
Direction : Q.No. 71 : Change the S The carpets were sold in many
kingdoms as well as in Persia
sentence into indirect speech, choose
where the princess recognized
the correct answer a.lld shade/blacken the workmanship of her prince
the corresponding circle in your and decipheretl the secret
answer sheet.
6 The princess took her soldiers to
the cave and killed all the
71. I said to him, "Are you happy''? dacoits, brought her prince back
and they lived happily ever after.
(1) I askedhimifhewashappy
The correct sequence is :
(2) I asked him that he was happy (1) PQRS
(3) I asked him ifhe were happy (2) RSPQ
(4) I asked him if I was happy (3) RQPS
(4) QPRS
489- P (21) lP. T. O.
Explanation : I i). L. Bachendri PaI was born in 1954,
in Nakuri village, Garhwall.
The correct sequence or order in this
P. This experience heightened her
example is QPRS. So you have to
shade/blacken option (4) in your Iove for the mountains and
answer sheet. adventure.
489- P (24)
81. It was a bolt from the Blue for the Satisfaction and fulfillment of our
farmers this year. needs temporarily is grati5cation
(1) It was a blessing in disguise for Until now the psychologists only
the farmers this year factored in emotional and physical
gratification, but virtual gratification
(2) It was an expected misfortune is the latest one. Metro base places
for the farmers this year
have excessive accessibility that
(3) It was something an unexpected leads to internet addiction or cyber
situation for the farmers this compulsiveness I have conqudred
year your real world and changed it into
(4) It was a pleasant situation for virtual world. The net usage is a
the farmers this year serious behaviour that warrants
intensive counsellin g.
82. His uncle has taken him under his What is it that tempts us? It s a way
wing of effortless, time consuming act, a
(1) His uncle has sent him out kind of socialization People are
replacing their off-line activities into
(2) His uncle has not been on-line mode as E-mails, discussions
protective about him forums, games, shopping and
(3) His uncle has not taken care of chatting are the most popular and
him common senrices. Nowadays, there is
(4) His uncle has taken him under no communication, conversation
his protection between the family and friends too.
The real life is getting curbed with
virtual one. The excess usage of net
Directions : Read the following can definitely disrupt one's physical,
passage and answer the questions
academic, social, personal, financial
that follow (Q.No. 83 to 86). and occupational life, Discon:aect to
Your answers to these questions connect yourself, disconnect with
should be based on the passage only. unreal virtual world, to connect with
Passage : the real world around you. Otherwise
the danger begins when people create
Technology in the name of Internet a clear divide between their net
has hooked us up. Every now and personas and real personality. This
then I found you eugrossed in my virtual life becomes escape from real
virtual world, accessing global world, ensnared in World. Wide \{eb.
information and communication This will surely become a hindrance
facility - I em Internet, the most in discovering onesef. As it cannot
common term. Stationed. in one place edifr the morality; nor help us build
with our fingers clicking away on the courage and character.
mouse, if you lose sense of time and
place, you are living in virtual world, 83. Who is 'I' in the passage?
Virtual is near enough, not real. (1) Internet
Once you are caught in the net, the
lines between the real and the unreal (2) Friend
get so blurred that it could affect (3) Technology
your body and mind seriously. (4) Global computer
489- P (25) tP. T. O.
84. By losing sense of time and place we Direction : Question Nos. 87 to 88
are living from the four oplions (1), (2), (3) and
85. What is temporary satisfaction and
fulfilment of needs?
(1) Tired
(1) Gratification
(2) Malicious
(2) Socialization
489- P (26)
Direction : Q.No. 89 to 90 to have Direction : Question No. 91 to g3
answer sheet.
91. A pame assumed by a writer to hide
his identity
(1) False-name
89. A person who can speak ii two (2) Aronym
languages (3) Surname
(4) Pseudonym
(1) Bilingual
(2) Literate
92. A sentimental longing or wistfrrl
(3) affection for a period i-n the past
(1) myalgia
(4) Literature (2) eulogia
(3) otalgia
(4) nostalgia
90. When meaning is unclear, it is
(1) Ambassador
93. A home for children without parents
(2) Ambience
(1) Orphanage
(2) Nursery
(3) Ambiguous (3) Residence
(4) Anniversary (4) Homage
94. A song transmitted orally that tells a (2) to, of, across
story (3) among, of, through
489- P (28)
You have to euter your Register Number in the
Question Boollet ir the box pmvided alongside.
DO NOT write aalthitrg else ou the Question Boollet
This Questioo Boqklet contains 100 questions and each question cofltains four choices. Select the response which you waDt to EarL
on the Answer Sheet. In case you feel that there is more than one coEect response, Erark the lesponse $,hich you consider the Eost
appropriate. In any case, chooae ONLY ONE RESPONSE for each question. Ifthe candidatp etrcodes more thaD one alrswer theo
CI' that ansver shau be considered as IIWALID.
rn 7 Questions are p lted both in Kannada and English ({ixcept Langlage Qlestions). If there any co[fusion in the translation of
Kalnada Questions candidata shall refer t}le Questions in E[glish and utrderstand the Questions-
8 All the rcspoDse should be marked ONLY on the separate OMR Answer Sheet provided and ONLY in Black or Blue Ball Point Pen-
9 The candidate shall easure that the Question Paper Version Coile priuted iE the persorulized OMR Answer Sheet
matches with the Question PaperVersion Code printed on the uomiaal roll In case of any discrepancy the carrdidate
shall give declaration regarding the actual Questior Paper Version Code used by the Candidate. Ifthe candidate fails
to give such declaration then the version code priDted on the OMR answer sheet shall be considereal for evaluatiou.
10. In case if candidates uses the personalized OMR Answer Sheet belooging t! aoother caDdidate thetr the OMR Answer sheet shall
be coDsidered as II.MLID.
11. The candidat€ shall affix his/her signature in the personalized OMR AJrswer sheet in the space provided vithout fait. If the
candidate fails to do so, then such OMR Answer Sheet shall be considered as INVALID.
12. In case if caodi<late uses t-he Non-personalized OMR Answer Sheet then the candidate shal wite ttre Register number in the space
provitled and also encode ttre relevant circles. Also tle candidate sha.ll w'ite the versiotr code and subject code coapulsorily and a.fix hjsy'her
sitnature in the space pmvide<L Ifthe candftlate frils to do so then such OMR Arswer Sheet shall h€ cousidered as INVALID.
The candidatr shall siga in the Nominal Rotl (Attendance Sheet) without fail.
14. ffthe candidate violatee any ofthe above irukuctions, tlrerr the OMR Arrswer Sheet shall be cousider€d as 'II.[VAUD.
Immediately after the final beu indicatirg the conclusion ofthe exaEination, stop any firrther markings in the OMR Answer Sheet.
The candidates shall uot leave the examination hall till the OMR Atrswer Sheets are collected atrd accounted for by the Invigilator.
16. 1te candidate shall rctain Carbonle-ss copy ofthe OIvIR answer sheet (candidate copy) till the afitouace.derlt offnal list and incase ifthe
ComBission directs the candidate to pmduce the candidate copy, then the candidate shall produce the same without friI
t7. Sheets for rough work are appeaded in the Question Booklet at the end- You should trot Bake any marking otr any other part ofthe
Question Booklet.
18. Penalty for Wrotrg ans{rers :
(i) Ihere are 6ur altemati!€s Sr ttre answer to elery qtrestioa For eadr question br which wrong answer hae been given by tlle candidate,
orefourth (025) of the 6arks assigned to tlat questbtr will be d€duct€d as pea.alty.
(ii) If a candidat€ gives ruore than one auswer, it will be treated as a wrong &nswer even if one of the given answers happeDs to
be correct and there will be saroe penalty as above to that question.
(ii.i) ffa question iB treft blank ie., tro aiswer is gi€n hytlE caDdidate, t}Iere will be no penalty 6t that questio[