A Detailed Lesson Plan

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A Detailed Lesson Plan (4As) in Natural Objects in the Sky

for Elementary

A. CONTENT STANDARD: The learners demonstrate understanding of the natural objects in
the sky affect one’s daily activities.

B. PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learners should be able to list down activities which
affect their daily activities.
C. LEARNING COMPETENCY: The learners should be able to describe the natural objects
that are found
in the sky during daytime and nighttime.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: At the end of the 45-minute period, at least 75% of the class able
 identify the natural objects seen in the sky at daytime and nighttime,
 show appreciation and importance of the natural objects seen in the sky,
 make a representation of the sky during daytime and nighttime.


A. TOPIC: Natural Objects in the Sky
B. REFERENCE: Internet & CG code S3ES-IVg-h-6
C. MATERIALS: Graphic Organizer, projector, laptop, pictures, visual aids, marker.

A. Preparatory Activities

• Greetings
Good morning, everyone!

• Prayer
Before we start our new lesson, I encourage
everyone to please stand.

May I ask Mark to lead the prayer?

In the name of the Father, the Son and the
Holy Spirit. Amen. _______

Thank you, for leading the prayer.

Good morning once again, how is you feeling Fine, thank you! How about you Teacher
today? Mendalyne?

Well, I’m very fine and I’m very delight to

hear that you’re all fine. I hope you have
enough energy to do the activities today.

• Classroom Management
Now, before you sit down, could you please
pick up some pieces of paper on the floor and
arrange the seats then sit properly. (Student are doing what is being told)

• Checking of Attendance
______, could you please report to us how
many present and absent for today?

Wow! Well done! Let's give ourselves ten None is absent, teacher.

Thank you, for the report of attendance_____.

Well, it’s good to hear that all of you are

present for today’s class.

IV. Lesson Proper

B. Motivation
Before we start our lesson, let’s freshen up
our thoughts first, class I want you all to be
active as much as you can! Okay?

(Teacher will post the picture one at a time.)

Okay Teacher!

Class, can you tell me what is in the picture


When will you see the sun? During daytime

or nighttime?
How about in picture B? What object is that?

Can you see the moon during daytime?


Very good! I guess all of you really know Daytime teacher!

what object is in the picture.

C. Activity Moon!
(Teacher will post 4 graphic organizers on the

Because we can only see it during nighttime.

Now I will group you into 4 groups, each

group will be given a meta-card. Write your
answers on the
meta-cards, green for object seen during
daytime and blue for object seen at night then
paste it on
the graphic organizer where it belongs.

Each group will have a leader and one

representative to present your answers. While
doing the activity, please observe silence,
cooperate with you co- members, keep your
working area clean and understand what you
are doing.

I will give you 5 minutes to do the activity.

(Student do what is being told)
You may start now.

Wow! Very good. Thank you for participating

for sharing your wonderful ideas as a group.

D. Analysis
Can you tell me what are the natural objects
seen in the sky at night_______?

How about during daytime?

Are there objects that can be seen in both the

day and night sky?

Really? How can you say?

Moon and stars

Sun and clouds but sometime we can also see

So, what do you think the activity we did rainbow teacher!
earlier is all about?

Moon, star and sometimes cloud, teacher!

Very good! The activity we did earlier
pertains to Natural Objects in the Sky during
nighttime and daytime. (Possible Answer)
Because sometimes I see the moon during
Now, fasten your seatbelt because we are now daytime in the late afternoon. I can also see
going to discuss about Natural Objects in the star during daytime because sun is also a star
Sky. and then I can also see the clouds during
nighttime when the moon is really bright.
Are you all ready? About what we see in the sky during
nighttime and daytime.

E. Abstraction
Today we are going to talk about the natural
object in the sky.

(Teacher will show a picture of sky)

Yes, we are ready, teacher!

_____, can you describe the sky?

Very good! But how did you say that it is
dark during nighttime?

Okay, very well! Now, ______describe the


Bright and sky blue during daytime but

during nighttime it is dark.

Because I saw it teacher, it was dark because

Nice! Basically, the Sun is a hot ball of gases there wasn't much light like the sun during
that gives off great amounts of energy. night time.

The sun is the star during daytime.

Sun is very hot. It provides us a lot of light
Next, we have clouds. during daytime. The Sun is the star at the
center of the solar system, teacher!

What did you say about the cloud?

What else?

How can you say that?

Very good! So, Clouds a large collection of

very tiny droplets of water or ice crystals.
When these
water droplets get too heavy to stay
suspended in the cloud, they fall to Earth as White teacher and it looks like a cotton.
rain. The rain comes from the cloud’s teacher!

How about… Because when the clouds get too heavy it will
Have you ever seen a rainbow?

Can you describe it?

Can you tell me what color are those?

Yes, teacher!
Very good! When can you see a rainbow? The rainbow has so many colors teacher!

The colors of the rainbow are Red, Orange,

Is it beautiful? Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet,

That nice! Now let move to our next picture.

Right after it rains, teacher!

Yes, teacher because it has so many colors!

What is in the picture?

Really? Can you describe the Moon _____?

How can you say it dominate the nighttime?

Moon, teacher!
How can you say it is the brightest during Moon is a natural object that can be seen
nighttime? during night and day but dominates nighttime

Because when the night comes, moon is the


Where does the sun go during night?

(Possible Answer)
It is the brightest at night because the sun is
absent during nighttime, teacher.
Very good! To be clear Moon is a large
natural object that orbits, or travels around
Earth. After the Sun, it is the brightest object
in the sky.
The earth rotates around the sun so if the sun
The moon changes its shape at different times is in front then the moon is behind the earth
of the month. and vice versa.
Stars are huge, glowing balls of gases.

Lastly, the star? Can you describe it? ______

Very good!

A star is an exploding ball of burning gas held

together by gravity. It produces great amounts
of energy in the form of light and heat that
provide the perfect conditions for life on

Can you name the closest star to Earth?

Wow! Well done!
So now, can you tell me what
the activities that we can do during daytime

How about activities during nighttime? The Sun, teacher!

(Possible Answer)
Spend Time with your Family
Spend Some time on Internet
Very good! Reading
We need to understand the natural
object see in the sky because it important to
us humans. It helped humans navigate
through Earth. (Possible Answer)
Because if there is no source of energy like Have a Bonfire
sun and moon. What will happen? Enjoy a Free Outdoor Activity
Have a Backyard Camping Experience
Movie Night
Very good! Have a Game Night

Without it, it will destroy our ecosystem.

Are we clear on this class?

There’s no human, teacher because without

F. Generalization the natural object in the sky the Earth would
Are there any questions or clarification about be a lifeless ball of ice-coated rock. There
our discussion today? would be no other form of life.

Okay! Since there aren’t questions or

clarification anymore, I guess you all already
understood our discussion.

So, I will check your knowledge based Yes, teacher!

on what we discussed today. Okay?
What have we discussed again?

What are the natural objects seen in the sky at None so far!

What are the natural objects seen in the sky

during the day?

Okay Teacher!

In your own understanding, how does natural

object in the sky affect our lives? Natural object in the sky.

Moon and stars

G. Application

Group Activity: In the same group. Make a

representation of the sky that can be seen
during daytime and nighttime. Each group Clouds, sun, rainbow
will show
Their own work to the class and shares the
importance of these objects in one’s daily life.

You will be given 6 minutes to brainstorm

and practice. (Student provide own understanding)

H. Assessment
Direction: Write True if the sentence is
correct and False if it is wrong.

1. The sun is a star.

2. The moon has its own light.
3. The moon can be seen during daytime and
4. The sun appears at night.
5. The heat that comes from the sun is
to living things.
(student do what is being told)

I. Assignment
Look out the window at night time when the
sky is clear.

1. List the object you see in the sky. Name

2. Draw what you will see.
3. Write your answer and drawing in a short
bond paper.

V.Concluding Activities
Before we end our class this morning, are
there any clarifications?

Okay, if none then that would be all for


Goodbye, class. See you next meeting! God

bless us all.

None so far!

Thank you, Miss Mendalyne. May God bless

you too!

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