Git Commands Documentation
Git Commands Documentation
Git Commands Documentation
Documentation Template
Programming for Data Science Nanodegree Program
You will use this template to copy and paste the git commands you used to complete all
tasks on your local and remote git repository for this project. This file will serve as your
submission for the GitHub project.
1. Make a copy of this Git Commands Documentation template on your Google Drive.
2. Complete the four sections in this document with the appropriate git commands.
3. Download this document as a PDF file.
4. Submit this on the Project Submission page within the Udacity Classroom.
1. Set Up Your Repository
The following are the steps you will take to create your git repository, add your
python code, and post your files on GitHub.
Step 1. Create a GitHub profile (if you don’t already have one).
Step 2. Fork a repository from Udacity’s GitHub Project repository and provide a link to your
forked GitHub repository here:
Step 3. Complete the tasks outlined in the table below and copy and paste your git
commands into the “Git Commands” column. The first git command is partially filled out for
B. Move your and data files into No git command needed (you can
your local repository. use cp or a GUI)
C. Create a .gitignore file containing the name No git command needed (you can
of your data file. use touch or a GUI)
D. List the file names associated with the data No git command needed (add the
files you added to your .gitignore file names into your .gitignore
2. Improve Documentation
Now you will be working in your local repository, on the BikeShare python file and
the file. You should repeat steps C through E three times to make at
least three commits as you work on your documentation improvements.
C. After each change, stage and commit your $ git add
changes. When you commit your work, you $ git commit -m "docs: Updated the
should use a descriptive message of the Headings in
changes made. Your changes should be documentation"
small and aligned with your commit $ git add
message. $ git commit -m "docs: Added a
new link in
D. Push your changes to the remote repository $ git push origin documentation
F. Check the local repository log to see how all $ git log --oneline --graph --all
the branches have changed.
G. Go to Github. Notice that you now have two No git command needed
branches available for your project, and
when you change branches the README
4. Refactor Code
Now you will be working in your local repository, on the code in your BikeShare
python file to make improvements to its efficiency and readability. You should
repeat steps C through E three times to make at least three commits as you refactor.
C. Similar to the process you used in making No git command needed (edit the
the documentation changes, make 2 or more code in your python file)
changes in refactoring your code.
D. For each change, stage and commit your work $ git add
with a descriptive message of the changes $ git commit -m "refactor: Added a
made. print statement in the end of the
$ git add
$ git commit -m "refactor: Added a
comment line in the code"
G. Check the local repository log to see how all $ git log --oneline --graph --all
the branches have changed.
B. Pull the changes you and your coworkers $ git pull origin
might have made in the passing days (in this
case, you won't have any updates, but pulling
changes is often the first thing you do each
C. Since your changes are all ready to go, merge $ git merge refactoring
all the branches into the master. Address any $ git merge documentation
merge conflicts. If you split up your work
among your branches correctly, you should
have no merge conflicts.
D. You should see a message that shows the No git command needed
changes to the files, insertions, and
This concludes the project.
● Please review this document to make sure you entered all the required response
fields in all four sections.
● Download this document as a PDF file.
● Submit the PDF file on the Project Submission page within the Udacity Classroom.