The Pragmatic Theory of Truth As Developed by Peirce, James & Dewey - Geyer, D. L
The Pragmatic Theory of Truth As Developed by Peirce, James & Dewey - Geyer, D. L
The Pragmatic Theory of Truth As Developed by Peirce, James & Dewey - Geyer, D. L
Degree of
JAMES ..< i/
This thesis attempts to trace the growth of the pragmatic doctrine
of truth through the works of its three most famous advocates in
An examination of Peirce's initial statement of pragmatism is fol-
lowed by a discussion of his objections to the meaning put upon his
doctrine by his would-be disciples, and his resort, in order to save
himself from these 'perversions', to a renaming of his theory. Some
evident contradictions in his different principles are pointed out.
The changing position of William James is then followed through
magazine articles and books appearing successively during a period
of about thirty years. One finds here a gradually but continually
widening divergence from the rationalistic theories, which culminates
finally in the much-quoted extreme statements of the book 'Pragmatism'.
The few subsequently published references to truth seem to consist
largely of defenses or retractions of the tenets there set forth. As
has been so often said, William James was too sympathetic toward the
doctrines of other men to maintain a consistent doctrine of his own.
His best work, like that of the -higher literary type to which he ap-
have accepted pragmatism for what it was noj: rather than for what it
was. It was not a cut-and-dried system leaving no room for individual-
ity, and that this was
one of his strongest reasons for accepting it is
shown by his asking again and again: "If this (pragmatism) is not
truth, what is?" He was attempting to find a theory almost any
theory, one thinks sometimes which would serve as an alternative to
the older doctrines so incompatible with his temperament.
It is interesting to note that the frequent protests made by Peirce
against the turn given his ideas by his followers are always directed
against the work of James and Schiller, and never, so far as I have
been able to ascertain, against that of Dewey. It therefore seems
worth while to undertake a direct comparison between the views of
Peirce and Dewey. This comparison, then, occupies the latter part of
the thesis, with the result, it may be said at once, that Dewey's work
is found to be
very closely related to the original formulation of prag-
matism as made by Peirce.
The excellent historical sketches of pragmatism which have ap-
peared during the last five years have been somewhat broader in scope
than the present treatise, for they have usually described the dvelopment
of all the pragmatic doctrines in the mass while the emphasis here is
placed on the intensive treatment of a single doctrine, and this doctrine
is followed, moreover, through a limited number of its expounders.
Further, almost all such sketches are taken up for the most part in
showing how pragmatism grew out of the older doctrines or in con-
trasting it with various alternative theories, while the thing attempted
here is, again, a careful comparison of the views of three thinkers
within the School itself w ith of course the writer's own reaction to
these views. has thus seemed best to undertake "no (necessar '!;/
See for example an
article by Alfred Lloyd on "Conformity, Consistency, aid
Truth" Journal of Philosophy for May 22, 1913; also Boodin's Truth and Reality,
in the
Caldwell's Pragmatism and Idealism, De Laguna's Dogmatism and Evolution, Hurra 's .
give rise. If beliefs do not differ in this respect, if they appease the
same doubt by producing the same rule of action, then no more differ-
ences in the manner of consciousness of them can make them different
beliefs, any more than playing a tune in different keys is playing a
different tune."
Imaginary distinctions are made very frequently, it is true, between
beliefs which differ only in their mode of expression. Such false dis-
tinctions do as much harm as the confusion of beliefs really different.
"One singular deception of this sort, which often occurs, is to mistake
the sensation produced by our own unclearness of thought for a char-
acter of the object we are thinking. Instead of perceiving that the
obscurity is purely subjective, we fancy that we contemplate a quality
of the object which is essentially mysterious and if our conception be
ofjaction ;
and that whatever
connected with a thought, but irrelevant
every real distinction of thought, no matter how subtle it may be; and
there is no distinction so line as to consist in anything but a possible
difference in practice".
As an example, consider the doctrine of transsubstantiation. Are
the elements of the sacrament flesh and blood ''only in a tropical sense'
or are they literally just that? Now "we have no conception of wine
except what may enter into a belief either, (i) that this, that, or the
other is wine, or (2) that wine possesses certain properties. Such be-
liefs are nothing but self-notifications that we should, upon occasion,
consequently mean nothing by wine but what has certain effects, direct
or indirect, upon the senses and to talk of something as having all
Briefly this may be answered by saying that the true belief is the one
which will be arrived at after a complete examination of all the evidence.
"That opinion which is fated to be ultimately agreed to by all who
investigate, is what we mean by the truth, and the object represented
in this opinion is the real." (Note: "Fate means merely that which
is sure to come true, and can nohow be avoided".) The real thus
depends indeed upon what is ultimately thought about it, but not upon
what any particular person thinks about it. This is clearly brought
out in contrast to non-scientific investigation, where personal equation
counts for a great deal more. "It is hard to convince a follower of
the a priori method by adducing facts but show him that an opinion
the opinion which is natural for one man is not so for another, and that
belief will, consequently, never be settled. In contenting themselves with
fixing their own opinions by a method which would lead another man
to a different result, they betray their feeble hold upon the conception
of what truth is. On the other hand, all the followers of science are
fully persuaded that the processes of investigation, if only pushed far
enough, will give one certain solution to every question to which they
can be applied. One man may investigate the velocity of light by study-
ing the transits of Venus and the aberration of the stars another by the
method of Fizian. ...... .They may at first obtain different results, but as
each perfects his method and his processes, the results will move
steadily together toward 'a destined center. So with all scientific re-
search. Different minds may set out with the most antagonistic views,
but the process of investigation carries them by a force outside of them-
selves to one and the same conclusion". This"' conclusion, to be sure,
and isolated observations count for little where every hypothesis that
radically false step is rarely taken, even the most faulty of those
theories which gain credence being true in their main experiental
It is in a desire to elevate metaphysics to somewhere near this
Ic^vel that Peirce proposes his new theory of clearness, believing that
much of the useless disputation of philosophy, as he sees it, will end
when we know exactly what we are talking about according to this test.
On. the question of truth he might indeed Tiave referred to another
of his early articles, where the same idea of the independence of truth v
which our beliefs may be caused by nothing human, but by some external
permanency by something upon which our thinking has no effect
It must be something which affects, or might affect, every man. And,
though these affections are necessarily as various as are individual
conditions, yet the method must be such that the ultimate conclusion
of every man shall be the same. Such is the method of science. Its
There are real things whose characters are entirely independent of our
opinions about them those realities affect our senses according to regular
laws, and, though our sensations are as 'different as our relations to the
objects, yet, by taking advantage of the laws of perception, we can
ascertain by reasoning how things really are, and any man, if he have
sufficient experience, and reason enough about it, will be led to one
true conclusion. The new conception here involved is that of reality.
It may be asked how I know that there are any realities. If this
things, it at least does not lead to a contrary conclusion but the method
Xow, reality cannot be the sum of all beliefs regarding the real,
because reality is defined in another connection as the object represented
by a true opinion, and a true opinion is that which is fated to be agreed
to after an investigation is complete. Reality then can consist only in
certain selected beliefs. But if reality is this set of ultimately-adopted v
beliefs, what is truth itself? For truth has been defined as the beliefs
which will be ultimately adopted.
the postulate of science. He cannot use both the method for clearness
and the postulate of the method of science.
We must remember that Peirce was a pioneer in this movement.
And making the transition from the older form of thought, he
occasionally uses a word both in the old sense and in the new. Such
would seem to be his difficulty with the word 'reality', which he uses
both in the newer sense which the method for clearness would show
it to have, and in the old orthodox sense of something absolute. When
he says "reality consists of the peculiar sensible effects which things
Asomewhat similar difficulty .occurs, as I may point out again in
criticism, in the use of the words 'meaning' and 'belief. Here the con-
fusion is caused, not by using a word in two senses, as in the case of
'reality',. but by using both the words 'meaning' and 'belief in the same
sense. Peirce defines both 'meaning' and 'belief as a sum of habits,
and indicates no difference between them.
Thus he says of meaning, "There is no distinction of meaning so
anything but a possible difference in practice". (2^3)
fine as to consist in
"To develop its meaning, we have, therefore, simply to determine what
habits it produces, for what a thing means is simply what habits it
involves", (p. 292). .
in terms of the same thing and thus identifying them, we ought sharply
to distinguish between them. To have the meaning of a thing is not
at all the same as to believe in it. Thus one may have clearly in mind
the meaning of centaurs or of fairies or of any of the characters of
mythology without in the slightest degree believing in them. Defining
these things in terms of sensible "effects, we could say that we know
two are not the same. And if, as we have said, the quality that dis-
tinguishes belief from meaning is the fact that it involves expectation,
then we appear to be on the verge of a new theory of truth, a theory
saying that truth is simply the fulfillment of these expectations.
Such, we may note, is the interpretation that Dewey puts upon the
pragmatic method, such is the theory of truth that he finds involved
in it.
that, since obviously nothing that might not result from experiment can
have any direct bearing upon conduct, if one can define acurately all
the conceivably experimental phenomena which the affirmation or denial
of a concept could imply, one will have therein a complete definition of
the concept, and there is absolutely nothiny more in it. For this doctrine
he [Peirce, now speaking" of himself] invented the name of prag-
matism His word 'pragmatism' has gained general recognition in a
generalized sense that seems to argue power of growth and vitality.
The famed psychologist, James, first took it up, seeing that his 'radical
empiricism' substantially answered to the writer's definition, albeit with
a certain difference in point of view. Next the admirably clear and
brilliant thinker. Air. Ferdinand C. S. Schiller, casting about for a more
attractive name for the 'anthropomorphism' of his Riddle of the Sphin.r,
chosen, that is, to express some meaning that it was rather designed to
exclude. So, then, the writer, finding his bantling 'pragmatism' so
promoted, feels that it is time to kiss his child good-by and relinquish
it to its higher destiny while to serve the precise purpose of expressing
would ultimately be found if the inquiry were pushed to its ultimate and
indefeasible issue. This, I beg to point out, is a very different position...
from that of Mr. Schiller and the pragmatists of to-day Their
avowedly undefinable position, if it be not capable of logical char-
acterization, seems to me to be characterized by an angry hatred of
strict logic, and even a disposition to rate any exact thought which
interferes with their doctrine as all humbug. At the same time it seems
to me approximate acceptance of the Pragmaticistic
clear that their
principle, and even that very casting aside of difficult distinctions (al-
though I cannot approve of it), has helped them to a mightily clear dis-
cernment of some fundamental truths that other philosophers have seen
but through a mist, or most of them not at all. Among such truths, all
of them old, of course, yet acknowledged by few I reckon their denial
you assumed the truth of the other, why then the difference between the
two propositions is no real difference it is only a specious and verbal
difference, unworthy of future contention There can be no difference
which does not make a difference no difference in the abstract truth ~"~\
"The Pragmatic Method", University of California Chronicle 1898. Reprinted in
Journal of Philosophy, 1904, v. i,p. 673. Page references are to the latter.
them is
gained, be the atom or be the God their cause." (p. 677). "The
God, if there, has been doing just what the atom could do appearing
in the character of atoms, so to speak, and earning such gratitude as is
due to atoms, and no more". Future good or ill is ruled out by
postulate. Taken thus retrospectively, there could be no difference be-
tween materialism and theism.
But taken prospectively, they point to wholly different conse-
quences. "For, according to the theory of mechanical evolution, the
laws of redistribution of matter and motion, though they are certainly
to thank for all the good hours which our organisms have ever yielded
us and all the ideals which our minds now frame, are yet fatally certain
to undo work again, and to redissolve everything that they have
evolved We make complaint of [materialism] for what it is not not
a permanent warrant for our more ideal interests, not a fulfiller of our
remotest hopes Materialism means simply the denial that the moral
order is eternal, and the cutting off of ultimate hopes theism means the ;
that that very meaning of the conception of God lies in the differences
which must be made in experience "if the conception be true. God's
famous inventory of perfections, as elaborated by dogmatic theology,
either means nothing, says our principle, or it implies certain definite
things that we can feel and do at certain definite moments of our lives,
things that we could not feel and should not do were no God present
and were the business of the universe carried on by material atoms in-
stead. So far as our conceptions of the Deity involve no such experi-
ences, they are meaningless and verbal, scholastic entities and abstrac-
tions, as the positivists say, and fit objects for their scorn. But so far
as they do involve such definite experiences, God means something for
us, and may be real".
The second illustration of the pragmatic principle the supposed
N, opposition between the One and the Many may be treated more briefly.
James suggests certain definite and practical sets of results in which to
"I have doubt myself that this old quarrel might be completely
when we thus attack the question, and set ourselves to search for these
possible connections, and conceive each in a definite and practical way,
the dispute is already in a fair way to be settled beyond the chance of
misunderstanding, by a compromise in which the Many and the One
both get their lawful rights", (p. 685).
In concluding, James relates Peirce to the English Empiricists, as-
serting that it was they "who first introduced the custom of interpreting
the meaning of conceptions by asking what differences they make for
life The great English way of investigating a conception is to ask
yourself right off, 'What is it known as? In what facts does it result?
What is its cash-Value in terms of particular experience? And what
special difference would come into the world according as it were true
or false? Thus does Locke treat the conception of personal identity.
What you mean by it is just your chain of memories, says he So
Berkeley with his 'matter'. The cash-value of matter is just our physical
sensations Hume does the same thing with causation. It is known
as habitual antecedence Stewart and Brown, James Mill, John Mill,
and Bain, have followed more or less consistently the same method and ;
The first article which James wrote on truth, as he later states, \va>
entitled 'The Function of Cognition", and was published in Mind in
The Meaning of Truth", Preface, p. viii.
Same, p. 137.
>n the other. "If the content of the feeling occurs nowhere els kuthe
universe outside of the feeling itself, and perish with the feeling, com-
mon usage refuses to call it a reality, and brands it as a subjective feature
of the feeling's constitution, or at most as the feeling's dream. For the
feeling to be cognitive in the specific sense, then, it must be self-trans-
cendent". And we must therefore "create a reality outside of it to cor-
respond to the intrinsic quality q". This can stand as the first complica-
tion of that universe. Agreeing that the feeling cannot be said to know
itself, under what conditions does it know the external reality? James
replies, "If the newly-created reality resemble the feeling's quality q, I
say that the feeling may be held by us to be cognizant of that reality".
It may be objected that a momentary feeling cannot properly know a
We may then assert that "if there be in the universe a q other than the q
in the feeling the latter may have acquaintance with an entity ejective
to itself an acquaintance moreover, which, as mere acquaintance it
than resemblance in the case of the one which it did know. This fact,
that resemblance is not enough in itself to constitute knowledge, can be
seen also from remembering that many feelings which do resemble
each other closely, e. g., toothaches do not on that account know each
other. Really to know a thing, a feeling must not only resemble the
thing, but must also be able to act on it. In brief, "the feeling of qN
knows whatever reality it resembles, and either directly or indirectly
operates on. If it resemble without operating, it is a dream; if it
latter percept [the one to which the concept has been reduced]
may be either sensation or sensorial idea and when I say the thought
appears, then, that the rule for attaining the higfihest grade of clearness
of apprehension is as follows Consider what effects, which might
true only if it can bring about these changes. Tl:<- next step is to
that its truth consists in its ability to for- d bring to pass these
ceptual systems which neither began nor left off in sensations would be
like bridges without piers. Systems about fact must plunge themselves
into sensations as bridges plunge themselves into the rock. Sensations
are the stable rock, the terminus a quo and the terminus ad qnem of
thought. To find such termini is our aim with all our theories to
conceive first when and where a certain sensation may be had and then
to have it.
Finding it stops discussion. Failure to find it kills the false
conceit of knowledge. Only when you deduce a possible sensation for
'The Psychology of Belief", Mind 1889, v. 14, p. 31.
Vol. II, chapter XXI.
me from your theory, and give it to me when and where the theory re-
quires, do I begin to be sure that your thought has anything to do with
truth." (11:7).
In 1902 James contributed to the "Dictionary of Philosophy and
Psychology" published by J. Mark Baldwin the following definition for
"The doctrine that the whole 'meaning' of a conception expresses
itself practical consequences, consequences either in the shape of
conduct to be recommended, or in that of experience to be expected,
if the conception be true which consequences would be different if it
Mind an advance proof of Mr. Bradley 's article for July on 'Truth and
Practice', I understand this as a hint to me to join in the controversy
over 'Pragmatism' which seems to have seriously begun. As my name
has been coupled with the movement, I deem it wise to take the hint,
the more so as in some quarters greater credit has been given me than
I deserve, and probably undeserved discredit in other quarters falls also
to my lot.
I myself have only used the
"First, as to the word 'pragmatism'.
term to indicate_a method of carrying on abstract discussion. The
serious meaning of a concept, says Mr. Peirce, lies in the concrete dif-
ference to someone which its being true will make. Strive to bring all
"All that the pragmatic method implies, then, is that truths should
have practical consequences. In England the word halTlreefMtsed^iiibre
broadly7~to^TDver~the -notion that the truth of any statement consists in
the consequences, and particularly in their being good consequences.
Here we get beyond affairs of method altogether and since this prag- ;
matism and the wider pragmatism are so different, and both are im-
portant enough to have different names, I think that Mr. Schiller's
proposal to call the wider pragmatism by the name of 'Humanism is
in the sense of beinggood for so much. For how much more they are
true, will depend entirely on their relation to the other truths that have
also to be acknowledged". For example, in so far as the Absolute
affords comfort, it is not sterile "it has that amount of value it per-
; ;
factorily 'in the widest sense of the word, it is true. Now whatever
its residual difficulties may be, experience shows that it certainly does
work, and that the problem is to build out and determine it so that it
will combine satisfactorily with all the other working truths", (p. 299).
"The true is the name
for whatever proves itself to be good in the >.
way of belief, and good, too, for definite, assignable reasons", (p. 76). /
"Empirical psychologists have denied the soul, save as the name *
for verifiable cohesions in our inner life. They redescend into the
stream of experience with it, and cash it into so much small-change
value in the way of 'ideas' and their connections with each other. The
soul is good or 'true for just so much, but no more", (p. 92, italics mine) .
"Since almost any object may some day become temporarily im-
portant, the advantage of having a stock of extra truths, of ideas that
shall be true of merely possible situations, is obvious Whenever such
extra truths become practically relevant to one of our emergencies, it
passes from cold storage to do work in the world and our belief in it ^
grows active. You can say of it then either that 'it useful because it
is true' or that it is true-because. -it is- useful'. Both these phrases mean
exactly the same thing From this simple cue pragmatism gets her
general notion of truth as something essentially bound up with the way
"To 'agreeTn the widest sense with reality can only mean to be
guided either straight up to it or into its surroundings, or to be put into
such working touch with it as to handle either it or something connected
with it better than if we disagreed. Better either intellectually or
practically! Any idea that helps us to deal, whether practically or
intellectually, with either reality or its belongings, that doesn't entangle
our progress in frustrations, that fits, in fact, and adapts our life to the
reality's whole setting, will hold true of that reality", (pp. 212-213).
'The true', to put it very briefly, is only the expedient in the way
of our thinking, just as the 'right' is only the expedient in the way of
our behaving. E.vpedieiiTITratJno^t Tltiy fashion; and expedient in the
long run and on the whole of course", (p. 222).
may add a passage with the same bearing, from "The Mean-
ing of Truth". In this quotation James is retracting the statement made
in the University of California Address that without the future there
is no difference between theism and materialism. He says "Even if :
matter could do every outward thing that God does, the idea of it would
not work as satisfactorily, because the chief call for a God on modern
men's part is for a being who will inwardly recognize them and judge
them sympathetically. Matter disappoints this craving of our ego, and
so God remains for most men the truer hypothesis, and indeed remain
so for definite pragmatic reasons", (p. 189, notes).
The contrast between 'intellectual' and 'practical' seems to make
his position certain. If truth is tested by practical w orkings, as con- r
any idea that will carry us prosperously from one part of our exper-
ience to any other part, linking things satisfactorily, working securely,
simplifying, saving labor, is true for just so much, true in so far forth,
true instrumentally". (p. 58).
"A new opinion counts as true just in proportion as it gratifies the
individual's desire to assimilate the novel in his experience to his beliefs
in stock. It must both lean on old truth and grasp new fact ;
and its suc-
cess in
doing a matter for individual appreciation.
this, is When
old truth grows, then, by new truth's addition, it is for subjective ressons.
We are in the process and obey the reasons. The new idea is truest
which performs most felicitously its function of satisfying this double
urgency .4 It makes, itself true, gets itself classed as true, by the way it
works." (p.64).
But we can turn from these to a paragraph in which truth seems
to be limited to fulfilled expectations alone.
"True ideas are those which we can assimilate, validate, corroborate,
mid verify. False ideas are those which we cannot. That is the .prac-
tical difference it makes to us to have true ideas ; that, therefore, is the_
Boodin: Truth and Reality, pp. 193-4.
the special satisfaction arising from tests. As has been often shown,
many ideas are satisfactory for a long period of time simply because
they are not subjected to tests. "A hope is not a hope, a fear is not a
fear, once either is recognized as unfounded A delusion is delusion
only so long as it is not known to be one. A mistake can be built upon
only so long as it is not suspected".
Some actual delusions which were not readily subjected to tests
have been long useful in this way. "For instance, basing ourselves on
Lafcadio Hearn, we might quite admit that the opinions summed up
under the title 'Ancestor- Worship' had been 'exactly what was re-
quired' by the former inhabitants of Japan". "It was good for primitive
man to believe that dead ancestors required to be fed and honored
because it induced savages to bring up their offspring instead of letting
perish. But although it was useful to hold that opinion, the opinion
was false". "Mankind has always wanted, perhaps always required,
and certainly made itself, a stock of delusions and sophisms".
Perhaps we would all agree that the belief that 'God is on our side'
has been useful to the tribe holding it. It has increased zeal and fight-
ing efficiency tremendously. But since God can't be on both sides, the
belief of one party to the conflict is untrue, no matter how useful. To
believe that (beneficial) tribal customs are enforced by the tribal gods
is useful, but if the tribal gods are non-existent the belief is false. The
beautiful imaginings of poets are sometimes useful in minimizing and
disguising the hard and ugly reality, but when they will not test out
they cannot be said because of their beauty or desirability to be true.
We must conclude then, that some delusions are useful. And we
may go on and question James' identification of truth and utility from
another point of view. Instead of agreeing that true ideas and useful
ideas are the same, we have shown that some useful ideas are false :
but the converse is also demonstrable, that some true ideas are useless.
There are formulas in pure science which are of no use to anyone
outside the science because their practical bearings, if such there be,
have not yet been discovered, and are of no use to the scientist himself
because, themselves the products of deduction, they as yet suggest noth-
ing that can be developed farther from them. While these formulas
may later be found useful in either of these senses for 'practical de-
mands' outside the science, or as a means to something else within the
science they are now already true quite a pan from utility, because
they will test out by fulfilling expectations.
Knowledge that is not useful is most striking in relation to 'vice'.
Lee: Vital Lies, vol. i, pp.
One may have a true idea as to how and cheat, may know_what
to lie
cheating is and how it is done, and yet involve both himself and others
in most ////satisfactory consequences. The person who is attempting to
stop the use of liquor, and who to this end has located in a 'dry' district,
may receive correct information as to the location of a 'blind-tiger' in-
formation which while true may bring about his downfall. Knowledge
about any form of vice, true knowledge that can be tested out, may
upon occasion be harmful to any extent we like.
We may conclude this section by citing a paragraph which will
show the fallacious reasoning by which James came, to identify the
truth and the utility of ideas. At one point in replying to a criticism
he says "I can conceive no other objective content to the notion of an
'Reality' is in general what truths have to take account of
"The first part of reality from this point of view is the flux of our
sensations. Sensations are forced upon us Over their nature, order
and quantity we have as good as no control
"The second part of reality, as something that our beliefs must
also take account of, is the relations that obtain between their copies in
our minds. This part falls into two sub-parts ( i ) the relations that are
mutable and accidental, as those of date and place; and (2) those that
are fixed and essential because they are grounded on the inner nature
of their terms. Both sorts of relation are matters of immediate per-
ception. Both are 'facts'
"The third part of reality, additional to these perceptions (tho
largely based upon them), is the previous truths of which every new
inquiry takes account". (Pragmatism, p. 244).
An idea's agreement with reality, or better with all those parts of
reality, means a satisfactory relation of the idea to them. Relation to
the sensational part of reality is found satisfactory when the idea leads
to it without jar or discord. What do the words verification and
validation themselves pragmatically mean? They again signify certain
practical consequences of the verified and validated idea. It is hard
to find any one phrase that characterizes these consequences better than
the ordinary agreement-formula just such consequences being what we
have in mind when we say that our ideas 'agree' with reality. They
lead us, namely, through the acts and other ideas which they instigate,
into and up to, or towards, other parts of experience with which we feel
all the while that the original ideas remain in agreement. The con-
nections and transitions come to us from point to point as being pro-
gressive, harmonious, satisfactory. This function of agreeable leading
is what we mean by an idea's verification". (Pragmatism, pp. 201-2).
idea's relation to the other parts of reality is conceived more
For example, in the Meaning of Truth, pagges 195 and 233.
best in the way of leading us, what fits every part of life best and com-
bines with the collectivity of life's demands, nothing being omitted, if
possible, and it must lead to some sensible terminus or other that can be
verified exactly. To 'work' means both these things and the squeeze ;
isso tight that there is little loose play for any hypothesis. Our theories
are thus wedged and controlled as nothing else is". "Pent in, as the
pragmatist more than anyone else sees himself to be, between the whole
body of funded truths squeezed from the past and the coercions of the
world of sense about him, who so well as he feels the immense pressure
of objective control under which our minds perform their operations".
(Pragmatism, pp. 211, 217, 233).
Now on the contrary it immediately occurs to a reader that if
reality be simply "what truths have to take account of", and if taking-
account-of merely means agreeing in such a way as to satisfy "the col-
demands", then the proportion in which these parts of
lectivity of life's
reality count will vary enormously.
will One person may find the
'previous-truths' part of reality to make such a strong 'demand' that
he will disregard 'principles' or reasoning almost entirely.
Another may disregard the 'sensational' part of reality, and give no
consideration whatever to 'scientific' results. These things, in fact, are
exactly the things that do take place. The opinionated person, the
crank, the fanatic, as well as the merely prejudiced, all refuse to open
their minds and give any particular consideration to such kinds of
evidence. therefore a great deal of room for license, and a
There is
satisfactory Above
all we find consistency satisfactory, consistency
between the present idea and the entire rest of our mental equipment
"After man's interest in breathing freely, the greatest of all his in-
terests (because it never fluctuates or remits, as most of his
interests do), is his interest in consistency, in feeling that what he now
thinks goes with what he thinks on other occasions". (Meaning of
ruth, pp. 192, 211).
The general method of James on this point, then, is to define truth
in terms of satisfaction and then to try to show that these satisfactions
cannot be secured illegitimately. That is, that \vef nntst defer to experi-
mental findings, to consistency, and to other checks on opinion. Con-
sistency must be satisfactory because people are so constituted as to
find it so. Agreement with reality, where reality means epistemological
reality, is satisfactory for the same reason. And agreement with reality,
where reality includes in addition principles and previous truths, must
be satisfactory because agreement in this case merely means such tak-
ing-account-of as will satisfy the greater proportion of the demands of
life. In other words, by defining agreement in this case in terms of
satisfactions, he makes it certain that agreement and satisfaction will
coincide by the device of arguing in a circle. It turns out that, from
a way that the obviously and flagrantly present trait is associated with
fellow traits that will show themselves if the leading of the present
Mind, N. S. 15, July 1906. Reprinted in "The Influence of Darwin on Philosophy
ami Other Essays", p. 77. Page references are to the latter.
trait is followed out./' To be acquainted is to anticipate to some extent,
on the basis of previous experience".\ (pp. Si, 82).
./Besides mere existence, there is another type of experience which
is often confused with
knowledge, a type which Dewey calls the
from genuine knowledge or the 'cognitional'. In
'cognitive' as distinct
this experience "we retrospectively attribute intellectual force and func-
tion to the smell". This involves memory but not As we
look back from the enjoyment of the rose, we can say that in a sense
the odor meant the rose, even though it led us here blindly. That is, if
the odor suggests the finding of its cause, without
specifying what the
cause and if we then search about and find the rose, we can say that
the odor meant the rose in the sense that it actually led to the discovery
of it. "Yet the sn^ll was not cognitional because it did not knowingly
intend to mean this, but is found, after the event, to have meant
/p. 84).
/Now,'before the category of confirmation or refutation can be
introduced, there must
bespmething which means to mean something".
Let us therefore introduce a further complexity into the illustration.
Let us suppose that the small occurs at a later date, and is then "aware
of something else which it means, which it intends to effect by an opera-
tion incited by it and without which its own presence is abortive, and,
so to say, unjustified, senseless". Here we have something "which is
contemporaneously aware of meaning something beyond itself, instead
of having this meaning ascribed to it by another at a later period. The
knows the rose, the rose is known b\ the odor, and the import of
each term is constituted by the relationship in which it stands to the
othei/". (p. 88). This is the genuine 'cognitional' experience.
'Whenthe odor recurs 'cognitionally', both the odor and the rose
/ are present in thesame experience, though both are not present in the
same way. "Things can be presented as absent, just as they can be
presented as hard or soft". The enjoyment of the rose is present as
going to be there in the same way that the odor is. "The situation is
inherently an uneasy one one in which everything hangs upon the per-
formance of the operation indicated upon the adequacy of movement
in whicrTit itself is already present, while the other is that which, while
not present in the same fashion, must become present if the meaning
or intention of its companion or yoke-fellow is to be fulfilled through
the operation it sets up". \(p. 90).
tion. "Smells may become the object of knowledge. They may take,
pro tempore, the place which the rose formerly occupied. One may,
that is, observe the cases in which the odors mean other things than
just roses, may voluntarily produce new cases for the sake of further
inspection; and thus account for the cses where meanings had been
falsified in the issue discriminate more carefully the peculiarities of
those meanings which the event verified, and thus safeguard and bul-
wark some extent the employing of similar meanings in the future",
enters in. Truth and falsity present themselves as significant facts only
in situations in_ which specific meanings aiuMheir already experienced
and contrasted with reference to
fulfilmentsjire intentionally compared
the question of the worth, as to reliability of meaning, of the 'given
gets acquaintance if one takes iut the stage at which it has developed
There seems to be no necessity here for an absolute reality
ior the ideas to conform to, or 'correspond' to, for truth is a certian
kind of relation between the ideas themselves the relation, namely, of
leading to fulfilment of expectations^
If, now, we wish to bring out the difference between the account
of truth which we have just examined and the account that is given by
James, we will find the distinction quite evident. Truth, for Dewey, is
it obvious that truth will not be concerned in any way with incidental
to whether the goal is ^cvorth while being led to or not. James speaks
of truth as a leading that is worth while. For Dewey the goal may be
valuable, useless, or even pernicious, these are entirely irrelevant to
truth, which is determined solely by the fact that the idea leads as it
The existence of this distinction was pointed out, after the ap-
'What Does Pragmatism Mean by Practical?", Journal of Philosophy, etc., 1908,
v. 5, P- 85.
* ^ 39
the theory that ideas as ideas are always working hypotheses concerning
attaining particular empirical results, and are tentative programs (or
sketches of method) for attaining them. If we stick consistently to this
notion of ideas, only consequences which are actually produced by the
working of the idea in cooperation with, or application to, prior realities
are good consequences in the specific sense of good which is relevant to
establishing the truth of an idea. This is, at times, unequivocally
recognized by Mr. James But at other times any good that flows
from acceptance of a belief is treated as if it were an evidence, in so far,
of the truth of the idea. This holds particularly when theological notions
are under consideration. Light would be thrown upon how Mr. James
conceives this matter by statements from him on such points as these :
consequence was no part of the intention of the idea, does the goodness
have any verifying force? goodness of consequences arises from
If the
the context of the idea rather than from the idea itself, does it have
any verifying force? If an idea leads to consequences which are good
in the one respect only of fulfilling the intent of the idea, (as when one
drinks a liquid to test the idea that it is a poison), does the badness of
the consequences in every other respect detract from the verifying force
of these consequences ?
"Since Mr. James has referred to me as saying 'truth is what gives
satisfaction' (p. 234), I may remark that I never identified any
satisfaction with the truth of an idea, save that satisfaction which arises
when the idea as working hypothesis or tentative method is applied to
prior existences in such a way as to fulfil what it intends
"When he says of the idea of an absolute, 'so far as it affords
such comfort it surely not sterile, it has that amount of value it per-
is ;
real doctrine, I think, is that a belief is true when it satisfies both the
certain from the context that this 'double urgency' is that of the personal
and the objective demands, but it is probable On this basis, the 'in
so far forth' of the truth of the absolute because of the comfort it sup-
plies, means that one
of the two conditions which need to be satisfied
has been met, so that if the absolute met the other one also it would be
I have no doubt that his is Mr. James' meaning, and it
quite true.
sufficiently safeguards him from charges that pragmatism means that
anything that is agreeable is true. At the same time, I do not think, in
logical strictness, that satisfying one of two tests, when satisfaction of
both is required, can be said to constitute a belief true even 'in so far
A "List of the Published Writings of William James" will be found in the
sychological Review for March ign, v. 18, p. 157.
(See also the list under 'Pragmatism').
1624. Herbert de Clerbury, E. De Veritate Prout Distinguitur a Revelatione, a
Possibiliti et a Falso.
1674. Malbranche, N. De la Recherche de la Verite.
1690. Locke, J. Essay Concerning the Human Understanding.
1780. Beattie, James. An Essay on the Nature and Immutability of Truth.
1781. Kant, Im. Kritik der reinen Vernunft.
1780. Beattie, James. An Essay on the Nature and Immutability of Truth.
1800. Kant, Im. Logik.
1811. Fries, J. System der Logik, p. 448 ff.
1817. Hegel, F. Encyclopadie. Sec. 21.
1826. Hume, D. Treatise on Human Nature, iv, sec. 2.
1842. Thomson, W. Outlines of the Necessary Laws of Thought.
1840. Abercombie, J. An Inquiry Concerning the Intellectual Powers and the
Investigation of Truth.
1854. Bailey, , Essays on the Pursuit of Truth.
1862. Tiberghien, G. Logique, v. 2, pp. 322-355.
1866. Hamilton, Sir Wm. Logic. Lectures 28-31.
1875. Forster, W. Wahrheit und Wahrschleinlichkeit.
1877. Jevons, W. S. The Principles of Science. 2nd ed., pp. 374-396.
1878. Schuppe, W. Logik. v. 1, pp. 622-696.
1880. Wundt, W. Logik.
1882. Bergmann, J. Die Grundprobleme der Logik. p. 96ff.
1884. Schulbert-Soldern, R. von. Grundlagen einer Erkenntnisstheorie. p. 156ff.
1885. Royce, J. The Religious Aspect of Philosophy.
1889. Argyle, Duke of What Is Truth ?
Stephen, L. On some kinds of necessary
truth. Mind 14:50,188.
1890. Carus, Paul The criterion of truth. Monist 1:229.
1892. Rickert, H. Der Gegenstand der Erkennt-
niss. Freib. pp. 63-64.
1893. Bradley, F. H. Appearance and Reality.
Chapters 16, 24.
Cousin, Victor Lectures on the True, the
Beautiful, and the Good.
Soyen, Shakn Universality of truth. Monist 4:161.
Miller, D. S. The meaning of truth and
error. Phil. Rev. 2:408.
Smith, W. Certitude. Phil. Rev. 2:665.
1894. Gordy, J. P. The test of belief. Phil. Rev. 3:257.
1895. Jerusalem, W. Die Urteilsfunction. p. 185ff.
Bosanquet, B. Essentials of Logic, pp.
Sigwart, C. Logic, v. 1, pp. 295-326.
1896. Hodder, A. Truth and the tests of truth. Phil. Rev. 5:1.
Wundt, W. Ueber naiven und kritischen
Realismus. Phil. Studien 12:332.
1897. Brochard, Victor De L'Erreur.
Jordan, D. S. The stability of truth. Pop. Sci. Mo. 4:642, 749.
Striimpell, Ludw. Unterchiede der Wahr-
heiten und irrtiimer. p. 58.
1898. Baillie, J. B. Truth and history. Mind 7:506.
Powell, J. W. Truth and Error.
1899. Eisler, W. Worterbuch der philosophischen
1900. Sidgwick, H. Criteria of truth and error. Mind 9:8.
1901. Creighton, J. E. Methodology and truth. Phil. Rev. 10:408.
French, F. C. The doctrine of the twofold
truth. Phil. Rev. 10:477.
Royce, J. The World and the Individual.
Smyth, J. Truth and Reality.
1902. Baldwin, J. M. Development and Evolu-
tion. Chapter 17.
Pritchett, What is truth ? Outlook 70:620.
1903. Duprat, Guillaume L. Le Mesonge. Etude
de psycho-sociologie pathologique et
Pilate's What is truth. Catholic World 77:705.
1904. Bradley, F. H. On truth and practice. Mind 13:309.
Glasenapp, G. v. Der Wert der Wahrheit. Zeitsch. f. Philos. u. phil.
Kr. 123:186, 124:25.
Rogers, A. K. James on humanism and
truth. Jour. Phil. 1:693.
1905. Alexander, H. B. Phenomenalism and the
problem of knowledge. Jour. Phil. 2:182.
Alexander, H. B. Quantity, quality, and
the function of knowledge. Jour. Phil. 2:459.
Hyslop, J. H. Problems of Philosophy.
Chapter 7.
Joachim, H. H. 'Absolute' and 'relative'
truth. Mind 14:1.
Joseph, H. W. B. Professor James on 'hu-
manism and truth'. Mind 14:28.
Knox, H. V. Mr. Bradley's absolute criter-
ion. 14:210. Mind
Overstreet, H. A. Conceptual completeness
and abstract truth. Phil. Rev. 14:308.
Pitkin, W. B. Psychology of eternal truths. Jour. Phil. 2:449.
Taylor, A. E. Truth and practice. Phil. Rev. 14:265.
1906. Gore, George Scientific sketch of untruth. Monist 16:96.
Russell, B. The nature of truth. Mind 15:528.
Review of Joachim's The Nature of Truth. Nation 83:42.
Schiller, F. C. S. The ambiguity of truth. Mind 15:161.
Schiller, F. C. S. Joachim's The Nature of
Truth. Jour. Phil. 3:549.
Taylor, A. E.Truth and consequences. Mind 15:81.
Openmindedness. Catholic World 82:756.
1908. Bakewell, C. M. On the meaning of truth. Phil. Rev. 17:579.
Creighton, J. E. The nature and criterion
of truth. Phil. Rev. 17:592.
Gardiner, H. N. The problems of truth. Phil. Rev. 17:113.
Moore, A. W. Truth value. Jour. Phil. 5:429.
Prat, J. B. Truth and ideas. Jour. Phil. 5:122.
Urbana, F. M. On a supposed criterion of
the absolute truth of some propositions. Jour. Phil. 5:701.
1909. Bradley, F. H. On truth and coherence. Mind 18:322.
Bradley, F. H. Coherence and contradiction. Mind 18:489.
Buckham, J. W. Organization of truth. Int. Jour. Eth. 20:63.
Carritt, E. F. Truth in art and religion. Hib. Jour. 8:362.
Knox, H. V. The evolution of truth. Quarterly Rev. No. 419.
1910. Alexander, H. B. Truth and nature. Monist 20:585.
Boodin, J. E. The nature of truth. Phil. Rev. 19:395.
Bradley, F. H. On appearance, error, and
contradiction. Mind 19:153.
Jacobson, Edmund Relational account of
truth. Jour. Phil. 7:253.
Russell, B. Philosophical Essays. Essays
5, 6, 7.
Schmidt, Karl Hertz's theory of truth. Monist 20:445.
Tsanoff, R. A. Professor Boodin on the
nature of truth. Phil. Rev. 19:632.
Plea for the half-truth. Atlantic 105:576.
Truth as once for all delivered. Bib. World 35:219.
1911. Alexander, H. B. Goodness and beauty of
truth. Jour. Phil. 5:29.
Boodin, J. E. The divine five-fold truth. Monist 21:288.
Boodin, J. E. The nature of truth: a reply. Phil. Rev. 20:59.
Boodin, J. E. Truth and Reality.
Bradley, F. F. On some aspects of truth. Mind 20:305.
Carus, Paul Truth on Trial.
McGilvary, E. B. The 'fringe' of William
James's psychology as the basis of logic. Phil. Rev. 20:137.
Rother, A. J. Certitude.
Royce, J. William James, and Other Es-
Self-sufficiency of truth. Bib. World 37:147.
1912. Fawcett, E. D. Truth's 'original object'. Mind 21:89.
Larson, C. D. What Truth?
Leuba, J. H. Religion and the discovery of
truth. Jour. Phil. 9:406.
Review of Jordan's Stability of Truth. Int. Jour. Eth. 23:92.
Zahlf eisch, Johann 1st die Liige erlaubt ? Archiv. f. system.
Philos. 18:241.
1913. Alexander, S. Collective willing and truth. Mind 22:14,161.
Gerould, K. F. Boundarie of truth. Atlantic 112:454.
Lloyd, A. H. Conformity, consistency, and
truth. Jour. Phil. 10:281.
Moore, A. W. The aviary theory of truth
and error. Jour. Phil. 10:542.
Wright, W. K. Genesis of the categories. Jour. Phil. 10:645.
Wright, W. K. Practical success as the
criterian of truth. Phil. Rev. 22:606.
1914. Bowman, A. A. The problem of knowledge
from the standpoint of validity. Phil. Rev. 23:1,146,299.
Bradley, F. H. Essays on Truth and Real-
Broad, C. D. Mr. Bradley on truth and
reality. Mind 23:349.
Capron, F. H. Anatomy of Truth.
Leighton, J. A. Truth, reality, and relation. Phil. Rev. 23:17.
Rother, A. J. Truth and Error.
Sidgwick, A. Truth and working. Mind 23:99.
Strange, E. H. Objectives, truth, and er-
ror. Mind 23:489.
Bachelor's degree in 1910 and the Master's degree in 1911. From 1911
he studied in the graduate
to 1914, while acting as fellow or as assistant,