Understanding The Self Final Requirement
Understanding The Self Final Requirement
Understanding The Self Final Requirement
Create a DIGITAL creative journal which discusses your self-discovery and
reflection. If you prefer to submit a physical journal, use recyclable materials to be able
to lessen the expenses. You may include your own photos or photos which best describes
your answers.
For a DIGITAL creative journal, design your own journal and answer the guide
questions below. There is no limit to your designs and creative minds. Kindly submit it in a
pdf file format.
For a PHYSICAL journal, design your own journal and answer the guide questions
below. Use whatever material is available to you to lessen your expenses.
Writing your journal can give you an opportunity to discover your feelings, thoughts
and difficult emotions, to be able for you to have the chance to reconnect and process
these things.
This journal is divided into six (6) sections. Each sections have guide questions.
Answer all guide questions. You may answer in English, Taglish or Tagalog.
a. With you as a first year, what can you say about college life? Or if you are
in 2nd-4th year, what is your memorable experience in college?
b. What part of school days do you enjoy the most? Why?
c. How important is your education to you? Why?
d. What are your dreams or career ambitions?
e. What is your strength in school? Explain.
f. What are your weaknesses in school? Explain.
g. Does your course drain or overwhelm you? Why or why not? What do you
do when you get drained or overwhelmed?
One of the benefits of journaling is helping you express and begin to navigate
through difficult and painful emotions. Burying unwanted emotions and
thoughts might seem helpful at first, but later on, they can resurface and come
back more intensified.
Note: If writing about painful emotions makes you feel even worse, there is no
need to push yourself for this part.
a. What are difficult emotions that you most frequently feel? (anger, guilt,
disappointment etc.) Why?
b. Which emotion do you find it hardest to accept? (anger, guilt,
disappointment, regret, etc.) How do you usually handle it?
c. Describe a regret that you have. What did you learn from it?
d. What are three things that can disrupt and affect your good mood. How
do you usually bring yourself back in a good mood?
e. What are 3 things you always say to yourself?
f. What part of your daily life causes you stress, frustration or sadness?
g. What do you fear the most?
h. With difficult emotions showing up, how do you usually uplift yourself and
i. Who do you trust the most when dealing with your painful and upsetting
a. Related to your student life, what event was the most unexpected but the
best thing that ever happened?
b. What do you want to ask your older self?
c. What helps you stay focused and motivated when you are feeling
d. What are your life goals?
e. What do you look forward to most in the future?
f. List obstacles which affects your contentment and happiness. What
potential solutions do you see to be able to overcome each obstacle.
Lastly, write a letter to your younger self and to your future self.
Find a quiet and comfortable place to be able to think and write clearly. Do not worry
about getting it “right”. Remember, we are all unique. We have our own set of beliefs
and our own experiences. This is about yourself, so do not compare your answers with
other people as it may influence your answer.
Good luck, and may this journal help you in promoting self-awareness to be able to help
you with personal growth, process different emotions, and learning how to appreciate
yourself more.