Strength of Materials Reviewer
Strength of Materials Reviewer
Strength of Materials Reviewer
Prelim Exam
1. Stress at which material specimen breaks.
rupture strength
2. 1Mpa is equal to?
1 N/ mm²
3. Formula of Strain?
Deformation / Length
4. A coefficient of elasticity of a material expressing the ratio between unit stress and
the corresponding unit strain caused by the stress, as derived from Hooke’s law
and represented by the slope of the straight line portion of the stress- strain line
Elastic range
5. Stress at w/c the material specimen breaks.
Rupture Strength
6. The stress wherein the deformation increases without any increase in the load.
yield point
7. A force acting at the surface of an object which tend the material to slip past the
adjacent part.
Shear stress
8. The change in the shape of any material when subjected to the action force.
9. Formula of Stress?
Force / Area
10. 1Gpa is equal to?
1 X 103 N/ mm²
11. A temporary change in the dimensions or shape of a body produced by a stress.
elastic deformation
12. A graphic representation of the relationship between unit stress values and the
corresponding unit strains for a specific material.
Stress- strain diagram
13. Maximum Stress that can be attained immediately before actual failure or rapture.
Ultimate strength
14. The force passing through the surface area to the longitudinal axis of a material.
Axial stress
15. The range of unit stresses for which a material exhibits elastic deformation
elastic range
16. The cohesive force in a body, which resists the tendency of an external force to
change the shape of the body.
17. The formula for Hooke’s law
18. Maximum stress below which the material does not return to its original length but
has incurred a permanent deformation.
proportional limit
19. The range of unit stresses for which a material exhibits elastic deformation.
elastic range
20. Weakening or failure of a material at a stress below the elastic limit when subjected
to a repeated series of stresses.
21. A force acting perpendicular to the surface of an object which tend the material to
slip past the adjacent part.
Shear stress
22. The reaction of an elastic body to the external forces applied, equal to the force
per unit area of the elastic body.
23. 1Mpa is equal to?
1 N/ mm²
24. For a system to be in equilibrium, the sum of the external forces acting on the
system must be...
25. The force measured from a loading at a distance from the axis of rotation.
Incorrect answer: Moment Choices: Moment arm, Internal Force, Torue
26. A longitudinal strain that tend to elongate the object.
Incorrect answer: Moment of Inertia Choices: Strain, Compression, Tension
27. Pressure is a measure of force applied on surface per unit area, Giga pascal “Gpa”
is equivalent to:
1 X 103 N/mm2
28. The tensile or compressive stress assumed to be normal to and uniformly
distributed over the area of the cross section.
Axial Stress
29. The rotational force measured at a given axis at a given point on a beam.
30. The deformation of a body under the action of an applied force, about the change
in size to the original size of a stressed element.
31. The contact force between two opposing object.
Bearing stress
32. The property of a material that enables it to deform in response to an applied force
and to recover its original proportion upon removal of the force.
33. The deformation of a structural member as a result of loads acting on it.
34. Branch of engineering mechanics that is concerned with the analysis of loads.
35. Defined as the tendency of an object to remain in a state of rest or of a constant
rotational velocity.
Incorrect answer: Velocity Choices: Moment of Inertia, Moment, Inertia
36. The balance of weight in a force system.
Incorrect answer: Centroid of area Choices: Neutral Axis, Centroid, Centroid
of mass
37. A longitudinal strain that tend to shorten the object under stress.
38. Denoted as the average X and Y coordinates of an area.
Centroid of an area
39. The sum of the displacements of all points in the figure from such a point being
40. The property of shape that is used to predict deflection of unsupported structural
member under loading.
Area moment of inertia
41. A cylindrical concrete, 300 mm length deforms 0.02 mm when subjected to a 135
Kn. of compressive force. Find the cross-sectional area if the modulus of
elasticity of concrete is 26 Gpa.
77,884 mm2
42. A cylindrical concrete, 300 mm length deforms 0.02 mm when subjected to a 135
Kn. of compressive force. Find the diameter if the modulus of elasticity of concrete
is 26 Gpa.
315 mm
43. A cylindrical concrete, 300 mm length deforms 0.02 mm when subjected to a 135
Kn. of compressive force. What is the stress developed on the concrete cylinder if
the modulus of elasticity of concrete is 26 Gpa?
1.73 Mpa
44. A cylindrical concrete, 300 mm length deforms 0.02 mm when subjected to a
135 Kn. of compressive force. What is the Strain to original length ratio
developed on the concrete cylinder if the modulus of elasticity of concrete is 26
1. A force acting at the surface of an object which tend the material to slip past the
adjacent part.
Shear stress
2. The change in the shape of any material when subjected to the action force.
3. Formula of Stress?
Incorrect answer: (Force)(Length) / (Area)(Modulus of Elasticity)
Choices: Stress/strain, Deformation/length, Force/area
4. The range of unit stresses for which a material exhibits elastic deformation.
elastic range
5. The cohesive force in a body, which resists the tendency of an external force to
change the shape of the body
Incorrect answer: Stress Choices: Strain, Shear, None of the above
6. The formula for Hooke’s law
7. Stress at which material specimen breaks
rupture strength
8. 1Mpa is equal to?
1 N/ mm²
9. Formula of Strain?
Deformation / Length
10. 1Gpa is equal to?
1 X 103 N/ mm²
11. A temporary change in the dimensions or shape of a body produced by a
Elastic deformation
12. A graphic representation of the relationship between unit stress values and the
corresponding unit strains for a specific material.
Stress- strain diagram
13. Maximum stress below which the material does not return to its original length but
has incurred a permanent deformation.
proportional limit
14. The range of unit stresses for which a material exhibits elastic deformation.
Incorrect answer: Elastic deformation Choices: None of the above, Elastic
range, Elasticity
15. Weakening or failure of a material at a stress below the elastic limit when subjected
to a repeated series of stresses.
16. A coefficient of elasticity of a material expressing the ratio between unit stress and
the corresponding unit strain caused by the stress, as derived from Hooke’s law
and represented by the slope of the straight-line portion of the stress- strain line
Incorrect answer: Modulus Elasticity Choices: Loading Diagram, Stress-
strain diagram, Elastic range
17. Stress at w/c the material specimen breaks.
Incorrect answer: Ultimate strength Choices: Maximum strength, Yield point,
Rupture strength
18. The stress wherein the deformation increases without any increase in the load.
Yield point
19. Maximum Stress that can be attained immediately before actual failure or
Ultimate strength
20. The force passing through the surface area to the longitudinal axis of a material.
Axial stress
1. Pressure is a measure of force applied on surface per unit area, Giga pascal “Gpa”
is equivalent to:
1 X 103 N/mm2
2. The tensile or compressive stress assumed to be normal to and uniformly
distributed over the area of the cross section.
Incorrect answer: Tensile Stress Choices: Shearing stress, Axial stress,
Bearing stress
3. The rotational force measured at a given axis at a given point on a beam.
4. A force acting perpendicular to the surface of an object which tend the material to
slip past the adjacent part.
Shear stress
5. The reaction of an elastic body to the external forces applied, equal to the force
per unit area of the elastic body.
6. 1Mpa is equal to?
Incorrect answer: 1 N/ mm Choices: 1 N/ mm², 1 N/ m², 1 N/ m
7. The deformation of a body under the action of an applied force, about the change
in size to the original size of a stressed element.
8. The contact force between two opposing object.
Bearing stress
9. The property of a material that enables it to deform in response to an applied force
and to recover its original proportion upon removal of the force.
Incorrect answer: Ductility Choices: Elasticity, Rigidity, Malleability
10. For a system to be in equilibrium, the sum of the external forces acting on the
system must be...
Incorrect answer: Constant Choices: Zero, Maximum, Minimum
11. The force measured from a loading at a distance from the axis of rotation.
Incorrect answer: Internal forces Choices: Torque, Moment arm, Moment
12. A longitudinal strain that tend to elongate the object.
Incorrect answer: Compression Choices: Strain, Moment of Inertia, Tension
13. Defined as the tendency of an object to remain in a state of rest or of a constant
rotational velocity.
Incorrect answer: Inertia Choices: Moment of Inertia, Moment, Velocity
14. The balance of weight in a force system.
Incorrect answer: Centroid Choices: Centroid of area, Centroid of mass,
Neutral axis
15. A longitudinal strain that tend to shorten the object under stress.
Incorrect answer: Strain Choices: Tension, compression, Stress
16. Denoted as the average X and Y coordinates of an area.
Centroid of an area
17. The sum of the displacements of all points in the figure from such a point being
Incorrect answer: Moment of Inertia Choices: Centroid, Neutral axis,
18. The property of shape that is used to predict deflection of unsupported structural
member under loading.
Incorrect answer: Tensile stress Choices: Axial stress, Area moment of
Inertia, Stress
19. The deformation of a structural member as a result of loads acting on it.
20. Branch of engineering mechanics that is concerned with the analysis of loads.
Midterm Exam