Creating Schemas Repository Creation Utility

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Oracle® Fusion Middleware

Creating Schemas with the Repository

Creation Utility

12c (
October 2023
Oracle Fusion Middleware Creating Schemas with the Repository Creation Utility, 12c (


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Intended Audience vii
Documentation Accessibility vii
Diversity and Inclusion vii
Related Documents viii
Conventions viii

1 About the Repository Creation Utility

Verifying RCU System and Database Requirements 1-1
RCU Supported Platforms 1-2
Finding a Certified Database 1-2
Database Requirements for RCU 1-2
Additional Requirements for IBM DB2 Databases 1-2
Preparing for Schema Creation 1-3
About System Load and Product Load 1-4
Granting Permissions to Users for Querying System Load Objects 1-5
About Custom Prefixes 1-5
About the Service Table Schema 1-6
Planning Your Schema Creation 1-7
Organizing Schemas on a Single Database for a Single Domain 1-7
Organizing Schemas on Multiple Databases for a Single Domain 1-8
Organizing Schemas on a Single Database for Multiple Domains 1-9
Organizing Schemas on Multiple Databases for Multiple Domains 1-9
Integrating Components Using Declarative XML 1-10
Prerequisites for Schema Creation on an Autonomous Transaction Processing Database 1-10
Settings to connect to an Autonomous Transaction Processing Database 1-11
Settings to connect to an Autonomous Transaction Processing Database for
Oracle Internet Directory 1-12
Applying Patches on Oracle Home 1-12
Using RCU with Java Access Bridge (Windows Only) 1-14
Install Java Access Bridge 1-14

Configure RCU to Use Java Access Bridge 1-14

2 Obtaining and Running Repository Creation Utility

Obtaining RCU 2-1
Starting RCU 2-2
Creating Schemas 2-3
Creating Schemas as a User with Full SYS or SYSDBA Privileges 2-3
Creating Schemas as a User With Limited Database Privileges 2-5
Verifying Schema Version Numbers 2-8
Creating Schemas for WebLogic Server on an ATP-S Database 2-9
Creating Schemas as a User with Full Database Privileges 2-9
Creating Schemas as a User With Limited Database Privileges 2-10
Verifying Schema Version Numbers 2-11
Dropping Schemas 2-12
About Dropping Shared Tablespaces 2-13
Dropping Schemas and Deleting Datafiles (Windows Only) 2-13

3 Running Repository Creation Utility from the Command Line

Command-Line Syntax and Parameters 3-2
RCU Modes Available from the Command Line 3-2
RCU Operations Available from the Command Line 3-3
RCU Command Line Parameters 3-3
Using the -silent Command 3-9
Using the -validate Parameter to Verify Prerequisites 3-11
Using a Wallet to Store Passwords 3-13
Using the -interactive Command 3-14
Using Response Files 3-14
About Response Files 3-15
Creating a RCU Response File from the Graphical Interface 3-15
Creating a RCU Response File from the Command Line 3-15
Performing RCU Operations by Using a Response File 3-16
Creating a Repository from the Command Line 3-17
Generating a System Load Script From the Command Line 3-18
Loading Data Into the Repository From the Command Line 3-19
Dropping a Repository from the Command Line 3-19
Generating a List of Components in an Oracle Home from the Command Line 3-20
Generating a List of Schemas in a Database from the Command Line 3-20
RCU Environment Variables 3-21

A Repository Creation Utility Screens
Welcome A-2
Create Repository A-2
Create Repository A-2
Drop Repository A-3
Database Connection Details A-3
Connection Credentials for Oracle Databases and Oracle Databases with Edition-
Based Redefinition A-4
Connection Credentials for Microsoft SQL Server Databases A-7
Connection Credentials for IBM DB2 Databases A-8
Connection Credentials for an Autonomous Transaction Processing Database A-8
Select Components (for Create Operation) A-10
Select Components (for Drop Operation) A-11
Schema Passwords A-11
Custom Variables A-12
Custom Variables for Oracle Data Integrator A-13
Custom Variables for Oracle SOA Suite A-14
Custom Variable for Oracle WebCenter Portal Analytics A-14
Custom Variables for Oracle GoldenGate Studio A-14
Map Tablespaces A-15
Default Tablespace Mappings A-16
Changing Default and Temporary Tablespaces A-16
Viewing and Changing Additional Tablespaces A-16
Managing Tablespaces and Datafiles A-17
Adding, Modifying, and Removing Tablespaces A-17
Adding, Modifying, and Removing Datafiles A-17
Encrypting Tablespaces A-18
Summary (for Create Operation) A-19
Summary (for Drop Operation) A-20
Completion Summary (for Create Operation) A-21
Completion Summary (for Drop Operation) A-22

B About Repository Creation Utility Schemas, IDs, and Tablespaces

Repository Creation Utility Schemas, IDs, and Tablespaces B-1

C Extending Repository Creation Utility to Configure Custom Application

RCU Integration Options C-1
RCU JDBC Engine Compliant SQL*Plus Scripts C-2

Pure JDBC Scripts C-2
SQL*Plus Scripts C-3
External Processes C-3
Java Code Using JavaAction C-4
RCU Configuration Files C-4
XML DTDs Defined by RCU C-5
Component Descriptor Configuration File C-5
Repository Configuration File C-7
Primary List of Supported Components C-7
Storage Attributes Configuration File C-9
Component Repository Configuration File C-11
Component List Configuration File C-17
Soft-Prerequisite Support C-29
Default Tablespaces Configuration File C-30
RCU Script Writing Guidelines C-30
Guidelines for RCU JDBC Engine Compliant SQL*Plus Scripts C-31
Guidelines for Pure JDBC Scripts C-32
Guidelines for SQL*Plus Scripts C-32
Guidelines for SQL Server-Based Scripts C-32

D Troubleshooting Repository Creation Utility

General Troubleshooting Tips D-1
RCU Log Files D-2
RCU Fails to Connect with ORA-604 ORA-1882 Error Codes D-3
SOAINFRA Schema Creation Fails on a Hardened Database D-4
Troubleshooting Tips for Schema Creation on an Autonomous Transaction Processing
Database D-4
Known Limitation for Oracle WebCenter Sites ATP-S Migration D-5
Troubleshooting Database Configuration Error for Microsoft SQL Server D-6
Need More Help? D-6

The Creating Schemas with the Repository Creation Utility book contains overview
information and usage instructions for Oracle Repository Creation Utility (RCU).
• Intended Audience
• Documentation Accessibility
• Diversity and Inclusion
• Related Documents
• Conventions

Intended Audience
This guide is intended for users who are installing Oracle Fusion Middleware products and
are comfortable running some system administration operations, such as creating users and
groups, adding users to groups, and installing operating system patches on the computer
where Oracle Fusion Middleware products will be installed. Users on UNIX systems need
root access to run some scripts.

Documentation Accessibility
For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility
Program website at

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My
Oracle Support. For information, visit
or visit if you are hearing impaired.

Diversity and Inclusion

Oracle is fully committed to diversity and inclusion. Oracle respects and values having a
diverse workforce that increases thought leadership and innovation. As part of our initiative to
build a more inclusive culture that positively impacts our employees, customers, and
partners, we are working to remove insensitive terms from our products and documentation.
We are also mindful of the necessity to maintain compatibility with our customers' existing
technologies and the need to ensure continuity of service as Oracle's offerings and industry
standards evolve. Because of these technical constraints, our effort to remove insensitive
terms is ongoing and will take time and external cooperation.


Related Documents
For additional information, see the following resources:
• Preparing for an Oracle Fusion Middleware Installation in Planning an Installation
of Oracle Fusion Middleware
This document contains important information about planning and preparing for
Oracle Fusion Middleware product installations.
• Installing the Infrastructure Software in Installing and Configuring the Oracle
Fusion Middleware Infrastructure
The Repository Creation Utility is included with the Oracle Fusion Middleware
Infrastructure distribution.

The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning
Boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an action, or
terms defined in text or the glossary.
Italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which you
supply particular values.
Monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in examples,
text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

About the Repository Creation Utility
Many of the Oracle Fusion Middleware components require the existence of schemas in a
database before configuration. These schemas are created and loaded in your database by
using the Repository Creation Utility (RCU).
The following topics introduce you to the concepts and features that you should be familiar
with before you use RCU:
• Verifying RCU System and Database Requirements
Use the certification and system requirements documents to find important information
about supported platforms for RCU, certified databases, and database configuration
• Preparing for Schema Creation
Before you create your schemas, ensure that you understand the concepts regarding
schema creation and organization.
• Prerequisites for Schema Creation on an Autonomous Transaction Processing Database
Before you create schemas on an Autonomous Transaction Processing database (both
Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) and Oracle Autonomous
Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S)), you must modify the wallet settings and set the
environment variables, and apply patches on ORACLE HOME.
• Using RCU with Java Access Bridge (Windows Only)
Java Access Bridge enables assistive technologies, such as JAWS screen reader, to
read Java applications that run on the Windows platform.

Verifying RCU System and Database Requirements

Use the certification and system requirements documents to find important information about
supported platforms for RCU, certified databases, and database configuration information.
Read this information carefully before you obtain and run RCU.
• RCU Supported Platforms
Use the system requirements document to review the supported platforms on which you
can run RCU.
• Finding a Certified Database
If you do not have a database where you can install schemas, you must install and
configure a certified database.
• Database Requirements for RCU
Ensure to review the general and component-specific database requirements that must
be met before you run RCU.
• Additional Requirements for IBM DB2 Databases
If you are creating component schemas on an IBM DB2 database, there are additional
requirements to consider.

Chapter 1
Verifying RCU System and Database Requirements

RCU Supported Platforms

Use the system requirements document to review the supported platforms on which
you can run RCU.
To know the platforms on which you can run RCU, see Oracle Fusion Middleware
System Requirements and Specifications document.

Finding a Certified Database

If you do not have a database where you can install schemas, you must install and
configure a certified database.
For a list of certified databases that can be used with RCU, see System Requirements
and Supported Platforms for Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c certification document for
your release, located on the Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported System
Configurations page.

Database Requirements for RCU

Ensure to review the general and component-specific database requirements that
must be met before you run RCU.
Not all schemas are supported on all databases. So, before you begin using RCU, see
the System Requirements and Supported Platforms for Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c
document in Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported System Configurations page. In the
certification information, you can see that MySQL database is supported for Oracle
Data Integrator and Oracle GoldenGate Studio Fusion Middleware components only.
Make sure you have read the information in this section carefully so that you configure
a certified database that supports the schemas that you need for your Fusion
Middleware components.

Additional Requirements for IBM DB2 Databases

If you are creating component schemas on an IBM DB2 database, there are additional
requirements to consider.
In addition to the typical space and configuration database requirements, IBM DB2
databases also have the following special requirements:
• On IBM DB2 databases running on Linux operating systems, there is a limitation
with regards to the length of the schema names.
• Create one database operating system user for each schema that is created in an
IBM DB2 database.
For example, if you plan to create a schema named DEV_STB using RCU, then the
operating system user must be named dev_stb (all lowercase letters).
You can create the operating system user by running the following command as
root (this example creates the operating system user dev_stb and assigns the
provided password to the user):

/usr/sbin/useradd dev_stb -p password -d /scratch/dev_stb

Chapter 1
Preparing for Schema Creation

You can then set the password of the user (for example, dev_stb) by running the
following commands as root:

passwd -u dev_stb

passwd dev_stb

Refer to your system documentation for more information.

• Create operating system level users in IBM DB2 for required schemas before you run the
For example:
Audit Services – <prefix>_iau, <prefix>_iau_a (Audit Services Append), and
<prefix>_iau_v (Audit Services Viewer).
Service Table — <prefix>_stb
WebLogic Services - <prefix>_wls
• On IBM DB2/AIX, before you run the RCU or Upgrade Assistant Tool, you must ensure
that the auxiliary schemas are available for the following components:
WebLogic Services – <prefix>_wlsr

Preparing for Schema Creation

Before you create your schemas, ensure that you understand the concepts regarding schema
creation and organization.
• About System Load and Product Load
Schema creation in RCU is performed in multiple phases; each phase requires a different
level of access to your database.
• Granting Permissions to Users for Querying System Load Objects
If you want to give a user with limited privileges the ability to query the system load
objects, you must grant the user certain permissions before they can query the system
• About Custom Prefixes
Use custom prefixes to organize and group schemas in your database.
• About the Service Table Schema
The Service Table schema is a special schema that is automatically created once per
prefix. The service table stores basic schema configuration information (for example,
schema prefixes and passwords) that can then be accessed and used by other Oracle
Fusion Middleware components during domain creation.
• Planning Your Schema Creation
Before you run RCU, make sure that you understand how schemas can be grouped
together and distributed depending on your specific environment.
• Integrating Components Using Declarative XML
RCU provides extensibility with XML DTDs. Using these DTDs, component owners can
integrate their components and prerequisites with RCU by providing a configuration file
that adheres to the provided DTD.

Chapter 1
Preparing for Schema Creation

About System Load and Product Load

Schema creation in RCU is performed in multiple phases; each phase requires a
different level of access to your database.
• System Load Phase
During the system load phase, RCU creates the necessary tablespaces and
schemas. If it is not already present, RCU also creates the
schema_version_registry. One entry for each component is created in
schema_version_registry, and the entry will have the appropriate access and
status set to LOADED in the schema_version_registry table.
User with SYS or SYSDBA privileges must perform these actions; authentication
credentials must be provided on the Database Connection Details screen when
running RCU.
If you do not have the necessary privileges, you can select the Prepare Scripts
for System Load on the Create Repository screen. This option generates a SQL
script that contains the same SQL statements and blocks that would have been
called if RCU were to execute the actions for the selected components. After the
script is generated, a user with the necessary SYS or SYSDBA privileges can
execute the script to complete the system load phase.
After the system load phase is complete, any user with the privileges described in
Granting Permissions to Users for Querying System Load Objects can then run
RCU again to complete the schema creation by performing the product load

If you need to generate the script for system load, you can only create
schemas on Oracle and Oracle EBR databases; the system load script is
not supported on any other database.
If you are performing the system load with full SYS or SYSDBA
privileges, then you can create the schemas on any certified database.

• Product Load Phase

During the product load phase, RCU creates procedures, functions, tables,
indexes, and other objects within schemas and runs any action that does not
require DBA access. Any non-DBA user or the REGISTRYOWNER user can be
used for this step.
Before performing the product load phase, the user must be granted the following:

grant REGISTRYACCESS to user;

grant STBROLE to user;

After the product load phase is complete, status is changed to VALID, if there is no
post -product load for that component.
• Optional Post-Product Load Phase

Chapter 1
Preparing for Schema Creation

This step is only needed for components that generate the script_postDataLoad.sql
script that requires DBA privileges during the system load phase. After the product load
phase is complete, someone with SYS or SYSDBA privileges should execute the
script_postDataLoad.sql script.
This step is required for the following components:
– Audit Services (IAU)
– Oracle Enterprise Scheduler (ESS)

The Repository Creation Utility fails to load schemas for SOAINFRA when you run
schemas on an Oracle hardened database. See SOAINFRA Schema Creation Fails
on a Hardened Database.

Granting Permissions to Users for Querying System Load Objects

If you want to give a user with limited privileges the ability to query the system load objects,
you must grant the user certain permissions before they can query the system load.

This user will be used for connecting to the system for queries, but the generated
scripts from the system load phase must be run by someone with DBA privileges.

grant select_catalog_role to user;

grant select any dictionary to user;
grant create session to user;
grant select on schema_version_registry to user;

You may encounter a Table or view does not exist error message when you execute
the last command; this can be ignored.

After you perform the system load, grant the following permission to the same user in order
for them to perform data load:

grant REGISTRYACCESS to user;

grant STBROLE to user;

About Custom Prefixes

Use custom prefixes to organize and group schemas in your database.

Chapter 1
Preparing for Schema Creation

For important information regarding custom prefixes in IBM DB2 databases,
see Additional Requirements for IBM DB2 Databases.

The prefix is prepended to and separated from the schema name with an underscore
(_) character, as shown below:

• Can only contain alpha-numeric characters; no spaces or other special characters.
• Must begin with a letter.
• Must not be longer than 12 characters.

The total length of the prefixed schema name (your custom prefix plus
the component schema name) must not be longer than 30 characters.

The default prefix used by RCU is DEV; if DEV has already been used, then RCU
defaults to DEV1, then DEV2, and so on. Prefixes are used to create and organize
logical groups of schemas. For example, you may want to create a test version of the
Metadata Services (schema name MDS) called TEST_MDS; then, when you are ready for
your production version, you can create a second version of the schema called
PROD_MDS. Both TEST_MDS and PROD_MDS may reside on the same or separate
You are only allowed to use a prefix once per schema within a single database. For
example, if you have a version of the Metadata Services schema called DEV_MDS, then
you cannot use the DEV prefix again to create another version of the Metadata
Services schema (for example, DEV_MDS2).

If you want to create another version of the schema using the same prefix, you must
first drop the existing schema and then create the schema again.
The mapping between the prefixes and schemas is maintained in

About the Service Table Schema

The Service Table schema is a special schema that is automatically created once per
prefix. The service table stores basic schema configuration information (for example,
schema prefixes and passwords) that can then be accessed and used by other Oracle
Fusion Middleware components during domain creation.
For example, the configuration wizard has screens which you can configure to use the
data that is stored in the service table when RCU was run. After you provide the
service table schema credentials, the data from the service table is used to populate

Chapter 1
Preparing for Schema Creation

the fields on the screen, thus saving you the need to manually populate that data yourself.
Once created, service tables are used to wire Oracle Fusion Middleware components
together. For more information about wiring various components together, see Wiring
Components to Work Together in Administering Oracle Fusion Middleware.

Planning Your Schema Creation

Before you run RCU, make sure that you understand how schemas can be grouped together
and distributed depending on your specific environment.
For more information, the following examples are provided:
• Organizing Schemas on a Single Database for a Single Domain
This example shows a set of schemas in a single database being used by a single
WebLogic domain.
• Organizing Schemas on Multiple Databases for a Single Domain
This example shows a single set of schemas that are distributed on multiple databases
being used by a single WebLogic domain.
• Organizing Schemas on a Single Database for Multiple Domains
This example shows how schemas on a single database should be grouped for multiple
• Organizing Schemas on Multiple Databases for Multiple Domains
This example shows how to organize schemas on multiple databases for use with
multiple WebLogic domains.

Organizing Schemas on a Single Database for a Single Domain

This example shows a set of schemas in a single database being used by a single WebLogic
This is the simple scenario in which all schemas using the DEV prefix are grouped together
and used by a single WebLogic domain.

Chapter 1
Preparing for Schema Creation

Figure 1-1 Schemas on a Single Database for a Single Domain


WebLogic Domain

Administration Server

Enterprise Manager

Cluster (infra_cluster_1)

Machine (infra_machine_1)

Managed Server Managed Server

(infra_server_1) (infra_server_2)

Infrastructure Infrastructure

Database with schemas

Organizing Schemas on Multiple Databases for a Single Domain

This example shows a single set of schemas that are distributed on multiple databases
being used by a single WebLogic domain.

Figure 1-2 Schemas on Multiple Databases for a Single Domain


DEV_MDS WebLogic Domain DEV_IAU

Administration Server DEV_IAU_VIEWER
Enterprise Manager DEV_OPSS
Cluster (infra_cluster_1) DEV_STB

Machine (infra_machine_1)

Managed Server Managed Server

(infra_server_1) (infra_server_2)

Infrastructure Infrastructure

Database with schemas Database with schemas

Chapter 1
Preparing for Schema Creation

You can use the same schema prefix (in this case, DEV) can be used to group these related
schemas together, even across multiple databases.

Organizing Schemas on a Single Database for Multiple Domains

This example shows how schemas on a single database should be grouped for multiple

Figure 1-3 Schemas on a Single Database for Multiple Domains


WebLogic Domain 1 WebLogic Domain 2

Administration Server Administration Server

Enterprise Manager Enterprise Manager

Cluster (infra_cluster_1) Cluster (infra_cluster_2)

Machine (infra_machine_1) Machine (infra_machine_2)

Managed Server Managed Server Managed Server Managed Server

(infra_server_1) (infra_server_2) (infra_server_1) (infra_server_2)

Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure

Database with schemas

In this example, the prefixes are grouped together by using DEV1 for one set of schemas
(used by WebLogic Domain 1), and DEV2 for the second set (used by WebLogic Domain 2).

It is not possible to share a single set of schemas across multiple domains; each domain
must have its own set of schemas.

Organizing Schemas on Multiple Databases for Multiple Domains

This example shows how to organize schemas on multiple databases for use with multiple
WebLogic domains.

Chapter 1
Prerequisites for Schema Creation on an Autonomous Transaction Processing Database

Figure 1-4 Schemas on Multiple Databases for Multiple Domains


WebLogic Domain 1 WebLogic Domain 2

Administration Server Administration Server

Enterprise Manager Enterprise Manager

Cluster (infra_cluster_1) Cluster (infra_cluster_2)

Machine (infra_machine_1) Machine (infra_machine_2)

Managed Server Managed Server Managed Server Managed Server

(infra_server_1) (infra_server_2) (infra_server_1) (infra_server_2)

Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure Infrastructure

Database Database
with with
schemas schemas

In this scenario, it is possible to have separate domains on the same host that use
schemas with the same name and prefix (DEV), since the schemas are located on
different databases.

Integrating Components Using Declarative XML

RCU provides extensibility with XML DTDs. Using these DTDs, component owners
can integrate their components and prerequisites with RCU by providing a
configuration file that adheres to the provided DTD.
For more information about integrating various components, see Extending Repository
Creation Utility to Configure Custom Application Repositories.

Prerequisites for Schema Creation on an Autonomous

Transaction Processing Database
Before you create schemas on an Autonomous Transaction Processing database
(both Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) and Oracle
Autonomous Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S)), you must modify the wallet
settings and set the environment variables, and apply patches on ORACLE HOME.

• Settings to connect to an Autonomous Transaction Processing Database

To connect to an Autonomous Transaction Processing database (both Oracle
Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) and Oracle Autonomous
Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S)), modify the wallet settings and set the
environment variables as described in this section.

Chapter 1
Prerequisites for Schema Creation on an Autonomous Transaction Processing Database

• Applying Patches on Oracle Home

This section lists the patches to be applied before you create schemas for an
Autonomous Transaction Processing database (both Oracle Autonomous Transaction
Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) and Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Shared

Settings to connect to an Autonomous Transaction Processing Database

To connect to an Autonomous Transaction Processing database (both Oracle Autonomous
Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) and Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-
Shared (ATP-S)), modify the wallet settings and set the environment variables as described in
this section.

For Oracle Internet Directory, to connect to an Autonomous database, see Settings
to connect to an Autonomous Transaction Processing Database for Oracle Internet

To modify the wallet settings:

1. Download the wallet for the Autonomous Transaction Processing database, and unzip the
wallet to the /users/test/wallet_dbname/ directory.

/users/test/wallet_dbname/ directory is an example of wallet location. You
can download the wallet to the desired location.

You must ensure that the wallet contains keystore for JDBC connection.
2. In the wallet, modify the wallet location in the sqlnet.ora file as follows:

If you downloaded the wallet to a different location, change the directory
location to your wallet location.

3. In the wallet, add the following command at the end of the file:

To set the environment variables:

1. Before starting RCU, run the following commands:
export RCU_SSL_MODE=true
export TNS_ADMIN=/users/test/wallet_dbname/

Chapter 1
Prerequisites for Schema Creation on an Autonomous Transaction Processing Database

In the command to export TNS_ADMIN, change /users/test/
wallet_dbname/ directory to your wallet location.

• Settings to connect to an Autonomous Transaction Processing Database for

Oracle Internet Directory
To connect to Autonomous Transaction Processing database (both Oracle
Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) and Oracle Autonomous
Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S)), for Oracle Internet Directory, modify the
wallet settings and set the environment variables as described in this section.

Settings to connect to an Autonomous Transaction Processing Database for

Oracle Internet Directory
To connect to Autonomous Transaction Processing database (both Oracle
Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) and Oracle Autonomous
Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S)), for Oracle Internet Directory, modify the
wallet settings and set the environment variables as described in this section.
To modify the wallet settings:
1. Download the wallet for the Autonomous Transaction Processing database to the
<$ORACLE_HOME>/network/admin directory.
You must change $ORACLE_HOME to your Oracle Home location. For example, /
You must ensure that the wallet contains keystore for JDBC connection.
2. In the wallet, modify the wallet location in the sqlnet.ora file as follows:
You must change $ORACLE_HOME to your Oracle Home location. For example, /
3. In the wallet, add the following command at the end of the file:

To set the environment variables:

1. Before starting RCU, run the following commands:
export RCU_SSL_MODE=true
export TNS_ADMIN=<$ORACLE_HOME>/network/admin
You must change $ORACLE_HOME to your Oracle Home location. For example, /

Applying Patches on Oracle Home

This section lists the patches to be applied before you create schemas for an
Autonomous Transaction Processing database (both Oracle Autonomous Transaction

Chapter 1
Prerequisites for Schema Creation on an Autonomous Transaction Processing Database

Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) and Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Shared

You must apply the following patches on ORACLE HOME, before creating schemas using the
Repository Creation Utility screens.

Patch Number Product Applicable

31676526 Generic patch applicable to all ATP-D and ATP-S certified products
30540494 Generic patch applicable to all ATP-D and ATP-S certified products
31443286 Applicable to SOA components, Oracle Enterprise Scheduler and
Oracle Managed File Transfer, for both ATP-D and ATP-S
28186730 Applicable to Oracle Identity Management and Oracle Internet
For Oracle Identity Directory, for both ATP-D and ATP-S
Management and Oracle
Internet Directory, OPatch is the mandatory
patch and OPatch
is the recommended patch.
OIM Bundle Patch Applicable to Oracle Identity Management for ATP-D only
For information on bundle
patch, see Critical Patch
Update Oracle Fusion
Middleware Known
Issues (Doc ID 2602696.1) at
From April 2021 Bundle
Patch (
(p32829648_122140_Generi onwards, ATP-D
support is available for all
OIM bundle patches released
OID Bundle Patch Applicable to Oracle Internet Directory , for both ATP-D and ATP-S
33351665 Applicable to SOA components, Oracle Enterprise Scheduler and
(p33351665_122140_Generi Oracle Managed File Transfer for ATP-S only.
33757456 (OIM Bundle Patch Applicable to Oracle Identity Management for both ATP-D and ATP-S.
From January 2022 OIM
Bundle Patch onwards,
support is available for both
ATP-D and ATP-S.

Chapter 1
Using RCU with Java Access Bridge (Windows Only)

For Oracle Identity Management, ensure that you first apply the generic
patches, 31676526 and 30540494, followed by OPatch 28186730, and then
the OIM Bundle Patch. You must follow this sequence for OIM Bundle Patch and OIM Bundle Patch
For Oracle Internet Directory, ensure that you first apply the generic patches,
31676526 and 30540494, followed by OPatch 28186730, and then the OID
Bundle Patch.

Using RCU with Java Access Bridge (Windows Only)

Java Access Bridge enables assistive technologies, such as JAWS screen reader, to
read Java applications that run on the Windows platform.
Assistive technologies can read Java-based interfaces, such as Oracle Universal
Installer and Oracle Enterprise Manager.
For more information, see the following topics:
• Install Java Access Bridge
Follow these steps to download and install Java Access Bridge.
• Configure RCU to Use Java Access Bridge
To configure RCU to use Java Access Bridge after you complete the installation,
set the system variable ORACLE_OEM_CLASSPATH to point to the installed Java
Access Bridge files.

Install Java Access Bridge

Follow these steps to download and install Java Access Bridge.
1. Download Java Access Bridge from the following URL:
2. For complete information and procedure about Java Access Bridge installation,
see Java Access Bridge Installation procedure.

Configure RCU to Use Java Access Bridge

To configure RCU to use Java Access Bridge after you complete the installation, set
the system variable ORACLE_OEM_CLASSPATH to point to the installed Java Access
Bridge files.
1. Display System in the Control Panel.
2. Select the Advanced tab.
3. Click New button in the System Variable list. The New System Variable dialog
4. In the Variable Name field, enter ORACLE_OEM_CLASSPATH.

Chapter 1
Using RCU with Java Access Bridge (Windows Only)

5. In the Variable Value field, enter the full path for theaccess-bridge.jar and
Use a semicolon to separate the two paths. Do not use quotes or character spaces.
6. Click OK.

Obtaining and Running Repository Creation
Use these instructions to obtain and run the Repository Creation Utility (RCU) to create and
drop schemas.
• Obtaining RCU
In 12c, RCU is available with the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure distribution.
• Starting RCU
After you install Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure and create your Oracle home,
you can start RCU from the ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/bin directory.
• Creating Schemas
Follow these instructions to create schemas in the database and verify that they are
installed properly.
• Creating Schemas for WebLogic Server on an ATP-S Database
Follow these instructions to create schemas for WebLogic Server on an Oracle
Autonomous Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S) database, and verify that they are
installed properly.
• Dropping Schemas
Follow these instructions to drop schemas from the database.

Obtaining RCU
In 12c, RCU is available with the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure distribution.
For information about how to install and obtain RCU, see Installing the Infrastructure
Software in Installing and Configuring the Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure.

Chapter 2
Starting RCU

Starting RCU
After you install Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure and create your Oracle
home, you can start RCU from the ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/bin directory.


• If you run the RCU by using a non-English database, you will need to set
the following language environment variables: LANG, LC_ALL, and
NLS_LANG. Use the environment commands that are appropriate for
your environment.
For example, for UNIX operating systems running csh run the following:
setenv LANG en_US.UTF8
setenv LC_ALL $LANG
setenv NLS_LANG american_america

• To start RCU, you do not need to set the JAVA_HOME environment

variable. But, in case you want to use a specific JDK, ensure that the
JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to the location of a certified
JDK on your system.
For example, on UNIX operating systems, if your JDK is located in /
setenv JAVA_HOME /home/Oracle/Java/jdk1.8.0_211

Be sure to replace the JDK location in this example with the actual JDK
location on your system.

On Linux operating systems:

cd ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/bin

On Windows operating systems:

cd ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\bin

For Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S) database,
Oracle Data Integrator supports only RCU silent mode for schema loading.
For more information, see Starting the Repository Creation Utility (RCU).

RCU provides a command-line interface in situations where Xserver is not available or

you have access to telnet terminals without display capabilities. The command-line
interface also allows you to embed RCU from command-line scripts or with some
Oracle Fusion Middleware components (for example, Enterprise Manager).

Chapter 2
Creating Schemas

For more information about using the Command Line Interface (CLI), see Running Repository
Creation Utility from the Command Line.

Creating Schemas
Follow these instructions to create schemas in the database and verify that they are installed

The following sections are not applicable when you create schemas for Oracle
GoldenGate products on Autonomous Transaction Processing database (both
Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) and Oracle
Autonomous Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S)) as you need to run RCU in
silent mode for Oracle GoldenGate. See Run RCU for Oracle GoldenGate on ATP
databases in silent mode.
To create schemas for WebLogic Server on an Oracle Autonomous Transaction
Processing-Shared (ATP-S), see Creating Schemas for WebLogic Server on an
ATP-S Database and Run RCU for Oracle WebLogic Server on ATP-S database in
silent mode.

• Creating Schemas as a User with Full SYS or SYSDBA Privileges

If you are a user with full SYS or SYSDBA privileges and are able to provide valid
authentication credentials for database access, follow these instructions to create
• Creating Schemas as a User With Limited Database Privileges
If you are a user without SYS or SYSDBA privileges, follow these instructions to create
• Verifying Schema Version Numbers
When the schemas are created in your database, RCU creates and maintains a table
called schema_version_registry. This table contains schema information such as
version number, component name and ID, date of creation and modification, and custom

Creating Schemas as a User with Full SYS or SYSDBA Privileges

If you are a user with full SYS or SYSDBA privileges and are able to provide valid
authentication credentials for database access, follow these instructions to create schemas.
Click the screen name to see detailed information for that screen. Unless otherwise noted,
click Next to continue to the next screen.

Table 2-1 Schema Creation Steps for Full-Privilege Users

Screen Description
Welcome This screen introduces you to RCU.

Chapter 2
Creating Schemas

Table 2-1 (Cont.) Schema Creation Steps for Full-Privilege Users

Screen Description
Create Repository Select Create Repository, then select System Load and Product Load.
If you do not have full SYS or SYSDBA privileges on the database, select Prepare
Scripts for System Load and follow the schema creation instructions in Creating
Schemas as a User With Limited Database Privileges.
For an Autonomous Transaction Processing database (both Oracle Autonomous
Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) and Oracle Autonomous Transaction
Processing-Shared (ATP-S)), you must create schemas as a Normal user, and
though, you do not have full SYS or SYSDBA privileges on the database, you must
select System Load and Product Load.
Database Connection Details Specify your database connection credentials.
Remember that if you are creating schemas on an IBM DB2 database, you must
have already created one operating system user for each schema that you want to
create. See Additional Requirements for IBM DB2 Databases for more information.
Click Next when you have specified your credentials. A separate dialog window
appears while RCU checks connectivity and the database prerequisites. When the
database checking has passed without errors, click OK to dismiss the dialog
window and go to the next screen.
If you are creating schemas on an Autonomous Transaction Processing database
(both Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) and Oracle
Autonomous Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S)), you receive a warning
message on selecting the database user role as Normal. You can ignore the
warning and continue with the schema creation. For more information, see
Troubleshooting Tips for Schema Creation on an Autonomous Transaction
Processing Database.
Select Components (for Select the components for which you want to create schemas, and specify a prefix
Create Operation) to group them together.
You must remember the prefix and schema names for the components you are
installing; you need this information during the configuration phase of your product
installation. Oracle recommends that you write down these values.
Schema Passwords Specify the passwords for your schema owners.
You must remember the passwords you enter on this screen; you need this
information during the configuration phase of your product installation. Oracle
recommends that you write down these values.
Custom Variables Use the Custom Variables screen to specify additional product configuration
The Custom Variables screen appears only if you selected one or more of the
following components on the Select Components screen. You can select a
component on the Select Components screen only if the Oracle home in which
RCU was started contains that component.
• If you selected Oracle Data Integrator, the Custom Variables for Oracle Data
Integrator are visible.
• If you selected SOA Suite, the Custom Variables for Oracle SOA Suite are
• If you selected WebCenter Portal - Analytics, the Custom Variable for Oracle
WebCenter Portal Analytics is visible.
• If you selected Oracle GoldenGate - Repository, the Custom Variables for
Oracle GoldenGate Studio are visible.
• If you selected Oracle Data Integrator, SOA Suite, and WebCenter Portal -
Analytics, the custom variables for Oracle Data Integrator, Oracle SOA Suite,
and Oracle WebCenter Portal Analytics are visible on this screen.

Chapter 2
Creating Schemas

Table 2-1 (Cont.) Schema Creation Steps for Full-Privilege Users

Screen Description
Map Tablespaces Use this screen to configure the desired tablespace mapping for the schemas that
you want to create.
When you click Next, a separate dialog window appears asking you to confirm that
you want to create these tablespaces. Click OK to proceed and dismiss the dialog
A second dialog window appears showing the progress of tablespace creation.
After the tablespaces are created, click OK to dismiss this window and go to the
next screen.
Summary (for Create Verify the information on this screen, then click Create to begin schema creation.
Completion Summary (for Review the information on this screen to verify that the operation was completed
Create Operation) successfully. Click Close to complete the schema creation and dismiss RCU.

Creating Schemas as a User With Limited Database Privileges

If you are a user without SYS or SYSDBA privileges, follow these instructions to create

To create schemas in PDB using a user other than SYSDBA, RCU users need to
create a common user and grant DBA to that common user, before running RCU.
Local user with DBA privilege will not work correctly.
To create schemas on an Autonomous Transaction Processing database (both
Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) and Oracle
Autonomous Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S)), a user with limited database
privileges needs to follow the steps in Create Repository in Table 2-1.

Table 2-2 Schema Creation Steps for Limited-Privilege Users

Screen Description
Welcome This screen introduces you to RCU.
Create Repository Select Create Repository, then select Prepare Scripts for System Load.
See About System Load and Product Load for more information about these

Chapter 2
Creating Schemas

Table 2-2 (Cont.) Schema Creation Steps for Limited-Privilege Users

Screen Description
Database Connection Details Specify your database connection credentials.
Click Next when you have specified your credentials. A separate dialog window
appears while RCU checks connectivity and the database prerequisites. When the
database checking has passed without errors, click OK to dismiss the dialog
window and go to the next screen.

Performing system load and product load separately
is only supported on Oracle and Oracle EBR

Select Components (for Select the components for which you want to create schemas, and specify a prefix
Create Operation) to group them together.
You must remember the prefix and schema names for the components you are
installing; you need this information during the configuration phase of your product
installation. Oracle recommends that you write down these values.
Custom Variables Use the Custom Variables screen to specify additional product configuration
The Custom Variables screen appears only if you selected one or more of the
following components on the Select Components screen. You can select a
component on the Select Components screen only if the Oracle home in which
RCU was started contains that component.
• If you selected SOA Suite, the Custom Variables for Oracle SOA Suite are
• If you selected WebCenter Portal - Analytics, the Custom Variable for Oracle
WebCenter Portal Analytics is visible.
• If you selected SOA Suite and WebCenter Portal - Analytics, the custom
variables for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle WebCenter Portal Analytics are
visible on this screen.
Map Tablespaces Use this screen to configure the desired tablespace mapping for the schemas that
you want to create.
Summary (for Create Verify the information on this screen, then click Generate to begin script
Operation) generation.
By default, the scripts are generated in the
RCUdate_timestamp_random_number/logs directory inside the temporary
directory on your system. For example, on UNIX operating systems, the scripts are
generated in the /tmp/RCUdate_timestamp_random_number/logs directory, by
default. If you want to specify a different location, click Browse and select a
location on your system.
The names of the scripts generated are script_systemLoad.sql and
Completion Summary (for Review the information on this screen to verify that the operation was completed
Create Operation) successfully. Click Close to complete the script generation and dismiss RCU.

Chapter 2
Creating Schemas

Table 2-2 (Cont.) Schema Creation Steps for Limited-Privilege Users

Screen Description
N/A After the scripts are created, user with SYS or SYSDBA privileges must execute
the script_systemLoad.sql script:

1. Sign in to SQL*Plus.
2. Enter the following command to execute the script_systemLoad.sql script
(replace the path to the script if you chose to save it in a custom location):

3. While the script is running, the user is prompted to set the schema password
for each schema being created. Specify the passwords as prompted.
You are returned to your system prompt when the script has been executed.

N/A After the script is executed, start RCU again and perform the product load phase to
complete schema creation.
Welcome This screen introduces you to RCU.
Create Repository Select Create Repository, then select Perform Product Load.
See About System Load and Product Load for more information about these
Database Connection Details Specify your database connection credentials.
Click Next when you have specified your credentials. A separate dialog window
appears while RCU checks connectivity and the database prerequisites. When the
database checking has passed without errors, click OK to dismiss the dialog
window and go to the next screen.
Select Components (for From the drop-down list, select the prefix you specified earlier in this procedure.
Create Operation) Then, select the components for which you want to perform the product load.
Schema Passwords Specify the passwords for your schema owners.
Ensure to specify the same passwords that were entered while running the
script_systemLoad.sql script through SQL*Plus.
You must remember the passwords you enter on this screen; you need this
information during the configuration phase of your product installation. Oracle
recommends that you write down these values.
Custom Variables Use the Custom Variables screen to specify additional product configuration
The Custom Variables screen appears only if you selected one or more of the
following components on the Select Components screen. You can select a
component on the Select Components screen only if the Oracle home in which
RCU was started contains that component.
• If you selected Oracle Data Integrator, the Custom Variables for Oracle Data
Integrator are visible.
• If you selected SOA Suite, the Custom Variables for Oracle SOA Suite are
• If you selected WebCenter Portal - Analytics, the Custom Variable for Oracle
WebCenter Portal Analytics is visible.
• If you selected Oracle GoldenGate - Repository, the Custom Variables for
Oracle GoldenGate Studio are visible.
• If you selected Oracle Data Integrator, SOA Suite, and WebCenter Portal -
Analytics, the custom variables for Oracle Data Integrator, Oracle SOA Suite,
and Oracle WebCenter Portal Analytics are visible on this screen.

Chapter 2
Creating Schemas

Table 2-2 (Cont.) Schema Creation Steps for Limited-Privilege Users

Screen Description
Summary (for Create Verify the information on this screen, then click Data Load to begin schema
Operation) creation.
Completion Summary (for Review the information on this screen to verify that the operation was completed
Create Operation) successfully. Click Close to complete the schema creation and dismiss RCU.
N/A This optional step is needed for components that generate and must execute
product load scripts requiring DBA privileges. After the product load phase is
complete, someone with SYS or SYSDBA privileges must execute the
script_postDataLoad.sql script.
This step is needed for the Audit Services (IAU) and Oracle Enterprise Scheduler
(ESS) components.

1. Sign in to SQL*Plus.
2. Enter the following command to execute the script_postDataLoad.sql
script (replace the path to the script if you chose to save it in a custom

You are returned to your system prompt when the script has been executed.

Verifying Schema Version Numbers

When the schemas are created in your database, RCU creates and maintains a table
called schema_version_registry. This table contains schema information such as
version number, component name and ID, date of creation and modification, and
custom prefix.
To verify that the schemas are installed properly, run the following query after you sign
in to SQL*Plus:
select comp_name, version from schema_version_registry;

The comp_name argument retrieves the name of the component, and version retrieves
the version number. For example:
SQL> select comp_name, version from schema_version_registry;

Audit Service

Audit Service Append

Audit Service Viewer


Chapter 2
Creating Schemas for WebLogic Server on an ATP-S Database

Metadata Services

Oracle Platform Security Services

Service Table

User Messaging Service

WebLogic Services

8 rows selected.

Creating Schemas for WebLogic Server on an ATP-S Database

Follow these instructions to create schemas for WebLogic Server on an Oracle Autonomous
Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S) database, and verify that they are installed properly.
Ensure that you have completed the prerequisites for schema creation. See Settings to
connect to an Autonomous Transaction Processing Database.
To create schemas for WebLogic server on an Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-
Shared (ATP-S) database in silent mode, see Run RCU for Oracle WebLogic Server on ATP-
S database in silent mode.
• Creating Schemas as a User with Full Database Privileges
If you are a user with full database privileges and are able to provide valid authentication
credentials for database access, follow these instructions to create schemas.
• Creating Schemas as a User With Limited Database Privileges
If you are a user without full database privileges, follow these instructions to create
• Verifying Schema Version Numbers
When the schemas are created in your database, RCU creates and maintains a table
called schema_version_registry. This table contains schema information such as
version number, component name and ID, date of creation and modification, and custom

Creating Schemas as a User with Full Database Privileges

If you are a user with full database privileges and are able to provide valid authentication
credentials for database access, follow these instructions to create schemas.
Click the screen name to see detailed information for that screen. Unless otherwise noted,
click Next to continue to the next screen.

Chapter 2
Creating Schemas for WebLogic Server on an ATP-S Database

Table 2-3 Schema Creation Steps for Full-Privilege Users

Screen Description
Welcome This screen introduces you to RCU.
Create Repository Select Create Repository, then select System Load and Product Load.
Database Connection Details Specify your database connection credentials using the Connection String format
only. See Settings to connect to an Autonomous Transaction Processing Database.
After you have specified your credentials, click Next. The user privileges warning is
displayed. You can ignore the warning and continue with the schema creation. For
more information, see Troubleshooting Tips for Schema Creation on an
Autonomous Transaction Processing Database.
Select Components (for Select the components for which you want to create schemas, and specify a prefix
Create Operation) to group them together.
You must remember the prefix and schema names for the components you are
installing; you need this information during the configuration phase of your product
installation. Oracle recommends that you write down these values.
Schema Passwords Specify the passwords for your schema owners.
You must remember the passwords you enter on this screen; you need this
information during the configuration phase of your product installation. Oracle
recommends that you write down these values.
Map Tablespaces Use this screen to configure the desired tablespace mapping for the schemas that
you want to create.
Note: If you created the schemas using an existing prefix. override the default and
temporary tablespaces by selecting DATA from the drop-down list in the Default
Tablespace column, and TEMP from the drop-down list in the Temp Tablespace
column. In case of additional tablespaces, override the tablespace name by
selecting DATA from the drop-down list in the Tablespace Name column.
When you click Next, the user privileges warning is displayed. You can ignore the
warning and continue with the schema creation. For more information, see
Troubleshooting Tips for Schema Creation on an Autonomous Transaction
Processing Database.
On the confirmation window, click OK to confirm that you want to create these
tablespaces. You can view progress of tablespace creation. After the tablespaces
are created, click Next to go to the next screen.
Summary (for Create Verify the information on this screen, then click Create to begin schema creation.
Completion Summary (for Review the information on this screen to verify that the operation was completed
Create Operation) successfully. Click Close to complete the schema creation and dismiss RCU.

Creating Schemas as a User With Limited Database Privileges

If you are a user without full database privileges, follow these instructions to create
To create schemas, a user with limited database privileges needs to follow the steps in
Create Repository in Creating Schemas as a User with Full Database Privileges

Chapter 2
Creating Schemas for WebLogic Server on an ATP-S Database

To create schemas in PDB using a user other than a user with full database
privileges, Repository Creation Utility (RCU) users need to create a common user
and grant DBA to that common user, before running RCU. Local user with DBA
privilege will not work correctly.

Verifying Schema Version Numbers

When the schemas are created in your database, RCU creates and maintains a table called
schema_version_registry. This table contains schema information such as version number,
component name and ID, date of creation and modification, and custom prefix.
To verify that the schemas are installed properly, run the following query after you sign in to
select comp_name, version from schema_version_registry;

The comp_name argument retrieves the name of the component, and version retrieves the
version number. For example:
SQL> select comp_name, version from schema_version_registry;

Audit Service

Audit Service Append

Audit Service Viewer

Metadata Services

Oracle Platform Security Services

Service Table

User Messaging Service

Chapter 2
Dropping Schemas

WebLogic Services

8 rows selected.

Dropping Schemas
Follow these instructions to drop schemas from the database.
To see detailed information for a particular screen, click on the screen name. Unless
otherwise noted, click Next to continue to the next screen.

Table 2-4 RCU Screens and Description for Dropping Schemas

Screen Instructions and Action Required

Welcome This screen introduces you to RCU.
Create Repository Select Drop Repository.
Database Connection Specify your database connection credentials.
Details Click Next when you have specified your credentials. A separate dialog window
appears while RCU checks connectivity and the database prerequisites. When the
database checking has passed without errors, click OK to dismiss the dialog window
and go to the next screen.
Select Components (for Select the prefix and the schemas that you want to drop, then click Next.
Drop Operation) A separate dialog window appears asking you to verify that you want to drop the
selected schemas. Click OK to dismiss this window.
A second dialog window appears while RCU checks the prerequisites for the
schemas that you are dropping. After prerequisite checking is complete, click OK to
dismiss this window and go to the next screen.
Custom Variables The Custom Variables screen appears only if you selected one or more of the
following components on the Select Components screen. You can select a
component on the Select Components screen only if the Oracle home in which RCU
was started contains that component.
• If you selected Oracle Data Integrator, the Custom Variables for Oracle Data
Integrator are visible.
• If you selected SOA Suite, the Custom Variables for Oracle SOA Suite are
• If you selected WebCenter Portal - Analytics, the Custom Variable for Oracle
WebCenter Portal Analytics is visible.
• If you selected Oracle Data Integrator, SOA Suite, and WebCenter Portal -
Analytics, the custom variables for Oracle Data Integrator, Oracle SOA Suite,
and Oracle WebCenter Portal Analytics are visible on this screen.
Summary (for Drop Review the information on this screen, then click Drop to drop the schemas.
Completion Summary (for Note the location of the log files, then click Close to dismiss the screen.
Drop Operation)

• About Dropping Shared Tablespaces

Tablespaces that are shared among multiple schemas are not dropped.

Chapter 2
Dropping Schemas

• Dropping Schemas and Deleting Datafiles (Windows Only)

If you used RCU to drop a schema from a Windows-based database, and you want to
recreate the dropped schema, you will have to manually delete the datafiles that were not
automatically removed when the schema was dropped.

About Dropping Shared Tablespaces

Tablespaces that are shared among multiple schemas are not dropped.
For example, if you created both the Audit Services (for example, DEV_IAU) and Metadata
Services (for example, DEV_MDS) schemas, both schemas would use the temporary
tablespace DEV_IAS_TEMP (see Default Tablespace Mappings).

If you then drop the DEV_IAU schema, the DEV_IAS_TEMP tablespace would not be dropped
since it is also used by the DEV_MDS schema.

Dropping Schemas and Deleting Datafiles (Windows Only)

If you used RCU to drop a schema from a Windows-based database, and you want to
recreate the dropped schema, you will have to manually delete the datafiles that were not
automatically removed when the schema was dropped.
Change to the DB_HOME\oradata directory and manually delete any remaining datafiles before
you recreate the schema.
Oracle recommends that you check this directory for any remaining datafiles before you
attempt to recreate any dropped schema.

Running Repository Creation Utility from the
Command Line
The command-line interface (CLI) is necessary for integration with both the Oracle Fusion
Middleware installer and Enterprise Manager during application deployment. Additionally, you
can use the CLI in cases where Xserver is not configured or if you are using a telnet terminal
that does not have proper display capabilities.
For more information on how to run RCU from the command line, see the following topics:
• Command-Line Syntax and Parameters
To run RCU from the command line, you need to specify a mode, an operation, and any
necessary parameters. Make sure that you understand the syntax and the various
command-line parameters you can use for your operation.
• Using the -silent Command
Use the -silent command if you want to run RCU with minimal interaction once you
have entered the command.
• Using the -interactive Command
Use the -interactive command to run the RCU graphical interface. This is the default
value if neither -silent nor -interactive is specified.
• Using Response Files
Before you run RCU, you can provide information that is required to perform a specific
operation in a response file. For example, you can provide your database connection
details, a list of components to be added or dropped, and the schema prefix to RCU
through a response file.
• Creating a Repository from the Command Line
If you are a user with full SYS or SYSDBA privileges, use the -createRepository
operation to create a repository.
• Generating a System Load Script From the Command Line
If you are a user without SYS or SYSDBA privileges, use the -generateScript
operation to generate a script. A user with DBA privileges can run the script later to
complete the system load phase.
• Loading Data Into the Repository From the Command Line
After the system load scripts are run by a user with DBA privileges, any user can then
use the -dataLoad operation to load data into a repository.
• Dropping a Repository from the Command Line
Use the -dropRepository operation to drop a repository.
• Generating a List of Components in an Oracle Home from the Command Line
Use the -listComponents command to generate a list of valid components that are
available in a given Oracle home. This command displays the name, component ID, and
the supported database types for each component that is available in the Oracle home in
which RCU was started.
• Generating a List of Schemas in a Database from the Command Line
Use the -listSchemas command to generate a list of valid schemas in a given database.

Chapter 3
Command-Line Syntax and Parameters

• RCU Environment Variables

The RCU environment variables are the variables picked up by RCU from the
environment. If an environment variable is not set, then RCU uses the default

Command-Line Syntax and Parameters

To run RCU from the command line, you need to specify a mode, an operation, and
any necessary parameters. Make sure that you understand the syntax and the various
command-line parameters you can use for your operation.
The syntax for the RCU command-line interface is:
rcu mode operation {parameters}

There are two modes (-silent and -interactive) and eight operations (-
generateResponseFile, -responseFile, -createRepository, -generateScript, -
dataLoad, -dropRepository, -listComponents, and -listSchemas). So, the command
can be written out as follows:
rcu [-silent | -interactive] [-generateResponseFile | -responseFile | -
createRepository | -generateScript | -dataLoad |
-dropRepository | -listComponents | -listSchemas]

The following topics describe each of the modes, operations, and parameters:
• RCU Modes Available from the Command Line
There are two RCU modes available from the command line, -silent mode and -
interactive mode.
• RCU Operations Available from the Command Line
There are eight RCU operations that are available from the command-line.
• RCU Command Line Parameters
You can pass the RCU command-line parameters to RCU as input by directly
entering the parameters on the command line or by using a response file.

RCU Modes Available from the Command Line

There are two RCU modes available from the command line, -silent mode and -
interactive mode.

Table 3-1 RCU Modes Available from the Command Line

Command Description
-silent Run RCU with minimal or no interaction from the command line.
For more information about silent mode, see Using the -silent Command.

Chapter 3
Command-Line Syntax and Parameters

Table 3-1 (Cont.) RCU Modes Available from the Command Line

Command Description
-interactive Run the RCU graphical interface. This is the default if neither -silent nor -
interactive is specified.
This command (whether specified or not) allows you to prepopulate certain screens
with the information that is specified in the response file or from the command line.
You can prepopulate the Create Repository and Database Connection Details
For more information about graphical mode, see Using the -interactive Command.

RCU Operations Available from the Command Line

There are eight RCU operations that are available from the command-line.

Table 3-2 RCU Operations Available from the Command Line

Command Description
-generateResponseFile Run RCU with -silent to generate a RCU response file that contains all valid RCU
command line parameters.
See Creating a RCU Response File from the Command Line
-responseFile Run RCU with either -silent or -interactive to perform a RCU operation using
a response file.
See Performing RCU Operations by Using a Response File
-createRepository Run RCU with either -silent or -interactive to create a repository.
See Creating a Repository from the Command Line.
-generateScript Run RCU with either -silent or -interactive to generate a script for system
See Generating a System Load Script From the Command Line.
-dataLoad Run RCU with either -silent or -interactive to load data into the repository.
See Loading Data Into the Repository From the Command Line.
-dropRepository Run RCU with either -silent or -interactive to drop a repository.
See Dropping a Repository from the Command Line.
-listComponents Run RCU with -silent to generate a list of components for a given Oracle home.
See Generating a List of Components in an Oracle Home from the Command Line.
-listSchemas Run RCU with -silent to list the schemas in a given database.
See Generating a List of Schemas in a Database from the Command Line.

RCU Command Line Parameters

You can pass the RCU command-line parameters to RCU as input by directly entering the
parameters on the command line or by using a response file.

Chapter 3
Command-Line Syntax and Parameters

Table 3-3 RCU Command Line Parameters and Descriptions

Parameter Required? Valid for Which Description

-compInfoXMLLocation No -createRepository The full path to the location of the
-generateScript ComponentInfo.xml file. The default location
is ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/rcu/
-dataLoad config (on UNIX operating systems) or
-dropRepository ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\rcu\config
(on Windows operating systems).
-storageXMLLocation No -createRepository The full path to the location of the
-generateScript StorageInfo.xml file. The default location is
-dataLoad (on UNIX operating systems) or
-dropRepository ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\rcu\config
(on Windows operating systems).
-databaseType No -createRepository The type of database to which you are
-generateScript connecting.
If you perform the system load and product load
concurrently as a user with full DBA privileges,
-dropRepository the valid options are ORACLE, SQLSERVER,
-listSchemas IBMBD2, MYSQL, or EBR.
MySQL database is supported for Oracle Data
Integrator and Oracle GoldenGate Studio Fusion
Middleware components only.
If you do not have permissions to perform the
system load and product load concurrently and
need to generate a script, you can only use the
ORACLE and EBR database types.
For more information about system load and
product load, see About System Load and
Product Load.
-connectString Yes -createRepository The credentials to connect to your database.
-generateScript For Oracle or EBR-enabled databases, use the
following format:
-dropRepository host:port:sid

For all other database types, use:


-edition No -createRepository The edition name. This parameter is only valid if

-generateScript you specify databaseType=EBR.


Chapter 3
Command-Line Syntax and Parameters

Table 3-3 (Cont.) RCU Command Line Parameters and Descriptions

Parameter Required? Valid for Which Description

-dbUser Yes -createRepository The database user name. For example, the SYS
-generateScript user on Oracle databases).
-dataLoad This parameter is required if the —
createWallet parameter is provided during
-dropRepository the -generateResponseFile operation. RCU
- uses the database user name as the key or alias
generateResponseFi to store the database user password when
le generating a wallet. If the —createWallet
-listSchemas parameter is not provided, the database user
name is optional.
-dbRole No -createRepository The database user role. For example, SYSDBA
-generateScript for the SYS user on Oracle databases).
-dataLoad This parameter is needed only if -dbUser is
specified and the role is SYSDBA.
-unicodeSupport No -createRepository Specify eitherYes or No for unicode support.
-dropRepository Default parameter is Yes. This parameter is only
valid if you specify databaseType=SQLSERVER.
- No -createRepository If the schema creation fails, specify whether you
skipCleanupOnFailure -generateScript want to skip the schema cleanup. The valid
values are Yes or No. The default value is No.
- No -createRepository If schema creation fails, whether or not you want
skipTablespaceDropon -generateScript to skip the schema cleanup. The valid values
Failure are Yes or No. The default value is No.
Specify Yes to retain tablespaces for failed
components during schema cleanup. Specify No
to drop tablespaces for failed components
during schema cleanup.
-scriptLocation No -generateScript Specify the location to save the generated script
for system load repository.
- No -createRepository Whether you want to use the same password for
useSamePasswordForAl -dataLoad all schemas. The valid values are true or
lSchemaUsers false. The default value is false.
- No -createRepository Whether you want to have RCU automatically
selectDependentsForC -generateScript select dependent schemas for your components.
omponents The valid values are true or false. The default
-dataLoad value is false.
-dropRepository STB schema is created independent of this
- switch, whether the value is true or false

Chapter 3
Command-Line Syntax and Parameters

Table 3-3 (Cont.) RCU Command Line Parameters and Descriptions

Parameter Required? Valid for Which Description

-honorOMF No -createRepository If the value is set to true, RCU creates datafiles
-generateScript using the Oracle-Managed Files (OMF) naming
The valid values are true or false. The default
value is false.
-encryptTablespace No -createRepository Specify whether you want to encrypt all new
-generateScript tablespaces that are created by RCU. This
option is valid only if you have TDE (Transparent
Data Encryption) enabled in the database
(Oracle or Oracle EBR) when you start RCU.
TDE tablespace encryption allows you to
encrypt sensitive data stored in tablespaces.
The valid values are true or false. The default
value is false. If the value is set to true, all
new tablespaces created by RCU are encrypted
only if TDE is enabled in the database.
Tablespaces that were created before RCU was
launched cannot be encrypted by using this
-skipTablespaceDrop No -dropRepository This parameter allows you to skip dropping
tablespaces during the -dropRepository
The valid values are Yes or No. Specify Yes to
skip tablespace drop. The default value is No.
-variables No -createRepository Comma-separated variables in the format
-generateScript variablename=value. See RCU Environment
Variables for a list of RCU environment
-dataLoad variables.
-schemaPrefix No -createRepository Prefix for your schemas. For more information
-generateScript about schema prefixes, see Planning Your
Schema Creation and Select Components (for
-dataLoad Create Operation).
-dropRepository This parameter is required for the -
- createRepository, -generateScript, -
generateResponseFi dataLoad, and -dropRepository operations.
le Also, this parameter is required if the —
createWallet parameter is provided during
the -generateResponseFile operation. RCU
uses the prefixed schema name as the key or
alias to store schema passwords when
generating a wallet. If the —createWallet
parameter is not provided, the schema prefix is

Chapter 3
Command-Line Syntax and Parameters

Table 3-3 (Cont.) RCU Command Line Parameters and Descriptions

Parameter Required? Valid for Which Description

-component Yes -createRepository ID of the component that you want to add or
-generateScript drop. To specify a single component, use the
-component component_ID
To specify multiple components, use the format:
-component component_ID -component

For a list of valid component (schema) IDs, see

About Repository Creation Utility Schemas, IDs,
and Tablespaces. Multiple components are
sometimes necessary because of
dependencies; for example, you can not create
the Oracle Platform Security Services (OPSS)
schema if the Audit Services (IAU) schema does
not exist. In this case, you must specify both
-component OPSS -component IAU

-tablespace No -createRepository Tablespace name of the component. This

-generateScript tablespace must exist in the database if you are
using this option.
-tempTablespace No -createRepository TEMP tablespace name of the component. This
-generateScript tablespace must exist in the database if you are
using this option.
-createWallet No - Provide this parameter if you want to create a
generateResponseFi wallet file to securely store your RCU
le passwords, such as the database user
password, schema passwords, and custom
variable passwords.
RCU accepts password credentials stored in an
Oracle Wallet. That is, you can use the
generated wallet later in silent situations to
provide your passwords to RCU without having
to directly enter any passwords on the command
The wallet is generated in the same directory as
the response file.

Chapter 3
Command-Line Syntax and Parameters

Table 3-3 (Cont.) RCU Command Line Parameters and Descriptions

Parameter Required? Valid for Which Description

-walletDir No -createRepository The absolute path of the wallet directory where
-generateScript your RCU passwords that are used for creating
or dropping schemas are stored. If you choose
-dataLoad to use a wallet to pass passwords to RCU, RCU
-dropRepository retrieves the required passwords from the
specified directory. This option is valid for silent
mode only.
If you use this option, the wallet must already
exist and contain the required passwords. If the
wallet does not contain the required passwords,
RCU prompts you for the missing passwords on
the command line.
This directory should contain a valid
cwallet.sso file. RCU supports auto-login
wallets only (password is not needed to open
-responseFileDir No - The absolute path of the response file directory.
generateResponseFi If specified, RCU generates a response file
le named in the
given directory.
If not specified, RCU generates a response file
in the $HOME/.rcu directory by default.
-componentList No - Comma-separated list of component IDs for the
generateResponseFi components in the Oracle home that you want to
le add to the response file. To generate a list of
valid component IDs for a specific Oracle home,
see Generating a List of Components in an
Oracle Home from the Command Line.
If not specified, all valid components in the
Oracle home are added to the response file by
-validate No -createRepository Use this option to execute validation checks in
-generateScript silent mode and verify that all prerequisites for
the specified operation have been met.
With this option, RCU only checks for the
-dropRepository prerequisites that are required to perform the
operation and then exits. For more information
about validate parameter, see Using the -
validate Parameter to Verify Prerequisites.
-schemaPrefixes No -listSchemas Comma-separated list of schema prefixes. If
provided, RCU only lists the schemas with the
given prefixes.

Chapter 3
Using the -silent Command

Using the -silent Command

Use the -silent command if you want to run RCU with minimal interaction once you have
entered the command.

Run RCU for all databases in silent mode

You must specify all mandatory command-line parameters in the command. For example:
rcu -silent -createRepository -connectString database_connect_string -dbUser
database_user -component component

In this scenario, RCU prompts you for the database and component schema passwords from
the command line. If you specify multiple components, you are prompted for the passwords in
the order in which the components are specified.
Instead of directly entering all the RCU parameters on the command line, you can provide the
location and name of a file that contains certain input values. This file (called a response file)
allows you to pass values for all valid command-line parameters to RCU through a text file.
When you run RCU with a response file, all values are read from the file to create or drop
your schemas. For more information about response file, see Using Response Files.
If you want to avoid all interaction from the command line, you can create a text file contains
all the necessary passwords (one password per line) and then use the -f option to pass this
password file to RCU. For example, if you create a file called passwordfile.txt, you can use
the command below:
rcu -silent -createRepository -connectString database_connect_string -dbUser
database_user -component component1_name -component
component2_name -f < passwordfile.txt

The passwordfile.txt file would contain, in order:


When schemas are created for multiple components, -tablespace and -tempTablespace has
to be declared for each component individually.
For example:

./rcu -silent -createRepository -connectString <connectString> -dbUser SYS

-dbRole SYSDBA -schemaPrefix DEV01 -selectDependentsForComponents true \
-component MDS -tablespace FMW_INFRA -tempTablespace TEMP \
-component IAU -tablespace FMW_INFRA -tempTablespace TEMP \
-component IAU_APPEND -tablespace FMW_INFRA -tempTablespace TEMP \
-component IAU_VIEWER -tablespace FMW_INFRA -tempTablespace TEMP \
-component STB -tablespace FMW_INFRA -tempTablespace TEMP -f <

It is important to make sure that the passwords in the file are specified in the same order as
the components on the command line.
Once the installation is complete, the password file must be removed. The passwords are
maintained in cleartext format, and therefore present a security risk if the password file is left
in place after installation.

Chapter 3
Using the -silent Command

Instead of using a plain text password file, you can also create an Oracle Wallet file
that contains all the necessary passwords and then use the -walletDir parameter to
pass this file to RCU. In this case, RCU does not prompt you for any passwords that
are stored in the wallet. For more information about using wallet, see Using a Wallet to
Store Passwords.
For more information on running RCU in -silent mode, see the following topics:

Run RCU for Oracle GoldenGate on ATP databases in silent mode

To create schemas on an Autonomous Transaction Processing database
(both Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) and
Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S)) for Oracle
GoldenGate, you can use only the silent command and cannot use the
Repository Creation Utility screens (GUI mode).

For example, use the following command to run RCU in silent mode:
./rcu -silent -createRepository -connectString
'(description=(CONNECT_TIMEOUT=120)(RETRY_COUNT=20)(RETRY_DELAY=3) \
(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=protocol_name) \
(HOST=host_name)(PORT=port_number)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=service_name))) -
dbUser admin -dbRole normal \
-useSSL -sslArgs
cwallet.sso,, \
\ -useSamePasswordForAllSchemaUsers true -
selectDependentsForComponents true \
-schemaPrefix OGG1ATP -component UCSUMS \
-component OPSS -component IAU -component STB -component WLS -component
IAU_APPEND -component IAU_VIEWER -component MDS -component VERIDATA \
-serverDN ",OU=Oracle BMCS
US,O=OracleCorporation,L=Redwood City,ST=California,C=US"

Run RCU for Oracle WebLogic Server on ATP-S database in silent mode
Use the following command to run RCU in silent mode:
./rcu -silent -createRepository -databaseType ORACLE -connectString
jdbc:oracle:thin:@dbname_tp?TNS_ADMIN=/users/test/wallet_dbname/ -dbUser admin -
dbRole normal \
-useSamePasswordForAllSchemaUsers true -selectDependentsForComponents true \
-schemaPrefix WLS1001 -component STB -tablespace DATA -tempTablespace TEMP \
-component WLS -tablespace DATA -tempTablespace TEMP \
-component IAU_APPEND -tablespace DATA -tempTablespace TEMP \
-component IAU_VIEWER -tablespace DATA -tempTablespace TEMP \
-component OPSS -tablespace DATA -tempTablespace TEMP \
-component IAU -tablespace DATA -tempTablespace TEMP \
-component MDS -tablespace DATA -tempTablespace TEMP \
-f < ~/<rcu_atp_password>

Chapter 3
Using the -silent Command

• Using the -validate Parameter to Verify Prerequisites

Before you run an operation from the command line, you can use the —validate option in
silent mode to verify that all RCU prerequisites have been met.
• Using a Wallet to Store Passwords
If you are running RCU from the command line, password credentials (for example,
schema passwords) can be stored in an Oracle Wallet file. This wallet file can be
provided to RCU from the command line.

Using the -validate Parameter to Verify Prerequisites

Before you run an operation from the command line, you can use the —validate option in
silent mode to verify that all RCU prerequisites have been met.
When you run RCU with the -validate option, RCU performs validation checks to validate all
prerequisites for the specified operation, and then exits. For example, this command
validates the values for any command-line parameters and verifies that the minimum
requirements are met in the database prior to schema creation.
You can add the —validate option to any valid operation to run the validation checks, as
shown in the following example:
./rcu -silent -createRepository -useSamePasswordForAllSchemaUsers true -databaseType
-connectString -dbUser sys -dbRole
-selectDependentsForComponents true -schemaPrefix DEV -component MDS -component OPSS
-component STB -component BIPLATFORM -validate

If a prerequisite check fails, RCU returns a non-zero exit code and prints the issue to the
console. You can refer to the command output and log file to manually fix the issue, and then
rerun the —validate command to ensure that all checks are successful.

If all prerequisite checks pass, the exit status is zero (0).

If a validation check fails, the following table provides more information about the exit codes
returned by RCU.

Validation Check Description Exit Code Number

Database Connection Check Validates the provided connection • Database connection failed: 100
credentials for the database in which • Unsupported database type: 101
you create or drop schemas. • Empty field: 102
This check ensures that a database • Invalid port: 103
connection can be established by
using the values provided for the
database connect string, user name,
and password.
If the -encryptTablespace true
option is provided, RCU verifies that
TDE (Transparent Data Encryption)
is enabled in the database.

Chapter 3
Using the -silent Command

Validation Check Description Exit Code Number

Global Prerequisites Check Verifies the global prerequisites listed • Global prerequisite failed: 200
in the global ComponentInfo.xml • Metadata initialization failed: 201
file (in ORACLE_HOME/ • TDE not enabled: 202
For example, this check verifies the
database version and the values for
the database initialization
Schema Prefix Check Validates the -schemaPrefix • Schema prefix validation failed:
parameter. 300
• For the create operation, RCU
ensures that the prefix follows
the expected pattern and does
not exceed the allowed number
of characters.
• For the drop operation, RCU
ensures that the schema prefix
already exists.
Component Name Check Validates the list of component • Component validation failed: 400
schema names provided. • Component dependency
For the create operation, RCU validation failed: 401
ensures that the components do not
exist for the given prefix and any
dependent components are selected.
Schema Password Check Verifies that a given schema • Schema password validation
password follows the supported failed: 700
password pattern and does not
exceed 30 characters.
Component Prerequisites Check Validates the component-specific • Component prerequisite failed:
prerequisites of each component. 500
The prerequisites are listed in the
component repository configuration
file (component.xml) in
common/sql/component for
each component.
Tablespace Validation Check Validates the tablespace names and • Tablespace validation failed: 600
verifies that the tablespace • Mapping tablespace to
prerequisites are met. component validation failed: 601
Custom Variables Check Validates component custom • Custom variable validation
variables and their values. failed: 800
Script Location Validation Check Validates the value provided for the – • Value for –scriptLocation
scriptLocation argument and argument is invalid or not
checks whether the value is null or provided: 900

Chapter 3
Using the -silent Command

Using a Wallet to Store Passwords

If you are running RCU from the command line, password credentials (for example, schema
passwords) can be stored in an Oracle Wallet file. This wallet file can be provided to RCU
from the command line.
When you run RCU from the command line, RCU prompts you to enter values for any
required passwords by default. To avoid entering passwords on the command line, you can
create a wallet file to securely store any necessary password credentials. You can then pass
the wallet to RCU by providing the wallet location with the walletDir parameter.

Creating a Wallet Using RCU

A wallet for providing RCU passwords can be generated by RCU as part of the response file
• To create a wallet using the RCU graphical interface, see Creating a RCU Response File
from the Graphical Interface.
• To create a wallet using the RCU command-line interface, see Creating a RCU Response
File from the Command Line.
Once the wallet is created, this file can be reused to store and provide passwords for multiple
RCU only supports auto-login wallets (no password is needed to open a wallet). Password-
protected wallets are not supported.
When RCU generates the wallet, RCU uses the prefixed schema name as the key or alias for
storing schema passwords, which allows you to reuse the same wallet for multiple sessions.
For the database user password, the alias is the database user name (for example, SYS). If
the same password is used for all the schemas, then RCU uses the alias
prefix_COMMON_SCHEMA_PASSWORD to save the password in the wallet.
Example 3-1 Using the -walletDir Parameter
After the wallet is created and contains the necessary passwords, use the —walletDir
parameter to pass this file to RCU so that you do not have to directly enter your passwords
on the command line. Alternatively, the wallet location can be provided to RCU through a
response file.
For example:
./rcu -silent -createRepository -connectString -dbUser sys -dbRole sysdba
-schemaPrefix DEV -component MDS -component STB -walletDir /home/exampleuser/wallet

When you pass the wallet to RCU, RCU expects all the necessary passwords required to
perform an operation to be in the wallet, which include your:
• Database user password
• Schema passwords
• Custom Variable passwords (for Oracle Data Integrator)
In this example, the wallet should contain passwords for the database user (sys), the
Metadata Services (MDS) schema, and the Service Table (STB) schema. If a wallet does not
contain all the necessary passwords, you are prompted to enter the missing passwords on
the command line.

Chapter 3
Using the -interactive Command

Using the -interactive Command

Use the -interactive command to run the RCU graphical interface. This is the default
value if neither -silent nor -interactive is specified.

You can specify information from the command line that would be populated in the
graphical interface to expedite your RCU operation.
For example, if you run RCU with the following command, the Database Connection
Details screen contains blank fields.

But if you run RCU with a few parameters using the following command, the Database
Connection Details screen contains the information supplied from the command line.
./rcu -interactive -createRepository -connectString -dbUser SYS -component MDS

When you run the RCU graphical interface, you can provide the location and name of
a file (called a response file) that contains certain input values (for example, your
database connection information). When you use the graphical interface, you are
prompted for these values. The values you enter in a response file can be used to
populate certain RCU screens. For more information about using response file, see
Using Response Files.

Using Response Files

Before you run RCU, you can provide information that is required to perform a specific
operation in a response file. For example, you can provide your database connection
details, a list of components to be added or dropped, and the schema prefix to RCU
through a response file.
You can use a response file to automate a RCU session. When you run RCU by using
a response file, RCU reads the information provided in the response file to complete
the operation.
For more information, see the following topics:
• About Response Files
A response file is a properties file in which all RCU command-line parameters can
be provided as input to RCU to perform an operation.
• Creating a RCU Response File from the Graphical Interface
Use the Save Response File option on the Summary screen to save the
information you provide in the RCU screens to a response file.
• Creating a RCU Response File from the Command Line
Use the -generateResponseFile command to generate a response file.
• Performing RCU Operations by Using a Response File
Use the -responseFile command to perform an operation with a response file.
You use a response file to provide input to RCU to automate an operation from the
command line or from the graphical interface.

Chapter 3
Using Response Files

About Response Files

A response file is a properties file in which all RCU command-line parameters can be
provided as input to RCU to perform an operation.
Rather than directly entering the RCU Command Line Parameters on the command line, you
can provide values for these parameters to RCU through a text file. You can generate this file
from the RCU graphical interface by using the values you provide in the RCU screens or from
the command line. After you create a response file, the parameters can be modified in a text
editor or be used exactly as-is to perform an operation at a later time.
If you choose to run RCU from the command line with a response file, the values you specify
in a response file are the values for the RCU parameters that you would normally provide on
the command line during a typical silent RCU session. If you choose to run the RCU
graphical interface with a response file, the values you specify in a response file are used to
prepopulate the fields on certain screens.

Creating a RCU Response File from the Graphical Interface

Use the Save Response File option on the Summary screen to save the information you
provide in the RCU screens to a response file.
After you click the Save Response File option, you are prompted to specify a location to
create this file. By default, RCU saves the response file in the $HOME/.rcu directory.

Because the response file needs to contain password information, RCU provides the Save
Passwords in Wallet option to securely store any passwords that you provide on the RCU
screens in a wallet. You can use the wallet later in silent situations to provide the necessary
passwords to RCU so that you do not have to directly enter your passwords on the command
line. When you run RCU from the command line, the wallet location can be passed to RCU
on the command line or through a response file. If a wallet directory is not passed to RCU,
you are prompted for the required passwords.

Creating a RCU Response File from the Command Line

Use the -generateResponseFile command to generate a response file.

The full syntax for the RCU command-line interface to generate a RCU response file is
shown below:
rcu -silent -generateResponseFile
[-responseFileDir absolute_path_of_response_file_directory]
[-schemaPrefix schema_prefix]
[-componentList list_of_component_IDs]
[-useSamePasswordForAllSchemaUsers [true|false]]
[-selectDependentsForComponents [true|false]]
[-dbUser database_username]

If the —createWallet parameter is provided, then values for —dbUser and —schemaPrefix are
required. Otherwise, the —dbUser and —schemaPrefix parameters are optional. RCU uses the
prefixed schema name and the database user name as the key or alias to store schema
passwords and the database user password in the wallet, respectively.

Chapter 3
Using Response Files

If you provide the—createWallet and the —useSamePasswordForAllSchemaUsers true

parameters on the command line, then all schema passwords are set to the same
value in the wallet.
If the —createWallet parameter is provided, RCU will prompt you to enter a value for
each password that is stored in the wallet.
Below is a sample command to generate a response file on a UNIX operating system:
./rcu -silent -generateResponseFile -componentList OPSS,IAU -schemaPrefix DEV -
-responseFileDir /home/exampleuser/rcu -useSamePasswordForAllSchemaUsers true
-selectDependentsForComponents true -dbUser sys

In this example, a response file and wallet is created in the /home/

exampleuser/rcu directory, and the information provided on the command line
(such as the list of components) is added to the response file.

Performing RCU Operations by Using a Response File

Use the -responseFile command to perform an operation with a response file. You
use a response file to provide input to RCU to automate an operation from the
command line or from the graphical interface.
If you choose to run the graphical interface with a response file, RCU prepopulates
certain RCU screens (such as the Database Connection Details screen) based on the
input values that you provide in a response file. If you choose to run RCU from the
command line, you can use a response file to provide values for all valid RCU
parameters rather than directly entering these parameters on the command line.
The full syntax for the RCU command-line interface to perform a RCU operation with a
response file is shown below:
rcu [-silent|-interactive] -responseFile absolute_path_of_response_file

Following is a sample command to automate a silent RCU session by using a

response file on a UNIX operating system:
./rcu -silent -responseFile /home/exampleuser/rcu/

Chapter 3
Creating a Repository from the Command Line


• If you provide a value for a parameter on the command line and in the response
file, RCU uses the value that is provided on the command line.
• Before you run RCU, ensure that you have provided the required information in
the response file. If some of the mandatory properties in the response file are
missing values when you run RCU, RCU will notify you and exit.
• When you run RCU, the dbRole parameter is not normally required to connect
to certain databases (for example, SQL Server). However, when a RCU
response file is generated, the dbRole parameter is marked as required in the
response file by default. As a result, if you use a response file, the dbRole field
must not be left blank, even if the database role is not required to connect to a
database like SQL Server.

Creating a Repository from the Command Line

If you are a user with full SYS or SYSDBA privileges, use the -createRepository
operation to create a repository.
The full syntax for the RCU command-line interface to create a repository is shown below:
rcu [-silent | -interactive] -createRepository
[-compInfoXMLLocation ComponentInfo.xml_file_location]
[-storageXMLLocation Storage.xml_file_location]
[-databaseType [ORACLE|EBR]]
-connectString database_connect_string
[-edition edition_name]
-dbUser database_username
[-dbRole database_user_role]
[-unicodeSupport [Yes|No]]
[-skipCleanupOnFailure [true|false]]
[-skipTablespaceDropOnFailure [Yes|No]]
[-useSamePasswordForAllSchemaUsers [true|false]]
[-selectDependentsForComponents [true|false]]
[-honorOMF [true|false]]
[-encryptTablespace [true|false]]
[-variables variablename=value]
[-schemaPrefix schema_prefix]
-component component_ID
[-tablespace component_tablespace_name]
[-tempTablespace component_temp_tablespace_name]
[-walletDir absolute_path_of_wallet_directory]

When you specify the -component, you must use the correct component IDs, which are listed
in About Repository Creation Utility Schemas, IDs, and Tablespaces.
Before you create any schemas, you must be aware of and specify all dependencies for the
component that you are loading. For example, the SOAINFRA schema depends on the MDS and
ORASDPM schemas; if you try to load the SOAINFRA schema without specifying both the MDS and
ORASDPM schemas, or if the MDS and ORASDPM schemas do not already exist in the database,
RCU stops before any loading takes place.
Following is a sample command to create the OPSS schema on a UNIX operating system:

Chapter 3
Generating a System Load Script From the Command Line

./rcu -silent -createRepository -databaseType ORACLE -connectString -dbUser sys
-dbRole sysdba -schemaPrefix TEST -component OPSS -component MDS

Generating a System Load Script From the Command Line

If you are a user without SYS or SYSDBA privileges, use the -generateScript
operation to generate a script. A user with DBA privileges can run the script later to
complete the system load phase.
The full syntax for the RCU command-line interface to generate a system load script is
shown below:
rcu [-silent | -interactive] -generateScript
[-compInfoXMLLocation ComponentInfo.xml_file_location]
[-storageXMLLocation Storage.xml_file_location]
[-databaseType [ORACLE|EBR]]
-connectString database_connect_string
[-edition edition_name]
-dbUser database_username
[-dbRole database_user_role]
[-skipCleanupOnFailure [Yes|No]]
[-skipTablespaceDropOnFailure [Yes|No]]
[-scriptLocation script_location]
[-selectDependentsForComponents [true|false]]
[-honorOMF [true|false]]
[-encryptTablespace [true|false]]
[-variables variablename=value]
[-schemaPrefix schema_prefix]
-component component_ID
[-tablespace component_tablespace_name]
[-tempTablespace component_temp_tablespace_name]
[-walletDir absolute_path_of_wallet_directory]

When specifying the -component, you must use the correct component IDs, which are
listed in About Repository Creation Utility Schemas, IDs, and Tablespaces.
Before you create a script, you must be aware of and specify the all component
dependencies. For example, the SOAINFRA schema depends on the MDS and ORASDPM
schemas; if you specify the SOAINFRA schema without specifying both the MDS and
ORASDPM schemas, or if the MDS and ORASDPM schemas do not already exist in the
database, RCU stops before completing the operation.
Below is a sample command to create a system load script on a UNIX operating
./rcu -silent -generateScript -databaseType ORACLE -connectString -dbUser sys
-dbRole sysdba -scriptLocation /tmp/RCUdate_timestamp_random_number/logs/ -
schemaPrefix TEST
-component OPSS -component MDS

Chapter 3
Loading Data Into the Repository From the Command Line

Loading Data Into the Repository From the Command Line

After the system load scripts are run by a user with DBA privileges, any user can then use the
-dataLoad operation to load data into a repository.

The full syntax for the RCU command-line interface to load data into a repository is shown
rcu [-silent | -interactive] -dataLoad
[-compInfoXMLLocation ComponentInfo.xml_file_location]
[-storageXMLLocation Storage.xml_file_location]
[-databaseType [ORACLE|EBR]]
-connectString database_connect_string
[-edition edition_name]
-dbUser database_username
[-dbRole database_user_role]
[-skipCleanupOnFailure [Yes|No]]
[-skipTablespaceDropOnFailure [Yes|No]]
[-useSamePasswordForAllSchemaUsers [true|false]]
[-selectDependentsForComponents [true|false]]
[-variables variablename=value]
[-schemaPrefix schema_prefix]
-component component_ID
[-walletDir absolute_path_of_wallet_directory]

Below is a sample command to perform a data load on a UNIX operating system:

./rcu -silent -dataLoad -databaseType ORACLE -connectString -dbUser sys -dbRole
sysdba -schemaPrefix TEST -component OPSS -component MDS

Dropping a Repository from the Command Line

Use the -dropRepository operation to drop a repository.

The full syntax for the RCU command-line interface to drop a repository is shown below:
rcu [-silent | -interactive] -dropRepository
[-compInfoXMLLocation ComponentInfo.xml_file_location]
[-storageXMLLocation Storage.xml_file_location]
[-databaseType [ORACLE|EBR]]
-connectString database_connect_string
[-edition edition_name]
-dbUser database_username
[-dbRole database_user_role]
[-unicodeSupport [Yes|No]]
[-selectDependentsForComponents [true|false]]
[-skipTablespaceDrop [Yes|No]]
[-variables variablename=value]
[-schemaPrefix schema prefix]
-component component_ID
[-walletDir absolute_path_of_wallet_directory]

You must also be aware of schema dependencies when dropping schemas (see About
Repository Creation Utility Schemas, IDs, and Tablespaces). For example, several schemas

Chapter 3
Generating a List of Components in an Oracle Home from the Command Line

require the MDS schema to be present; if you choose to drop the MDS schema, then all
the schemas that require the MDS schema stops working.

Below is a sample command to drop the OPSS schema on a UNIX operating system:
./rcu -silent -dropRepository -databaseType ORACLE -connectString -dbUser sys -dbRole
sysdba -schemaPrefix TEST -component OPSS

Generating a List of Components in an Oracle Home from

the Command Line
Use the -listComponents command to generate a list of valid components that are
available in a given Oracle home. This command displays the name, component ID,
and the supported database types for each component that is available in the Oracle
home in which RCU was started.
The full syntax for the RCU command-line interface to generate a list of components is
shown below:
rcu -silent -listComponents

The Component ID and database type displayed for each component in the command
output are the values that you must specify with the -component and —databaseType
parameters, respectively, when you create schemas from the command line.

Generating a List of Schemas in a Database from the

Command Line
Use the -listSchemas command to generate a list of valid schemas in a given
The full syntax for the RCU command-line interface to list the schemas in a database
is shown below:
rcu -silent -listSchemas
[-databaseType [ORACLE|EBR]]
-connectString database_connect_string
[-edition edition_name]
-dbUser database_username
[-dbRole database_user_role]
[-schemaPrefixes comma_separated_list_of_prefixes]
[-walletDir absolute_path_of_wallet_directory]

Below is a sample command to list the schemas in an Oracle database on a UNIX

operating system:
./rcu -silent -listSchemas -databaseType ORACLE -connectString
-dbUser sys -dbRole sysdba

You can also specify a comma-separated list of prefixes using the —schemaPrefixes
argument. If provided, RCU only displays the schemas with those prefixes.
For example:

Chapter 3
RCU Environment Variables

./rcu -silent -listSchemas -databaseType ORACLE -connectString -dbUser sys
-dbRole sysdba -schemaPrefixes DEV,DEV1

RCU Environment Variables

The RCU environment variables are the variables picked up by RCU from the environment. If
an environment variable is not set, then RCU uses the default value.

Table 3-4 RCU Environment Variables

Variable Default Value Description

RCU_LOG_LOCATION /tmp (UNIX operating Location of the RCU log file.
ta\Local\Temp (Windows
operating systems)
RCU_TIMESTAMP_LOG_DIR true Determines whether or not a directory with the
format logdir.yyyy-dd_hh-mm is created for the
RCU log file.
Set this variable to true or false.
RCU_LOG_NAME rcu.log Name of the RCU log file.
RCU_LOG_LEVEL ERROR Determines the RCU log level.
Set this variable to one of SEVERE, ERROR,
RCU_JAVA_OPTIONS N/A Set this variable to any Java Virtual Machine (JVM)
For example:

Repository Creation Utility Screens
Use this information to learn more about the various features and elements of the Repository
Creation Utility (RCU) screens. Each screen will prompt you for information required to create
or drop your schemas.

The following sections are not applicable when you create schemas for Oracle
GoldenGate products on an Autonomous Transaction Processing database (both
Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) and Oracle
Autonomous Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S)) as you can run RCU only in
silent mode for Oracle GoldenGate.
During schema creation for an Autonomous Transaction Processing database (both
Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) and Oracle
Autonomous Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S)) database, if you encounter
warnings in the Repository Creation Utility screens, see Troubleshooting Tips for
Schema Creation on an Autonomous Transaction Processing Database.

• Welcome
The Welcome screen is the first screen that appears when you start RCU. Note the
navigation pane on the left that summarizes the tasks that RCU helps you complete.
• Create Repository
Use the Create Repository screen to select the action that you want to perform.
• Database Connection Details
Use the Database Connection Details screen to specify the connection credentials to the
database in which you will be create or drop your schemas.
• Select Components (for Create Operation)
Use the Select Components screen to select the components for which you want to
create schemas, and specify a prefix to group them together.
• Select Components (for Drop Operation)
Use the Select Components screen to select the prefix and the schemas that you want to
• Schema Passwords
Use the Schema Passwords screen to specify the passwords for your schema owners;
there are three ways to specify schema passwords on this screen.
• Custom Variables
If you are installing a product that requires custom variables, you will see the Custom
Variables screen. Use this screen to specify additional product configuration information.
• Map Tablespaces
Use the Map Tablespaces screen to configure the desired tablespace mapping for the
schemas that you want to create.

Appendix A

• Summary (for Create Operation)

On the Summary (for Create operation) screen, verify your information, then click
Create to begin schema creation.
• Summary (for Drop Operation)
On the Summary (for Drop operation) screen, verify your information, then click
Drop to drop the schemas.
• Completion Summary (for Create Operation)
The Completion Summary (for Create Operation) screen contains information
about the log files that were created from this RCU operation. You can click on the
name of a particular log file to view the contents of that file.
• Completion Summary (for Drop Operation)
The Completion Summary (for Drop operation) screen contains information about
the log files that are created from this RCU operation. Note the log file names for
each component that are visible in the Logfile column.

The Welcome screen is the first screen that appears when you start RCU. Note the
navigation pane on the left that summarizes the tasks that RCU helps you complete.
Each item in the navigation pane represents a specific screen that prompts you for
information that is required to create or drop your schemas.

Create Repository
Use the Create Repository screen to select the action that you want to perform.

• Create Repository
Select Create Repository to create component schemas in the database.
• Drop Repository
Select Drop Repository to remove component schemas from the database.

Create Repository
Select Create Repository to create component schemas in the database.
The following table describes the options available:

Option Description
System Load and Select this option to perform both System Load and Product Load operations.
Product Load Users must have DBA or SYSDBA permissions to select this option.
For an Autonomous Transaction Processing database (both Oracle Autonomous
Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) and Oracle Autonomous Transaction
Processing-Shared (ATP-S)) database, you must create schemas as a Normal user, and
though, you do not have full SYS or SYSDBA privileges on the database, you must select
System Load and Product Load.
This option can be performed on any certified database.

Appendix A
Database Connection Details

Option Description
Prepare Scripts for Select this option to perform actions that require DBA or SYSDBA permissions:
System Load • Create tablespaces and schemas.
• Create the schema_version_registry (if not already present).
• Create entries in schema_version_registry for each selected component, set the
proper access permissions, and set the status of the component to LOADED in the
schema_version_registry table.
Any SYSDBA user or non-DBA user with the privileges described in Granting Permissions
to Users for Querying System Load Objects can select this option. However, DBA
privileges are required to execute the SQL script to complete the system load phase.
This option is only supported on Oracle and Oracle EBR databases.
If you create schemas on an Autonomous Transaction Processing database (both Oracle
Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) and Oracle Autonomous
Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S)) database, you must not select this option.
Perform Product Load Select this option to load and create procedures, functions, tables, indexes and other
objects within schemas and run any action that does not require DBA access.
Any non-DBA user or the REGISTRYOWNER user can select this option.
Before you select this option, the user must be granted the following permissions to
perform data load:

grant REGISTRYACCESS to user;

grant STBROLE to user;

If you create schemas on an Autonomous Transaction Processing database (both Oracle

Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) and Oracle Autonomous
Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S)), you must not select this option.

Drop Repository
Select Drop Repository to remove component schemas from the database.

Database Connection Details

Use the Database Connection Details screen to specify the connection credentials to the
database in which you will be create or drop your schemas.
Click Next when you have finished typing the connection credentials for your database. A
screen indicating the progress of the installer establishing the connection with the specified
database appears.
If an error occurs while the connection is being established, the error messages appear in the
Messages field on the Database Connection Details screen.
Specific database requirements for the various schemas can be found in the Oracle Fusion
Middleware System Requirements and Specifications document.
For certified database versions, see the System Requirements and Supported Platforms for
Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c document, which is available on the Oracle Fusion
Middleware Supported System Configurations page.
Select one of the following depending on your database:

Appendix A
Database Connection Details

• Connection Credentials for Oracle Databases and Oracle Databases with Edition-
Based Redefinition
To connect to an Oracle database or Oracle database with edition-based
redefinition, you need to specify connection information about the database, such
as Host Name, Port, Service Name, Username, Password, and Role.
• Connection Credentials for Microsoft SQL Server Databases
To connect to a Microsoft SQL Server database, you need to specify connection
information about the database, such as Unicode Support, Server Name, Port,
Database Name, Username, and Password.
• Connection Credentials for IBM DB2 Databases
To connect to an IBM DB2 database, you need to specify connection information
about the database, such as Server Name, Port, Database Name, Username, and
• Connection Credentials for an Autonomous Transaction Processing Database
To connect to an Autonomous Transaction Processing database (both Oracle
Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) and Oracle Autonomous
Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S)), you need to specify connection
information about the database, such as Username and Password.

Connection Credentials for Oracle Databases and Oracle Databases

with Edition-Based Redefinition
To connect to an Oracle database or Oracle database with edition-based redefinition,
you need to specify connection information about the database, such as Host Name,
Port, Service Name, Username, Password, and Role.
Use the Database Connection Details screen to specify the connection credentials to
the database in which you want to create or drop schemas. You can select different
databases, however, all databases are not supported for all Fusion Middleware

MySQL database is supported for Oracle Data Integrator and Oracle
GoldenGate Studio Fusion Middleware components only.

Database Connection Details screen provides two types of Connection String

formats as follows:
• Connection Parameters
• Connect String

Appendix A
Database Connection Details

To create schemas on an Autonomous Transaction Processing database (both
Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) and Oracle
Autonomous Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S)), you can specify the
connection credentials only using the Connection String format. See
Connection Credentials for an Autonomous Transaction Processing Database.

For various database types and both Connection String Format, specify the following
connection credentials:

Element Description Database Types

Host Name Enter the name of the server where your database is • Oracle Database
running. Use the following format: • Oracle Database enabled for edition-
based redefinition
• MySQL Database
For Oracle RAC databases, specify the VIP name or one
of the node names in this field.
Port Enter the port number for your database. The default • Oracle Database
port number for Oracle databases is 1521. • Oracle Database enabled for edition-
based redefinition
• Microsoft SQL Server
• MySQL Database
Service Specify the service name for the database. Typically, the • Oracle Database
Name service name is the same as the global database name. • Oracle Database enabled for edition-
If you are unsure what the service name for your based redefinition
database is, you can obtain it from the SERVICE_NAMES
parameter in the initialization parameter file of the
database. If the initialization parameter file does not
contain the SERVICE_NAMES parameter, then the service
name is the same as the global database name, which is
specified in the DB_NAME and DB_DOMAIN parameters.
For Oracle RAC databases, specify the service name of
one of the nodes in this field. For example:

Username Enter the user name for your database. • Oracle Database
• Oracle Database enabled for edition-
based redefinition
• Microsoft SQL Server
• MySQL Database
Password Enter the password for your database user. • Oracle Database
Password must not be more than 31 characters long and • Oracle Database enabled for edition-
can contain alphanumeric, pound, hash, comma, based redefinition
underscore characters. It should not begin with a • Microsoft SQL Server
number or a special character. • IBM DB2
• MySQL Database

Appendix A
Database Connection Details

Element Description Database Types

Role Select the database user's role from the drop-down list: • Oracle Database
• Normal • Oracle Database enabled for edition-
• SYSDBA based redefinition
Unicode Select the Unicode Support from the drop-down list: Microsoft SQL Server
Support • Yes
• No
Server Name For Microsoft SQL server, type one of the following: • Microsoft SQL Server
• Hostname • IBM DB2
• IP address
• Complete servername in host\server format.
For IBM DB2, type the IP address of the server.
Database Type the database name. It is case-sensitive. • Microsoft SQL Server
Name • IBM DB2
• MySQL Database
Connect For Oracle Databases and Oracle Database enabled for • Oracle Database
String edition-based redefinition types, type Connect String in • Oracle Database enabled for edition-
one of the following formats: based redefinition
• <host>:<port>/<service> • Microsoft SQL Server
• <host>:<port>:<SID> • IBM DB2
• DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(host=host_name) • MySQL Database
For Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, and MySQL
Database, type Connect String in <Sever name>/
<host>:<port>:<databaseName> format.

Appendix A
Database Connection Details

From Oracle Data Integrator Release and later, MySQL connector is
upgraded to version 8.0.XX. Due to this, the new MySQL connector performs time
offset adjustments on date-time value. For this function to work, you have to either
configure your MySQL server with a canonical time zone which is recognized by
Java or override the server's time zone by setting the connection property
serverTimezone, for example, serverTimezone=UTC or any other. The new jdbc
URL is in the following format:

recognizable time

When you connect to a MySQL Database, you have to provide additional

information, depending on the Connection String format you use:
• Connection Parameters: In this format, provide the following additional
serverTimezone=<java recognizable time zone> along with <databasename>
For example:
<databasename>?serverTimezone=<java recognizable time zone>
• Connect String: In this format, provide the following URL:
jdbc:mysql://<host>:<port>/<database name>?serverTimezone=<java
recognizable time zone>

Click Next after you have entered the connection credentials for your database. A screen
indicating the progress of the installer establishing the connection with the specified database
appears. If an error occurs while the connection is being established, the error message
appears in the Messages field on the Database Connection Details screen.
Specific database requirements for the various schemas can be found in the Oracle Fusion
Middleware System Requirements and Specifications document.
View the System Requirements and Supported Platforms for Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c
document for other certified databases that can be used with RCU. This document is
available on the Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported System Configurations page.

Connection Credentials for Microsoft SQL Server Databases

To connect to a Microsoft SQL Server database, you need to specify connection information
about the database, such as Unicode Support, Server Name, Port, Database Name,
Username, and Password.

Field Description
Unicode Support Select Yes or No from the drop-down list.
Server Name Enter the host name, IP address, or complete server name in host\server format of the
server where your database is running.
Port Enter the port number for your database.
Database Name Specify the name of your database.

Appendix A
Database Connection Details

Field Description
Username Specify the name of a user with administrator privileges.
Password Enter the password for your database user.

Connection Credentials for IBM DB2 Databases

To connect to an IBM DB2 database, you need to specify connection information about
the database, such as Server Name, Port, Database Name, Username, and

Field Description
Server Name Enter the host name, IP address, or complete server name in host\server format of the
server where your database is running.
Port Enter the port number for your database.
Database Name Specify the name of your database.
Username Specify the name of a user with DB Owner privileges. The default user name for IBM DB2
databases is db2admin.
Password Enter the password for your database user.

Connection Credentials for an Autonomous Transaction Processing

To connect to an Autonomous Transaction Processing database (both Oracle
Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) and Oracle Autonomous
Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S)), you need to specify connection information
about the database, such as Username and Password.

Appendix A
Database Connection Details

Field Description
Connect String for Enter connect string in the format: jdbc:oracle:thin:@TNS_alias?TNS_ADMIN=<path
Autonomous of the wallet files,, and tnsnames.ora>.
In the connect string, you must pass TNS_alias as the database name found in
Processing database
tnsnames.ora, and TNS_ADMIN property to the location of the wallet files,
(both Oracle
Autonomous, and tnsnames.ora.
Transaction Note: For an Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S) database, you
Processing- must use only one of the database service names, <databasename>_tpurgent or
Dedicated (ATP-D) <databasename>_tp, specified in tnsnames.ora. For database service name details, see
and Oracle Database Service Names for Autonomous Transaction Processing and Autonomous JSON
Autonomous Database in Using Oracle Autonomous Database on Shared Exadata Infrastructure.
Transaction Example connect string for Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D)
Processing-Shared database::
Example connect string for Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S)
In case of Oracle Internet Directory, use the connect string specified in tnsnames.ora
(located in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin) for your service name or TNS_alias.
Example connect string for Oracle Internet Directory for Oracle Autonomous Transaction
Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) database:


Example connect string for Oracle Internet Directory for Oracle Autonomous Transaction
Processing-Shared (ATP-S) database:

OU=<organizational_unit>, O=<organization>, L=<city>, ST=<state>,

Username Specify the name of a user with administrator privileges.

Password Enter the password for your database user.
Password must be minimum 12 characters, and must contain at least one uppercase, one
lower case, and one number.
Role Select Normal from the drop-down list.
When you select Normal, a warning message is displayed. You can ignore the warning
and continue with the schema creation. For more information, see Troubleshooting Tips for
Schema Creation on an Autonomous Transaction Processing Database.

Appendix A
Select Components (for Create Operation)

Select Components (for Create Operation)

Use the Select Components screen to select the components for which you want to
create schemas, and specify a prefix to group them together.
When you select Create Repository on the Create Repository screen, the Select
Component screens appears.

The following table describes the elements on this screen.

Element Description
Select existing prefix Use this option to create schemas by using an existing prefix, which you can select
from the drop-down list. If you select this option, you can only create schemas that
do not already have this prefix in the database. For example, if DEV_MDS already
exists, you are unable to select the MDS schema on the page to create it again).
Create new prefix Use this option to create a new custom prefix that can be used to group your
schema together. The prefix name must be a minimum of one character in length
and cannot exceed 12 alphanumeric characters (0-9, a-z, or A-Z) in length (not
including the underscore character). Prefixes should not start with a number. No
whitespace or special characters are allowed.
You can edit the schema name or prefix by clicking the item that you want to change
in the Schema Owner column and editing the table cell directly.
For more information about custom prefixes, see About Custom Prefixes.
Component Use the Component column in the table to select the component schema that you
want to create.
When you select a component, any other components that may be required by the
component you select are also selected. For example, if you select Oracle Platform
and Security Services, then the Audit Services schema is also automatically
selected, if it has not already been selected. The Audit Services schema is required
by the Oracle Platform and Security Services schema.
If a component has a plus sign (+) next to its name, then there are sub components
available. Click on the plus sign (+) to expand the category to view all sub
components. If you want to select a component with all its subcomponents, click on
the top-most box with the plus sign (+).
If you are creating component schemas on an IBM DB2 database, see important
information in Additional Requirements for IBM DB2 Databases.
Schema Owner This column shows the name of the schema owner for each component (custom
prefix and schema name). You can edit the schema owner value by clicking the item
that you want to change in this column and editing the table cell directly.

You must remember the Schema Owner name for the components that you
are installing; you need this information during the configuration phase of
your Oracle Fusion Middleware product installation. Oracle recommends that
you write this value down.

Appendix A
Select Components (for Drop Operation)

Click Next when you are finished specifying your prefix and schema names, and when you
are finished selecting components. The screen indicating the progress of component
prerequisite checks before schema creation appears.
If an error occurs during the prerequisite checking, the error messages appear in the
Messages field on the Select Components screen.
Click OK to dismiss this screen.

Select Components (for Drop Operation)

Use the Select Components screen to select the prefix and the schemas that you want to
The Select Components screen appears if you selected Drop Repository on the Create
Repository screen.
The following table describes the elements on this screen:

Element Description
Select schemas with Use the drop-down list in this field to select an existing custom prefix.
prefix of
Component Select the component schemas you want to remove.

Unlike create operations, schema dependencies are not
handled automatically by RCU for drop operations. When
you remove a schema, you must also remove the schemas
which depend on the schema you are removing. For
example, the Audit Services schema is required by the
Oracle Platform Security Services schema; if you remove
the Audit Services schema, the Oracle Platform Security
Services schema will no longer works.

Schema Owner This column shows the schema owner (custom prefix and schema name).
For drop operations, this column cannot be edited.

Click Next when you are finished. The screen indicating the progress of component
prerequisite checks appears.
If an error occurs during the prerequisite checking, the error message(s) appear in the
Messages field on the Select Components screen.
Click OK to dismiss this screen.

Schema Passwords
Use the Schema Passwords screen to specify the passwords for your schema owners; there
are three ways to specify schema passwords on this screen.
The following table describes the three ways that you can specify schema passwords:

Appendix A
Custom Variables

Option Description
Use same password for all Select this option if you want to use a single password for all schemas and
schemas their auxiliary schemas. In the Password field, enter your password. Enter your
password again in the Confirm Password field.
Use main schema passwords Select this option if you want to specify different passwords for the main
for auxiliary schemas schemas, but still have the same password used for their respective auxiliary
schemas. If you select this option, only the main schemas are visible in the
table. For each schema, you must enter each schema's password in the
Schema Password column in the table, and enter the same password in the
Confirm Password column.
Specify different passwords for Select this option if you want to specify unique passwords for the main
all schemas schemas and auxiliary schemas. If you select this option, all main schemas
and auxiliary schemas are visible in the table. For each schema and auxiliary
schema, you must enter the password in the Schema Password column in the
table, and enter the same password in the Confirm Password column.

You must remember the passwords you enter on this screen; you need this
information during the configuration phase of your product installation. Oracle
recommends that you write down these values.
For an Autonomous Transaction Processing database (both Oracle
Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) and Oracle
Autonomous Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S)), password must be
minimum 12 characters, and must contain at least one uppercase, one lower
case, and one number.

Custom Variables
If you are installing a product that requires custom variables, you will see the Custom
Variables screen. Use this screen to specify additional product configuration
The Custom Variables screen appears only if you selected one or more of the following
components on the Select Components screen. You can select a component on the
Select Components screen only if the Oracle home in which RCU was started contains
that component.
• If you selected Oracle Data Integrator, the custom variables for Oracle Data
Integrator are visible.
• If you selected SOA Suite, the custom variables for Oracle SOA Suite are visible.
• If you selected WebCenter Portal - Analytics, the custom variable for Oracle
WebCenter Portal Analytics is visible.
• If you selected Oracle GoldenGate - Repository, the custom variables for Oracle
GoldenGate Studio are visible.
• If you selected Oracle Data Integrator, SOA Suite, and WebCenter Portal -
Analytics, the custom variables for Oracle Data Integrator, Oracle SOA Suite, and
Oracle WebCenter Portal Analytics are visible on this screen.

Appendix A
Custom Variables

For more information, see the following topics:

• Custom Variables for Oracle Data Integrator
For Oracle Data Integrator, use the Custom Variables screen to specify a password for
the supervisor user, the type of Work Repository to create, a password and unique name
for the Work Repository, and the length of the key to use for the encryption algorithm.
• Custom Variables for Oracle SOA Suite
For Oracle SOA Suite, use the Custom Variables screen to specify the database profile
that you want to use and whether or not you want to enable Healthcare Integration.
• Custom Variable for Oracle WebCenter Portal Analytics
For Oracle WebCenter Portal Analytics, use the Custom Variables screen to specify
whether or not you want to install Analytics with database partitioning enabled.
• Custom Variables for Oracle GoldenGate Studio
For Oracle GoldenGate Studio, use the Custom Variables screen to specify a password
for the supervisor user and the length of the key to use for the encryption algorithm.

Custom Variables for Oracle Data Integrator

For Oracle Data Integrator, use the Custom Variables screen to specify a password for the
supervisor user, the type of Work Repository to create, a password and unique name for the
Work Repository, and the length of the key to use for the encryption algorithm.
The custom variables for Oracle Data Integrator are described in the following table:

Variable Description
Supervisor Password Password of the supervisor user.
You must enter a password for the Supervisor Password and Confirm
Supervisor Password fields. These fields are required before you can
continue. The password should be between 6 and 12 characters.
Work Repository Type Specify how the Work Repository will be used:
• Use Development (D) for creating a development repository. This type of
repository allows management of design-time objects such as data
models and projects (including interfaces, procedures, etc.) A
development repository also includes the run-time objects (scenarios and
sessions). This type of repository is suitable for development
• Use Execution (E) for creating an execution repository: This type of
repository only includes run-time objects (scenarios, schedules and
sessions). It allows launching and monitoring of data integration jobs in
Operator Navigator. Such a repository cannot contain any design-time
artifacts. Designer Navigator cannot be used with it. An execution
repository is suitable for production environments.
This field is optional. The default value is D.
Work Repository Name A unique name for the Work Repository (for example: DEVWORKREP1).
This field is optional.
Work Repository Password Provide a password for the Work Repository. If you provide a password, you
must confirm the password on the following line.
The Work Repository Password and Confirm Work Repository Password
fields are optional.
Encryption Algorithm Select the encryption algorithmm, either AES-128 or AES-256.
This field is optional. If this field is left blank, the default value is AES-128.

Appendix A
Custom Variables

Custom Variables for Oracle SOA Suite

For Oracle SOA Suite, use the Custom Variables screen to specify the database
profile that you want to use and whether or not you want to enable Healthcare
The custom variables for Oracle SOA Suite are described in the following table:

Variable Description
Database Profile Specify the database profile that you want to use for Oracle SOA Suite. This
determines the size of the SOA database.
Use the drop-down list to specify the size. The available options are Small,
Medium, or Large. The default value is Small.
Healthcare Integration Specify whether you want to enable Healthcare Integration for Oracle SOA
The default value is No.

Custom Variable for Oracle WebCenter Portal Analytics

For Oracle WebCenter Portal Analytics, use the Custom Variables screen to specify
whether or not you want to install Analytics with database partitioning enabled.
Specify Y if you want to install Analytics with database partitioning enabled, or N if you
do not want to enable database partitioning. The default value is N.

Custom Variables for Oracle GoldenGate Studio

For Oracle GoldenGate Studio, use the Custom Variables screen to specify a
password for the supervisor user and the length of the key to use for the encryption
The custom variables for Oracle GoldenGate Studio are described in the following

Variable Description
Supervisor Password Password of the supervisor user.
You must enter a password in the Supervisor Password and Confirm
Supervisor Password fields. These fields are required before you can
continue. The password should be between 6 and 12 characters.
Make a note of the password that you set on this screen; you need it later on
when you provide your Oracle GoldenGate Studio connection information to
connect to the repository after you start Oracle GoldenGate Studio.
Encryption Algorithm Select the encryption algorithm, either AES-128 or AES-256.
This field is optional. If this field is left blank, the default value is AES-128.

Appendix A
Map Tablespaces

Map Tablespaces
Use the Map Tablespaces screen to configure the desired tablespace mapping for the
schemas that you want to create.
This screen only appears if you selected the Create Repository option on the Create
Repository screen.
Click Next when you are finished with your tablespace information. The screen prompting
you to confirm the creation of tablespaces for any new schemas appears.


• RCU only creates tablespaces for those components associated with RCU.
• The Encrypt Tablespace check box appears on this screen only if Transparent
Data Encryption (TDE) is enabled in the database (Oracle or Oracle EBR) when
RCU is started. For more information about encrypting Tablespaces, see
Encrypting Tablespaces.
• When you create schemas on ATP-D database, you may receive tablespace
creation error on the Map Tablespaces screen. For more information, see
Troubleshooting Tips for Schema Creation on an Autonomous Transaction
Processing Database.
• For an Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S) database,
override the default and temporary tablespaces by selecting DATA from the
drop-down list in the Default Tablespace column, and TEMP from the drop-
down list in the Temp Tablespace column. In case of additional tablespaces,
override the tablespace name by selecting DATA from the drop-down list in the
Tablespace Name column.

Click OK to continue. The screen indicating the progress of the tablespace creation appears.
Click Stop to cancel tablespace creation. When the tablespaces are created, click OK to
dismiss this window.
See the following topics for more about the features and options on the Map Tablespaces
• Default Tablespace Mappings
In the Default Tablespace and Temp Tablespace columns, you can click on the
tablespace cell to select from a list of available additional tablespace names.
• Changing Default and Temporary Tablespaces
You can change the default tablespaces and the temporary tablespaces for the
• Viewing and Changing Additional Tablespaces
To view and change additional tablespaces associated with the selected components,
click the Additional Tablespaces button. Only those components with additional
tablespaces as defined in the configuration files appear on this screen.
• Managing Tablespaces and Datafiles
To manage your tablespaces and datafiles, click the Manage Tablespaces button.

Appendix A
Map Tablespaces

• Encrypting Tablespaces
Select the Encrypt Tablespace check box on the Map Tablespaces screen to
encrypt all the new tablespaces that are created by RCU.

Default Tablespace Mappings

In the Default Tablespace and Temp Tablespace columns, you can click on the
tablespace cell to select from a list of available additional tablespace names.
The default tablespace mapping for each component are shown in About Repository
Creation Utility Schemas, IDs, and Tablespaces.

Changing Default and Temporary Tablespaces

You can change the default tablespaces and the temporary tablespaces for the
You can have your components use as many or as few tablespaces as desired to suit
your configuration.
To change the default tablespace for a component, select the tablespace name in the
Default Tablespace column, then select the tablespace name that you want to use
from the drop-down list.
To change the temporary tablespace for a component, select the tablespace name in
the Temp Tablespace column, then select the tablespace name that you want to use
from the drop-down list.

For an Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S)
database, override the default and temporary tablespaces by selecting DATA
from the drop-down list in the Default Tablespace column, and TEMP from
the drop-down list in the Temp Tablespace column.

Viewing and Changing Additional Tablespaces

To view and change additional tablespaces associated with the selected components,
click the Additional Tablespaces button. Only those components with additional
tablespaces as defined in the configuration files appear on this screen.
Some components have additional tablespaces associated with their schemas. If this
is the case, the Additional Tablespaces button appears on this screen. If none of the
selected components have additional tablespaces, then this button will not appear.
To change the tablespace you want to use for a component, click in the Tablespace
Name column and select the tablespace that you want to use from the drop-down list.

Appendix A
Map Tablespaces

For an Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S) database,
override the tablespace name, and select DATA from the drop-down list in the
Tablespace Name column.

Managing Tablespaces and Datafiles

To manage your tablespaces and datafiles, click the Manage Tablespaces button.
The following topics are covered in this section:
• Adding, Modifying, and Removing Tablespaces
Only tablespaces that are created by RCU can be modified or removed. Tablespaces that
existed before RCU was launched are visible on this screen but are grayed out and
cannot be modified or removed.
• Adding, Modifying, and Removing Datafiles
In the Datafiles section, specify the datafiles that make up the selected tablespace.

Adding, Modifying, and Removing Tablespaces

Only tablespaces that are created by RCU can be modified or removed. Tablespaces that
existed before RCU was launched are visible on this screen but are grayed out and cannot
be modified or removed.
Only tablespaces that are used by a component are created. You can specify a new
tablespace here, but unless it is actually used by a component it is not created.
To modify a tablespace, select the tablespace name on the left-hand portion of the screen,
and edit the fields as described in the following table:

Field Description
Name Edit the tablespace name in this field to change the name of your tablespace.
Type Specify whether you want this tablespace to be a temporary tablespace or permanent
Block Size (KB) Specify the block size (in Kilobytes) to be used for data retrieval.
Storage Type Select Use Bigfile Tablespace if you want to create a bigfile tablespace; this is
typically used if you have single large files instead of multiple small files. Select Use
Automatic Segment Space Management if you want to use bitmaps to manage the
free space within segments.

To add a tablespace, click Add and specify the same details as above (for modifying a
tablespace) for your new tablespace.
To remove a tablespace, select the tablespace name from the navigation tree, then click
Remove. This tablespace is not created.

Adding, Modifying, and Removing Datafiles

In the Datafiles section, specify the datafiles that make up the selected tablespace.
To add a datafile, click the icon with the plus sign (+):

Appendix A
Map Tablespaces

The Add Datafile screen appears:

Provide the information described in the following table:

Field Description
File Name Specify the name of the datafile.

Datafile names with a dash or hyphen (-) character are
not permitted.

File Directory Specify the location where this datafile will reside.
Size Specify the initial size of the datafile. Use the drop-down list to specify the size in
kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), or gigabytes (GB).
Automatically extend Select Automatically extend datafile when full (AUTOEXTEND) to automatically
datafile when full extend the size of your datafile when it becomes full. In the Increment field, specify
(AUTOEXTEND) the size by which your datafile should be increased each time it becomes full. Use
the drop-down list to specify the size in kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), or gigabytes
If you want to limit maximum size of the datafile, specify this value in the Maximum
Size field.

Similarly, to modify or edit a datafile, select the icon next to the datafile name that you
want to edit, then click the icon with the pencil:

To delete a datafile, select the icon next to the datafile name that you want to delete,
then click the icon with the "X":

Encrypting Tablespaces
Select the Encrypt Tablespace check box on the Map Tablespaces screen to encrypt
all the new tablespaces that are created by RCU.
When you start RCU, the Encrypt Tablespace check box appears on the Map
Tablespaces screen only if you have TDE (Transparent Data Encryption) enabled in
the database (Oracle or Oracle EBR) when you start RCU. If TDE is not enabled, this

Appendix A
Summary (for Create Operation)

check box does not appear. If TDE is enabled in the database and you provide the —
encryptTablespace true option, the check box is selected by default.

TDE tablespace encryption allows you to encrypt sensitive data stored in tablespaces. For
more information about Transparent Data Encryption, see Introduction to Transparent Data
Encryption in Oracle Database Advanced Security Guide.

When you select this option, all new tablespaces created by RCU are encrypted.
You cannot select specific tablespaces on this screen to be encrypted. Also,
tablespaces that were created before RCU was launched cannot be encrypted by
using this option.

Summary (for Create Operation)

On the Summary (for Create operation) screen, verify your information, then click Create to
begin schema creation.

When you create schemas on an Autonomous Transaction Processing database
(both Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) and Oracle
Autonomous Transaction Processing-Shared (ATP-S)) database, you may receive
warnings in case of Oracle WebCenter Content, Oracle Internet Directory, and
Oracle Enterprise Scheduler and Oracle Managed File Transfer SOA products. For
more information, see Troubleshooting Tips for Schema Creation on an
Autonomous Transaction Processing Database.

The Summary screen appears when you select Create Repository on the Create Repository
Click Save Response File to save the RCU session to a text file (called a response file). The
response file collects all the information that you have provided in the RCU screens.
The values in a response file can be used exactly as-is (or modified as needed) to run RCU
at a later time. If you choose to run the graphical interface, the data provided in a response
file can be used to prepopulate the RCU screens. If you choose to run RCU from the
command line, you can use a response file to provide values for all valid command-line
parameters to RCU rather than directly specifying these parameters on the command line.
For more information, see Using Response Files.
When you click Save Response File, you see the Save Response File dialog box.
The following table describes the fields on this dialog box:

Appendix A
Summary (for Drop Operation)

Element Description
Directory to save Response file Specify the full path of a directory. This directory is
where the response file is saved. By default, RCU saves
the response file in the $HOME/.rcu directory.
Click Browse to search for a specific directory.
Save Passwords in Wallet Select this option to securely store the passwords that
you entered on the RCU screens in an Oracle Wallet file.
For example, the schema passwords entered on the
Schema Passwords screen are saved to this file.
By default, this option is not selected. RCU does not
save your passwords unless you select this option.
You can use the wallet later in silent situations to pass
the necessary passwords to RCU without having to
directly enter your passwords on the command line. If a
wallet is not passed to RCU in silent mode, you are
prompted to enter the required passwords.

Click OK to generate the wallet (if selected) and response file in the given location and
return to the Summary screen.
Review the information on the Summary screen, and click Create to begin schema
creation. When you click Create, the operations summarized on this page are
While the schemas are being created, you will see the progress screen.
Click Stop to stop creating the schemas.

Summary (for Drop Operation)

On the Summary (for Drop operation) screen, verify your information, then click Drop
to drop the schemas.
If you select Drop Repository on the Create Repository screen, the Summary
screen appears.
Click Save Response File to save the RCU session to a text file (called a response
file). The response file collects all the information that you have provided in the RCU
The values in a response file can be used exactly as-is (or modified as needed) to run
RCU at a later time. If you choose to run the graphical interface, the data provided in a
response file can be used to prepopulate the RCU screens. If you choose to run RCU
from the command line, you can use a response file to provide values for all valid
command-line parameters to RCU rather than directly specifying these parameters on
the command line. For more information, see Using Response Files.
When you click Save Response File, you see the Save Response File dialog box.
The following table describes the fields on this dialog box:

Appendix A
Completion Summary (for Create Operation)

Element Description
Directory to save Response file Specify the full path of a directory. This directory is
where the response file is saved. By default, RCU saves
the response file in the $HOME/.rcu directory.
Click Browse to search for a specific directory.
Save Passwords in Wallet Select this option to securely store the passwords that
you entered on the RCU screens in an Oracle Wallet file.
For example, the schema passwords entered on the
Schema Passwords screen are saved to this file.
By default, this option is not selected. RCU does not
save your passwords unless you select this option.
You can use the wallet later in silent situations to pass
the necessary passwords to RCU without having to
directly enter your passwords on the command line. If a
wallet is not passed to RCU in silent mode, you are
prompted to enter the required passwords.

Click OK to generate the wallet (if selected) and response file in the given location and return
to the Summary screen.
Review the information on the Summary screen, and click Drop to begin the operations
summarized on this page.
While the schema(s) are being dropped, you will see the progress screen.
Click Stop if you want to cancel the operation.

Completion Summary (for Create Operation)

The Completion Summary (for Create Operation) screen contains information about the log
files that were created from this RCU operation. You can click on the name of a particular log
file to view the contents of that file.
If you selected Create Repository on the Create Repository screen, Completion Summary
screen appears.
If there are any problems encountered during schema creation, you can troubleshoot the
issue by using the log files. For more information about using log files, see RCU Log Files.
If errors are encountered during a create operation, or if a create operation fails for any
component, the Cleanup for failed components and Drop tablespaces for failed
components check boxes that appear on this screen are selected by default.
If both options are selected, RCU performs cleanup operations and drops tablespaces for the
components that failed during the create operation.
If you select Cleanup for failed components but choose not to select Drop tablespaces for
failed components, the tablespaces for the failed components are retained during cleanup.
If you choose not to select the Cleanup for failed components check box, the cleanup of
failed components and tablespaces are skipped. You can clean up the failed components at a
later time by performing a drop operation for the failed components.
Review the information on this screen, then click Close to dismiss this screen.

Appendix A
Completion Summary (for Drop Operation)

Completion Summary (for Drop Operation)

The Completion Summary (for Drop operation) screen contains information about the
log files that are created from this RCU operation. Note the log file names for each
component that are visible in the Logfile column.
If you select Drop Repository on the Create Repository screen, Completion
Summary screen appears.
By default, the main RCU log (rcu.log) and component log files are written to the
RCUdate_timestamp_random_number/logs directory inside the temporary directory on
your system.
For example:
• On UNIX operating systems:
• On Windows operating systems:
Click rcu.log to view the contents of the main RCU log in a separate window.
If there are any problems encountered during schema creation, you can troubleshoot
the issue using the log files. For more information about using log files, see
Troubleshooting Repository Creation Utility.
Review the information on this screen, then click Close to dismiss this screen.

About Repository Creation Utility Schemas,
IDs, and Tablespaces
Before you run RCU, make sure you understand the available schemas that can be created
by using RCU, and also their component IDs and dependencies.
Following sections explains about the RCU schemas and its dependencies:
• Repository Creation Utility Schemas, IDs, and Tablespaces
Each schema that can be created by using RCU has a schema owner, component ID,
and default tablespace mappings. You should also be aware of schema dependencies
when you create or drop schemas.

Repository Creation Utility Schemas, IDs, and Tablespaces

Each schema that can be created by using RCU has a schema owner, component ID, and
default tablespace mappings. You should also be aware of schema dependencies when you
create or drop schemas.
Table B-1 lists the schemas along with their component IDs, tablespace mappings, and
The Schema Owner is the name of the schema that you see in RCU, and is also the name
that you must provide in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard on the JDBC
Component Schema screen, prepended by the custom prefix.
The Component ID is the value that you must specify with the -component parameter when
you create or drop schemas from the command line.

Not all schemas are supported on all database types. For more information about
supported schemas, see Repository Creation Utility Requirements in the Oracle
Fusion Middleware System Requirements and Specifications document.

Table B-1 Schema Component IDs, Tablespace Mappings, and Dependencies

Component Schema Component ID Default Temp Dependencies

Owner Tablespace Tablespace
AS Common Schemas
Metadata Services MDS MDS MDS IAS_TEMP None

Appendix B
Repository Creation Utility Schemas, IDs, and Tablespaces

Table B-1 (Cont.) Schema Component IDs, Tablespace Mappings, and Dependencies

Component Schema Component ID Default Temp Dependencies

Owner Tablespace Tablespace
Audit Services IAU IAU IAU IAS_TEMP Audit Services
Audit Services
Oracle Platform Security OPSS OPSS IAS_OPSS IAS_TEMP Audit Services
Services (IAU)
Audit Services
Audit Services
User Messaging Service UMS UCSUMS IAS_UMS IAS_TEMP Metadata
Services (MDS)
WebLogic Services WLS WLS WLS IAS_TEMP None
Oracle Enterprise Scheduler ESS ESS ESS IAS_TEMP Metadata
Services (MDS)
Audit Services
Audit Services
Audit Services
Oracle Platform
Services (OPSS)
Common Infrastructure Services STB STB STB IAS_TEMP None
(formerly Service Table)1
Oracle Data Integrator
Master and Work Repository ODI_REPO ODI ODI_USER ODI_TEMP
SOA Suite

Appendix B
Repository Creation Utility Schemas, IDs, and Tablespaces

Table B-1 (Cont.) Schema Component IDs, Tablespace Mappings, and Dependencies

Component Schema Component ID Default Temp Dependencies

Owner Tablespace Tablespace
Services (MDS)
Audit Services
Audit Services
Audit Services
Oracle Platform
Services (OPSS)
Services (WLS)
Managed File Transfer
Managed File Transfer MFT MFT MFT IAS_TEMP Metadata
Services (MDS)
Audit Services
Audit Services
Audit Services
Oracle Platform
Services (OPSS)
Oracle Business Intelligence

Appendix B
Repository Creation Utility Schemas, IDs, and Tablespaces

Table B-1 (Cont.) Schema Component IDs, Tablespace Mappings, and Dependencies

Component Schema Component ID Default Temp Dependencies

Owner Tablespace Tablespace
Services (MDS)
Oracle Platform
Services (OPSS)
Audit Services
Audit Services
Audit Services
Services (WLS)
WebCenter Portal
TER Services (MDS)
Oracle Platform
Services (OPSS)
Audit Services
Audit Services
Audit Services
Portlet Producers PORTLET PORTLET IAS_PORTLE IAS_TEMP Oracle Platform
T Security
Services (OPSS)
Audit Services
Audit Services
Audit Services

Appendix B
Repository Creation Utility Schemas, IDs, and Tablespaces

Table B-1 (Cont.) Schema Component IDs, Tablespace Mappings, and Dependencies

Component Schema Component ID Default Temp Dependencies

Owner Tablespace Tablespace
TY Security
Services (OPSS)
Audit Services
Audit Services
Audit Services
S Security
Services (OPSS)
Audit Services
Audit Services
Audit Services
WebCenter Content
Server — Search Only H TEMP Infrastructure
Services (STB)
Services (WLS)
Oracle WebCenter Content OCS CONTENT OCS OCS_TEMP Common
Server — Complete Infrastructure
Services (STB)
Oracle Platform
Services (OPSS)
Audit Services
Audit Services
Audit Services
Services (WLS)

Appendix B
Repository Creation Utility Schemas, IDs, and Tablespaces

Table B-1 (Cont.) Schema Component IDs, Tablespace Mappings, and Dependencies

Component Schema Component ID Default Temp Dependencies

Owner Tablespace Tablespace
Capture MP Infrastructure
Services (STB)
Services (MDS)
Oracle Platform
Services (OPSS)
Audit Services
Audit Services
Audit Services
Services (WLS)
WebCenter Sites
ITES Security
Services (OPSS)
Audit Services
Audit Services
Audit Services
WebCenter Sites — Visitor WCSITES_VS WCSITESVS TS_WCSITES TS_TMP_WCS Oracle Platform
Services _VS ITES_VS Security
Services (OPSS)
Audit Services
Audit Services
Audit Services
Oracle GoldenGate
Oracle Enterprise Data Quality

Appendix B
Repository Creation Utility Schemas, IDs, and Tablespaces

Table B-1 (Cont.) Schema Component IDs, Tablespace Mappings, and Dependencies

Component Schema Component ID Default Temp Dependencies

Owner Tablespace Tablespace
MP Security
Services (OPSS)
Audit Services
Audit Services
Audit Services
EDQ Results Repository EDQRESULTS EDQ_RES EDQ_RES EDQ_RESTEM Oracle Platform
P Security
Services (OPSS)
Audit Services
Audit Services
Audit Services
EDQ Config
G GTEMP Security
Services (OPSS)
Audit Services
Audit Services
Audit Services
EDQ Config
EDQ Results
Oracle Access Manager (OAM)

Appendix B
Repository Creation Utility Schemas, IDs, and Tablespaces

Table B-1 (Cont.) Schema Component IDs, Tablespace Mappings, and Dependencies

Component Schema Component ID Default Temp Dependencies

Owner Tablespace Tablespace
Oracle Access Manager OAM OAM OAM OAM_TEMP Common
Services (STB)
Services (MDS)
Oracle Platform
Services (OPSS)
Audit Services
Audit Services
Audit Services
Services (WLS)
Oracle Identity Manager (OIM)
Oracle Identity Manager OIM OIM OIM OIM_TEMP Common
Services (STB)
Services (MDS)
Oracle Platform
Services (OPSS)
Audit Services
Audit Services
Audit Services
Services (WLS)
Oracle Internet Directory (OID)

Appendix B
Repository Creation Utility Schemas, IDs, and Tablespaces

Table B-1 (Cont.) Schema Component IDs, Tablespace Mappings, and Dependencies

Component Schema Component ID Default Temp Dependencies

Owner Tablespace Tablespace
Oracle Internet Directory ODS ODS OLTS_DEFAU IAS_TEMP Oracle Platform
LT Security
Services (OPSS)
Audit Services
Audit Services
Audit Services
Services (WLS)
Services (STB)
If Oracle
Directory in
configured in a
mode, only the
Service (STB)
schema is

1 For more information about the Service Table schema, see About the Service Table Schema.

As an example, Table B-2 provides the schema details for Oracle HTTP Server configuration.

Table B-2 Schemas for Oracle HTTP Server Configured in WebLogic Server Domain

Component Schema Schema Owner

LocalSvcTbl Schema STB
OPSS Audit Viewer Schema IAU_VIEWER

Extending Repository Creation Utility to
Configure Custom Application Repositories
You can use configuration XML files to generate custom schema creation and deletion
RCU provides an XML-based framework for component owners to plug in your schema
creation and deletion scripts into RCU. The following topics provide some details of the
configuration XML files and script-writing guidelines that are used to integrate your
components with RCU:
• RCU Integration Options
RCU provides several options for integrating component scripts.
• RCU Configuration Files
RCU provides several configuration file types for component integration.
• RCU Script Writing Guidelines
Use these guidelines when writing RCU scripts.

RCU Integration Options

RCU provides several options for integrating component scripts.
RCU JDBC Engine Compliant SQL*Plus Scripts is the recommended option for integrating
component scripts. SQL*Plus and External Processes are only intended for integrating
Legacy or Classic components such as Oracle Portal 10g or Identity Management.
Components that have a dependency on SQL*Plus scripts cannot be loaded with RCU when
running from the installed Oracle home. They can only be used when running RCU from CD.
• RCU JDBC Engine Compliant SQL*Plus Scripts
The RCU JDBC Engine emulates a set of SQL*Plus features over JDBC. This set is
broad enough to cover the requirements of schema creation.
• Pure JDBC Scripts
This option is recommended for non-Oracle databases (for Oracle databases, RCU
JDBC Engine Compliant SQL*Plus scripts should be used).
• SQL*Plus Scripts
This option is mainly for the consumption of legacy components that need to be loaded
from RCU.
• External Processes
This option is provided only for those components that have their own configuration tool
for schema creation, like OPCA (Oracle Portal 10g).
• Java Code Using JavaAction
This option is provided to components that have Java code, which can accept a JDBC
connection and execute SQL statements.

Appendix C
RCU Integration Options

RCU JDBC Engine Compliant SQL*Plus Scripts

The RCU JDBC Engine emulates a set of SQL*Plus features over JDBC. This set is
broad enough to cover the requirements of schema creation.
Your component teams can integrate existing SQL*Plus scripts with a few minor
The RCU JDBC Engine parses the SQL*Plus script to get individual statements and
then runs each statement over JDBC. Command-line arguments to scripts and
substitution using DEFINE variables are supported. Script can be nested, for example,
one script can call other scripts. Component teams can specify a list of expected
errors and fatal errors to RCU through configuration files and RCU would interpret
these when running the scripts.
These scripts are easy to maintain and use as they can be run in SQL*Plus in a
development environment. However, Oracle recommends that you also use the RCU
JDBCEngine tool in your development environment to ensure that these scripts run
properly when integrated with RCU.

Pure JDBC Scripts

This option is recommended for non-Oracle databases (for Oracle databases, RCU
JDBC Engine Compliant SQL*Plus scripts should be used).
Contents of the script file should be a valid PL/SQL block, which can be called with
Connection.prepareCall() or Connection.createStatement(). Standard JDBC Bind
variables with '?' convention are supported.
Some disadvantages of this option are:
• No nested scripts, which can mean a larger number of scripts.
• May require significant rework for component teams to rewrite the scripts in this
• Difficult to maintain as every DDL statement has to be wrapped with in EXECUTE
• Cannot be run by using SQL*Plus in a development environment.
• Less useful error support since the whole block would fail in case of any errors.
Below is an example:

And a second example:

<Action TYPE="Java" PERCENT_PROGRESS="100">
<Command TYPE="METHOD">

<Parameter TYPE="String">MDS</Parameter>

Appendix C
RCU Integration Options


SQL*Plus Scripts
This option is mainly for the consumption of legacy components that need to be loaded from
<Command TYPE="SCRIPT">%SCRIPT_HOME%/oid/scripts/seedldap.sql</Command>
<Error Type="ORA-01918">user name does not exist</Error>

And a second example:

<Command TYPE="SCRIPT">%SCRIPT_HOME%/mds/sql/mds_user.sql</Command>
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%SCHEMA_USER%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%SCHEMA_PASSWORD%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%DEFAULT_TABLESPACE%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%TEMPORARY_TABLESPACE%</Parameter>

External Processes
This option is provided only for those components that have their own configuration tool for
schema creation, like OPCA (Oracle Portal 10g).
This is not a recommended option for any new component, as this option cannot make use of
the RCU error handling framework.
<Action TYPE="HostCmd">
<Command TYPE="SCRIPT">%RCU_HOME%/rcu/integration/cdb/config/bin/configure</Command>
<Parameter TYPE="ProcessInput">%JDBC_CONNECT_STRING%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="ProcessInput">%DBADMIN_USER%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="ProcessInput">%DBADMIN_PASSWORD%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="ProcessInput">%PREFIX_NAME%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="ProcessInput">%SCHEMA_USER%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="ProcessInput">%SCHEMA_PASSWORD%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="ProcessInput">%DEFAULT_TABLESPACE%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="ProcessInput">%TEMPORARY_TABLESPACE%</Parameter>

Appendix C
RCU Configuration Files

Java Code Using JavaAction

This option is provided to components that have Java code, which can accept a JDBC
connection and execute SQL statements.
This is generally used when huge amounts of data has to be seeded or Large Objects
(LOBs) need to be created.
<Action TYPE="Java">
<Command TYPE="METHOD">

<Parameter TYPE="Connection"></Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="String">%SCHEMA_USER%</Parameter>

A second example:
<Action TYPE="Java">
<Command TYPE="METHOD">oracle.webdb.config.PortalConfigAssistant:main</
<Parameter TYPE="StringArray">-mode PORTAL -s %SCHEMA_USER% -p
%SCHEMA_USER%_DOC -l %SCHEMA_USER%_LOG -in %SCHEMA_USER%_IDX -demo -report -voh

RCU Configuration Files

RCU provides several configuration file types for component integration.
The following are the configuration files defined by RCU:
• XML DTDs Defined by RCU
These are the XML DTDs defined by RCU; they are located in the ORACLE_HOME/
oracle_common/rcu/config directory.
• Component Repository Configuration File
A Component Repository Configuration File (component.xml) lists the
prerequisites and the list of scripts or actions that need to be performed to load or
drop a schema.
• Component List Configuration File
The Component List configuration file (ComponentInfo.xml) lists all the
components, their respective configuration files and their default user and
tablespace mappings.

Appendix C
RCU Configuration Files

• Soft-Prerequisite Support
If a particular <DBPrerequisiteSet> or <DBPrerequisite> is not mandatory, then you can
use the soft-prerequisite option by setting the SOFT attribute to TRUE in the
ComponentInfo.xml file
• Default Tablespaces Configuration File
The default tablespaces configuration file (Storage.xml) lists the components, for which,
tablespaces are created out-of-the-box. This file is located in the ORACLE_HOME/
oracle_common/rcu/config directory on UNIX operating systems or in the
ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\rcu\config directory on Windows operating systems.

XML DTDs Defined by RCU

These are the XML DTDs defined by RCU; they are located in the ORACLE_HOME/
oracle_common/rcu/config directory.

Following are the configuration files:

• Component Descriptor Configuration File
The Component Descriptor configuration file is called ComponentInfo.dtd and is located
in the ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/rcu/config directory on UNIX operating
systems or in the ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\rcu\config directory on Windows
operating systems.
• Repository Configuration File
The Repository configuration file is called RepositoryConfig.dtd and is located in the
ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/rcu/config directory on UNIX operating systems directory
or in the ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\rcu\config directory on Windows operating
• Primary List of Supported Components
RCU maintains a primary list of supported components, which contains entries for each
supported component. Every time a new component is added, the primary list of
supported components is updated with the reference of the XML integration file, which is
provided by component owner.
• Storage Attributes Configuration File
RCU maintains the list of tablespaces or datafiles and their attributes that needs to be
created. This way the tablespaces and datafiles attributes can be modified externally.

Component Descriptor Configuration File

The Component Descriptor configuration file is called ComponentInfo.dtd and is located in
the ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/rcu/config directory on UNIX operating systems or
in the ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\rcu\config directory on Windows operating
Each component owner would provides a configuration file that adheres to the following DTD,
which lists the prerequisites and actions:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!ENTITY % commonDTD SYSTEM "RCUCommon.dtd">
<!ELEMENT ComponentInfo (Display?, PrefixSettings?, Component*,
ComponentConfigFiles?, PrerequisiteDescriptor*,
ExecutionDescriptor*, FatalErrors?, IgnorableErrors?)>
<!ATTLIST ComponentInfo

Appendix C
RCU Configuration Files


<!ELEMENT PrefixSettings (DetectQuery*)>
<!ATTLIST PrefixSettings
<!ELEMENT ComponentConfigFiles (ConfigFile*)>
<!ATTLIST ConfigFile
<!ELEMENT ConfigFile (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Component (ValidIfSet?, ValidIf?, Display,Consolidate*,SchemaBase*,
RepositoryConfigFile?, DetectQuery*, SchemaVersion?,
SchemaUser?, AdditionalSchemaUser*, Dependents?, DatabaseName?, Tablespaces?,
<!ATTLIST Component
<!ELEMENT Display (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST Display
<!ELEMENT Consolidate EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST Consolidate
<!ELEMENT SchemaBase (#PCDATA) >
<!ATTLIST SchemaBase
<!ELEMENT RepositoryConfigFile (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT DetectQuery (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST DetectQuery
<!ELEMENT SchemaVersion (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT SchemaUser (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST SchemaUser
<!ELEMENT AdditionalSchemaUser (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST AdditionalSchemaUser
<!ELEMENT Dependents (Dependent*)>
<!ELEMENT Dependent (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST Dependent
<!ELEMENT DatabaseName (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Tablespaces (Tablespace*)>

Appendix C
RCU Configuration Files

<!ELEMENT Tablespace (Prompt, TablespaceName)>
<!ELEMENT TablespaceName (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT CustomVariables (Variable*, ValidationDescriptor*)>
<!ATTLIST Variable
<!ELEMENT Variable (Name,Display)>
<!ELEMENT ValidationDescriptor (Action*)>
<!ATTLIST ValidationDescriptor

Repository Configuration File

The Repository configuration file is called RepositoryConfig.dtd and is located in the
ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/rcu/config directory on UNIX operating systems directory or
in the ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\rcu\config directory on Windows operating systems.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!ENTITY % commonDTD SYSTEM "RCUCommon.dtd">
<!ELEMENT RepositoryConfig (PrerequisiteDescriptor*, ExecutionDescriptor,
<!ATTLIST RepositoryConfig
<!ELEMENT DeleteDescriptor (Action*)>

Primary List of Supported Components

RCU maintains a primary list of supported components, which contains entries for each
supported component. Every time a new component is added, the primary list of supported
components is updated with the reference of the XML integration file, which is provided by
component owner.
This configuration file is called RCUCommon.dtd and is located in the ORACLE_HOME/
oracle_common/rcu/config directory on UNIX operating systems or in the
ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\rcu\config directory on Windows operating systems:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!ELEMENT PrerequisiteDescriptor (DBPrerequisiteSet*, DBPrerequisite*)>
<!ATTLIST PrerequisiteDescriptor

Appendix C
RCU Configuration Files


<!ELEMENT DBPrerequisiteSet (ValidIfSet?, ValidIf?, PrereqSetErrorMsg?,
<!ATTLIST DBPrerequisiteSet
<!ELEMENT DBPrerequisite (ValidIfSet?, ValidIf?, PrereqIdentifier, PrereqValue,
<!ATTLIST DBPrerequisite
PREREQ_TYPE (InitParameter|DBOption|Java|DBComponent|DBVersion|DBObject|
CustomSQL|TablespaceFreeMB) "CustomSQL"

<!ELEMENT PrereqIdentifier (#PCDATA)>

<!ELEMENT PrereqValue (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT PrereqSetErrorMsg (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST PrereqSetErrorMsg
<!ELEMENT PrereqErrorMsg (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST PrereqErrorMsg
<!ATTLIST PrereqValue
UNIT (KB|MB|NoUnit) 'NoUnit'>
<!ELEMENT ExecutionDescriptor (Action*)>
<!ATTLIST ExecutionDescriptor
TYPE (Load|PreLoad|PostLoad|DataLoad|PostDataLoad) "Load">
<!ELEMENT Action (ValidIfSet?, ValidIf?, Command, Parameters?, FatalErrors?,
<!ATTLIST Action
TYPE (JDBCSqlScript|JDBC|SQLPlus|HostCmd|Java) "JDBCSqlScript"
<!ELEMENT Command (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST Command
<!ELEMENT Parameters (Parameter*)>
<!ELEMENT Parameter (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST Parameter
TYPE (BindVar|CmdLine|ProcessInput|EnvVar|Connection|int|String|
StringArray|boolean) "CmdLine">
<!ELEMENT FatalErrors (Error*)>
<!ELEMENT IgnorableErrors (Error*)>
<!ELEMENT ValidIfSet (ValidIf*)>
<!ATTLIST ValidIfSet
<!ELEMENT ValidIf (CustomQueryFilter?)>

Appendix C
RCU Configuration Files


<!ELEMENT CustomQueryFilter (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST CustomQueryFilter

Storage Attributes Configuration File

RCU maintains the list of tablespaces or datafiles and their attributes that needs to be
created. This way the tablespaces and datafiles attributes can be modified externally.
The Storage Attributes configuration file is called Storage.dtd and is located in the
ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/rcu/config directory on UNIX operating systems) or in the
ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\rcu\config directory on Windows operating systems.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!ELEMENT StorageAttributes ( ComponentStorageFiles?, TablespaceAttributes*)>
<!ELEMENT ComponentStorageFiles (StorageFile*)>
<!ATTLIST StorageFile
<!ELEMENT StorageFile (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT TablespaceAttributes (ValidIfSet?,
MaxSize?,Bigfile?,AutoSegmentSpaceManagement?, DatafilesList)>
<!ATTLIST TablespaceAttributes
<!ELEMENT ValidIfSet (ValidIf*)>
<!ATTLIST ValidIfSet
<!ELEMENT ValidIf (CustomQueryFilter?)>
<!ELEMENT DefaultTemp (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT BlockSize (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT ExtentSize (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST PageSize
UNIT (KB|NoUnit) 'KB'>
<!ELEMENT AutoResize (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT IncreaseSize (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST IncreaseSize
<!ELEMENT Bigfile (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT AutoSegmentSpaceManagement (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT DatafilesList (DatafileAttributes+)>
<!ELEMENT DatafileAttributes (Size, Reuse?, AutoExtend?, Increment?, Maxsize?)>
<!ATTLIST DatafileAttributes

Appendix C
RCU Configuration Files


<!ELEMENT AutoExtend (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT Increment (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST Increment
<!ELEMENT Maxsize (#PCDATA)>
<!ATTLIST Maxsize

Table C-1 RCU XML Configuration File Details

Element Attribute Description Supported Values

TablespaceAttributes Name Indicates the name of the —
Type — Indicates the type of the tablespace, • Temporary
default or temporary • Permanent
Bigfile — Indicates whether the tablespace is • True
a bigfile tablespace based on the • False
DatafilesList — Groups the datafile information —
DatafileAttributes: ID Indicates the size of tablespace Integer value
Size For example,
<Size UNIT="MB">
100 </Size>
DatafileAttributes: — Allows to reuse an existing file • True
Reuse • False
DatafileAttributes: — Allows to enable or disable the • True
AutoExtend automatic extension of a new • False
datafile or tempfile based on value
DatafileAttributes: — Indicates the size of the next extent Integer value
Increment to be allocated to the object in bytes
DatafileAttributes: — Indicates maximum size of Value is -1, if maxsize is
Maxsize segments unlimited, else specify required
— UNIT Indicates the unit of the tablespace KB/MB/GB
size Default value is MB.
AutoSegmentSpace Indicates dictionary managed • True
Management tablespace or local managed • False
tablespace based on value 'True' indicates dictionary
managed tablespace and
'False' indicates local managed

For more information about database tablespaces, see DBA_TABLESPACES in

Oracle® Database Reference guide.

Appendix C
RCU Configuration Files

Component Repository Configuration File

A Component Repository Configuration File (component.xml) lists the prerequisites and the
list of scripts or actions that need to be performed to load or drop a schema.
This file is provided and maintained by component owners. This configuration file is
referenced from the Component List Configuration File (ComponentInfo.xml).

Each component.xml file can be found in the ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/common/sql/

component/component.xml directory on UNIX operating systems) or in the
ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\common\sql\component\component.xml directory on Windows
operating systems.
Component owners can use a set of predefined RCU parameters, which are substituted at
runtime by RCU based on user input. Here is the list of predefined parameters:

Table C-2 Predefined RCU Parameters

RCU Parameter Description

%ORACLE_HOME% Location of the Oracle home directory.
%SCRIPT_HOME% Location where scripts are located. It may be same as ORACLE_HOME.
%SCHEMA_USER% Database schema name (owner) entered by the user in RCU.
%SCHEMA_PASSWORD% Database schema password entered by the user in RCU.
%ADDITIONAL_SCHEMA_USER% Additional schema users as defined in the ComponentInfo.xml file
%ADDITIONAL_SCHEMA_PASSWORD<n>% Password for the additional schema users.
%DEFAULT_TABLESPACE% Default tablespace assigned to the component by the user.
%TEMPORARY_TABLESPACE% Temporary tablespace assigned to the component by the user.
%ADDITIONAL_TABLESPACE<n>% Additional tablespace assigned to the component by the user. Up to
three additional tablespaces are supported.
%DEFAULT_PERMANENT_TABLESPACE% Default permanent tablespace in the database (for example, USERS or
SYSTEM) is none is set.
%DEFAULT_TEMP_TABLESPACE% Default temporary tablespace in the database (for example, TEMP in
Oracle shipped databases or SYSTEM) if none is set.
%DATAFILE_LOCATION% Default location where the tablespace/datafile will be created.
%JDBC_CONNECT_STRING% JDBC connect string.
%PREFIX_NAME% User-specified prefix for schema and tablespace names.
%CONNECTION% Already-connected java.sql.Connection object to be passed into
%DBADMIN_USER% Database admin user that is provided on the Database Connection
%DBADMIN_PASSWORD% Database admin user password that is provided on the Database
Connection Details.
%DBADMIN_ROLE% Database admin user role that is provided on the Database
Connection Details.
%DB_HOSTNAME% Database hostname that is provided on the Database Connection
%DB_SERVICE% Database service name.

Appendix C
RCU Configuration Files

Table C-2 (Cont.) Predefined RCU Parameters

RCU Parameter Description

%DB_PORTNUMBER% Database port number that is provided on the Database Connection
%RCU_HOME% Directory where RCU is installed.
%SQLPLUS_HOME% ORACLE_HOME where SQL*Plus is located.
%RCU_LOG_LOCATION% Location of the directory where RCU log files are created.
%DATABASE_NAME% Database name (for SQLServer database).

Below is a sample Component Repository Configuration file for OPSS (opss.xml),

which lists the series of prerequisites and actions:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<!DOCTYPE RepositoryConfig SYSTEM "RepositoryConfig.dtd">

<RepositoryConfig COMP_ID="OPSS">

<!-- Prerequisites for OPSS -->

<!-- ORACLE Prerequisites -->
<DBPrerequisite PREREQ_TYPE="TablespaceFreeMB" DATA_TYPE="NUMBER"
<DBPrerequisite PREREQ_TYPE="TablespaceFreeMB" DATA_TYPE="NUMBER"

<!-- ORACLE EBR Prerequisites -->

<DBPrerequisite PREREQ_TYPE="TablespaceFreeMB" DATA_TYPE="NUMBER"
<ValidIf DBTYPE="EBR" />
<DBPrerequisite PREREQ_TYPE="TablespaceFreeMB" DATA_TYPE="NUMBER"
<ValidIf DBTYPE="EBR" />

<!-- SQLServer Prerequisites -->

<!-- DB2 Prerequisites -->


<PrerequisiteDescriptor TYPE="DROP">
<!-- ORACLE Prerequisites -->

Appendix C
RCU Configuration Files


select count(*) from v$session where username='%SCHEMA_USER%'
The schema owner %SCHEMA_USER% is connected to the
database. Please disconnect and try again.

<!-- ORACLE EBR Prerequisites -->

<ValidIf DBTYPE="EBR" />
<PrereqIdentifier>select count(*) from v$session where
<PrereqErrorMsg NLS_ID="WC_USER_CONNECTED">The schema owner
%SCHEMA_USER% is connected to the database. Please disconnect and try again.</

<!-- SQLServer Prerequisites -->

<!-- DB2 Prerequisites -->


<!-- Creating the OPSS Schema and Setting it to valid in the Registry -->
<Action TYPE="Java" PERCENT_PROGRESS="20">
<Parameter TYPE="Connection"></Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="String">OPSS</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="String">Oracle Platform Security Services</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="String">%PREFIX_NAME%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="String">OPSS</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="String">OPSS</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="String">%SCHEMA_USER%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="String"></Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="String">LOADING</Parameter>
<Command TYPE="SCRIPT">%SCRIPT_HOME%/opss/scripts/opss_user.sql</Command>
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%SCHEMA_USER%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%SCHEMA_PASSWORD%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%DEFAULT_TABLESPACE%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%TEMPORARY_TABLESPACE%</Parameter>
<Error Type="ORA-01918">user name does not exist</Error>

Appendix C
RCU Configuration Files

<ValidIf DBTYPE="EBR" />
<Command TYPE="SCRIPT">%SCRIPT_HOME%/opss/scripts/oracleEbr/
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%SCHEMA_USER%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%SCHEMA_PASSWORD%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%DEFAULT_TABLESPACE%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%TEMPORARY_TABLESPACE%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%EDITION_NAME%</Parameter>
<Error Type="ORA-01918">user name does not exist</Error>


<Command TYPE="SCRIPT">%SCRIPT_HOME%/opss/scripts/sqlserver/
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%SCHEMA_USER%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%SCHEMA_PASSWORD%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%DATABASE_NAME%</Parameter>
<ValidIf DBTYPE="IBMDB2"/>
<Command TYPE="SCRIPT">%SCRIPT_HOME%/opss/scripts/db2/opss_user.sql</
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%SCHEMA_USER%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%DEFAULT_TABLESPACE%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%SCHEMA_USER%</Parameter>


<Command TYPE="SCRIPT">%SCRIPT_HOME%/opss/scripts/opss_tables.sql</
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%SCHEMA_USER%</Parameter>
<Error Type="ORA-00942">table or view does not exist</Error>
<ValidIf DBTYPE="EBR" />
<Command TYPE="SCRIPT">%SCRIPT_HOME%/opss/scripts/oracleEbr/
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%SCHEMA_USER%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%EDITION_NAME%</Parameter>
<Error Type="ORA-00942">table or view does not exist</Error>

Appendix C
RCU Configuration Files



<Command TYPE="SCRIPT">%SCRIPT_HOME%/opss/scripts/sqlserver/opss_tables.sql</
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%DATABASE_NAME%</Parameter>
<ValidIf DBTYPE="IBMDB2" />
<Command TYPE="SCRIPT">%SCRIPT_HOME%/opss/scripts/db2/opss_tables.sql</
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%SCHEMA_USER%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%DEFAULT_TABLESPACE%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%TEMPORARY_TABLESPACE%</Parameter>


<Command TYPE="SCRIPT">%SCRIPT_HOME%/opss/scripts/opss_version.sql</Command>
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%SCHEMA_USER%</Parameter>
<ValidIf DBTYPE="EBR" />
<Command TYPE="SCRIPT">%SCRIPT_HOME%/opss/scripts/oracleEbr/opss_version.sql</
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%SCHEMA_USER%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%EDITION_NAME%</Parameter>


<Command TYPE="SCRIPT">%SCRIPT_HOME%/opss/scripts/sqlserver/opss_version.sql</
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%DATABASE_NAME%</Parameter>
<ValidIf DBTYPE="IBMDB2" />
<Command TYPE="SCRIPT">%SCRIPT_HOME%/opss/scripts/db2/opss_version.sql</
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%SCHEMA_USER%</Parameter>


<Command TYPE="SCRIPT">%SCRIPT_HOME%/opss/scripts/opss_gencatalog.sql</
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%SCHEMA_USER%</Parameter>

Appendix C
RCU Configuration Files



<Command TYPE="SCRIPT">%SCRIPT_HOME%/opss/scripts/sqlserver/
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%DATABASE_NAME%</Parameter>


<ValidIf DBTYPE="IBMDB2" />
<Command TYPE="SCRIPT">%SCRIPT_HOME%/opss/scripts/db2/
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%SCHEMA_USER%</Parameter>


<ValidIf DBTYPE="EBR" />
<Command TYPE="SCRIPT">%SCRIPT_HOME%/opss/scripts/oracleEbr/
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%SCHEMA_USER%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%EDITION_NAME%</Parameter>
<Command TYPE="SCRIPT">%SCRIPT_HOME%/opss/scripts/upgd_mgmt_schema.sql</

<Action TYPE="Java">
<Parameter TYPE="String">OPSS</Parameter>

<!-- Deleting the OPSS Schema and removing it from the Registry -->
<ValidIf DBTYPE="EBR" />


<Command TYPE="SCRIPT">%SCRIPT_HOME%/opss/scripts/sqlserver/

Appendix C
RCU Configuration Files

<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%DATABASE_NAME%</Parameter>
<Command TYPE="SCRIPT">%SCRIPT_HOME%/opss/scripts/sqlserver/
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%DATABASE_NAME%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="CmdLine">%SCHEMA_USER%</Parameter>

<Action TYPE="Java" PERCENT_PROGRESS="50">

<ValidIf DBTYPE="IBMDB2" />
<Parameter TYPE="Connection"></Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="String">%SCHEMA_USER%</Parameter>

<Action TYPE="Java" PERCENT_PROGRESS="100">

<Parameter TYPE="Connection"></Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="String">OPSS</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="String">%PREFIX_NAME%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="String">OPSS</Parameter>

Component List Configuration File

The Component List configuration file (ComponentInfo.xml) lists all the components, their
respective configuration files and their default user and tablespace mappings.
This file also lists the high-level prerequisite checks and high level actions (like creating
schema_version_registry table) to be done globally for all the components. Also, a list of
global Ignorable or Fatal errors can be specified.

RCU uses dynamic discovery to detect the available components. As a result, all of
the components might not be listed in the Component List configuration file.

This file can be found in the ORACLE_HOME/oracle_common/rcu/config directory on UNIX

operating systems or in the ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\rcu\config directory on Windows
operating systems.

Appendix C
RCU Configuration Files

Below is a sample ComponentInfo.xml file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!-- DOCTYPE ComponentInfo SYSTEM "dtds/ComponentInfo.dtd" -->
<!DOCTYPE ComponentInfo SYSTEM "ComponentInfo.dtd" []>
<Display NLS_ID="ASREP_ID">Oracle AS Repository Components</Display>
Select distinct mrc_name from schema_version_registry
<DetectQuery TYPE="IBMDB2">
Select distinct mrc_name from NULLID.schema_version_registry
<DetectQuery TYPE="JAVADB">
Select distinct mrc_name from ORACLEFMW.schema_version_registry

<!-- AS Common GROUP START -->

<Display NLS_ID="AS_COMMON_ID">AS Common Schemas</Display>


<Display NLS_ID="SOA">SOA Suite</Display>


<Display NLS_ID="ODI_REPOSITORIES">Oracle Data Integrator</Display>

<ConfigFile ID="MDS">%RCU_HOME%/../oracle_common/common/sql/mds/
<ConfigFile ID="IAU">%RCU_HOME%/../oracle_common/common/sql/iau/
<ConfigFile ID="OPSS">%RCU_HOME%/../oracle_common/common/sql/opss/
<ConfigFile ID="UCSMESSAGING">%RCU_HOME%/../oracle_common/common/sql/
<ConfigFile ID="WLS">%RCU_HOME%/../oracle_common/common/sql/wlsservices/
<ConfigFile ID="ESS">%RCU_HOME%/../oracle_common/common/sql/ess/
<ConfigFile ID="SOAINFRA">%RCU_HOME%/../soa/common/sql/soainfra/
<ConfigFile ID="ODI">%RCU_HOME%/../odi/common/sql/odi/odi_ComponentInfo.xml</
<ConfigFile ID="OER">%RCU_HOME%/../oer/common/sql/oer/oer_ComponentInfo.xml</
<ConfigFile ID="OWLCS">%RCU_HOME%/../oracle_common/common/sql/ucs.callcontrol/
<ConfigFile ID="SVCTBL">%RCU_HOME%/../oracle_common/common/sql/svctbl/
<ConfigFile ID="MFT">%RCU_HOME%/../mft/common/sql/mft/mft_ComponentInfo.xml</

Appendix C
RCU Configuration Files


<DBPrerequisiteSet OPERATOR="OR">
<DBPrerequisite PREREQ_TYPE="InitParameter" DATA_TYPE="NUMBER"
<PrereqValue UNIT="KB">147456</PrereqValue>
<DBPrerequisite PREREQ_TYPE="InitParameter" DATA_TYPE="NUMBER"
<PrereqValue UNIT="KB">147456</PrereqValue>

<DBPrerequisiteSet OPERATOR="AND">
select 1 from dual where exists (select column_name from dba_tab_columns where
table_name(+) like 'V_$INSTANCE' and column_name(+) = 'EDITION') union select 0 from
dual where not exists (select column_name from dba_tab_columns where table_name(+)
like 'V_$INSTANCE' and column_name(+) = 'EDITION')
<PrereqIdentifier>select count (*) from V_$INSTANCE where EDITION = 'XE'</
The database you are connecting is not a
supported version. Refer to the certification matrix for supported DB versions.


select 1 from dual where exists (select column_name from dba_tab_columns where
table_name(+) like 'V_$INSTANCE' and column_name(+) = 'EDITION') union select 0 from
dual where not exists (select column_name from dba_tab_columns where table_name(+)
like 'V_$INSTANCE' and column_name(+) = 'EDITION')
<PrereqIdentifier>select count(*) from product_component_version where
product like 'Oracle%Database%' AND version >= '' AND version &lt;
The database you are connecting is not a supported
version. Enter Database with version equal to or higher than in 12c. Refer
to the certification matrix for supported DB versions.



Appendix C
RCU Configuration Files


select 1 from dual where exists (select column_name from dba_tab_columns
where table_name(+) like 'V_$INSTANCE' and column_name(+) = 'EDITION') union
select 0 from dual where not exists (select column_name from dba_tab_columns
where table_name(+) like 'V_$INSTANCE' and column_name(+) = 'EDITION')
<PrereqIdentifier>select count(*) from product_component_version where
product like 'Oracle%Database%' AND version > ''</PrereqIdentifier>
The database you are connecting to, is a more recent one than the
supported version. Refer to the certification matrix for supported DB versions.


<DBPrerequisite PREREQ_TYPE="InitParameter" DATA_TYPE="NUMBER"

<PrereqValue UNIT="KB">8</PrereqValue>
select 1 from dual where exists (select column_name from
dba_tab_columns where table_name(+) like 'V_$INSTANCE' and column_name(+) =
'EDITION') union select 0 from dual where not exists (select column_name from
dba_tab_columns where table_name(+) like 'V_$INSTANCE' and column_name(+) =
The database you are connecting is
version. is not a supported version. The database version should be or greater.
select 1 from dual where exists (select column_name from
dba_tab_columns where table_name(+) like 'V_$INSTANCE' and column_name(+) =
'EDITION') union select 0 from dual where not exists (select column_name from
dba_tab_columns where table_name(+) like 'V_$INSTANCE' and column_name(+) =
The database you are connecting is not a supported version. Enter Database
with version equal to or higher than in 10g or version equal to or

Appendix C
RCU Configuration Files

higher than in 11g. Refer to the certification matrix for supported DB


select 1 from dual where exists (select column_name from dba_tab_columns
where table_name(+) like 'V_$INSTANCE' and column_name(+) = 'EDITION') union select 0
from dual where not exists (select column_name from dba_tab_columns where
table_name(+) like 'V_$INSTANCE' and column_name(+) = 'EDITION')
<PrereqIdentifier>select count(*) from product_component_version where
product like 'Oracle%Database%' AND version BETWEEN '11' AND '' </
The database you are connecting is not a supported
version. Enter Database with version equal to or higher than in 10g or
version equal to or higher than in 11g. Refer to the certification matrix
for supported DB versions


<ValidIf DBTYPE="IBMDB2"/>
<PrereqIdentifier>select count(*) from syscat.tablespaces where tbspace =
'SYSCATSPACE' and pagesize >= 32768
Component : RCU
Error : Database prerequisite check failed.
Cause : Database: '%DATABASE_NAME%' needs to be
configured with
default pagesize 32768 or 32K.
Action : Modify the default of the current database or
create a new
database with the required default pagesize.


<PrereqIdentifier>SELECT count(*) where
CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('productversion') as VARCHAR(20)) like '1.%' or
CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('productversion') as VARCHAR(20)) like '4.%' or
CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('productversion') as VARCHAR(20)) like '6.%' or
CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('productversion') as VARCHAR(20)) like '7.%' or
CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('productversion') as VARCHAR(20)) like '8.%'</PrereqIdentifier>
The database you are connecting is not a supported version. Enter
Database with version equal to or higher than 2005. Refer to the certification matrix
for supported DB versions.

Appendix C
RCU Configuration Files


<ValidIf DBTYPE="IBMDB2" />
<PrereqIdentifier>select count(*) FROM TABLE
(sysproc.env_get_inst_info()) where INT(substr(service_level,
POSSTR(service_level, 'v')+1, LOCATE('.', service_level,POSSTR(service_level,
'v') +1) - POSSTR(service_level, 'v') -1 ) ) = 9 AND INT(substr(service_level,
POSSTR(service_level, '.')+1, LOCATE('.',service_level,POSSTR(service_level,
'.') +1) - POSSTR(service_level, '.') -1 )) &lt; 7 OR INT(substr(service_level,
POSSTR(service_level, 'v')+1, LOCATE('.', service_level,POSSTR(service_level,
'v') +1) - POSSTR(service_level, 'v') -1 ) ) &lt; 9</PrereqIdentifier>
The database you are connecting is not a supported
version. Enter Database with version equal to or higher than 9.7. Refer to the
certification matrix for supported DB versions.


<PrereqIdentifier>select GRANTED_ROLE from DBA_ROLE_PRIVS
where((GRANTED_ROLE='DBA' and GRANTEE=(select user from dual) and
GRANTEE=(select user from dual)))</PrereqIdentifier>
User should have sysdba or dba privilages.


<PrereqIdentifier>select Is_Member('db_owner')</
User should have sysdba or dba privilages.


<PrereqIdentifier>select value from nls_database_parameters
where parameter = 'NLS_CHARACTERSET'</PrereqIdentifier>
The database you are connecting is with non-
AL32UTF8 character set. Oracle strongly recommends using AL32UTF8 as the
database character set.



Appendix C
RCU Configuration Files

select 1 from dual where exists (select column_name from dba_tab_columns

where table_name(+) like 'V_$INSTANCE' and column_name(+) = 'EDITION') union select 0
from dual where not exists (select column_name from dba_tab_columns where
table_name(+) like 'V_$INSTANCE' and column_name(+) = 'EDITION')
<PrereqIdentifier>select count(*) from product_component_version where
product like 'Oracle%Database%' AND version BETWEEN '' AND '' </
The database you are connecting to, is a more recent than the
supported version. Refer to the certification matrix for supported DB versions.


select 1 from dual where exists (select column_name from dba_tab_columns
where table_name(+) like 'V_$INSTANCE' and column_name(+) = 'EDITION') union select 0
from dual where not exists (select column_name from dba_tab_columns where
table_name(+) like 'V_$INSTANCE' and column_name(+) = 'EDITION')
<PrereqIdentifier>select count(*) from product_component_version where
product like 'Oracle%Database%' AND version &gt; '' AND version &lt;=
The database you are connecting to, is a more recent one than the
supported version. Refer to the certification matrix for supported DB versions.


select 1 from dual where exists (select column_name from dba_tab_columns
where table_name(+) like 'V_$INSTANCE' and column_name(+) = 'EDITION') union select 0
from dual where not exists (select column_name from dba_tab_columns where
table_name(+) like 'V_$INSTANCE' and column_name(+) = 'EDITION')
<PrereqIdentifier>select count(*) from product_component_version where
product like 'Oracle%Database%' AND version between '' AND '' </
The database you are connecting to, is a more recent one than the
supported version. Refer to the certification matrix for supported DB versions.


select 1 from dual where exists (select column_name from dba_tab_columns

Appendix C
RCU Configuration Files

where table_name(+) like 'V_$INSTANCE' and column_name(+) = 'EDITION') union

select 0 from dual where not exists (select column_name from dba_tab_columns
where table_name(+) like 'V_$INSTANCE' and column_name(+) = 'EDITION')
<PrereqIdentifier>select count(*) from
product_component_version where product like 'Oracle%Database%' AND version
between '' AND '' </PrereqIdentifier>
The database you are connecting is not a
supported version. Enter Database with version equal to or higher than in 11g. Refer to the certification matrix for supported DB versions.
select 1 from dual where exists (select column_name from
dba_tab_columns where table_name(+) like 'V_$INSTANCE' and column_name(+) =
'EDITION') union select 0 from dual where not exists (select column_name from
dba_tab_columns where table_name(+) like 'V_$INSTANCE' and column_name(+) =
<PrereqIdentifier>select count(*) from
product_component_version where product like 'Oracle%Database%' AND version >=
'12.2._._._' </PrereqIdentifier>
The database you are connecting to, is a more recent one than the
supported version. Refer to the certification matrix for supported DB versions.


select 1 from dual where exists (select column_name from
dba_tab_columns where table_name(+) like 'V_$INSTANCE' and column_name(+) =
'EDITION') union select 0 from dual where not exists (select column_name from
dba_tab_columns where table_name(+) like 'V_$INSTANCE' and column_name(+) =
<PrereqIdentifier>select count(*) from product_component_version where
product like 'Oracle%Database%' AND version like '12.0._._._' </
The database you are connecting is not a
supported version. Enter Database with version equal to or higher than in 12c. Refer to the certification matrix for supported DB versions.



Appendix C
RCU Configuration Files


<PrereqIdentifier>SELECT count(*) where
CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('productversion') as VARCHAR(20)) not like '1.%' and
CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('productversion') as VARCHAR(20)) not like '4.%' and
CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('productversion') as VARCHAR(20)) not like '6.%' and
CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('productversion') as VARCHAR(20)) not like '7.%' and
CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('productversion') as VARCHAR(20)) not like '8.%' and
CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('productversion') as VARCHAR(20)) not like '9.%' and
CAST(SERVERPROPERTY('productversion') as VARCHAR(20)) not like '10.%' </
The database you are connecting to, is a more recent than the
supported version. Refer to the certification matrix for supported DB versions.


<ValidIf DBTYPE="IBMDB2" />
<PrereqIdentifier>select count(*) FROM TABLE (sysproc.env_get_inst_info()) where
INT(substr(service_level, POSSTR(service_level, 'v')+1, LOCATE('.', service_level,
POSSTR(service_level, 'v') +1) - POSSTR(service_level, 'v') -1 ) ) = 9 and
INT(substr(service_level, POSSTR(service_level, '.')+1, LOCATE('.', service_level,
POSSTR(service_level, '.') +1) - POSSTR(service_level, '.') -1 )) &gt; 7 or
INT(substr(service_level, POSSTR(service_level, 'v')+1, LOCATE('.', service_level,
POSSTR(service_level, 'v') +1) - POSSTR(service_level, 'v') -1 ) ) &gt; 9</
The database you are connecting to, is a more recent than
the supported version. Refer to the certification matrix for supported DB versions.


The database you are connecting to, is a more recent than the supported
version. Refer to the certification matrix for supported DB versions.


The database you are connecting is not a supported version. Enter Database
with version equal to or higher than Refer to the certification matrix for
supported DB versions.

Appendix C
RCU Configuration Files


<ValidIf DBTYPE="MYSQL" />
<PrereqIdentifier>select version() &lt; '5.5.14'</
The database you are connecting is not a supported
version. Enter Database with version equal to or higher than 5.5.14. Refer to
the certification matrix for supported DB versions.


<ValidIf DBTYPE="MYSQL" />
<PrereqIdentifier>select version() &gt; '5.6' or version() =
The database you are connecting to, is a more recent
than the supported version. Refer to the certification matrix for supported DB


<ValidIf DBTYPE="MYSQL" />
<PrereqIdentifier>select VARIABLE_VALUE from
DB Init Param Prerequisite failure for
INNODB_FILE_PER_TABLE. Its value should be 'ON'.


<ValidIf DBTYPE="MYSQL" />
<PrereqIdentifier>select VARIABLE_VALUE from
DB Init Param Prerequisite failure for INNODB_FILE_FORMAT.
Its value should be 'Barracuda'.


<ValidIf DBTYPE="MYSQL" />
<PrereqIdentifier>select VARIABLE_VALUE from
DB Init Param Prerequisite failure for
INNODB_LARGE_PREFIX. Its value should be 'ON'.

Appendix C
RCU Configuration Files



<ValidIf DBTYPE="MYSQL" />
<PrereqIdentifier>select VARIABLE_VALUE from
DB Init Param Prerequisite failure for
log_bin_trust_function_creators. Its value should be 'ON'.


<ExecutionDescriptor TYPE="PreLoad">
<Action TYPE="Java" PERCENT_PROGRESS="60">
select count(*) from dba_views where VIEW_NAME= 'SCHEMA_VERSION_REGISTRY'
<Parameter TYPE="Connection"></Parameter>
<Action TYPE="Java" PERCENT_PROGRESS="60">
select count(*) from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where
<Parameter TYPE="Connection"></Parameter>
<Action TYPE="Java" PERCENT_PROGRESS="60">
select count(*) from syscat.tables where
<Parameter TYPE="Connection"></Parameter>
<Action TYPE="Java" PERCENT_PROGRESS="60">

Appendix C
RCU Configuration Files

<Parameter TYPE="Connection"></Parameter>

<Action TYPE="Java" PERCENT_PROGRESS="60">

select count(*) from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where
<Parameter TYPE="Connection"></Parameter>


<ExecutionDescriptor TYPE="PostLoad">
<Action TYPE="Java" PERCENT_PROGRESS="60">
<ValidIf DBTYPE="EBR"/>
<Parameter TYPE="String">%EDITION_NAME%</Parameter>

<Action TYPE="Java">
<Parameter TYPE="Connection"></Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="String">%SERVICE_TABLE_STRING%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="String">%PREFIX_NAME%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="String">%DB_HOSTNAME%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="String">%DB_SERVICE%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="String">%DB_PORTNUMBER%</Parameter>
<Action TYPE="Java">
<Parameter TYPE="Connection"></Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="String">%SERVICE_TABLE_STRING%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="String">%PREFIX_NAME%</Parameter>

Appendix C
RCU Configuration Files

<Parameter TYPE="String">%DB_HOSTNAME%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="String">%DB_PORTNUMBER%</Parameter>
<Parameter TYPE="String">%DATABASE_NAME%</Parameter>

<Error Type="ORA-17439">Invalid SQL type</Error>
<Error Type="ORA-01435">user does not exist</Error>
<Error Type="ORA-01435">user does not exist</Error>
<Error Type="ORA-00955">name is already used by an existing object</Error>
<Error Type="ORA-01031">name is already used by an existing object</Error>

<Error Type="ORA-02289">sequence does not exist</Error>
<Error Type="ORA-00904">invalid identifier</Error>
<Error Type="ORA-01920">user name conflicts with another user or role name</Error>
<Error Type="ORA-01418">specified index does not exist</Error>
<Error Type="ORA-00942">table or view does not exist</Error>
<Error Type="ORA-06512">Not found</Error>
<Error Type="ORA-01403">no data found</Error>
<Error Type="ORA-04043">does not exist</Error>
<Error Type="ORA-04080">Trigger does not exist</Error>
<Error Type="ORA-00959">Tablespace does not exist</Error>
<Error Type="ORA-24035">AQ agent not subscriber</Error>
<Error Type="ORA-24185">Transformation not found</Error>
<Error Type="ORA-24042">Does not exist</Error>
<Error Type="ORA-24088">Does not exist</Error>

Soft-Prerequisite Support
If a particular <DBPrerequisiteSet> or <DBPrerequisite> is not mandatory, then you can use
the soft-prerequisite option by setting the SOFT attribute to TRUE in the ComponentInfo.xml file

When a soft-prerequisite is not met, a pop-up dialog window with an error or warning
message appears; the user has the option to ignore the message or abort the operation. You
can define a soft-prerequisite at the <DBPrerequisiteSet> level, the <DBPrerequisite> level,
or both; if both are defined, then <DBPrerequisiteSet> takes higher precedence.

Below is an example of setting a soft-prerequisite at the <DBPrerequisite> level:

<PrereqIdentifier>select value from nls_database_parameters where parameter =
The database you are connecting is with non-AL32UTF8 character set.
Oracle strongly recommends using AL32UTF8 as the database character

Appendix C
RCU Script Writing Guidelines


Default Tablespaces Configuration File

The default tablespaces configuration file (Storage.xml) lists the components, for
which, tablespaces are created out-of-the-box. This file is located in the ORACLE_HOME/
oracle_common/rcu/config directory on UNIX operating systems or in the
ORACLE_HOME\oracle_common\rcu\config directory on Windows operating systems.

The actual tablespace configuration file for each component is located in the
directory on UNIX operating systems or in the
directory on Windows operating systems. Each component has its own tablespaces
configuration file.
Below is a sample opss_Storage.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<!-- OPSS START -->

<TablespaceAttributes NAME="IAS_OPSS">
<DatafileAttributes ID="%DATAFILE_LOCATION%/ias_opss.dbf">
<Size UNIT="MB">60</Size>
<!-- OPSS END -->

For RCU XML Configuration File Details, refer Table C-1 in Storage Attributes
Configuration File

RCU Script Writing Guidelines

Use these guidelines when writing RCU scripts.
Schema user names and passwords should not be hard coded. They should be coded
as substitutable variables.
• If schema user needs to be created, it should be created first by using the
parameters passed by RCU.
• Tablespace and temporary tablespace references should not be hard coded; they
should be coded as variables.
= <SCHEMA_OWNER> after you create the schema user.
• The set of ignorable and fatal ORA errors (if any) should be listed in the RCU XML
component configuration file.
• Avoid any shutdown or startup that would bounce the database instance.

Appendix C
RCU Script Writing Guidelines

• SCHEMA_VERSION_REGISTRY should be updated before and after loading schema.

This can be done by using JavaAction as shown in Java Code Using JavaAction or within
the component scripts by using the SCHEMA_VERSION PL/SQL package.
• Block comments that contain line comments (/* -- comment */) are not supported.
The following are the guidelines for RCU for various scripts:
• Guidelines for RCU JDBC Engine Compliant SQL*Plus Scripts
Use these guidelines for writing the RCU JDBC Engine SQL*Plus scripts.
• Guidelines for Pure JDBC Scripts
Use these guidelines for writing Pure JDBC scripts for RCU.
• Guidelines for SQL*Plus Scripts
Use these guidelines for writing SQL*Plus scripts for RCU.
• Guidelines for SQL Server-Based Scripts
Use these guidelines for writing SQL Server-based scripts for RCU.

Guidelines for RCU JDBC Engine Compliant SQL*Plus Scripts

Use these guidelines for writing the RCU JDBC Engine SQL*Plus scripts.
• All statements must be terminated with appropriate terminating chars. CREATE
PACKAGE, TYPE needs to be terminated with a ; (semicolon) with / (forward slash) on
the next line. All other statements (Create TABLE, VIEW, and so on.) need to be
terminated by either ; (semicolon) or / (froward slash).
• EXECUTE calls should be replaced with BEGIN/END blocks.
• DEFINE statements should be in one line, no comments in the same line and no ;
(semicolon) at the end.
• SET, SHOW, SPOOL, WHENEVER, BREAK, EXIT statements are ignored.
• HOST command is not supported yet.
• VARIABLE and COL(UMN) are not supported.

Dynamically calling another SQL Script within a PL/SQL block using the following
technique is not supported:
VARIABLE initfile VARCHAR2(32)
COLUMN :initfile NEW_VALUE init_file NOPRINT;
IF (some condition) THEN
:initfile := 'initcdc.sql';
:initfile := 'nothing.sql';

The work around is to have a separate Action with a ValidIf tag to specify the condition.

Appendix C
RCU Script Writing Guidelines

Guidelines for Pure JDBC Scripts

Use these guidelines for writing Pure JDBC scripts for RCU.
• Should not contain any SQL*Plus directives (like SET, WHENEVER, and so on.).
• All DEFINES should be changed to PL/SQL variable declarations.
• All SQL statements should be wrapped in EXECUTE IMMEDIATE.
• PL/SQL style comments are allowed, but SQL*Plus style (REM) comments are not
• DROP statements that preceds CREATE statements do not work. DROP should
only be done after checking for the existence of the object. Ideally, all DROP
statements should put into different PL/SQL script and RCU can call this script
before calling a CREATE script, if that is desired.
• Contents of the script file should be a valid PL/SQL block, which can be called
within Connection.prepareCall().

Guidelines for SQL*Plus Scripts

Use these guidelines for writing SQL*Plus scripts for RCU.
• Should not have any exit statements or WHENEVER ERROR EXIT directives.
This would cause RCU SQL*Plus session to exit unexpectedly and may impact
other component scripts to be executed later.
• Scripts should not have any spool commands. RCU would generate a spool log for
each component.

Guidelines for SQL Server-Based Scripts

Use these guidelines for writing SQL Server-based scripts for RCU.
• Support is a subset of what is supported in t-sql scripts that can be executed by
• ValidIf tags should be added around all database-specific Actions and
Prerequisites. For example:
<DBPrerequisite PREREQ_TYPE="TablespaceFreeMB" DATA_TYPE="NUMBER"

• RCU supports recursive variable definitions such as:

setvar var1 value1
setvar var2 $(var1)

• There should be a go statement to end blocks of statements. All statements that

precedes the go statement are executed as a single statement over JDBC.
• The JDBC connection is created in the auto-commit on mode.
• Currently, the begin transaction and commit transaction statements are not

Appendix C
RCU Script Writing Guidelines

• Variables passed to scripts through the XML file are passed as follows:
Script.sql –v v1=value1 v2=value2

This is only for scripts called by using the XML files. If a script calls another script, you
can use any other variable name.

Troubleshooting Repository Creation Utility
Review this information to help you understand and troubleshoot any errors or issues that
you encounter while you run the RCU.
• General Troubleshooting Tips
Use these tips to help troubleshoot any errors that you encounter during installation.
• RCU Log Files
When you run RCU to create or drop your schemas, the main RCU log file is written to
the /tmp/RCUdate_timestamp_random_number/logs directory on UNIX operating systems
or C:\Users\user_name\AppData\Local\Temp\RCUdate_timestamp_random_number\logs
directory on Windows operating systems, by default.
• RCU Fails to Connect with ORA-604 ORA-1882 Error Codes
Error codes ORA-604 and ORA-1882.
• SOAINFRA Schema Creation Fails on a Hardened Database
Use this workaround if the RCU schemas for SOAINFRA does not load successfully on an
Oracle hardened database.
• Troubleshooting Tips for Schema Creation on an Autonomous Transaction Processing
Use these tips to troubleshoot any errors you encounter during schema creation on an
Autonomous Transaction Processing database (both Oracle Autonomous Transaction
Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) and Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-Shared
• Known Limitation for Oracle WebCenter Sites ATP-S Migration
• Troubleshooting Database Configuration Error for Microsoft SQL Server
When running Repository Creation Utility (RCU) for Oracle Business Intelligence or
Oracle Analytics Server on a Microsoft SQL Server database, an SQL SERVER RCU
error can occur due to incorrect database configuration.
• Need More Help?
If this guide does not solve the problem that you encountered, try looking for a solution on
My Oracle Support (formerly Oracle MetaLink).

General Troubleshooting Tips

Use these tips to help troubleshoot any errors that you encounter during installation.
• See Install and Configure in the Release Notes for Oracle Fusion Middleware
Infrastructure for the latest updates and issues related to Oracle Fusion Middleware
product installation and configuration.
• Verify that your computer meets the requirements as specified in the Oracle Fusion
Middleware System Requirements and Specifications document.
Select the document that is applicable for your release.

Appendix D
RCU Log Files

• Verify that your environment meets the certification requirements for your release
and platform, as specified on the Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported System
Configurations page.
• Make sure that your database is up and running.
• If you entered incorrect information on one of the screens, use the navigation pane
on the left most side of the graphical interface to return to that screen.
• If an error occurred while running RCU:
1. Note the error and review the installation log files (see RCU Log Files).
2. Correct the issue that caused the error. Depending on the type of error, you
may either continue with your RCU operation, or you are forced to restart
3. Continue or restart RCU to complete your desired operation.

RCU Log Files

When you run RCU to create or drop your schemas, the main RCU log file is written to
the /tmp/RCUdate_timestamp_random_number/logs directory on UNIX operating
systems or
directory on Windows operating systems, by default.
For example, on a UNIX operating system:

Accessing RCU Log Files on Windows

On Windows operating systems, the AppData folder might be hidden. To be able to
navigate to the RCU log files on Windows, ensure that the AppData folder is visible:

1. From the Start menu, select Control Panel, then Appearance and
Personalization, and then Folder Options.
The Folder Options window appears.
2. Select the View tab.
3. Under Advanced settings, ensure that Show hidden files, folders, and drives is
selected and click OK.

RCU Component Log Files

In addition to the general log file, each component writes a log file of its own. All
component log files are also written to the same directory as the rcu.log file.

Table D-1 lists the component log file names in alphabetical order by log file name.

Table D-1 RCU Component Log File Names

Component Log File Name

Analytics activities.log
Business Intelligence Platform biplatform.log

Appendix D
RCU Fails to Connect with ORA-604 ORA-1882 Error Codes

Table D-1 (Cont.) RCU Component Log File Names

Component Log File Name

Oracle WebCenter Enterprise Capture capture.log
Oracle WebCenter Content Server — Complete content.log
Oracle WebCenter Content Server — Search Only contentsearch.log
Discussions discussions.log
EDQ Config Repository edq_conf.log
EDQ Results Repository edq_res.log
Oracle Enterprise Scheduler ess.log
Audit Services iau.log
Audit Services Append iau_append.log
Audit Services Viewer iau_viewer.log
Metadata Services mds.log
Managed File Transfer mft.log
Master and Work Repository odi.log
Monitor Server oggmon.log
Oracle GoldenGate Studio Repository oggstudio.log
Oracle Platform Security Services opss.log
Portlet Producers portlet.log
SOA Infrastructure soainfra.log
Common Infrastructure Services stb.log
User Messaging Service ucsums.log
Veridata Repository veridata.log
WebCenter Sites wcsites.log
WebCenter Sites — Visitor Services wcsitesvs.log
Portal and Services webcenter.log
WebLogic Services wls.log

RCU Fails to Connect with ORA-604 ORA-1882 Error Codes

Error codes ORA-604 and ORA-1882.
RCU fails to connect database with the following errors:
• ORA-604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
• ORA-1882: timezone region not found

Setting RCU_JAVA_OPTIONS before Invoking RCU

Set the below property and invoke RCU:

Appendix D
SOAINFRA Schema Creation Fails on a Hardened Database

RCU_JAVA_OPTIONS -Doracle.jdbc.timezoneAsRegion=false

SOAINFRA Schema Creation Fails on a Hardened

Use this workaround if the RCU schemas for SOAINFRA does not load successfully on
an Oracle hardened database.
In case of an Oracle hardened database, when the public grants are revoked for the
PL/SQL packages, the schema creation for SOAINFRA fails with the following error:
Received Non-Ignorable Error: ORA-04063: package body "XDB.DBMS_CSX_INT"
has errors

Grant the following permission to the user and run the Repository Creation Utility
(RCU) again to create the schemas for SOAINFRA.

Troubleshooting Tips for Schema Creation on an

Autonomous Transaction Processing Database
Use these tips to troubleshoot any errors you encounter during schema creation on an
Autonomous Transaction Processing database (both Oracle Autonomous Transaction
Processing-Dedicated (ATP-D) and Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-
Shared (ATP-S)).
• See Issues Pertaining to Product Installation and Configuration with Autonomous
Database in the Release Notes for Oracle Fusion Middleware Infrastructure for
issues related to installation and configuration for Oracle Fusion Middleware
products on an Autonomous Transaction Processing database.
• In the Database Connection Details screen, when you select the database user
role as Normal, the following warning is displayed:
Sysdba or dba privileges are required to load schema
You can click Ignore and continue with the schema creation.
• If you are creating schemas on an Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-
Dedicated (ATP-D) database, in the Map Tablespaces screen, if you receive any
tablespace creation error due to insufficient privileges or exceeding of maximum
number of DB_FILES, you can override the default and temporary tablespaces for
the selected components by selecting existing tablespaces from the drop-down list
in the Default Tablespace column and Temp Tablespace column.
For example, to override the default and temporary tablespaces, you can select
DATA from the drop-down list in the Default Tablespace column, and TEMP from
the drop-down list in the Temp Tablespace column.

Appendix D
Known Limitation for Oracle WebCenter Sites ATP-S Migration

If you are creating schemas on an Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing-
Shared (ATP-S) database, in the Map Tablespaces screen, you must override
the default and temporary tablespaces. See Map Tablespaces.

• During Oracle WebCenter Content schema creation, warnings are displayed in the
Summary screen.
You can click Ignore and continue with the schema creation.
Example warning messages:
ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
Statement: GRANT SELECT ON CTXSYS.DR$PENDING TO contentserver_role

ORA-01450: maximum key length (6398) exceeded

Statement: CREATE TABLE RunTimeConfigData

ORA-01450: maximum key length (6398) exceeded

STATEMENT Create table Subscription

where, /home/opc/idm and /home/opc/jrf are the ORACLE HOME locations.

• During Oracle Internet Directory schema creation, when the schemas are loading, the
warning ORA-28007: the password cannot be reused is displayed in the Summary
You can click Ignore and continue with the schema creation.
• During SOAINFRA schema creation, for Oracle Identity Management, the warning
ORA-24010: QUEUE DEV24_SOAINFRA.IP_IN_QUEUE does not exist is displayed in the
RCU logs. This warning does not have any functional impact and can be ignored.
• During schema creation of Oracle Enterprise Scheduler and Oracle Managed File
Transfer SOA products, in the Summary screen, the following warning "ORA-01031:
insufficient privileges" is displayed and the schema creation fails.
Add the create any job privilege to the ADMIN user, and restart the schema creation.
• During schema creation of Oracle Enterprise Scheduler and Oracle Managed File
Transfer SOA products, even after adding the create any job privilege, in the Summary
screen, the warning "ORA-01031: insufficient privileges" is displayed.
For ATP-D, you can apply the patch 31443286 and restart the schema creation., and for
ATP-S, you can apply the patch 33351665 and restart the schema creation.

Known Limitation for Oracle WebCenter Sites ATP-S Migration

For Oracle WebCenter Sites, you cannot install and configure FirstSiteII sample site, and
therefore, you cannot create new promotion assets, after you migrate an on-premises
database to an Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP-S) database.

Appendix D
Troubleshooting Database Configuration Error for Microsoft SQL Server

As there is no workaround available, you must exclude FirstSiteII during the


Troubleshooting Database Configuration Error for Microsoft

SQL Server
When running Repository Creation Utility (RCU) for Oracle Business Intelligence or
Oracle Analytics Server on a Microsoft SQL Server database, an SQL SERVER RCU
error can occur due to incorrect database configuration.
Perform the following steps to resolve the SQL SERVER RCU error:
1. Launch SQL Server Management Studio, use SQL Server Authentication and
log in as the schema owner (default "sa").
2. Create a new database.

You can also modify an existing repository database.

3. Set the collation to a case sensitive collation as follows:

For more information about how to check case-sensitivity in SQL Server, see How
to Check Case-Sensitivity in SQL Server.
4. Right-click on the database name.
5. Select New Query from the pop-up menu.
6. In the Query window, run the following commands on the database to ensure all
RCU database requirements are complete:

ALTER DATABASE database_name SET allow_snapshot_isolation ON

ALTER DATABASE database_name SET read_committed_snapshot ON

7. Run the Repository Creation Utility.

8. Verify the process is complete.

Need More Help?

If this guide does not solve the problem that you encountered, try looking for a solution
on My Oracle Support (formerly Oracle MetaLink).

If you are unable to find a solution for your problem, open a service request.


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