ES105B Dynamics of Rigid Bodies Module 4
ES105B Dynamics of Rigid Bodies Module 4
ES105B Dynamics of Rigid Bodies Module 4
Module No. 4
Table of Contents
Contents Page
Cover Page i
Title Page ii
Table of Contents iii
Instruction to Users iv
Introduction v
Chapter: 1
Title of the Chapter 1
Overview 1
Learning Outcomes 1
Time Allotment 1
Pre-Test 2
Introduction 3
Discussions 2
Activity 29
Post-test 30
References 31
Students Information 32
This material will be your mode of instruction for the rest of the semester
amidst of this trying time. It consists of pre-test, lesson proper, activities and post-
test to ensure that you can learn something.
This module discusses the study of dynamics, the part of mechanics that deals
with the analysis of bodies in motion. As a student enrolled in a distance learning
course, you have taken on a dual role—that of a student and a teacher. As a student,
you are responsible for mastering the lessons and completing the learning activities
and assignments. As a teacher, you are responsible for checking your work carefully,
noting areas in which you need to improve and motivating yourself to succeed. Taking
an independent study course is different from taking a course in a classroom. Instead
of relying on the teacher to tell you to complete a learning activity or an assignment,
you must tell yourself to be responsible for your learning and for meeting deadlines.
In this chapter the kinematics of particles will be considered. The use of
the word particles does not mean that our study will be restricted to small
corpuscles; rather, it indicates that in these first chapters the motion of bodies—
possibly as large as cars, rockets, or airplanes— will be considered without
regard to their size. By saying that the bodies are analyzed as particles, we mean
that only their motion as an entire unit will be considered; any rotation about
their own mass center will be neglected. There are cases, however, when such a
rotation is not negligible; the bodies cannot then be considered as particles.
Learning Outcomes:
After completing this chapter, you can:
Define the various rotational quantities and how they relate to the
corresponding translational analogue.
Apply Newton’s Law of Motion to rotational motion
Time Allotment:
2 Weeks
Direction: Answer the following problems and write your answer on the space provided
before the number. Use additional separate sheet for your solutions.
_____1. Velocity tells us how the position of something is changing while acceleration
tells us how the _________is changing.
a)direction c)velocity
b)distance d)time
_____5. The term deceleration is sometimes used to refer to a when the speed of the
particle (i.e., the magnitude of v) decreases; the particle is then moving more slowly.
a) speed decreases c)particle moves slowly
b) negative gravity d)All of the above
_____7. The motion of a particle is known if position is known for all time t.
In rigid body dynamics we have two types of motion: translational and rotational, plus
a third which is a combination of the two.
Parabolic Trajectory
So far, we have only considered translational motion. This chapter shows us how to include
rotation into the dynamics.
Pure Rotation
Rotation about a fixed axis
Pure rotation occurs when a body rotates about a fixed non-moving axis. The following
figure illustrates fixed-axis rotation.
Rotational Kinematics:
The rotational analogues of displacement (𝑥: 𝜃), velocity (𝑣: 𝜔), and acceleration (𝑎: 𝛼 ).
Counterclockwise (ccw): +
Clockwise (cw): −
𝜶 has same sign as 𝝎 if 𝝎 is
𝜶 has opposite sign as 𝝎 if 𝝎 is
A small dot is painted on the edge of a magnetic computer disk with radius 4.0 cm.
Starting from rest, the disk accelerates at 600 rads –2
for 0.5 s, then coasts at a steady angular velocity for another 0.5 s.
The strategy here is to replace each symmetric object with a point mass at its center of mass.
In addition to translational acceleration, a force can cause angular acceleration. The
ability of a force to cause something to rotate is called a torque 𝝉.
Compute the moment of inertia of a thin rod of mass M and length L about an axis through its
center of mass, using the fact that the moment of inertia about its end is:
A “T” is made up of two identical thin rods, as shown, each of mass M and length L. What is
the moment of inertia of the “T” about an axis at its base parallel to its top?
A wheel of mass M = 5.0 kg and radius r = 0.050 m has an axis of rotation located d = r/2 from
the center. A vertical tension T = 100 N is exerted at the rim of the wheel, as shown. A pin
holding the wheel in place is removed at t = 0. Find α the instant after the pin is removed.
Model the wheel as a uniform disc. Gravity exerts a torque because the axis is off-center.
Visualize: Diagram shows the forces, distances from axis, etc.
A mass m = 1.0 kg hangs on a massless string wrapped around
a cylinder of mass M = 2.0 kg, radius R = 2.0 cm. The cylinder
rotates without friction on a horizontal axis through its axis of
symmetry. What is the acceleration of m?
Visualize: For M, the normal force exerted by the axle, n, exactly balances Mg + T, and M has
no linear acceleration.
Rigid-body equilibrium
In engineering design, the concept of equilibrium is critical. For a bridge not to be in
We shall limit ourselves to problems in which all forces lie in the x-y plane, and all
torques are about axes perpendicular to the x-y plane (i.e., in the z-direction).
⇒three equations, one each for 𝐹𝑥 , 𝐹𝑦 , 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝜏.
1. Key: All masses are on the verge of tipping. Thus, the normal force 𝑚𝑖 exerts on 𝑚𝑖+1 right
below it is applied right at the edge of 𝑚𝑖+1 . So to
start, we can deduce that 𝑚𝑖 can balance as much as
𝑑1 = 2 over the edge of 𝑚2 .
where ∆𝑬𝒔𝒚𝒔 is the change in the total energy of the system, ∆U is the change in
potential energy of the system, ∆𝑬𝒕𝒉 is the change in thermal energy, and 𝑾𝒆𝒙𝒕 is the
work done by all forces external to the system.
A solid sphere, a solid cylinder, and a hoop (hollow cylinder) roll down an incline. If each have
the same mass and radius, which gets to the bottom first?
Direction: Answer the following problem as directed. Write your answer in a sheet of yellow
solving, take a picture/scan your module, convert to PDF and upload to
*Note: If camera resolution is low, take a picture of the Solution Paper by parts for a clearer
image upload.
**Note: This format can also be done handwritten. paper. Provide another sheet if necessary.
1. Watch the video presentation and solve the problem below.
2. Where is the center of mass for the system of three masses shown? (Show your
center of mass formula: 𝑥𝑐𝑚 = ∑𝑁
𝑖=1 𝑥𝑖 𝑚𝑖
Post Test
Direction: Answer the following problem as directed. Write your answer in a sheet of yellow
solving, take a picture/scan your module, convert to PDF and upload to
*Note: If camera resolution is low, take a picture of the Solution Paper by parts for a clearer
image upload.
**Note: This format can also be done handwritten. paper. Provide another sheet if necessary.
2. The wheel of an automobile revolves at the rate of 700 revolutions per minute. How
fast does it move, in km per hr., if the radius of its wheel is 250 mm?
3. Using a constant angular acceleration, a water turbine is brought to its normal
operating speed of 180 rev/min in 6 minutes. How many complete revolutions did the turbine
make in coming to normal speed?
4. A horizontal platform 6 m in diameter revolves so that a point on its rim moves 6.28
m/s. Find its angular speed in rpm.
5. A horizontal platform with a diameter of 6m revolves about its center at 20 rev/min.
Find the tangential speed in m/s of a point at the edge of the platform.
6. A flywheel rotating at 500 rev/min decelerates uniformly at 2 rad/sec2 . How many
seconds will it take for the flywheel to stop?
Beer and Johnston. Vector Mechanics for Engineers: Dynamics. 7th SI ed.
Student’s Information
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