Compendium Vol. 3 - Austenitic and Martensitic SS - BARC Ext Report

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Suneel K. Gupta, Keshav Mohta, P. K. Singh, Punit Arora,
M. K. Samal, Ather Syed and J. Chattopadhyay
Reactor Safety Division




Suneel K. Gupta*, Keshav Mohta, P. K. Singh, Punit Arora,
M. K. Samal, Ather Syed and J. Chattopadhyay
[email protected]*
Reactor Safety Division




(as per IS : 9400 - 1980)

01 Security classification : Unclassified

02 Distribution : External

03 Report status : New

04 Series : BARC External

05 Report type : Technical Report

06 Report No. : BARC/2021/E/021

07 Part No. or Volume No. :

08 Contract No. :

10 Title and subtitle : Compendium of Indian NPP material properties generated by RSD,
BARC: Volume III–Version 1 - austenitic and martensitic stainless

11 Collation : 83 p., 62 figs., 37 tabs.

13 Project No. :

20 Personal author(s) : Suneel K. Gupta, Keshav Mohta, P.K. Singh, Punit Arora, M.K. Samal,
Ather Syed, J. Chattopadhyay

21 Affiliation of author(s) : Reactor Safety Division, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai

22 Corporate author(s) : Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai - 400 085

23 Originating unit : Reactor Safety Division,

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai

24 Sponsor(s) Name : Department of Atomic Energy

Type : Government


30 Date of submission : September 2021

31 Publication/Issue date : October 2021

40 Publisher/Distributor : Head, Scientific Information Resource Division,

Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai

42 Form of distribution : Hard copy

50 Language of text : English

51 Language of summary : English

52 No. of references : 15 refs.

53 Gives data on :
Abstract : Austenitic and martensitic stainless steels find various applications in Indian nuclear
reactors. Material properties such as tensile properties, creep deformation and stress-rupture
behaviours, fatigue-fracture properties of several austenitic and martensitic stainless steels, used
in Indian NPPs have been evaluated by RSD, BARC over a period of time for various
requirements. These are compiled in the present volume that covers the following materials:
(i) SS304L - High temperature tensile and creep-stress rupture properties of both base and
weld material; fracture properties of base material; (ii) SS304LN - Tensile, fatigue, fracture
and Fatigue Crack Growth Rate (FCGR) properties of both base and weld materials;
(iii) SS403 - Tensile, fatigue, fracture, FCGR and impact properties; (iv) SS316LN - Tensile



71 INIS Subject Category : S36

99 Supplementary elements :
Suneel K. Gupta*, Keshav Mohta, P. K. Singh, Punit Arora, M. K. Samal, Ather Syed and
J. Chattopadhyay
Reactor Safety Division
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai-400085, India
[email protected]*


Austenitic and martensitic stainless steels find various applications in Indian nuclear
reactors. Material properties such as tensile properties, creep deformation and stress-
rupture behaviours, fatigue-fracture properties of several austenitic and martensitic
stainless steels, used in Indian NPPs have been evaluated by RSD, BARC over a period of
time for various requirements. These are compiled in the present volume that covers the
following materials:

• SS304L - High temperature tensile and creep-stress rupture properties of

both base and weld material; fracture properties of base materia

• SS304LN - Tensile, fatigue, fracture and Fatigue Crack Growth Rate (FCGR)
properties of both base and weld materials

• SS403 - Tensile, fatigue, fracture, FCGR and impact properties

• SS316LN - Tensile properties

1. INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... ..... 1
2. USE IN NUCLEAR APPLICATION ..................................................................... ........ 1
2.1. SS304L Austenitic Stainless Steel ......................................................................... ......... 1
2.2. SS304LN Austenitic Stainless Steel ............................................................................... 1
2.3. SS403 Martensitic Stainless Steel (Modified) ................................................................ 1
2.4. SS316LN Austenitic Stainless Steel ............................................................................... 1
3. SS304L AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL ........................................................ ........ 1
3.1. Composition, Fabrication Route and Form of Material ................................................. . 1
3.2. Microstructure, Grain Size and Distribution ............................................................ ....... 2
3.3. Mechanical Properties .................................................................................................... . 2
3.3.1. Specimen and Test Details ...................................................................................... ........ 2
3.3.2. Yield Strength, Ultimate Strength, Uniform Elongation and Strain at Rupture ....... ...... 3
3.4. Engineering Stress-Strain Curves .................................................................................. . 3
3.5. Fatigue Properties ......................................................................................................... . 7
3.6. Creep- Stress Rupture Properties ................................................................................... . 7
3.6.1. Specimen and Test Details ..................................................................................... ......... 7
3.6.2. Creep Curves and Creep Rate Curves .................................................................... ........ 8
3.6.3. Creep-Stress Rupture Test Results - Minimum Creep Rate, Rupture Time .............. ...... 11
3.6.4. Norton Bailey Correlation ..................................................................................... ......... 13
3.6.5. Monkman Grant Correlation ............................................................................... .......... 14
3.6.6. Larson- Miller Parameter (LMP) Correlation ....................................................... ........ 14
3.7. SS304L Weld Material Properties ............................................................................... ... 15
3.7.1. Mechanical Properties ......................................................................................... ........... 15
3.7.2. Creep- Stress Rupture Properties ......................................................................... .......... 20
3.8. Fracture Toughness Data for SS304L ......................................................................... .... 25
4. SS304LN AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL .................................................. ........... 32
4.1. Composition, Fabrication Route, Type of Weld and Form of Material .......................... 32
4.2. Microstructure, Grain Size and Distribution .............................................................. ..... 33
4.3. Mechanical Properties (YS, UTS and Ductility) ....................................................... ..... 33
4.3.1. Specimen and Test Details ................................................................................. ............. 33
4.3.2. Yield Strength, Ultimate Strength, Uniform Elongation and Strain at Rupture ... .......... 34
4.4. Engineering Stress-Strain Curves .............................................................................. ..... 34
4.5. Fatigue Properties ......................................................................................................... . 36
4.5.1. Specimen and Test Details .................................................................................... .......... 36
4.5.2. Fatigue Life S-N Curve ......................................................................................... .......... 37
4.6. Fracture Properties ....................................................................................................... .. 37
4.6.1. Specimen and Test Details ..................................................................................... .......... 37
4.6.2. Fracture Properties and Data: J- R Curve .................................................................... . 38
4.6.3. Fracture Properties and Data: Initiation Fracture Toughness ..................................... . 39
4.7.2. Paris Law Constants ............................................................................................ ........... 41
4.7.3. Effect of Reactor Water Environment on Crack Growth ............................................... . 42
4.7.4. Cyclic J-R Curve ................................................................................................... .......... 44
4.8. Mechanical Properties Evaluated Using a Non-Standard Method ................................. 45
4.8.1. Ball Indentation ..................................................................................................... ......... 45
5. MSS403 (MODIFIED) MARTENSITIC STAINLESS STEEL ................................... 47
5.1. Composition, Fabrication Route and Form of Material ................................................. . 47
5.2. Microstructure, Grain Size and Distribution ................................................................. .. 48
5.3. Mechanical properties (YS, UTS and Ductility) ............................................................. 49
5.3.1. Specimen and Test Details ..................................................................................... ......... 49
5.3.2. Yield Strength, Ultimate Strength, Uniform Elongation and Strain at Rupture ...... ....... 49
5.4. Fatigue Properties ........................................................................................................ .. 50
5.4.1. Specimen and Test Details .................................................................................... .......... 50
5.4.2. Low Cycle Fatigue Test Results ............................................................................. ......... 51
5.5. Fracture Properties ......................................................................................................... . 54
5.5.1. Specimen and Test Details for Evaluation of Fracture Toughness ............................. ... 54
5.5.2. Fracture Toughness Test Results.............................................................................. ....... 54
5.6. Fatigue Crack Growth Rate (FCGR) Properties .............................................................. 56
5.6.1. Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Data............................................................................. ....... 56
5.6.2. Paris Law Constants................................................................................................ ........ 57
5.7. Charpy Impact Properties ................................................................................................ 58
5.7.1. Specimen and Test Details ...................................................................................... ........ 58
5.7.2. Charpy Impact Energy Variation with Temperature .................................................... .. 59
6. SS316LN AUSTENITIC STAINLESS STEEL ............................................................ . 61
6.1. Composition, Fabrication Route and Form of Material ................................................. . 61
6.2. Mechanical Properties ................................................................................................... .. 61
6.2.1. Specimen and Test Details ....................................................................................... ....... 61
6.2.2. YS, UTS and Ductility of SS316LN at Different Temperatures .................................... .. 62
6.3. Stress- Strain Curves ....................................................................................................... 62
7. CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................... ......... 68
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................ ......... 68
REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................... 69
List of Figures
Fig. No. Title Page
Fig.3.1 Microstructure of SS304L 2
Fig.3.2 Tensile test specimen 2
Fig.3.3 Engineering stress-strain curves at different temperatures 4
Fig.3.4 Creep- stress rupture test specimen 8
Fig.3.5 Creep curves at: (a) 550°C, (b) 700°C, (c) 850°C, (d) 975°C and 10
(e) 1100°C
Fig.3.6 Representative creep rate curves at (a) 550, 700, 850°C, (b) 975, 11
Fig.3.7 Monkman-Grant relationship for SS304L 14
Fig.3.8 Larsen Miller Parameter (LMP) Vs Stress curve for SS304L 15
Fig.3.9 Tensile specimen of SS304L weld material 16
Fig.3.10 Engineering stress-strain curves of SS304L 17
Fig.3.11 Creep- stress rupture test specimen of SS304L weld material 20
Fig.3.12 Creep curves of SS304L weld material at: (a) 700°C,(b) 850°C 22
and (c) 975°C
Fig.3.13 Representative creep rate curves of SS304L weld material 22
Fig.3.14 Monkman-Grant relationship for SS304L weld material 24
Fig.3.15 Larsen Miller Parameter (LMP) Vs Stress curve for SS304L 25
weld material
Fig.3.16 (a) Geometry of Compact Tension C(T) specimen (a=12.5 mm, 25
W = 25 mm, B = 6 mm); (b) Photograph of C(T) specimen after
test at 800°C; (c) Fracture surface of C(T) specimen showing
ductile crack growth on the fracture surface.
Fig.3.17 Load-displacement curve of the 0.5T C(T) specimen of SS304L 26
material tested at 25°C (room temperature)
Fig.3.18 Load-displacement curve of the 0.5T C(T) specimen of SS304L 26
material tested at 600°C
Fig.3.19 Load-displacement curve of the 0.5T C(T) specimen of SS304L 27
material tested at 700°C
Fig.3.20 Load-displacement curve of the 0.5T C(T) specimen of SS304L 27
material tested at 800°C
Fig.3.21 J-R curves of the 0.5T C(T) specimen of SS304L material tested 28
at different temperatures ranging from 25°C (room temperature)
to 800°C
Fig.4.1 Optical microstructure of base metal from (a) 150 NB and 33
(b) 300 NB pipe
Fig.4.2 Locations of tensile specimens from base and weld metals 33
Fig.4.3 Round LCF Specimen 37
Fig.4.4 Fatigue S-N curve for 304LN base and weld metal 37
Fig.4.5 Load and load line displacement using CT (a) 20 mm thick 38
specimens of 300 NB pipe, (b) 8 mm thick specimens of
150 NB pipe
Fig.4.6 J-R Curves for 300 NB pipe base and weld metals at (a) 27°C 39
(B-6 refer to base 6 inch pipe, B-12 refer to base 12 inch pipe)
(b) 285°C
Fig.4.7 FCGR for 300 NB pipe (a) base metal, (b) weld metal for load 40
ratio, R = 0.1, 0.3 and 0.6
Fig.4.8 FCGR with respect to Keff for 300 NB pipe (a) base metal, 41
(b) weld metal for load ratio, R = 0.1, 0.3 and 0.6
Fig.4.9 FCGR of base and weld metals 41
Fig.4.10 CT Specimen and its orientation with respect to the pipe axis 42
Fig.4.11 Typical Trapezoidal and sine waveform used in FCGR test in 43
water environment
Fig.4.12 FCGR at different level of dissolved oxygen and different wave 44
forms at 300°C
Fig.4.13 Cyclic Load-Load Line Displacement curve at R= 0.1 and 44
ΔV=0.1 mm for (a) base metal, (b) weld metal
Fig.4.14 Typical Load and indentation depth curve 45
Fig.4.15 Yield strength from ball indentation tests and its comparison 46
with conventional tests
Fig.4.16 Ultimate Tensile Strength from ball indentation tests and its 47
comparison with conventional tests
Fig.5.1 Schematic of specimen extraction from the supplied 403 bar for 48
various tests
Fig.5.2 Microstructure of MSS403 48
Fig.5.3 Tensile test specimen 49
Fig.5.4 Low cycle fatiguetest specimen 51
Fig.5.5 LCF stress-strain hysteresis loops 53
Fig.5.6 CT specimen details 54
Fig.5.7 Variation of fracture toughness (KQ) with temperature 56
Fig.5.8 Different orientations for CT specimens 57
Fig.5.9 Comparison of FCGR behaviour using ΔK decreasing and 58
constant ΔP methods for (a) LC and (b) CR orientation
Fig.5.10 Impact test specimen 58
Fig.5.11 Variation of Charpy impact energy with temperature 60
Fig.6.1 Geometrical dimensions of the 4 mm diameter smooth tensile 61
Fig.6.2 Fractograph of smooth tensile specimen of SS316LN tested at 62
room temperatures showing enlargement of ductile voids and
their coalescence.
Fig.6.3 Load-displacement data of SS316LN stainless steel smooth 63
tensile spcimens of 4 mm diameter tested at 25°C (room
temperature) and 650°C.
Fig.6.4 Engineering stess-strain curves of SS316LN stainless steel 63
tested at 25oC (room temperature) and 650°C.
Fig.6.5 True stess-strain curves of SS316LN stainless steel tested at 64
25°C (room temperature) and 650°C.
List of Tables
Table No. Title Page
Table.3.1 SS304L chemical composition (%) 2
Table.3.2 Average tensile properties of SS304L 3
Table.3.3A Digital data of engineering stress-strain curves (25°C- 5
Table.3.3B Digital data of engineering stress-strain curves (425°C- 6
Table.3.3C Digital data of engineering stress-strain curves (850°C- 7
Table.3.4 Test matrix for creep- stress rupture test of SS304L 7
Table.3.5 Creep- stress rupture test results 12
Table.3.6 Norton-Bailey equation* parameters for SS304L 13
Table.3.7 Average tensile properties of SS304L weld material 16
Table.3.8A Engineering stress-strain curves (25°C- 300°C) of SS304L 18
Table.3.8B Engineering stress-strain curves (425°C- 700°C) of SS304L 19
Table.3.8C Engineering stress-strain curves (850°C- 1100°C) of 20
SS304L weld
Table.3.9 Temperature and stress values for creep- stress rupture test 20
Table.3.10 Creep- stress rupture test results of SS304L weld material 23
Table.3.11 Norton-Bailey equation* parameters for SS304L weld 24
Table.3.12 Load-displacement data of 0.5T C(T) specimen of SS304L 29
material tested at 25°C and 600°C
Table.3.13 Load-displacement data of 0.5T C(T) specimen of SS304L 30
material tested at 700°C and 800°C
Table.3.14 J-R curve data of 0.5T C(T) specimen of SS304L material 31
tested at temperatures 25°C, 400°C and 600°C
Table.3.16 J-R curve data of 0.5T C(T) specimen of SS304L material 31
tested at temperatures of 70°C and 800°C
Table.4.1 SS304LN (both base and weld) chemical composition (%) 32
Table.4.2 Welding consumables, process and parameters 32
Table.4.3 Tensile properties of SS304LN base and weld metal 34
Table.4.4 Stress-strain curves of SS304LN base and weld metal 35
Table.4.5 Initiation fracture toughness values 39
Table.4.6 Paris power law constants of base and weld materials 42
(da/dN in m/cycle and K in MPa√m)
Table.5.1 MSS403 (mod.) chemical composition (%) 47
Table.5.2 Tensile properties of MSS403 50
Table.5.3 Low cycle fatigue test results- MSS403 51
Table.5.4 Fracture toughness test results- MSS403 55
Table.5.5 FCGR data of MSS403 56
Table.5.6 Charpy Energy data and lateral expansion of specimen: 59
Table.5.7 Equation parameters: Charpy energy with temperature 61
Table.6.1 Chemical composition of SS316LN tested for evaluation of 61
mechanical properties
Table.6.2 Mechanical properties of SS316LN at room temperature 62
and 650ºC
Table.6.3 Load-displacement data from tensile tests conducted at 64
25°C and 650°C respectively using smooth tensile
Table.6.4 Engineering and True stress-strain data as obtained from 66
tensile test conducted at 25°C
Table.6.5 Engineering and True stress-strain data as obtained from 67
tensile test conducted at 650°C
Present volume covers mechanical, fatigue and fracture properties of Austenitic and
Martensitic Stainless Steels grades which are used for Nuclear Piping, Vessels and End-
fitting. These materials find applications in Indian reactors and nuclear power plants as
material of pressure boundaries or vessel housing the reactor core. Although some of the
material properties of similar grade of stainless steel are available in the literature, it is
important to generate such properties from materials which are sourced from actual nuclear
components where these materials are used. Additionally, the available literature data may
not cater to all the requirements, especially properties at high temperatures for severe
accident analysis of NPPs. The main objective of the present work was to generate material
properties of auestinitic and martensitic SS (both base and weld for some grades) which are
actually used in Indian NPPs. The properties furnished here may be used for purposes such as
root cause analyses, structural integrity assessment, remaining life estimation and life
extension etc wherein knowledge of material properties such as tensile, creep, stress-rupture,
fatigue, FCG, fracture etc. of actual grade of material are required for realistic structurual
safety analysis.


2.1. SS304L Austenitic Stainless Steel
This material is used for fabrication of Calandria vessel assembly including main shell, sub
shell, annular plates, tubeheets, diaphragms, flanges and shells in end shield.

2.2. SS304LN Austenitic Stainless Steel

This is a proposed material for AHWR Main Heat Transport (MHT) pipings.

2.3. SS403 Martensitic Stainless Steel (Modified)

This material is used for fabrication of end fittings of coolant channel assembly of Indian
PHWRs. This is also a proposed material for the Top and bottom end fittings of AHWR.

2.4. SS316LN austenitic Stainless Steel

This material is used in construction of PFBR vessel.


This material is used for fabrication of Calandria vessel assembly including main shell, sub
shell, annular plates, tubeheets, diaphragms, flanges and shells in end shield. It may also find
use in other pressure vessel/ piping applications. Tensile and creep- stress rupture properties
of both base and weld materials of SS304L, sourced from Indian PHWR components, are
evaluated here.

3.1. Composition, Fabrication Route and Form of Material

Solution annealed SS304L material plate was sourced from NPCIL. This plate was from the same lot
that was used for the fabrication of Calandria in few Indian PHWRs. The chemical composition of the
material is furnished in (Table.3.1).

Table.3.1. SS304L chemical composition (%)

Carbon Manganese Phosphorus Sulfur Silicon Chromium Nickel Iron

0.018 1.54 0.025 0.0035 0.41 18.25 9.28 69.7

3.2. Microstructure, Grain Size and Distribution

The micrographs of as received SS304L base material is shown in (Fig.3.1). The average
grain size calculated as per line intersection method was found to be 26.5 μm with a standard
deviation of 2.36 μm.

Fig.3.1. Microstructure of SS304L

3.3. Mechanical Properties

3.3.1. Specimen and Test Details
Tensile tests were carried out as per ASTM E8/E8M-16a [1] in an electro-mechanical test
system of 100 kN maximum loading capacity fitted with a resistance furnace. In high-
temperature tests, the heating was done using a three-zone temperature controller. Test
temperature was maintained within ±2°C of the set temperature. Load, position and axial
strain were measured during the test. A high-temperature extensometer of 12.5 mm gauge
length and +100% travel was used for measuring strain. The tests were conducted under
position-controlled conditions with a specified displacement rate of 0.3 mm/ minute which
roughly results in a strain rate of 0.0001 m/m-sec. Round specimens, as depicted in (Fig.3.2),
were machined from the plate.

Fig.3.2. Tensile test specimen

3.3.2. Yield Strength, Ultimate Strength, Uniform Elongation and Strain at Rupture
The mean value of the strength and ductility properties of SS304L- yield strength, ultimate
tensile strength (σUTS), uniform elongation (%), strain at fracture (%) and reduction in
area (%) are furnished in (Table.3.2). The value of Young’s modulus has been sourced from
[2 & 3] which may be referred for more details.

Table.3.2. Average tensile properties of SS304L

Young’s Uniform %
Temperature No of σYS σUTS at
SN Modulus elongation Reduction
(°C) tests (MPa) (MPa) fracture
(GPa) (%) in area
1 25 1 195.0 264.0 642.3 67.8 80.5 81.5
2 170 3 184.8 179.3 473.1 35.9 50.4 79.9
3 300 2 176.0 141.0 453.2 34.3 45.0 76.7
4 425 3 167.0 139.8 436.2 35.1 45.1 75.2
5 550 7 156.0 130.1 395.9 32.0 43.8 71.8
6 700 3 140.0 115.0 226.0 22.3 69.7 72.1
7 850 6 121.0 75.1 91.9 14.4 86.2 89.7
8 970 5 105.5 32.2 40.4 14.0 81.6 66.2
9 1100 5 87.5 17.9 21.6 10.6 86.7 65.0

3.4. Engineering Stress-Strain Curves

Engineering stress-strain curves at different temperatures are plotted in (Fig.3.3(a)&(b)).
Significant serrations in the tensile curve were observed between yield and ultimate tensile
stress at 550°C. Digital data from representative engineering stress-strain curves at different
temperature up to 1100°C has been furnished up to uniform elongation in (Table.3.3A-C).


600 25˚C

Stress (MPa)
(a) 300

100 550˚C
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Strain (%)


Stress (MPa)

150 850˚C

(b) 100 970˚C


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Strain (%)

Fig.3.3 (a) and (b). Engineering stress-strain curves at different temperatures

Table.3.3A. Digital data of engineering stress-strain curves(25°C- 300°C)

Temperature: 25°C Temperature:170°C Temperature:300°C

Plastic Stress Plastic Stress Stress
Strain (%) (MPa) Strain (%) (MPa) (MPa)
0.20 264.25 0.20 180.08 0.20 159.97
0.21 265.08 0.24 186.69 0.48 179.44
0.29 273.50 0.55 197.51 1.34 205.01
0.38 279.69 0.78 205.75 1.41 207.33
0.47 286.37 1.83 232.06 2.23 227.24
0.59 290.92 2.74 250.70 3.32 249.12
1.47 319.65 3.57 267.54 3.41 251.50
2.25 339.06 4.40 282.39 4.20 265.83
3.03 354.45 5.21 295.90 5.10 284.36
3.80 367.18 6.07 308.85 5.37 284.92
4.57 381.09 6.75 320.51 6.03 298.24
5.31 392.91 6.85 320.47 7.13 313.96
6.06 403.74 7.65 332.31 7.33 316.10
6.80 414.09 8.45 342.97 9.28 342.31
7.55 424.95 9.25 353.17 11.26 363.81
8.29 435.14 9.39 353.55 13.27 382.53
8.92 444.86 10.12 362.12 15.36 399.40
14.67 505.43 10.93 370.76 17.44 412.75
20.56 547.73 12.01 381.78 19.62 424.16
26.64 577.75 14.70 404.52 21.85 433.57
32.90 599.64 17.59 423.04 24.30 441.20
39.40 615.97 20.59 437.54 26.73 446.59
46.28 627.29 23.68 448.64 29.67 450.75
53.68 635.82 26.96 456.34 34.15 453.44
62.16 640.52 30.58 461.47
67.49 641.59 34.55 464.08
68.73 641.70 37.24 464.54

Table.3.3B. Digital data of engineering stress-strain curves (425°C- 700°C)

Temperature: 425°C Temperature:550°C Temperature:700°C

Plastic Stress Plastic Stress Plastic Stress
Strain (%) (MPa) Strain (%) (MPa) Strain (%) (MPa)
0.20 145.00 0.20 136.22 0.20 119.39
0.55 169.17 0.25 151.93 0.63 136.76
1.27 193.07 1.04 173.60 1.13 149.91
1.38 194.93 1.10 175.79 1.22 152.23
2.20 214.42 1.91 194.26 1.64 160.63
3.16 236.15 2.85 213.17 2.23 171.37
3.31 238.33 2.89 215.41 2.98 182.18
4.03 253.52 3.44 230.14 3.15 184.34
4.96 270.81 4.64 246.55 3.77 192.87
5.15 272.47 4.77 248.59 4.83 200.51
5.92 285.10 5.49 262.65 5.21 202.69
6.89 300.32 6.35 277.62 7.31 215.58
7.07 302.36 6.79 278.30 9.43 224.84
8.93 327.15 7.08 290.99 11.60 230.06
10.84 349.29 8.17 305.12 13.82 235.18
12.81 368.22 8.64 307.37 16.04 237.06
14.78 383.31 10.34 327.00 18.35 240.86
16.74 397.36 12.22 339.86 20.67 240.29
18.78 409.52 14.55 359.77 23.11 240.14
20.90 418.77 15.91 367.57
23.10 426.95 18.81 375.15
25.43 433.55 21.17 385.19
27.87 438.77 23.24 388.87
30.79 441.99 25.56 393.84
34.79 444.19 28.31 397.31
31.06 398.07
31.33 403.21

Table.3.3C. Digital data of engineering stress-strain curves (850°C- 1100°C)

Temperature: 850°C Temperature: 970°C Temperature:1100°C

Plastic Stress Plastic Stress Plastic Stress
Strain (%) (MPa) Strain (%) (MPa) Strain (%) (MPa)
0.20 81.08 0.20 35.07 0.20 19.03
0.27 81.16 1.16 36.98 1.66 20.03
0.33 82.16 2.95 38.18 3.19 20.62
0.45 83.22 4.85 39.34 4.67 21.00
0.55 84.46 8.55 40.46 6.22 21.11
2.25 87.74 10.34 40.89 7.78 21.31
5.19 91.47 12.24 41.00 8.57 21.60
8.17 93.07 9.36 21.33
11.36 93.74
14.53 93.77
17.77 93.72

3.5. Fatigue Properties

Fatigue tests were not performed for SS304L material separately. However, its fatigue
properties are not deemed to be much different from SS304 and SS304LN provided in
Section 4.5.2.

3.6. Creep- Stress Rupture Properties

3.6.1. Specimen and Test Details
Constant load creep- stress rupture tests were carried out as per ASTM E139-11(2018) [4] at
550, 700, 850, 970 and 1100°C at specified stress levels given in (Table.3.4). Round
cylindrical specimens, as shown in (Fig.3.4), were machined from the SS304L plate.

Table.3.4. Test matrix for creep- stress rupture test of SS304L

SN Temperature (°C) Stress levels (MPa)

1 550 369, 295, 225
2 700 200, 147, 108, 82
3 850 63, 44, 31, 23
4 975 35, 24, 16, 11
5 1100 14, 9, 6, 4

Fig.3.4. Creep- stress rupture test specimen

3.6.2. Creep Curves and Creep Rate Curves

Accumulated creep strain with time is shown in (Fig.3.5(a)-(e)). Creep rate curve from a
representative test at each temperature- stress level combination has been shown in
(Fig.3.6(a)&(b)). Please refer [2,3 & 5] for more details.

369MPa_1 295MPa_1 295MPa_2 225MPa_1

0.09 550°C
Creep strain (abs.)

1 10 100 1000 10000
Time (h)

200MPa_1 200MPa_2 200MPa_3
147MPa_1 147MPa_2 147MPa_3
0.45 108MPa_1 108MPa_2 108MPa_3
0.35 700°C
Creep strain (abs.)

0.1 1 10 100 1000
Time (h)

89MPa_1 89MPa_2 89MPa_3

63MPa_1 63MPa_2 23MPa_1
0.45 44MPa_1 44MPa_2 44MPa_3
31MPa_1 31MPa_2 31MPa_3
Creep strain (abs.)

0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Time (h)

35MPa_2 35MPa_3 24MPa_2 24MPa_3
16MPa_1 16MPa_2 16MPa_3 11MPa_1
11MPa_2 11MPa_3
0.40 975°C
Creep strain (abs.)

(d) 0.25
1 10 100
Time (h)

14MPa_1 14MPa_2 14MPa_3

9MPa_1 9MPa_2 9MPa_3
6MPa_1 6MPa_2 6MPa_3
0.45 4MPa_1 4MPa_2 4MPa_3
Creep strain (abs.)

0.40 1100°C
(e) 0.25
1 10 100 1,000
Time (h)

Fig.3.5. Creep curves at: (a) 550°C, (b) 700°C, (c) 850°C, (d) 975°C and (e) 1100°C

550°C_295MPa 550°C_225MPa 700°C_200MPa 700°C_147MPa
700°C_108MPa 700°C_82MPa 850°C_63MPa 850°C_44MPa
850°C_31MPa 850°C_23MPa


Creep rate (abs./h)

(a) 0.001



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Normalized time (t/trupture)

975°C_35MPa 975°C_24MPa 975°C_16MPa 975°C_11MPa

1100°C_14MPa 1100°C_9MPa 1100°C_6MPa 1100°C_4MPa

Creep rate (abs./h)



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Normalized time (t/t rupture)

Fig.3.6. Representative creep rate curves at (a) 550, 700, 850°C, (b) 975, 1100°C

3.6.3. Creep-Stress Rupture Test Results - Minimum Creep Rate, Rupture Time
Creep- stress rupture time, steady-state creep rate (also called minimum creep rate),
% elongation and % reduction in area is tabulated in (Table.3.5). Please refer [2,3 & 5] for
more details.

Table.3.5. Creep- stress rupture test results

Reduction in
Temp Stress Min. creep rate Rupture life Elongation
SN area
(°C) (MPa) (abs., h-1) (h) % %
1 550 369 5.3781E-04 6.9 54.7 71.7
2 550 295 6.7248E-05 691.5 15.7 13.71
3 550 295 8.3210E-05 703.75 24.7 20.26
4 550 225 3.0871E-06 10221.5 12.10 89.83
5 700 200 4.5814E-02 3.8 54.3 69.4
6 700 200 4.8031E-02 3.3 69 65.8
7 700 200 3.3068E-02 3.2 71.6 65.8
8 700 147 8.6650E-03 29.9 77.4 58.9
9 700 147 8.1644E-03 30.95 68 61.5
10 700 147 6.7826E-03 37.75 68 61
11 700 108 6.0699E-04 344 53.7 48.6
12 700 108 6.9913E-04 314.2 42.9 47.3
13 700 108 6.7588E-04 332.8 38.04 50.4
14 700 82 1.0261E-04 858 41.5 17
15 850 89 * 1.8 62.3 78
16 850 89 * 1.51 67.8 85.8
17 850 89 * 1.49 68.3 85
18 850 63 4.0339E-02 8.51 93.2 77.3
19 850 63 4.2128E-02 7.1 102.6 80.54
20 850 63 2.2304E-02 7.4 124 80.2
21 850 44 8.5232E-03 35.3 86 58.4
22 850 44 8.5498E-03 35.6 81.2 60.2
23 850 44 7.3999E-03 41.7 78 59
24 850 31 1.1946E-03 193 55 45.4
25 850 31 1.4926E-03 185.6 58 45.6
26 850 31 1.6237E-03 164.6 51 41.3
27 850 23 3.8734E-04 578 32.6 31
28 975 35 * 2 69.2 62.9
29 975 35 4.4788E-02 2.6 50.72 62.7
30 975 35 4.4711E-02 2.7 72.6 64.8
31 975 24 * 12.32 59.2 43
32 975 24 1.1678E-02 13.7 65.37 39.8
33 975 24 1.1621E-02 13.1 66.8 42.3
34 975 16 3.1011E-03 91.38 40.6 33.1
35 975 16 3.0469E-03 88 39.8 32.4
36 975 16 4.7361E-03 74.4 38.9 36.2
37 975 11 6.5315E-04 326.6 26 33.5
38 975 11 4.5657E-04 331.5 44 21.6

39 975 11 8.4207E-04 286 26.2 30.6
40 1100 14 3.0639E-02 9.6 43 51.9
41 1100 14 2.3282E-02 8.5 67.8 47.3
42 1100 14 2.1429E-02 9.92 69.8 54.3
43 1100 9 2.1726E-03 76.2 38.3 38.2
44 1100 9 2.4988E-03 75.3 39.6 27
45 1100 9 2.8311E-03 79 37.9 41.7
46 1100 6 7.9167E-04 243.5 39.2 57.29$
47 1100 6 6.5602E-04 231.5 27.56 63.38$
48 1100 6 8.0968E-04 268.5 41.4 56$
49 1100 4 1.9443E-04 808.59 19.4 51.82$
50 1100 4 2.8686E-04 # - -
51 1100 4 1.8238E-04 # - -
52 1100 4 2.0085E-04 889 18.6 66.71$
53 1100 4 2.2290E-04 883.04 21.3 57.6$
* Data was not recorded.
# Test not carried out till rupture.
$ Reduction in area is measured after removal of heavy scales by spalling.
3.6.4. Norton Bailey correlation
Minimum creep rate variation with stress shows power law relation, also known as Norton-
Bailey equation, given as:

min= B σn, where:

min = Minimum minimum creep rate, (abs. creep strain/ h),

σ = stress level (MPa),

B, n are material specific, temperature dependent fitting parameters.

The evaluated parameters are given in (Table.3.6) along with the goodness of fit (R2).

Table.3.6. Norton-Bailey equation* parameters for SS304L

Temperature Min. creep rate

(°C) n log10 (B) R2
1 550 10.50 -30.139 0.989
2 700 6.82 -16.997 0.989
3 850 4.47 -9.4922 0.983
4 975 3.62 -6.9116 0.977
5 1100 3.66 -5.9284 0.976
* min = B σ ; creep strain rate is in absolute strain per hour and
stress level in MPa.

3.6.5. Monkman Grant Correlation
The Monkman-Grant relationship between steady state creep rate (minimum creep rate) and
rupture time is given as:

min = 0.2213 tr-1.031, where:

‘ min’ is the minimum creep rate (h-1)and ‘tr’ is the rupture time (h). The relationship is shown
in (Fig.3.7).

, (abs., h-1)


Min. creep rate,

0.0001 975 ̇ 0.2213 ‐ .

R² = 0.9525
1 10 100 1000
Rupture time, tr, (h)

Fig.3.7. Monkman-Grant relationship for SS304L

3.6.6. Larson- Miller Parameter (LMP) Correlation

Larson Miller Parameter (LMP) for prediction of stress rupture life is defined as:

LMP = T (Log10 tr + 16), where:

T = test temperature (K), tr = stress rupture life of the test specimen, taken in hours

Larsen Miller Parameter (LMP) v/s applied stress level correlation is obtained from the test
data as follows:

loge (σ) = 11.7871 – 0.0004*LMP, where:

σ is stress level (MPa). The correlation is plotted in (Fig.3.8).

Stress,  , (MPa)
100 850°C

15 17.5 20 22.5 25 27.5
LMP = T (log10 tr + 16) Thousands
Fig.3.8. Larsen Miller Parameter (LMP) Vs Stress curve for SS304L

3.7. SS304L Weld Material Properties

SS304L plates were welded as per the Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) provided by
NPCIL, used for fabrication of Calandria. Specimens were fabricated such that the specimen
gauge length comprised entirely of weld material. Hardness of the as-received base metal and
weld material was measured using a Vickers hardness tester using a 10 kg load. Base metal
hardness value measured was 194 VHN. For the weld specimen, weld material showed a
value of 185 VHN and the base metal showed 188 VHN. The optical micrograph of
transverse section of weldment showed fine dendrites and a narrow heat affected zone at the
base metal-weldment interface. Both vermicular and lacy ferrite structure were present. The
grain size in the as received microstructural condition was measured to be 25.6 µm with a
standard deviation of ± 2.36. Please refer [6] for more information.

3.7.1. Mechanical Properties

(a) Specimen and Test Details
Flat specimens were cut along the weldment length. The dimensions were set as per
ASTM E8/E8M-16a specifications and are shown in (Fig.3.9). The tests were conducted
under position-controlled conditions with a specified displacement rate of 0.3 mm/ minute
which roughly results in a strain rate of 0.00015 m/m-sec.

Fig.3.9. Tensile
T speccimen of SS
S304L weld
d material

(b) Yieeld Strength

h, Ultimate Strength,
Uniform Elo
ongation an
nd Strain att Rupture
The meean value of o the strenngth and duuctility pro operties of SS304L w weld materiaal- yield
strengthh (σYS), ultimate tensilee strength (σ
( UTS), unifo
orm elongattion (%), sttrain at fractture (%)
and redduction in arrea (%) are furnished inn (Table.3.7

Tablle.3.7. Averrage tensilee propertiees of SS304L

L weld matterial

Uniform Strain
N %
Tempeerature σYS σUTS elongation
n at
N o
of Reductiion
(°CC) (MPa) (MPa) at UTS fracturee
teests in areaa
(%) (%)
1 25 1 382.00 613.0 26.8 28.3 20.3
2 1770 1 330.00 479.4 26.7 36.0 43.0
3 3000 1 220.00 439.7 30.7 36.7 35.8
4 4225 1 256.00 455.9 27.0 30.7 35.5
5 5550 3 218.77 391.0 27.2 33.5 39.0
6 7000 3 175.00 229.4 14.8 39.1 41.0
7 8550 3 102.88 108.1 0.6 17.1 14.3
8 9770 3 53.5 54.7 0.6 8.7 5.2
9 1100 3 23.2 25.1 1.0 16.2 11.5

(c) En
ngineering Stress-Strai
S in Curves
Engineeering stresss-strain curvves at diffeerent tempeeratures are plotted in (Fig.3.10).. Digital
data froom represeentative enggineering stress-strain
s n curves att different temperaturee up to
1100°CC has been furnished
fu upp to uniform
m elongationn in (Table.33.8A-C).

SS 304L weld stress strain curves
700 300
600 550_1
500 550_3

400 700_2
300 850_1
200 850_3
100 970_2
0 1100_1
0 10 20 30 40 50 1100_2
Strain (%) 1100_3

Fig.3.10. Engineering stress-strain curves of SS304L

Table.3.8A. Engineering stress-strain curves (25°C- 300°C) of SS304L weld

Temperature: 25°C Temperature:170°C Temperature:300°C

Plastic Strain Stress Plastic Strain Stress Plastic Strain Stress
(%) (MPa) (%) (MPa) (%) (MPa)
0.20 382.00 0.20 330.00 0.20 220.00
0.69 413.01 0.57 342.45 0.25 224.80
0.70 414.31 0.61 343.85 0.50 235.77
1.44 432.25 1.50 357.88 1.00 247.84
2.30 447.01 2.41 369.42 1.03 249.48
3.16 456.76 3.39 379.69 1.97 264.26
3.92 468.10 4.33 389.19 2.91 276.79
4.76 479.01 5.24 398.14 3.80 288.77
5.61 487.33 6.16 406.48 4.67 299.62
6.40 496.42 7.08 413.44 5.60 309.95
7.28 504.35 8.02 420.38 6.49 319.95
8.12 512.20 8.97 427.07 7.30 328.86
9.03 521.34 9.84 432.70 8.16 337.59
9.83 527.39 10.83 438.68 9.05 345.93
10.68 534.59 11.73 443.33 10.00 353.53
11.49 540.84 12.69 448.09 10.72 360.32
12.33 546.99 13.64 452.36 11.64 367.50
13.15 552.09 14.65 456.11 12.53 373.93
14.03 558.46 15.59 459.44 13.46 380.22
14.83 563.52 16.58 462.44 14.23 386.37
15.65 568.14 17.53 465.35 15.39 391.24
16.47 572.63 18.54 467.91 15.77 395.84
17.31 577.26 19.61 470.02 17.15 401.42
18.14 580.42 20.60 471.94 17.63 405.68
18.95 584.86 21.64 473.87 18.94 409.89
19.75 589.52 22.69 475.23 19.35 413.38
20.66 591.50 23.69 476.18 21.02 417.91
21.49 595.03 24.69 477.32 21.16 419.45
22.31 599.82 25.74 477.64 23.08 423.34
23.22 602.23 26.67 478.16 23.59 425.11
24.13 604.22 27.48 478.66 24.45 427.95
25.00 607.03 26.33 432.06
25.83 609.55 26.56 431.70
26.87 610.96 27.43 433.84
29.83 436.37
30.71 438.84

Table.3.8B. Engineering stress-strain curves (425°C- 700°C) of SS304L weld

Temperature: 425°C Temperature:550°C Temperature:700°C

Plastic Strain Stress Plastic Strain Stress Plastic Strain Stress
(%) (MPa) (%) (MPa) (%) (MPa)
0.20 256.00 0.20 230.00 0.20 170.00
0.36 272.20 0.32 240.11 0.61 185.71
0.40 273.82 0.61 254.04 0.72 187.25
0.67 284.21 0.67 255.67 1.87 200.99
1.18 296.24 1.53 273.62 3.10 208.34
1.26 297.84 2.18 285.18 4.34 213.17
2.21 314.45 2.86 296.58 5.57 216.12
3.23 328.77 3.70 311.07 6.81 217.96
4.17 341.34 4.62 316.74 8.07 219.68
5.12 353.03 5.52 323.21 9.32 220.37
6.13 363.95 5.87 330.89 10.51 221.11
7.10 373.38 6.80 341.12 11.79 221.78
8.08 381.87 7.86 344.96 13.06 222.16
9.09 390.33 8.42 351.05 14.30 222.32
10.14 397.79 9.24 356.31
11.09 404.44 10.03 362.84
12.10 411.19 10.75 367.45
13.13 416.64 11.68 372.08
14.08 422.26 12.28 374.04
15.21 427.10 13.43 378.95
16.25 432.24 14.00 380.60
17.39 435.72 14.76 383.24
18.35 439.93 15.89 385.65
19.72 443.34 16.24 388.90
20.81 447.00 17.72 393.90
21.56 448.35 17.96 391.36
22.05 451.44 18.42 393.34
24.55 452.04 20.14 398.59
26.24 453.43 20.34 397.75
26.69 455.51 21.19 398.35
22.90 403.19

Taable.3.8C. Engineerin
ng stress-sttrain curvees (850°C- 1100°C)
1 of SS304L weeld

Temperrature: 850°°C Temp perature: 970°C

9 Teemperaturee:1100°C
Plastic Straain Sttress Plastic Strain
S Stress Plastic Strain Stress
(%) (M
MPa) (%)) (MPa) ((%) (MPa)
0.200 966.00 0.2000 54.512 00.200 23.500
0.244 1001.75 0.231 54.907 00.240 23.627
0.301 1004.01 0.311 55.051 00.294 23.762
0.461 1005.43 0.3668 55.156 00.406 23.857
0.601 1005.74 00.482 23.877
00.639 23.905
00.714 23.920

3.7.2. Creep-
C Streess Rupture Properties
(a) Speecimen andd Test Detaiils
Constannt load creeep- stress ruupture tests were
w carried d out as perr ASTM E1139-11(2018) [4] at
700, 8550 and 975°°C at speciffied stress leevels given in (Table.33.9). Flat sppecimens, as shown
in (Fig.3.11), weree machined from
f the SSS304L platee.

Table.3.99. Temperaature and stress

s valuees for creep pture test
p- stress rup

ure (°C) Stress leveels (MPa)
1 700 200, 1477, 108
2 850 89, 444, 31
3 975 24, 166, 11

Fig.3.11. Creep- strress rupturre test speccimen of SS

S304L weld
d material

(b) Creep Curves and Creep Rate Curves
Accumulated creep strain with time is shown in (Fig.3.12(a)-(c)). The creep rate curve from a
representative test at each temperature - stress level combination has been shown in
(Fig.3.13). Please refer [6] for more details.


Creep strain (abs.)




0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Time (h)
200MPa_1 200MPa_2 200MPa_3 147MPa_1
147MPa_2 147MPa_3 108MPa_1 108MPa_2

Creep strain (abs.)

0.01 0.1 1 10
Time (h)
78MPa_1 89MPa_1 89MPa_2
44MPa_1 44MPa_2 44MPa_3
31MPa_1 31MPa_2 31MPa_3


Creep strain (abs.)

(c) 0.02
0.1 1 10 100
Time (h)
24MPa_1 24MPa_2 24MPa_3
16MPa_1 16MPa_2 16MPa_3
11MPa_1 11MPa_2 11MPa_3

Fig.3.12. Creep curves of SS304L weld material at: (a) 700°C,

(b) 850°C and (c) 975°C

Creep rate (abs./h)




0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00
Normalized time (t/trupture)
700°C_147MPa 700°C_108MPa
850°C_31MPa 850°C_44MPa
850°C_89MPa 975°C_11MPa
975°C_16MPa 975°C_24MPa

Fig.3.13. Representative creep rate curves of SS304L weld material

(c) Creep-Stress Rupture Test Results - Minimum Creep Rate, Rupture Time
Creep- stress rupture time, steady-state creep rate (also called minimum creep rate),
% elongation and % reduction in the area are tabulated in (Table.3.10). Please refer [6] for
more details.

Table.3.10. Creep- stress rupture test results of SS304L weld material

Min. creep Rupture Reduction

Temp Stress Elongation
SN rate life in area
(°C) (MPa) (abs., h-1) (h) % %
1 700 200 # 4.7 27.54 44.27
2 700 200 # 4.9 25.11 40.52
3 700 200 # 5.8 28.54 42.71
4 700 147 9.5297E-04 56.7 7.32 21.15
5 700 147 4.7953E-04 77.5 14.07 16.27
6 700 147 1.3477E-04 79.5 10.86 16.68
7 700 108 1.1504E-05 431.6 5.75 6.85
8 700 108 6.9603E-06 467.75 2.18 4.29
9 700 108 # 477.6 9.54 12.90
10 850 89 9.7846E-02 0.52 8.93 17.41
11 850 89 7.0840E-02 0.494 6.29 16.99
12 850 78 1.1082E-02 0.972 4.25 7.66
13 850 44 4.3181E-04 18.7 3.61 9.48
14 850 44 6.0862E-04 14.5 1.71 6.24
15 850 44 2.8028E-04 21.9 1.36 5.07
16 850 31 3.9794E-05 90.27 3.25 0.72
17 850 31 9.2434E-05 58.22 6.25 6.00
18 850 31 7.1008E-05 80.81 1.11 1.80
19 975 24 2.2497E-03 4.47 4.61 7.89
20 975 24 2.2852E-03 5.05 7.50 6.77
21 975 24 2.1355E-03 5.93 12.93 6.94
22 975 16 1.4383E-04 39 0.86 3.92
23 975 16 2.9618E-04 33.8 3.11 5.19
24 975 16 2.4392E-04 38 1.14 1.27
25 975 11 1.0835E-04 137.35 6.46 3.77
26 975 11 8.9261E-05 157.71 7.21 5.55
27 975 11 4.2835E-05 139.79 7.50 1.67
# Data was not recorded

(d) Norton Bailey Correlation

Norton Bailey correlation parameters (Refer Sec 3.6.4) for weld material are tabulated in

Table.3.11. Norton-Bailey equation* parameters for SS304L weld material

Temperature Min. creep rate

(°C) n log10 (B) R2
1 700 12.284 -30.027 0.8915
2 850 6.5681 -14.071 0.9733
3 975 4.3704 -8.7626 0.9267
* min = B σ ; creep strain rate is in absolute strain per hour and
stress level in MPa.
(e) Monkman Grant Correlation
The Monkman-Grant relationship between steady-state creep rate (minimum creep rate) and
rupture time is given as:
min = 0.0205 tr ,


‘ min’ is the minimum creep rate (h-1) and ‘tr’ is the rupture time (h). The relationship is
shown in (Fig.3.14).

. .
, R = 0.921

Fig.3.14. Monkman-Grant relationship for SS304L weld material

(f) Larson- Miller Parameter (LMP) Correlation

Larson Miller Parameter (LMP) for prediction of stress rupture life is defined as:

LMP = T (Log10 tr + 20), where:

T = test temperature (K), tr = stress rupture life of the test specimen, taken in hours

Larsen Miller Parameter (LMP) Vs applied stress level correlation is obtained from the test
data as follows:

loge (σ)) = 13.149 – 0.0004*LMP, where σ is stress level (MPaa). The correelation is pllotted in

σ = 5137749* e
R = 0.9907

Fig.3.15. Larsen Miller Paarameter (L

LMP) Vs Stress
S curvee for SS3044L weld ma

3.8. Frracture Tou

ughness Daata for SS3004L
To evalluate the frracture resisstance curvves of SS3004L at diffeerent tempeeratures, tessts were
conductted using 0.5T
0 compact tension C(T)
C specim
men (Fig.3.16). The thhickess of the
t C(T)
specimeen is 6 mm.. The load-ddisplacemennt curve at different
d tem
mperatures ranging fro om 25°C
to 800°°C are shoown in (Figg.3.17-3.20)). J-R curv ves at thesee temperatuures are sh hown in
(Fig.3.221). The looad-displacement dataa of 0.5T C(T) speccimen has been furniished in
(Table.33.12 & 3.133). J-R curve data has been
b furnish
hed in (Tablle.3.14 & 3.15).

(aa) (b) (c)

Fig.3.116. (a) Geoometry of Compact

C Tension C(T T) specimenn (a=12.5 mm,
W = 25 mm, B = 6 mm); (b) Photograph
P h of C(T) sspecimen after test
at 800°CC; (c) Fracture surfa ace of C(TT) specimen n showing ductile
crack grrowth on th
he fracturee surface.

8 Fracture test (25 C)

Load (kN)

0 1 2 3 4 5
Displacement (mm)
Fig.3.17. Load-displacement curve of the 0.5T C(T) specimen of SS304L
material tested at 25°C (room temperature)

5 Fracture test (600 C)

Load (kN)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Displacement (mm)

Fig.3.18. Load-displacement curve of the 0.5T C(T) specimen of SS304L

material tested at 600°C

Fracture test (700 C)

Load (kN)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Displacement (mm)
Fig.3.19. Load-displacement curve of the 0.5T C(T) specimen of SS304L
material tested at 700°C

Fracture test (800 C)

Load (kN)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Displacement (mm)
Fig.3.20. Load-displacement curve of the 0.5T C(T) specimen of SS304L
material tested at 800°C

Test Temperature ( C)
1200 25
J-resistance (N/mm)


0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Crack growth (mm)
Fig.3.21. J-R curves of the 0.5T C(T) specimen of SS304L material tested at
different temperatures ranging from 25°C (room temperature) to

Table.3.12. Load-displacement data of 0.5T C(T) specimen of SS304L material tested at
25°C and 600°C

Test Temperature (25°C) Test Temperature (600°C)

Displacement Load Displacement Load
(mm) (kN) (mm) (kN)
0 0 0 0
0.027738 0.067511 0.079787 0.414938
0.015867 1.11392 0.159574 0.871369
0.059706 2.29536 0.212766 1.3278
0.088796 3.00422 0.292553 1.72199
0.11765 3.57806 0.37234 2.09544
0.24388 4.08439 0.585106 2.44813
0.397964 4.59072 0.851064 2.75934
0.579787 5.02954 1.17021 3.07054
0.789171 5.29958 1.56915 3.34025
0.984686 5.60338 2.10106 3.63071
1.27746 5.77215 2.57979 3.90041
1.58457 6.17722 3.03191 4.12863
1.93305 6.34599 3.56383 4.29461
2.32355 6.64979 4.20213 4.50207
2.69995 6.85232 4.73404 4.60581
3.13212 7.08861 5.58511 4.70954
3.4806 7.25738 6.2234 4.75104
3.96854 7.52743 6.62234 4.73029
4.4007 7.76371 7.12766 4.37759
4.67943 7.86498 7.84574 4.08714
8.64362 3.79668
9.54787 3.48548
9.9734 3.27801

Table.3.13. Load-displacement data of 0.5T C(T) specimen of SS304L material tested at
700°C and 800°C

Test Temperature (700°C) Test Temperature (800°C)

Displacement Load Displacement Load
(mm) (kN) (mm) (kN)
0 0 0 0
0.079365 0.325247 0.030315 0.225108
0.132275 0.608116 0.075728 0.441558
0.185185 0.933438 0.127393 0.649351
0.238095 1.21631 0.179412 0.831169
0.343915 1.49903 0.231549 1.00433
0.42328 1.76767 0.338181 1.17749
0.582011 1.96533 0.499192 1.35931
0.873016 2.19093 0.715406 1.48918
1.24339 2.40214 1.12271 1.59307
1.74603 2.58468 1.5575 1.67965
2.40741 2.73847 2.04702 1.74892
3.01587 2.90656 2.50952 1.80087
3.88889 3.0456 2.99963 1.82684
4.65608 3.15663 3.4625 1.85281
5.39683 3.23944 3.95296 1.85281
6.40212 3.30735 4.55218 1.87013
6.98413 3.34816 5.3971 1.85281
7.67196 3.36036 6.0783 1.85281
8.35979 3.33011 6.84148 1.8355
9.02116 3.24334 7.44141 1.80087
9.7619 3.09973 8.2047 1.77489
10.0529 3.05645 8.96823 1.7316
9.67715 1.69697
9.97735 1.66234

Table.3.14. J-R curve data of 0.5T C(T) specimen of SS304L material tested at
temperatures 25°C, 400°C and 600°C

Test Temperature (25°C) Test Temperature Test Temperature

(400°C) (600°C)
∆ J-R (N/mm) ∆ J-R ∆ J-R
(N/mm) (N/mm)
0 0 0 0 0 0
0.00625 4.41176 0.0375 88.4956 0.01 40.4379
0.04375 101.471 0.09375 163.717 0.049686 75.3703
0.15625 233.824 0.23125 252.212 0.0994829 124.113
0.3375 344.118 0.3875 336.283 0.24303 172.717
0.46875 441.176 0.5375 411.504 0.417588 278.968
0.6125 555.882 0.6875 517.699 0.611024 354.126
0.875 601.77 0.854277 473.588
1.1125 694.69 1.12878 593.005
1.2875 783.186 1.41573 725.716
1.525 880.531 1.73389 867.258
1.7375 986.726 2.04591 982.181
1.86875 1084.07 2.45146 1150.22
2.1125 1172.57 2.75741 1220.77
2.35 1261.06
2.6125 1336.28
2.81875 1371.68

Table.3.15. J-R curve data of 0.5T C(T) specimen of SS304L material tested at
temperatures of 70°C and 800°C

Test Temperature (700°C) Test Temperature (800°C)

∆ J-R (N/mm) ∆ J-R (N/mm)
0 0 0 0
0.01 15 0.01 14.5
0.0875 62.076 0.0683863 53.0973
0.18125 115.312 0.149283 97.3451
0.35 199.631 0.28004 150.442
0.4875 261.781 0.398359 194.69
0.71875 359.467 0.572756 252.212
1.01875 448.405 0.759682 296.46
1.2875 550.572 0.984049 336.283
1.60625 639.537 1.10857 389.381
1.9625 724.133 1.34534 446.903
2.33125 804.323 1.62576 504.425
2.4875 839.952 1.8874 579.646
2.2114 659.292

SS304LN shall be used in PHT pipings of AHWR.

4.1. Composition, Fabrication Route, Type of Weld and Form of Material

Solution annealed austentitic stainless steel (SA312 Type 304LN) seamless pipes of nominal
diameter 324 mm (designated as 300 NB) and 168 mm (designated as 150 NB) having
thicknesses of 27 mm and 14.3 mm respectively are used for machining of specimens.

Weldments are generated by girth welding of pipes as per Section IX of ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code [7]. Gas Tungsten Arc welding (GTAW) is followed for welding of
150 NB pipe. GTAW (for root pass and few passes) and Shielded Metal Arc Welding
(SMAW) (filling passes) are followed for welding of 300 NB pipe. Both sizes of pipe are
welded using conventional V-groove (included angle approximately 75°). Filler wire ER308L
and welding electrode E308L specified for 304L are used for welding of pipes. Weld joints
are qualified as per the acceptance criteria requirements given in Section III of the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code [7].

The chemical composition of the pipe and pipe weld materials are given in (Table.4.1). The
details of the welding consumables, process and parameters are given in (Table.4.2).

Table.4.1. SS304LN (both base and weld) chemical composition (%)

Pipe size Material C Mn Si P S Cr Ni N

ASME 304LN 0.03 2.0 1.0 0.045 0.03 18-20 8-12 0.1-0.16
max max max max max
300 NB 304LN 0.024 1.73 0.55 0.022 0.001 18.8 9.25 0.15
150 NB 304LN 0.013 1.57 0.36 0.025 0.001 18.6 8.46 0.11
300 NB Weld 0.03 1.1 0.56 0.021 0.01 19.8 14.1 0.1
150 NB Weld 0.03 1.66 0.39 0.017 0.01 19.98 9.97 0.08

Table.4.2. Welding consumables, process and parameters

Welding parameters 300 NB Pipe Weld 150 NB Pipe Weld

Welding process GTAW & SMAW GTAW
Filler wire type ER 308L for GTAW ER 308L
Electrode type E308L for SMAW -
Filler wire diameter (mm) 3.2, 1.6 1.6, 3.2 mm
Electrode diameter (mm) 3.15, 4 -
Welding Current (A) 100-120 DC 120-140 DC
Welding voltage (V) 15 & 24 18-20
Welding Speed (mm/min) 40-50 50-60
Inert Gas Argon in GTAW Argon

4.2. Microstructure, Grain Size and Distribution
The optical micrograph of the base metals from 150 NB and 300 NB pipes are shown in
(Fig.4.1(a)&(b)) respectively. The base metal shows well-annealed grain structures with
annealing twins. The average grain size of the base metal was found to be around 30 μm.

(a) (b)

Fig.4.1. Optical microstructure of base metal from (a) 150 NB and (b) 300 NB pipe

4.3. Mechanical Properties (YS, UTS and Ductility) [8]

4.3.1. Specimen and Test Details
Tensile specimens having 6 mm and 4 mm gauge diameter and 30 mm and 15 mm gauge
length were prepared from 300 NB and 150 NB pipes respectively. The orientation of the
tensile specimens for base metal along the longitudinal direction (BL) and circumferential
direction (BC) are shown in (Fig.4.2). Orientations for the specimens from the weld region
(WC and WL) are also indicated in (Fig.4.2). Reference [8] may be referred for more details.

Fig.4.2. Locations of tensile specimens from base and weld metals

4.3.2. Yield Strength, Ultimate Strength, Uniform Elongation and Strain at Rupture

Tensile properties- yield strength(σYS), ultimate tensile strength(σUTS), uniform elongation

(%), ductility (%) have been evaluated from the engineering stress-strain curves for base and
weld metals of each size of pipe and are tabulated in (Table.4.3).

Table.4.3. Tensile properties of SS304LN base and weld metal

Temperature σYS σUTS Ductility
SN Specimen elongation
(°C) (MPa) (MPa) (%)
27 Base (300 NB
1 336 656 46 66
27 Base (150 NB
2 311 616 65 83
3 27 GTAW 380 607 38 57
4 27 SMAW 536 669 29 42
285 Base (300 NB
5 229 510 29 42
285 Base (150 NB
6 193 434 32 43
7 285 GTAW 304 446 22 32
8 285 SMAW 421 488 9.3 18.2

4.4. Engineering Stress-Strain Curves

Engineering stress (σ)-strain (ɛ) curves at ambient temperatures (27°C) and 285°C for the
base metal from the 300 NB pipe and its SMAW weld metal along the longitudinal (BL and
WL) and circumferential (BC and WC) directions are furnished in (Table.4.4). SMAW weld
metal shows significantly higher yield strength and much-reduced ductility values in
comparison to the base metal. The orientation of the specimen, along the circumferential or
longitudinal direction, doesn’t have much effect on the tensile deformation behavior of base
metal at both the test temperatures. The failure in the longitudinal weld specimen was found
to be in the fusion zone and not in the Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) in all weld specimens. The
localized necking in the weld metal for the longitudinally oriented specimens results in a low
percentage elongation value.

The stress-strain curves for the base metal from 150 NB pipe are also shown in the table. In
this case, the base metal shows higher ductility and slightly lower tensile strength along the
circumferential direction in contrast to NB 300 pipe, but the basic character of tensile flow
remains similar. The ductility of the GTAW weld metal is significantly higher than the
SMAW weld but is slightly lower than that of base metal at both test temperatures. The
ductility values in the longitudinal weld specimens are low due to the localized necking in the
weld metal region of the gage length.

Tablee.4.4. Stresss-strain cu
urves of SS3
304LN basee and weld metal

SN Pipee size Stresss-strain cu

1 3000 NB 27

2 3000 NB 285

3 1500 NB 27

4 1500 NB 285

* See (Fig.44.2) for WL

L, WC, BL and
a BC

4.5. Faatigue Prop

perties [8]
4.5.1. Specimen
S a Test Deetails
LCF tests at ambiient temperaature were conducted on round specimens
s ffabricated from
f the
base annd weld meetal of 300 NB 304LN N stainless pipe. Speccimens fromm base mettal were
prepareed along the longitudinal directioon of the pipe, p while whole welld specimens were
prepareed from the weld metal. Specimen diagram is shown in (Fig.4.3). Alll tests weree carried
out usinng a trianguular wave form
f at a cyyclic frequeency of 0.3 Hz. A 12.55 mm gauge length
extensoometer was used
u duringg the test. Pllease refer [8]
[ for moree details.

R244 (smooth blennd; No undercutt)

11 

35 10.89 18 100.89 35

Fig.4.3. Round
F Specimen

4.5.2. Fatigue
F Liffe S-N Curvve
LCF cuurves for basse and weldd metals at room
r tempeerature is shoown in (Figg.4.4).
2.4 Base
2 Weld
Strain Amplitude (%)




30 100 1000 10000

No. of cycles (N)

Figg.4.4. Fatiggue S-N currve for 304

4LN base an
nd weld meetal

4.6. Frracture prooperties [8]

4.6.1. Specimen
S a Test Deetails
Compacct tension specimens of 20 and 8 mm thicckness and 50 and 255 mm widtth, were
obtained from the cut sections of the 3000 NB and 1501 NB pipees respectivvely. CT specimens
from thhe 300 NB pipe weld are mainly SMAW jo oint. CT Sppecimens froom the welld zones
were orriented in a way to havve crack pllane normall along the longitudinaal direction and the
crack growth
g wass along the circumfereential direcction. The notch
n of thhe CT speccimen is
located at the centrre of the weeld. CT specimens fromm base metaal also had similar cracck plane
orientattion and craack growth was along the circumfferential dirrection. All CT specimmens had
20% sidde-groove and
a nearly thhe same a/W W ratio of 0.6.

Fracturee tests weree conductedd as per thee procedure given in ASTM

A E18220-09 [9]. The
T load
(P) vs Load-Linee-Displacem ment (LLD) plots du uring the single
s speccimen J-tesst using
unloadiing compliaance for thee base and weld
w metal from the 300
3 NB andd 150 NB pipes p are
shown ini (Fig.4.5((a)&(b)). A sharp drop in load duee to crack growth
g (3.4 mm) is app parent in
the casee of SMAW W weld in (FFig.4.5(a)). The
T base metal
m shows a rising load pattern ev
ven after

extensive crack opening displacement which corresponded to applied J in excess of 1900
kJ/m2 and Δa of 0.6 mm. This plot clearly shows a large drop in the required energy for crack
extension in the case of SMAW weld. The smaller sized specimen from 150 NB pipe base
and weld are shown in (Fig.4.5(b)) where Δa is 2.08 and 1.05 mm in GTAW and base metal
respectively. GTAW weld has lower absorbed energy even when its crack extension is higher
than that in the base metal specimen.

(a) (b)
Fig.4.5. Load and load line displacement using CT (a) 20 mm thick specimens of
300 NB pipe, (b) 8 mm thick specimens of 150 NB pipe

4.6.2. Fracture Properties and Data: J- R Curve

J-R curves for base and weld metals of 300 NB pipe evaluated as per ASTM E1820-09 [9] at
ambient (27°C) and operating temperatures (285°C) are shown in (Fig.4.6(a)&(b))
respectively. Table.4.5 gives the results from the J-R tests.

B 6

(a) (b)
Fig.4.6. J-R Curves for 300 NB pipe base and weld metals at (a) 27°C (B-6 refer to
base 6 inch pipe, B-12 refer to base 12 inch pipe) (b) 285°C

4.6.3. Fracture Properties and Data: Initiation Fracture Toughness

The Ji value here is taken to be the value where J-R curve deviates from the blunting line.
The crack tip advancement during the J-R tests of the base metals is very limited, less than
1.0 mm, and is mostly due to the extended plastic deformation and blunting of the crack tip.
These cause scatter in crack length estimates when compliance is measured using high
temperature capacitive type COD gage as its resolution is poorer than strain gaged COD
gages. Therefor, few tests were also carried out using Direct Current Potential Drop (DCPD)
method to characterize the toughness of base metal at 285°C. DCPD tests gave value of Ji in
the range of 520 − 540 kJ/m2.

Initiation fracture toughness values based on onset (deviation of J-R curve from initial
straight line) and the critical SZW (intersection of J-R curve with parallel line equal to critical
(SZW) are shown in (Table.4.5).

Table.4.5. Initiation fracture toughness values

Temperature dJ/da Jszw

SN Specimen Ji (kJ/m2)
(°C) (MPa) (kJ/m2)
1 27 >700 - 824
300 NB
2 285 540 400 1107
3 27 >540 720 493
150 NB
4 285 - - 481
5 27 153 232 59
6 285 143 354 64
7 27 475 412 190
8 285 - 210

4.7. Fatigue Crack Growth (FCG) Properties [8]
4.7.1. Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Data
Fatigue Crack Growth (FCG) behaviour of base metal and SMAW weld at different load ratio
(R = min/max) values is shown in (Fig.4.7(a)&(b)). An increase in the load ratio (R)
increases the FCG rate at a given applied ΔK and this is quite clear for the case of R = 0.6.
FCG rates when plotted as a function of ΔKeff are very close to each other for base metal as
shown in (Fig.4.8). The FCG rates when plotted as a function of ΔKeff in the SMAW weld
metal show more scatter but the crack growth rates were nearly the same for R ratio of 0.3
and 0.6.

(a) (b)

Fig.4.7. FCGR for 300 NB pipe (a) base metal, (b) weld metal for load ratio, R = 0.1, 0.3
and 0.6

(a) (b)

Fig.4.8.. FCGR with respect to Keff for 300 NB pip

pe (a) base metal, (b) weld metall for
load ratioo, R = 0.1, 0.3 and 0.66

4.7.2. Paris
P Law Constants
FCGR is modelledd using the Paris law giveng as: da K)m, where C and m aree FCGR
constannts. These constants
c arre valid if da/dN
d is in
n m/cycle and
a ΔK in M MPa√m. Ev valuated
Paris coonstants are furnished in
i (Fig.4.9) and (Table.4.6).

-9 2.974
For base: da/dN = 4.214 x 10 K ASME
1E-3 -13 6.78
For weld: da/dN = 2.322 x 10 K
da/dN, mm/cycle



10 20 30 40 50 60 70
K, MPam

Fig..4.9. FCGR
R of base an
nd weld meetals

Table.4.6. Paris power law constants of base and weld materials (da/dN in m/cycle and
K in MPa√m)

Material C m

Base 4.214×10-12 2.974

Weld 2.322×10-13 6.73

4.7.3. Effect of Reactor Water Environment on Crack Growth

The CT specimen was designed as per the requirements of ASTM E647-05 [10]. The
thickness of the CT specimen was 20 mm. All other dimensions were maintained following
standard ASTM E647-05. The machined notch was put in the circumferential direction with
respect to the pipe axis and was named as LC orientation. The LC orientation means loading
is in longitudinal (L) direction and crack growth is in circumferential (C) direction with
respect to axis of the pipe. The CT specimen with its dimensions is shown in (Fig.4.10(a))
and orientation of CT specimen with respect to pipe axis is shown in (Fig.4.10(b)).

Fig.4.10. CT Specimen and its orientation with respect to the pipe axis

The tests were conducted in a de-mineralized water environment with different levels of
dissolved oxygen (varying from 10 ppb to 1500 ppb), temperature (RT to 300°C) and
pressure (around 150 bar). The de-mineralized water with a low level of conductivity of
0.06 μS/ cm at 25°C was used.

ASTM E647-05 [10] procedure was followed for carrying out tests. The cyclic load of
constant amplitude with a load ratio of 0.1 was applied for carrying out tests. The sinusoidal
and trapezoidal waveforms were applied with a 0.005 Hz loading frequency. The low
frequency (0.005 Hz) was chosen such that there is sufficient time for material-environment
interaction which will lead to damage in the material. Trapezoidal waveform with the same
loading frequency (0.005 Hz) was applied during the test to understand the effect of material-
environment interaction for a longer time at peak load. The peak load in trapezoidal
waveform was maintained for half (100 s) of one cycle time (200 s). The loading and
unloading times were equal and kept as one-fourth of one cycle time. The typical trapezoidal
and sine waveforms are shown in (Fig.4.11). Please refer [11]for more details.

Fig.4.11. Typical Trapezoidal and sine waveform used in FCGR test in water

For all tests conducted in a water environment, Direct Current Potential Difference (DCPD)
technique-based instrument was used for crack growth monitoring.

FCGR curves in water at 300°C for a different level of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) and different
waveforms are shown in (Fig.4.12). This figure shows that FCGR in water with DO varying
from 10 ppb to 1500 ppb at 300°C is marginally lower than the corresponding level of DO in
water at room temperature.

Fig.4.12. FCGR at different level of dissolved oxygen and different wave forms at

4.7.4. Cyclic J-R Curve

Cyclic J-R behaviour of 304LN weld material is carried out at stress ratios of R = -0.5, -0.8
and -1.0 with a constant incremental displacement of V = 0.1. The Load-Load line
displacement plots for base and weld metals are given in (Fig.4.13(a)&(b)).

40 R = -1.0
V = 0.1 mm 60 304LN Weld
30 V = 0.1mm
R = -1.0
20 40

Load, kN

Load, kN


-20 -20

304LN 12" pipe/Base/1CT -60
0 1 2 3 4
-0.4 0.0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.4
Load-line displacement, mm
Load line displacement, mm

(a) (b)

Fig.4.13. Cyclic Load-Load Line Displacement curve at R=0.1 and ΔV=0.1 mm for
(a) base metal, (b) weld metal

4.8. Mechanical Properties Evaluated Using a Non-Standard Method
4.8.1. Ball Indentation
Carbon manganese steel (SA312 Type 304LN) pipes in the solution annealed conditions
conforming to the specifications of ASME B&PV [7] Section II and Section III is used for
evaluation of mechanical properties using Automated Ball Indentation (ABI) Techniques.

(a) Methodology of Automated Ball Indentation (ABI) Technique

The basic methodology involves indentation of specimen repeatedly by spherical ball, at a
location. During indentation, the load is increased in steps with intermediate partial
unloading. For each loading cycle, the total depth ht is measured and plastic depth hp is
evaluated by intersecting the unloading slope line with the zero-load line (Fig.4.14). Please
refer [12] for more details.

0.2 Eq.(4.1)

where, is true plastic strain, dp is plastic indentation diameter, D is the ball diameter.

Fig.4.14. Typical Load and indentation depth curve

The plastic indentation diameter is calculated from hp and Young’s modulus of elasticity (ball
and specimen material), ball diameter and applied load (P). Tungsten carbide ball diameters
vary from 0.75 mm to 1.57 mm. Tests were conducted in load controlled mode. The true
stress (σ) is evaluated as follows:


where δ is a constraint factor, which increases as the plastic zone increases and reaches a
maximum until whole of the material around the indentation is in a state of full plasticity. The
δ is a function of constraint factor (α), which in turn depends on strain rate sensitivity and
triaxial hardening.

The Yield Strength (YS) is evaluated as follows:


where βm is material type constant and A is intercept of P/dt2 versus (dt/D) curve on log–log
scale. The constant βm is different for different class of material. The dt is total indentation
diameter and is evaluated as follows

2√ Eq.(4.4)

Using Eq.(4.1) and Eq.(4.2), the true stress versus true plastic strain pairs are calculated at
each unloading stage. Assuming the power law fit, the strength coefficient (K) and strain
hardening exponent (n) are calculated. Using n and K the ultimate tensile strength (UTS) is
evaluated as follows:


(b) Tensile Properties

Tensile properties were evaluated in terms of YS, UTS from ball indentation tests by five
different participants (RSD, RED, MSD, PIED, IGCAR). Ball indentation test results of all
laboratories have been compared with standard conventional tests. The comparisons for YS,
UTS are shown in (Fig.4.15 & 4.16) respectively.

Fig.4.15. Yield strength from ball indentation tests and its comparison with
conventional tests

Fig.4.16. Ultimate Tensile Strength from ball indentation tests and its comparison with
conventional tests


The end fittings of coolant channels of Indian PHWRs are manufactured out of martensitic
stainless steel (type 403 modified) solid forgings. The presence of trace elements copper,
vanadium, antimony, aluminium and arsenic in AISI 403 (unmodified) material increases the
shift in NDTT. Hence these trace elements are controlled to the extent possible in the end
fitting material. In the Modified MSS-403, the presence of trace elements copper, vanadium,
antimony, aluminium and arsenic are controlled to a maximum of 1450 ppm out of which
copper alone is controlled to a maximum of 600 ppm. Mechanical, fatigue, fracture and
impact properties of SS 403 are generated [13] and furnished below.

5.1. Composition, Fabrication Route and Form of Material

The test specimens were fabricated from a MSS403 (modified) bar of 200 mm diameter and
1.5-meter length. The chemical composition of the material is furnished in (Table.5.1).

Table.5.1. MSS403 (mod.) chemical composition (%)

C Si Mn P S Cr Ni Mo Nb Cu Al Fe

0.16 0.44 0.68 0.019 0.004 12.45 0.35 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.009 Rest

The specimens were made using the material between Di=80 mm to Do=180 mm of the bar.
The material extraction plan for specimen fabrication is shown in (Fig.5.1). Specimens for all
mechanical tests were fabricated in longitudinal and circumferential orientation with respect
to the bar geometry.

Fig.5..1. Schemaatic of speciimen extraaction from
m the supplied 403 barr for variou
us tests

5.2. Microstructu
M ure, Grain Size and Distribution
D n
Optical and SEM microstructu
m ures of the material aloong the diammeter of thee bar from region
r 2
is show
wn in (Fig.55.2). The tem mpered maartensitic strructure was homogeneeous through hout the
cross-seection of thhe bar. Therre were carrbide precip pitates both along the inter-lath an
nd prior
austenitte grain bouundaries witth an averagge size of ab
bout 300nm m.

Optical micrro-graph As seen from SEM

Fiig.5.2. Miccrostructurre of MSS403

5.3. Mechanical Properties (YS, UTS and Ductility)
5.3.1. Specimen and Test Details
Tensile tests were conducted using cylindrical specimens of 8 mm nominal diameter and
25 mm gauge length (Fig.5.3), fabricated both in longitudinal and circumferential directions,
under a constant displacement rate of 0.003 mm/s (corresponding to a strain rate of ~ 10-4/s).
A 25 mm GL extensometer was used for strain measurement. All tests were as per
ASTM E8/E8M-16a [1] specifications. For high temperature and low-temperature tests, an
environmental chamber fitted with a temperature capability of +300°C to -150°C was used.
At least two thermocouples were attached to the specimen for monitoring on-specimen
temperature. Please refer [13] for details.

Fig.5.3. Tensile test specimen

5.3.2. Yield Strength, Ultimate Strength, Uniform Elongation and Strain at Rupture
Summary of test results is given in (Table.5.2). Strength and ductility properties of SS304L-
yield strength (σYS), ultimate tensile strength (σUTS), uniform elongation (%), strain at fracture
(%) and reduction in area (%) are furnished. Yield and tensile strengths are reduced on
increasing the temperature. There is insignificant effect of orientation observed on the tensile

Table.5.2. Tensile properties of MSS403
Uniform Total %
Temperature σYS σUTS
SN Orientation elongation elongation Reduction
(ºC) (MPa) (MPa)
(%) (%) in area
1 -60 643.5 827.77 4.78 14.72 49.1
2 -60 676.45 834.66 6.75 16.18 55.89
3 -40 661.74 809.14 6.56 -- 51.17
4 -40 638.76 784.74 6.09 15.7 57.94
5 -10 646.64 768.24 5.7 14.5 60.3
6 -10 629.62 757.05 7.05 15.34 59.55
7 28 623.26 743.36 6.52 -- 61.32
8 28 626.64 749.007 6.97 14.18 62.05
9 150 565.82 672.78 5.58 11.87 59.03
10 150 570.33 671.00 4.8 12.07 58.45
11 285 563.11 654.78 5.36 10.34 59.43
12 285 557.69 641.41 4.05 9.86 61.06
13 -60 659.14 812.79 6.89 16.31 56.04
14 -60 656.98 815.66 5.35 15.39 57.32
15 -40 636.55 783.7 7.57 16.64 59.67
16 -40 643.22 789.15 5.37 14.45 57.18
17 -10 632.87 767.22 6.82 15.44 60.35
18 -10 626.93 763.69 6.68 15.31 63.18
19 28 623.61 742.53 5.83 13.95 62.2
20 28 613.99 736.36 6.33 13.54 60.01
21 150 574.28 669.19 4.95 11.01 60.74
22 150 569.69 673.96 6.16 13.28 62.35
23 285 554.2 648.25 5.15 10.31 60.48
24 285 551.13 643.32 5.15 10.33 59.1

5.4. Fatigue Properties

5.4.1. Specimen and Test Details
Low Cycle Fatigue (LCF) tests were performed using 6 mm diameter cylindrical specimens
fabricated in the longitudinal direction (Fig.5.4), following ASTM E606 [14] at room
temperature. Tests were performed under total strain amplitude control at strain amplitudes
ranging from ±0.15% to ±1.0%. Tests were stopped once 20% load drop in the preceding 15
cycles was achieved. A 12.5 mm gauge length extensometer was used for controlling strain
amplitude. Please refer [13] for details.

Fig.5.4. Low cycle fatiguetest specimen

5.4.2. Low Cycle Fatigue Test Results

Results of the low cycle fatigue tests are given in (Table.5.3). Obtained stress-strain
hysteresis loops are plotted in (Fig.5.5).

Table.5.3. Low cycle fatigue test results- MSS403

SN Strain Amplitude (%) Life, Nf

1 0.15 154667*
2 0.15 -
3 0.25 34008
4 0.25 16032
5 0.35 3907
6 0.35 3200
7 0.5 836
8 0.5 1523
9 0.75 168
10 0.75 287
11 1 173
12 1 156
* run-out test. Since the specimen did not fail
even after > 0.15 million cycles, the test was
stopped and decided not to conduct the second

Load, kN



-0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4

Strain, %




-0.3 0.0 0.3


Load,kN 0

-20 0.5%_2

-0.5 0.0 0.5



-20 0.75%_2

-0.7 0.0 0.7



-20 1%_2

-1 0 1

Fig.5.5. LCF stress-strain hysteresis loops

5.5. Frracture Prooperties
5.5.1. Specimen
S a Test Deetails for Evvaluation off Fracture Toughness
and T
Fracturee tests (KICI ) were pe erformed using
u Comp pact Tensioon (CT) sppecimens (Fig.5.6)
fabricatted in longgitudinal annd circumfeerential direections, folllowing ASTM E1820 0-09 [9].
Specimmens were pre-cracked
p prior to fracture testss. All tests were conduucted at a constant
displaceement rate of
o 0.003 mm m/s. A 5 mm m GL COD D gauge fitteed to the inttegral knife-edge of
the specimen at thhe load linee was used for measurring the Load-Line Diisplacementt (LLD).
Tests were
w stoppedd once the specimens
s w
were fracturred and loadd on specim
men dropped d to near
zero vaalue since all
a the speccimens exhhibited unsttable crack extension upon reach hing the
maximuum load. Looad - load line displaceement plot was w used foor K calculaation, follow wing the
ASTM E1820-09 standard. Physical measuremeent of pre--crack lenggth was measured m
employying 7 pointt average method
m andd the same was used for f the calcculation of fracture
toughneess. For testts other thann RT, a sim
milar set-up/mmethod as described
d inn tensile testting was
used. Pllease refer [13]for
[ detaails.

Fig.5.6. CT
C specim
men details

5.5.2. Fracture
F Tooughness Test
T Results
A consoolidated ressult of all fracture toughness resultts is given in
i (Table.5.4). It may be
b noted
that alm
most all the tests did noot meet thee Pmax/PQ an
nd/or the sppecimen thicckness criteeria, and
hence a valid KICC of the maaterial couldd not be obtained.
o Hoowever, thee tentative fracture
toughneess value, KQ, has beenn compared for its variaation with teest temperatture.

It is noted that the material exhibited an insignificant crack tip plasticity during the fracture
tests, bearing the high-temperature test at 285°C. At this temperature also, the material
behaved largely in a quasi-brittle fashion. Any change in the crack tip constraint is, therefore,
not expected to alter the KQ values significantly and hence the obtained KQ can be considered
as a lower bound value, even though a valid KIC could not be obtained even after considering
full CT (1T CT) specimen geometry. The variation of fracture toughness (KQ) with
temperature is shown in (Fig.5.7).

Table.5.4. Fracture toughness test results- MSS403

SN Temp B W af YS Pmax PQ Kmax KQ Pmax/ b = (W-a),

(°C) (mm) (mm) (mm) (MPa) (kN) (kN) (MPam) (MPam) PQ mm
1 285 20.22 50.99 25.40 560.4 51.09 39.16 107.50 82.39 1.30 54.05
2 285 19.91 50.69 24.92 560.4 63.31 37.42 133.04 78.63 1.69 49.225
3 285 19.95 50.71 25.17 648.09 66.96 53.57 142.36 113.89 1.25 103.25
4 285 12.26 25.47 12.78 648.09 21.17 20.06 105.16 99.64 1.06 79.04
5 150 20.23 50.77 24.42 568.07 55.1 43.37 110.23 86.76 1.27 58.32
6 150 20.18 50.88 24.93 568.07 50.2 36.17 103.31 74.43 1.39 42.922
7 150 19.93 50.75 25.47 671.89 67.98 54.07 147.10 117.00 1.26 106.04
8 150 12.23 25.48 13.05 671.89 22.06 18.93 113.44 97.34 1.17 73.41
9 28 20.15 50.6 25.34 624.95 44.77 32.27 95.67 68.96 1.39 30.44
10 28 20.15 50.81 25.33 624.95 44.78 34.27 94.76 72.52 1.31 33.66
11# -60 19.97 50.53 24.64 659.98 28.48 28.48 59.02 59.02 1 19.99
12 -60 20 50.71 25.66 659.97 30.57 30.57 66.81 66.81 1 25.62
13$ -40 19.96 50.97 26.23 650.25 18.99 15.79 42.61 35.43 1.20 7.425
14 -40 20.2 50.53 25.82 650.25 39.89 35.22 87.82 77.54 1.13 35.55
15 -10 20.06 50.44 25.79 638.13 47.24 34.62 104.96 76.92 1.36 36.32
16 -10 19.98 50.81 26.11 638.13 52.18 38.46 116.87 86.14 1.36 45.55
1 285 19.45 50.3 25.77 554 61.6 39.7 141.79 91.38 1.55 68.02
2 285 19.05 50.22 25.58 554 62.32 50.84 145.19 118.45 1.23 114.28
3 150 19.34 50.26 24.63 574 64.6 47.14 139.64 101.90 1.37 78.79
4 150 20.48 50.3 25.92 574 66.44 51.19 146.57 112.93 1.30 96.76
5 28 19.51 50.35 25.30 623 65.6 46.71 145.88 103.87 1.40 69.50
6 28 19.43 50.3 24.93 623 69.44 51.84 151.87 113.38 1.34 82.80
7 -60 19.45 50.36 25.30 659 21.87 13.07 48.77 29.14 1.67 4.89
8 -60 19.38 50.57 26.14 659 22.92 19.29 53.56 45.08 1.19 11.70
9 -40 19.69 50.34 25.53 643 38.72 28.88 86.59 64.59 1.34 25.22
10 -40 19.48 50.45 25.7 643 24.33 24.22 55.31 55.06 1.00 18.33
11 -10 19.4 50.38 25.5 632 45.92 36.12 103.82 81.66 1.27 41.74
12 -10 19.45 50.42 25.64 632 34.69 34.62 78.80 78.64 1.00 38.71
#: the only test qualified as valid KIC. $: test showed a pop-in behaviour



KQ, MPa√m 100


Longitudinal Transverse


-100 -50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Temperature, ºC

Fig.5.7. Variation of fracture toughness (KQ) with temperature

5.6. Fatigue Crack Growth Rate (FCGR) Properties

FCGR tests were performed using CT specimens fabricated in LC and CR orientations (see
(Fig.4.10(b))) at room temperature. Tests were performed as per ASTM E647-05 [10]
standard. A 5 mm COD gauge with ±2 mm travel was used for crack length calculation
employing the unloading compliance method. Tests were performed using both decreasing
ΔK and constant ΔP methods at a R-ratio of 0.1. Please refer [13] for more details.

5.6.1. Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Data

Results of FCGR in terms of Paris Power law constants are shown in (Table.5.5). Paris law is
expressed as: da/dN=C(ΔK)m, where C and m are FCGR constants. These constants are valid
when da/dN is expressed in m/cycle and ΔK in MPa√m.

Table.5.5. FCGR data of MSS403

Paris Constants ΔK range

SN B (mm) W (mm) Method C m used R2
LC orientation
1 19.97 49.98 Reducing ΔK 2.207 × 10-9 3.2285 15-26 0.9897
2 20.10 50.59 Reducing ΔK 2.305 × 10-9 3.1304 15-24.5 0.9828
3 20.20 50.35 ΔP=Const 3.5 × 10-8 2.5019 18-39 0.9974
CR orientation
1 20.40 50.20 Reducing ΔK 3.616 × 10-9 3.1127 17-25 0.9897
2 20.15 50.38 Reducing ΔK 4.878 × 10-9 3.008 16-25 0.9945
3 20.14 50.45 ΔP=Const 3.5 21 × 10-8 2.5429 17-39 0.9914

5.6.2. Paris Law Constants
Paris regime FCGR data for LC and CR orientation (Fig.5.8) is given in (Fig.5.9(a)&(b))
respectively. No significant difference in the Paris regime crack growth data has been
observed in the two orientations in terms of the Paris slope during either decreasing ΔK or
constant ΔP test.

Fig.5.8. Different orientations for CT specimens

-08 2.50186
1E-4 da/dN =3.5x10 K
da/dN, mm/cycle

-09 3.2285
da/dN =2.207x10 K
(a) -09 3.13036
da/dN =2.305x10 K

K decreasing test_1
K decreasing test_2
Const P test

10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
K, MPam

dN = 3.521E--08  k

dN = 3.616E--09  k
da/dN, mm/Cyc

da 8E-09  k
a/dN = 4.878
Decresing  K _1
Decresing  K _2
Constant  P


8 9 10
0 20 30 40 50 60
 K, MPa-m

Figg.5.9. Com
mparison off FCGR beh haviour usiing ΔK deccreasing and constant ΔP
hods for (a)) LC and (b
b) CR orien

5.7. Ch
harpy Impaact Propertties
5.7.1. Specimen
S a Test Deetails
Charpy Impact Tests
T were conductedd using speecimens faabricated inn longitudinal and
circumfferential dirrections following AS STM E24-5 58 [15] staandard (Figg.5.10). Tessts were
conductted in the temperature
t e range of -60°C
- to +150°C. A temperature
t e bath fitted
d with a
temperaature controoller was ussed for soakking the speecimens. Diial gauge reeading was used
u for
measuriing the eneergy absorpption by thhe specimeen. Three tests for eaach conditio on were

Fig.5.10. Impact testt specimen

5.7.2. Charpy Impact Energy Variation with Temperature
Charpy impact energy variation with temperature in 403 martensitic steel is shown in
(Table.5.6) and (Fig.5.11). For both the orientations, the impact energy showed a systematic
rise with test temperature indicating a rise in toughness values. In fact, the variation showed a
near transition curve with a certain lower shelf and an almost saturating upper shelf. A fitting
of determined Charpy energy with temperature is furnished in (Table.5.7).

Table.5.6. Charpy Energy data and lateral expansion of specimen: MSS403

Lateral Temp, Energy, Lateral

SN Temp,°C Energy, J SN
Expn,mm °C J Expn,mm
1 0 20.32 0.296 25 -45 5.59 0.072
2 0 22.44 0.387 26 -45 5.81 0.207
3 0 23.56 0.378 27 -45 13.89 0.256
4 -10 18.83 0.375 28 -50 5.42 0.102
5 -10 15.74 0.273 29 -50 9.95 0.171
6 -10 23.35 0.376 30 -50 4.87 0.136
7 -15 17.83 0.307 31 -60 4.48 0.151
8 -15 22.86 0.376 32 -60 4.98 0.135
9 -15 19.03 0.342 33 -60 4.75 0.168
10 -20 21.27 0.275 34 30 22.67 0.272
11 -20 13.51 0.205 35 30 31.42 0.425
12 -20 11.03 0.239 36 30 29.26 0.578
13 -25 21.41 0.376 37 60 42.63 0.646
14 -25 4.87 0.205 38 60 42.31 0.442
15 -25 10.49 0.239 39 60 53.95 0.884
16 -30 13.13 0.239 40 90 74.93 0.985
17 -30 18.3 0.216 41 90 74.01 0.714
18 -30 8.05 0.136 42 90 75.02 0.783
19 -35 16.26 0.189 43 120 117.69 0.917
20 -35 13.7 0.239 44 120 137.33 1.585
21 -35 9.05 0.205 45 120 106.35 1.087
22 -40 4.37 0.102 46 150 167.98 1.019
23 -40 5.2 0.229 47 150 147.32 1.222
24 -40 11.64 0.256 48 150 139.55 1.539
1 0 24.4 0.15 25 -45 11.58 0.249
2 0 21.48 0.36 26 -45 15.1 0.238
3 0 18.7 0.32 27 -45 18.43 0.314
4 -10 10.79 0.155 28 -50 11.09 0.136
5 -10 18 0.147 29 -50 5.2 0.158
6 -10 20.52 30 -50 12.88 0.17

Lateral Temp, Energy, Lateral
SN Temp,°C Energy, J SN
Expn,mm °C J Expn,mm
7 -15 12.38 0.236 31 -60 6.21 0.305
8 -15 20.52 0.393 32 -60 6.95 0.17
9 -15 21.48 0.497 33 -60 3.93 0.12
10 -20 21.34 0.326 34 30 27 0.482
11 -20 20.11 0.253 35 30 NA NA
12 -20 18.63 0.287 36 30 NA NA
13 -25 11.95 0.253 37 60 40.55 0.613
14 -25 19.03 0.354 38 60 53.18 0.836
15 -25 17.04 0.236 39 60 45.73 0.792
16 -30 14.59 0.273 40 90 71.43 0.943
17 -30 16.13 0.169 41 90 95.85 1.543
18 -30 13.89 0.337 42 90 96.43 0.968
19 -35 17.04 0.219 43 120 145.91 2.04
20 -35 12.07 0.185 44 120 147.93 1.449
21 -35 11.46 0.225 45 120 161.5 2.14
22 -40 17.17 0.325 46 150 168.98 1.765
23 -40 4.42 0.136 47 150 157.48 1.356
24 -40 4.2 0.18 48 150 185.94 1.802
TDBTT = 101.16 C


Charpy impact energy, J


Best fit curve for both data
80 2
(Adj. R : 0.96732)



-100 -50 0 50 100 150 200

Temperature, C

Fig.5.11. Variation of Charpy impact energy with temperature

Table.5.7. Equation parameters: Charpy energy with temperature

∗ ∗

Adj. R-Square 0.97

Parameter Value Standard Error
LSE 10.7 1.65
del_T 60.51 6.92
USE 194.1 13.18
T 101.16 5.37


PFBR reactor vessel is made up of SS316LN.

6.1. Composition, Fabrication Route and Form of Material

Rolled and annealed plates of SS316LN were used for fabrication of specimens. The
chemical composition of the material is furnished in (Table.6.1).

Table.6.1. Chemical composition of SS316LN tested for evaluation of mechanical


Type of C Cr Ni Mn Mo Si N S P Fe
Wt % 0.028 17.5 12.3 1.7 2.5 0.21 0.08 0.0055 0.012 rest

6.2. Mechanical Properties

6.2.1. Specimen and Test Details
In this section, the mechanical properties of SS316LN stainless steel is evaluated at 25°C
(room temperature) and 650°C. Smooth cylindrical specimens of 4 mm diameter and 25 mm
gauge length have been tested. The dimensions of the specimen used in the tensile tests are
shown in (Fig.6.1). The fractograph of the smooth tensile specimen of SS316LN tested at
room temperatures showing enlargement of ductile voids and their coalescence is shown in

Fig.6.1. Geometrical dimensions of the 4 mm diameter smooth tensile specimen

Fig.6.2. Fractograph of smooth tensile specimen of SS316LN tested at room
temperatures showing enlargement of ductile voids and their coalescence.

6.2.2. YS, UTS and Ductility of SS316LN at Different Temperatures

The mechanical properties of the SS316LN stainless steel at different temperatures is
provided in (Table.6.2).

Table.6.2. Mechanical properties of SS316LN at room temperature and 650ºC

Test Temperature (°C) YS (MPa) UTS (MPa) Ductility (%)

25 240 554 69
650 125 335 42

6.3. Stress- Strain Curves

The load-displacement curve, engineering stress-strain and true stress-strain curves at 25°C
and 650°C are shown in (Fig.6.3-6.5) respectively. The corresponding data are provided in

Load (kN) 6

Tensile test
2 o
25 C
650 C
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Displacement (mm)
Fig.6.3. Load-displacement data of SS316LN stainless steel smooth tensile spcimens of
4 mm diameter tested at 25°C (room temperature) and 650°C.


Engg. Stress (MPa)



200 Tensile test

100 25 C
650 C
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Engg. Strain

Fig.6.4. Engineering stess-strain curves of SS316LN stainless steel tested at 25°C (room
temperature) and 650°C.

Tensile test
800 o
25 C
650 C
True Stress (MPa)




0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
True Strain

Fig.6.5. True stess-strain curves of SS316LN stainless steel tested at 25°C (room
temperature) and 650°C.

Table.6.3. Load-displacement data from tensile tests conducted at 25°C and 650°C
respectively using smooth tensile specimens

Tests Temperature (25°C) Tests Temperature (650°C)

Displacement (mm) Load (kN) Displacement (mm) Load (kN)
0 0 0 0
0.01055 2.2599 0.00825 0.00933
0.11849 2.75296 0.06005 0.37709
0.15552 3.1433 0.10931 0.60315
0.22806 3.59529 0.15853 0.85756
0.37005 3.84182 0.21886 1.04567
0.44173 4.10889 0.2847 1.23371
0.65434 4.39652 0.39192 1.38336
0.86723 4.74578 0.51561 1.57057
1.25552 4.95121 0.64216 1.69161
1.89114 5.34156 0.76594 1.81269
2.59663 5.60865 0.876 1.90561
3.6541 5.85517 0.97782 1.97976
4.95798 6.08117 1.07683 2.09174
6.01497 6.22498 1.18696 2.13741
7.28345 6.40988 1.2805 2.22112
8.41098 6.57423 1.36857 2.27656
10.03158 6.75914 1.46213 2.35083
11.4759 6.90295 1.58051 2.40584

12.70858 6.96457 1.67133 2.46124
14.15225 6.96457 1.76762 2.55437
14.962 6.94404 1.86396 2.60968
15.4541 6.75914 1.97683 2.65532
15.76995 6.53314 2.06764 2.72963
16.11927 5.93736 2.16399 2.77551
16.46813 5.23884 2.26307 2.84024
16.85153 4.39652 2.36493 2.88604
16.98882 3.63637 2.45845 2.9792
17.1615 2.91732 2.57135 3.01539
3.32538 3.30568
3.63187 3.42836
3.8894 3.57014
4.2969 3.71155
4.6519 3.80561
5.05688 3.89955
5.51185 3.99335
5.86533 4.05892
6.46877 4.12388
6.92122 4.17021
7.47318 4.20679
8.87247 4.19375
9.3684 4.11653
9.70927 3.94473
10.05068 3.78244
10.08705 3.52596
10.2699 3.20263
10.37355 2.32874
10.40225 2.86993
10.43425 1.5879
10.43865 2.61345
10.45138 1.91072
10.57162 1.35014
10.7055 1.04594

Table.6.4. Engineering and True stress-strain data as obtained from tensile test
conducted at 25°C

Test Temperature (25°C)

Engineering Strain Engineering Stress True Strain True Stress
(MPa) (MPa)
0 0 0 0
4.22e-4 179.837 4.22E-
0.00474 219.074 04 179.9129
0.00622 250.136 0.00473 220.1123
0.00912 286.104 0.0062 251.6921
0.0148 305.722 0.00908 288.7139
0.01767 326.975 0.01469 310.2474
0.02617 349.864 0.01751 332.7523
0.03469 377.657 0.02584 359.0211
0.05022 394.005 0.0341 390.7577
0.07565 425.068 0.049 413.7922
0.10387 446.322 0.07292 457.2226
0.14616 465.94 0.09882 492.6792
0.19832 483.924 0.13642 534.0437
0.2406 495.368 0.18092 579.8953
0.29134 510.082 0.21559 614.5531
0.33644 523.161 0.25568 658.6883
0.40126 537.875 0.29001 699.1728
0.45904 549.319 0.33737 753.7043
0.50834 554.223 0.37778 801.4762
0.56609 554.223 0.41101 835.9584
0.59848 552.589 0.44858 867.9631
0.61816 537.875 0.46905 883.3025
0.6308 519.891
0.64477 472.48
0.65873 416.894
0.67406 349.864
0.67955 289.373
0.68646 232.153

Table.6.5. Engineering and True stress-strain data as obtained from tensile test
conducted at 650°C

Test Temperature (650°C)

Engineering Strain Engineering Stress True Strain True Stress
(MPa) (MPa)
0 0 0 0
3.30e-4 0.74257 3.30e-4 0.74282
0.0024 30.0075 0.0024 30.07958
0.00437 47.997 0.00436 48.20686
0.00634 68.2423 0.00632 68.67503
0.00875 83.2118 0.00872 83.94026
0.01139 98.1752 0.01132 99.29321
0.01568 110.084 0.01556 111.8098
0.02062 124.982 0.02041 127.5597
0.02569 134.614 0.02536 138.0717
0.03064 144.249 0.03018 148.6685
0.03504 151.644 0.03444 156.9576
0.03911 157.544 0.03837 163.706
0.04307 166.455 0.04217 173.6248
0.04748 170.09 0.04639 178.1656
0.05122 176.751 0.04995 185.8042
0.05474 181.163 0.0533 191.0804
0.05849 187.073 0.05684 198.014
0.06322 191.451 0.0613 203.5546
0.06685 195.859 0.06471 208.9528
0.0707 203.27 0.06832 217.6421
0.07456 207.672 0.07191 223.1557
0.07907 211.304 0.0761 228.0125
0.08271 217.217 0.07946 235.182
0.08656 220.868 0.08302 239.9862
0.09052 226.019 0.08666 246.4789
0.0946 229.664 0.09039 251.3896
0.09834 237.077 0.0938 260.3907
0.10285 239.957 0.0979 264.6375
0.13302 263.058 0.12488 298.0487
0.14527 272.82 0.13564 312.4539
0.15558 284.103 0.1446 328.3026
0.17188 295.356 0.15861 346.1206
0.18608 302.841 0.17065 359.1924
0.20228 310.316 0.18422 373.0852
0.22047 317.781 0.19924 387.8435
0.23461 322.999 0.21076 398.7788
0.25875 328.168 0.23012 413.0818
0.27685 331.855 0.2444 423.7287
0.29893 334.766 0.26154 434.8366

0.3549 333.728 0.30373 452.1677
0.37474 327.583
0.38837 313.912
0.40203 300.997
0.40348 280.587
0.4108 254.857
0.41494 185.315
0.41609 228.382
0.41737 126.361
0.41755 207.972
0.41806 152.05
0.42286 107.441
0.42822 83.2332

The material properties of various austenitic and marensitic stainless steels, which have been
generated by RSD for use in different structural analyses and qualification requirements have
been compiled in the present volume of the compendium. These include:

- SS304L: Tensile and creep stress rupture properties of base and weld materials up to
1100ºC have been reported. Fracture toughness properties of base material up to
800ºC are also reported.

- SS304LN: Tensile, fatigue, fracture and fatigue crack growth rate (FCGR) properties
at room temperature and 285ºC, of both base and weld materials have been furnished.

- MSS403 (modified): Tensile (-60ºC to 285ºC), fatigue, fracture (-60ºC to 285ºC),

FCGR and impact properties (-60ºC to 150ºC) are furnished.

- SS316LN: Tensile properties at 25ºC and 650ºC have been furnished.

The contribution of various agencies in generating the material properties presented here is
gratefully acknowledged. Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL) contributed
by providing the SS 304L plates and modified MSS403 bar material for this study. IGCAR,
Kalpakkam supplied 316LN material for the tensile tests reported in this document. Majority
of tests on SS304L, MSS403(modified) and SS304LN materials were conducted at CSIR-
National Metallurgical Laboratory (NML), Jamshedpur under different consultancy projects.
The contribution of Dr. S. Tarafder, Dr. J. Swaminathan, Dr S. Sivaprasad, Dr. H. N. Bar and
other supporting staff of MTE-division, NML is gratefully acknowledged.

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