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The materials for the dictionary were seleted from various laws of Ukraine,

manuals on criminology, special terminology dictionaries and encyclopedias.

Dictionary registry is enclosed in alphabetical order.
The structure of each vocabulary article includes the title unit, its explanation, as
well as the English equivalent. To search for English equivalents, Ukrainian-English
and legal Ukrainian-English dictionaries have been used, as well as the online
platform ABBYY Lingvo Live. Each interpretation of the registry unit contains a
reference to the source in which this term is stated. For ease of use, each title has an
emphasis. For some words etymological information has been provided. Synonyms
are given after the interpretation of the title word and are entered to the general
register of words. If a word is multi-valued, then all its values are given.
The glossary of terms may be applied when delivering a special course of
"Linguistic Expertise", as well as the materials for an educational manual of legal
linguistics students.
Conclusion. Consequently, creation of a glossary of linguistic expertise terms is
important for both Ukrainian terminology and legal linguistics. In future this
dictionary can be used by students, teachers and researchers interested in intersection
issues of jurisprudence and linguistics.


1. Baranov A. Linguistics in forensic linguistic expertise (method and truth) / A.

Baranov // Science Journal of VolSU). – K.: Linguistics, 2017. – Vol. 16. – № 2. – p.
2. Шевченко Л.І. та ін. Юрислінгвістика : словник термінів і понять / [За
ред. докт. філол. н., проф. Л.І. Шевченко]. – К.: ВПЦ «Київський університет»,
2015. − 348 с.
Shevchenko L.I. Yuryslinhvistyka: slovnyk terminiv i poniat [Legal linguistics:
Glossary of terms and concepts] / Za red. dokt. filol. n., prof. L.I. Shevchenko. – K.:
VPTs «Kyivskyi universytet», 2015. – P. 348 [in Ukrainian].
3. Перебийніс В.І., Сорокін В.М. Традиційна та комп’ютерна
лексикографія [Навч. посібник] / В.І. Перебийніс, В.М. Сорокін. – К.: Вид.
центр КНЛУ, 2009. – 218 с.
Perebyinis V.I. Sorokin V.M. Tradytsiina ta kompiuterna leksykohrafiia
[Traditional and computer lexicography] [Navch. posibnyk] / V.I. Perebyinis, V.M.
Sorokin. – K.: Vyd. tsentr KNLU, 2009. – P. 218 [in Ukrainian].

Oksana Batsalay
Vasyl’ Stus Donetsk National University
Research Supervisor: I. V. Harbera, Lecturer
Language Advisor: Ia.V. Hryhoshkina, PhD in Philology, Ass. Prof.

Introduction. The question of transferring proper names is a great realm for

conducting the most diverse researches, since there exists the full and absolute list of
methods of translating proper nouns, directions and explanations. Still it’s rather
difficult to render the idea and the form from the source language by means of
another language. This paper focuses on the most common methods in translation of
the bulk of proper names in detail. However, due to the diversity of these linguistic
units and their individual characteristics, techniques for the transference of proper
names into the language of translation can be modified and collide with each other.
Review of recent publications. Translation remains the topical issue for study,
since it includes numerous peculiarities and genres of the text under analysis.
I. S. Alekseeva, N. B. Aristov, V. S. Vinogradov, T. A. Kazakova, R. K. Min’yar-
Beloruchev and other scholar have highlighted the general isuues of translation [1; 2;
3; 5; 8]. Some linguists have focused on specific aspects of translation, e.g.
V. I. Karaban dwells upon technical and scientific literature, S. Vlakhov and S. Florin
cast light upon untranslatable vocabulary [4; 7].
Objectives of the paper. The paper focuses on translation of the names of
fabulous characters. The objective of the given study is to determine the notion of
literary translation, specify factors that make impact on the artistic translation, find
out the ways to translate names of fairy-tales characters. The analysis of examples
from fiction has shown that translators resort to a variety of ways to work with their
own names.
Results of the research. Literary translation is the choice of the way to transfer
the source information, which leads to a translation text with an adequate initial
impact on the recipient. The main object of this translation method is not so much the
linguistic composition of the source text, but mainly its content, emotional and
aesthetic value. Moreover, this type of translation does not allow any reductions or
simplifications of the source material.
A translator faces the task to transfer the character to his / her own name with
habits and tastes, as well as to recreate a sound shape of the name that can evoke
certain associations in the readers’ minds, will help the audience easily remember the
character and the name. Turning precisely to the problems and features of literary
translation, some of the most important issues should be highlighted.
The problem of this translation type is the relation between the context of the author
and the context of the translator. Artistic translation arises from the objective factors,
as well as the subjective ones. No translation can be absolutely precise, since the
language system of the fiction and belles-lettres, according to the objective data, can
not perfectly convey the content of the original, which inevitably leads to the loss of a
certain amount of information [5]. It also involves the personality of an interpreter
who, while transmitting the text, will necessarily produce something from the
content, as well as his tendency to demonstrate or not to demonstrate all the features
of the original [11]. The regularity is the break of associative relations when
translating a literary work into another language, mainly due to linguistic differences.
For the work to continue to ‘live’ as an artistic creation in a new language
environment, the translator must assume the functions of the author and to some
extent repeat the creative process of its formation and to fill the work with new
associative links that would cause new images inherent in the given language.
The problem of the translation of fairy tales is primarily due to the peculiarities
of their artistic form, stylistic means and a significant number of tropes and
anthroponyms in the structure. Often the interpreter gives a national color to a fairy-
tale. Attempts to necessarily change someone else’s poetic system, to evaluate it from
the point of view of its national literature are not easy at all.
The translation of the names of fairy-tale characters is an interesting topic for
linguists, because this translation affects the impression about a character, gives him /
her a positive or negative tune.
So, a successful translation will strengthen the character and add emotionality.
Having analyzed the names of the characters, translated by the method of
tracing, we can conclude that this method is used by the interpreter when the name
was created by moving the noun from the general name to its own, as well as the
adoption of the translation of new words, which are of two types (lexical – used
predominantly for the translation of complex words-terms, with the word obtained
from the dictionary, the first in order and word-building in the dictionary, is the
duplicate morphemic structure of the word). Transcribing and transliteration is used
when the name is invented by the author or it is a common name in English.
Conclusion. The feature of names, unlike most of the borrowed words, is that in
the process of transferring them to another language, they usually retain their original
sound image. Therefore, a purely formal approach to the translation of names is a
serious mistake that may cause many inaccuracies and misunderstandings in the
translationed text. Although it happens when the exact translation leads to the
emergence of misplaced names and names, unminent and inconvenient in
pronunciation [1: 13].
While translating proper names, the translator faces two tasks: to delightfully
transfer the names into the language of translation and to preserve certain national
identity in a foreign sound form as the manifestation of the national-language
affiliation of the characters.


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