Most Asked Frontend Interview Questions
Most Asked Frontend Interview Questions
Most Asked Frontend Interview Questions
Frontend Interview
Haris Ahmad
1. What is the purpose of the DOCTYPE declaration
in HTML?
2. Explain the difference between <div> and
<span> in HTML?
3. How do you link an external CSS stylesheet to an
HTML document?
4. What is the significance of the alt attribute in the
<img> tag?
5. Describe the difference between GET and POST
methods in HTML forms.
6. What is the purpose of the <meta> tag, and how
is it used?
7. How can you create a hyperlink that opens in a
new tab or window?
8. What is the semantic difference between
<strong> and <b>, and <em> and <i>?
9. Explain the concept of HTML5 semantic
elements and provide examples.
10. How does the <iframe> tag work, and what is it
commonly used for in HTML?
CodeHype CodeHype
1. What is the box model in CSS and how does it
2. Explain the difference between margin and
padding in CSS.
3. How can you center an element horizontally and
vertically in CSS?
4. What is the purpose of the z-index property in
5. Describe the difference between inline and
block-level elements in CSS.
6. What is the difference between display: none
and visibility: hidden in CSS?
7. How do media queries work in responsive web
design with CSS?
8. Explain the CSS selector specificity and how it
affects styling.
9. What is the clearfix hack, and why is it used in
10. How can you include external fonts in a web
page using CSS?
CodeHype CodeHype
1. What is the difference between let, const, and
var in JavaScript?
2. Explain the concept of closures in JavaScript.
3. How does prototypal inheritance work in
4. What is the purpose of the this keyword in
5. How do you handle asynchronous operations in
6. What is event delegation in JavaScript?
7. Explain the difference between == and === in
8. How can you create a new object in
9. Describe the concept of hoisting in JavaScript.
10. What is the use of the map and filter functions
in JavaScript?
CodeHype CodeHype
1. What is JSX in React and why is it used?
2. Explain the difference between state and
props in React.
3. How does React handle component lifecycle
4. What is the significance of keys in React lists?
5. What is the purpose of the virtual DOM in
6. How do you handle forms in React?
7. Explain the concept of lifting state up in
8. What are React hooks and how do they differ
from class components?
9. Describe the role of the useEffect hook in
10. How does routing work in React applications?
CodeHype CodeHype
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