Grade 7

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Department of Education



Mathematics 7
First Periodical Examination

Directions: Read the questions carefully and write the letter of the correct answer on your answer sheet.

1. Which of the following refers to a well-defined collection of objects?

A. element B. integer C. relation D. set
2. Which of the following is a well-defined set? A set of ____.
A. painters B. students C. actors D. Philippine Presidents
3. Which of the following is the symbol of a null set?
⊆ D. ∅
For items 4-6, refer to the problem below.
In a survey conducted to 100 students with regards to the social networking sites, it was
found out that: 45 students have Facebook account, 38 students have Twitter account, 34
students have Instagram account, 12 have Facebook and Twitter account, 15 have Twitter and
Instagram account, 13 have Instagram and Facebook account, and 4 have accounts on these
three social networking sites.
4. How many students have Facebook account only?
A. 19 B. 24 C. 28 D. 33
5. How many students have Facebook account but not Twitter?
A. 19 B. 24 C. 28 D. 33
6. How many students don’t have any account on these three social networking sites?
A. 19 B. 24 C. 28 D. 33
7. Which of the following represents the distance of a number on a number line?
A. Absolute Value C. Rational Number
B. Ordered Pairs D. Scientific Notations
8. Alex, Ben, Carlo, Danny and Elly are standing in a human sized number line. The location of
Alex, Ben, Carlo and Danny are -5, -7, 8 and 9 respectively. If Elly’s location is at 0, who is
closest to Elly?
A. Alex, because he is 5 units away from Elly.
B. Ben, because he is 7 units away from Elly.
C. Carlo, because he is 8 units away from Elly.
D. Danny, because he is 9 units away from Elly.
9. What is the absolute value of 56?
A. -56 B. 0 C. 56 D. -56 and 56
*For numbers 10 – 12, find the sum/difference and product/quotient of the following
10. 18 + (-16) + 6 + (-4)
A. -12 B. -4 C. 4 D. 12
11. (-1)(5)(-6)(-2)
A. -60 B. -14 C. 14 D. 60
12. The speed of an object is determined by the quotient of distance (d) and time (t). If a bus
covers a distance of 150 kilometers in 2 hours, what is the speed of the bus?
A. 65 kph B. 75 kph C. 85 kph D. 95 kph
13. What property is illustrated in the expression 3(2-7) = 3(2) – 3(7)?
A. Additive Identity C. Associative
B. Additive Inverse D. Distributive
14. Which of the following DOES NOT illustrate Inverse Property?
A. -6 + 5 = 5 + (-6) B. (4) = 1 C. (-7) + (7) = 0 D. (a) + (-a) = 0
15. Which of the following illustrates Distributive Property?
A. a+ (b + c) = (a+b) + c C. 3(6) = 18
B. 3(x + 2) = 3x + 6 D. 2+ (–5) = -5 + 2
*For numbers 16-18, change the given fraction to decimal or vice versa.
A. 0.365 B. 0.374 C. 0.375 D. 0.38
A. 0.71 B. 0.72 C. 0.73 D. 0.74
18. 0.625
A. 3/8 B. 4/8 C. 5/8 D. 7/8
1 3
19.Danielle is carrying her two Barbie dolls weighing kg and kg, respectively. What is the
5 10
total weight of her Barbie dolls?
1 4 4 4
A. kg B. kg C. kg D. kg
2 5 10 15
5 2
20. What is the difference between and ?
3 3
7 7
A. 1 B. C. D. 3
6 3
21. Pia bought 1.25 kg of sugar at ₱85.50 per kilo. How much did she pay for it?
A. 106.875 B. 106.785 C. 107.685 D. 107.865
22. Which of the following best describes the principal root of √ 143?
A. integer B. irrational C. natural D. rational
23. Which of the statements is TRUE?
A. √ 8 is an integer C. √ 49 is a rational number
B. √ 25 is an irrational number D. √ 80 is neither rational nor irrational
24. Between what two consecutive integers does the square root of 89 lie?
A. 8 & 9 B. 9 & 10 C. 10 & 11 D. 11 & 12
25. Where does the square root of 38 lie?
A. between 5 & 6 B. beyond 6 C. before 5 D. at 6
26. Which of the following number is the estimated value of √ 123?
A. 11.08 B. 11.18 C. 12.08 D. 12.18
27. Estimate√ 104.
A. 10. 05 B. 10.15 C. 10.21 D. 10.23
28. The area of a DIY chopping board is equal to √ 186 square inches. Estimate its area to the
nearest hundredths?
A. 13.19 B. 13.27 C. 13.38 D. 13.64
29. What numbers can be expressed in the form , where a and b are integers and b 0?
A. counting B. irrational C. natural D. rational
30. Which of the following is an irrational number?
A. nonterminating decimal C. repeating decimal
B. mixed number D. integer
31. Which of the following is a rational number?
A. 0 B. √ 5 C. 4.121314… D. 13.56789…
32. Which number is the smallest?
A. B. -6 C. √ 36 D. 6.16...
33. Arrange the following decimals in descending order: 0.246, 1.24, -9.6, -10.222, -1
A. -10.222, -9.6, 1.24, -1, 0.246 C. 1.24, 0.246, -1, -9.6, -10.222
B. -10.222, -9.6, -1. 0.246, 1.24 D. 1.24, -1, 0.246, -9.6, -10.222

34. Given -12.95, 18.32 and -7.28, If arranged in descending order, which is between the other
A. -12.95 B. 18.32 C. -7.28 D. -18.32
35. What is the standard notation of 2.35 x 102?
A. 2.35 B. 23.5 C. 235 D. 2 350
36. Light travels 450 000 000 000 000 meters in a year. What is the speed of light in scientific
A. 0.45 x 1014 B. 4.5 x 1014 C. 45.0 x 1014 D. 450 x 1014
37. Which of the following numbers contains 4 significant digits?
A. 0.007 B. 0.0190 C. 186.0 D. 0.06210
38. Maria finds a square rug in a store that has an area of 24 m . If the dimensions of the floor of
the living room is 5 m by 5 m, will the rug fit in the living room?
A. Yes, because the area of rug equals the area of the living room.
B. Yes, because the area of the rug is less than the area of the living room.
C. No, because the area of the rug is more than the area of the living room
D. No, because the area of the rug is less than the area of the living room.
39. In a Math test of 10 items, the following conditions are given:
Every correct answer is given 5 point
Every wrong answer is given -2
Unanswered item is given 0 point.
Who among the 4 Grade 7 students got the lowest score?
i) Ana got 4 correct answers and 6 wrong answers.
ii) Mark got 4 correct answers out of 8 questions he answered
iii) Adrian got 4 correct answers out of 6 questions she answered.
iv) Maria got 2 correct answers out of 3 questions he answered.

A. Maria because she scored 8

B. Mark and Adrian because they both scored 8
C. Ana because she scored 8.
D. Ana and Mark because they both scored 8.

40. Annie went to the grocery store to buy anti-COVID supplies, alcohol, face shield and face
masks. One galloon of alcohol costs ₱500.00, one acrylic face shield costs ₱80.00 and 1 box of
facemask costs ₱50.00. If Annie had only ₱2 500.00, could she purchase 2 galloons of alcohol, 10
pcs of acrylic face shields and 4 boxes of face masks?
A. Yes, because her money is more than the total costs of the anti-COVID supplies.
B. Yes, because her money is less than the total costs of the anti-COVID supplies.
C. No, because her money is more than the total costs of the anti-COVID supplies.
D. No, because her money is less than the total costs of the anti-COVID supplies.

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