Admit Card
(Base year : 2021, Job ID: 10181)
For Sonali Bank Ltd., Janata Bank Ltd., Agrani Bank Ltd., Rupali Bank Ltd., Bangladesh Development Bank
Ltd., Bangladesh Krishi Bank, Bangladesh House Building Finance Corporation, Probashi Kallyan Bank,
Karmasangsthan Bank and Investment Corporation of Bangladesh
1. This card must be printed, preserved and carried by the candidate for MCQ test, written examination and viva voce (interview).
Writing or drawing on this admit card is strictly prohibited.
2.Candidate will report to the examination center at least 60 minutes prior to the start of examination.
No applicant will be allowed to enter examination center once examination starts.
3.Other than a single copy of this admit card, carrying any kind of paper, calculator, wallet, mobile phone, smart watch
or any other communication devices is strictly prohibited in examination center. Candidate will be expelled if found
guilty of forgery, copying, adopting any unfair means, misconduct, misbehavior at the examination center and for
carrying the objects mentioned or any other illegal objects during the examination.
4. The signature of the candidate in attendance sheet, answer sheet, OMR form and in other places relevant to this
recruitment process must be the same as used in the job application form.
5. Candidate will use black ink ball point pen for the examinations. No marks will be given if pencil is used in the OMR
form or in the answer script.
6.There will be no wash room break for one hour examination. For examination continuing for two hours or more, one
wash room break is allowed during the second half of the examination.
7.Candidate will not be allowed to leave the examination center before examination ends.
8.Candidate will keep his/her ears visible during the examination.
9.No allowance will be admissible for attending examinations.