Mehrotra Et Al 2014 Management of Unilaterally Impacted Permanent Mandibular First Second and Third Molars
Mehrotra Et Al 2014 Management of Unilaterally Impacted Permanent Mandibular First Second and Third Molars
Mehrotra Et Al 2014 Management of Unilaterally Impacted Permanent Mandibular First Second and Third Molars
Management of Unilaterally Impacted Permanent Mandibular First, Second and Third Molars
Case report
How to cite this article: Mehrotra R, Mehrotra A, Mistry J. A 15-year-old boy reported to our practice with the chief
Management of Unilaterally Impacted Permanent Mandibular complaint of ‘missing’ teeth in his right mandibular posterior
First, Second and Third Molars. J Ind Orthod Soc 2014; area. He also complained of spacing and ‘shifted’ teeth in the
48(4):419-428. lower right quadrant and desired treatment for the same. His
Source of support: Nil intraoral examination confirmed that no erupted permanent
Conflict of interest: None
molars were present on the right mandibular quadrant. The
most posterior tooth clinically visible in the lower right
Received on: 17/8/13 quadrant was the second premolar, which appeared to be
Accepted after Revision: 10/10/13 very distally positioned, leading to spacing. The patient’s
past dental, medical and family history revealed nothing
INTRODUCTION significant.
Extraorally (Figs 1A to C), the patient had a mildly
Impaction is defined as failure of tooth eruption caused convex profile. His lips were competent and their position
by a physical obstacle in the eruption path or abnormal with respect to the E-line was normal. Vertically, he had an
position of the tooth germ.1 While impaction of third average angle facial growth pattern and gingival display
molars is a common problem, the incidence of mandibular on smiling was within acceptable limits. His upper dental
second molar impaction is quite low and is reported to be midline was shifted slightly to the right.
around 0.06 to 0.3%.2-4 Impacted mandibular first molars Intraorally (Figs 2A to E), both upper quadrants and
are extremely rare, with a reported prevalence of less than the lower left quadrant had fully erupted permanent teeth
0.01%.2,5 Various treatment options for an impacted tooth till the first molars. The second permanent molars were
include extraction with or without prosthetic replacement erupting on the left side but was not seen yet on the upper
or orthodontic space closure, surgical repositioning, right side. On the left side, molar relation was Class I and
transplantation and orthodontically assisted eruption with canine relation between end on and Class I. On the right side
or without surgical uncovering.6-10 canine relation was Class I but the lower premolars appeared
to have migrated distally significantly with resultant spacing.
Anteriorly, the overjet and overbite was slightly greater
Private Practitioner, 3Professor
than normal. The lower left second premolar had turner’s
Private Practice, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India hypoplasia.
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Yogita Dental The orthopantomogram (Fig. 3) revealed that all
College and Hospital, Ratnagiri, Maharashtra, India permanent teeth were present but the right mandibular first,
Corresponding Author: Rohit Mehrotra, Private Practitioner, second and third molars were severely impacted. Crowns of
Mumbai, Maharashtra, India, Phone: 26162111, e-mail: contact@ first and second right mandibular molars were ‘looked’ into
each other with the first molar distally tipped and second
Figs 1A to C: Pretreatment facial photographs
Figs 2A to E: Pretreatment intraoral photographs
molar horizontal while the right lower third molar was c. Surgical exposure and orthodontic assisted eruption and
displaced high in the ramus. repositioning of lower right second molar.
Lateral cephalogram (Fig. 3 and Table 1) revealed that d. Extraction of lower right third molar to be done only
the patient had a skeletal Class I average angle facial pattern after ensuring good prognosis of orthodontic treatment
with mildly increased labial inclination of the incisors. of lower right first and second molars. This would keep
alternative treatment options open.
TREATMENT PLANNING Alternative treatment options that were considered
Analysis of diagnostic records revealed that the space are extraction of either the lower right first or second
available was not sufficient to accommodate all three right molar and utilizing the lower right third molar to provide
mandibular molars properly in the arch. Hence, one molar satisfactory occlusion. More radical and invasive options like
would definitely have to be extracted and two molars could transplantations and surgical tooth repositioning were also
be correctly positioned in the arch. considered. Lastly, the option of extracting all three molars
Our preferred treatment plan involved the following and providing implant prosthesis with ridge preservation and
steps: if needed, bone grafting procedures was also contemplated.
a. Mesialization of lower right second premolar to create Besides correction of the impacted right mandibular
space for the molars. molars, achieving a Class I occlusion with proper alignment
b. Surgical exposure and orthodontic assisted eruption and and leveling of the arches and good dental and facial esthetics
mesialization of lower right first molar. was also part of the treatment objectives.
Management of Unilaterally Impacted Permanent Mandibular First, Second and Third Molars
Figs 5A and B: Uprighting and eruption of lower right first molar—use of the forsus appliance (and TPA) to reinforce
anchorage and prevent extrusion of upper right posterior segment
Figs 6A and B: Uprighting and eruption of lower right first molar: (A) Before and (B) progress
Figs 7A and B: Lower right first molar fully aligned. Orthopantomogram at this stage, reveals mesioangular impaction of
lower right second molar and insufficient space for lower right third molar
were placed to create mild spaces on the mesial and distal of Attachments were left bonded on the buccal of upper right
the same premolar and correct the occlusion. The lower left second molar and lingual of lower right second molar for
second premolar was purposefully finished in infraocclusion another month after the rest of the appliance was removed
to keep its reduction to a minimum while placing the full for use of settling elastics and to ensure stability.
ceramic crown. Class II elastics were used for a short time to The patient maintained a very poor level of oral hygiene,
achieve and maintain Class I canine and molar relationship. especially in the last 2 years of the treatment. This resulted
Upper and lower canine to canine lingual bonded retainers in decalcification and several carious lesions which were
were placed and the orthodontic appliance was debonded restored subsequent to debonding. Temporary composite
(Figs 11A to E). The total treatment time was 46 months. restorations had been placed on mesial and distal of lower
Management of Unilaterally Impacted Permanent Mandibular First, Second and Third Molars
Figs 8A and B: Surgical exposure and bonding of an attachment on lower right second molar along with
extraction of lower right third molar
Figs 9A and B: Lower right second molar uprighting and erupting into oral cavity.
The lingually inclined second molar was torqued using a series of rectangular wires
Figs 10A to E: Finishing wires. Patient maintained very poor oral hygiene especially in the later stages.
Lower left second premolar being positioned for full ceramic crown with minimal reduction
Figs 11A to E: Intraoral photographs immediately after debonding
left second premolar just prior to debonding to maintain second molars were surgically exposed and orthodontically
space for the full ceramic crown, which was placed 6 weeks moved into good alignment and occlusion. A Class I molar
after completing orthodontic treatment. The impacted lower and canine relation with normal overjet and overbite was
left third molar was extracted during the finishing stages achieved post-treatment which was stable 6 months after
of orthodontic treatment. completing orthodontic treatment (Figs 12A to F). The
patient had a pleasant profile with competent lips and good
facial, dental and smile esthetics at the end of the treatment
(Figs 13A to C).
The treatment objectives as per our preferred treatment plan Post-treatment OPG (Fig. 14) reveals that the root
were achieved in this case. The right mandibular first and parallelism with respect to lower left canine and second
Figs 12A to F: six months post-treatment intraoral photographs
Management of Unilaterally Impacted Permanent Mandibular First, Second and Third Molars
Figs 13A to C: Post-treatment facial photographs
premolar could have been better. However, the development usually due to ectopic eruption while impaction of second
of decalcification areas and frank carious lesions forced us molars is commonly due to arch length deficiency.
to curtail the finishing stage of the treatment. Though the Primary retention is defined as cessation of eruption
upper and lower dental midlines were made coincident, of a normally placed and normally developed tooth before
slight dental midline shift to the right remained which was gingival emergence without a recognizable physical barrier
accepted. A comparison of pretreatment and post-treatment in the eruption path. A disturbance or abnormality in the
lateral cephalograms (Table 1) showed minor changes with dental follicle, which fails to initiate metabolic events for
improvement in labiolingual inclination of the incisors. bone resorption to enable eruption is thought to be the cause
of primary retention.12 Primary retention can be suspected
DISCUSSION when the eruption of a tooth is delayed by two or more
According to Andreason et al 11 three main causes of years.1 Radiographically, a primary retained molar would
eruption disturbances are ectopic position of the tooth germ, mostly show a normal orientation in its eruption path.
obstacles in the eruption path and failures in the eruption Secondary retention refers to cessation of eruption of a
mechanism. Raghoebar et al1 have for diagnostic purposes tooth after gingival emergence without a physical barrier
classified eruption disturbances of teeth into the following in the eruption path or ectopic position of the tooth. The
three categories: impaction, primary retention and secondary most accepted reason for secondary retention is ankylosis
retention. of the tooth and infraocclusion is the most reliable clinical
Impaction is the cessation of the eruption of a tooth finding.13,14
caused by a clinically or radiographically detectible physical Another condition, although rare, that has been used in
barrier in the eruption path, or due to an abnormal position connection with unerupted teeth, most commonly molars,
of the tooth. Radiographically, an impacted molar before is primary failure of eruption.15,16 This was defined by
emergence would show an abnormal orientation in its Profitt and Vig as a condition wherein nonankylosed teeth
eruption path. It is believed that impaction of first molars is fail to erupt fully or partially because of malfunction of
the eruption mechanism. The typical features include plantation were also considered.17-20 If indicated, surgical
nonsyndromic eruption failure without mechanical repositioning is a more favorable procedure to transplantation
obstruction, infraocclusion, significant posterior open because the tooth roots are not removed from the socket and
bite, and inability to move affected teeth orthodontically. hence, there is greater chance of preserving the blood supply
Diagnosis is difficult and mostly achieved by exclusion. to the tooth and the roots are not exposed to contamination
In this case the affected first, second and third molars with saliva. While this would have drastically shortened
can be classified as impacted since they were displaced from the orthodontic treatment time, there was the increased
their normal positions, had improper angulations and the first risk of complications like nonvitalization, ankylosis, root
and second molar crowns were ‘locked’ into each other, thus resorption, root fracture and injury to inferior alveolar
impeding eruption. The follicle and periodontal ligament neurovascular bundle. Considering the age of the patient,
of the affected teeth appeared normal on radiographs. The these procedures can at best be considered alternatives if
past dental, medical and family history elicited nothing for some reason orthodontic treatment is contraindicated,
contributory to ascertain the etiology. has poor prognosis or fails. The fact that the roots of the
With the space analysis it was evident that it would right mandibular first and second molars were completely
not be possible to accommodate all three molars in the formed further increased the chances of complications with
arch. Our preferred treatment plan which was successfully these procedures.
implemented in this case was to surgically expose and The option of extracting all the three molars and
orthodontically bring into position the impacted lower right planning for prosthesis was considered too aggressive and
first and second molars and extract the third molar. It was undesirable, taking into account the patient’s age and the
also contemplated to extract either of the impacted first and fair prognosis of orthodontic treatment. This treatment
second molars and bring the third molar into occlusion. option would keep the complexity and timing of orthodontic
However, all the molars were very distally positioned and treatment to a minimum, but create the need of prosthetic
would require mesialization. If the lower right first molar replacement of two molars. Placement of implants would
was extracted, the horizontally impacted second molar would have to be delayed till growth had reduced to adult levels.
not only have to be uprighted but also require considerable Till that time, retention would need to be planned to
mesialization to move into position of the first molar. Opting prevent supraeruption of the upper right posteriors and
for extraction of the lower right second molar would appear distal movement of lower premolars. There would also be
to ease the uprighting of the impacted first molar. However, the need for ridge preservation and/or bone augmentation
the issue of bringing lower right third molar into functional procedures to facilitate implants. The possibility of surgical
occlusion as the second molar would remain. In this case, the complications would also be higher with this treatment
lower right third molar was displaced considerably high in approach. Moreover, no replacement works better or has
the ramus with a horizontal angulation. While spontaneous better long-term prognosis than one’s own healthy natural
improvement in the position of the lower right third molar teeth in good functional occlusion.
could be expected if adequate space was created, there We decided to initially move the impacted first molar
would be a considerable waiting period for the same and into position after creating space by mesialization of the
the extent to which the concerned third molar would move lower right second premolar. Disimpacting the lower right
into position to function as the second molar could not be first molar from the second molar by tipping it mesially into
predicted. Most probably, this would have involved another the space created would move it toward its final desirable
phase of orthodontics later and considerably lengthen the position. Also, the impacted first molar could be exposed
treatment time. Also, till the lower right third molar could and bonded with a minimally invasive surgical approach.
be brought into its final position, it would be necessary to One treatment approach that was considered was to initially
prevent supraeruption of the upper right molars. A study by extract the lower right third molar and expose and bond an
Magnussen and Kjellberg10 on impacted and retained second attachment on the second molar. However, the molars were
molars also describes extraction of the impacted second anyway positioned distal to their final desirable position and
molar with the intention of replacing it with the third molar any mechanics that would move the lower right second molar
as the least successful treatment regimen. Thus, moving any more distal to free the lower right first molar would be
the impacted first and second right mandibular molars into considered unfavorable. This would prolong treatment time
position and eventually extracting the third molar appeared and also tax anchorage later in the treatment. Moreover, due
to be the best option. to the uncertain etiology, it was considered prudent not to
Other options like surgical repositioning and trans extract the lower right third molar at the beginning of the
Management of Unilaterally Impacted Permanent Mandibular First, Second and Third Molars
treatment. This would keep alternative treatment options and treatment planning in this case. However, we are of the
open should there be a need to revise our treatment plan. opinion that the same can be an excellent diagnostic tool
A forsus spring (3M Unitek) was used during uprighting for three dimensional assessment and optimizing treatment
and mesialization of the lower right first molar. Along with approach in complicated impaction cases.
the transpalatal arch, this adequately reinforced anchorage
for the impacted first molar correction. Miniscrews could REFERENCES
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