CRM Chapter 9
CRM Chapter 9
CRM Chapter 9
Topics discussed
§ CRM Implementation Options
§ Developing Software In-house
§ Buying Licensed CRM Software
§ Outsourcing a Managed Service
§ CRM Software and Applications
§ Stage-Wise Implementation v. an Enterprise Wide CRM Solution
§ Relationships and Flows between CRM Modules
V. Kumar and W. Reinartz – Customer Relationship Management: Concept, Strategy, and Tools, 3rd Edition 2
CRM Implementation Options
V. Kumar and W. Reinartz – Customer Relationship Management: Concept, Strategy, and Tools, 3rd Edition 3
Developing Software In-House
Requires the company to define all its requirements, pay for software
development, and internally bear all the R&D costs
§ Advantage:
§ Tailor-made solution fit to the current business practices
§ Develop internal skills that allow them to develop the system each time the
company requirements change
§ Avoid dependence on CRM software vendors
§ Disadvantage:
§ Most Expensive option (high development maintenance, and operating costs)
§ Difficult to attract and retain the employees needed to solve data warehouse
§ Long time commitment (One to two years)
V. Kumar and W. Reinartz – Customer Relationship Management: Concept, Strategy, and Tools, 3rd Edition 4
Buying Licensed CRM Software
Companies can license CRM software packages, which are sold as a block
(different modules) or as independent modules
§ Advantage:
§ Many of these CRM software packages have a proven record of success
§ CRM vendors will provide knowledge and training for the IT concepts
§ Disadvantage:
§ Expensive option (high initial fees, licensing costs, and maintenance costs)
§ Companies need to develop the IT infrastructure and integrate the new software with
existing applications
§ Each time a new or upgraded version is released, companies have to repurchase and
retrain for them
§ Resistance from employees in terms of adapting to the new system
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Outsourcing a Managed Service
§ Advantage:
§ Lowest upfront costs: no software licensing fee, hardware system, recruiting, or internal
IT system costs
§ Pay-as-you-go approach: Pertinent for smaller companies or those with limited
marketing budget to benefit from CRM programs
§ Disadvantage:
§ High dependency on the outsourcing CRM company
§ Not viable for companies who need specific requirements in their CRM package
V. Kumar and W. Reinartz – Customer Relationship Management: Concept, Strategy, and Tools, 3rd Edition 6
Decision Process for Implementation
Stage wise
Purchase and
install a complete
CRM solution
from a vendor
Implement an
Implement a enterprise wide
CRM project CRM Program
Decision to Yes
implement CRM outsource the
CRM application
Do not process
implement a
CRM project
V. Kumar and W. Reinartz – Customer Relationship Management: Concept, Strategy, and Tools, 3rd Edition 7
CRM Software and Applications
§ CRM industry mainly offers two types of CRM software solutions based on the company’s
needs and processes:
§ Stage Wise Implementation:
§ Offered in different and independent modules
§ Each module is adapted to a specific department needs
§ Ex) the company buys the sales automation software and the contact management
module from different providers
§ Enterprise Wide CRM Solution
§ Composed of different modules from the same provider
§ Modules may be adapted to each department’s needs, yet they are implemented
as a whole
V. Kumar and W. Reinartz – Customer Relationship Management: Concept, Strategy, and Tools, 3rd Edition 8
CRM Software and Applications
V. Kumar and W. Reinartz – Customer Relationship Management: Concept, Strategy, and Tools, 3rd Edition 9
CRM Software and Applications
Business Processes
Distribution Sales & Billing
Payable/ Production
Customer Feedback
V. Kumar and W. Reinartz – Customer Relationship Management: Concept, Strategy, and Tools, 3rd Edition 10
§ CRM provides capabilities for firms to optimize their marketing budget and increase
revenue, however poor CRM implementation can have negative outcomes.
§ CRM implementation strategies are: (a) develop in-house software, (b) purchase licensed
software from a third party vendor, and (c) outsourcing to a managed service
§ These strategies can be implemented via:
§ Stage wise implementation, which takes longer but allows firm to take
implementations one step at a time
§ Enterprise-wide implementation, which is more risky but allows the firm to take
advantage of the whole system’s benefits much sooner
V. Kumar and W. Reinartz – Customer Relationship Management: Concept, Strategy, and Tools, 3rd Edition 11
International Perspectives: Did you Know?
§ Localization: Process of translating software into the native language where being
n Some countries have laws that require this process
§ CRM systems can have severe performance issues in certain regions of the world
§ Internet speed must be considered
§ Example: South Korea
V. Kumar and W. Reinartz – Customer Relationship Management: Concept, Strategy, and Tools, 3rd Edition 12