IPU 6th Sem Syllabus
IPU 6th Sem Syllabus
IPU 6th Sem Syllabus
Web Technologies L P C
3 3
Marking Scheme:
1. Teachers Continuous Evaluation: 25 marks
2. Term end Theory Examinations: 75 marks
Instructions for paper setter:
1. There should be 9 questions in the term end examinations question paper.
2. The first (1st) question should be compulsory and cover the entire syllabus. This question should be
objective, single line answers or short answer type question of total 15 marks.
3. Apart from question 1 which is compulsory, rest of the paper shall consist of 4 units as per the syllabus.
Every unit shall have two questions covering the corresponding unit of the syllabus. However, the student
shall be asked to attempt only one of the two questions in the unit. Individual questions may contain upto
5 sub-parts / sub-questions. Each Unit shall have a marks weightage of 15.
4. The questions are to be framed keeping in view the learning outcomes of the course / paper. The standard
/ level of the questions to be asked should be at the level of the prescribed textbook.
5. The requirement of (scientific) calculators / log-tables / data tables may be specified if required.
Course Objectives :
1. To explain web application development with HTML and CSS
2. Learn about scripting languages Java Script and JSP Technologies
3. To Learn Server-side Development with PHP
4. Develop web applications using PHP and MYSQL
Course Outcomes (CO)
CO 1 Identify and illustrate the basic concepts of HTML and CSS & apply those concepts to design web pages
CO 2 Understand various concepts related to dynamic web pages and validate them using JavaScript and
CO 3 Outline and understand the concepts of PHP for Web Development
CO 4 Integrate PHP, MYSQL and Scripting languages for web applications.
Course Outcomes (CO) to Programme Outcomes (PO) mapping (scale 1: low, 2: Medium, 3: High)
PO01 PO02 PO03 PO04 PO05 PO06 PO07 PO08 PO09 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO 1 3 - - - 2 - 2 - - 3 2
CO 2 - 2 - - - 2 - - 3 - -
CO 3 - - - 2 3 - - 3 - - 2 -
CO 4 3 - 3 - - 3 3 - 3 - - 3
HTML: Basic Syntax, Standard HTML Document Structure, Basic Text Markup, Html styles, Elements,
Attributes, Heading, Layouts, I frames Images, Hypertext Links, Lists, Tables, Forms, Dynamic HTML.
CSS: Need for CSS, introduction to CSS, basic syntax and structure, using CSS, background images, colors, and
properties, manipulating texts, using fonts, borders, boxes, margins, padding lists, positioning using CSS, CSS2,
The Box Model, Working with XML: Document Type Definition (DTD), XML schemas, Document object model,
Parsers -DOM, and SAX. Introduction to XHTML: XML, Meta tags, Character entities, frames, and frame sets.
JavaScript - Client-side scripting, Introduction to JavaScript, Objects, Primitives Operations and Expressions,
Control Statements, Arrays, Functions, Constructors, JavaScript, and objects, JavaScript own objects, the DOM
and web browser environments, forms and validations
Applicable from Batch Admitted in Academic Session 2021-22 Onwards Page 1535
Handbook of B.Tech. Programmes offered by USICT at Affiliated Institutions of the University.
Introduction to JSP: The Anatomy of a JSP Page, JSP Processing, Declarations, Directives, Expressions, Code
Snippets, implicit objects, Using Beans in JSP Pages, Using Cookies and session for session tracking, connecting
to database in JSP
PHP and MySQL: Basic commands with PHP examples, Connection to the server, creating a database, selecting
a database, listing database, listing table names, creating a table, inserting data, altering tables, queries,
deleting the database, deleting data, and tables, PHP my admin and database bugs. Managing State, The
Problem of State in Web Applications, Passing Information via Query Strings, Passing Information via the URL
Path, Cookies, Serialization, Session State.
1. Web Technologies: A Computer Science Perspective, Jackson, Pearson Education India, 2007.
2. Programming the World Wide Web, 7th Edition, Robert W Sebesta, Pearson, 2013.
1. Web Technologies, HTML, JavaScript, PHP, Java, JSP, XML and AJAX, Black book, 1st Edition, Dream
Tech, 2009.
2. An Introduction to Web Design, Programming, 1st Edition, Paul S Wang, Sanda S Katila, Cengage Learning,
3. PHP and MySQL Web Development, Luke Welling, Addison Wesley
Applicable from Batch Admitted in Academic Session 2021-22 Onwards Page 1536
Handbook of B.Tech. Programmes offered by USICT at Affiliated Institutions of the University.
Marking Scheme:
1. Teachers Continuous Evaluation: 40 marks
2. Term end Theory Examinations: 60 marks
1. The course objectives and course outcomes are identical to that of (Web Technologies) as this is the practical
component of the corresponding theory paper.
2. The practical list shall be notified by the teacher in the first week of the class commencement under
intimation to the office of the Head of Department / Institution in which the paper is being offered from the
list of practicals below. Atleast 10 experiments must be performed by the students, they may be asked to
do more. Atleast 5 experiments must be from the given list.
1. Design web pages for your college containing a description of the courses, departments, faculties, library
etc, use href, list tags.
2. Write html code to develop a webpage having two frames that divide the webpage into two equal rows and
then divide the row into equal columns fill each frame with a different background color.
3. Design a web page of your home town with an attractive background color, text color, an Image, font etc.
(use internal CSS).
4. Use External, Internal, and Inline CSS to format college web page that you created.
5. Create HTML Page with JavaScript which takes Integer number as input and tells whether the number is ODD
6. Create HTML Page that contains form with fields Name, Email, Mobile No, Gender , Favourite Colour and a
button now write a JavaScript code to combine and display the information in textbox when the button is
clicked and implement validation.
7. Create XML file to store student information like Enrolment Number, Name Mobile Number , Email Id.
8. Write a php script to read data from txt file and display it in html table (the file contains info in format Name:
Password: Email )
9. Write a PHP Script for login authentication. Design an html form which takes username and password from
user and validate against stored username and password in file.
10. Write PHP Script for storing and retrieving user information from MySql table.
a. Design A HTML page which takes Name, Address, Email and Mobile No. From user (register.php)
b. Store this data in Mysql database / text file.
c. Next page display all user in html table using PHP (display.php)
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