Beauty and Skincare E-Commerce Mobile Application With Advanced

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Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman

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Faculty of Information and Communication Technology
(Kampar Campus)

MAY 2020




Academic Session: 2020/01


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Date: 11/09/2020 Date: 11/09/2020






Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman

in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of


Faculty of Information and Communication Technology
(Kampar Campus)

MAY 2020

I declare that this report entitled “BEAUTY AND SKINCARE E-COMMERCE

USING IMAGE PROCESSING” is my own work except as cited in the
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Date : 11/09/2020

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. ii

I would like to state my sincere thanks to all those who contribute to complete
my final year project. I appreciate the advices and guidance given by my
project's supervisor, Cik Norazira Binti A Jalil who has given me this bright
opportunity to engage in an mobile app design project, help to coordinate
my project, report writing and evaluate project deliveries over and over.

I would also like to express my appreciation to my project's moderator, Mr

Lim Jit Theam who fairly commented and suggested crucial points to
improve my project.

Last of all, I must say thanks to my parents and my family for their love,
support and continuous encouragement throughout the course.

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. iii

Beauty and skincare E-Commerce Mobile Application with Advanced

Searching Module using Image Processing is designed to brings great
convenience to both sellers and buyers. As ecommerce is growing much
faster than retail, many people opt for online shopping and some of the young
generation started to set up an e-commerce business. This project is
motivated to make contribution to the consumers by providing them a
convenient way to shop online with simple steps, capable of for easy
browsing, online tracking, 24/7 online shopping and simple payment
method. In addition, the purpose of this project is to motivate both sellers
and buyers to use this mobile application for purchasing their beauty and
skincare products.

This project is to be developed and managed with popular system

development methodology – Agile methodology. This methodology support
incremental and iterative development in a consistent and disciplined way to
execute the task. In agile methodology, it is mainly focus on incrementation
and division of tasks into several time boxes. The proposed project aimed to
be developed with current popular open source technologies. Android Studio
is selected as the mobile app development tool which is easy to use and
accurate programming. With Cloud Test Lab Integration, mobile app can be
built for one and test on multiple android devices then further check about
the compatibility and performance of an app using Android Studio.

The expected implementation of mobile app selling beauty and skincare

products is allow users to purchase beauty and skincare products without
travelling, quick searching items by keywords and quick recognizing
products by images. Moreover, there are some features such as “remember
me”, “forget password”, live chat and chatbots powered software for real-
time communication that developed to enhanced the user experience.

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. iv
TITLE ………………………………………………………………………………. i
DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY ……………………………………….…... ii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ………………………………………………………. iii
ABSTRACTS ……………………………………………………….…………...…. iv
TABLE OF CONTENTS ……………………………………….………………….. v
LIST OF TABLES ……………………………………………………………….. viii
LIST OF FIGURES ………………………………………………………….....…. ix
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS …………………………………………...…...…… xv
Chapter 1: Introduction 1………………………………………………….…..…….1
1.1 Problem Statement 1……………………………………………………...……… 1
1.1.1 Uncategorized large databases and time consuming when manually enter
large amount of texts………………………………………………..……….1
1.1.2 Inactive communication or slow response………………………………..…1
1.1.3 Loss or stolen parcel………………………………………………..…….… 1

1.2 Background and Motivation ……………………………………………………... 2

1.3 Project Objectives …………………………………………………...…..…….… 4

1.4 Proposed Approach/Study ……………………………………………….…….… 5

1.4.1 Profile Creation and Management Module………………………...…….… 5

1.4.2 Product Listing Module……………………………………..……...…….… 6

1.4.3 Product Searching Modules………………………………………..…….… 6

1.4.4 Shopping Cart Modules……………………………………………….….… 6

1.4.5 Chatbot Module……………………………………………………….….… 6

1.4.6 Simple checkout process…………………………………….……..…….… 7

1.4.7 Image Processing Module…………………………………………….….… 7

1.5 Project Achievement…………………………………..……………………….… 7

1.6 Report Organization ……………………………...…..………………………….. 8

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Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. v
Chapter 2 Literature Review: Application Design and Development …………... 9
2.1 Review on existing e-commerce application …………………………….....……. 9
2.1.1 Shopee ……………………………...…..………………………………….. 9
2.1.2 Lazada ……………………………...…..……………………………….... 12
2.1.3 Zalora ……………………………...…..………………………………..... 14
2.1.4 Amazon ………….………………...…..………………………………..... 16
2.2 Critical Review on Similar Applications ..……………………………………... 20
Chapter 3: System Design 38 ……………………………………………….…..... 23

3.1 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) …………………………………...…... 23

3.2 Use Case Diagram ………………………………………………………….. 24

3.3 Flowchart ……………...…………...…………...…………...…………........ 27

3.3.1 User system flowchart ………………………………………………... 27

3.3.2 Admin system flowchart ……………………………………………... 30

Chapter 4: Methodology and Tool ………………………………………...……... 32

4.1 Software Development Methodology and General Work Procedures …….. 32

4.2 Technologies Involvement ………………………………………..………... 35

4.3 User requirements ………………………………………………...………... 38

4.3.1 Functional requirements …………………………………..………... 38
4.3.2 Non-functional Requirements ……… ……………………………... 40
4.4 Review on Mobile Application Development Platforms ………..…………. 41
4.4.1 Comparison between three platforms …………………....…………. 41
4.5 Review on Backend Technologies ………..……………………...…...……. 42
4.5.1 Feature comparison between Google Firebase and MySQL ……….. 42
4.6 Design specification ……………………………………………………..…. 43
4.6.1 Agile methodology …………………………………………………. 43

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Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. vi
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing ……………………………………..….. 53

5.1 Verification Plan …………………………………………………..……….. 53

5.2 Result …………………………………………………………………….… 66

Chapter 6: Project Challenges and Future Improvements …………….………. 99

6.1 Implementation Issues and Challenges …………………………..…..…..… 99

6.1.1 Fragmentation issues ……………………………………….….…..…. 99

6.1.2 Consumes a huge RAM memory ………………………….….…..….. 99

6.1.3 Different types and brands of mobile devices ……………….…….... 100

6.2 Conclusions and Future Improvements ………………………………...…. 100

Bibliography …………………………………………………………….……….. 101

Appendices ……………………………………………………………………….. 104

Poster ……………………………………………………………………….…….. 111


FYP 2 Checklist ………………………………………………………………..… 115

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Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. vii
Table 2.1 Comparison between similar applications …………………………..…… 19

Table 4.1 Scrum phases and processes ……………………………………………... 34

Table 4.2 Comparison between 3 mobile application development platforms …….. 42

Table 4.3 Feature comparison between Google Firebase and MySQL …….….…… 42

Table 4.4 Review of Agile model ……………………………………………….…. 51

Table 5.1 Register verification plan ………………………………..………….…… 53

Table 5.2 Login verification plan ………………………………………………...… 54

Table 5.3 Reset password verification plan …………………………………..…….. 56

Table 5.4 Settings verification plan ……………………………………………..….. 57

Table 5.5 Homepage verification plan ………………………………………..….… 58

Table 5.6 Cart List Viewing verification plan ……………………………………… 59

Table 5.7 Products Searching verification plan ……………………………….……. 59

Table 5.8 Shipment verification plan ……………………………..…………..……. 61

Table 5.9 Payment verification plan ………………………………………….……. 61

Table 5.10 Shipment tracking verification plan ……………………….…………… 62

Table 5.11 Chatbot verification plan ……………………………………………….. 64

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Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. viii
Figure 1.1 System Modules for the proposed system .................................................. 5

Figure 2.1 Shopee Product Rating .............................................................................. 10

Figure 2.2 Shopee Live Streaming ............................................................................. 10

Figure 2.3 Lazada E-wallet ........................................................................................ 12

Figure 2.4 Zalora navigation redesign......................................................................... 14

Figure 2.5 Boost wallet on board at Zalora ................................................................ 15

Figure 2.6 Amazon history browsing ......................................................................... 16

Figure 2.7 Amazon app features ................................................................................. 17

Figure 3.1 Entity Relationship Diagram ………………………………...…………. 23

Figure 3.2 User Authentication Use Case ………………. ……………...…………. 24

Figure 3.3 Product Management Use Case ………………. …………………….…. 24

Figure 3.4 Homepage Use Case ………………. …………………………………... 25

Figure 3.5 Payment Use Case ………………. ……………….……………………. 25

Figure 3.6 Chatbot Use Case ………………. ……. ………………………….……. 26

Figure 3.7 Image Processing Use Case ………………. …………...………………. 26

Figure 3.7 User flowchart ………………. …………………………………………. 27

Figure 3.8 Admin flowchart ………………. ………………………………………. 30

Figure 4.1 12 key principles of agile software development ..................................... 45

Figure 4.2 Agile Lifecycle Model .............................................................................. 49

Figure 5.1 Join now and Login page …………………………………………….…. 65

Figure 5.2 Registration form ………………………………………………….……. 65

Figure 5.3a Incomplete form without name …………………………………...…… 66

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Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. ix
Figure 5.3b Incomplete form without phone number ………………………………. 66

Figure 5.3c Incomplete form without password …………………………………… 66

Figure 5.3d Create account …………………………………………………….…… 67

Figure 5.3e Successfully created account ………………………….……………….. 67

Figure 5.4 Login page for Users …………………………………...……………….. 67

Figure 5.4a Login page for Admin ………………………………………………..... 67

Figure 5.4b Remember me and Forget Password options ………………………….. 68

Figure 5.4c Invalid phone number …………………………………………….…… 68

Figure 5.4d Invalid password ………………………………………………………. 68

Figure 5.4e Homepage …………………………………………………..…………. 69

Figure 5.4f Navigation drawer ………………………………………………..……. 69

Figure 5.5 Homepage ………………………………………………………….…… 70

Figure 5.5a Permission request ……………………………………………..……… 70

Figure 5.6 Image Processing button …………………………….………….………. 70

Figure 5.6a Loading page ……………………………………………….…….……. 70

Figure 5.6b Refresh ………………………………………………………………… 71

Figure 5.6c Pick an image and submit ……………………………………...……… 71

Figure 5.6d Image labelling ………………………………………..……...……….. 72

Figure 5.6e Optical Character Recognition ………………………………….….….. 72

Figure 5.6f Pick another image and submit …………………………..….……….. 72

Figure 5.6g Image labelling …………………………………………………...…… 72

Figure 5.6h Optical Character Recognition …………………………………...…… 73

Figure 5.6i Copy extracted text ………………………………………………..…… 73

Figure 5.6j Maybank printed receipt ………………………………………......…… 73

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Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. x
Figure 5.6k Data extraction from bank receipt …………………………..………… 73

Figure 5.6l Receipt captured using mobile device …………………………….…… 74

Figure 5.6m Data extraction from bank receipt ……………….…………………… 74

Figure 5.6n E-receipt ……………………………………………………...…...…… 74

Figure 5.6o Data extraction from E-receipt ………………………………………… 74

Figure 5.6p QR code ……………………………………………………….………. 75

Figure 5.6q QR code scanning ……………………………………………..………. 75

Figure 5.6r Barcode detected ………………………………………………………. 76

Figure 5.6s Tracking status ………………………………………………...………. 76

Figure 5.6t Homepage …………………………………………………………...…. 76

Figure 5.7 Product details …………………………………………………..………. 77

Figure 5.8 Shopping cart list …………………………………………….…………. 77

Figure 5.8a Cart option ………………………………………………………..……. 78

Figure 5.8b Delete cart ………………………………………………………..……. 78

Figure 5.8c Blank shopping cart ………………………………………………...…. 78

Figure 5.8d Add to cart ……………………………………………………….……. 79

Figure 5.8e Checkout ………………………………………………………………. 79

Figure 5.9 Shipment details ……………………………………………...…………. 79

Figure 5.9a Empty name ……………………………………………………...……. 80

Figure 5.9b Empty phone ………………………………….……………….....……. 80

Figure 5.9c Empty address …………………………………………………....……. 80

Figure 5.9d Empty postcode …………………………………………………..……. 80

Figure 5.9e Empty city and state ……………………………………..….…………. 81

Figure 5.9f Confirm order ……………………………………………..……...……. 81

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Figure 5.9g Empty field …………………………………………….………...……. 81

Figure 5.9h Empty field ………………………………………………….…...……. 81

Figure 5.9i Receipt is missing ……………………………………………...………. 82

Figure 5.9j Crop receipt …………………………………………..……..…....……. 82

Figure 5.9k Receipt is added ……………………………………………….………. 82

Figure 5.9l Update payment receipt ……………………………………….….……. 83

Figure 5.9m Payment info update successfully …………………………….....……. 83

Figure 5.10 Homepage ………………………………………………………..……. 83

Figure 5.11 Chat now ………………………………………………….…...………. 83

Figure 5.11a Empty conversation ……………………………………………..……. 84

Figure 5.11b Start conversation ……………………………………………………. 84

Figure 5.11c General question ………………………………………………..….…. 84

Figure 5.11d Beauty tips ……………………………………………………...……. 84

Figure 5.11e Skin consultation ………………………………………………..……. 85

Figure 5.11f Dark circles ……………………………………………………...……. 85

Figure 5.11g Watch video ………………………………………………..…...……. 85

Figure 5.11h Dark circles ………………………………………………….….……. 85

Figure 5.11i Dry skin ……………………………………………………........……. 86

Figure 5.11j Watch video ………………………………………………...…...……. 86

Figure 5.11k Exchange Item ………………………………………….……....……. 86

Figure 5.11l Fill form ………………………………………………….……...……. 86

Figure 5.11m Track order …………………………………………...………...……. 87

Figure 5.11n Tracking website ………………………………………..……………. 87

Figure 5.11o Lipstick …………………………………………………….…...……. 87

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Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. xii
Figure 5.11p Unknown conversation ………………………………………....……. 87

Figure 5.11q Human agent takeover ……………………………………..…...……. 88

Figure 5.12 Navigation drawer …………………………………………..…....……. 88

Figure 5.12a Empty profile name ………………………………………..…....……. 89

Figure 5.12b Empty profile address ………………………………………......……. 89

Figure 5.12c Update profile …………………………………………………...……. 89

Figure 5.12d Profile updated ………………………………………………….……. 90

Figure 5.12e Security questions …………………………………………........……. 90

Figure 5.12f Set questions ………………………………………….………....……. 90

Figure 5.12g Forget password ………………………………………………...……. 91

Figure 5.12h Reset password form …………………………………...………….…. 91

Figure 5.12i Wrong answer 1 …………………………………………...…….……. 92

Figure 5.12j Wrong answer 2 …………………………………………...…….……. 92

Figure 5.12k New password ……………………………………………..…....……. 92

Figure 5.13 Invalid number …………………………………...............................…. 93

Figure 5.14 Invalid password ……………………….………………………...……. 93

Figure 5.15 Add product …………………..……………….………………………. 93

Figure 5.15a Add product image ……………………………………………...……. 94

Figure 5.15b Product description ………………………………………...…...……. 94

Figure 5.15c Product price …………………..……………….………………….…. 94

Figure 5.15d Product added …………………………………..........................……. 95

Figure 5.15e Add to storage ……………………………………………….….……. 95

Figure 5.16 Maintain product …………………………………...……………….…. 95

Figure 5.16a Preview product ………………………………………………...……. 96

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Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. xiii
Figure 5.16b Makes changes …………………..……………………………..……. 96

Figure 5.16c Delete product …………………...………………….……………..…. 96

Figure 5.16d Admin logout …………………...……………………………………. 97

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Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. xiv
B2B Business to Business Electronic Commerce

B2C Business to Consumer Electronic Commerce

C2C Consumer to Consumer Electronic Commerce

C2B Consumer to Business Electronic Commerce

Inc. Incorporated

Co. Company

NCCC National Consumer Complaints Centre

UK United Kingdom

24-7 Twenty-four hours seven days a week

ADT Ada Development Tools

SDK Software development kit

JSON JavaScript Object Notation

NOSQL Non-relational

SQL Structured query language

UI User Interface

RAM Random-access memory

ERD Entity Relationship Diagram

OS Operating system

GB Gigabyte

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Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. xv
PC Personal Computer

APP Application

DHL Dalsey Hillblom Lynn

COD Cash on Delivery

P.O. Post Office

IG DM Instagram Direct Messages.

IOS iPhone OS, Mobile Operating System

DSDM Dynamic Systems Development Method

AI Artificial Intelligence

CRM Customer Relationship Management

UML Unified Modelling Language

n.d No Date

SDK Software development kit

API Application program interface

REST Representational State Transfer

JSON JavaScript Object Notation

OCR Optical character recognition

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. xvi
Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Problem Statement

1.1.1 Uncategorized large databases and time consuming when manually enter
large amount of texts

There is a wide range of products selling online which mean that the product tagging
process is quite time consuming as human have to sort the huge database with tags
manually. As a result, labor costs increase. Another scenario is users did not even know
what exactly the products are, so they did not know which keywords should be used
when performing a search. Seller have to physically entering the large sums of content
when adding new products to its store. What if there are thousands of images to be
added, it will be a tedious task yet time-consuming.

1.1.2 Inactive communication or slow response

Another problem exists include low responsive rate or poor services which eventually
result in buyers search for other sellers and the sales drop gradually. Customers
whoever encounter a bad shopping experience tend to resist the shop and refuse to come
back. (Ha, S., and Stoel, L. ,2012). Thus, the growth of an online business largely
depends on the capability of a seller to keep their customers feel happy and satisfied in
the same way. For example, if it takes up to 3 days only the seller response to buyers’
enquiries in some cases which may leave a negative impression on that stores.
Moreover, there is lack of interaction between sellers and buyers and buyers unable to
examine the products themselves causes buyers lost confidence when purchasing via

1.1.3 Loss or stolen parcel

Very often, when buyers purchasing products through online, tracking number will be
straightly given to the buyers. There are some cases like anyone can obtain the tracking
number, reroute the parcel to other address and signed for the products during delivery
of parcel. Unfortunately, it is quite hard to trace the case. However, some courier
delivery company will not take the blame for any costs.

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 1
Chapter 1: Introduction

1.2 Background and motivation

Online shopping is becoming more popular nowadays among the youngest generation
and elder generation, it is a form of internet commerce or electronic commerce. All
people went for online shopping because they no need to spend time to queue up in the
stores. According to the survey conducted in 2014, a total number of 47% of
respondents react more actively towards online purchasing beauty and personal skin
care products which also include fragrances. (Mottl, 2014). E- commerce is a useful
platform that allow people around the world to buy global products without the need to
travel far. With the innovation of the idea of e- commerce, it brings more convenience
to both seller and buyer where sellers can start up their business through online and
buyers just simply browse through all the products and services lists at the website, add
the things they are interested to buy into the shopping cart and make payment via
Internet then the parcel will be delivery to buyers’ doorstep.

With the implementation of virtual chatbot, redundant duties can be minimizing in order
to solve the tasks like manually addressing unresolved or inactive communications
using automation. The virtual chatbot is designed to provide quick and instant replies
about the beauty and skincare products. For this proposed project, bot is setup to readily
answer some simple message or to provide some beauty tips to end-users.
Recommendation will be given by the virtual chatbot according to the skin problem
issues faced by the users. For example, users look for a product to get rid of the dark
circles under the eyes, virtual chatbot will then fetches details from the database which
it is most related and makes the relevant recommendation to the user. When the bot
cannot recognize the end-user phrases or the intents are not matched, fallback intents
will be prompted and automatically response with text such as “Sorry, what was that?”
or “Can you say that again?”. The conversation will further then handoff to human on
live chat. Furthermore, chatbot can directing collecting the user’s data by providing an
online form asking users to state their problems. In addition, virtual chatbot will be
enhanced to direct users to shipment tracking site in order to track their orders with just
a simple click on a button. In this project, virtual chatbot and on line human agent can
equally effectively handle the user’s enquiries or needs.

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 2
Chapter 1: Introduction

Basically, image recognition features will first recognize the products from the image
captured and further classify them which will generate the classification labels of the
image with probability. With just a simple step, user can choose the product images
stored whether in mobile devices gallery or SD card and upload, then clicked on the
“Label” button to detect the objects at a speed of light. It will return a list of labels
telling what is exactly inside the images. Image labelling is about analyzing the
products in an automate manner and subsequently return the relevant results based on
the trained machine learning concepts. There are sometimes certain products lack of
proper keyword attribution that lead to users unable to lookup for the products because
the contents cannot be indexed. Hence, image recognition or image labelling are used
to detect or identify the labels of the products to ensure that users able to get the
automatic keywords recommendation. Clearly, image acknowledgment innovation
combined with versatility and AI program offers an effective blend of potential
highlights to save time yet enhance user experience.

The main reason of implementing OCR features in this project is to offer assistance
businesses that further minimize the number of experts hiring and also to cut down the
expenses of document processing. The inputs such as bank receipts or invoice will have
to undergo data processing only then the data or text can be extracted and allow users
to copy to any place they like. Therefore, users can quickly lookup the reference ID,
beneficiary account number, payment details or amount in a receipt. Not only OCR will
help to recognizes data or information contents automatically, it also able to read
different style of handwritten text even though with different sizes. Furthermore, admin
can save time with the use of OCR features to scan through the product’s description
and copy paste when uploading a new product. In short, OCR will be converting the
uploaded images to text and data can be retrieving in a shorter time with a high accuracy.

The reason why this work may be considered useful for the broader audience is that as
a result of it appeared a mobile application, which can simplify the tracking process and
also to help retrieving the contacts details effortlessly. For the shipment management,
users can easily obtain the tracking number by scanning the barcode given by admin.
Only the targeted user will able to see the contents of the shipment including the date

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 3
Chapter 1: Introduction

ship out, email, phone number as well as tracking number. Nowadays, the paper-based
business cards are easily vulnerable to failure or destruction. In order to protect the
privacy data such as contact number, account number, email and any other information
on the card, barcode scanning help to extract the data of the business card and stores in
server electronic format. In this case, it will speed up the process of filling the shipment
details such as receiver name, phone number, detailed address, postcode and state
during checkout process.

The development of this project is motivated due to the Uncategorized large databases
and time consuming when manually enter large amount of texts, inactive
communication or slow response and cases like loss or stolen parcel as stated in
Chapter1.1. This project is motivated to make contribution to buyers by improving the
search engine that enable buyers to browse the most accurate products using keywords
in a faster and easier way. Moreover, this project is motivated to implement chatbot
services that allow immediate or responsive communication with the buyers. Indeed, it
is an easier way with the use of Optical Character Recognition features that only
requires seller to capture the catalog, then extraction of the text will be automatically
generated. As a result, it can save plenty of time when adding new products to the stores.

1.3 Objectives

• To identify various applications and features of the existing e-Commerce

platform related to beauty and skincare products.

• To develop beauty and skincare ecommerce mobile application with advanced

optical character recognition techniques and image processing services.

• To implement a chatbot to enhance customer experience by engaging with the

conversational agent and human agent.

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Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 4
Chapter 1: Introduction

1.4 Proposed approach/study

The proposed approach in this project is to develop and design a beauty and skincare e-
commerce mobile application with advanced searching module using image processing.
The target users of this project could be anyone from teenagers to adults who own a
mobile phone or tablets. Figure below describe the system modules of this mobile
application together with titles and also description.

Beauty and Skincare

E-commerce mobile application

Creation and Products Product cart
management lists Search

Chatbot checkout

Figure 1.1 System Modules for the proposed system

1.4.1 Profile Creation and Management Module

This module provided two ways for individual to access the page. For both admin and
users’ site, phone number and password are mandatory in order to login. Users may
register new account using their name, phone number and password. A profile edit
interface also provided to let users to modify their profile details such as uploading
profile photo, changing name, password and address. To enhanced user experience,
users can set security questions in case they forget their password.

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Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 5
Chapter 1: Introduction

1.4.2 Product Listing Module

Both users and admin are allowed to vertically scroll through the lists to view more
products, description and price as well. However, only admin is allowed to add new
products and make changes or remove the products from the lists. Admin has to upload
the product image, provide product name, product description and price when trying to
add products based on the category of the beauty and skincare products.

1.4.3 Product Searching Modules

Users are provided with an interface to start the search by typing keywords. This helps
the users to find a specific product within a few seconds. By capturing the products
images, the products can be classified and recognized. Customer experience will be
enhanced if the mobile app is designed to guide the users to get their desired products
as fast as possible.

1.4.4 Shopping Cart Modules

Shopping cart is where users keeps their items before checking out. In the shopping cart
where items are all display systematically, users can view all the items and make
decision whether they want to proceed to checkout process or modify their cart. Before
making payment, users still able to increase or decrease the quantity of the items that
display at the shopping cart list. Users somehow can also remove the unwanted items
from the shopping cart list by clicking at the “Remove” button.

1.4.5 Chatbot Module

Chatbot is developed to provide some suggestions about the beauty and skincare
products to users. Chatbot act as a communication bridge between user and seller. It is
known as an auto-reply features. Generally, the chatbot in this project can handle a
variety of low-level FAQs. However, human agent has to answer any questions that
cannot answer by the chatbot. Regardless of the time zone or destination, users would
be able to interact and communication with the sellers. A trained chatbot is ready to
answer any general questions regarding the beauty and skincare products. Users also
can get the skin consultation by chatting with the admin in real-time.

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Chapter 1: Introduction

1.4.6 Simple checkout process

In this project, the checkout process is designed as simple as possible. This is due to the
intention of reducing cart abandonment. Users may require to fill in their shipping
address and upload the bank receipt together with the transaction amount and references
number written in the field provided. The main purpose of making the checkout process
as simple as possible is to reduce the friction in user experience.

1.4.7 Image Processing Module

In this project, image processing is related to label detection, optical character

recognition and barcode scanning features. With advanced data labeling, users can
quickly get to know the appropriate keywords or labels of the products. By merely
taking the image of the product, it will process then classify the data automatically and
further assign the product to the right category. OCR works like a scanner and converter
in the same time. Users can upload the images of bank receipt, basic data such as
reference number, beneficiary account number and transaction amount will be extracted
automatically and allow users to copy it. Furthermore, barcode scanning will be used
when admin wish to provide the shipment tracking information to users. Besides that,
it can shorten the time to fill out the shipment details by allowing users to scan through
the barcode and retrieve data such as name, phone number, email, address and other
personal information.

1.5 Project Achievement

The development of this project is motivated to make contribution to users that enable
them to shop for beauty and skincare products online. Users can easily locate certain
products and transaction no longer need to deal face to face. With zero starting costs,
sellers able to start up and maintain an online store. Moreover, this project is motivated
to implement chatbot services to enhance user experiences. With live chat, users can
get a quick answer about the products or seek for an advice on skincare problems. This
project also achieved by allowing users to track their orders after getting the tracking
number given by admin. This project makes contribution by providing a mobile
platform for them to purchase beauty and skincare products online, advance searching
for a specific product and having chatbot readily to answer the users enquires.

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Chapter 1: Introduction

1.6 Report Organization

The headings of this report include table of contents, list of tables, figures, and

abbreviations. The following is the arrangement of chapters and what is included as

part of each chapter.

Chapter 1 identifies the problem statement, describes the project background and
motivation, defines project objectives, states proposed approach, and project

Chapter 2 contains literature reviews on existing mobile ecommerce applications, best

mobile application development platform, best cross platforms development

backend technologies and project development methodologies.

Chapter 3 clarifies system design with Entity Relationship Diagram, Use Case diagram
and Flowchart.

Chapter 4 discusses the methodologies, work procedures implemented in the project,


technologies involved to develop the system.

Chapter 5 states functional/non-functional requirements, and verification plan for



Chapter 6 concludes project achievement, objectives, challenges and future


References include a list of Harvard style citation that cite contents referred from other


Poster and Turnitin Plagiarism check result is included at the end of the report.

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Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 8
Chapter 2: Literature Review

Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Review on existing e-commerce application

This section highlights 4 existing e-commerce platform that are famous among the
younger generation nowadays. E-commerce trends are becoming more obvious because
Malaysian tends to buy their favorite items from online stores. The current situation is
people shop for the products at the comfort of their house instead of shop at the high
street. Thanks to e-commerce platform sites such as Shopee, Lazada, Zalora, Amazon
and so on, people can shop online and place order with just a click and goods will be
deliver to their doorsteps. In this section, for each existing e-commerce site, their
advantages and drawback in terms of its feature are reviewed in details.

2.1.1 Shopee

Mobile app usage is growing 6% years over years and it significantly show that people
nowadays prefer online shopping instead of visit brick-mortar store. According to a
research done by Spaceotechnologies in 2019, Shopee mobile app was ranked top in
2019. Shopee is a Singaporean e-commerce platform which was first launched in 2015,
then further expanded its reach to other country such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan,
Vietnam and Philippines. At the early stage, Shopee was started its business with the
concepts of C2C(Consumer-to-Consumer) and at the later state Sea group decided to
move into B2C based business model. Shopee provide a convenient, simple and yet fast
online platform for Shopee users where they can purchase certain products or even start
up a business by selling their own products. That fact is that Shopee was recorded as a
high rating apps on Google Play and App Store as it is free of charge for all to download
and most importantly offer cheaper price all the time compared to the stores outside.

By browsing through Shopee platform, users first view a list of products with
description and specification and add the interested items into the order cart and lastly
make payment. Before placing order, users can compare the price and quality by
scanning through the review and rating part.

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Chapter 2: Literature Review

Figure 2.1 Shopee Product Rating

Figure 2.1 explained that once the purchased orders have been delivered, users can rate
the seller and leaving any comments with at least 50 words regarding the products
received or shipping services and also provide at least one picture in order to gain 3
Shopee coins. Although Shopee coins cannot be exchange for cash but it can be used
to pay the products listed in the Shopee platform. The main purpose of Shopee coins is
to reward Shopee users and help them save more in the next purchases.

Figure 2.2 Shopee Live Streaming

The latest Shopee mobile app have been updated with a new feature, that is Shopee
Live Streaming. It is possible for sellers to demo their product via live stream. As a

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Chapter 2: Literature Review

result, sellers can interact closely with their potential customers and able to answer all
enquires or questions instantly. Shopee have some unique features such as Shoppe
Guarantee, webchat, free shipping and so on. Firstly, Shoppe Guarantee -the payment
will be collected from the buyer upon checkout and once the buyer got the order
completely only then the payment will be release to the seller. In this way, we clearly
see that Shoppe Guarantee is a policy that securely protect both sellers and buyers
during transaction happen. In addition, Shopee have a free shipping program in
collaboration with three couriers like Poslaju, J&T and DHL. If people wish to promote
their own product and expand their business to Taiwan and South of East Asia, Shopee
is the best choice. To buy and sell with ease with Shopee, webchat is introduced where
users and sellers can communicate and interact actively. Thanks to this feature, trust
and loyalty between both seller and buyer were able to enhance in the long run. Thirdly,
both seller and buyer were able to gain benefit from Shopee free shipping program. For
example, sellers can easily boost their sales by offering free shipping vouchers to their
long-term customers.

However, Shopee e-commerce platform usually set a specific amount also known as
minimum spend in order to qualify for free shipping. Either the free shipping vouchers
or Shopee coins is strictly not transferrable to any users. Besides that, the drawbacks of
Shopee include lack of touch and feel when ordering items from Shopee website. For
instance, a shopper was not able to test or try the clothes on and consequently buy the
wrong size or unfit clothes. Last but not least, it is time consuming if buyers wish to
request return or refund of their purchased items.

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Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1.2 Lazada

Just like any other e-commerce platform, Lazada is one of the powerful and useful
online websites. It is founded in 2012 and implemented a B2B2C business model which
is a mixture of B2B and C2C models. Lazada is a platform that acts as a bridge between
users and sellers and a place that allow users to buy or trade items. In fact, anyone can
easily shop with Lazada mobile app. According to a magazine article published in 2016,
there are more than 30 million downloads in both Android and IOS platform since the
launching of the Lazada mobile app in 2013. It is often suggested to set up an online
store as Lazada University is a portal that guided and trained new sellers about the
perfect and effective ways to manage the stores. Moreover, Lazada have been
introduced Lazada wallet that make the checkouts more quicker and hassle free. For
instance, when a buyer requested refund of a damaged items, it is more convenient if
that buyer has a Lazada wallet account because the negotiation with the credit card
issuers can be avoided and the refund money will be then directly transfer to the Lazada
wallet. For those who do not own a credit card, Lazada had a COD services which allow
the buyers to make an order from Lazada website and pay in cash only the order has
been delivered to their hands.

Figure 2.3 Lazada E-wallet

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Chapter 2: Literature Review

Lazada has a few benefits like buyer protection program, live chat services, bundled
deals and many more. Buyer protection program guarantee anyone who buys from
Lazada website receives the correct, complete and undamaged items. In others word,
buyers can request refund or return of a specified product as Lazada offers 15days easy
return. Lazada offers live chat services that lasts for 24 hours. This is to make sure the
seller is responsive to buyers’ inquiries. During birthday festival, users who own a
Lazada wallet will be offered a 10% cashback for their purchase orders. Any users can
make use of the digital payment method to pay for their orders offline. The transaction
through Lazada wallet is truly fast and secure, besides that, all the transaction history
will be recorded so that buyers can easily keep track of their expenses as shown in
Figure 2.3.

The most important drawback is that e-commerce platform requires users to make
payment online by either a credit card or debit card because for some people who does
not own a credit card will suffer by not being able to buy anything online. Unlike
Shopee, Lazada does not have online banking and In addition, seller rating is
a very important key to determine how well the sales was because seller that failed to
fulfil the satisfaction of customers tend to have a low rate that result in lower visibility.
Another drawback of selling products on Lazada platform was seller unable to control
on their store’s look.

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Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1.3 Zalora

Zalora, an online fashion retail shop was founded in 2012 and it is an e-commerce site
that offers local and international brands. With the launching of Zalora mobile app, both
men and women can experience the online shopping experience by placing products
via Internet. Beauty categories, fashion dresses and pants, shoes and accessories just to
mention a few of Zalora’s selling products. Indeed, Zalora shoppers can catch up the
latest trends if they are buying from its store because Zalora had a part named “New
this week” that keep the customer up to date regarding current fashion. Instead of
browsing Zalora website with a laptop, one can easily install the Zalora app in their
mobile devices as Zalora has been launching its mobile shopping app for Android and
IOS supported mobile devices. Research showed that 25% of revenues of Zalora were
come from mobile app (Tan, 2013).

Figure 2.4 Zalora navigation redesign

Zalora has a personal data protection policy that make sure every shopper was secure
during making any transaction online. When the order has been shipped, an email was
sent to the shopper’s email together with the tracking number for the purpose of
tracking. Truly, it helps to reduce the anxiety of shopper and the sellers can monitor the
status of the parcels as well. As shown in figure 2.4, Zalora’s users can easily shop by
categories which make the searching more efficient and faster.

Besides that, Zalora was ready to respond to any enquiries 24hours. For example,
Customer service hotline or other services like Zalora chat, IG DM @zaloramy and

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Chapter 2: Literature Review

Facebook chat were used for the interaction between buyer and seller at the same time
handles the exchange or return items. Different from other e-commerce platform,
Zalora accepted return of clothes or shoes that were not fit within 30 days of receipt
with the condition of tags and invoice intact and original packing. However, Lee (2016)
pointed out that not every products or items are exchangeable, earnings, beauty
products, underpants, socks, earphone just to name a few of items which are not
refundable because these items are not covered by Zalora’ return policy.

Figure 2.5 Boost wallet on board at Zalora

Zalora shoppers found it very easy to use the platform as Zalora launched a fabulous
search engine where they can capture any photo of the items and some similar products
will be display on the page. (Post, 2019). Moreover, Zalora shoppers can easily go to
the nearby 7-Eleven outlets to collect the Zalora parcel. Instead of making payment via
online banking, they can make the payment at any 7-eleven stores for the convenience
of the buyers. Nowadays, Zalora shoppers actually can make use of Boost e-wallet to
make payment with just a few simple steps as shown in figure 2.5 above.

The very first disadvantages were the price of the products selling on its site is quite
expensive when compared to other e-commerce platforms like Shopee, Lazada and
Taobao. Also, Zalora shoppers tend to develop a dependence habits as they nowadays
rely on Zalora website to place order instead of visiting the stores at the street. Thus,

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Chapter 2: Literature Review

this causes many sellers go for online to market their goods and products, resulting in
competitors increase sharply. Other than that, Zalora’s delivery service was unsatisfied
because it did not provide international delivery except areas within Malaysia and
Brunei only. However, there is also a no-delivery zones which are Free Trade Zones
and P.O. Box Addresses.

2.1.4 Amazon

There were millions of products that can be purchased on Amazon e-commerce

platform. Amazon make people’s life easier as it enables online shoppers to place an
order in their own home and goods that they purchased will be delivered to the doorstep.
Business model of Amazon include B2B and B2C. B2B also known as Business-to-
Business which means that Amazon create its own page to open up a marketplace for
all online sellers to buy from and sell to others. On the other side, B2C is a way of
business model whereas goods and services were selling directing to the end users from
either Amazon mobile app or website.

Figure 2.6 Amazon history browsing

Official Amazon mobile app are now available at Apple App Store or Google Play store.
In Unites State, among all mobile shopping app, Amazon ranks the highest number of
users in 2019 and become the most popular mobile app for online shopping (Statista,
2019). Amazon was a customer-friendly e-commerce mobile app platform that selling

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Chapter 2: Literature Review

products like furniture, home decor, kitchen, crafts and many more. One of the features
‘Browsing History’ is a simple yet faster way to view back all those recently viewed
products and items as shown in Figure 2.6. Biersdorfer, J.D (2019) stated that once the
browsing-history icon being turned on, online shoppers able to look back to what
products they had been viewed and this features is useful enough as it works act as a
record-keeping list. The development of Amazon shopping app truly saves a lot of time,
with just a click of a button online shoppers can easily place the order and have the
items delivery to the doorstep.

Figure 2.7 Amazon app features

As we all known that, Amazon is a global e-commerce marketplace and this company
actually offer international shipping to others countries like Australia, Asia and Pacific,
America and Europe. However, the buyers have to afford the customs, duties and taxes.
In addition, Amazon Pay is one of the payment methods that enable transaction to be
process more fast, efficient and more secure. All the data is securely protected.
Payments Cards & Mobile, (2019) pointed out that Amazon Pay make online payment
easier, more convenient and most importantly it did not require additional fees. Instead
of searching for a certain product with keywords, Amazon allow anyone to locate or
search for a specific product with a single tap on the camera icon. Undeniably, it really
saves a lot of time and bring convenient for users to shop more. One can look for an

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Chapter 2: Literature Review

assistant provided by Alexa to track their purchase orders or even searching items as
shown in Figure 2.7.

A downside of Amazon e-commerce platform was high competition in the marketplace.

In fact, Amazon had a few thousands of sellers who registered their online stores and
started to sell their goods and products. This clearly means that sales of the online
business will be affected as the sellers who sells similar products tend to compete with
each other. Furthermore, one of the drawbacks about selling by using Amazon platform
was both individual and professional sellers were required to pay fees according to their
selling plan. For example, $0.99 per items fees will be charged from online shoppers
whereas sellers have to pay the referral fees as well.

Another drawback includes sellers only able to get their profit or money earned for a
duration of two weeks. It actually took about five days for Amazon to transfer the
money to the sellers’ account which was considered too long.

Shopee Lazada Zalora Amazon Proposed

Platform Andr Andro Android, Androi Android,
oid, id, IOS, d, IOS, IOS
IOS, IOS, Web Web
Web Web app app
app app
Fee Free Free - $39.99 a Free
month +
selling fees

Easy scalability ✔ ✘ ✘ ✔ ✔
Ability to ✘ ✘ ✔ ✔ ✔
Delivery speed ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ ✔

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Chapter 2: Literature Review

Reasonable ✔ ✔ ✘ ✘ ✔
Ease of ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
Return and ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘ ✘
Mobile ✔ ✔ ✘ ✘ ✔
Ease of ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔
User- friendly ✔ ✔ ✘ ✔ ✔
Live Streaming ✔ ✔ ✘ ✔ ✘
Linkable ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✘
Unlimited ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔

Table 2.1 Comparison between similar applications

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Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.2 Critical Review on Similar Applications

People would feel annoying if they have to browse through messy and uncategorized
products, hence visual search engine feature on the app actually help them to narrow
down the type and brand of products. If they intended to look for a particular brand,
they just have to click at the search bar and enter the brand name. After using the search
bar to look for a specific product, consumers can continuously use the filter option to
help them sort the products by price range, categories, brands, rating and so on.
Customer loyalty can be enhanced by implementing a chat feature. Shopee, Lazada,
Zalora and Amazon all have the chatbot services in their app that used to boost their
sales by offering speedy response to consumers’ enquiries. Undeniable, Shopee Lazada
Zalora and Amazon have a user-friendly interface design in their app. In Shopee app,
the shopping cart is designed that allow consumers to review back their products. They
can easily add quantity or delete the products in the shopping cart. Moreover, Shopee
users can negotiate the price with the sellers at the chatbot. Whether the negotiation
succeed or not, it all depends on the sellers either accept the offer or reject it.

All four review e-commerce platforms accept Individual, Company and International
Seller. In other words, whether at Shopee, Lazada, Zalora or Amazon, buyers from
oversea are allow to make orders online through their platform. In some cases, online
transactions will fail due to the reason such as enter the wrong card number, exceed
fund limit and so on. Occasionally, the transaction with the international sellers or
buyers might be declined due to the reason that the credit card might not support for
oversea transaction that requires currency exchanges (Nair, 2016). Sometimes, end
users might be confused and feeling headache because they have no idea which
payment channels is best suit to them. For Shopee e-commerce platform, people can
choose whether to use credit card, debit card, Shopee Pay, band transfer, over-the-
counter or cash on delivery when they attempt to proceed to checkout.

Unlike the applications review, sellers and buyers do not necessary to go through those
complex online transaction process. Instead of offer different payment channel, it only
limit to one method which is simple payment by uploading the receipt to prove to the
sellers that the payment is being made. This will eliminate the security issue from
happening like bank frauds, identity theft and others e-Commerce frauds. Buyers have
to fill in the information such as transaction amount and also reference number and

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Chapter 2: Literature Review

lastly upload the bank receipt. This benefit of this method is buyers do no need to worry
the online payment frauds and saving them a lot of works too. The proposed application
allows users to identity and recognize the products by capturing the images of the
products. By typing the keywords in the search bar, users can have a quick search on a
particular products or items. In fact, the proposed application provides convenient
access for products viewing. The machine chatbot is trained and designed to answer
some general beauty and skincare questions and users are allow to interact with human
on live in the same time.

Other issues related to cost of selling include transaction fees, referral fee and also
commission fee. All Shopee Mall sellers will be charged for at least 3% or at most 5%
of commission fee for every product sold out. For every successful transaction being
made through credit card, debit card, online banking or Shopee Pay, 2% of transaction
fee will be applies to all sellers. Nowadays, Lazada is considered one of the leading e-
commerce websites across Southeast Asia. Generally, the commission range for Lazada
sellers is between 0.5% to 12% which is depending on what type or category of the
products. For example, 4% of commission fee will be charged for all products related
to Health and Beauty in Lazada e-Commerce platform (Sohlberg, 2019). For the
transaction fee in Lazada platform is the same with Shopee which is 2%. Zalora is a
successful online fashion business.

According to Dawood, Zalora’s shopping app is available for Android and IOS, Zalora
has managed to attract 38% of potential customers to download the app using mobile
phone in 2018 which is known as the highest number of mobile engagements compared
to other fashion apps. Normally, the commission is based on the Zalora policies. For
different category of products have different commission rate which range from 10%
to 30%. Zalora may require the seller who attempt to upload multiple photos of their
product to pay for extra fees, thus it is quite high cost to maintain a business at Zalora
platform. Furthermore, it also has some hidden fees as a result of products returned by
customers which is known as return penalty. In addition, Amazon just like any other e-
Commerce platform that collect referral fees from the sellers. Amazon has two different
selling plan which are professional selling plan and individual selling plan. There will
be no charge if sellers opt for professional selling plan whereas there will be a total of

$0.99 fee charge on every product sold by the sellers who opt for individual selling plan.

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Chapter 2: Literature Review

Considering the beauty products list on the Amazon, a total of 8% of commission fee
will be apply if the total sales is at most $10, if the total sales is greater than $10, 15%
of commission fee will be charge on the sellers.

However, the proposed application is developed to help those who are interest to start
up a small business with low cost. It will be no commission fees apply to the sellers to
ensure they can conduct the electronic business smoothly. Also, the storage fee is free
of charge. The price for sign up or register as a seller is as low as RM50/month. From
the sellers’ perspective, e-Commerce not only can increase reduce operation costs but
increase revenue for even small business (Chong Larry, 2019).

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Chapter 3: System Design

Chapter 3 System Design

3.1 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

This project uses Entity Relationship Diagram to shows the relationships of entity sets
stored in a firebase real-time database.

Figure 3.1 Entity Relationship Diagram

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Chapter 3: System Design

3.2 Use Case Diagram

This project uses Use Case Diagram to model user interaction with system components.
This methodology helps to identify and clarify user requirements.

a. Authentication System

Figure 3.2 User Authentication Use Case

b. Product Management System (Admin)

Figure 3.3 Product Management Use Case

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Chapter 3: System Design

c. Homepage System

Figure 3.4 Homepage Use Case

d. Payment System

Figure 3.5 Payment Use Case

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Chapter 3: System Design

e. Chatbot System

Figure 3.6 Chatbot Use Case

f. Image Processing System

Figure 3.7 Image Processing Use Case

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Chapter 3: System Design

3.3 Flowchart

This project uses Flowchart to model activities process flow.

3.3.1 User system flowchart

Figure 3.7 User flowchart

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Chapter 3: System Design

Figure 3.7 User flowchart

Figure 3.7 User flowchart

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Chapter 3: System Design

Figure 3.7 User flowchart

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Chapter 3: System Design

3.3.2 Admin system flowchart

Figure 3.8 Admin flowchart

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Chapter 3: System Design

Figure 3.8 Admin flowchart

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Chapter 4: Methodology and Tool

Chapter 4: Methodology and Tool

4.1 Software Development Methodology and General Work Procedures

Agile model focus on iteration approach- incrementation and division of tasks into
several time boxes. Basically, it is about the ability to adapt to the changes quickly with
an iteration way. In the Agile model, all the activities especially development and
testing are executed concurrently. Scrum is an incremental process of agile framework
which focuses on generating performance in the shortest possible time. Scrum
methodology will be implemented with addition use of Kanban model on each Sprint
cycle for the development of proposed project. There are total 14 processes address the
specific activities and flow of a Scrum project. These processes are grouped into the
following five phases:

Phase Processes
Initiate 1. Create prioritized product backlog (High to low)
a) Backend API module
b) Profile management module
c) Product details module
d) Cart List module
e) Search product module
f) Shipment module
g) Payment module
h) Chatbot module

2. Conduct release planning for FYP 2

a) Sprint 1: (week 1 – 5) – Staging
i. Draft project report
ii. Plan estimate user stories
iii. Backend API module
iv. Profile management module
v. Product details module

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Chapter 4: Methodology and Tool

b) Sprint 2: (week 6-8) – Staging

i. Cart List module
ii. Search product module
iii. Shipment module

c) Sprint 3: (week 9 – 10) – Staging

i. Payment module
ii. Chatbot module

d) Sprint 4: (week 11 – 12) – Testing

i. User acceptance test plan
ii. User acceptance test

e) Sprint 5: (week 13) – Production

i. Project report submission
ii. Application pilot run

Plan and Estimate 3. Create and refine user stories

a) Break down each module into small tasks.
b) Refine the project’s requirements.

4. Approve, estimate, and commit user stories

a) Present user stories, acceptance criteria and get
feedback from supervisor.
b) Estimate effort to develop functionalities in
each story.
c) Make sure the user stories add customer value
to the product.

5. Create tasks
a) Visualize tasks on Kanban board to do list.
6. Estimate tasks
a) Estimate effort to accomplish task in task list.

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Chapter 4: Methodology and Tool

7. Create Sprint backlog

a) Add Sprint and Sprint tasks into Trello log.
b) Make adjustments if issue arise.

Implement 8. Create deliverables

a) Move tasks from to do list to on-going list.

9. Conduct daily progress review

a) Move completed task to completed column.
b) Review progress and identify challenges.

10. Adjust prioritized product backlog

a) If challenges cannot be tackled.

Review and 11. Demonstrate and validate Sprint

Retrospect a) Demonstrate Sprint deliverables to the

b) Conduct User Acceptance Test (UAT) to
identify whether software is acceptable or not.

12. Retrospect Sprint

a) Update Trello log.
b) Add recommendations.

Release 13. Present final deliverables

a) Oral presentation including presentation slides
to supervisor and moderator.
b) Mobile app demo to show the user interface
and functionality.

14. Retrospect project

Wrap FYP 2.
Table 4.1 Scrum phases and processes

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Chapter 4: Methodology and Tool

4.2 Technologies Involvement

a. Android Studio

Android Studio is an open source cross-development platform that helps developers to

build dynamic mobile applications and offers development teams full customisation
capabilities. It also offers other user interface to design dialogs, notifications, and
menus for mobile app. APKs can be easily drag and drop in order to get a quick
installation whereas emulators can be installed and run the app faster as it operates by
imitating the design of the user device’s architecture. Other than Java and Kotlin
programming language, it is possible to implement other written programme with C or
C++ language by using the Android Native Development Kit.

b. Java

Java is an object-oriented programming language used to write android apps. In case of

any issues or problem, Java always provide the best documentation and also a strong
online community support. Android operates on a number of different hardware
platforms. It is easier to handler Java language compared to other programming

c. Picasso

The unique features of Picasso are resizing and scaling. Generally, Picasso decodes a
picture of higher quality. It simplifies the process of loading images from various

d. Firebase real time database

Firebase real time database is also known as cloud-hosted database that synchronized
the data in real time to every connected client. It offers permission-based data access to
data which is considered quite secure for an app development. Moreover, it is possible
to access or retrieve the data during offline. All data will be stored in JSON. Cloud
messaging is a powerful tool for android app development as it helps to send messages
to anyone who is connected to the services effortlessly. Users can use either email,
password, phone number or even social media application like Facebook for firebase

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Chapter 4: Methodology and Tool

e. Github

This project uses version control system and repository to store version of applications
and release new versions during project staging and production.

f. TensorFlow Lite

TensorFlow Lite is a powerful software that widely used by developers on mobile and
IoT devices to classify and identify hundreds of classes of objects in product searching

g. Dialogflow

Dialogflow is a useful and powerful natural language processing (NLP) platform that
can be trained to handle end-user’s conversation. The implementation of chatbot
features in this proposed project aims to automate customer service by providing instant
replies to streamline human and machine virtual chatbot interaction. An email will be
sent to the agent or human to handles the conversation if dialogflow agent fails to
recognized the intent or phrase send by the end-users.

In the project, there are several tools being used for Android mobile application
development. Firstly, Android studio is the main tools. This project is mainly focus for
android applications so Android Studio is a great platform to develop a mobile app. The
reason why Android Studio software is chosen because it is powerful and robust at the
same time it provides new features and improvements which is much stronger than
Eclipse ADT. In order to create or develop an interactive apps, developers can simply
make use of the material designed from the SDKs. This is because of the easy
availability of the Android SDK. One of the unique features of android is it allows
customization as it is an open source platform. In others words, to integrated android
apps into multimedia tools is not a difficult task for now.

Secondly, the project use Firebase for database storage and authentication. The offline
and online data can be synchronized with Firebase through NoSQL database. Indeed,
with the Firebase Realtime Database, the stored data can be access from multiple
devices in a much easier way. All the data are stored in JSON format which means that

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Chapter 4: Methodology and Tool

there will be multiple nodes under a JSON tree. Firebase Realtime Database is simple
yet convenient as compared to SQL database because there will be neither tables nor
records in the JSON tree. With minimal effort, end users are allowed to download media
files and visual contents that stored in the Firebase storage which powered by Google
Cloud Storage.

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Chapter 4: Methodology and Tool

4.3 User requirements

4.3.1 Functional Requirements

a. Register and manage user account

In order to login and access all the features, this application should allow new user to
create an account. Requirements of registration are name, phone number and password.
Each registration may have a unique phone number and password. Besides that, admin
and users are able to manage their account information from settings.

b. Login

This application only allows registered users to log into the system. Both users or admin
must enter a verified phone number and a valid password. With a valid yet correct
password, only then users and admin are able to login to access all of the features.

c. Add and maintain products

This application should allow admin to add new product according to the categories by
providing the product images, description and product price. Moreover, admin should
be allowed to manage the products such as modifying the product details or delete
specific product.

d. View products

This application should allow users to browse through the listed products by scrolling
down the page. All the products should be clearly display with the product image,
description and product price as well. Users are allowed to specify a quantity of a
specific products or items before adding them into cart list.

e. View Cart List

This application should allow users to look back on those products which they had
added to their cart list previously. Furthermore, users can add more items or products
to an existing cart list and even delete products from the cart list.

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Chapter 4: Methodology and Tool

f. View profile

The application should allow users to manage their profile. For example, uploading
profile image, providing their full name or address and also set security questions in
case they forget their password after signing out from the application.

g. Search for products or brand

This application should allow users to search for specific products and their brand by
entering keywords.

h. Image processing

This application can analyze and recognize the images with machine learning model
that further helping user to identity the products using camera.

i. Barcode scanning

This application should allow users to obtain their tracking number by scanning the
barcode given by admin.

j. Deliver message

This application should allow conversation between users and admin. Instead of
chatting with admin, users should be able to communicate with the chatbot to answer
any enquiry without any human interaction.

k. Reset password

This application allows users to click on the “Forget Password” that will redirect them
to the page to reset their password in case they forget the password.

l. Logout application

This application should allow users and admin to perform logout action by clicking
logout button in settings.

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Chapter 4: Methodology and Tool

4.3.2 Non-functional Requirements

a. Usability

This application should provide useful function and features so that users can learn

and perform their intended task easily. Users can easily get familiar with the application
in a relevant short time.

b. User friendly

This application should have a minimalist user interface and provides interactive

user experiences for user.

c. Thumb/ Finger friendly

This application should provide sufficient space for users to conveniently tap or click
button with their fingertip.

d. Data integrity

This application makes use of Firebase Realtime Database in order to store data
securely on Google cloud servers and synchronized to any linked device in real time.

e. Feedback

This application should provide instant feedback for every interaction through text or
sound. Effective push notification can draw users back into the product or even alert
users that they have incoming messages.

f. Extensibility

This application should be able to extend with extra functionality or features and make
the modification of existing functionality available all the time.

g. Effectiveness

This application should provide functionality that allows user to shop for beauty and
skincare products in more effective way.

h. Performance

The application should allow users to perform image processing by capturing photo and
be able to classify and recognize the products in a rationally time.
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Chapter 4: Methodology and Tools

4.4 Review on Mobile Application Development Platforms

4.4.1 Comparison between three platforms

Native Android Cross-Platforms Mobile Web

Programming Objective-C, HTML, CSS, HTML, CSS,
skills Swift, JavaScript, Hybrid JavaScript, Web
to code for iOS & iOS SDK, Java, Framework app framework
Android Android SDK
Common Swift, Java, Ionic, PhoneGaps, Angular, React,
Framework Objective-C Xamarin, React Ember, Backbone,
Native, etc. etc.
Platform App Store/ Google App Store/ Google Web
Distribution Play Play
Performance Excellent Good, close to Good
Maintenance and Easy Easy Hard
Support of TVs, ✔ ✔ ✘
wearables, and IoT
Camera ✔ ✔ (via web API)

Microphone ✔ ✔ (via web API)

Contacts access ✔ ✔ Not Available

Gyroscope ✔ ✔ (via web API)

Accelerometer ✔ ✔ (via web API)

File upload ✔ ✔ (via web API)

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Chapter 4: Methodology and Tools

Offline access ✔ ✔ (via web API)

Geolocation ✔ ✔ (via web API)

Gesture ✔ ✔ ✔
Push notification ✔ ✔ (via web API)

Table 4.2 Comparison between 3 mobile application development platforms

The proposed project requires access to some device features like camera, offline access,
file upload, push notification and swipe navigation. To identify and classify the
products, users have to capture using their mobile device’s camera. Also, admin have
to upload the product images and readily access by users. Besides that, the proposed
project should provide good graphical performance and user experience to the user.
Hence, native framework is suitable for the proposed project.

4.5 Review on Backend Technologies

4.5.1 Feature comparison between Google Firebase and MySQL

Google Firebase MySQL

Real-time data ✔ ✘
Easy user authentication ✔ ✔
push notifications ✔ ✔
Platform support iOS, Android, Web iOS, Android, Web
Offline support ✔ ✘
Google Cloud IoT tools ✔ ✘
Integration support
Table 4.3 Feature comparison between Google Firebase and MySQL

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Chapter 4: Methodology and Tools

4.6 Design specification

Driven by the convenience of selling or buying products online, just a click of a button,
buyers can place an order and have the parcel delivered to their doorsteps whereas
retailers or sellers can actually cross beyond the limitation of geographical area and
start to export their product to other countries. In this highly competitive global market,
e-commerce organizations have to keep track with the current technologies and be
willing to make improvements for the growth of their business. It is very important to
meet the expectations of the customers and the market demand.

4.6.1 Agile methodology

There are many factors to be considered when selecting one of the software
development methodologies that best suited the organization’s objectives. In this
project, agile methodology is the most suitable. The most suitable of e-commerce
projects is Agile methodology. Agile model focus on iteration approach incrementation
and division of tasks into several time boxes. It is approximately 2-4 weeks cycles for
each small segment.

Among many types of agile methods, scrum, extreme programming, DSDM just to
name a few are the most popular practical use of the agile model. Basically, it is about
the ability to adapt to the changes quickly with an iteration way. In the Agile model, all
the activities especially development and testing are executed concurrently.

The Agile Software Development Manifesto focus on four key values and outlines 12
Agile principles in the project management. Without impacting the project costs or
postponed the project progress, all projects should follow the four core values of Agile
which are: -

1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools

In order to satisfy or meet the customer’s needs, this project need to prioritize
individuals regardless of the method or software being used. Individuals are the
backbones for project development and communication acts as a basis coordination in
the organization by allowing people to interact or transfer information with each other.
Improvements of the features can be implements by listening to the feedback from
people that currently using the applications.

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Chapter 4: Methodology and Tools

2. Working Software Over Comprehensive Documentation

In agile software development, even though the working software is more valuable
compared to comprehensive documentation, but the documentation is still necessary
and it cannot eliminate from the projects. This is because reports are important for
retailers and stakeholders, customers feel more secure as they can track the projects
anytime. Comprehensive documentation should contain everything starting from the
proposal of the project, intent of the mobile application to the testing of the outcome.
Other than that, there are two important aspects such as timeframes and budget also
need to be included in the documentation as well.

3. Customer Collaboration Over Contract Negotiation

Throughout the product development process, the involvement and collaboration of

customers is important to ensure final products are delivery successfully. Layton,
M.C(n.d.) describes that customer should be involved during the starting of the project,
any time scope changes during the project and lastly the ending of the project as well.
Customer normally are more familiar with the user interface because they are using the
application. The mobile app project must be flexible enough for customers. In this case,
developers have the capability to update and improve the app from time to time to meet
the demand of customer.

4. Responding to Change Over Following a Plan

During the development of every projects, adaptivity is the key concepts. Agile team
must be altering their behavior according to the situation to ensure the objective is
achieved. Rather than being able to adapt or makes changes, the teams should be
responding quickly to the feedback. Clearly, follow a plan is not enough and it is not
encouraged as we might face various problems during the development stages. In
addition, there are 12 key principles shown in the figure below to see how it will guide
the agile project management.

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Chapter 4: Methodology and Tools

Figure 4.1 12 key principles of agile software development

The twelve principles of agile development include:

1. Early and continuous delivery of software affect satisfaction of customer

• The highest priority is to satisfy customers. Customer will have an idea how the
products are being processed or developed through the continuous software
delivery. The project is motivated to cultivate a new online shopping pattern
that allow users to purchase their beauty and skincare products with just a click
with their mobile phone.

2. Accommodate changing requirements throughout the development process

• We cannot expect what is the changes of the environment coming next.

Feedback from the customers is useful to improve the features of the projects.
Depends on the adaptability, developers have to manage the changing
requirements effectively such as attending the meetings to discuss the latest
project schedules. Once the project focus to meet customer requirement and
adapt to new technology, eventually it will be able to deliver a commercial
successful mobile based application.

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Chapter 4: Methodology and Tools

3. Frequent delivery of working software

• It is important to keep the design of the project aligned with the intention of
stakeholders. According to TechWell (2019), there are some reason why teams
failed to deliver working software frequently, such as fear of repercussions, both
developers and testers do not work together collaboratively and no agreement
on the definition of “done”. Developers of the project monitor and evaluate the
features and functionalities of the app by adopt the agile approach to make sure
the working software is generated to measure the progress of projects accurately.

4. Collaboration between the business interested parties and developers

throughout the entire project

• Teamwork and collaboration between developers and other business or

technical teams will enhance the system development in many ways. In others
words, the collaboration throughout the projects is important as it will determine
how the decision was made. Anyone are welcome to set up an online stores that
selling beauty and skincare products through the mobile based selling platform.

5. Support, trust, and motivate the people involved

• Only the motivated individual will be able to perform well in the project, they
are trusting themselves and their teams to get the work done. Normally, good
review or positive feedback from the customers will motivate developers of the
project to keep developing and improving the app features.

6. Enable face-to-face interactions

• Face to face communication also known as oral communication is used to

convey or share information with each other. For instance, meeting is an
efficient way for teams to discuss and prepare themselves to work towards the

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Chapter 4: Methodology and Tools

7. The primary measure of progress is working software

• To keep track of the project’s progress, backlog is measured at any time during
the sprints. In short, the ultimate factor that measures progress is to deliver
functional software to the customer.

8. Consistent pace of development is supported by agile processes

• By applying agile practices, whole team must be able to keep a constant pace to
promote sustainable development. Culture of an organizations will affect the
development pace.

9. Focus on technical detail and design help to improve agility

• Improving the products include adding new features, debugging and other
enhancements. Besides that, the teams should focus on technical excellence. A
good user interface yet mobile friendly application able to enhance user

10. Simplicity

• Essential element like simplicity will help promote agile software development.
For example, building a simple yet effective solution to meet the requirements
and satisfy the customers. A simple chatbot is designed to provide customer
services regarding the beauty and skincare products.

11. Self-organizing teams encourage high quality architectures, requirements, and


• Skilled and motivated team members will turn out to be a high performing
member. This will enable the best architectures and designs to be generated. To
develop a successful mobile based application, developers must have a high
coding and design skills that can shorten the time to accomplish the app.

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Chapter 4: Methodology and Tools

12. Reflect on what kinds of methods that can be improve to become more effective

• The purpose of reflection is to improve ourselves and make some adjustments

in order to generate quality products. Agile software project mainly focusses on
customers, so it is important to advance skills and knowledge as well. Regularly,
the team make some adjustment and changes in order to meet the requirement
of the system and further making the system to be more effective.

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Chapter 4: Methodology and Tools

Agile Software development life cycle is the methodology of implementing the agile
project management methodology to the process of software development. It is related
to the Iterative or Incremental approach to execute the task. In agile methodology, all
team members and developers focus on collaboration and usually work together to
achieve the project’s objective.

Figure 4.2 Agile Lifecycle Model

Agile Software Development Lifecycle Model is shown in figure b above. There

consists of 6 phases:

1. Concept/Objective

The very first phase is concept. It is essential to scope out and prioritize projects
as well as envisioned the projects. For example, identifying “what” to deliver
and “who” should be in charge during the software development. Developer
must have an idea of what kind of mobile app have to be developed. The
estimated total amount of time to complete the whole project is calculated.

2. Inception/Identifying Requirement:

Normally, the customer’s expectation is clarified in the first phase. All essential
information is gathered and analyzed. Flow chart or high-level UML diagram
are good method to show how the project’s flow and its functionality. During
the second phases of agile software development life cycle, initial support and
fund are gathered.

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Chapter 4: Methodology and Tools

3. Construction/Development/Iteration:

From the iteration of requirements, the teams work together to deliver working
software. Furthermore, developers improve the product by modifying the
mobile app features. According to the customer feedback, improvement along
with the new functionality will be added. User experience is the top
consideration when developing an ecommerce mobile application. It is vital to
ensure work software is distributed regularly every week. In conclusion, the
team’s members work closely on the project’s development.

4. Transition/Release

Working solutions are releasing regularly. For example, Quality Assurance

testing, internal and external documentation are put into production. The
features and functionality of the app is constantly tested to be improve. By using
Android studio software, bugs can be easily identified and further debug it.

5. Production & Testing

Testing phases is very important before moving to the last phases as bugs and
error will be able to determine in this phase. The developer will search for the
bugs and error by examining the products. Android studio is useful to create a
mobile app as all the works can be running via emulator without depend on
battery life of mobile phone. In android studio, all the code can be debug using

6. Retirement

The very last phase is retirement which is related to system decommissioning.

Newer version of software system usually replaced the old or legacy systems.
Android studio has an automatic update features for the apps. It means that the
latest app with its features will be developed.

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Chapter 4: Methodology and Tools

Agile model focus on iteration approach. Agile methodology focusses on

incrementation and division of tasks into several time boxes. Among many types of
agile methods, scrum, extreme programming, DSDM just to name a few are the most
popular practical use of the agile model. Below are the advantages and disadvantages
of the Agile Model:

Advantages Disadvantages
Suitable for fixed or changing Not suitable for large system
requirements • Large project has complex
• Customers has early and requirement
frequent opportunities to make Not suitable to handle complex
decision and modifies the project dependency

Development processes is optimized For each iteration, the length is quite

• Emphasize final products short

Delivers early partial working solutions Lack of documentation

• Customer satisfaction Projects can easily fall off track

There is little or no planning required. More costly compared to waterfall

Resource requirements are minimum. model

Any defect, error, or bugs can be Only senior programmer can make
identity and fix in the middle of the decision during project development

Functionality can be developed rapidly Poor communication within team

and demonstrated. members
Continuous integration is encouraged • Divergent solutions

Table 4.4 Review of Agile model

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Chapter 4: Methodology and Tools

Agile methodology is feasible and it is based on iterative development which is suitable

for the proposed project. Agile methodology is flexible, changes can be made in the
project development requirements even after the initial planning has been completed.
Team members can always test or run the app after finishing one module or a function
and modify if necessary. In the later stage of development, the change in the features
or requirement are accepted according to the feedback from customers. A significant
benefit of Agile approach is fast delivery of new feature follow by the release or beta
test the software in an early stage. On the other hand, Agile methodology may not work
for certain project. One of the drawbacks of agile approach is not suitable for handling
complex dependencies, it is quite difficult to fit into traditional organizations as well.
Due to the factor of high dependencies on customers, the team will lose control if
customers are not clear. Even though incremental delivery promotes the products faster,
but it also brings negative effects like output become fragmented because teams work
on different cycles in agile methodology. According to Green Garage (2019), it stated
that workload increases due to the process of collecting and processing the feedback.
Moreover, the scope or schedule can be uncertain sometimes.

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Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

5.1 Verification Plan

a. Register

No Test Steps Attribute and Value Expected Result

1 Register using Name: jaceytan User account is
Correct details Phone number: created
and submit. 0168889635 successfully.
Password: jacey123 Go to Login Page.

2 Register using Name: jaceytan User is rejected to

Used phone number Phone number: register followed
and 0168889635 by
submit. Password: jacey123 an error messages.
“Try again using
another phone
3 Register using Name: jaceytan User is rejected to
Incorrect Phone number: register followed
details and 1111111111 by
submit. Password: jacey123 an error messages.
“Invalid phone
4 Register with User is rejected to
Empty details update details
and submit. followed by an

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Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

“Please write your
name/ Please write
your phone number/
Please write your
Table 5.1 Register verification plan

b. Login

No Test Steps Attribute and Value Expected Result

1 Login using Correct Phone number: User is logged in
details and submit. 0168889635 successfully.
Password: jacey123 Go to Home page.

2 Login using Phone number: User is rejected to

Incorrect details and 0161111111 login followed by an
submit. Password: jacey123 error message.
“Account with this
0161111111 number
does not exists”
3 Login with Empty User is rejected to
details and submit. login followed by an
error message.
“Please write your
phone number/ Please
write your password”
4 “Remember me” User is logged in
checkbox is ticked. successfully.

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Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

5 Verify the ‘Forgot User is redirect to Reset

Password’ Password page.
Table 5.2 Login verification plan

c. Reset Password

No Test Steps Attribute and Value Expected Result

1 Leave the phone User cannot proceed
number and security followed by an error
questions fields message.
Blank and submit. Value:
“Please complete the
2. Enter Incorrect Phone number: User cannot proceed
details and 0161111111 followed by an error
submit. Security Question1: tan message.
Security Question2: kedah Value:
“The phone number
does not exist!”
3 Enter Valid phone Phone number: User cannot proceed
number and answer 0168889635 followed by an error
two security Security Question1: tan message.
questions Before set Security Question2: kedah Value:
security questions. “You have not set the
Security Questions

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Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

4 After set security • Example1 Display message “Your

questions, enter Phone number: first answer is wrong!”
Valid phone number 0168889635
and answer two Security Question1: xxx
security questions Security Question2: kedah
• Example 2 Display message “Your
Phone number: second answer is
0168889635 wrong!”
Security Question1: tan
Security Question2: xxx

5 After set security Phone number: User able to write a

questions, enter 0168889635 New Password.
Valid phone number Security Question1: tan New Password:
and answer two Security Question2: kedah jctan123
security questions Display message
Correctly. “Password have been
changed successfully.”
Go to Login Page.
Table 5.3 Reset password verification plan

d. Settings

No Test Steps Attribute and Value Expected Result

1 Change profile Upload image from device User change the profile
picture. picture successfully.
2 Enter profile details Phone number: Profile details are
and submit Without 0168889999 updated successfully
setting any security Full Name: but a message “You
questions. Jacey Tan Yee Shin have not set the
Address: Security Questions
yet!” is shown.

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Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

1400, Jalan
Westlake,31900 Kampar,
3 Enter profile details Phone number: Display message “You
and set two security 0168889999 have set the security
questions. Full Name: questions successfully.”
Jacey Tan Yee Shin Go to Home Page.
1400, Jalan
Westlake,31900 Kampar,
Security Question1:
Security Question2:

Table 5.4 Settings verification plan

e. Homepage

No Test Steps Attribute and Value Expected Result

1 Browse through A list view of
the products. products simply
appears as the user
scrolls down the
2 Click on “Cart List” Total Price: 0 Cart list is Empty.
button at the right
bottom corner.
3 Click on a specific Product name: Aloe Vera Products’ information
product to purchase. Foam Cleaner 150ml such as product name,
Description: Remove description and price are
makeup residue and showed.

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Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

impurities from your skin

with its rich aloe vera
Product price: RM19
4 Increase or Decrease Product name: Aloe Vera With quantity selector
the quantities while Foam Cleaner 150ml features, user added 1
adding products to Description: Remove bottle of Aloe Vera
the cart. makeup residue and Foam Cleaner to the
impurities from your skin cart.
with its rich aloe vera
Product price: RM19
Quantity :1
5 Click on “Add to User add the product to
Cart” button the cart list successfully.
“Added to cart”
message. Go to
Homepage Page.
6 Select “Logout” User is logged out
from successfully.
setting list. Go to Login.
Table 5.5 Homepage verification plan

f. View Cart List

No Test Steps Attribute and Value Expected Result

1 Access the cart Product name: Aloe Vera Products listed in a
list by clicking Foam Cleaner 150ml vertical view.
Product price: RM19
on the “Cart” Information such as
Quantity :1
in the navigation product name, price
drawer. and quantity are
clearly shown.

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Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

2 Click on the User redirect back

“Edit” in the to where quantity of
cart options. a certain products
is chosen.
3 Increase the Quantity: 4 User has been
product to 4. successfully added a
total of 4 bottles
of Aloe Vera Foam
Cleaner to the cart.
“Added to cart”
message. Go to
Homepage Page.
4 Click on the Cart List is Empty User has been
“Remove” in the now. removing the 4
cart options. bottles of Aloe Vera
Foam Cleaner from
the cart. Message
“Items removed
successfully” is
shown. Go to
Homepage Page.
Table 5.6 Cart List Viewing verification plan

g. Search for products

No Test Steps Attribute and Value Expected Result

1 Click “Search” Display Search
in the navigation screen

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Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

2 Search profile Search: Lipstick Display a

with Keywords and list of lipsticks
click “Search” with various brand.
3 Click on the Permission is
Camera button at requested where
the top right message pop out
corner. asking user whether
to allow or deny
the use of camera.
4 For the User cannot use the
permission camera.
request, click on
the “Deny”.
5 For the User accepts the
permission permissions of the
request, click on feature of the
the “Allow”. camera can be used.
6 Put the product Products: Kate It helps user to
in front of the Lipstick detect similar
camera. Probability: features of the
Lipstick-81% data and identify
Fountain pen-6% the products.
Table 5.7 Products Searching verification plan

h. Shipment details

No Test Steps Attribute and Value Expected Result

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 60
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

1 Navigate to Cart Calculate total

List and click price of the
“Next”. products. Display
message “Total
Price: RM76”.
2 Leave the shipment Name: Display message
name field Blank and Phone: “Please provide
submit. Address: your full name.”
3 Leave the shipment Name: Tan Display message
phone number field Phone: “Please provide
Blank and submit. Address: your phone
Postcode: number.”
4 Leave the shipment Name: Tan Display message
address field Blank Phone: 0168889635 “Please provide
and submit. Address: your address.”
5 Leave the shipment Name: Tan Display message
postcode field Blank Phone: 0168889635 “Postcode cannot
and submit. Address: 1400, Jalan be blank.”
Seksyen 4
6 Leave the shipment Name: Tan Display message
state field Blank and Phone: 0168889635 “Please provide
submit. your city name.”

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 61
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

Address: 1400, Jalan

Seksyen 4
Postcode: 31900
7 Enter Correct Name: Tan Display message
details and Phone: 0168889635 “Your order has
submit. Address: 1400, Jalan been confirmed.”
Seksyen 4 Go to Payment Page.
Postcode: 31900
State: Kampar, Perak
Table 5.8 Shipment verification plan

i. Payment

No Test Steps Attribute and Value Expected Result

1 Click “Update” Payment Receipt: No User cannot proceed
Without filling Transaction Amount: the payment process
out every Reference Number: followed by an error
required payment message “Please key
field. in the transaction
amount you had made.
2 Fill in the Payment Receipt: No “Reference Number
Transaction Transaction Amount: is mandatory”.
Amount field Only RM76
and click Update. Reference Number:
3 Insert Payment Receipt: No User is rejected to
Transaction Transaction Amount: proceed. Display
Amount and RM76 error message
Reference Number Reference Number: “Image is not
and click Update. 980219 selected”.

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 62
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

4 Upload payment Payment Receipt: Yes User had completed

receipt. Transaction Amount: the payment process.
RM76 “Payment info
Reference Number: updated
980219 successfully.”
Go to Track
Table 5.9 Payment verification plan

j. Track Shipment

No Test Steps Attribute and Value Expected Result

1 After successful Display message
payment. “We will send you
a message with a
shipment tracking
number shortly.”
2 Click on the Go to Home page.
“Back” button
3 Receive tracking A notification pop
number from push out showing a
notification. message “Hi,

there! 🥰 Your order

has shipped out

Tracking Number:
4 Click on the Chat page is
“Cart” floating appeared.

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 63
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

button at the right

bottom corner.
5 Click on the A new conversation
“Chat Now” is started.
6 Click on the It will navigate

option “ Track the user to the

Order” tracking site.

7 Track an order Tracking Number: The tracking result

using the Correct 620689709796 and details will
tracking number automatically be
and submit. shown.
Table 5.10 Shipment tracking verification plan

k. Chatbot

No Test Steps Attribute and Value Expected Result

1 Click on the Chat page is
“Cart” floating appeared.
button at the right
bottom corner.
2 Click on the A new conversation
“Chat Now”. is started.
3 Select from a “Beauty Tips” Automatically
list of options. replies “Use
Vaseline for a

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 64
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

4 Select from a “Exchange Item” A form is generated
list of options. that requires users
to fill in their
Name, Gender and
state a Reason.

After clicking on
the submit button,
the data will then
send back to bot
and will be handled
by admin.
5 Select from a “Track Order” Bot respond by
list of options. providing a button
that navigate the
users to the Shipment
Tracking Platform
for tracking
6 Type Irrelevant “I want a pepperoni Bot didn't
sentences and pizza” recognize the
send. phrases as a valid
Display message
“Say that one more
time?” and pass

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 65
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

the conversation to
7 Type Relevant “How do I fix my dry A list template
sentences and skin” appeared that
send. showing product
image, title,
description and a
8 Click on the “See us User is redirect to
on Facebook” button. Facebook page in a new
Table 5.11 Chatbot verification plan

l. Image processing

No Test Steps Attribute and Value Expected Result

1 Click on the “AI A page listed with
Brain” floating device’s photo is
action button at the appeared.
right bottom corner.
2 “Swipe Down” to New photos loaded
retrieve new from device.
3 “Select” any Photo: A picture of Result:
photo and click lipstick 1. Lipstick
“Label”. [0.69conf]
2. Tableware
4 “Select” a bank Photo: Public Bank’s Data such as
receipt and click printed receipt reference number,
“OCR”. beneficiary account
number , date or

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 66
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

time, email and

amount are

5 “Upload” Photo: Barcode Barcode is

barcode image and successfully
click detected.
“Barcode”. Information such as
email address,
tracking number and
link is provided.
Table 5.12 Image processing verification plan

5.2 Result

Users Sign Up Page

account is
“Join now” registered,
allow new users may
users to login
register their

Figure 5.1 Join now and Login page

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 67
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

Users have to fill in their

name, phone number
and password in order to
create a new account

Figure 5.2 Registration form

Figure 5.3a Incomplete Figure 5.3b Incomplete Figure 5.3c Incomplete

form without name form without phone number form without password

When clicking Create

Account without fill in name, phone
number, or password will trigger
messages like
BIS (Hons) Information Systems write Faculty
Engineering your name/phone
of Information and Communication
Technology (Kampar Campus),number/
UTAR. password..." toast, as 68
shown in the above screen capture
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

After complete
the registration
form, an account
is created.

created an

Figure 5.3d Create account Figure 5.3e Successfully

created account

When clicking
at the “I’m an
Admin”, it
will link to
admin Login

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 69
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

Figure 5.4 Login page for Figure 5.4a Login page for
Users Admin

Users Login Page

In case users forgot

their password,
clicking on it will
direct users to
another page to reset
their password

when the user

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 70
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

Figure 5.4b Remember me and

Forget Password options

number and

Figure 5.4c Invalid phone number Figure 5.4d Invalid password

Users Home Page

that display
all beauty
and skincare
AI brain

To view the
service AI

Figure 5.4e Homepage

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication
Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 71
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

To view the User

shopping cart profile


Profile Sign
Settings out

Figure 5.4f Navigation drawer

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 72
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

menu & three
floating action

Click allow
to access
photo in the

Figure 5.5 Homepage Figure 5.5a Permission


Click on the
“AI Brain”
action button

Figure 5.6 Image Processing Figure 5.6a Loading page


BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 73
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

Image Processing Features

Swipe down
to retrieve
new photos

Select an
image from
device and
click on the

Figure 5.6b Refresh Figure 5.6c Pick an image

and submit

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 74
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing



Click on
and “OCR”

Figure 5.6d Image labelling Figure 5.6e Optical Character




Figure 5.6f Pick another image Figure 5.6g Image labelling

and submit

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 75
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

Long press
to copy the


Figure 5.6h Optical Character Figure 5.6i Copy extracted text




Figure 5.6j Maybank printed Figure 5.6k Data extraction

receipt from bank receipt

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 76
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

number, Date
or Time and

Figure 5.6l Receipt captured Figure 5.6m Data extraction

using mobile device from bank receipt

Select E-receipt

number and

Figure 5.6n E-receipt Figure 5.6o Data extraction

from E-receipt

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 77
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

QR code
given by


Figure 5.6p QR code Figure 5.6q QR code scanning

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 78
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

Redirect to
clicking on
the URL

Figure 5.6r Barcode detected Figure 5.6s Tracking status

Back to through
Homepage and select
one product

Figure 5.6t Homepage

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 79
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing


decrease Product
quantity description,

Add to
Figure 5.7 Product details


per item

Proceed to

Figure 5.8 Shopping cart list

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 80
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

Edit the

the product

Figure 5.8a Cart option Figure 5.8b Delete cart


Figure 5.8c Blank shopping cart

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 81
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

Add to cart


Figure 5.8d Add to cart Figure 5.8e Checkout

Enter name,
address and


Figure 5.9 Shipment details

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 82
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

Name and
phone number
cannot be

Figure 5.9a Empty name Figure 5.9b Empty phone

Address and
cannot be

Figure 5.9c Empty address Figure 5.9d Empty postcode

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 83
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

City, state
cannot be

Figure 5.9e Empty city and Figure 5.9f Confirm order


amount is

number is

Figure 5.9g Empty field Figure 5.9h Empty field

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 84
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing


Receipt is

Figure 5.9i Receipt is missing

Upload receipt
from mobile
device and
crop it


Figure 5.9j Crop receipt Figure 5.9k Receipt is added

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 85
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

the payment

info update
and wait to
be verify

Back to

Figure 5.9l Update payment Figure 5.9m Payment info

receipt update successfully

Click on
“Chat now”

Figure 5.10 Homepage Figure 5.11 Chat now

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 86
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

Click on
“Start new
”” button

Figure 5.11a Empty conversation Figure 5.11b Start conversation


Beauty and
skincare tips
given by bot

Figure 5.11c General question Figure 5.11d Beauty tips

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 87
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing


to solve dark


Figure 5.11e Skin consultation Figure 5.11f Dark circles

Click yes to
go back to

Figure 5.11g Watch video Figure 5.11h Dark circles

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 88
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

Check it out
on Facebook

Figure 5.11i Dry skin Figure 5.11j Watch video

A form is
provided to
allow users to
state the reason
for exchange

Figure 5.11k Exchange Item Figure 5.11l Fill form

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 89
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

redirect to

Figure 5.11m Track order Figure 5.11n Tracking


Bot to

Figure 5.11o Lipstick

Figure 5.11p Unknown
Figure 5.11o Lipstick conversation

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 90
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing


Figure 5.11q Human agent


Users Settings

Figure 5.12 Navigation drawer

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 91
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing


required to
enter phone
name and

Figure 5.12a Empty Figure 5.12b Empty profile

profile name address


Figure 5.12c Update profile

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 92
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

Profile is

Figure 5.12d Profile updated

Set a total of
two security

are set

Figure 5.12e Security questions Figure 5.12f Set questions

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 93
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

Users may
reset their

Figure 5.12g Forget password

requires to
enter a valid
requires to
answer two

Figure 5.12h Reset password form

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 94
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing


Figure 5.12i Wrong answer 1 Figure 5.12j Wrong answer 2

When two
answers are
correct, users
can create a
new password

Figure 5.12k New password

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 95
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

Admin Login Page

number and

Figure 5.13 Invalid number Figure 5.14 Invalid password

Add a new
Admin can product
add under
products “Hair”
according to category
the categories

Figure 5.15 Add product

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 96
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

image here

and price

Figure 5.15b Product description

Figure 5.15a Add product image

Product name,
Product price
cannot be blank

Figure 5.15c Product price

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 97
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing


added product
image to
firebase storage

Figure 5.15e Add to storage

Figure 5.15d Product added

Admin can
or modify

Sign out

Figure 5.16 Maintain product

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 98
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing

To make
Admin can
or modify

Figure 5.16a Preview product



Figure 5.16b Makes changes Figure 5.16c Delete product

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 99
Chapter 5: Implementation and Testing


Figure 5.16d Admin logout

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 100
Chapter 6: Project Challenges and Future Improvements

Chapter 6: Project Challenges and Future Improvements

6.1 Implementation Issues and Challenges

Following are the issues and challenges for the implementation phase of the project:

6.1.1 Fragmentation issues

Open source systems are vulnerable to fragmentation. Various types of mobile devices
run on different versions of the Android operating system. Truly, it is quite hard to keep
up with the changes. Usually, mobile devices fragmentation is associated with Android,
with high fragmentation, it will impede timely access of new technologies. In addition,
high software fragmentation will be able to screw up the entire mobile app
infrastructure. In fact, it can be one of the challenges as Android is an open-source OS,
different operating systems have different features which means it is difficult and hard
to handle in a secure way. Fragmentation rates can reach as high as 99% during real-
time application computing. Subsequently, it can result in program crashes or is important to cope with the supportability of Enterprise-critical software
and make sure the version-specific issues can be solved to avoid fragmentation happen
and destroy the online business.

6.1.2 Consumes a huge RAM memory

The project is develop using Android Studio software. 4GB Windows development
machine will face a difficulty when implement their application using android studio
software. Significantly, to run app with ease, it has to be at least 8 RAM on the system
to prevent crashes and hangs due to lack of free space on the disk. Moreover, android
emulator is performing much slower after updating. Hence, it is crucial to free physical
RAM before launching android emulator.

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 101
Chapter 6: Project Challenges and Future Improvements

6.1.3 Different types and brands of mobile devices and various screen sizes

There are many android devices selling in the market, however different models have
different screen size and pixels. In order to make sure the UI gracefully adapted to each
screen sizes, there will be more hard works to do and to code. An app work perfectly
on a smartphone does not mean it also work well on tablets. Resolution is also an
important factor that contribute to the succeed of a mobile app because various screen
resolution will affect how developers create their apps. If developers are not clear about
the screen sizes and resolution of their devices, the developing mobile app will not be
optimized for a variety of devices.

6.2 Conclusions and Future Improvements

This e-Commerce project is developed to make contribution to users whom wish to buy
beauty and skincare products from home without travelling. With the proposed system,
users can save time because improved search engine allow users to search for a
particular beauty and skincare products using keywords in a faster and easier way.
Moreover, by moving the camera towards the products, it will recognize and classify
those products in real-time. This project is motivated to make contribution to users by
implement chatbot services that allow immediate or responsive communication with
the users. Users can also get beauty advices and gift ideas by chatting with the trained
machine bot or admin themselves. Besides that, this project designed a simple payment
system that simply requires users to upload the bank receipt to proceed the checkout
process. The main reason is to reduce friction in the checkout process. Lastly, they will
receive tracking number from push notification and then start tracking their orders.
With the proposed system, online purchasing beauty and skincare products just made
so easy and faster.

In fact, this project has many ways to improve to motivate more users to start using this
app to purchase their beauty and skincare products.

The best case is to integrate with current shop and rebate reward program to increase
sales and in the same time maintain the current price point. Another idea is to add
sharing features for the growing of site traffic by connecting to numerous of social

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 102
Chapter 6: Project Challenges and Future Improvements

channel platform. Instead of searching product with keywords, it is more convenient if

this project implements the filtered navigation that further help users to narrow down
their product search.

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 103

Brook, C., 2019. 2019 Cosmetics Ecommerce Trends: How Women Buy Cosmetics
Online. [online] Photoslurp. Available at:
[Accessed 25 March 2020].

Chong Larry, T., 2019. The Impact of E-Commerce on Micro-Economy. Global

Journal of Management and Business Research, pp.9-15.

Dawood, S., 2020. How To Sell On Zalora? A Brief Step-By-Step Illustration.

[online] CedCommerce Blog. Available at:
<> [Accessed 20 March

Edmondson, B., 2018. Paypal Merchant Fees That You Need To Look Out For.
[online] The Balance Small Business. Available at:
4154368> [Accessed 24 March 2020].

Hasnan, L., 2019. ASEAN E-Commerce Hit By Fraud. [online] The ASEAN Post.
Available at: <>
[Accessed 20 March 2020].

Hicks, B. (2016, July 27). APAC e-commerce transaction abandonment rate is the
world’shighest –and rising. Mumbrella Asia. Retrieved from

Jacob. P. (2016. February 22). Smartphone ownership and internet usage continues to
climb in emerging economies. Pew Research Center. Retrieved

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 104

Lomas, N. (2016, April 11). Computing’s future? It’s in your pocket . Retrieved
February19, 2017, from techcrunch:

Mottl, J., 2014. Study Says More People Buying Beauty And Personal Care Products
Online. [online] Available at:
buying-beauty-and-personal-care-products-online/> [Accessed 25 March

Nair, D., 2016. Why Did Your Online Payment Get Declined?. [online] RinggitPlus.
Available at: <
payment-get-declined.html> [Accessed 19 March 2020].

Oktaviani, G., 2018. Analyzing Online Purchase Behavior Of Thai Consumers For
Beauty Products | Emag. [online] eMAG. Available at:
beauty-products/> [Accessed 24 March 2020].

Pillay, S. (2017, June 04).Online shoppers in a web of scammers. NewStraitsTimes.

Retrieved from
web-scammers 2019. Why Data Security In Ecommerce Matters | Rakuten SL.

[online] Available at: <
concerns-the-world-of-ecommerce> [Accessed 26 March 2020].

Roy Morgan. 2016. You Beauty! Buying Cosmetics And Skincare Online Becoming
More Popular. [online] Available at:
online-becoming-more-popular-201606010102> [Accessed 25 March 2020].

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Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 105

Shewan, D., 2019. 13 Ways To Combat Shopping Cart Abandonment. [online] Available at:
abandonment> [Accessed 26 March 2020].

Sohlberg, M., 2019. Fees & Commissions when Selling on Lazada: The Definitive
Guide. [Blog] Export2Asia, Available at:
[Accessed 20 March 2020].

Spaceotechnologies. 2019. Shopping App Development: 3 Strategies Of Shopee Top

Shopping App. [online] Available at:
shopee/> [Accessed 21 June 2020].

Statista. 2019. Top U.S. Shopping Apps By Users 2019 | Statista. [online] Available
at: <
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Tan, V., 2013. Yahoo Is Now A Part Of Verizon Media. [online]
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The Odyssey Online. 2017. Top Five Online Banking Issues. [online] Available at:
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Williams, R., 2019. Smartphones Are Most Popular Devices For Online Shopping,
SurveySays.[online]Mobile Marketer. Available at:
devices-for-online-shopping-survey-says/565321/> [Accessed 25 March

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 106

(Project I / Project II)

Trimester, Year: Y3S2 Study week no.: WEEK 1-2

Student Name & ID: TAN YEE SHIN 17ACB00873




[Please write the details of the work done in the last fortnight.]

Meeting with supervisor to discuss about the works and tasks to be accomplish.
Discuss in details with supervisor to make sure all problems pointed out during Final Year
Project 1 can be solve.

Problem statement and objectives are not clear or strong enough to support.


Keep working up and seek help from classmates and supervisor.

________________________ _________________________
Supervisor’s signature Student’s signature

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 104


(Project I / Project II)

Trimester, Year: Y3S2 Study week no.: WEEK 3-4

Student Name & ID: TAN YEE SHIN 17ACB00873




[Please write the details of the work done in the last fortnight.]

Review all the problem statement and objective. Set up a timetable and manage time

Test/QA every feature and function within the app. Understand how the app is going to
work. Moreover, have an idea how the interface looks like.

Emulator in android studio is not working. Sometime, the laptops might be lag due to the
limited storage.


Get more hard drive storage for my PC and continue with the progress on development of

________________________ _________________________
Supervisor’s signature Student’s signature

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 105


(Project I / Project II)

Trimester, Year: Y3S2 Study week no.: WEEK 5-6

Student Name & ID: TAN YEE SHIN 17ACB00873

[Please write the details of the work done in the last fortnight.]

Determine how the flow of the app when users interact with the app. Draw a block
diagram on how the automation chatbot should be implement in order to enhance
user experience.


Searching and reading the article and journal from the google about the automation chatbot
features. Understand how to use Dialogflow to build conversational features in the project.


At the beginning, it might feel hard to code because lack of fundamental and
knowledge about basics of intents when llaunching and managing conversations.


Self-learning from internet sources and finding related video tutorial on Youtube.

________________________ _________________________
Supervisor’s signature Student’s signature

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 106


(Project I / Project II)

Trimester, Year: Y3S2 Study week no.: WEEK 7-8

Student Name & ID: TAN YEE SHIN 17ACB00873

[Please write the details of the work done in the last fortnight.]

Tring on a few bots and notice how the conversational patterns designed.


Collect information in the internet sources and learn more about using rich message
in custom bots.


Kommunicate pricing starts at $20.00 per month, per user.


Eligible developers can qualify for a free trial of 30days.

________________________ _________________________
Supervisor’s signature Student’s signature

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 107


(Project I / Project II)

Trimester, Year: Y3S2 Study week no.: WEEK 9-10

Student Name & ID: TAN YEE SHIN 17ACB00873

[Please write the details of the work done in the last fortnight.]

Bots can handle all the incoming conversations and when unable to answer, they
can assign conversion to humans. Test and run this automation conversation feature
on mobile devices.


Design and implement image processing technique such as image recognition,

Optical character recognition and QR code scanning in the project.


Having no knowledge of python make the developing of machine learning really

hard to implement.


Seek solution on internet sources and getting some ideas on the article regarding
machine learning and image processing technique.

________________________ _________________________
Supervisor’s signature Student’s signature

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 108


(Project I / Project II)

Trimester, Year: Y3S2 Study week no.: WEEK 11-12

Student Name & ID: TAN YEE SHIN 17ACB00873

[Please write the details of the work done in the last fortnight.]

Start to create the app that can automatically detect objects in a provided image
using Firebase MLKit. ML Kit makes it easy to apply ML techniques in the apps.


Add more image processing features like Optical Character Recognition that used
for the capture of invoice information such as invoice number.


While trying to build or run the app, there is an error installing APK and application
not responding error.


Searching for possible solution in stack overflow website.

________________________ _________________________
Supervisor’s signature Student’s signature

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 109


(Project I / Project II)

Trimester, Year: Y3S2 Study week no.: WEEK 13-14

Student Name & ID: TAN YEE SHIN 17ACB00873

[Please write the details of the work done in the last fortnight.]

Conduct performance evaluation to improve the functionalities and the features of

the app. Also, directly collect feedback from friends and supervisor after testing to
run the app.


Get the feedback from users by monitoring how they using the app to be able to
identify and compare the expectation and the real-world results. Preparing for oral


Using an old and unsupported version of Gradle. Furthermore, some test run
configurations do not work.


Capable to solve problems on my own.

________________________ _________________________
Supervisor’s signature Student’s signature

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 110


BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 111
Plagiarism check result

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 112
BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication
Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 113
BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication
Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 114
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
Form Title : Supervisor’s Comments on Originality Report Generated by Turnitin
for Submission of Final Year Project Report (for Undergraduate Programmes)
Form Number: FM-IAD-005 Rev No.: 0 Effective Date: 01/10/2013 Page No.: 1of 1



Full Name(s) of TAN YEE SHIN

ID Number(s) 17ACB00873
Programme / Course Bachelor of Information System Engineering (HONS) Information
System Engineering
Title of Final Year Project Beauty and Skincare E-Commerce Mobile with Advanced
Searching Module using Image Processing

Similarity Supervisor’s Comments

(Compulsory if parameters of originality exceeds
the limits approved by UTAR)
Overall similarity index: 2 % Similarity
by source
Internet Sources: 2%
Publications: 0%
Student Papers: 0%

Number of individual sources listed of

more than 3% similarity: 0
Parameters of originality required and limits approved by UTAR are as Follows:
(i) Overall similarity index is 20% and below, and
(ii) Matching of individual sources listed must be less than 3% each, and
(iii) Matching texts in continuous block must not exceed 8 words
Note: Parameters (i) – (ii) shall exclude quotes, bibliography and text matches which are less than 8 words.

Note Supervisor/Candidate(s) is/are required to provide softcopy of full set of the originality
report to Faculty/Institute

Based on the above results, I hereby declare that I am satisfied with the originality of the
Final Year Project Report submitted by my student(s) as named above.

______________________________ ______________________________
Signature of Supervisor Signature of Co-Supervisor


Date: 11/09/2020 Date:

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 115
Plagiarism check result



Student Id 17ACB00873
Student Name TAN YEE SHIN


Your report must include all the items below. Put a tick on the left column after you have
checked your report with respect to the corresponding item.
√ Title Page
√ Signed form of the Declaration of Originality
√ Abstract
√ Table of Contents
√ List of Figures (if applicable)
√ List of Tables (if applicable)
√ List of Symbols (if applicable)
√ List of Abbreviations (if applicable)
√ Chapters / Content
√ Bibliography (or References)
√ All references in bibliography are cited in the thesis, especially in the chapter
of literature review
√ Appendices (if applicable)
√ Poster
√ Signed Turnitin Report (Plagiarism Check Result – Form Number: FM-IAD-005)
*Include this form (checklist) in the thesis (Bind together as the last page)

I, the author, have checked and confirmed Supervisor verification. Report with
all the items listed in the table are included incorrect format can get 5 mark (1 grade)
in my report. reduction.

______________________ ______________________
(Signature of Student) (Signature of Supervisor)
Date: 11/09/2020 Date: 11/09/2020

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 116
Plagiarism check result

BIS (Hons) Information Systems Engineering Faculty of Information and Communication

Technology (Kampar Campus), UTAR. 117

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