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C K Gomathy
Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya University


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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 04 | Apr 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Dr. C.K. Gomathy, Mr. G. Niteesh, Mr K. Sai Krishna
ABSTRACT: A robot is the system which deals with understand human body language. This has minimised the
construction, design and operation. This system is related need for text interfaces an GUIs (Graphical User Interface).
to robot and their design, manufacture, application.
Robotics is currently focused on developing systems that GESTURE :-
modularity, flexibility, redundancy, fault tolerance and A gesture is an action that has to be seen by someone else
some other researchers are on completely automating a and has to convey some piece of information. Gesture is
manufacturing process or a task, by providing sensor based usually considered as a movement of part of the body,
to the robot arm. Recently developing industry and man especially a hand or the head, to express an idea or
power are critical constraints for completion of task. To meaning.
save human efforts the automation playing important role
in the system. This system is used for regular and
frequently carried work. One of the major and most
Our motivation to work on this project came from a
commonly performed works is picking and placing of jobs
disabled person who was driving his wheel chair by hand
from source to destination. In the earlier systems, the
with quite a lot of difficulty. So, we wanted to make a device
motion of the human hand is sensed by the robot through
which would help such people drive their chairs without
sensors and it follow the same. As the human travels their
even having the need to touch the wheels of their chairs.
hand, the accelerometer also start moving accordingly
motion of the hand sensor displaces and this sensor senses
object or parameter according to motion of hand.
Our objective is to make this device simple as well as
cheap so that it could be mass produced and can be
Keywords:Robot, Automation System, Automatic control
used for a number of purposes.
system, Sensor Control system.
Development of hand gesture recognition sensor based on
Recently, strong efforts have been carried out to develop
accelerator and gyroscope for controlling hand of
intelligent and natural interfaces between users and
underwater remotely operated robots”.
computer-based systems based on human gestures.
In this paper hand gesture sensor depends on
Gestures provide an intuitive interface to both human and
accelerometer and gyroscope. Gyroscope is the sensor
computer. Thus, such gesture-based interfaces can not only
which is used to capture the position the operator hand
substitute the common interface devices, but can also be
when he is working in operated vehicle and it is attached
exploited to extend their functionality.
with a hand. The expert operator may use the joystick for
ROBOT :- manage system easily and it is little bit complex for the
A robot is usually an electro-mechanical machine that can starting users. This system has two main
perform tasks automatically. Some robots require some part, ground station this paper the hand gesture
degree of guidance, which may be done using a remote recognising sensor used by the user and the floor station
Control or with a computer interface. Robots can be and he can able to control the hands of robot at the . Here
autonomous, semi-autonomous or remotely controlled. accelerator and gyroscope are fitted in hand joints. The
Robots have evolved so much and are capable of mimicking device assess the screen, wireless mouse and with the
humans that they seem to have a mind of their own. keyboard. In this paper people machine communicating
device, most intuitive communicating device, to interacts to
the device and the other appliance. In case of
An important aspect of a successful robotic system is the
communicating to the machine commands are being
Human-Machine interaction. In the early tears the only way
implemented use of hand gesture.
to communicate with a robot was to program which
Here the physical interaction has to be planned carefully as
required extensive hard work. With the development in
a userfriendly system which interact normally and
science and robotics, gesture-based recognition came into
minimize repulsion. The experiments consists of physical
life. Gestures originate from any bodily motion or state but
interaction between the human and the humanoid robot .
commonly originate from the face or hand. Gesture
It gives the best result after testing among the various
recognition can be considered as a way for computer to
factor. Userfriendly, Easy to work.
A driven is operated to the system to follow the
© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1721
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 04 | Apr 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

human’s mechanism. Manpower is reduced incase of lifting

objects of High weights can be lifted.
the physically challenged humans to do primary actions.
Electromygraphy input and output are gathered Muscle
. wirelessly connected to the
computer. Simple to use. Have no constraint. Efficient and
accurate performance. In indoors works we must manage
the course of a robots the use of gestures and clap sounds.
The hardware is predicted on microcontroller code to keep
away from unessential motion of the robots. The clap
sound is to actuate the gesture tracking mode to transport 1. COMPONENTS DESCRIPTION
the robot and deactivate the gesture monitoring mode after
last ceasing the robot. 1 ARDUINO UNO
PROPOSED SYSTEM isamicrocontrollerboardbasedon8-bitATmega328Pmicroco
In this project, a mobile robot that is controlled by the
gestures made by the hand, is designed. As mentioned
earlier, the gesture-controlled robot has accelerometer
sensor (ADXL335), Arduino UNO, Motor driver
Circuit(L293D) as main parts. When the robot is powered
on, the Accelerometer Sensor senses the input and How to use Arduino Board :-
transmits it into Arduino UNO.
The 14-digital input/output pins can be used as input or
This data is captured by the Arduino, which then transmits output pins by using pin mode(), digital read() and digital
a corresponding data to the Motor Driver Circuit . Based on write() functions in arduino programming. Each pin
the data, the movement of the motors, and hence the operates at 5V and can provide or receive a maximum of
movement of the robot is defined. 40mA current, and has an internal pull-up resistor of 20-50
K Ohms which are disconnected by default. Out of these 14
The movement of robot is as follows :-
pins, some pins have specific functions as listed below:
 The robot moves Forward, when the X-axis of
Communication :-
ADXL335 is less than 250.
 The robot moves Backward, when the X-axis of Arduino can be used to communicate with a computer,
ADXL335 is greater than 300. another Arduino board or other micro controllers. The
 The robot moves Left, when the Y-axis of ADXL335 ATmega328P microcontroller provides UART TTL (5V)
is less than 250. serial communication which can be done using digital pin 0
 The robot moves Right, when the Y-axis of (Rx) and digital pin 1 (TX). An ATmega16U2 on the board
ADXL335 is greater than 300. channels this serial communication over USB and appears
 The robot Stops moving, when the X-axis of as a virtual com port to software on the computer. The
ADXL335 is 250< x-axis <.300 and Y-axis of ATmega16U2 firmware uses the standard USB COM
ADXL335 is 250< y-axis <.300. drivers, and no external driver is needed. However, on
Windows, a .inf file is required. The Arduino software
includes a serial monitor which allows simple textual data
to be sent to and from the Arduino board. The Arduino
BLOCK DIAGRAM & CIRCUIT DIAGRAM software includes a Wire library to simplify use of the I2C

An accelerometer is an electromechanical device that
willmeasure acceleration force. It shows acceleration, only
due to cause of gravity i.e. g force. It measures acceleration
in g unit.

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1722
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 04 | Apr 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

rotary DC motors, linear motors are also available which

are capable of producing a continuous liner movement.
There are basically three types of conventional electrical
motor available: AC type Motors, DC type Motors and
Stepper Motors.

AC Motors are generally used in high power single or

multi-phase industrial applications were a constant
ADLX335 Accelerometer
rotational torque and speed is required to control large
On the earth, 1g means acceleration of 9.8 m/s2 is present. loads such as fans or pumps.
On moon, it is 1/6th of earth and on mars it is 1/3rd of
In this tutorial on electrical motors we will look only at
earth.Accelerometer can be used for tilt-sensing
simple light duty DC Motors and Stepper Motors which
applications as well as dynamic acceleration resulting from
are used in many different types of electronic, positional .
motion, shock, or vibration.


The Basic DC Motor

 Can be used to run Two DC motors with the same The DC Motor or Direct Current Motor to give it its full
IC. title, is the most commonly used actuator for producing
 Speed and Direction control is possible continuous movement and whose speed of rotation can
 Motor voltage Vcc2 (Vs): 4.5V to 36V easily be controlled, making them ideal for use in
 Maximum Peak motor current: 1.2A applications were speed control, servo type control, and/or
 Maximum Continuous Motor Current: 600mA positioning is required. A DC motor consists of two parts, a
 Transition time: 300ns (at 5Vand 24V) “Sta-tor” which is the stationary part and a “Rotor” which is
 Automatic Thermal shutdown is available the rotating part.
 Available in 16-pin DIP, TSSOP, SOIC packages Normal DC motors have almost linear characteristics with
their speed of rotation being determined by the applied DC
Where to use L293D IC :- voltage and their output torque being determined by the
current flowing through the motor wingdings. The speed of
The L293D is a popular 16-Pin Motor Driver IC. As the
rotation of any DC motor can be varied from a few
name suggests it is mainly used to drive motors. A single
revolutions per minute (rpm) to many thousands of
L293D IC is capable of running two DC motors at the same
revolutions per minute making them suitable for electronic,
time; also the direction of these two motors can be
automotive or robotic applications. By connecting them to
controlled independently. So if you have motors which has
gearboxes or gear-trains their output speed can be
operating voltage less than 36V and operating current less
decreased while at the same time increasing the torque
than 600mA, which are to be controlled by digital circuits
output of the motor at a high speed.
like Op-Amp, 555 timers, digital gates or even Micron
rollers like Arduino, PIC, ARM etc.. this IC will be the right
choice for you.
The chassis is the structural component for the robot which
Electrical DC Motors are continuous actuators that contains the
convert electrical energy into mechanical energy. The DC drivetrain and
motor achieves allows the robot
this by producing to be mobile by
a continuous using wheels,
angular rotation tank treads, or
that can be used to another method.
rotate pumps, A chassis is
fans, compressors, sometimes
wheels, etc. referred to as
the robot's
As well as frame. An

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1723
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 04 | Apr 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

example of a chassis is then the assembly is described as a  General purpose device for better living.
rolling chassis.  Useful for moving heavy loads from one place to
Examples of use :- another.


In the case of vehicles, the term rolling chassis means the

Future Scope :-
frame plus the "running gear" like engine, transmission,
drive shaft, differential and suspension. An under-body
In future we are going to design an automated wheel chair
which is usually not necessary for integrity of the structure,
for handicapped people. This wheel chair can be operated
is built on the .chassis to complete the vehicle.
by a wireless remote which can reduce the wiring
For commercial vehicles, a rolling chassis consists of an arrangements. Instead of using acceleration motion we can
assembly of all the essential parts of a truck to be ready for use eye retina using optical sensor to move the wheel chair
operation on the road. car chassis will be different from one accordingly. We can use voice command IC’s to interface
for commercial vehicles because of the heavier loads and our voice signal with micro controller. This system can be
constant work use. Commercial vehicle manufacturers sell extended by including GSM which sends an SMS during
"chassis only", "cowl and chassis", as well as "chassis cab" emergency.
versions that can be outfitted with specialized bodies.
These include motor homes, fire engines, ambulances, box Conclusion :-
trucks, etc.
ADVANTAGES, DISADVANTAGES & APPLICATIONS This technology advances in computing, sensor devices,
materials and processing/ classification techniques will
Advantages :- make the next generation of this devices cheaper, more
powerful, versatile and more ubiquitous. The gesture
 Easy to operate.
controlled robot system gives an alternative way of
 Low power consumption.
controlling robots. Gesture control being a more natural
 User friendly.
way of controlling devices makes control of robots more
 Single equipment = multiple applications.
efficient and easier.
 When extended further in the hardware
section, numerous applications can be added.
 Components are easily available. [1] RiyazMansuri, SandeshVakale, AshishShinde, Tanveer
Disadvantages :- Patel, “Hand Gesture Control Robot Vehicle”, IJECT, Vol-4,
Issue SPL-2, PP. 77-80, JAN-MARCH 2013.
 If power supply fails system won’t work [2] Aswath S, Chinmaya Krishna Tilak, Amal Suresh and
 Failure of device/components may have dire GaneshaUdupa, “Human Gesture Recognition for Real-Time
consequences, fatal accidents can occur. Control of Humanoid Robot”, International Journal of
Applications :-
 Gestures can be used to control interactions for ticle:ALocationBasedValuePredictionforQualityofWebServi
entertainment purposes such as gaming to make ce,PublishedbyInternationalJournalofAdvancedEngineering
the game player’s experience more interactive or ResearchandScience(IJAERS),Vol-3,Issue-4,April-2016]ISS
immersive. N:2349-6495
 Through the use of gesture recognition, remote
control with the wave of a hand of various devices
is possible
 Industrial application for trolley control, lift control, puterScienceAndTechnology(Ijcrcst)E-Issn:2395-5325Volu
etc… me3,Issue4,P.No-10-13,April’2017
 Military applications to control robotics.
 Medical application for surgery purpose. [5]Dr.CKGomathy,Article:AWebBasedPlatformComparison
 Construction application. byanExploratoryExperimentSearchingForEmergentPlatfor
 Plays a major role in helping very weak people in mProperties,IAETSDJournalForAdvancedResearchInApplie
their daily life. dSciences,Volume5,Issue3,P.No-213-220,ISSNNO:2394-844
 Can be used as an autonomous for physically 2,Mar/2018
challenged people.

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1724
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 08 Issue: 04 | Apr 2021 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

[6]CKGomathy,Article:AStudy on the Effect of Digital





Dr.C.K.Gomathy is Assistant Professor

in Computer Science and Engineering
at Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi
Viswa Mahavidyalaya deemed to be
Her area of interest is Software
Engineering,Web Services, Knowledge Management and

Dr.V.Geethais assistant professor in

computer science and engineering at
Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi
Viswa Mahavidyalaya ,Enathur,
Kanchipuram,India. Her area of intrest
lies in Java Programming,SoftwareQuality
Assurance,Computer System Architecture Domain.

Mr.Gajjala Nitheesh ,UG Scholar,,

Computer Science and Engineering, Sri
Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa
Mahavidyalaya deemed to beuniversity,
Enathur,Kanchipuram,India.His Area of
Interest in IOT and management System.

Mr.Kandimalla Sai
KrishnaUGScholar,Computer Science
and Engineering, Sri
Chandrasekharendra SaraswathiViswa
Mahavidyalaya deemed to
beuniversity, Enathur, Kanchipuram,
India.His Area of Interest in IOT and

© 2021, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1725
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