Angeli Et Al (2022) Blood Preassure Increase Folowwing Covid 19 Vaccination PAPER 9p
Angeli Et Al (2022) Blood Preassure Increase Folowwing Covid 19 Vaccination PAPER 9p
Angeli Et Al (2022) Blood Preassure Increase Folowwing Covid 19 Vaccination PAPER 9p
Development and Disease
Systematic Review
Blood Pressure Increase following COVID-19 Vaccination:
A Systematic Overview and Meta-Analysis
Fabio Angeli 1,2, * , Gianpaolo Reboldi 3 , Monica Trapasso 4 , Gabriella Santilli 3 , Martina Zappa 1
and Paolo Verdecchia 5
1 Department of Medicine and Surgery, University of Insubria, 21100 Varese, Italy; [email protected]
2 Department of Medicine and Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation, Istituti Clinici Scientifici Maugeri IRCCS,
21049 Tradate, Italy
3 Department of Medicine, and Centro di Ricerca Clinica e Traslazionale (CERICLET), University of Perugia,
06100 Perugia, Italy; [email protected] (G.R.); [email protected] (G.S.)
4 Dipartimento di Igiene e Prevenzione Sanitaria, PSAL, Sede Territoriale di Varese, ATS Insubria,
21100 Varese, Italy; [email protected]
5 Fondazione Umbra Cuore e Ipertensione-ONLUS and Division of Cardiology, Hospital S. Maria della Misericordia,
06100 Perugia, Italy; [email protected]
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Abstract: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccines proved a strong clinical efficacy against
symptomatic or moderate/severe COVID-19 and are considered the most promising approach for
curbing the pandemic. However, some questions regarding the safety of COVID-19 vaccines have
been recently raised. Among adverse events to vaccines and despite a lack of signal during phase III
clinical trials, an increase in blood pressure (BP) after COVID-19 vaccination has been reported as a
potential adverse reaction. We systematically analyze this topic and undertook a meta-analysis of
available data to estimate the proportion of patients with abnormal BP or raise in BP after vaccination.
Six studies entered the final analysis. Overall, studies accrued 357,387 subjects with 13,444 events
Citation: Angeli, F.; Reboldi, G.; of abnormal or increased BP. After exclusion of outlier studies, the pooled estimated proportion of
Trapasso, M.; Santilli, G.; Zappa, M.; abnormal/increased BP after vaccination was 3.20% (95% CI: 1.62–6.21). Proportions of cases of stage
Verdecchia, P. Blood Pressure III hypertension or hypertensive urgencies and emergencies was 0.6% (95% CI: 0.1% to 5.1%). In
Increase following COVID-19 conclusion, abnormal BP is not rare after COVID-19 vaccination, but the basic mechanisms of this
Vaccination: A Systematic Overview phenomenon are still unclear and require further research.
and Meta-Analysis. J. Cardiovasc. Dev.
Dis. 2022, 9, 150.
Keywords: COVID-19; vaccine; blood pressure; hypertension; adverse drug reaction; BNT162b2;
mRNA-1273; Ad26.COV2.S; CVnCoV; ChAdOx1nCoV-19; NVX-CoV2373; Gam-COVID-Vac
Academic Editor: Jörg Männer
Records screened from:
reported (N=2)
• Case series (N=1)
Relavant records
Eligibility and inclusion
Surveys (N=2)
Figure 1.
Figure 1. Criteria
Criteria used
We excluded
Three reviewerstwoindependently
studies because of lackthe
assessed of data onbias
risk of the ofprecise number
each of of adverse
the included studies
and reactions their
(ADRs) or a clear definition
assessments to achieveofconsensus.
raise in BPThe
[37,39]. Among
included the remaining
studies were scored
for studies,
quality we removed
using one study reporting
the Newcastle-Ottawa scale.a case
The series of vaccinated
scale items patients (Figure of
assess appropriateness
1) [24]. Thus, six studies entered the final analysis (Table 2) [25,35,36,38,40,41].
research design, recruitment strategy, response rate, representativeness of sample, Of these,
two were cross-sectional surveys [25,40], three analyzed data from pharmacovigilance
tivity/reliability of outcome determination, power calculation, and appropriate statistical da-
tabases [36,38,41],
analyses and one
[30,31]. Score evaluated BP
disagreements afterresolved
were 15 min from vaccination
by consensus andamong
a finala agreed-upon
cohort of
patients and healthcare workers [35].
rating was assigned to each study (Table S2) [30,31].
2.4. 2. Main
Data features of studies included in the analysis.
Proportions were calculated by dividing the number of patientsSevere
with Increase
the specific
Study Source Year Vaccine Outcome
endpoint by the total number of patients for each study. We used a generalized in BP * (N) linear
mixed model (GLMM)—i.e., a random intercept Definition
logistic regressionNmodel—for the meta-
Bouhanick Pharmacovigilance analysis of proportions BNT162b2, ChAdOx1nCoV-19,
[32]. We also tested forAbnormal
the presence of statistical outliers using
91,761 2021 BP 1776 -
et al. [36] database Ad26.COV2.S
the method described by Harrer et al. [33]. Studies are defined as outliers when their 95%
Persistent BP ≥
Bouhanick Patients and confidence interval lies outside the 95% confidence interval of the pooled effect.
21,909 2022 BNT162b2 140/90 (15 min after 5197 709
et al. [35] healthcare workers The null hypothesis of homogeneity across individual studies was tested by using the
Kaur et al. Pharmacovigilance Q test. Pooled estimates were assessed
BNT162b2, for heterogeneity by using the I2 statistic [34].
30,523 2021
Analyses were performed Abnormal
using R version 4.1.3 BP
(R Foundation 283 36 Comput-
for Statistical
[38] database mRNA-1273
Lehmann et Pharmacovigilance ing, Vienna, Austria)BNT162b2,
and Stata,ChAdOx1nCoV-19,
version 16 (StataCorp LP, College Station, TX, USA).
212,053 2021 Abnormal BP 6130 551
al. [41] database Ad26.COV2.S, mRNA-1273
Tran et al. Cross-sectional online3. Results Self reported
1028 2021 ChAdOx1nCoV-19 52 -
[40] survey hypertension
Literature search initially yielded 1120 reports. After removal of duplicates and
Angeli et al. Cross-sectional online
studies113not focused Raise inwe
home BP >
2021 on safetyBNT162b2
of COVID-19 vaccines, reviewed nine
6 clinical
2 studies in
[25] survey full text [24,25,35–41]. 10 mmHg
J. Cardiovasc. Dev. Dis. 2022, 9, 150 4 of 9
Study Source Year Vaccine Outcome Increase in
BP * (N)
Definition N
Bouhanick Pharmacovigilance
91,761 2021 ChAdOx1nCoV-19, Abnormal BP 1776 -
et al. [36] database
Patients and Persistent BP
healthcare 21,909 2022 BNT162b2 ≥ 140/90 (15 min 5197 709
et al. [35]
workers after vaccination)
Kaur et al. [38] 30,523 2021 ChAdOx1nCoV-19, Abnormal BP 283 36
Lehmann Pharmacovigilance ChAdOx1nCoV-19,
212,053 2021 Abnormal BP 6130 551
et al. [41] database Ad26.COV2.S,
Cross-sectional Self reported
Tran et al. [40] 1028 2021 ChAdOx1nCoV-19 52 -
online survey hypertension
Cross-sectional Raise in home
Angeli et al. [25] 113 2021 BNT162b2 6 2
online survey BP > 10 mmHg
* severe increase in BP included stage III hypertension, hypertensive urgencies, and hypertensive emergencies.
We excluded two studies because of lack of data on the precise number of adverse
drug reactions (ADRs) or a clear definition of raise in BP [37,39]. Among the remain-
ing seven studies, we removed one study reporting a case series of vaccinated patients
(Figure 1) [24]. Thus, six studies entered the final analysis (Table 2) [25,35,36,38,40,41]. Of
these, two were cross-sectional surveys [25,40], three analyzed data from pharmacovigi-
lance databases [36,38,41], and one evaluated BP after 15 min from vaccination among a
cohort of patients and healthcare workers [35].
Figure 3. Proportions of increased BP after vaccination, after the exclusion of outlier studies.
Figure 3. Proportions of increased BP after vaccination, after the exclusion of outlier studies [25,35,36,38,40,41].
4.4. Discussion
To thebest
knowledge,this thisisisthe
systematic review
review designed
designed to to investi-
gate the occurrence of abnormal or increased BP after COVID-19
the occurrence of abnormal or increased BP after COVID-19 vaccination. The main novelty vaccination. The main
novelty of our study is the evidence that a raise in BP after COVID-19
of our study is the evidence that a raise in BP after COVID-19 vaccination is not unusual. vaccination is not
The The proportions
proportions of patientsofwith patients with abnormal
abnormal BP or withBP or with a significant
a significant increase inincrease
BP ranged in
BP ranged
from 0.93%from 0.93% with
to 23.72%, to 23.72%, withpoint
a pooled a pooled pointofestimate
estimate of 3.91%
3.91% (3.20% (3.20% excluding
excluding statistical
outliers). outliers). Moreover,
the estimate theofestimate
stage IIIofhypertension
stage III hypertension
or hypertensiveor hypertensive
urgencies ur- and
gencies and emergencies
emergencies following COVID-19followingvaccination
COVID-19 was vaccination
0.6% (95% wasCI: 0.6% (95% CI: 0.1–5.1%).
As aforementioned,
As aforementioned, the design design of of the
the study
study largely
largely affected
affectedsuch suchproportions,
proportions,with with
the highest
the highest valuevalue recorded in a retrospective study carried out in healthcare
study carried out in healthcare workers whoworkers who
received the
received the BNT162b2
BNT162b2 vaccine in a University University Hospital
Hospital in in Toulouse
Toulouse [35].[35]. Specifically,
Bouhanick and co-workers
co-workers [35] reported the course of of BP
vaccineand and
assessed the
assessed the incidence
incidence of high BP values in this this population
population [35]. [35].BP BPwas
measured15 15min
after vaccinationininallall patients
patients whowho received
received a first
a first or a or a second
second injection.
injection. Subjects
Subjects remainedre-
seated seated
for 15 minforafter
15 min after injection,
injection, and hypertension
and hypertension was definedwas defined as BP than
as BP greater greateror than
to equal tommHg140/90 (grade
mmHgIII (grade III hypertension
hypertension was declared
was declared if BP was if BPgreater
was greater
than orthan or
equal to 180/111 mmHg) [35]. As remarked by the authors,
to 180/111 mmHg) [35]. As remarked by the authors, the main limitation of this study the main limitation of this
was thewaslackthe
oflack of pre-vaccination
pre-vaccination control control
of BP of BP thus,
and, and, thus, the proportion
the proportion of subjects
of subjects with
with BP
high high BP observed
observed after
after the the injection
injection may reflect
may reflect an unknown
an unknown or insufficiently
or insufficiently con-
trolled hypertension
hypertension [35]. [35].
Conversely, analyses
Conversely, analyses of of pharmacovigilance
pharmacovigilance databases databasesand andclinical
rates ofabnormal
abnormalBP BPor orsignificantly
increasedBP BPafter
vaccinationranging rangingfrom
to 2.89%
2.89% (Figure
(Figure 2). 2).
The precise
The precise basic
basic mechanism of this phenomenon phenomenon is is still
unclearand andfurther
are required to investigate
are required to investigate the association
association between COVID-19 vaccination andhyperten-
between COVID-19 vaccination and hyperten-
sion [2,23,42]. Stress response, white-coat effect, and the possible role of excipients [24]
might contribute to explain the high prevalence of abnormal BP values recorded immedi-
ately after vaccination. Nonetheless, the resulting features of COVID-19 vaccination re-
semble those of active COVID-19 disease [2,23,43,44]. It is well known that the entry of
J. Cardiovasc. Dev. Dis. 2022, 9, 150 7 of 9
sion [2,23,42]. Stress response, white-coat effect, and the possible role of excipients [24]
might contribute to explain the high prevalence of abnormal BP values recorded imme-
diately after vaccination. Nonetheless, the resulting features of COVID-19 vaccination
resemble those of active COVID-19 disease [2,23,43,44]. It is well known that the entry
of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) occurs through the
angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors of the host cells [1,3,6,45–48]. Recent
observations support the notion that when a vaccinated cell dies or are destroyed by the
immune system, the debris may release a large amount of Spike proteins and protein
fragments (free-floating Spike proteins) [2,23]. Spike proteins produced upon vaccination
have the native-like mimicry of SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein’s receptor binding functionality
and prefusion structure [49]. The native-like conformation of the Spike protein produced
by vaccines has the potential to interact with ACE2, leading to its internalization and degra-
dation [50]. The loss of ACE2 receptor activity from the outer layer of the cell membrane,
as mediated by the interaction between ACE2 and SARS-CoV-2 Spike proteins, leads to
less angiotensin II inactivation resulting from a reduced generation of antiotensin1–7 . It
is well known that angiotensin1–7 binds to the Mas receptor and reduces several effects
of angiotensin 2 including inflammation, reabsorption of renal sodium, release of vaso-
pressin and aldosterone, and fibrosis [46,47,51]. Thus, the imbalance between angiotensin
II overactivity and of antiotensin1–7 deficiency after vaccination may trigger a raise in
BP [45–47].
Our systematic review and meta-analysis has several limitations. First, studies in-
cluded in our analysis did not use a control group to unmask the real effect of COVID-19
vaccination on BP and showed a low accounting comparability (Table S2). Second, and as
aforementioned, time of BP recording (from 15 min to several days after vaccination) clearly
affects the rates of BP increase after vaccination. Finally, pharmacovigilance databases pro-
vided the largest cohorts of subjects exploring this phenomenon. However, they analyzed
the rates of BP increase as a self-reported phenomenon.
5. Conclusions
Vaccines to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection elicit an immune neutralizing response, and
they are the most promising approach for curbing the pandemic.
However, some concerns regarding the safety of COVID-19 vaccines have been re-
cently raised, including an increase in BP. Our systematic review and meta-analysis of
observational studies specifically investigated this phenomenon.
Overall, included studies accrued 357,387 subjects with 13,444 events of abnormal or
increased BP. The pooled proportions of abnormal/increased BP or stage III hypertension
recorded following vaccination (3.20% and 0.6%, respectively) showed that this event
should not be considered sporadic. However, in view of the small number of included
studies and their inherent quality limitations (different times of observation, definition
of BP increase, and a lack of a control group), the observed phenomenon requires further
investigation in controlled settings.
Supplementary Materials: The following supporting information can be downloaded at: https://, Table S1: PRISMA checklist; Table S2: Assessment
of the quality of included studies using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale; Table S3: Main characteristics of
excluded studies.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, F.A., G.R., M.T. and P.V.; methodology, F.A, G.R. and P.V.;
formal analysis, investigation, and data curation, F.A., P.V., G.R., G.S. and M.Z.; writing—original draft
preparation, F.A., G.R., M.T. and P.V.; writing—review and editing, F.A., G.R., M.T., G.S., M.Z. and P.V.
All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Data Availability Statement: The data underlying this article is fully reported in tables and figures.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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