AVPN US Bill Sample

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PO BOX 555 Account Number 831 000-1111 111
CITY, ST 99999-1234 Billing Date Dec 1, 2016
Questions? 1 800 235-7524
Web Site: att.com
FAN 12345678
Invoice 1234567890
Founda AT&T Tax ID 01-2345678

Bill-At-A-Glance Group #000001 AVPN - Continued
Recurring Charges:
Previous Balance .XX Mmm dd, yyyy thru Mmm dd, yyyy
Payment .XX Qty:1.00 Items at X,XXX.XX
Gross: X,XXX.XX
Adjustments .XX AVPN Transport Discount XXX.XXCR
3. MPLS Port SDO-7.720 MBPS X,XXX.XX
Balance Qty: 1.00 Items at X,XXX.XX
Gross: X,XXX.XX
AVPN Transport Discount XXX.XXCR
Current Charges X,XXX.XX
One Time Charges:
Total Amount Due $X,XXX.XX
Service Order: NVS13007592-0001-94
Payment Due Date Dec 28, 2016 Completion Date: Mmm dd, yyyy
4. MPLS Port Activation Charge X,XXX.XX
Mmm dd, yyyy
Qty: 1.00 Items at X,XXX.XX
Billing Summary
AVPN Usage:
Mmm dd, yyyy thru Mmm dd, yyyy
For detailed information of your charges go to 5. MPLS HCF Fast EthernetT-10 MBPS Overage XXX.XX
www.businessdirect.att.com Qty: 1,000.00 Bytes at XXX.XX
Questions? Call: 1 800 235-7524 Total AT&T VPN Service X,XXX.XX

AT&T Business Services 6. [Tax description] XX.XX
7. [Tax description] XX.XX
Group #000001 AVPN Total Taxes XXX.XX
Sub-Account #831-000-0000 001 X,XXX.XX
Total 1669000 X,XXX.XX
Total Group #000001 X,XXX.XX
Total 99999999 X,XXX.XX

Total Current Charges X,XXX.XX Charges for 99999990

Site Alias: AVPNCUST002
Customer Location:
Current Charges CHICAGO, IL 60606

Group #000001 AVPN Port ID: 1669002

Sub-Account #831-000-0000 001 Circuit #: DHEC.699888.813.ATI
Charges for 99999999 AT&T AVPN Service
Site Alias: AVPNCUST001 Recurring Charges:
Customer Location: Mmm dd, yyyy thru Mmm dd, yyyy
123 MAIN ST 8. MPLS Port-1.544 Mbps XXX.XX
CHICAGO, IL 60606 Qty: 1.00 Items at XXX.XX
Gross: XXX.XX
Port ID: 1669000 Connection Monthly Discount XX.XXCR
Circuit #: DHEC.699888.811.ATI
AT&T VPN Service AVPN Usage:
Recurring Charges: Mmm dd, yyyy thru Mmm dd, yyyy
Mmm dd, yyyy thru Mmm dd, yyyy 9. MPLS HCF Fast EthernetT-10 MBPS Overage XXX.XX
1. COS Package Critical Data SVC-7.720 MBPS XX.XX Qty: 1,000.00 Bytes at X,XXX.XX
Qty: 1.00 Items at XX.XX Gross: X,XXX.XX
Gross: XX.XX Discount XXX.XXCR
AVPN Transport Discount XX.XXCR Total AT&T VPN Service X,XXX.XX

Return bottom portion with your check in the enclosed envelope.

DUE BY: Dec 28, 2016 $X,XXX.XX

PO BOX 555
Billing Date: Dec 1, 2016 Account Number 831 000-1111 111 CITY, ST 99999-1234
Please include account number on your check.

Make checks payable to:

PO Box 5019
Carol Stream, IL 60197-5019

1000 12355511111234 3000000009999 06619000000000000000000009999

The Information contained herein is for use only by authorized employees of AT&T Services, Inc.,and authorized Affiliates of AT&T Services, Inc.,and is not for general distribution withinor
outside the respective companies. Any other use, retention, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this document is strictly prohibited.

XYZ COMPANY Page 2 of 2

PO BOX 555 Account Number 831 000-1111 111
CITY, ST 99999-1234 Billing Date Dec 1, 2015
Questions? 1 800 235-7524
Web Site: att.com
FAN 12345678
AN 12345678

Current Charges

Group #000001 AVPN - Continued

1. [Tax description] XX.XX
2. [Tax description] XX.XX
Total Taxes XXX.XX
Total 1669002 X,XXX.XX
Total 99999990 X,XXX.XX
Total Sub-Account #831-000-0000 123 X,XXX.XX
Total Group #000001 X,XXX.XX

Total Current Charges X,XXX.XX

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Copyright 2015 AT&T Intellectual Property. All Rights Reserved.

CITY, ST 99999-1234
PO BOX 555

9565.8.231.51977 1 AV 0.255


The Information contained herein is for use only by authorized employees of AT&T Services, Inc.,and authorized Affiliates of AT&T Services, Inc.,and is not for general distribution withinor
outside the respective companies. Any other use, retention, dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this document is strictly prohibited.

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