OpenText Content Server CE 22.1 - Installation Guide English (LLESCOR220100-IGD-EN-03)
OpenText Content Server CE 22.1 - Installation Guide English (LLESCOR220100-IGD-EN-03)
OpenText Content Server CE 22.1 - Installation Guide English (LLESCOR220100-IGD-EN-03)
Installation Guide
OpenText™ Content Server
Installation Guide
Rev.: 2022-Feb-09
This documentation has been created for OpenText™ Content Server CE 22.1.
It is also valid for subsequent software releases unless OpenText has made newer documentation available with the product,
on an OpenText website, or by any other means.
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Table of Contents
1 Installing Content Server .......................................................... 5
1.1 Overview of Content Server Installation .............................................. 5
1.2 Upgrading Content Server and Installing Updates ............................... 6
To install Content Server, you will follow the sections of this guide in order, starting
with planning your design and finishing by making Content Server available to
users. The design decisions that you make will determine the exact sections that you
need to read. For example, everyone who installs Content Server will read the
sections on installing a database server and creating an operating system user, but
those who deploy Content Server on Linux and Oracle Database will read different
information from those who use Microsoft Windows and Microsoft SQL Server.
Installing Content Server involves the following steps. Each one is explained in a
separate section of the guide.
The information in this chapter will help you decide how to deploy your Content
Server system. Every Content Server deployment is unique and the potential
variability is wide, so the architecture and configuration issues in this guide are
discussed in very general terms. Your own circumstances may require more specific
approaches. For help with system design issues, contact OpenText Professional
Services using the online contact form at
Users interact with Content Server through the web server when using the standard
browser interface, or they may communicate directly with the Content Server using
a desktop application, such as Enterprise Connect.
– Microsoft Windows®
– Red Hat® Enterprise Linux®
– Oracle Linux
• A relational database management system (RDBMS) serves as the Content Server
data repository. Content Server supports the following databases:
This guide includes advice for configuring third-party components to work with
Content Server. Refer to the documentation for these products for complete setup
and configuration information.
When Content Server is installed, English is the default language. After installation,
you can allow users to change the language of the GUI by installing one or more
Content Server Language Packs.
In addition to U.S. English (the default), the Content Server GUI is available in:
• Arabic
• Catalan
• Simplified Chinese
• Dutch
• Finnish
• French
• German
• Italian
• Japanese
• Korean
• Kazakh
• Portuguese
• Russian
• Spanish
• Swedish
• Ukrainian
• An XML parser and XSLT engine are part of the Content Server core. Several of
the features in Content Server are built on this powerful XML foundation.
• XML Import and Export functions are available for all Content Server object
types (including custom types) using a standard Content Server Document Type
Definition (DTD). This allows data to be exported and imported as XML,
including category and attribute information, version information, document
contents, and XSL/XSLT processing. For more information, see the OpenText
Content Server - XML Import and Export Guide (LLESCOR-PGD).
• Content Server indexes regions in XML documents automatically. To allow users
to search XML regions, you can add an XML DTD file and set the related Content
Server search regions to queryable. When you add an XML DTD file to Content
Server, Content Server analyzes the elements and attributes that the XML DTD
defines, and extracts XML regions based on those elements or attributes.
• An XML Interchange Step is available in Content Server Workflows. This step
allows the data in a work package to be exported as XML to an external system
using a URL. In addition, the XML Interchange Step can be configured to wait for
a response (in the form of XML data) from the external system. This functionality
makes it possible for processes that are external to Content Server to be
integrated into Content Server Workflows.
• Any external data source that can be represented in XML can be indexed by the
Content Server Index engine using an XML Activator that is included as a
standard component of the data flow architecture. This enables you to configure
the indexing process for data maintained outside of Content Server without
having to customize Content Server.
• The Content Server IDE (CSIDE) Plug-in for Eclipse, which allows you to
program in OScript (a proprietary coding language used by Content Server).
• Content Web Services (CWS), which allows you to write programs that
interact with Content Server over SOAP. Web services are defined in Java, C#
and web service APIs are generated for the clients. Content Web Services is
installed by the Content Server installer and can be deployed on Microsoft
IIS using ASP.NET (WCF) or on a Java application server.
• The Content Server REST API, which allows you to interact with Content
Server using a RESTful interface.
Registered customers and partners can use the OpenText Developer Network
( to access code
samples, best practices, API documentation, and guidance.
OpenText™ WebReports
WebReports brings together content of all forms including documents, email,
workflow and databases, delivering management dashboards and integrated
reporting, and creating process-driven applications.
OpenText™ ActiveView
ActiveView allows you to configure simplified role-based interfaces that display
the information that is relevant to users and the actions that they need to
perform their work.
OpenText™ AppWorks
AppWorks is OpenText's enterprise application development and management
platform. In-depth information is available at
In many cases, organizations develop their own custom modules to expand Content
Server’s capabilities. Content Server’s modular architecture allows you to add
functionality without modifying the objects that are contained in other Content
Server modules, so you can add custom functionality to Content Server without
modifying OpenText's source code.
The <Content_Server_home>\appdata\ stores persistent data written by
Content Server modules. Data stored in this folder is managed by Content
Server. It will remain in place when an Update is applied and any time Content
Server is restarted.
The <Content_Server_home>\temp\ stores temporary data written by Content
Server modules. Data stored in this folder does not remain in place when an
Update is applied or Content Server is restarted.
In addition to the above folders, there is a special location for storing files used in
local customizations.
Content Server can handle web client transactions using CGI, a Java servlet, or ISAPI
(Internet Server API, an API for Microsoft Internet Information Services web server).
The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol can be used to encrypt data transmitted
between Content Server and the browser.
Desktop applications can also interact with Content Server. For example, OpenText
Enterprise Connect is an optional module that enables you to access Content Server
using Windows Explorer.
Programmers can access and customize these services using Content Web Services
and the Content Server REST API. Customers and partners can use the OpenText™
Content Server SDK to add new features and capabilities to Content Server.
Optional modules can be added or removed through Content Server's
administration facilities.
Content Server's functions and can be deployed on IIS using ASP.NET (WCF) or on
a Java application server. CSIDE (Content Server Integrated Development
Environment) and the Content Server SDK provide a complete development
environment for Content Server.
For test and development systems, all components of a three-tier architecture may
reside on a single server, as shown in Figure 2-2. This single-server architecture
(sometimes called a monolithic architecture) may be suitable for small pilot programs,
but is not commonly recommended for even small production deployments.
• Vertical scaling refers to the use of more than one instance of Content Server on a
single computer. It is achieved using more powerful servers or by adding more
processors and memory.
As the number of users increase, the Data Tier begins to require more resources to
provide adequate performance. The standard scaling path in this case is to move
Content Server components, such as the database server, to a dedicated computer.
The database, external file store, and search indexes can each be moved to one or
more dedicated servers, possibly located on a storage area network or SAN. (A SAN
is a dedicated subnetwork that connects storage devices and servers in a pool,
providing consolidated storage and storage management.)
Note: If you install the Content Server database on a separate computer, you
must install the necessary RDBMS client software (transaction handlers) on the
Content Server computer. See the documentation supplied by your database
software vendor and also the information in “Install a Database Server”
on page 25.
As a system grows further, the Admin server (which handles Content Server
indexing and search infrastructure) may require more resources. The next step of the
scaling path is to move the Admin server and its managed processes to a dedicated
computer, and to add additional Admin servers.
Moving the Admin server to a dedicated computer also frees up resources on the
user-facing (or Front-End) Content Server that can then be dedicated to operations
such as user log-ins, page serves, file uploads and downloads, and so on.
For optimum performance and scalability, OpenText recommends that you design
your Content Server system with multiple Admin servers running on dedicated
computers, with each handling particular indexing and searching processes. As with
the Enterprise index, you can place other indexes (such as the Directory Walker and
the Index Engine) on one or more additional computers. In such configurations, any
computer that runs the Content Server service is called a Content Server host
computer, the first Admin server is known as the primary Admin server, and each
additional Admin server is called an Additional Admin server. See OpenText Content
Server Admin Online Help - Search Administration (LLESWBS-H-AGD).
From this point, further scaling is accomplished by adding multiple Content Server
instances and using a network load balancer.
If you intend setting up a Syndication solution, you must install your first
instance of Content Server by following the instructions found in
“Appendix B – Installing Content Server as a Syndication
Environment“ on page 147. See also OpenText Content Server - Syndication
Administration (LLESQDS-AGD)
Bear in mind that, for a given level of performance, Content Server requires at least
the same amount of resources in a virtual environment as it would in a physical
environment. When you virtualize a physical environment, additional computing
resources may be required to obtain the same level of performance. Assign static
(reserved) resources to the Content Server virtual machine. The use of dynamic
resources within the Content Server virtual machine is not supported.
• With internal storage, Content Server stores both an item (such as a text file) and
its metadata (such as the file’s creation date) in a database. Content Server creates
an Internal Storage Provider when it is installed.
• With external storage, only the metadata is stored in the database; the file is
stored on an external file system, or on OpenText™ Archive Center. The use of
an External Storage Provider is optional, but recommended. External document
storage provides faster performance than internal document storage.
and emails, and internal storage for system objects, such as forms, category
definitions, and workflow maps.
Note: When using external storage, Content Server assigns files a numeric file
name. For example, if a user adds a file called ExpenseReport.xls, its name in
the external storage folder may become 2934856.dat. Content Server uses a
numbering algorithm so that it can keep track of multiple versions of the same
When you enable external storage, you need to take backups of both your database
and your file store and ensure that the backups are synchronized. (If they are not,
the database backup may contain metadata for documents that do not exist on the
external file store backup, or vice-versa.) You can ensure that they are synchronized
by taking Content Server offline when you back up the database and external
document store. This prevents updates to Content Server during your backup
process and ensures that the content in your file store backup is synchronized with
the metadata in your Content Server database backup.
However, taking the Content Server database offline may not be a viable option for
global organizations that operate 24 hours a day. In this case, more complex backup
and recovery strategies are necessary to ensure that backups of the external
document store and database, taken while Content Server is online, are in synch
with each other.
• You must create the folder that you want to use as the external document store
before you create the Content Server database. Content Server does not create the
folder if it does not exist.
• If the external document storage folder is not on the Content Server computer,
you must map or mount the folder on the Content Server computer. For Linux,
use an NFS mount. For Windows, use an UNC path. (Do not map a drive.)
• A remote external document store on Windows must be owned by the user who
runs Content Server. To achieve this, you need to create a user with the same
name, password, and privileges on both the Content Server computer and the
remote computer where the external document store is located. Content Server
and Admin server need to run as this user, and the document store folder on the
additional computer must be owned by this user. A good practice is to set up a
domain user account for this purpose. For more information about the privileges
that the Windows user must have, see “Create a Windows User” on page 24.
• After you create and map or mount the external document store folder on an
additional computer, test whether you can access and write to it by connecting to
it from the Content Server computer as the operating-system user that you
created to run Content Server. If you encounter permission or ownership
problems when performing this test, correct the problems before you create the
Content Server database.
To determine the architecture and configuration options that best suit your needs,
consider the following factors:
Tip: OpenText Professional Services can help you with specific system-design
Performance Recommendations
Different Content Server system architectures support different transaction rates,
which are expressed as transactions per second (TPS). In general, a capacity of one
transaction per second is sufficient to support 500 named users and 50 active users at
a rate of one transaction per user per second.
The following list contains some of the most basic and widely applicable tips that
will help achieve this level of performance:
• The key bottlenecks to performance of a Content Server system are the CPU
power allocated to Content Server and to the database server, the amount of
RAM available, and network bandwidth and latency. These are the best
performance factors in which to invest.
• Content Server installs with a default number of eight threads, but you can adjust
this number to suit your system on the Configure Server Parameters
administration page. The optimum number of threads depends on the
environment in which the Content Server instance is running (such as number
and speed of CPUs, amount of physical memory, speed of network connection,
and whether disks are local or accessed over the network). It also depends on the
usage profile for your Content Server instance (such as what types of requests are
made and the frequencies at which each of those types of requests is made).
You can determine an optimal number of threads for your system to run by
closely monitoring the system and making adjustments as necessary. The
Content Server Monitoring Agent is a useful tool for performing a performance
analysis in real time, while the Content Server Performance Analyzer is suited for
performance analysis using Content Server log files collected over a period of
time. For more information about these tools, see My Support (https://
• When installing Content Server, it is usually best to run the database server,
Content Server, and the Admin server each on its own, dedicated computer.
Most large organizations deploy Content Server using a load-balanced cluster
architecture. See “Content Server Architecture” on page 13.
• OpenText recommends that you consistently monitor your database, your
network, and your web server with their own supplied monitoring tools. This is
especially useful when you first roll out your system. As you monitor the system
and notice peaks in usage, you can use Content Server's audit trail, logs, and
LiveReports to determine what was happening at the time the peaks occurred.
Then, you can make any necessary adjustments.
Database Recommendations
The Content Server database must be stored in a relational database management
system (RDBMS) that is listed as supported in the Content Server Release Notes. Your
RDBMS must be installed for UTF-8 compliance.
Content Server's database schema is normalized, which means that the schema has
been designed to reduce the chance of having multiple versions of the same data.
Indexes are provided out of the box on the columns that Content Server uses in its
standard operations. In some cases, however, it may be helpful to build indexes on
additional database table columns, which will speed up the retrieval of information
from SELECT statements (at the cost of increasing overhead when new information is
added to the table because both the table and the index will have to be updated).
Security Recommendations
For most customers, maintaining the security of your organization's Content Server
system is a primary concern. While there is no single correct way to secure a Content
Server system, the following are some general recommendations by OpenText:
• OpenText recommends that you configure your web server to serve only HTTPS,
refusing incoming HTTP connections, in order to employ data encryption and
client authentication safeguards.
• OpenText strongly recommends that you restrict read permissions on the
<Content_Server_Home>/config/ folder as much as possible. Ideally, the only
user with read access should be the operating-system user created specifically for
the Content Server and, (if applicable), the Admin server. Also, make sure to
disable browsing the <Content_Server_Home>/config/ folder through the web
server running on the Content Server computer.
Before you can install Content Server, you must prepare the environment for
installation. Content Server must be installed on a supported operating system, and
requires the presence of a supported web or application server, and a supported
database. This information in this chapter helps you to prepare for installing Content
Server by providing recommendations on the installation and configuration of web
servers, database servers, your operating system, and client web browsers.
On Microsoft Windows servers, disable the SMB2 and SMB3 Cache Redirector
features. Microsoft has documented that the Cache Redirector is not compatible with
applications that use file-based communication. (See the Microsoft Technet article,
SMB2 Client Redirector Caches Explained (
library/ff686200(WS.10).aspx), for more information.)
To disable SMB2 and SMB3 Cache Redirector features, set the value of the following
REG_DWORD registry keys, located at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\
CurrentControlSet\Services\Lanmanworkstation\Parameters, to 0:
Note: When dealing with multiple instances of Content Server (in a Content
Server cluster environment, for example) you may want to create additional
users to manage certain functions, such as performing searches or managing
system administrative duties.
The user that runs the Content Server services must have at least Modify permission
for the <Content_Server_home> folder, and for any other folders that Content
Server accesses, including (if applicable), the index folder, external file store folder,
and upload folder. The exact folders and permissions required depend on your
specific environment.
On a Content Server computer, you can use the same user for Content Server and
the web server, or you can use different users. (It is not necessary to create a
Windows user for Microsoft Internet Information Services, because this is done
automatically during the installation of Microsoft Internet Information Services.)
Any Windows user that you create to run the Content Server and the web server
Record the name and password of the Windows user that you create for Content
Server on Table 10-8: “Content Server Installation Worksheet” on page 145.
Note: If you do not use the same user to run the web server as you use to run
the Content Server, you must make sure that the user that runs the web server
has Write permissions for the Content Server directory tree.
To create a Linux user account, log on to the Content Server computer as the
superuser root.
Tip: Use the same user name and password to run all servers on the Content
Server computer and each additional computer. The servers run as the user
that invoked them, so you must always start the servers as the user that you
created for them.
OpenText recommends that you run the Content Server installation logged on as the
user that runs Content Server. The user that runs the installation of Content Server
should be able to create and modify the Landscape Directory, if you require it in
your environment to enable integration with other OpenText products. For more
information, see “The Landscape Directory” on page 72.
Record the name and password of the Linux user that you create for Content Server
on Table 10-8: “Content Server Installation Worksheet” on page 145.
For optimum performance and scalability, OpenText recommends that you install
the database software on its own computer, and install database client software on
the Content Server computer so that Content Server can communicate with the
In some cases, a database client is not supported on every operating
system. Microsoft SQL Server can be used only by Content Server running
on Windows and PostgreSQL is supported only by Content Server running
This section of the Content Server Installation Guide discusses the database
installation options that Content Server requires to work with your database
software and configuration. For information about how to install and configure your
database software, refer to the documentation supplied by your database software
Tip: Additional documents that list best practices and provide advice on
configuring your Content Server database for best performance are available in
the Champion Toolkit (
on OpenText My Support.
Choose the installation guidelines that apply to your supported database platform.
Tip: If the block size is too small, a maximum key length exceeded error
message appears during creation of the Content Server database.
• If Oracle Database is not installed on the Content Server host computer, install an
Oracle client on the Content Server computer so that it can communicate with
Oracle Database. Ensure that the client:
– OracleStartORCL
– OracleServiceORCL
– OracleTNSListener
• The Content Server database requires the AL32UTF8 character set. Use the
AL32UTF8 character set for the NLS_NCHAR_CHARACTERSET and the NLS_
CHARACTERSET parameters to set up the CHAR, VARCHAR, and CLOB data
types for UTF-8 compatibility before installing Oracle Database. Do not use the
default character set (US7ASCII for English-speaking locales).
• Configure Content Server for UTF-8 character encoding in an Oracle database.
Ensure that the character encoding setting in the opentext.ini file is:
– Microsoft Windows
– Linux
In an Oracle 12C database or later, do not use a common user as the
Content Server database user.
• To ensure that the sort order in the Oracle database is correct for your language,
change the value of ENV_NLS_SORT (on Windows) or NLS_SORT (on Linux) in the
opentext.ini file from Generic_M to an appropriate value. Be sure to make the
same change within Oracle too.
For example, set ENV_NLS_SORT='German' for a German implementation of
Content Server.
• By default, Oracle is case-sensitive in its character comparisons and ordering.
Content Server works well with the Oracle default settings, but if you want to
configure Oracle for case-insensitive character comparisons and ordering,
configure Oracle with the following NLS settings.
Character comparison
Case-insensitive sorting
NLS_SORT=BINARY_CI, NLS_SORT=GENERIC_M_CI, or any other Oracle case-
insensitive linguistic definition
To force unique case-insensitive names in a folder in Content Server when
using an Oracle database it is necessary to have both NLS_COMP set to
Alternatively, you can configure an Oracle Content Server database for case-
insensitivity by entering the following settings in the opentext.ini
configuration file, under the [Lang_<xx_XX>] section (where<xx_XX> is your
locale, for example en_US):
– Microsoft Windows
Oracle case-insensitive linguistic definition
– Linux
NLS_SORT=BINARY_CI, NLS_SORT=GENERIC_M_CI or any other Oracle case-
insensitive linguistic definition
• Content Server does not support Oracle database compression. Disable Oracle
compression before installing or upgrading Content Server.
• Oracle recommends that you change the default passwords of the internal, sys,
and system users immediately following installation.
• Record the password for the system user on Table 10-2: “Oracle Database
Worksheet” on page 142. You will need the system user and password, and the
database SID, when you create the Content Server database.
• Refer to the Content Server Release Notes for information about any Oracle
software patches that may be required to use your version of Oracle Database or
client software with Content Server. If patches are required, additional
information and support may be available on My Support (https://
• For additional Oracle Database configuration recommendations, see the Best
Practices Oracle for OpenText Content Server Champion Toolkit document available
on My Support (
Content Server does not require a specific collation. You can select a collation
that is appropriate for your organization. For best compatibility with other
OpenText products, OpenText recommends that you choose a collation that is
case-sensitive and accent-sensitive, and that the Content Server database uses
the database server default collation, so that its collation is the same one used by
system databases, for example tempdb.
Compatibility Level
On SQL Server 2014 and later, including Azure SQL, the Content Server
database must run with a compatibility level of 110, which is lower than the
default compatibility level for these versions of SQL Server. After you create the
Content Server database, set the compatibility level to 110.
Tip: You do not need to change the compatibility level for SQL Server
2012. Its default compatibility level is 110.
To verify the compatibility level of your Content Server database, run the
following query:
SELECT compatibility_level FROM sys.databases
WHERE name = '<Content_Server_Database_Name>';
To set the compatibility level to 110, run the following as an administrative user:
ALTER DATABASE <Content_Server_Database_Name> SET compatibility_level=110
Master database
Record the name and collation of the Microsoft SQL Server master database (by
default, it is master) on Table 10-4: “Microsoft SQL Server Worksheet (Windows
only)” on page 143. The master database is the template, and determines the
collation, for any database that you create, including the Content Server
System user
During the installation, the system user name and password do not appear. By
default, the system user name is sa. Record this information on Table 10-4:
“Microsoft SQL Server Worksheet (Windows only)” on page 143.
Isolation Levels
ISOLATION SQL Server isolation levels in the Content Server database.
When you follow the instructions in this guide to create a SQL Server database
ISOLATION SQL Server isolation levels are set automatically in the Content
Server database.
Note: You cannot use Content Server’s built-in database utility to create an
Azure SQL database. You must enable the READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT and
ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION SQL Server isolation levels manually when
you create a Content Server database on Azure SQL.
2. Verify that no users or processes are accessing the Content Server database.
Note: Not all features are available in SQL Server Management Studio for
SQL Server deployed on Azure. Some features are available only on the
Microsoft Azure Portal.
• Content Server requires the pg_trgm, unaccent, and uuid-ossp extensions in the
Content Server database.
Tip: To verify whether or not your PostgreSQL database has the pg_trgm,
unaccent, and uuid-ossp extensions, log on to the Content Server database
using psql, and run the following command:
The output that is returned should include rows for pg_trgm, unaccent,
and uuid-ossp.
When you follow the instructions in this guide to create a PostgreSQL database
for Content Server, the pg_trgm, unaccent, and uuid-ossp extensions are
installed automatically. To enable these extensions manually on an existing
database, complete the following steps.
1. Open the psql command prompt and log onto the Content Server database
as a superuser.
Tip: To ensure that any database that you create in the future has the pg_
trgm, unaccent, and uuid-ossp extensions enabled, repeat the above steps
on the template1 database.
Content Server typically does not require custom configuration settings for web
browsers. If you are using the latest version of a supported browser, you may be
able to use Content Server without changing any default browser settings. However,
if you have special requirements, you may need to make some configuration
changes. If you want to display and enter data in a language different from your
default system language, you must install fonts and input methods for the language.
For example, to view and edit Japanese documents on English Windows, you should
install Japanese fonts and input methods.
You may also wish to tailor your browser’s behavior if Content Server does not open
documents in the manner you expect. See Table 3-1: “Common Issues When
Opening Documents from Content Server” on page 33 for information about
configuring browsers to work with Content Server.
Web browsers on all client computers need to meet the following requirements for
use with Content Server:
How MIME type options are set depends on the web browser version. Microsoft
Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox include an extensive set of default settings,
which you can modify as required. OpenText recommends that users open files of
the different types they use and note the default behavior. To change the default
behavior, users can adjust either their web browser settings (Mozilla Firefox) or their
operating system settings (Microsoft Internet Explorer). The following table
describes common issues when opening documents from Content Server.
Table 3-1: Common Issues When Opening Documents from Content Server
Before you can start Content Server, you must configure the Content Server web or
application server to work with Content Server.
You can configure Content Server to handle web client transactions using:
Note: The steps provided in this chapter are the minimum necessary to allow a
web or application server to run Content Server. They are not comprehensive
instructions on configuring your web or application server to run securely and
optimally in your environment.
In your web server configuration, you should ensure that the following is set:
After you have enabled and configured compression, you can verify that it is
working properly by opening the Content Server Smart View landing page and
inspecting the responses. Take note of the responses for /app, *.js, *.css, *.svg,
and /api.
Requests sent by the browser should include in the header Accept-Encoding: gzip,
deflate, sdch (and possibly other algorithms).
Tip: If, after you make the changes to HTTP compression, you see that the
requests and responses are not compressed, it is likely the effect of a network
proxy that is modifying the requests and responses and preventing the
compression. If so, refer to your proxy documentation to determine how to
configure it to retain the compression.
You can verify the folders that you need to map by running a trial installation of
Content Server:
Note: If you select Internet Information Services (IIS) as your HTTP Web
Server Type when you install Content Server, the installation program
configures Microsoft Internet Information Services automatically, and you do
not need to perform the steps in this section or the steps described in
“Configure Microsoft IIS Request Filtering for Use with Content Server”
on page 41.
a. Right-click the Default Web Site node, and then click Add Virtual
b. In the Add Virtual Directory dialog box, complete the following steps:
i. In the Alias box, type the Directory Name that appears in the
Document Directory Mapping section of the mappings.tbl file. By
default, the alias is img.
ii. In the Physical Path box, type the Directory Path that appears in the
Document Directory Mapping section of the mappings.tbl file.
a. In the Connections pane of IIS Manager, right-click Default Web Site, and
then click Add Application.
b. In the Add Application dialog box, complete the following steps:
i. In the Alias field, type the Directory Name that appears in the CGI BIN
Mapping section of the mappings.tbl file. By default, the alias is OTCS.
ii. Click the Select button and choose Content Server in the Application
Pool drop-down list, and then click OK.
iii. In the Physical Path field, type the Directory Path associated with the
CGI BIN Mapping found in the mappings.tbl file.
i. Type (or browse to) the path to the cs.exe file in the ISAPI or CGI
path field.
ii. In the Description field, type a description for the executable.
iii. Select the Allow extension path to execute check box.
• livelink.exe
• llisapi.dll
a. In the Connections pane of the IIS Manager, click the <server_name>, and
then double-click Handler Mappings.
a. In the Connections pane of the IIS Manager, click the Content Server
<support> folder, and then double-click MIME Types in the center pane.
b. In the Actions pane, click Add.
c. In the Add MIME Type dialog box:
Note: If you select Internet Information Services (IIS) as your HTTP Web
Server Type when you install Content Server, the installation program
configures Microsoft Internet Information Services automatically, and you do
not need to perform the steps in this section.
To access the Request Filtering settings that apply to Content Server, open IIS
Manager, click the Content Server website on the left, and then click Request
Filtering in the middle pane. In the right pane, click Open Feature, and then click
Edit Feature Settings. The Edit Request Filter Settings dialog appears:
Note: The installation program for Content Server sets this value to
2,147,483,648 bytes.
Maximum URL Length
This option sets a maximum length for a URL used in a request to IIS. The
default setting of 4096 means that any URL longer than 4096 characters is
blocked. This is typically an acceptable value for Content Server.
Content Server can be installed without a Support Asset Volume virtual directory,
but you may wish to set it up while you are preparing Microsoft IIS to run Content
Server. For more information on the Support Asset Volume, see OpenText Content
Server - Support Asset Administration (LLESSAM-H-AGD).
a. Right-click the Content Server web site node, and then click Add Virtual
b. In the Add Virtual Directory dialog box:
OpenText™ Directory Services provides Content Server with single sign-on and
strong logon security, so typically you do not need to enable Windows
Authentication or other additional types of IIS logon security. If you do enable
Windows Authentication, you should also enable Anonymous Authentication.
System Center Manager, which is used for applying updates to Content Server,
requires Anonymous Authentication to be enabled so that it can connect to Content
Server using the Content Server REST API. If Anonymous Authentication is not
enabled, System Center Manager cannot connect to Content Server to apply updates.
2. Add a mapping for the Content Server support folder, as shown in the
following example.
Example: This example presumes that you have installed Content Server on Windows
and accepted the default options:
3. Add a mapping for the Content Server cgi folder, as shown in the following
Example: This example presumes that you have installed Content Server on Windows
and accepted the default options:
• OTCS is the service name and CGI Mapping name for Content Server
Example: This example presumes that you have installed Content Server on Linux and
accepted the default options:
Content Server can be installed without a Support Asset Volume virtual directory,
but you may wish to set it up while you are preparing Apache web server to run
Content Server. For more information on the Support Asset Volume, see OpenText
Content Server - Support Asset Administration (LLESSAM-H-AGD).
2. In the <IfModule alias_module> section, map the appimg folder to the Support
Asset Volume deployment path (by default, <Content_Server_home>\appdata
\supportasset), as in the following example:
Alias /appimg "C:/opentext/appdata/supportasset"
Content Server 16.2.8 and later uses OpenJDK. For compatibility reasons, the
application server that runs Content Server must be configured to run using
the same version of OpenJDK that Content Server uses.
An application server can host multiple web applications. Each web application
consists of at least one servlet and resides in its own folder. Every web application
has a configuration file named web.xml located in a folder named WEB-INF. This file
defines one or more servlets and a URL that maps information to a virtual folder. In
Content Server's case, the web.xml file also contains the location of the opentext.
ini file, from which the web application obtains other configuration information.
To run LLServlet, ensure that the application server can connect to Content Server's
root installation folder (the <Content_Server_Home> folder), and configure the
application server to run the LLServlet Java classes that are located in the <Content_
Server_Home>/application/WEB-INF/lib/llservletclient.jar file.
Consult your application server vendor to obtain the specific plug-in and
documentation for configuring a redirector.
Note: If you select Apache Tomcat as your HTTP Web Server Type when you
install Content Server, the configuration of Tomcat is performed automatically,
and you do not need to use the following instructions to create the Content
Server context files manually.
The value of the docBase parameter in the sample XML files is a Windows
path. For a Linux installation, use forward slashes to separate folder names.
For example, docBase="/home/opentext/support/"
2. Ensure that the web.xml file has correct references to the opentext.ini file.
timestamp="true" />
Tip: If the logon page appears, but has no images, verify that the <Content_
Server_virtual_folder>.xml file is correctly configured.
Content Server can be installed without a Support Asset Volume virtual directory,
but you may wish to set it up while you are preparing (Tomcat to run Content
Server. For more information on the Support Asset Volume, see OpenText Content
Server - Support Asset Administration (LLESSAM-H-AGD).
Tip: The above example presumes that you are using the default
name and deployment directory of the Support Asset Volume.
In the Support Asset Volume configuration in Content Server, the
default URL Prefix for deployment path of the Support Asset
Directory is appimg and the default deployment path is <Content_
Server_home/appdata/supportasset>. You can name the URL
prefix whatever you want and locate the deployment path wherever
you want, but your web server configuration must match the
configuration in your installation of Content Server.
b. Save this file in the <TOMCAT_HOME>\conf\Catalina\localhost\ folder.
Once you have installed a supported web server or application server and a
supported relational database management system on a supported operating
system, you are ready to run the Content Server installation on your Content Server
The Content Server installer installs program files for Content Server and Content
Web Services. The Microsoft Windows installer for Content Server configures
Content Web Services automatically. The Linux installer does not, but instructions
for deploying Content Web Services on Tomcat are available on OpenText My
Support (
Note: See the Content Server Release Notes to determine the specific Windows
versions that are supported for the version of Content Server that you are
Before you install Content Server, create a Windows user to run the Content Server
and make sure that the necessary supporting software—including the database
server and client, web server, application server, and web browser—is installed and
properly configured. Configure your antivirus software to exclude the <Content_
Server_home> folder and subfolders and the folders that contain the Content Server
search index files. Detailed information about these and other tasks that you need to
perform before you install Content Server is provided in “Prepare to Install Content
Server“ on page 23.
When you install Content Server on Microsoft Windows, the installer can configure
Content Web Services automatically for use on Microsoft Internet Information
Services or on Apache Tomcat. The automatic installation generates a valid
configuration of Content Web Services running on the same web server as Content
Server. If you intend to run Content Web Services on a different web server, you can
use the automatic configuration, but you will need to copy the Content Web Services
program files to the other server and edit configuration files afterwards. For more
information on installing Content Web Services, refer to the instructions that are
available on OpenText My Support (
c. In the License Agreement dialog box, enable I accept the terms in the
License Agreement, and then click Next.
d. In the Install Location dialog box, accept the default destination folder
(C:\OPENTEXT) or click Browse to select a different folder, and then click
• In the Service Name box, type a unique name for the Content Server
services. The default is OTCS. Use only alphanumeric characters, and do
not include spaces.
1. You must provide the fully qualified domain name to permit
users to connect to Content Server from outside your network.
Content Server uses this name to create links to items in
Content Server notifications and elsewhere. If you do not
specify the fully qualified domain name, these links may not
work for remotely connected users.
2. If you are installing this instance of Content Server as part of a
Syndication environment, you must enter the fully qualified
domain name of the server. Once Content Server is installed,
there is no option to change this setting from the UI. If you
have localhost in the DNS Name box, you cannot enable a
Syndication environment, and you will have to re-install.
Tip: If you have a static IP address, you can look up the domain
name by typing nslookup <ip_address> at the Windows
command prompt on the Content Server computer.
• In the HTTP Server Name box, type the host name of the computer on
which the web server resides, or accept the default value.
Note: For HTTP servers, the default port is 80. For HTTPS servers,
the default port is 443.
f. In the HTTP Web Server Type dialog box, enable Internet Information
Services (IIS), Apache Tomcat, or Other, and then click Next.
Note: The following instructions are a continuation of “Run the Content Server
Installer on Microsoft Windows” on page 52. Follow these instructions if you
enabled Internet Information Services (IIS) in the HTTP Web Server Type
dialog box (Step 2.f).
• Select the IIS website that will host Content Server. The default is Default
Web Site.
• Enter a URL Prefix for the Content Server support directory or accept the
default URL Prefix (/img/). The URL prefix must begin and end with a
forward slash (/), must contain only alphanumeric characters, and must not
contain spaces.
Tip: Content Server web pages can make numerous references to the
support directory. A support directory mapping with few characters
makes for smaller Content Server web pages that render more quickly
on the client.
The CGI Mapping name and Application pool name cannot be changed on this
dialog box. They are determined by the settings you entered on the OpenText
Content Server Configuration dialog box (Step 2.e).
Click Next to continue the installation.
2. Complete the Port Configuration for OpenText Content Server dialog box, and
then click Next.
• In the Service Port box, type an unused port number for the Content Server
service. Valid port numbers range from 1025 to 65535. The default is 2099.
• In the Admin Port box, type an unused port number for the Admin server
service. Valid port numbers range from 1025 to 65535. The default is 5858.
Note: If necessary, the Content Server installation program will install the
Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable package. The Visual C++
Redistributable Package installs runtime components of Visual C++
Libraries that allow Visual C++ applications to run on a computer that
does not have Visual C++ installed.
3. In the HTTP Web Server Type dialog box, select the Web Server Type (Internet
Information Services (IIS) or Apache Tomcat) that will host Content Web
Services, or enable Skip.
4. The dialog box that appears now depends on the selection that you made in the
previous step. Follow the instructions that apply to you.
• If you enabled Internet Information Services (IIS), the IIS Web Server
Settings dialog box appears. Enter the following information and then click
– Select the IIS website that will host the Content Server web service. The
default is Default Web Site.
– Enter a Web Service Mapping name for Content Server. The default is
• If you enabled Apache Tomcat, the Apache Tomcat Install Location dialog
box appears.
– The installer attempts to display the correct path of your Apache Tomcat
installation. Correct it if necessary, and then click Next.
– On the Apache Tomcat Web Server Settings dialog box, enter the
Content Server Web Service Mapping name or accept the default (cws).
• If you enabled Skip, there is no Content Server Web Service configuration to
perform. Proceed to the next step.
5. In the Ready to Install dialog box, click Install. The Installing the product
dialog box appears and a progress bar shows the status of the Content Server
6. When the installation is complete, clear Start Content Server and Start Content
Server Admin Server, enable View Mapping File, and then click Next to open
the mappings.tbl file in a separate window.
Note: The mappings.tbl file is a text file that contains the URL prefix
(virtual folder alias) path names used to configure your web server or
application server. The mappings.tbl file is available to view at any time
in your <Content_Server_Home> folder.
7. Click Finish.
If there are required Updates and patches that you need to apply to
Content Server to complete the installation, do not start the Content Server
services at this point.
Note: The following instructions are a continuation of “Run the Content Server
Installer on Microsoft Windows” on page 52. Follow these instructions if you
enabled Apache Tomcat in the HTTP Web Server Type dialog box (Step 2.f).
1. The installer attempts to display the correct path of your Apache Tomcat
installation in the Apache Tomcat Install Location dialog box. Correct it if
necessary, and then click Next.
2. In the Apache Tomcat Web Server Settings dialog box, enter a URL Prefix for
the Content Server support directory or accept the default URL Prefix (/img/).
The URL prefix must begin and end with a forward slash (/), must contain only
alphanumeric characters, and must not contain spaces.
Tip: Content Server web pages can make numerous references to the
support directory. A support directory mapping with few characters
makes for smaller Content Server web pages that render more quickly on
the client.
The CGI Mapping name cannot be changed on this dialog box. It is determined
by the settings that you entered on the OpenText Content Server
Configuration dialog box (Step 2.e).
Click Next to continue the installation.
3. Complete the Port Configuration for OpenText Content Server dialog box, and
then click Next.
• In the Service Port box, type an unused port number for the Content Server
service. Valid port numbers range from 1025 to 65535. The default is 2099.
• In the Admin Port box, type an unused port number for the Admin server
service. Valid port numbers range from 1025 to 65535. The default is 5858.
If necessary, the Content Server installation program will install the Microsoft
Visual C++ redistributable package. The Visual C++ Redistributable Package
installs runtime components of Visual C++ Libraries that allow Visual C++
applications to run on a computer that does not have Visual C++ installed.
4. In the HTTP Web Server Type dialog box, select the Web Server Type (Internet
Information Services (IIS) or Apache Tomcat) that will host Content Web
Services, or enable Skip.
5. The dialog box that appears now depends on the selection that you made in the
previous step. Follow the instructions that apply to you.
• If you enabled Internet Information Services (IIS), the IIS Web Server
Settings dialog box appears. Enter the following information and then click
– Select the IIS website that will host the Content Server web service. The
default is Default Web Site.
– Enter a Web Service Mapping name for Content Server. The default is
– The installer attempts to display the correct path of your Apache Tomcat
installation. Correct it if necessary, and then click Next.
– On the Apache Tomcat Web Server Settings dialog box, enter a Content
Server Web Service Mapping name or accept the default (cws), and then
click Next.
• If you enabled Skip, there is no Content Server Web Service configuration to
perform. Proceed to the next step.
6. In the Ready to Install dialog box, click Install. The Installing the product
dialog box appears and a progress bar shows the status of the Content Server
7. When the installation is complete, clear Start Content Server and Start Content
Server Admin Server, enable View Mapping File, and then click Next to open
the mappings.tbl file in a separate window.
Note: The mappings.tbl file is a text file that contains the URL prefix
(virtual folder alias) path names used to configure your web server or
application server. The mappings.tbl file is available to view at any time
in your <Content_Server_Home> folder.
8. Click Finish.
If there are required Updates and patches that you need to apply to
Content Server to complete the installation, do not start the Content Server
services at this point.
Note: The following instructions are a continuation of “Run the Content Server
Installer on Microsoft Windows” on page 52. Follow these instructions if you
enabled Other in the HTTP Web Server Type dialog box (Step 2.f).
1. In the OpenText Content Server Mapping dialog box, enter a URL Prefix for
the Content Server support directory or accept the default URL Prefix (/img/).
The URL prefix must begin and end with a forward slash (/), must contain only
alphanumeric characters, and must not contain spaces.
Tip: Content Server web pages can make numerous references to the
support directory. A support directory mapping with few characters
makes for smaller Content Server web pages that render more quickly on
the client.
• In the Service Port box, type an unused port number for the Content Server
service. Valid port numbers range from 1025 to 65535. The default is 2099.
• In the Admin Port box, type an unused port number for the Admin server
service. Valid port numbers range from 1025 to 65535. The default is 5858.
Note: If necessary, the Content Server installation program will install the
Microsoft Visual C++ redistributable package. The Visual C++
Redistributable Package installs runtime components of Visual C++
Libraries that allow Visual C++ applications to run on a computer that
does not have Visual C++ installed.
3. In the HTTP Web Server Type dialog box, select the Web Server Type (Internet
Information Services (IIS) or Apache Tomcat) that will host the Content Web
Services, or enable Skip.
4. The dialog box that appears now depends on the selection that you made in the
previous step. Follow the instructions that apply to you.
• If you enabled Internet Information Services (IIS), the IIS Web Server
Settings dialog box appears. Enter the following information and then click
– Select the IIS website that will host the Content Server web service. The
default is Default Web Site.
– Enter a Web Service Mapping name for Content Server. The default is
• If you enabled Apache Tomcat, the Apache Tomcat Install Location dialog
box appears.
– The installer attempts to display the correct path of your Apache Tomcat
installation. Correct it if necessary, and then click Next.
– On the Apache Tomcat Web Server Settings dialog box, enter the
Content Server Web Service Mapping name or accept the default (cws).
5. In the Ready to Install dialog box, click Install. The Installing the product
dialog box appears and a progress bar shows the status of the Content Server
6. When the installation is complete, clear Start Content Server and Start Content
Server Admin Server, enable View Mapping File, and then click Next to open
the mappings.tbl file in a separate window.
Note: The mappings.tbl file is a text file that contains the URL prefix
(virtual folder alias) path names used to configure your web server or
application server. The mappings.tbl file is available to view at any time
in your <Content_Server_Home> folder.
7. Click Finish.
If there are required Updates and patches that you need to apply to
Content Server to complete the installation, do not start the Content Server
services at this point.
Note: The above command would also work if it were used to install a first
instance of Content Server on a Content Server host machine. In Content
Server 16.2.7 and earlier, it was necessary to extract the installer and
specify TRANSFORMS and MSINEWINSTANCE command options when
installing an additional instance of Content Server on the same Content
Tip: Consult the Content Server Release Notes for information on required
Updates and patches.
To apply Updates and Patches and start the Content Server services
1. If an Update is available for your version of Content Server, apply the latest
Content Server Update. For more information on applying Content Server
Updates, see OpenText Content Server - Upgrade Guide (LLESCOR-IUP).
When you have finished installing the Content Server Update, copy the files
from the <Content_Server_home>\config\config_reference\ folder to the
<Content_Server_home>\config\ folder, overwriting files as necessary. For
more information on the config_reference folder, see OpenText Content Server
- Upgrade Guide (LLESCOR-IUP).
2. Apply any required patches. If there is more than one patch, apply each one in
ascending numerical order. Extract the contents of each patch file into the
<Content_Server_home> folder (C:\OPENTEXT, by default), overwriting any files,
as necessary.
3. Set the Content Server services to run as the Content Server user that you
created in “Create a Windows User” on page 24. Launch the Windows Services
application and perform the following steps for the Content Server services:
b. If you automatically started the Content Server services at the end of the
installation procedure, the Service status field reads Started. Click Stop to
stop the Content Server <service name> service.
d. In the Log on as tab section, click This account, and then click Browse.
e. Add the user that you created to run Content Server, and then click OK.
f. Type a password for this user in the Password and Confirm password
boxes, and then click Apply.
Before you install Content Server, create a user to run Content Server, and ensure
that the database server and client, web server, and web browser are installed and
properly configured. See “Prepare to Install Content Server“ on page 23.
Note: Xvfb is not part of the default installation of Red Hat 5.7 and later. To
install Xvfb, run the following command(s):
yum install xorg-x11-server-Xvfb
yum install libXrender
The Content Server installer verifies that the X Virtual Frame Buffer is present
at /usr/bin/Xvfb. If it is not, the following message appears:
Do you have Xvfb installed to a location other than the default? [Y]:
If you answer Y, the installer prompts you to enter the location of Xvfb. Once you
do, the installer informs you that
• /lib64/
• /lib64/
• /lib64/
• /lib64/
• /lib64/
• /lib64/
• /lib64/
• /lib64/
• /usr/lib64/
• /usr/lib64/
• /usr/lib64/
• /usr/lib64/
• /usr/lib64/
• /usr/lib64/
If the installer does not find one or more of the libraries, a warning message appears.
For example, if the installer does not find, the following message
If you answer Y, the installer prompts you to enter the location of the missing
library. Once you do, the installer informs you that:
Note: For a computer that runs only a Content Server Admin server (not a
Content Server Front-End instance), make the change to the start_lladmin
The installer does not verify that the user running the Content Server installation has
access to this folder, but if the user does not, the following message appears after the
Content Server installation is complete:
Unable to create the landscape directory '/etc/opentext/landscape'.
The solution registry file is saved in <Content_Server_home> instead.
It's recommended that the solution registry file be copied to '/etc/opentext/landscape'
directory for use by other OpenText products.
This message does not indicate an installation failure, but you can prevent it from
appearing by ensuring that the user that runs the Content Server installer can create
the /etc/opentext/landscape/ directory and write to it. If the message does
appear, however, you can copy the solution registry file from your
<Content_Server_home> directory to the /etc/opentext/landscape/ directory after
the installation completes. This produces the same result as having the Content
Server installer create the file in the /etc/opentext/landscape/ directory during
the installation.
Note: OpenText recommends that you run the installation program only after
installing and configuring your database. Although the installer will install
Content Server without a database being present, OpenText does not
recommend this. Press CTRL + C to exit the installation program if your
database is not properly installed and configured.
1. Log on as the Linux user that you created to run Content Server. For
information, see “Create a Linux User” on page 25.
2. Using the tools installed with your version of Linux, unzip and unpack the
setup utility.
5. When you are prompted to enter the Content Server installation directory, enter
the path of the directory you wish to use or press ENTER to accept the default
installation directory (/usr/local/contentserver/).
Tip: If the directory you specify does not exist, type Y when you are
prompted to create it.
7. At the prompt that asks you for the port number to run Content Server on, type
a number between 1025 and 65535 or accept the default (2099).
Tip: The port number you choose must not be in use by any other process.
To find out which port numbers are currently in use on the computer, use
the command netstat -a.
8. At the prompt that asks you for the port number to run the Content Server
Admin server on, type a number between 1025 and 65535, or accept the default
9. At the prompt that asks you for the default CGI alias for the <Content_Server_
Home>/cgi/ directory, type a prefix or accept the default prefix, livelink.
10. At the prompt that asks you to specify a Filter Engine temp directory, type the
absolute path of a directory or accept the default (/tmp).
Tip: OpenText recommends that you accept the default value because this
improves the performance of the document conversion processes that
generate full-text indexes in Content Server.
11. A prompt appears that asks you to specify the kind of database that you will be
using with Content Server. Your next steps depend on your answer to this
To use an Oracle database, enter 1, and then enter the SID of your local
Oracle installation. Alternatively, you can enter ? and then provide the path
of your Oracle home directory.
Tip: The HANA HOME directory must contain a Linux client for SAP
HANA. If it does not, the following message appears: expected to
find in <HANA_HOME_directory>.
To use a supported database other than Oracle or SAP HANA (PostgreSQL,
for example), enter 3 and press ENTER.
12. After you specify your database server, the Content Server installation begins.
The terminal shows files being copied to the <Content_Server_Home> directory.
When the installation completes, the following message appears:
Open Text Content Server sucessfully installed.
Please ensure that you make the following mappings in your HTTP server:
CGI-BIN Mappings
13. Make a note of the directory mappings and then type N so that Content Server
does not start right away.
If there are required Updates and patches that you need to apply to
Content Server to complete the installation, do not start the Content Server
services at this point. If you do not have any Updates or patches to apply,
type Y when you are prompted to start Content Server.
14. To complete the installation of Content Server on Linux, follow the instructions
at “Apply Updates and Patches and Start the Content Server Processes”
on page 76.
For example, create a file called installParamsFile that contains the answers to
the Content Server installer prompts, and run the installation using this
command: ./setup < installParamsFile.
Tip: Consult the Content Server Release Notes for information on required
Updates and patches.
To apply Updates and Patches and start the Content Server processes
1. If an Update is available for your version of Content Server, apply the latest
Content Server Update. For more information on applying Content Server
Updates, see OpenText Content Server - Upgrade Guide (LLESCOR-IUP).
When you have finished installing the Content Server Update, copy the files
from the <Content_Server_home>/config/config_reference/ directory to
the <Content_Server_home>/config/ directory, overwriting files as necessary.
For more information on the config_reference directory, see OpenText Content
Server - Upgrade Guide (LLESCOR-IUP).
2. Apply any required patches. If there is more than one patch, apply each one in
ascending numerical order. Extract the contents of each patch file into the
<Content_Server_home> directory (/usr/local/contentserver/, by default),
overwriting any files, as necessary.
• To start the Content Server and Content Server Admin process, run ./
start_llserver in the <Content_Server_home> directory.
Tip: To start only the Content Server Admin process, run ./start_
Tip: On Linux systems, there are different ways to set up Content Server
services to start automatically after restarting the computer. One method is
to add the path <Content_Server_Home>/start_llserver to the boot
script of the computer running the Content Server services. The start_
llserver script automatically starts the Content Server and Admin
servers. Since you need to log in as the superuser root to make changes to
the boot script, you may need to ask your system administrator to set this
up for you.
You have configured your web server or application server to run Content Server
(“Configure the Web Server to Run Content Server“ on page 35), installed Content
Server on the operating system (“Install Content Server on the Operating
System“ on page 51) and started it for the first time. Now you are ready to configure
Content Server for first use.
The Content Server Administration page is the starting point for most tasks you
perform as a Content Server administrator. Under normal circumstances, it opens to
a number of sections containing Content Server pages, and you can decide your next
step based on the task at hand. The first time you open it, however, is different. You
are presented with a series of pages, and you are prompted to enter the initial
configurations that allow Content Server to operate.
To open the Content Server Administration page, use one of the following methods:
• On Windows, click Start, point to Programs, point to the program folder name
that was entered for Content Server (the default is OpenText Content Server),
and then click Content Server Administration.
• Open the following URL:
– The .exe extension is not used for Linux or when Content Server works with
an application server.
Use cs.exe.
Use cs.
On Windows, using Microsoft IIS, enter a URL similar to the following: http://
On Linux, using Apache Tomcat, enter a URL similar to the following: http://
– Password
The first time you open the Configure Server Parameters page, you must set
a Web Administrator password.
The Web Administrator password is the password that you use to access the
Content Server Administration page:
– Site Name
The Site Name is displayed throughout Content Server. The site name should
be a simple, user friendly name. The default Site Name is Content Server.
– Upload Directory
The Upload Directory parameter is used to restrict the location from which
Content Server accepts Documents for upload. The directory specified in this
field must be accessible to both the web server and the Admin server.
OpenText recommends that you specify the full path to the directory in this
<Drive>:\Program Files\
<Drive>:\Program Files (x86)\
Note: You must type a forward slash (/) before and after the URL prefix.
– Syndication
Syndication is a collection of many Content Server installations in different
locations, all connected and communicating with each other.
OpenText recommends that you do not edit this section unless you are
following the directions in “Appendix B – Installing Content Server as a
Syndication Environment“ on page 147. A Content Server Syndication
environment needs to be installed by following a specific set of steps, as
more fully documented in the OpenText Content Server - Syndication
Administration (LLESQDS-AGD).
– Keyboard
Enhanced Keyboard Accessibility Mode permits the user interface to be
manipulated using keyboard commands. However, certain features that
depend on Java, such as the Text Editor, are disabled when Enhanced
Keyboard Accessibility Mode is used. This option is disabled by default.
When you enable this option, all users are required to use this mode.
– User Pages
This parameter allows you to select one of the following pages, which is
where users land when they first sign in:
– Response Buffering
This setting reduces the amount of time the Server must dedicate itself to
downloading and opening documents. By default, Response Buffering is
enabled. When Response Buffering is enabled, the Server's responses are
buffered to the web server, which then assumes control of sending the
contents to the browser. This allows the available server threads to move on
to other requests more quickly. From an end-user perspective, fetching and
downloading documents will still take the same amount of time.
– Socket Timeouts
Socket Timeout settings govern socket communications on the current
Content Server instance. In a clustered installation of Content Server, it is
possible to set different network socket timeout values on different Content
Server instances.
○ Enable Send Timeouts sets the maximum time in seconds that Content
Server will wait for a receiver response after sending data. The default
value is 30 seconds.
○ Enable Receive Timeouts sets the maximum time in seconds that Content
Server will wait for data from a sender. The default value is 2 seconds.
Set each value to a positive integer greater than zero. To disable either
network socket timeout, set its value to Never.
– Threads
This setting defines the number of threads used by Content Server. The
default Number of Threads is 8. You may want to increase or decrease the
number of threads, depending on:
○ The number, speed, and architecture (for example, NUMA) of the CPUs.
○ The amount of physical memory in your servers.
○ The speed of network connections.
○ Whether storage is local or accessed over the network.
It also depends on the usage profile for your Content Server instance (the
frequency and variety of the types of user requests).
To determine the number of threads that your server can support, OpenText
recommends that you experiment with different thread values. You can
measure your results by using Content Server logs and utilities that are
available from the operating system. For more information, see OpenText
Content Server - Content Server Administration (LLESWBA-H-AGD).
Note: Do not set the number of threads higher than the number of
connections supported by your RDBMS.
– Sessions
The Maximum number of sessions used to cache user login information
setting defines the maximum number of user logon program contexts cached
on a server thread. (In Content Server, a program context is a data structure
that stores user and application values.) The default value of the number of
program contexts is set to 100. When the maximum number of program
contexts is reached, the oldest user session is dropped. User logon program
contexts are cached independently on each thread. When a user returns to a
thread after their logon information has been dropped from the cache, it will
take slightly longer to execute their next request. The lower the maximum
number of program contexts, the less memory the server must dedicate to
tracking user program contexts on each thread. The larger the number,
however, the less often the server will drop user logon information from the
cache. A server's memory consumption can be large for a system running
many threads. You may want to try different values for the maximum
number of program contexts, depending on how many users are accessing
your Content Server system.
– Server Logging Options
When you install Content Server, you can use this setting to enable or disable
server logging during installation. By default, logging is enabled, and Content
Server generates thread and connect logs at the Info level.
Once the installation is complete, Content Server stops the generation of
thread and connect logs, and this setting is no longer available on the
To continue with the installation, you need only enter a Content Server
Administrator password, but OpenText recommends that you also set an upload
directory during the initial configuration of Content Server. You can configure the
other settings on this page at this time, or return to it later to set them.
• This sets the password that you must enter to access the Content Server
Administration page if Content Server cannot connect to its database or
to the instance of OpenText Directory Services that manages its users.
Do not confuse this password with the password of the Admin user.
• Record the new Content Server Administrator password on
Section 10.3: “Content Server Installation Worksheet” on page 145.
4. Set an upload directory, unless you have determined that you do not want to
use one in your Content Server deployment.
5. At the bottom of the page, click Save Changes. Your selections are saved and
the Select Default Metadata Language page opens.
6. On the Select Default Metadata Language page, select a language, and then
click Continue.
Note: You can also connect your new Content Server installation to an existing
Content Server database. For information on doing this, follow the instructions
in the OpenText Content Server - Upgrade Guide (LLESCOR-IUP).
2. On the Create New Database page, select SQL Server, and then click Continue.
3. On the Microsoft SQL Server Administrator Log-in page, log onto SQL Server:
a. In the Server Name box, type the Microsoft SQL Server alias.
• The server alias is typically the name of the computer where the
Microsoft SQL Server resides. You may need to consult your
Microsoft SQL Server administrator to obtain this information.
• If your installation of Microsoft SQL Server does not run on the
default port (1433), enter the SQL Server port after the server alias,
separated by a comma, with no space.
4. On the Create Content Server Tables page, click the Microsoft SQL Server
Maintenance link.
a. In the Database Name box, type the name that you want to assign to the
database. For example, CSprod.
Do not start the name with a number. SQL Server allows this, but
Content Server does not.
b. In the Data File Specification box, type a path and file name. For example,
c. In the Data File size box, type a size in megabytes for the data file. The
minimum is 5 MB.
Tip: You can estimate an appropriate data file size using the following
# documents X # versions X # KB avg-doc-size = tablespace
d. Optional Enable Automatically extend data file.
e. In the Log File Specification box, type a path and file name. For example,
f. In the Log File Size box, type a size in megabytes for the file (minimum is 5
MB). Use the Data File Size example as a guide.
g. Optional Enable Automatically extend log file.
h. Click Create Database.
6. In the Create A New User section, create a SQL Server user for Content Server:
a. In the User Name box, type a name for the SQL Server user who will own
the database. If the database user will log on to SQL Server using Windows
Authentication, enter the name of the Windows user that runs the Content
Server service.
In the Authentication Method section, select Windows Authentication or
SQL Server Authentication
Windows Authentication
If you select Windows Authentication, you do not specify the
SQL Server Authentication
Enter the user’s password in the Password and Verify Password boxes.
Tip: Record the name and path of the data and log files, and the name
and password of the SQL Server user who owns the Content Server
database on Table 10-4: “Microsoft SQL Server Worksheet (Windows
only)” on page 143.
7. Click Return to previous page.
8. On the Create Content Server Tables page, create the Content Server tables:
a. In the SQL Server Database menu, select the Microsoft SQL Server
database that you created in step Step 5.
b. In the Credentials section, select Windows Authentication or SQL Server
Windows Authentication
If you select Windows Authentication, there is no need to specify the
User Name or Password. The name of the Windows user that runs the
Content Server service is automatically selected.
SQL Server Authentication
If the Content Server database user logs on to SQL Server using SQL
Server Authentication, select the Microsoft SQL Server user that you
created in step Step 6, and enter the user’s password in the Password
Tip: The SQL Server Database, Microsoft SQL User Name, and
Password boxes are automatically populated with the data you
provided on the Microsoft SQL Server Maintenance page.
c. Optional Select External Document Storage if you want Content Server to
store documents and other items outside the database, and enter the
absolute path of the folder where you want Content Server to store items in
the adjacent box.
Note: The directory that you enter must exist and the Content Server
user must have permission to write to it.
d. Click Create Tables.
9. The Content Server Administrator User Log-in page appears. Enter the
password of the Admin user, and then click Log-in.
Tip: The default password of the Admin user is livelink. Once you have
completed the setup, OpenText recommends that you change it. See
“Change the Admin User Password” on page 122.
The Install Modules page appears. Proceed to “Install Optional Content Server
Modules” on page 95 to continue the installation.
For recommendations on preparing a SQL Server database on Azure for use with
Content Server, see “Microsoft SQL Server on Microsoft® Azure®” on page 30.
3. On the Specify Content Server Database Owner page, enter the connection
parameters, as follows, and then click Connect:
Tip: The SQL Server name, Microsoft SQL Server user name, and SQL
database name can be found in the Connection strings that appear in the
Essentials of the SQL Server database server on your Azure dashboard.
Click Create Tables to create the tables in the Content Server database.
4. The Content Server Administrator User Log-in page appears. Enter the
password of the Admin user, and then click Log-in.
Tip: The default password of the Admin user is livelink. Once you have
completed the setup, OpenText recommends that you change it. See
“Change the Admin User Password” on page 122.
The Install Modules page appears. Proceed to “Install Optional Content Server
Modules” on page 95 to continue the installation.
2. On the Select RDBMS Type page, select Oracle Server, and then click
Tip: If the option to create an Oracle database does not appear on the
Select RDBMS Type page, ensure that you have installed Oracle client
software on the Content Server computer.
a. In the System User Name box, type the Oracle administrator user name.
b. In the Password box, type the password for the Oracle administrator user.
c. In the Service Name field, type the service name (database alias) of Oracle
Tip: The service name is typically the same as the host name of the
computer on which Oracle Server is installed. You can find the service
name (database alias) in the tnsnames.ora file. You may need to
consult your Oracle administrator to obtain this information.
d. Click Log-in.
4. On the Create Content Server Tables page, click the Oracle Server
Maintenance link.
a. In the Tablespace Name box, type a unique name for the tablespace.
Tip: You can find out which tablespace names are already in use by
looking at the Default Tablespace menu in the Create New User
section of this page.
b. In the File Specification box, type the absolute path of the tablespace data
file that you want to create. For example, C:\oracle\database\filename.
ora or /usr/oracle/database/filename.dbf.
The directory that you specify must already exist, and the operating system
user that runs Oracle Server must have permission to write to it.
c. In the Size box, type a size in megabytes for the tablespace data file,
following the guidelines on the Oracle Server Maintenance page. The
minimum is 5 MB.
6. In the Create New User section, create an Oracle user for Content Server:
a. In the User Name box, type a name for the Oracle user who will own the
b. In the Password and Verify Password boxes, type a password for this user.
c. In the Default Tablespace menu, select the name of the tablespace in which
you want to create the tables of the new Content Server database.
Note: Record the Content Server user name, password, and tablespace on
the Table 10-2: “Oracle Database Worksheet” on page 142.
8. On the Create Content Server Tables page, create the Content Server tables:
a. In the User Name box, enter the Oracle user that you created in the
previous steps.
b. In the Password box, enter the password of the Oracle user.
Note: The directory that you enter must exist and the Content Server
user must have permission to write to it.
9. The Content Server Administrator User Log-in page appears. Enter the
password of the Admin user, and then click Log-in.
Tip: The default password of the Admin user is livelink. Once you have
completed the setup, OpenText recommends that you change it. See
“Change the Admin User Password” on page 122.
The Install Modules page appears. Proceed to “Install Optional Content Server
Modules” on page 95 to continue the installation.
2. On the Select RDBMS Type page, click PostgreSQL Server, and then click
4. On the Create Content Server Tables page, click the PostgreSQL Server
Maintenance link.
a. In the Database Name box, enter a name for your Content Server database.
b. Select a PostgreSQL tablespace from the Tablespace menu, or accept the
default: pg_default.
c. Click Create Database.
6. In the Create A New User section, create a PostgreSQL database user for
Content Server:
a. Type the name of the new PostgreSQL user in the User Name box.
b. Type a password for the new PostgreSQL user in the Password and Verify
Password boxes.
c. In the Database Name box, select the name of the database that you created
in the previous step.
Note: Record the user name, password, and database name on the
Table 10-3: “PostgreSQL Worksheet” on page 142.
b. In the PostgreSQL User Name box, select the name of the PostgreSQL user
that is associated with the PostgreSQL database that you selected.
Note: The directory that you enter must exist and the Content Server
user must have permission to write to it.
9. The Content Server Administrator User Log-in page appears. Enter the
password of the Admin user, and then click Log-in.
Tip: The default password of the Admin user is livelink. Once you have
completed the setup, OpenText recommends that you change it. See
“Change the Admin User Password” on page 122.
The Install Modules page appears. Proceed to “Install Optional Content Server
Modules” on page 95 to continue the installation.
Install the SAP HANA database client on your Content Server computer before
you connect to the SAP HANA server to create a new Content Server database.
2. On the Select RDBMS Type page, click SAP HANA, and then click Continue.
3. On the SAP HANA Server Administrator Log-in page, log onto HANA.
a. Enter the host name and port, or IP address and port, of an SAP HANA
server in the SAP HANA Server (IP:Port) box. For example, enter or
b. Enter the name of an SAP HANA user with administrator privileges (for
example, SYSTEM) in the System User box.
c. Type the password of the system user in the System Password box.
d. Click Log-in.
4. On the Create Content Server Tables page, click the HANA Server
Maintenance link.
5. On the SAP HANA Maintenance page, in the Create A New User section,
create a SAP HANA database user for Content Server. When you create an SAP
HANA user, a database schema that has the same name as the user is also
a. Type the name of the new SAP HANA user in the User Name box.
b. Type a password for the new SAP HANA user in the Password and Verify
Password boxes.
c. Click Create User.
Note: Record the user name, password, and schema name (which has the
same name as the user) on the Table 10-1: “SAP HANA Worksheet”
on page 141.
a. In the SAP HANA Schema box, select the name of the SAP HANA schema
that you created in the above steps.
b. In the HANA User Name box, select the name of the SAP HANA user that
is associated with the schema.
Tip: The HANA User Name and Password fields are automatically
populated with the data you provided on the SAP HANA
Maintenance page.
Note: The directory that you enter must exist and the Content Server
user must have permission to write to it.
8. The Content Server Administrator User Log-in page appears. Enter the
password of the Admin user, and then click Log-in.
Tip: The default password of the Admin user is livelink. Once you have
completed the setup, OpenText recommends that you change it. See
“Change the Admin User Password” on page 122.
The Install Modules page appears. Proceed to “Install Optional Content Server
Modules” on page 95 to continue the installation.
If you do not have optional Content Server modules to install, click Continue on the
Install Modules page and proceed to “Configure Storage Providers” on page 98 to
continue the Content Server installation.
• First, you install the software on your operating system. At the completion of the
operating system installation, the module software components are located in the
<Content_Server_Home>/staging/ folder of your Content Server installation.
To install a module on your operating system, follow the instructions in “Install
Modules on the Operating System” on page 96
• Next, you install the software on Content Server. At the completion of the
Content Server installation, the module software components are located in the
<Content_Server_Home>/module/ folder. To install a module on Content
Server, follow the instructions in “Install Modules on Content Server”
on page 97.
1. On the host computer where Content Server is installed, run the module's
module_name.exe file.
3. Select the Content Server installation to which you want to add the module.
(You can select only one.)
4. Click Next.
The installation program copies files to the <Content_Server_Home>\staging\
folder, and then informs you that this part of the installation is complete.
5. Click OK, and repeat steps Step 1 to Step 4 for each module you want to install.
The modules now reside in the <Content_Server_Home>\staging\ folder.
Later in the installation process, you integrate them into your Content Server
system. See “Install Modules on Content Server” on page 97.
2. Using the tools installed with your version of Linux, unzip and unpack the
module. For example, type tar xvf <module_name>.tar
All necessary files are extracted in the <Content_Server_Home>/staging/
3. Repeat the previous steps for each module that you want to install.
The modules now reside in the <Content_Server_Home>/staging/ directory.
Later in the installation process, you integrate them into your Content Server
system. See “Install Modules on Content Server” on page 97.
The installation of Content Server modules proceeds in two stages: installation and
configuration. If any of the modules that you install changes the Content Server
database, you will see configuration pages related to the database change.
Otherwise, you will see a minimal number of configuration pages.
On the Install Modules page, you can perform the second stage of installing
optional Content Server modules.
1. In the Installable Modules section, select each of the modules that you want to
install, and then click Install.
Note: When you enable a module that requires the installation of other
modules, Content Server automatically selects the required modules if
they have been installed on the operating system. Content Server can
install numerous modules at once, but if you want to install the modules
one at a time, install the required modules first.
2. Optional Content Server installs the modules and advances you to the next page
(usually the Configure Storage Providers page). If you want to install another
module, use your browser’s Back button to return to the Install Modules page,
and click Refresh to update the information on the page.
3. Review the information on the Configure Storage Providers page, and make
changes if necessary. (For information on the Configure Storage Providers
page, see “Configure Storage Providers” on page 98.) Click Next.
4. Optional If a module that you are installing modifies the Content Server database,
the Content Server Database Upgrade Confirmation page appears. Perform
the following steps
7. The Configure OTDS Integration Settings page appears. Proceed to “Select the
OTDS Server Type” on page 99.
Tip: You can add Storage Providers at any time, not just during the initial
configuration of Content Server. Use the Configure Storage Providers
administration page to add Storage Providers after your initial configuration of
Content Server. Certain types of Storage Provider, for example the AWS
Storage Provider, can only be added after the initial configuration of Content
Server is complete.
For more information about Storage Providers, see the topic Storage Providers and
Storage Management in the Item Administration section of the Content Server
admin help.
Directory Services requires a database to store its data. This is a requirement if you
are using an internal or an external version of OTDS. For more information, see
“About the Directory Services database requirement” on page 99.
1. You can choose to use your database server to create a separate database that
will be used exclusively by OTDS. For more information, see the documentation
for your chosen database server and OpenText Directory Services - Installation and
Administration Guide (OTDS-IWC).
2. You can choose to use Content Server's database management tools to create and
manage a separate database that will be used exclusively by OTDS. For more
information, see “Create the Content Server Database” on page 86.
3. Although you can choose to connect OTDS to the same database that you
created for Content Server, OpenText does not recommend this option because
OTDS and Content Server may have different database configuration
When enabling either an internal or an external version of OTDS, you can find more
information about Directory Services in OpenText Directory Services - Installation and
Administration Guide (OTDS-IWC).
In addition, if you use a proxy or have a containerized environment, you have the
option of providing an explicit OTDS login URL.
For more information on OpenText Directory Services, see OpenText Content Server -
OpenText Directory Services Integration Administration (LLESDSI-AGD) and OpenText
Directory Services - Installation and Administration Guide (OTDS-IWC).
2. In the Server URL box, enter the host name (or IP address) and port of your
OTDS server. For example, enter:
3. In the Resource ID box, enter the Resource Identifier of the OTDS Resource that
has been set up for use with Content Server. An example of a Resource ID is:
4. Optional You might want to enable Set OTDS login URL if you want to explicitly
set the OTDS URL to which users should be redirected. If so, enter that URL in
this field.
If you have structured either a proxy or a containerized environment, then you
will need to ensure that the Login URL box contains that URL. If you do not
have either a proxy or a containerized environment, then you do not need to
enable this setting.
The following are two examples of the format of the URL that you will enter to
this field:
You may need to put the port number after the base URL depending on how
you set up your proxy.
5. You can choose to click Test Settings to confirm that the URL entered in the
Server URL box is valid.
Note: The connection test does not check whether the OpenText Directory
Server is configured properly with Content Server. It only checks that the
URL provided in the Server URL box is valid.
6. Click Continue.
7. If you are in the process of changing your Content Server database, or if you are
upgrading your Content Server installation, you will see the User and group
migration page. Follow the instructions in “The user and group migration
page” on page 103.
8. After you successfully connect to the OTDS Server, the Create New Enterprise
Data Source page appears. Proceed to “Create the Enterprise Data Source”
on page 105 to continue the initial configuration of Content Server.
The internal OTDS server uses a Jetty web server. By default, the internal OTDS
server uses a self-signed certificate for HTTPS communications, but you can
configure it to use a different certificate by entering appropriate values in the Java
Key Store settings in the HTTPS Configuration section. For more information on
configuring Jetty to use a specific certificate, refer to the Jetty documentation.
2. In the JDBC URL box, you need to inform Content Server about the location of
the database that you set up to store OTDS data. In the Username and Password
boxes you will be providing sign-in access to this database.
The form in which you type this information depends on the database that you
installed and configured. See the following examples for the forms required by
each supported database. These examples assume that you created a database
called “otdsdb” for use by OTDS:
MS SQL Server:
Oracle SID:
You must take care when entering values to the three JDBC boxes. These
values cannot be validated at the time you enter them. Any error in one of
these three values will result in OTDS being unable to access your
3. In the JDBC Username box, enter the userid of a user with the required
privileges to access the database that you entered in the step above.
4. In the JDBC Password box, enter the password for the userid that you entered
in the step above.
5. Enter available ports in the boxes in the Jetty Parameters area. You can accept
the default ports or specify different ones. Click Check port to verify that the
specified ports are not in use.
7. Optional You might want to enable Set OTDS login URL if you want to explicitly
set the OTDS URL to which users should be redirected. If so, enter that URL in
this field.
You may need to put the port number after the base URL depending on how
you set up your proxy.
8. Click Continue.
9. The OTDS Deployment Status page appears. Click Show Details to view log
information that shows the progress of the deployment. When the OTDS
deployment has completed successfully message appears, click Continue.
10. If you are in the process of changing your Content Server database, or if you are
upgrading your Content Server installation, you will see the User and group
migration page. Follow the instructions in “The user and group migration
page” on page 103.
11. After the migration completes, and if you did not enable Content Server
Syndication, proceed to “Create the Enterprise Data Source” on page 105.
If you did enable Content Server Syndication, proceed to “Configure
Syndication Site Parameters” on page 105.
1. In the OTDS Partition box, you need to enter the name of the OTDS partition
that stores users and groups that were either created in Content Server or
migrated from the Content Server database:
a. If you have enabled an internal OTDS server, enter a name or accept the
default, “Content Server members”.
b. If you have enabled an external OTDS server, you must first sign in to your
external installation of OTDS and create your Content Server non-
synchronized partition.
2. Select the Migrate box to migrate users and groups from the Content Server
database to OTDS. Enable any migration options that apply.
The migrate option applies if you have an installation of Content Server with
CSDS, if you have an internal installation of OTDS, or if you have an external
installation of OTDS:
b. If OTDS has never been used with Content Server, select the Migrate box to
migrate users and groups from the Content Server database to OTDS. The
Migrate option applies to migration of users and groups only.
The migration function cannot distinguish users synchronized from
OTDS from internal Content Server users. If you have already
synchronized new users and/or groups from OTDS to Content Server,
and you use the migration option, you will end up with duplicate
users and groups.
In a new installation of Content Server, these options are not relevant
and you should click Continue without enabling any options.
ii. Enable Migrate (Tempo) external users and groups if you want to
migrate external (Tempo) users and groups. This options relates to the
OpenText Tempo product.
All existing users and groups in OTDS contained in the partition you
entered in Step 1 will be replaced with users and groups in the current
If you did not enable Content Server Syndication, this page will not appear during
your installation of Content Server.
Once you have completed the instructions for the Syndication configuration,
proceed to “Create the Enterprise Data Source” on page 105.
1. On the Create New Enterprise Data Source page, type a unique identifier for all
the system objects that are associated with this indexing data flow in the
Processes Prefix box or accept the default Processes Prefix (Enterprise).
• The display name for objects associated with this index on the Content
Server System page.
• The index's search slice in the Scope list on the Content Server Search
2. Optional To specify the number of partitions into which this index should be
divided, type a number in the Partitions box.
3. In the Port box, accept the default value (8500) or type a value representing the
first of a series of 12 port numbers on which you want the processes that are
associated with this data source to listen. For example, if you enter 2500, the
ports 2500 through 2511 are used.
Note: The port number that you specify and (at least) the next 11
consecutive port numbers must be unused in your system. The number of
consecutive port numbers that you require depends on the number of
partitions that you specify in the Partitions box. Creating an Enterprise
index requires eight port numbers, and for each partition, four additional
port numbers. Valid values range from 1025 to 65535.
4. In the Producer Information area:
a. In the Host menu, select the Content Server Admin server on which you
want the Enterprise Extractor process to run or accept the default (the local
machine that you are installing Content Server on).
b. In the Write Base Directory box, type the network name or path (relative to
the Content Server Admin server on which the Extractor runs) of the
directory where you want the Enterprise Extractor process to write data. By
default, the write directory is the <Content_Server_Home>/index/
enterprise/ directory on the default Content Server Admin server.
Tip: The Admin server that you assign to manage the Enterprise Data
Source must be running and available. A green OK icon in the
Producer Information and Intermediate and Consumer Information
sections indicates that it is. If you do not see the green OK icon, follow
the instructions that appear in red to ensure that the Admin server is
running and available. Once you have resolved any underlying
problem, click Check Host Admin Server to perform a new
verification of its availability.
If you are installing a first instance of Content Server, the Admin
server and Content Server services are both running on the local host
computer. See “Content Server Services” on page 12.
5. In the Intermediate and Consumer Information section:
a. In the Host menu, select the Admin server on which you want the
Document Conversion and Update Distributor processes to run. By default,
these processes run on the default Content Server Admin server.
b. In the Read Base Directory box, type the network name or path (relative to
the Content Server Admin server on which the Document Conversion
process runs) of the directory where you want the Document Conversion
process to read data. This directory must be the same directory as the write
base directory that you specified in the Producer Information section.
c. In the Write Base Directory box, type the network name or path (relative to
the Content Server Admin server on which the Document Conversion
process runs) of the directory where you want the Document Conversion
process to write converted data.
6. To start the data flow processes as soon as they are created, leave Start
Processes in Data Flow enabled (the default option). However, if you intend to
make configuration changes to your search environment before you use it, you
may prefer to clear this option.
Until you apply a Content Server license, Content Server operates in administrative
mode. In administrative mode, only users with the System administration rights
privilege can log onto Content Server.
You can exit administrative mode any time by applying a valid license to
Content Server.
• No license
If you have not applied a license, Content Server operates in administrative
mode and has a license status of Unlicensed. Users with the System
administration rights privilege can use it, but other users cannot log on.
Tip: Content Server 16.2.7 and later use a license format that is different
from the licenses used in Content Server 16.2.6 and earlier. If you apply
an obsolete license to Content Server 16.2.7 and later, the license status
appears as Unlicensed.
• Production License
A Production license enables full Content Server functionality for a specified
number of licensed users. It applies to a specific version of Content Server. It
does not have an expiry date.
• Temporary License
A Temporary license enables full Content Server functionality for a specified
number of licensed users. A Temporary license expires on a specific date. (It
does not expire a specified number of days that is calculated from the date it
is applied.)
• Non-production License
A non-production license is intended for use in a non-production
environment that exists to support a production environment. For example, a
non-production license could be used in a Development or User Acceptance
Testing environment. A non-production license enables full Content Server
functionality and has no expiry date.
Module license
Module licenses are applied to individual Content Server modules or
applications. Like Content Server licenses, module licenses can be issued as
You do not need to take any action to obtain these licenses; Content Server
applies them automatically. In some cases, however, Content Server may fail to
apply them automatically, and you must apply them manually. See “Verify the
Application of Content Server and Module License Files” on page 112.
You may need to acquire license files for optional modules too, if you have
purchased optional modules that require licenses. (Not every optional module
requires a license.) You can download module licenses when you download your
Content Server licenses, or whenever you install the optional module.
Tip: If your logon is associated with multiple accounts, make sure that you
are associated with the correct account. If you are not, click Change
Account Selections and select the correct account.
3. The Product Activation page displays the entitlements that are associated with
your logon, arranged according to SUID. (A SUID typically corresponds to a
distinct application environment.) If you have more than one Content Server
environment, you can hide the licenses that you do not wish to generate during
your current session by clicking the Up Arrow icon beside any SUID that
does not concern you.
If you are not sure which SUID is associated with the license that you want to
generate, refer to the email that you received from OpenText or contact
OpenText Customer Support for assistance.
4. Select the appropriate product and license file type, and click the Produce
• If you are generating a Production license, the Produce License Key dialog
box appears. Enter the System Fingerprint that appears on your Content
Server License Setup page, and then click Save. A message appears,
indicating that your license file is being generated.
• If you are not generating a Production license, a dialog box appears
immediately, indicating that your license file is being generated.
Tip: Only one license is required for multiple instances of Content Server
that connect to the same database.
After the license file is generated, a number appears in the Activated column on the
Product Activation page, and new icons may be visible:
The Download File icon
Use the Download File icon to download a new copy of your license file at any
The Rehost License File icon
Use the Rehost License File icon if significant changes in your environment
invalidate your license file. For example, if you connect your Content Server
installation to a new database. You will be prompted to enter your new System
Fingerprint when you rehost your license file.
The Upgrade icon
Use the Upgrade icon to request a license file for a newer version of Content
Server. When you click the Upgrade icon, you are prompted to select the Content
Server version that you want to license.
Tip: If Content Server displays a Could not read license content or Could
not read license content error message when you attempt to apply a license
file, ensure that:
• The file is not corrupted. If you suspect that it is, download another copy of
the license file from OpenText My Support and attempt to apply that one.
• The file has a .lic file extension.
• You have created a Content Server Upload directory (see OpenText Content
Server - Content Server Administration (LLESWBA-H-AGD)).
• The Content Server and web server users have full permissions to the
Content Server Upload directory.
If Content Server displays the error message License Error: License key not
valid. It may be an older version of the license file format, or the
file may be corrupt, it is likely that you are attempting to apply a license that
applies to Content Server 16.2.6 and earlier to an installation of Content Server
16.2.7 or later. If so, you should obtain an up-to-date license file and apply that
one instead.
2. On the Open dialog box, browse to the location of your license file, select the
license file, and then click Open.
The page refreshes and a section entitled New License File Details appears.
5. Click Continue.
Content Server
Click Licenses in the Core System - Server Configuration section of the Content
Server Administration page to open the Manage Licenses page. Ensure that any
licensed products that you have appear with a status of Valid.
Open OTDS by clicking Configure Directory Services in the Directory Service
Integration Administration section of the Content Server Administration page.
Log onto OTDS. In the SETUP section, click License Keys. Ensure that licensed
products appear with information in the Expiry Date and License Key columns.
For instructions on adding a license key, see OpenText Directory Services - Installation
and Administration Guide (OTDS-IWC).
• Set the Content Server Administration password and default metadata language
• Created the Content Server database
• Viewed the Install Modules page and, optionally, installed additional Content
Server modules
• Created the Enterprise Data Source
• Applied a license to Content Server
This chapter contains information on a number of tasks that you should perform to
complete the installation and initial configuration of Content Server. You can
perform these tasks at any time, but for reasons of security or consistency, you may
prefer to do them before users first log onto Content Server.
For example, for security, it is important to create groups with appropriate access
permissions before allowing users to log onto Content Server, and for consistency, it
is important to decide which actions will trigger a change to an item’s Modified
Date in Content Server.
If you have additional modules that you want to install before you make your
Content Server deployment available to users, you can install them now. If you
install your optional modules now, run System Center Manager (see “Apply All
Available Patches to Content Server” on page 115) afterwards to ensure that Content
Server runs with all of the necessary patches.
For information on installing optional modules, see “Install Optional Content Server
Modules” on page 95 in this guide, or refer to the OpenText Content Server - Module
Installation and Upgrade Guide (LLESCOR-IMO).
For information on installing Content Server Language Packs, see OpenText Content
Server - Content Server Administration (LLESWBA-H-AGD).
Tip: To display this Admin Help topic, click Install Language Packs in the
Languages section of the Content Server Administration page and then, on the
Install Language Packs page, click Help for this Page.
Online help
Some of the help in Content Server is built-in: it is delivered as online help that
is included in the Content Server application directory. Content Server online
help is updated when you apply a Content Server Update, or when you upgrade
Content Server. To make Content Server online help searchable, you need to
create the User Help Data Source and the Admin Help Data Source. See “Create
the Help Indexes” on page 116.
OpenText Global Help Server help
Help for the Content Server Smart View, and for certain products such as
Perspective Manager and Business Workspaces is delivered as OpenText Global
Help Server help, which is available over the Internet. Global Help Server help is
updated by OpenText. Updates can occur at any time without requiring any
action on your part. However, if your organization restricts access to the public
Internet, you may need to implement the OpenText Private Help Server: a local
installation of the Global Help Server. See “Providing the online help on a local
help server (Private Help Server)” on page 118.
Tip: If you add, uninstall, or upgrade a module after you index the Admin and
User Help, restart the data flow Directory Walker process for each Help index,
so that Content Server can update the Admin and User Help indexes to reflect
the changes.
Content Server creates the User Help index on the Content Server host, which is
represented by the alias (usually Default) of its Admin server.
2. On the Content Server System page, click Add Item, and then click User Help
Data Source.
3. On the Create New User Help Data Source page, in the Base Directory box,
type the absolute path of the folder in which you want to create the Help index.
The default is the <Content_Server_Home>/index/help/ folder.
4. To change the default process prefix from Help, type a new unique identifier in
the Process Prefix box.
Note: In addition to being used as a label for all objects associated with
this index in the System Objects Volume, the text you type in the Processes
Prefix box is also the name used for this index's search slice in the Search
list on the Quick Search and Advanced Search pages.
2. On the Content Server System page, in the Add Item menu, select Admin Help
Data Source.
3. On the Create New Admin Help Data Source page, in the Base Directory box,
type the absolute path of the directory in which you want to create the Admin
Help index. The default is the <Content_Server_Home>/index/adminhelp/
4. In the Process Prefix box, type a unique identifier for all the system objects that
are associated with this data source.
6. Click Continue.
• The Private Help Server can support multiple OpenText products. If the
Private Help Server has already been installed within your organization to
support another OpenText product, you can add additional OpenText
product online helps to that installation.
• If you are replacing a previous PHS installation, see OpenText Help System -
Private Help Server Administration Guide (OTHS-AGD).
• If the server you want to use for the PHS installation cannot connect to the
Internet, see OpenText Help System - Private Help Server Administration Guide
Once the PHS is installed or upgraded, you can use its Online Help Deployer to
download online helps from the GHS system by entering the help deployment codes
listed below. For more information about using the codes, see OpenText Help System -
Private Help Server Administration Guide (OTHS-AGD).
Code Product
LLESCOR220100-IGD OpenText™ Content Server CE 22.1
Note: This section, and the previous section “Providing the online help on a
local help server (Private Help Server)” on page 118, apply only to the
OpenText Global Help Server help, which is available over the Internet.
For information about the built-in online help that is included in the Content
Server application directory, see “Set Up the Help Environment” on page 116.
To have your Content Server installation call the help topics on your Private Help
1. Follow the instructions to download the Private Help Server and install the
product online help. See the Private Help Server Administration Guide (https://
objAction=browse&viewType=1) for more information. Specifically, see
OpenText Help System - Private Help Server Administration Guide (OTHS-AGD) and
OpenText Help System - Private Help Server Administration Guide (OTHS-AGD).
To download the online help files you will require the help deployment code for
that online help. To find this code, see the “Help deployment codes” section of
that module's guide.
2. Set the URL Root of your Private Help Server on the Configure Smart View
administration page.
2. On the Configure Smart View page, enter the base URL of your Private Help
Server in the URL Root box, as follows:
For example, enter
3. In the Type box, enter a custom help type. The default value is ofh1.
4. In the Tenant box, enter a custom help tenant value.
Tip: Users who will have responsibility for managing the look and feel of
Content Server or for configuring Content Server applications can be
added to the Business Administrators group, which is created on
installation of Content Server. The default Volume, Object, and Usage
privileges of this group allow its users to access various administrative
functions without having the System Administration Rights user
privilege. For more information, see OpenText Content Server - Content
Server Administration (LLESWBA-H-AGD).
Set Permissions
OpenText recommends that you create a folder hierarchy in the Enterprise
Workspace for the various departments in your organization and set the base
permissions on these folders accordingly. For example, create a folder called
Legal and configure it so that only members of the Legal department can view
its contents.
Set Item Creation Privileges
By default, all users have the ability to create all types of Content Server items
except for Content Server LiveReports. Use the Administer Object Privileges
and Administer Usage Privileges administration pages to restrict the creation of
certain types of items to certain users or groups.
Define Password Settings
Using OpenText Directory Services, specify password complexity and expiration
• Month/day/year
• Time displayed according to the 12-hour clock (for example, 1:45 PM)
The OpenText Archive and Storage Services can be used to connect to Archive
Server. Refer to the documentation available for OpenText™ Archive Center on
My Support (
To change the password and set the profile for the Admin user:
1. Logged on as the Admin user, click the My Account menu, and then click
Change Password.
2. On the password change form, enter Admin in the User name box and livelink
in the Old Password box, then enter a new password in the New password and
Confirm boxes.
3. Click Change.
Tip: Record the new password on Section 10.3: “Content Server Installation
Worksheet” on page 145.
• Open the Workflow Volume, which allows you to work with the items stored in
the workflow attachments volume, and to administer access for users without
bypass privileges and Content Server services that are using domains
• Configure Workflow Agent Parameters, which allows you to set the Workflow
Agent schedule and other parameters
• Configure Workflow Parameters, which allows you to set privacy for audit
trails, set defaults for status, and control the use of proxies
To administer access to the Workflow Agent and Item Handler step, on the Content
Server Administration page, in the System Administration section, click
Administer Usage Privileges. See OpenText Content Server Admin Online Help -
Workflow Administration (LLESWFW-H-AGD).
Users must take great care when using the Item Handler step because they can
automatically create, modify, and remove multiple Content Server items. For
example, the Item Handler step's Move/Copy tab allows users to move and rename
Content Server items, and the Versioning tab can be configured to create Versions,
Releases, and Generations of Content Server documents or compound documents. If
users are not familiar with the Item Handler step capabilities or do not take care in
configuring the step, Content Server items may be permanently deleted or altered.
The Content Server Administrator must grant permission to users who want to use
the Item Handler step before they can add an Item Handler step to a workflow. Also,
the Content Server Administrator has the ability to control which Item Handler step
features are available to users.
If you encounter an error or another problem using the Item Handler step and
would like more information about step processing, you can enable Content Server
Workflow to write Item Handler information to the Content Server thread log file,
When the Workflow Agent processes an Item Handler step, it impersonates the user
assigned to the step. The audit trail for all items affected by the step will show the
user’s name even though the user does not initiate the Content Server operations.
Also, you must be sure that the step assignee has the required privileges to complete
all requests defined in the step, or else errors will occur. For example, if you create
an Item Handler step that moves a document from one folder to another folder that
the user does not have privileges to update, the move document request fails.
If the Workflow Agent encounters an error during processing, it sends the step to
the Assignments page of the user assigned to the step. Also, it makes an attempt to
send an email message that alerts Workflow managers and the step performer to the
error, and requests action to correct the problem. In order to send error messages,
the Workflow Agent requires the following:
• The Content Server Administrator must specify the email server SMTP settings
and the sender email address.
• Workflow managers and step assignees must specify their email address in their
Content Server profiles.
An attribute can contain one of the following types of information: text, dates,
integers, real numbers, Boolean values (represented by a check box), and Content
Server item references. The item reference attribute is a special attribute that allows
workflow participants to browse Content Server and select an item. When an item is
selected, the attribute stores the item's unique Content Server object ID. For example,
you can create an item reference named “Item to Review” and specify that
documents and compound documents are the only valid types users can specify.
When a workflow is initiated, a workflow participant can identify information they
want another participant to review by selecting a document or compound
The Content Server Administrator can limit the type of Content Server items users
can select in an item reference by excluding Content Server items by node type ID
from the item reference attribute. “Common Node Type IDs” on page 125 displays a
list of common Content Server node type IDs.
Note: By default, the Content Server Workflow module always excludes all
system volumes and non-displayable containers.
You can scale your Content Server environment by adding instances of Content
Server and connecting them to the database that you created in “Create the Content
Server Database” on page 86.
To accommodate larger numbers of users, you can install new Front-End instances
of Content Server, deploy them behind a load-balancer, and let users access them
with a single URL. For more information, see “Front-End Instances” on page 128.
To handle the load of Content Server agent processing without affecting the overall
responsiveness of your Content Server deployment, you can install one or more
Agent Servers. See, “Agent Servers” on page 129
To increase the capacity of your Search infrastructure, you can install additional
instances of Content Server and deploy them as Additional Admin servers. To do
this, follow the instructions in “Admin Servers” on page 136
Note: The Content Server installer does not let you install more than ten
instances of Content Server on a single Windows server.
1. Stop the Content Server service on the first instance of Content Server.
3. Restart the Content Server service on the first instance of Content Server.
Do not start Content Server until you have completed the following
• Connect to the database that you created during the initial Content Server
installation. Do not create a new database.
• Install exactly the same modules that you installed during the initial Content
Server installation.
• On the Admin Server Configuration page, confirm that the initial Content
Server installation houses the default Admin server.
• When the Configure and Migrate the Search System page appears, click
• You will not see the following pages:
– the Create New Enterprise Data Source page (because the Enterprise Data
Source already exists on the primary Admin server)
– the Status page that displays the progress of the database creation (because
the database has already been created)
– the License Setup page (because you have already applied a valid license to
your entire Content Server environment)
For optimum performance, OpenText recommends that you install only one Content
Server instance on a given computer, especially for a production deployment of
Content Server system. For testing and prototyping with Content Server, you may
find it convenient to install more than one Content Server instance on a given
If you install multiple Content Server instances on one computer, ensure that the
installation folder, URL mappings, server ports, and program folder name of each
instance are unique. In addition, verify that all the data flow processes, search
servers, and index servers associated with each existing Content Server installation
are running. See System Object Administrator in the Content Server Administrator
Online Help.
You can also configure a dedicated Content Server instance to run only the Content
Server agents (without acting as a front-end instance or Admin server). You can do
this during your initial setup of Content Server, or later. It is a common performance
improvement to make to a Content Server implementation that has been running for
some time.
Tip: Agents require the Content Server service to be running, so you cannot
run agents on a standalone Admin server that does not run the Content Server
A Content Server instance that runs the agents for a Content Server cluster is
referred to in this document as an agent server.
Running agents requires additional CPU and memory. It is best to run agents on a
server that is not heavily used. In a highly-scaled environment, you could distribute
the agents and run them on specialized agent servers. A specialized agent server is a
Content Server instance that runs one or several agents, but not every agent that is
used by Content Server. For example, in a workflow-heavy environment, you could
run the wfagent (workflow agent) on a specialized agent server and the rest of the
agents on a different server.
• Although the Content Server Distributed Agent and its workers run as
Content Server agents, agents and Distributed Agents are not synonymous.
A Distributed Agent runs Distributed Agent workers that are also
configured as agents in the opentext.ini file. Only one Distributed Agent
can run at a time in a Content Server cluster, but the Distributed Agent
workers that it controls can run on numerous instances in the cluster. For
information on Distributed Agents, see OpenText Content Server - Distributed
Agent Administration (LLESDA-H-AGD).
• Processes that run as agents normally have a Content Server administration
page where the process can be configured. As much as possible, you should
perform any configurations using the administration page. This section deals
only in the configurations that are necessary to run Content Server agents on
a specific Content Server instance.
The settings that affect agents are found both in the opentext.ini file and in the
Content Server database. In practice, you should only change the settings in the
opentext.ini file. Under normal circumstances, you do not need to make changes
to the database and, in general, OpenText recommends that you do not directly
update the Content Server database.
For any agent to run, EnableAgents must be TRUE in the [options] section of
the opentext.ini file.
For an agent to run, it must appear in the AgentSchedule table in the Content
Server database, with a value of 1 in the Enabled column. This database table is
updated programmatically, so you should not make changes to it directly,
unless OpenText Customer Support advises you to.
In the [loader] section of the opentext.ini file, the verifyAgent is
loaded by its own specialized loader:
The verifyAgent has an agent ID of 12568 that appears in its
configuration section of the opentext.ini file.
CRON=0,5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55 * * * *
The verifyAgent is referred to in the Content Server user interface and
documentation as the Index Verifier.
Information on agent names and IDs can also be found in other places:
The agents and notify threads run multiple specialized agents one after the other.
You can change the collection of agents that the agents and notify threads run by
using the ExcludeActivityIDs and ActivityIDs settings.
The agents thread runs a default set of agents. You cannot add to the default
set, but you can remove an agent from it by adding its agent ID to the
ExcludeActivityIDs setting in the [agents] section of the opentext.ini file.
The notify thread runs the agents whose agent IDs appear after the
ActivityIDs setting in the [notify] section of the opentext.ini file.
Take care when you adjust these parameters. You should use the
ExcludedActivityIDs and ActivityIDs settings to run an agent in either the
agents or notify thread, but it is possible to inadvertently set it to run in both or
neither. The following four combinations are possible, but only the top and bottom
ones are reasonable configurations:
In this example, the Content Move agent (which normally runs in the agents
thread) has been removed from the general agent server. Is is configured to run
in the notify thread on a separate Content Server instance.
# 1964 is the Content Move agent. On this machine, run only the Content Move agent
on the Notify thread.
# Every other agentID that the Notify thread would normally run is handled by the
general agent server.
#1964 = Content Move agent. It is excluded from running in the agents thread on
this instance.
#1964 has been removed from ActivityIDs on this instance so Content Move does not
run in the notify thread.
1. On the computer that you want to make an Additional Admin server, log in as a
user that belongs to the Administrators group.
3. In the Services Control Panel item, configure the Content Server services, as
After you create an Additional Admin server, you need to register it on the Default
Admin server. For information on this step, see “Register an Additional Admin
Server” on page 138.
1. On the host computer that you want to use as an Additional Content Server
host, log on as the user that runs Content Server.
2. Follow the instructions in this guide to install Content Server, but do not start
the Content Server processes when the installation is complete .
3. At the operating system prompt, change to the directory where Content Server
is installed, and start the Content Server Admin process by running ./start_
After you create an Additional Admin server, you need to register it on the Default
Admin server. For information on this step, see “Register an Additional Admin
Server” on page 138.
Note: Do not register an Admin server with more than one Content Server
1. Ensure that the Admin server service is running on the secondary Admin server
a. In the Alias Name box, type a name for the secondary Admin server .
b. In the Host Name box, type the name of the computer where the secondary
Admin server is installed.
c. In the Port Number field, type the port number on which the secondary
Admin server listens.
Tip: The Port Number is the number of the Admin Port that you
entered during installation. (See “Install Content Server on the
Operating System“ on page 51.) Content Server records this port
number in the <Content_Server_Home>/config/opentext.ini file
as the value of the port parameter in the [OTAdmin] section.
d. Type the Admin server password in the Password and Verify Password
e. To have this Admin server manage the storage folder, select the Enable
check box located in the File Cache section and enter the address of the file
cache In the Directory box.
f. Click Add.
This chapter describes how to remove Content Server from a host computer. If you
are upgrading to a newer version of Content Server, it may not be necessary to
uninstall the older version. For more information, see OpenText Content Server -
Upgrade Guide (LLESCOR-IUP).
After the uninstallation process completes, Windows Installer advises you of files or
folders that it could not remove.
1. Stop the Content Server services. Stop your application server, if you have been
using one to run Content Server.
2. Using the Windows application for removing programs (for example, Programs
and Features), select the Content Server installer, and then click Uninstall.
3. Use the utility's Automatic method to remove the Content Server program.
After the uninstallation process completes, Windows Installer advises you of
files or folders that it could not remove.
1. Log in to the Linux host as the user that runs Content Server.
This Appendix contains worksheets on which you can record user names,
passwords, and other important information required for the installation of Content
Server and its supporting software. Select the worksheets that apply to your
database and web server, and then use the Content Server installation worksheet to
track Content Server installation settings. Save the information you record on these
worksheets and store them in a secure place. You will need this information if you
upgrade Content Server.
• Items that have a check mark ( ) in the Required for Installation Column must
be set before you can start the installation of Content Server.
• Items that have a check mark ( ) in the Configured in Content Server are set
during the initial configuration of Content Server.
Absolute path of
tablespace file
Name of Oracle user that
accesses the Content
Server database
Password of Oracle user
that accesses the Content
Server database
PostgreSQL administrator
Password of PostgreSQL
administrator account
Name of PostgreSQL user
that accesses the Content
Server database
Password of PostgreSQL
user that accesses the
Content Server database
• Items that have a check mark ( ) in the Required for Installation Column must
be set before you can start the installation of Content Server.
• If a default value exists for an item, it is listed in the Value column.
1. On Windows, the Content Server service name and the Content Server
URL prefix are the same.
This chapter details the requirements for enabling Syndication as part of your
Content Server installation.
Tip: If you have already installed and licensed Content Server, you can choose
to enable that installation as a primary installation of Syndication by accessing
the Configure Server Parameters page, see i on page 148. Once you enable
Syndication, you will need to apply a Syndication license in OTDS. For more
information, see the OTDS (
open/OTDS) documentation.
1. Install the pre-requisite OpenText™ Directory Services product, and ensure the
a. You must install OTDS as an external installation.
Do not install this instance of OTDS as a replication server. The instance you
install on the primary must be a stand-alone version.
b. Create an OTDS resource for Content Server. In the OTDS documentation
referenced below, see “Configuring a synchronized resource for Content
c. Create a synchronized user partition using Content Web Services. In the
OTDS documentation referenced below, see “Creating a synchronized user
For more information, see the documentation at OpenText Directory Services
( You will need
to follow these instructions in order to configure your Content Server installation
with OTDS.
2. Begin the Content Server installation process as documented in the Content
Server Installation Guide (
llisapi.dll?func=ll&objId=18091763&objAction=browse&viewType=1). Ensure
that you include these next steps during this installation:
a. Syndication does not support the use of a HANA database on the primary
installation of Content Server. Make sure you are using a supported database
for the primary installation, and that the database you choose is not HANA.
b. During the installation you will see the Configure Server Parameters page.
In the System Configuration area, in the Syndication area, do the following:
i. Select the Enable box.
ii. The Remote Site ID field must not be edited. As you are setting up your
primary installation, this field is set by default to zero, 0.
iii. Return to the Content Server Installation Guide to complete the Content
Server instructions necessary to create your database and complete your
c. When, later in the installation of Content Server, you reach the Configure
OTDS Integration Settings page, you must select and configure an external
installation of Directory Services.
d. On the License Setup page, apply your Syndication license.
e. Once the primary installation of Content Server has been completed, sign in
to the admin page, and then proceed to “The primary installation of
Syndication” on page 148. Specifically, you will need to follow the
instructions in “To set primary Syndication parameters” on page 152.
Upload Directory
OpenText recommends that you enter an upload directory in your primary
installation of Content Server Syndication, and that you then create an identical
upload directory in each remote installation of Content Server Syndication.
OpenText recommends that you do not edit the Content Server
Syndication process.
2. On the Content Server System page, click Process Folder.
3. On the Process Folder page, from the Syndication functions menu, choose any
of the following:
Whether the fields on this page are available for input depends on if you are setting
up a primary or a remote installation of Content Server Syndication.
The <fully_qualified_domain_name> must be the name of the default
Admin server. A Content Server service must run on that machine.
You must select a port number that is not in use. If you select a port
number that is in use by another service, clicking Test on this page will
result in a failure.
Two examples of the form you should use for the Local Base URL and Port
1. If the password you entered in this field is ever changed, you must
re-submit that new password on this Configure Syndication Site
Parameters page, click Test Connection and then, if successful,
click Save Changes.
2. OpenText recommends that the password you choose for this field
be the same password that you entered as the OTDS administrator
password. If the password in this field is different from the OTDS
administrator password, the import users and groups step might
fail during the installation of Syndication.
For more information, see OpenText Content Server - Syndication
Admin Help (LLESQDS-H-AGD).
Primary Authorization
The Primary Syndication Service Information area is only relevant if you are
configuring a remote installation of Content Server. If you are configuring a
remote installation of Content Server, the fields in this area are mandatory.
Primary Base URL and Port
Enter the base URL and Port to access the primary installation of Content
Server. The Primary Base URL and Port can be entered in the form: https://
Two examples of the form you should use for the Primary Syndication
Service Base URL are:
HTTPS Configuration
When you set up a Content Server Syndication environment, a new internal
process is installed to Content Server. The Syndication process is installed to the
System Object Volume. The internal Content Server Syndication environment
uses a Jetty web and servlet server that is built into Content Server. By default,
the internal Content Server Syndication server uses a self-signed certificate for
HTTPS communications, but you can configure it to use a different certificate by
entering appropriate values in the Java Key Store settings in the HTTPS
Configuration area.
For information about the default internal process, see OpenText Content Server -
Syndication Administration (LLESQDS-AGD). For information on configuring
Jetty to use a specific certificate, refer to the Jetty documentation. Documentation
for Jetty, which is a third-party software component, is publicly available.
Tip: For an example of the steps you should follow, see “How do I set up
Syndication to use HTTPS?” in OpenText Content Server - Syndication Admin
a. In the Local Base URL and Port field, type the complete URL to this
primary installation of Content Server in your Syndication environment.
For example, type:
If you use https, the HTTPS Configuration area below will be mandatory.
Note: OpenText recommends that you use the fully qualified host
name when providing the syndication service base URL, and that you
do not use localhost.
b. In the Local Content Server Admin Username field, type the userid of a
user with administrative access and privileges to this primary installation
of Content Server.
c. In the Local Content Server Admin Password field, type the password for
the userid you typed in the field above.
d. In the Test Connection Parameters field, to test that you have correctly
entered usernames and passwords, click Test.
3. The Primary Authorization area is only applicable if you are configuring this
installation of Content Server as a remote Syndication. As this procedure
documents setting up a primary installation, this area is not active.
a. In the Java Key Store Location field, type the Java key store location.
b. In the Java Key Store Password field, type the Java key store password.
5. Click Save Changes to save the values you entered and return to the
administration page. Click Reset if you want to reset all fields to the previously
saved values.
1. Install the pre-requisite OpenText™ Directory Services product, and ensure the
a. You must install Directory Services as an external installation on each remote
system. See the OTDS documentation referenced below.
b. The Content Server-required stand-alone OTDS installation must be
configured for replication. During the installation of OTDS, you must
designate it as a replication server of the OTDS product that you installed on
the primary. For more information, see “Replication” in the OTDS
documentation referenced below.
c. Create an OTDS resource for Content Server.
d. Create a non-synchronized user partition.
Make an exact note of the string that you enter in this field as
you will need it for the Activation Pass Key field in the “To set
remote Syndication parameters” on page 160.
Once the remote installation is authenticated using the pass
key, the pass key string is deleted from the primary server.
D. Click Save Changes.
iv. If you have copied the information, you can sign out of your primary
installation of Content Server.
b. Return to your new remote installation, on the Configure Server Parameters
page of the Content Server installation process, in the System Configuration
area do the following:
i. In the Site Name field, type the unique name that you chose to identify
this remote installation in your Syndication environment in the B
on page 154 step.
This field is case sensitive. You must enter the name exactly as you
entered it on the primary.
ii. In the Syndication field, do the following:
A. Select the Enable box.
B. In the Remote Site ID field, type the number that was generated on
your primary in the A on page 154 step.
C. When you reach the Configure OTDS Integration Settings page,
you must select an external installation of Directory Services. You
must also choose to install and configure Directory Services as a
replication server of the Directory Services server that you installed
on the primary. For information about Directory Services replication,
see “Replication” in the OpenText Directory Services - Installation and
Administration Guide (OTDS-IWC) in OpenText My Support (https://
D. On the remote installation, return to the OpenText Content Server -
Installation Guide (LLESCOR-IGD) to complete the Content Server
instructions necessary to create your database and complete your
E. During the installation of Content Server, you do not need to apply a
license to this remote site. The next step in this process will apply the
Syndication license from the primary to this remote site.
c. Once the installation of Content Server has completed you need to restart the
Content Server servers on this remote installation. This is required in order
for the remote site to pick up the Syndication license that was applied at the
primary site. For information about restarting the servers, see OpenText
Content Server - Content Server Administration (LLESWBA-H-AGD).
d. Proceed to “A remote installation of Syndication” on page 155 to complete
the setup of this remote installation.
Upload Directory
OpenText recommends that you enter an upload directory in your primary
installation of Content Server Syndication, and that you then create an identical
upload directory in each remote installation of Content Server Syndication.
Content Server Notifications
After you install any instance of Content Server Syndication, it is a good idea to
check to verify that Content Server Notification is enabled.
Content Server Syndication Process
When a Content Server installation is enabled as part of a Content Server
Syndication environment, a new Content Server Syndication process is created
in the System Object Volume's Process Folder, called “Syndication”. All
Content Server Syndication installations, the primary and each remote, will have
this process.
OpenText recommends that you do not edit this process.
OpenText recommends that you do not edit the Content Server
Syndication process.
2. On the Content Server System page, click Process Folder.
3. On the Process Folder page, from the Syndication functions menu, choose any
of the following:
Whether the fields on this page are available for input depends on if you are setting
up a primary or a remote installation of Content Server Syndication.
Enter the base URL and port to access this installation of Content Server.
The Local Base URL and Port can be entered in the form: https://
The <fully_qualified_domain_name> must be the name of the default
Admin server. A Content Server service must run on that machine.
You must select a port number that is not in use. If you select a port
number that is in use by another service, clicking Test on this page will
result in a failure.
Two examples of the form you should use for the Local Base URL and Port
Primary Authorization
The Primary Syndication Service Information area is only relevant if you are
configuring a remote installation of Content Server. If you are configuring a
remote installation of Content Server, the fields in this area are mandatory.
HTTPS Configuration
When you set up a Content Server Syndication environment, a new internal
process is installed to Content Server. The Syndication process is installed to the
System Object Volume. The internal Content Server Syndication environment
uses a Jetty web and servlet server that is built into Content Server. By default,
the internal Content Server Syndication server uses a self-signed certificate for
HTTPS communications, but you can configure it to use a different certificate by
entering appropriate values in the Java Key Store settings in the HTTPS
Configuration area.
For information about the default internal process, see OpenText Content Server -
Syndication Administration (LLESQDS-AGD). For information on configuring
Jetty to use a specific certificate, refer to the Jetty documentation. Documentation
for Jetty, which is a third-party software component, is publicly available.
Tip: For an example of the steps you should follow, see “How do I set up
Syndication to use HTTPS?” in OpenText Content Server - Syndication Admin
a. In the Local Base URL and Port field, type the complete URL to this remote
system. For example, type:
Note: OpenText recommends that you use the fully qualified host
name when providing the synchronization service base URL, and that
you do not use localhost.
b. In the Local Content Server Admin Username field, type the userid of a
user with administrative access and privileges to this remote installation of
Content Server.
c. In the Local Content Server Admin Password field, type the password for
the userid you typed in the field above.
d. In the Test Connection Parameters field, to test that you have correctly
entered usernames and passwords, click Test.
3. In the Primary Authorization area, because you are configuring this installation
of Content Server as a remote system, do the following:
a. In the Primary Base URL and Port field, type the base URL that will access
the primary installation of Content Server. For example, type: https://
b. In the Activation Pass key field, type the unique pass key that allows
access by this remote installation to the primary installation of Content
You can find this information in C on page 154.
c. In the Primary Content Server Admin Username field, type the username
of a user with administrative access and privileges on the primary
installation of Content Server.
d. In the Primary Content Server Admin Password field, type the password
for the user you entered above.
a. In the Java Key Store Location field, type the Java key store location.
b. In the Java Key Store Password field, type the Java key store password.
5. Click Save Changes to save the values you entered and return to the
administration page. Click Reset if you want to reset all fields to the previously
saved values.
6. Because all users and groups are created on the primary installation of Content
Server, you must now import user and group data from the primary to this
remote installation. See “Importing users and groups on a remote system”
on page 161.
If you intend installing any optional Content Server modules, and if any of
these optional modules extend the user schema, you must install and
configure those modules before you import user and group data.
Note: This action will import all user and group data from your
environment's primary installation of Content Server to this remote
installation. Depending on the number of users and groups on your
primary installation, an import could take some time. This action should
only be performed once, during the initial setup of this remote installation.
2. On the Users and Groups Data Import page, if you want to import user and
group data from the primary installation of Content Server, select the box, and
then click Next.
2. On the Consolidate a User or Group page, in the User or Group ID field, type
the ID of the user or group you want to consolidate, and then click Next.