OM m1 and 2
OM m1 and 2
OM m1 and 2
Operations managers spend more time on The essence of the operations function is
system operation decisions than any other to add value during the transformation
decision area and they still have a vital stake in process is the term used to describe the
system design. difference between the cost of inputs and the
value or price of outputs. In nonprofit
Lastly, the operations manager is the key figure organizations, the value of outputs (e.g.,
in the system. highway construction, police, and fire
protection) is their value to society; the greater
III. Role of the Operations Manager – as to the value-added, the greater the effectiveness
Supply and Demand of these operations. In for-profit organizations,
the value of outputs is measured by the prices
Supply Chains and operations sides deal with that customers are willing to pay for those
the supply and the sales and marketing on the goods or services.
Firms use the money generated by value-
Note: added for research and development,
investment in new facilities and equipment,
if Supply > demand = Wasteful and worker salaries, and profits. Consequently, the
CostlyWasteful, Costly greater the value-added, the greater the
if Supply < demand = Opportunity number of funds available for these purposes.
Loss , Customer Dissatisfaction Value can also be psychological, as
if Supply = demand = Ideal for the in branding.
Module 2
IV. Role of the Operations Manager – as to
Supply Chain Introduction
Supply Chain – a sequence of activities and A business can effectively compete in the
organizations involved in producing and marketplace with a good product and service
delivering a good or service design. A product that the company can
produce efficiently and satisfies the needs or
Supply chains are both external and internal to wants of customers is certain to bring profits.
the organization. The external parts of a supply Designing products is process that a company
chain provide raw materials, parts, equipment, should continuously do to achieve long-term
supplies, and/or other inputs to the success and is commonly done through a
organization, and they deliver outputs that are research and development department.
goods to the organization’s customers. The
internal parts of a supply chain are part of the A new design for a product can be proposed by
operations function itself, supplying operations the company’s owner, employee, customer and
with parts and materials, performing work on supplier. It can even be inspired by a
products and/or services, and passing the work competitor’s product. The company should be
on to the next step in the process. open to accepting new ideas and should be
willing to invest in its research and
The figure above provides another illustration development. Successful companies are
of a supply chain: a chain that begins with known to make their research and
wheat growing on a farm and ends with a development department work with operations
customer buying a loaf of bread in a and purchasing departments to ensure that
supermarket. Notice that the value of the products in development can be produced by
product increases as it moves through the the company’s facilities and that the
supply chain components needed can be sourced from
V. Role of the Operations Manager – as
to Transformation Process Concepts in Product and Service Design