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Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide,

Release 6.x
First Published: April 09, 2013
Last Modified: June 16, 2014

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Text Part Number: OL-29480-06



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Any Internet Protocol (IP) addresses and phone numbers used in this document are not intended to be actual addresses and phone numbers. Any examples, command display output, network
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Preface Preface xi
Audience xi
Document Conventions xi
Related Documentation for Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Software xii
Documentation Feedback xiii
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request xiv

CHAPTER 1 New and Changed Information 1

New and Changed Information in this Release 1

CHAPTER 2 Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces 5

Information About Ethernet Interfaces 5
Interface Command 5
Unidirectional Link Detection Parameter 6
Default UDLD Configuration 7
UDLD Aggressive and Nonaggressive Modes 7
Interface Speed 8
40-Gigabit Ethernet Interface Speed 8
Port Modes 8
SVI Autostate 9
Cisco Discovery Protocol 10
Default CDP Configuration 10
Error-Disabled State 10
Default Interfaces 11
Debounce Timer Parameters 11
MTU Configuration 12
Downlink Delay 12

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Default Physical Ethernet Settings 12

Configuring Ethernet Interfaces 13
Configuring the UDLD Mode 13
Triggering the Link State Consistency Checker 14
Changing an Interface Port Mode 14
Configuring the Interface Speed 16
Configuring Break-Out 10-Gigabit Interface Speed Ports 17
Configuring Break-In 40-Gigabit Ethernet Interface Speed Ports 18
Switching Between QSFP and SFP+ Ports 18
Disabling Link Negotiation 19
Disabling SVI Autostate 20
Configuring a Default Interface 21
Configuring the CDP Characteristics 21
Enabling or Disabling CDP 22
Enabling the Error-Disabled Detection 23
Enabling the Error-Disabled Recovery 24
Configuring the Error-Disabled Recovery Interval 25
Disabling the Error-Disabled Recovery 25
Configuring the Debounce Timer 26
Configuring the Description Parameter 27
Disabling and Restarting Ethernet Interfaces 27
Configuring Downlink Delay 28
Displaying Interface Information 28
Displaying Input Packet Discard Information 30
MIBs for Layer 2 Interfaces 31

CHAPTER 3 Configuring Layer 3 Interfaces 33

Information About Layer 3 Interfaces 33
Routed Interfaces 34
Subinterfaces 34
VLAN Interfaces 35
Loopback Interfaces 36
Tunnel Interfaces 36
Licensing Requirements for Layer 3 Interfaces 36
Guidelines and Limitations for Layer 3 Interfaces 36

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iv OL-29480-06

Default Settings for Layer 3 Interfaces 37

SVI Autostate Disable 37
DHCP Client Discovery on SVIs 37
Limitations for Using DHCP Client Discovery on SVIs 37
Configuring Layer 3 Interfaces 38
Configuring a Routed Interface 38
Configuring a Subinterface 39
Configuring the Bandwidth on an Interface 40
Configuring a VLAN Interface 40
Configuring a Loopback Interface 41
Assigning an Interface to a VRF 42
Configuring an Interface MAC Address 43
Configuring SVI Autostate Disable 43
Configuring a DHCP client on an SVI 44
Verifying the Layer 3 Interfaces Configuration 45
Triggering the Layer 3 Interface Consistency Checker 46
Monitoring Layer 3 Interfaces 46
Configuration Examples for Layer 3 Interfaces 47
Related Documents for Layer 3 Interfaces 48
MIBs for Layer 3 Interfaces 48
Standards for Layer 3 Interfaces 49
Feature History for Layer 3 Interfaces 49

CHAPTER 4 Configuring Port Channels 51

Information About Port Channels 51
Understanding Port Channels 52
Compatibility Requirements 52
Load Balancing Using Port Channels 54
Resilient Hashing 55
Hashing for NVGRE Traffic 56
Symmetric Hashing 56
Understanding LACP 57
LACP Overview 57
LACP ID Parameters 57
Channel Modes 58

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LACP Marker Responders 59

LACP-Enabled and Static Port Channel Differences 59
LACP Port Channel MinLinks 60
Configuring Port Channels 60
Creating a Port Channel 60
Adding a Port to a Port Channel 61
Configuring Load Balancing Using Port Channels 62
Configuring Hardware Hashing for Multicast Traffic 63
Enabling LACP 63
Configuring the Channel Mode for a Port 64
Configuring LACP Port Channel MinLinks 65
Configuring the LACP Fast Timer Rate 66
Configuring the LACP System Priority and System ID 67
Configuring the LACP Port Priority 67
Verifying Port Channel Configuration 68
Triggering the Port Channel Membership Consistency Checker 68
Verifying the Load-Balancing Outgoing Port ID 69
Feature History for Port Channels 70

CHAPTER 5 Configuring IP Tunnels 71

Information About IP Tunnels 71
GRE Tunnels 72
Point-to-Point IP-in-IP Tunnel Encapsulation and Decapsulation 72
Multi-Point IP-in-IP Tunnel Decapsulation 72
Licensing Requirements for IP Tunnels 73
Prerequisites for IP Tunnels 73
Guidelines and Limitations for IP Tunnels 73
Default Settings for IP Tunneling 74
Configuring IP Tunnels 74
Enabling Tunneling 74
Creating a Tunnel Interface 75
Configuring a Tunnel Interface Based on Policy Based Routing 76
Configuring a Tunnel Interface 77
Assigning VRF Membership to a Tunnel Interface 78
Verifying the IP Tunnel Configuration 78

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Configuration Examples for IP Tunneling 79

Related Documents for IP Tunnels 79
Standards for IP Tunnels 79
Feature History for Configuring IP Tunnels 80

CHAPTER 6 Configuring VXLANs 81

Overview 81
VXLAN Overview 81
VXLAN Encapsulation and Packet Format 82
VXLAN Tunnel Endpoints 82
VXLAN Packet Forwarding Flow 83
VXLAN Implementation on Cisco Nexus 3100 Series Switches 83
Layer 2 Mechanisms for Broadcast, Unknown Unicast, and Multicast Traffic 83
Layer 2 Mechanisms for Unicast-Learned Traffic 83
VXLAN Layer 2 Gateway as a Transit Multicast Router 84
ECMP and LACP Load Sharing with VXLANs 84
Guidelines and Limitations for VXLANs 85
Considerations for VXLAN Deployment 85
vPC Guidelines and Limitations for VXLAN Deployment 86
Configuring VXLAN Traffic Forwarding 87
Enabling and Configuring the PIM Feature 87
Configuring a Rendezvous Point 88
Enabling a VXLAN 89
Mapping a VLAN to a VXLAN VNI 89
Configuring a Routing Protocol for NVE Unicast Addresses 90
Creating a VXLAN Destination UDP Port 91
Creating and Configuring an NVE Interface 92
Configuring Replication for a VNI 92
Configuring Multicast Replication 92
Configuring Ingress Replication 93
Verifying the VXLAN Configuration 93
Displaying MAC Addresses 95
Clearing MAC Addresses 99

CHAPTER 7 Configuring Virtual Port Channels 101

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Information About vPCs 101

vPC Overview 101
Terminology 102
vPC Terminology 102
vPC Domain 103
Peer-Keepalive Link and Messages 103
Compatibility Parameters for vPC Peer Links 104
Configuration Parameters That Must Be Identical 104
Configuration Parameters That Should Be Identical 105
Per-VLAN Consistency Check 106
vPC Auto-Recovery 106
vPC Peer Links 106
vPC Peer Link Overview 106
vPC Number 107
vPC Interactions with Other Features 108
vPC and LACP 108
vPC Peer Links and STP 108
CFSoE 109
Guidelines and Limitations for vPCs 109
Verifying the vPC Configuration 110
Viewing the Graceful Type-1 Check Status 110
Viewing a Global Type-1 Inconsistency 111
Viewing an Interface-Specific Type-1 Inconsistency 112
Viewing a Per-VLAN Consistency Status 113
vPC Default Settings 115
Configuring vPCs 115
Enabling vPCs 115
Disabling vPCs 116
Creating a vPC Domain 116
Configuring a vPC Keepalive Link and Messages 117
Creating a vPC Peer Link 119
Checking the Configuration Compatibility 120
Enabling vPC Auto-Recovery 121
Configuring the Restore Time Delay 122
Excluding VLAN Interfaces from Shutting Down a vPC Peer Link Fails 122

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Configuring the VRF Name 123

Moving Other Port Channels into a vPC 124
Manually Configuring a vPC Domain MAC Address 124
Manually Configuring the System Priority 125
Manually Configuring a vPC Peer Switch Role 126

CHAPTER 8 Configuring Q-in-Q VLAN Tunnels 129

Information About Q-in-Q Tunnels 129
Native VLAN Hazard 131
Information About Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling 132
Licensing Requirements for Q-in-Q Tunnels 135
Guidelines and Limitations for Q-in-Q Tunneling 135
Configuring Q-in-Q Tunnels and Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling 136
Creating a 802.1Q Tunnel Port 136
Enabling the Layer 2 Protocol Tunnel 137
Configuring Thresholds for Layer 2 Protocol Tunnel Ports 138
Verifying the Q-in-Q Configuration 139
Configuration Example for Q-in-Q and Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling 139
Feature History for Q-in-Q Tunnels and Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling 140

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Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
x OL-29480-06
This preface contains the following sections:

• Audience, page xi
• Document Conventions, page xi
• Related Documentation for Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Software, page xii
• Documentation Feedback, page xiii
• Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request, page xiv

This publication is for network administrators who configure and maintain Cisco Nexus devices.

Document Conventions
Command descriptions use the following conventions:

Convention Description
bold Bold text indicates the commands and keywords that you enter literally
as shown.

Italic Italic text indicates arguments for which the user supplies the values.

[x] Square brackets enclose an optional element (keyword or argument).

[x | y] Square brackets enclosing keywords or arguments separated by a vertical

bar indicate an optional choice.

{x | y} Braces enclosing keywords or arguments separated by a vertical bar

indicate a required choice.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 xi
Related Documentation for Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Software

Convention Description
[x {y | z}] Nested set of square brackets or braces indicate optional or required
choices within optional or required elements. Braces and a vertical bar
within square brackets indicate a required choice within an optional

variable Indicates a variable for which you supply values, in context where italics
cannot be used.

string A nonquoted set of characters. Do not use quotation marks around the
string or the string will include the quotation marks.

Examples use the following conventions:

Convention Description
screen font Terminal sessions and information the switch displays are in screen font.

boldface screen font Information you must enter is in boldface screen font.

italic screen font Arguments for which you supply values are in italic screen font.

<> Nonprinting characters, such as passwords, are in angle brackets.

[] Default responses to system prompts are in square brackets.

!, # An exclamation point (!) or a pound sign (#) at the beginning of a line

of code indicates a comment line.

This document uses the following conventions:

Note Means reader take note. Notes contain helpful suggestions or references to material not covered in the

Caution Means reader be careful. In this situation, you might do something that could result in equipment damage
or loss of data.

Related Documentation for Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS

The entire Cisco NX-OS 3000 Series documentation set is available at the following URL:

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
xii OL-29480-06
Documentation Feedback


Release Notes
The release notes are available at the following URL:

Installation and Upgrade Guides

The installation and upgrade guides are available at the following URL:

License Information
For information about feature licenses in NX-OS, see the Cisco NX-OS Licensing Guide, available at the
following URL: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/switches/datacenter/sw/nx-os/licensing/guide/b_Cisco_
For the NX-OS end user agreement and copyright information, see License and Copyright Information for
Cisco NX-OS Software, available at the following URL: http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/switches/datacenter/

Configuration Guides
The configuration guides are available at the following URL:

Programming Guides
The XML Interface User Guide and other programming guides are available at the following URL:

Technical References
The technical references are available at the following URL:

Error and System Messages

The error and system message reference guides are available at the following URL:

Documentation Feedback
To provide technical feedback on this document, or to report an error or omission, please send your comments
[email protected]

We appreciate your feedback.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 xiii
Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request

Obtaining Documentation and Submitting a Service Request

For information on obtaining documentation, using the Cisco Bug Search Tool (BST), submitting a service
request, and gathering additional information, see What's New in Cisco Product Documentation, at: http://
Subscribe to What's New in Cisco Product Documentation, which lists all new and revised Cisco technical
documentation, as an RSS feed and deliver content directly to your desktop using a reader application. The
RSS feeds are a free service.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
xiv OL-29480-06
New and Changed Information
This chapter contains the following sections:

• New and Changed Information in this Release, page 1

New and Changed Information in this Release

The following table provides an overview of the significant changes made to this configuration guide. The
table does not provide an exhaustive list of all changes made to this guide or all new features in a particular

Feature Description Added or Changed in Where Documented

VXLAN VXLANs extend Layer 2 6.0(2)U3(2) Configuring VXLANs,
networks across the Layer on page 81
3 infrastructure using
encapsulation and
tunneling for Cisco Nexus
3100 Series switches.

Resilient Hashing Added support for Cisco 6.0(2)U3(1) Resilient Hashing, on

Nexus 3172 switches. page 55
Resilient hashing maps
traffic flows to physical
ports and redistributes
traffic from failed links
uniformly across the
working links.

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OL-29480-06 1
New and Changed Information
New and Changed Information in this Release

Feature Description Added or Changed in Where Documented

Downlink Delay This feature enables you 6.0(2)U3(1) Downlink Delay, on page
to operationally enable 12
uplink SFP+ ports before
downlink RJ-45 ports
after a reload on a Cisco
Nexus 3048 switch.

DHCP Client You can now configure 6.0(2)U3(1) DHCP Client Discovery
configuration on SVIs the IP address of a DHCP on SVIs, on page 37
client by using the ip
address dhcp command.

Dynamic Port Breakout The dynamic breakout 6.0(2)U2(3) Port Modes, on page 8
for Cisco Nexus 3172 feature is now supported
by Cisco Nexus 3172.

Symmetric Hashing Symmetric hashing 6.0(2)U2(3) Symmetric Hashing, on

enables bidirectional page 56
traffic to use the same
physical interface and
maps each physical
interface in the port
channel to a set of flows.

Resilient Hashing Resilient hashing maps 6.0(2)U2(1) Resilient Hashing, on

traffic flows to physical page 55
ports and redistributes
traffic from failed links
uniformly across the
working links.

Hashing for NVGRE Hashing for NVGRE 6.0(2)U2(1) Hashing for NVGRE
Traffic traffic allows the switch Traffic, on page 56
to include the GRE Key
field present in the GRE
header in hash
computations when
NVGRE traffic is
forwarded over a port
channel or an Equal Cost
Multipath (ECMP).

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2 OL-29480-06
New and Changed Information
New and Changed Information in this Release

Feature Description Added or Changed in Where Documented

Dynamic Port Breakout The dynamic port 6.0(2)U2(1) 40-Gigabit Ethernet
for Cisco Nexus 3132 breakout feature enables: Interface Speed, on page
• A 40-GbE port to
break out into four
10-GbE ports
• Four 10-GbE ports
to break into a
40-GbE port

Consistency Checkers The following 6.0(2)U2(1)

consistency checkers • Triggering the Port
were introduced to check
for consistency and
display the results:
Checker, on page
• Port Channel 68
• Triggering the
Layer 3 Interface
• Layer 3 Interface Checker, on page
Consistency 46
• Triggering the Link
• Link State State Consistency
Consistency Checker, on page
Checker 14

SVI Autostate Disable The SVI Autostate 6.0(2)U2(1) SVI Autostate Disable,
Disable feature enables on page 37
the Switch Virtual
Interface (SVI) to be in
the “up” state even if no
interface is in the “up”
state in the corresponding

IP-in-IP encapsulation The IP-in-IP 6.0(2)U2(1) Configuring IP Tunnels,

and decapsulation tunnel encapsulation and on page 71
support decapsulation tunnel
support allows you to
configure the way in
which encapsulated
packets are sent from and
delivered to tunnel

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 3
New and Changed Information
New and Changed Information in this Release

Feature Description Added or Changed in Where Documented

Reset interface The default interface 6.0(2)U2(1) Default Interfaces, on
configuration to the command allows you to page 11
default configuration reset an interface to its Configuring a Default
default configuration. Interface, on page 21

Allow mac-address You can change the 6.0(2)U2(1)

change for SVI and default MAC address of • Routed Interfaces,
on page 34
routed port the Layer 3 interface by
using the mac-address • Configuring an
command from the Interface MAC
interface configuration Address, on page
mode. 43

Configuring Q-in-Q Added support for Q-inQ 6.0(2)U1(1) Configuring Q-in-Q

VLAN Tunnels VLAN tunnels. VLAN Tunnels, on page

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
4 OL-29480-06
Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
This chapter contains the following sections:

• Information About Ethernet Interfaces, page 5

• Default Physical Ethernet Settings , page 12
• Configuring Ethernet Interfaces, page 13
• Displaying Interface Information, page 28
• Displaying Input Packet Discard Information, page 30
• MIBs for Layer 2 Interfaces, page 31

Information About Ethernet Interfaces

The Ethernet ports can operate as standard Ethernet interfaces connected to servers or to a LAN.
The Ethernet interfaces are enabled by default.

Interface Command
You can enable the various capabilities of the Ethernet interfaces on a per-interface basis using the interface
command. When you enter the interface command, you specify the following information:
• Interface type—All physical Ethernet interfaces use the ethernet keyword.
• Slot number:
◦Slot 1 includes all the fixed ports.
◦Slot 2 includes the ports on the upper expansion module (if populated).
◦Slot 3 includes the ports on the lower expansion module (if populated).
◦Slot 4 includes the ports on the lower expansion module (if populated).

• Port number— Port number within the group.

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Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
Unidirectional Link Detection Parameter

The interface numbering convention is extended to support use with a Cisco Nexus Fabric Extender as follows:
switch(config)# interface ethernet [chassis/]slot/port
• The chassis ID is an optional entry that you can use to address the ports of a connected Fabric Extender.
The chassis ID is configured on a physical Ethernet or EtherChannel interface on the switch to identify
the Fabric Extender discovered through the interface. The chassis ID ranges from 100 to 199.

Unidirectional Link Detection Parameter

The Cisco-proprietary Unidirectional Link Detection (UDLD) protocol allows ports that are connected through
fiber optics or copper (for example, Category 5 cabling) Ethernet cables to monitor the physical configuration
of the cables and detect when a unidirectional link exists. When the switch detects a unidirectional link, UDLD
shuts down the affected LAN port and alerts the user. Unidirectional links can cause a variety of problems,
including spanning tree topology loops.
UDLD is a Layer 2 protocol that works with the Layer 1 protocols to determine the physical status of a link.
At Layer 1, autonegotiation takes care of physical signaling and fault detection. UDLD performs tasks that
autonegotiation cannot perform, such as detecting the identities of neighbors and shutting down misconnected
LAN ports. When you enable both autonegotiation and UDLD, Layer 1 and Layer 2 detections work together
to prevent physical and logical unidirectional connections and the malfunctioning of other protocols.
A unidirectional link occurs whenever traffic transmitted by the local device over a link is received by the
neighbor but traffic transmitted from the neighbor is not received by the local device. If one of the fiber strands
in a pair is disconnected, and if autonegotiation is active, the link does not stay up. In this case, the logical
link is undetermined, and UDLD does not take any action. If both fibers are working normally at Layer 1,
then UDLD at Layer 2 determines whether those fibers are connected correctly and whether traffic is flowing
bidirectionally between the correct neighbors. This check cannot be performed by autonegotiation, because
autonegotiation operates at Layer 1.
A Cisco Nexus device periodically transmits UDLD frames to neighbor devices on LAN ports with UDLD
enabled. If the frames are echoed back within a specific time frame and they lack a specific acknowledgment
(echo), the link is flagged as unidirectional and the LAN port is shut down. Devices on both ends of the link
must support UDLD in order for the protocol to successfully identify and disable unidirectional links.

Note By default, UDLD is locally disabled on copper LAN ports to avoid sending unnecessary control traffic
on this type of media.

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6 OL-29480-06
Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
Unidirectional Link Detection Parameter

The following figure shows an example of a unidirectional link condition. Device B successfully receives
traffic from Device A on the port. However, Device A does not receive traffic from Device B on the same
port. UDLD detects the problem and disables the port.

Figure 1: Unidirectional Link

Default UDLD Configuration

The following table shows the default UDLD configuration.

Table 1: UDLD Default Configuration

Feature Default Value

UDLD global enable state Globally disabled

UDLD aggressive mode Disabled

UDLD per-port enable state for fiber-optic media Enabled on all Ethernet fiber-optic LAN ports

UDLD per-port enable state for twisted-pair (copper) Disabled on all Ethernet 10/100 and 1000BASE-TX
media LAN ports

UDLD Aggressive and Nonaggressive Modes

UDLD aggressive mode is disabled by default. You can configure UDLD aggressive mode only on
point-to-point links between network devices that support UDLD aggressive mode. If UDLD aggressive mode
is enabled, when a port on a bidirectional link that has a UDLD neighbor relationship established stops
receiving UDLD frames, UDLD tries to reestablish the connection with the neighbor. After eight failed retries,
the port is disabled.
To prevent spanning tree loops, nonaggressive UDLD with the default interval of 15 seconds is fast enough
to shut down a unidirectional link before a blocking port transitions to the forwarding state (with default
spanning tree parameters).
When you enable the UDLD aggressive mode, the following occurs:
• One side of a link has a port stuck (both transmission and receive)
• One side of a link remains up while the other side of the link is down

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Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
Interface Speed

In these cases, the UDLD aggressive mode disables one of the ports on the link, which prevents traffic from
being discarded.

Interface Speed
Cisco Nexus 3000 Series switches have a number of fixed 10-Gigabit ports; each is equipped with SFP+
interface adapters. Cisco Nexus 3100 Series switches have 32 Quad Same Factor Pluggable (QSFP) ports and
4 SFP+ interface adapters. The default speed for these 32 ports is 40 Gbps.

40-Gigabit Ethernet Interface Speed

You can operate QSFP ports as either 40-Gigabit Ethernet or 4 x10-Gigabit Ethernet modes on Cisco Nexus
3132 and Cisco Nexus 3172 switches. By default, there are 32 ports in the 40-Gigabit Ethernet mode. These
40-Gigabit Ethernet ports are numbered in a 2-tuple naming convention. For example, the second 40-Gigabit
Ethernet port is numbered as 1/2. The process of changing the configuration from 40-Gigabit Ethernet to
10-Gigabit Ethernet is called breakout and the process of changing the configuration from 10-Gigabit Ethernet
to Gigabit Ethernet is called breakin. When you break out a 40-Gigabit Ethernet port into 10-Gigabit Ethernet
ports, the resulting ports are numbered using a 3-tuple naming convention. For example, the break-out ports
of the second 40-Gigabit Ethernet port are numbered as 1/2/1, 1/2/2, 1/2/3, 1/2/4.
You can break out the 40-Gigabit Ethernet port into four 10-Gigabit Ethernet ports by using the speed 10000
command and using a splitter cable to connect to multiple peer switches. You can break in four 10-Gigabit
Ethernet ports to a 40-Gigabit Ethernet port by using the speed 40000 command. The configuration change
from 40-Gigabit Ethernet to 10-Gigabit Ethernet and from 10-Gigabit Ethernet to 40-Gigabit Ethernet takes
effect immediately. You do not need to reload the switch. A QSFP transceiver security check is also performed.

Note When you break out from 40-Gigabit Ethernet to 10-Gigabit Ethernet, or break in from 10-Gigabit Ethernet
to 40-Gigabit Ethernet, all interface configurations are reset, and the affected ports are administratively
unavailable. To make these ports available, use the no shut command.
The ability to break out a 40-Gigabit Ethernet port into four 10-Gigabit Ethernet ports and break in four
10-Gigabit Ethernet ports into a 40-Gigabit Ethernet port dynamically allows you to use any of the
breakout-capable ports to work in the 40-Gigabit Ethernet or 10-Gigabit Ethernet modes without permanently
defining them.
For Cisco Nexus 3132Q switches, when the Ethernet interface 1/1 is in the 40-Gigabit Ethernet mode, the
first QSFP port is active. After breakout, when the Ethernet interface 1/1/1-4 is in the 10-Gigabit Ethernet
mode, you can choose to use either QSFP ports or SFP+ ports. However, both the first QSFP port and the
four SFP+ ports cannot be active at the same time.

Port Modes
Cisco Nexus 3100 Series switches have various port modes. In Cisco NX-OS Release 6.0(2)U(2)1, only the
Cisco Nexus 3132Q switch has port modes that support breakout. Cisco NX-OS Release 6.0(2)U(3)1 introduces
breakout port modes for the Cisco Nexus 3172PQ and 3172CR switches.

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Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
SVI Autostate

Nexus 3100 Ports Port Modes

Cisco Nexus 32 x QSFP ports and 4 SFP+ The following is the default port mode and does not
3132Q ports support breakout:
• Fixed32x40G

The following port modes support breakout:

• 32x40G—This is an oversubscribed port mode. All
32 ports are oversubscribed and the first 24 QSFP
ports are break-out capable. You cannot enter the
speed 10000 command on ports 25 through 32.
• 26x40G—This is an oversubscribed port mode. Of
the 26 ports, 12 ports are nonoversubscribed
(cut-through). These ports are 2,4 to 8,14,and 16
to 20. The remaining 14 ports are oversubscribed.
All available QSFP ports are break-out capable.
• 24x40G—This is the only nonoversubscribed
(cut-through) mode. All available QSFP ports are
break-out capable.

Cisco Nexus 6 x QSFP ports and 48 SFP+ The following is the default port mode and supports
3172PQ and ports breakout:
Cisco Nexus
3172CR • 48x10G+breakout6x40G

The following are the fixed port modes that do not

support breakout:
• 48x10G+6x40G
• 72x10G

SVI Autostate
The Switch Virtual Interface (SVI) represents a logical interface between the bridging function and the routing
function of a VLAN in the device. By default, when a VLAN interface has multiple ports in the VLAN, the
SVI goes to the down state when all the ports in the VLAN go down.
Autostate behavior is the operational state of an interface that is governed by the state of the various ports in
its corresponding VLAN. An SVI interface on a VLAN comes up when there is at least one port in that vlan
that is in STP forwarding state. Similarly, this interface goes down when the last STP forwarding port goes
down or goes to another STP state.
By default, Autostate calculation is enabled. You can disable Autostate calculation for an SVI interface and
change the default value.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 9
Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
Cisco Discovery Protocol

Note Nexus 3000 Series switches do not support bridging between two VLANs when an SVI for one VLAN
exists on the same device as the bridging link. Traffic coming into the device and bound for the SVI is
dropped as a IPv4 discard. This is because the BIA MAC address is shared across VLANs/SVIs with no
option to modify the MAC of the SVI.

Cisco Discovery Protocol

The Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) is a device discovery protocol that runs over Layer 2 (the data link layer)
on all Cisco-manufactured devices (routers, bridges, access servers, and switches) and allows network
management applications to discover Cisco devices that are neighbors of already known devices. With CDP,
network management applications can learn the device type and the Simple Network Management Protocol
(SNMP) agent address of neighboring devices that are running lower-layer, transparent protocols. This feature
enables applications to send SNMP queries to neighboring devices.
CDP runs on all media that support Subnetwork Access Protocol (SNAP). Because CDP runs over the data-link
layer only, two systems that support different network-layer protocols can learn about each other.
Each CDP-configured device sends periodic messages to a multicast address, advertising at least one address
at which it can receive SNMP messages. The advertisements also contain time-to-live, or holdtime information,
which is the length of time a receiving device holds CDP information before discarding it. Each device also
listens to the messages sent by other devices to learn about neighboring devices.
The switch supports both CDP Version 1 and Version 2.

Default CDP Configuration

The following table shows the default CDP configuration.

Table 2: Default CDP Configuration

Feature Default Setting

CDP interface state Enabled

CDP timer (packet update frequency) 60 seconds

CDP holdtime (before discarding) 180 seconds

CDP Version-2 advertisements Enabled

Error-Disabled State
An interface is in the error-disabled (err-disabled) state when the inteface is enabled administratively (using
the no shutdown command) but disabled at runtime by any process. For example, if UDLD detects a
unidirectional link, the interface is shut down at runtime. However, because the interface is administratively
enabled, the interface status displays as err-disabled. Once an interface goes into the err-disabled state, you

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
10 OL-29480-06
Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
Default Interfaces

must manually reenable it or you can configure an automatic timeout recovery value. The err-disabled detection
is enabled by default for all causes. The automatic recovery is not configured by default.
When an interface is in the err-disabled state, use the errdisable detect cause command to find information
about the error.
You can configure the automatic err-disabled recovery timeout for a particular err-disabled cause by changing
the time variable.
The errdisable recovery cause command provides automatic recovery after 300 seconds. To change the
recovery period, use the errdisable recovery interval command to specify the timeout period. You can specify
30 to 65535 seconds.
To disable recovery of an interface from the err-disabled state, use the no errdisable recovery cause command.
The various options for the errdisable recover cause command are as follows:
• all—Enables a timer to recover from all causes.
• bpduguard—Enables a timer to recover from the bridge protocol data unit (BPDU) Guard error-disabled
• failed-port-state—Enables a timer to recover from a Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) set port state failure.
• link-flap—Enables a timer to recover from linkstate flapping.
• pause-rate-limit—Enables a timer to recover from the pause rate limit error-disabled state.
• udld—Enables a timer to recover from the Unidirectional Link Detection (UDLD) error-disabled state.
• loopback—Enables a timer to recover from the loopback error-disabled state.

If you do not enable the err-disabled recovery for the cause, the interface stays in the err-disabled state until
you enter the shutdown and no shutdown commands. If the recovery is enabled for a cause, the interface is
brought out of the err-disabled state and allowed to retry operation once all the causes have timed out. Use
the show interface status err-disabled command to display the reason behind the error.

Default Interfaces
You can use the default interface feature to clear the configured parameters for both physical and logical
interfaces such as the Ethernet, loopback, management, VLAN, and the port-channel interface.

Debounce Timer Parameters

The debounce timer delays notification of a link change, which can decrease traffic loss due to network
reconfiguration. You can configure the debounce timer separately for each Ethernet port and specify the delay
time in milliseconds. The delay time can range from 0 milliseconds to 5000 milliseconds. By default, this
parameter is set for 100 milliseconds, which results in the debounce timer not running. When this parameter
is set to 0 milliseconds, the debounce timer is disabled.

Caution Enabling the debounce timer causes the link-down detections to be delayed, which results in a loss of
traffic during the debounce period. This situation might affect the convergence and reconvergence of some
Layer 2 and Layer 3 protocols.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 11
Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
MTU Configuration

MTU Configuration
The Cisco Nexus device switch does not fragment frames. As a result, the switch cannot have two ports in
the same Layer 2 domain with different maximum transmission units (MTUs). A per-physical Ethernet interface
MTU is not supported. Instead, the MTU is set according to the QoS classes. You modify the MTU by setting
class and policy maps.

Note When you show the interface settings, a default MTU of 1500 is displayed for physical Ethernet interfaces.

Downlink Delay
You can operationally enable uplink SFP+ ports before downlink RJ-45 ports after a reload on a Cisco Nexus
3048 switch. You must delay enabling the RJ-45 ports in the hardware until the SFP+ ports are enabled.
You can configure a timer that during reload enables the downlink RJ-45 ports in hardware only after the
specified timeout. This process allows the uplink SFP+ ports to be operational first. The timer is enabled in
the hardware for only those ports that are admin-enable.
Downlink delay is disabled by default and must be explicitly enabled. When enabled, if the delay timer is not
specified, it is set for a default delay of 20 seconds.

Default Physical Ethernet Settings

The following table lists the default settings for all physical Ethernet interfaces:

Parameter Default Setting

Duplex Auto (full-duplex)

Encapsulation ARPA

MTU1 1500 bytes

Port Mode Access

Speed Auto (10000)

1 MTU cannot be changed per-physical Ethernet interface. You modify MTU by selecting maps of QoS classes.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
12 OL-29480-06
Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
Configuring Ethernet Interfaces

Configuring Ethernet Interfaces

Configuring the UDLD Mode

You can configure normal or aggressive unidirectional link detection (UDLD) modes for Ethernet interfaces
on devices configured to run UDLD. Before you can enable a UDLD mode for an interface, you must make
sure that UDLD is already enabled on the device that includes the interface. UDLD must also be enabled on
the other linked interface and its device.
To use the normal UDLD mode, you must configure one of the ports for normal mode and configure the other
port for the normal or aggressive mode. To use the aggressive UDLD mode, you must configure both ports
for the aggressive mode.

Note Before you begin, UDLD must be enabled for the other linked port and its device.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# feature udld Enables UDLD for the device.

Step 3 switch(config)# no feature udld Disables UDLD for the device.

Step 4 switch(config)# show udld global Displays the UDLD status for the device.

Step 5 switch(config)# interface type slot/port Specifies an interface to configure, and enters
interface configuration mode.

Step 6 switch(config-if)# udld {enable | disable Enables the normal UDLD mode, disables
| aggressive} UDLD, or enables the aggressive UDLD mode.

Step 7 switch(config-if)# show udld interface Displays the UDLD status for the interface.

This example shows how to enable UDLD for the switch:

switch# configure terminal

switch(config)# feature udld

This example shows how to enable the normal UDLD mode for an Ethernet port:

switch# configure terminal

switch(config)# interface ethernet 1/4
switch(config-if)# udld enable

This example shows how to enable the aggressive UDLD mode for an Ethernet port:

switch# configure terminal

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 13
Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
Triggering the Link State Consistency Checker

switch(config)# interface ethernet 1/4

switch(config-if)# udld aggressive

This example shows how to disable UDLD for an Ethernet port:

switch# configure terminal

switch(config)# interface ethernet 1/4
switch(config-if)# udld disable

This example shows how to disable UDLD for the switch:

switch# configure terminal

switch(config)# no feature udld

Triggering the Link State Consistency Checker

You can manually trigger the link state consistency checker to compare the hardware and software link status
of an interface and display the results. To manually trigger the link state consistency checker and display the
results, use the following command in any mode:


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# show consistency-checker link-state Starts a link state consistency check on the
module slot specified module and displays its results.

This example shows how to trigger a Link State consistency check and display its results:
switch# show consistency-checker link-state module 1
Link State Checks: Link state only
Consistency Check: FAILED
No inconsistencies found for:
Inconsistencies found for following interfaces:

Changing an Interface Port Mode

You can configure a Quad small form-factor pluggable (QSFP+) port by using the hardware profile portmode
command. To restore the defaults, use the no form of these commands. Cisco Nexus 3172PQ and Cisco Nexus
3172CR switches have 48x10g+breakout6x40g as the default port mode.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
14 OL-29480-06
Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
Changing an Interface Port Mode


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# copy running-config Copies the running configuration to the bootflash. You
bootflash: my-config.cfg can use this file to configure your device later.

Step 3 switch(config)# write erase Removes all the interface configurations.

Step 4 switch(config)# reload Reloads the Cisco NX-OS software.

Step 5 switch(config)# [no] hardware Changes the interface port mode.

profile portmode portmode
Step 6 switch(config)# hardware profile (Optional)
portmode portmode 2-tuple Displays the port names in 2-tuple mode instead of the
default 3-tuple convention mode.

Step 7 switch(config)# copy running-config (Optional)

startup-config Saves the change persistently through reboots and
restarts by copying the running configuration to the
startup configuration.

Step 8 switch(config)# reload Reloads the Cisco NX-OS software.

Manually apply all the interface configuration. You can
refer to the configuration file that you saved earlier.
Note The interface numbering changes if the ports
are changed from 40G mode to 4x10G mode
or vice versa.

This example shows how to change the port mode to 48x10g+breakout6x40g for QSFP+ ports:
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# copy running-config bootflash:my-config.cfg
switch(config)# write erase
switch(config)# reload
WARNING: This command will reboot the system
Do you want to continue? (y/n) [n] y
switch(config)# hardware profile portmode 48x10g+breakout6x40g
Warning: This command will take effect only after saving the configuration and reload!
Port configurations could get lost when port mode is changed!
switch(config)# copy running-config startup-config
switch(config)# reload
WARNING: This command will reboot the system
Do you want to continue? (y/n) [n] y
This example shows how to change the port mode to 48x10g+4x40g for QSFP+ ports:
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# copy running-config bootflash:my-config.cfg
switch(config)# write erase
switch(config)# reload
WARNING: This command will reboot the system
Do you want to continue? (y/n) [n] y
switch(config)# hardware profile portmode 48x10g+4x40g
Warning: This command will take effect only after saving the configuration and reload!
Port configurations could get lost when port mode is changed!

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 15
Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
Configuring the Interface Speed

switch(config)# copy running-config startup-config

switch(config)# reload
WARNING: This command will reboot the system
Do you want to continue? (y/n) [n] y

This example shows how to change the port mode to 48x10g+4x40g for QSFP+ ports and verify the changes:
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# hardware profile portmode 48x10g+4x40g
Warning: This command will take effect only after saving the configuration and r
eload! Port configurations could get lost when port mode is changed!
switch(config)# show running-config
!Command: show running-config
!Time: Thu Aug 25 07:39:37 2011
version 5.0(3)U2(1)
feature telnet
no feature ssh
feature lldp
username admin password 5 $1$OOV4MdOM$BAB5RkD22YanT4empqqSM0 role network-admin
ip domain-lookup
switchname BLR-QG-5
ip access-list my-acl
10 deny ip any
20 deny ip any
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-arp
class-map type control-plane match-any copp-bpdu
service-policy input copp-system-policy
hardware profile tcam region arpacl 128
hardware profile tcam region ifacl 256
hardware profile tcam region racl 256
hardware profile tcam region vacl 512
hardware profile portmode 48x10G+4x40G
snmp-server user admin network-admin auth md5 0xdd1d21ee42e93106836cdefd1a60e062
<--Output truncated-->
This example shows how to restore the default port mode for QSFP+ ports:
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# no hardware profile portmode
Warning: This command will take effect only after saving the configuration and r
eload! Port configurations could get lost when port mode is changed!

Configuring the Interface Speed

Note If the interface and transceiver speed is mismatched, the SFP validation failed message is displayed when
you enter the show interface ethernet slot/port command. For example, if you insert a 1-Gigabit SFP
transceiver into a port without configuring the speed 1000 command, you will get this error. By default,
all ports are 10 Gbps.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
16 OL-29480-06
Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
Configuring Break-Out 10-Gigabit Interface Speed Ports

Command or Action Purpose

Step 2 switch(config)# interface type Enters interface configuration mode for the specified interface.
slot/port This interface must have a 1-Gigabit Ethernet SFP transceiver
inserted into it.

Step 3 switch(config-if)# speed speed Sets the speed on the interface.

This command can only be applied to a physical Ethernet
interface. The speed argument can be set to one of the
• 10 Mbps
• 100 Mbps
• 1 Gbps
• 10 Gbps
• automatic

This example shows how to set the speed for a 1-Gigabit Ethernet port:
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface ethernet 1/4
switch(config-if)# speed 1000

Configuring Break-Out 10-Gigabit Interface Speed Ports

By default, all ports on Cisco Nexus 3132 switches are 40-Gigabit Ethernet. You can break out a 40-Gigabit
Ethernet port to four x10-Gigabit Ethernet ports.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# interface type Enters interface configuration mode for the specified
slot/port-range interface.
Note Interface range is not supported for 40-Gigabit
Ethernet interfaces. For example, Eth 1/2-5 is
not supported.
Step 3 switch(config-if)# speed 10000 Sets the speed on the interface to 10-Gigabit per second.

This example shows how to set the speed to 10-Gigabit per second on Ethernet interface 1/2:
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface ethernet 1/2
switch(config-if)# speed 10000

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 17
Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
Configuring Break-In 40-Gigabit Ethernet Interface Speed Ports

Configuring Break-In 40-Gigabit Ethernet Interface Speed Ports

You can break in four x 10-Gigabit Ethernet ports to a 40-Gigabit Ethernet port.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# interface type Enters interface configuration mode for the specified
slot/port interface.
Note The Interface range is supported for 10-Gigabit
Ethernet interfaces. For example, Eth 1/2/1-4
is supported.
Step 3 switch(config-if)# speed 40000 Sets the speed on the interface to 40 Gbps.

This example shows how to set the speed to 40 Gbps on Ethernet interface 1/2/1:
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface ethernet 1/2/1
switch(config-if)# speed 40000

Switching Between QSFP and SFP+ Ports

When you break out ports into the 10-GbE mode, you can switch between the first QSFP port and SFP+ ports
1 to 4. Either the first QSFP port or the four SFP+ ports can be active at any time. QSFP is the default port
with an interface speed of 40 Gbps.
When the first QSFP port is in the 40-GbE mode, you cannot switch the port to four SFP+ ports and the first
QSFP port will be active until you break out the port into the 10-GbE mode. This is because SFP+ ports do
not support the 40-GbE mode.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# [no] hardware Activates the specified port mode.

profile front portmode qsfp |
sfp-plus • qsfp—The front panel QSFP port is active
• sfp-plus—The front panel SFP+ ports 1 to 4 are active

The no form of this command activates the QSFP port.

Note If the first QSFP port speed is 40 Gbps, this
command will run, but the SFP+ ports will not
become active until after the speed is changed to 10

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
18 OL-29480-06
Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
Disabling Link Negotiation

Command or Action Purpose

Step 3 switch(config)# copy (Optional)
running-config startup-config Saves the change persistently through reboots and restarts by
copying the running configuration to the startup configuration.

This example shows how to make the SFP+ ports active:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# hardware profile front portmode sfp-plus
switch(config)# copy running-config startup-config
This example shows how to make the QSFP port active:
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# no hardware profile front portmode
switch(config)# copy running-config startup-config

Disabling Link Negotiation

You can disable link negotiation using the no negotiate auto command. By default, autonegotiation is enabled
on 1-Gigabit ports and disabled on 10-Gigabit ports. By default, autonegotiation is enabled on the Cisco Nexus
3064 and 3064-X switches and disabled on the Cisco Nexus 3048 switch. You cannot disable auto-negotiation
on 1-Gigabit ports.
This command is equivalent to the Cisco IOS speed non-negotiate command.

Note Autonegotiation configuration is not applicable on 10-Gigabit Ethernet ports. When autonegotiation is
configured on a 10-Gigabit port the following error message is displayed:
ERROR: Ethernet1/40: Configuration does not match the port capability


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# interface ethernet Selects the interface and enters interface mode.
Step 3 switch(config-if)# no negotiate Disables link negotiation on the selected Ethernet interface
auto (1-Gigabit port).

Step 4 switch(config-if)# negotiate auto (Optional)

Enables link negotiation on the selected Ethernet interface.
The default for 1-Gigabit Ethernet ports is enabled.
Note This command is not applicable for 10GBASE-T
ports. It should not be used on 10-GBASE-T

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 19
Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
Disabling SVI Autostate

This example shows how to disable autonegotiation on a specified Ethernet interface (1-Gigabit port):
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface ethernet 1/1
switch(config-if)# no negotiate auto
This example shows how to enable autonegotiation on a specified Ethernet interface (1-Gigabit port):
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface ethernet 1/5
switch(config-if)# negotiate auto

Disabling SVI Autostate

You can configure a SVI to remain active even if no interfaces are up in the corresponding VLAN. This
enhancement is called Autostate Disable.
When you enable or disable autostate behavior, it is applied to all the SVIs in the switch unless you configure
autostate per SVI .

Note Autostate behavior is enabled by default.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# feature interface-vlan Enables the interface-vlan feature.

Step 3 switch(config)# system default Configures the system to enable or disable the
interface-vlan [no] autostate Autostate default behavior.

Step 4 switch(config)# interface vlan (Optional)

interface-vlan-number Creates a VLAN interface. The number range is
from 1 to 4094.

Step 5 switch(config-if)# [no] autostate (Optional)

Enables or disables Autostate behavior per SVI.

Step 6 switch(config)# show interface-vlan (Optional)

interface-vlan Displays the enabled or disabled Autostate behavior
of the SVI.

Step 7 switch(config)# copy running-config (Optional)

startup-config Saves the change persistently through reboots and
restarts by copying the running configuration to the
startup configuration.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
20 OL-29480-06
Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
Configuring a Default Interface

This example shows how to disable the systems Autostate default for all the SVIs on the switch:
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# feature interface-vlan
switch(config)# system default interface-vlan no autostate
switch(config)# interface vlan 50
switch(config-if)# no autostate
switch(config)# copy running-config startup-config

This example shows how to enable the systems autostate configuration:

switch(config)# show interface-vlan 2
Vlan2 is down, line protocol is down, autostate enabled
Hardware is EtherSVI, address is 547f.ee40.a17c
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 1000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec

Configuring a Default Interface

The default interface feature allows you to clear the existing configuration of multiple interfaces such as
Ethernet, loopback, management, VLAN, and port-channel interfaces. All user configuration under a specified
interface will be deleted.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# default interface type Deletes the configuration of the interface and restores
interface number the default configuration. The following are the
supported interfaces:
• ethernet
• loopback
• mgmt
• port-channel
• vlan

Step 3 switch(config)# exit Exits global configuration mode.

This example shows how to delete the configuration of an Ethernet interface and revert it to its default
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# default interface ethernet 1/3
switch(config)# exit

Configuring the CDP Characteristics

You can configure the frequency of Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) updates, the amount of time to hold the
information before discarding it, and whether or not to send Version-2 advertisements.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 21
Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
Enabling or Disabling CDP


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# [no] cdp (Optional)

advertise {v1 | v2 } Configures the version to use to send CDP advertisements.
Version-2 is the default state.
Use the no form of the command to return to its default

Step 3 switch(config)# [no] cdp format (Optional)

device-id {mac-address | Configures the format of the CDP device ID. The default is
serial-number | system-name} the system name, which can be expressed as a fully qualified
domain name.
Use the no form of the command to return to its default

Step 4 switch(config)# [no] cdp (Optional)

holdtime seconds Specifies the amount of time a receiving device should hold
the information sent by your device before discarding it. The
range is 10 to 255 seconds; the default is 180 seconds.
Use the no form of the command to return to its default

Step 5 switch(config)# [no] cdp timer (Optional)

seconds Sets the transmission frequency of CDP updates in seconds.
The range is 5 to 254; the default is 60 seconds.
Use the no form of the command to return to its default

This example shows how to configure CDP characteristics:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# cdp timer 50
switch(config)# cdp holdtime 120
switch(config)# cdp advertise v2

Enabling or Disabling CDP

You can enable or disable CDP for Ethernet interfaces. This protocol works only when you have it enabled
on both interfaces on the same link.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
22 OL-29480-06
Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
Enabling the Error-Disabled Detection


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# interface type slot/port Enters interface configuration mode for the specified

Step 3 switch(config-if)# cdp enable Enables CDP for the interface.

To work correctly, this parameter must be enabled
for both interfaces on the same link.

Step 4 switch(config-if)# no cdp enable Disables CDP for the interface.

This example shows how to enable CDP for an Ethernet port:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface ethernet 1/4
switch(config-if)# cdp enable

This command can only be applied to a physical Ethernet interface.

Enabling the Error-Disabled Detection

You can enable error-disable (err-disabled) detection in an application. As a result, when a cause is detected
on an interface, the interface is placed in an err-disabled state, which is an operational state that is similar to
the link-down state.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# errdisable detect Specifies a condition under which to place the interface
cause {all | link-flap | loopback} in an err-disabled state. The default is enabled.

Step 3 switch(config)# shutdown Brings the interface down administratively. To manually

recover the interface from the err-disabled state, enter
this command first.

Step 4 switch(config)# no shutdown Brings the interface up administratively and enables the
interface to recover manually from the err-disabled state.

Step 5 switch(config)# show interface status Displays information about err-disabled interfaces.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 23
Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
Enabling the Error-Disabled Recovery

Command or Action Purpose

Step 6 switch(config)# copy running-config (Optional)
startup-config Saves the change persistently through reboots and
restarts by copying the running configuration to the
startup configuration.

This example shows how to enable the err-disabled detection in all cases:
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# errdisable detect cause all
switch(config)# shutdown
switch(config)# no shutdown
switch(config)# show interface status err-disabled
switch(config)# copy running-config startup-config

Enabling the Error-Disabled Recovery

You can specify the application to bring the interface out of the error-disabled (err-disabled) state and retry
coming up. It retries after 300 seconds, unless you configure the recovery timer (see the errdisable recovery
interval command).


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# errdisable recovery Specifies a condition under which the interface
cause {all | udld | bpduguard | link-flap automatically recovers from the err-disabled state,
| failed-port-state | pause-rate-limit | and the device retries bringing the interface up. The
loopback} device waits 300 seconds to retry. The default is

Step 3 switch(config)# show interface status Displays information about err-disabled interfaces.
Step 4 switch(config)# copy running-config (Optional)
startup-config Saves the change persistently through reboots and
restarts by copying the running configuration to the
startup configuration.

This example shows how to enable err-disabled recovery under all conditions:
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# errdisable recovery cause loopback
switch(config)# show interface status err-disabled
switch(config)# copy running-config startup-config

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
24 OL-29480-06
Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
Configuring the Error-Disabled Recovery Interval

Configuring the Error-Disabled Recovery Interval

You can use this procedure to configure the err-disabled recovery timer value. The range is from 30 to 65535
seconds. The default is 300 seconds.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# errdisable recovery Specifies the interval for the interface to recover from
interval interval the err-disabled state. The range is from 30 to 65535
seconds. The default is 300 seconds.

Step 3 switch(config)# show interface status Displays information about err-disabled interfaces.
Step 4 switch(config)# copy running-config (Optional)
startup-config Saves the change persistently through reboots and
restarts by copying the running configuration to the
startup configuration.

This example shows how to enable err-disabled recovery under all conditions:
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# errdisable recovery interval 32
switch(config)# show interface status err-disabled
switch(config)# copy running-config startup-config

Disabling the Error-Disabled Recovery

You can disable recovery of an interface from the err-disabled state.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# no errdisable recovery Specifies a condition under which the interface
cause {all | udld | bpduguard | link-flap | reverts back to the default err-disabled state.
failed-port-state | pause-rate-limit |
Step 3 switch(config)# show interface status (Optional)
err-disabled Displays information about err-disabled

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 25
Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
Configuring the Debounce Timer

Command or Action Purpose

Step 4 switch(config)# copy running-config (Optional)
startup-config Saves the change persistently through reboots and
restarts by copying the running configuration to
the startup configuration.

This example shows how to disable err-disabled recovery:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# no errdisable recovery cause loopback
switch(config)# show interface status err-disabled
switch(config)# copy running-config startup-config

Configuring the Debounce Timer

You can enable the debounce timer for Ethernet ports by specifying a debounce time, in milliseconds (ms),
or disable the timer by specifying a debounce time of 0. By default, the debounce timer is set to 100 ms, which
results in the debounce timer not running.
You can show the debounce times for all of the Ethernet ports by using the show interface debounce command.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# interface type slot/port Enters interface configuration mode for the specified

Step 3 switch(config-if)# link debounce time Enables the debounce timer for the amount of time
milliseconds (1 to 5000 ms) specified.
Disables the debounce timer if you specify 0

This example shows how to enable the debounce timer and set the debounce time to 1000 ms for an Ethernet
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface ethernet 3/1
switch(config-if)# link debounce time 1000

This example shows how to disable the debounce timer for an Ethernet interface:
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface ethernet 3/1
switch(config-if)# link debounce time 0

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
26 OL-29480-06
Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
Configuring the Description Parameter

Configuring the Description Parameter

You can provide textual interface descriptions for the Ethernet ports.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# interface type slot/port Enters interface configuration mode for the
specified interface.

Step 3 switch(config-if)# description test Specifies the description for the interface.

This example shows how to set the interface description to Server 3 interface:
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface ethernet 1/3
switch(config-if)# description Server 3 Interface

Disabling and Restarting Ethernet Interfaces

You can shut down and restart an Ethernet interface. This action disables all of the interface functions and
marks the interface as being down on all monitoring displays. This information is communicated to other
network servers through all dynamic routing protocols. When shut down, the interface is not included in any
routing updates.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# interface type slot/port Enters interface configuration mode for the
specified interface.

Step 3 switch(config-if)# shutdown Disables the interface.

Step 4 switch(config-if)# no shutdown Restarts the interface.

This example shows how to disable an Ethernet port:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface ethernet 1/4
switch(config-if)# shutdown

This example shows how to restart an Ethernet interface:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface ethernet 1/4

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 27
Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
Configuring Downlink Delay

switch(config-if)# no shutdown

Configuring Downlink Delay

You can operationally enable uplink SFP+ ports before downlink RJ-45 ports after a reload on a Cisco Nexus
3048 switch by delaying enabling the RJ-45 ports in the hardware until the SFP+ ports are enabled.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# downlink delay enable | Enables or disables downlink delay and
disable [timeout time-out] configures the timeout.

This example shows how to enable downlink delay and configure the delay timeout on the switch:
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# downlink delay enable timeout 45

Displaying Interface Information

To view configuration information about the defined interfaces, perform one of these tasks:

Command Purpose
switch# show interface type slot/port Displays the detailed configuration of the specified

switch# show interface type slot/port capabilities Displays detailed information about the capabilities
of the specified interface. This option is available
only for physical interfaces.

switch# show interface type slot/port transceiver Displays detailed information about the transceiver
connected to the specified interface. This option is
available only for physical interfaces.

switch# show interface brief Displays the status of all interfaces.

switch# show interface flowcontrol Displays the detailed listing of the flow control
settings on all interfaces.

The show interface command is invoked from EXEC mode and displays the interface configurations. Without
any arguments, this command displays the information for all the configured interfaces in the switch.

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28 OL-29480-06
Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
Displaying Interface Information

This example shows how to display the physical Ethernet interface:

switch# show interface ethernet 1/1

Ethernet1/1 is up
Hardware is 1000/10000 Ethernet, address is 000d.eca3.5f08 (bia 000d.eca3.5f08)
MTU 1500 bytes, BW 10000000 Kbit, DLY 10 usec,
reliability 255/255, txload 190/255, rxload 192/255
Encapsulation ARPA
Port mode is trunk
full-duplex, 10 Gb/s, media type is 1/10g
Input flow-control is off, output flow-control is off
Auto-mdix is turned on
Rate mode is dedicated
Switchport monitor is off
Last clearing of "show interface" counters never
5 minute input rate 942201806 bytes/sec, 14721892 packets/sec
5 minute output rate 935840313 bytes/sec, 14622492 packets/sec
129141483840 input packets 0 unicast packets 129141483847 multicast packets
0 broadcast packets 0 jumbo packets 0 storm suppression packets
8265054965824 bytes
0 No buffer 0 runt 0 Overrun
0 crc 0 Ignored 0 Bad etype drop
0 Bad proto drop
119038487241 output packets 119038487245 multicast packets
0 broadcast packets 0 jumbo packets
7618463256471 bytes
0 output CRC 0 ecc
0 underrun 0 if down drop 0 output error 0 collision 0 deferred
0 late collision 0 lost carrier 0 no carrier
0 babble
0 Rx pause 8031547972 Tx pause 0 reset

This example shows how to display the physical Ethernet capabilities:

switch# show interface ethernet 1/1 capabilities
Model: 734510033
Type: 10Gbase-(unknown)
Speed: 1000,10000
Duplex: full
Trunk encap. type: 802.1Q
Channel: yes
Broadcast suppression: percentage(0-100)
Flowcontrol: rx-(off/on),tx-(off/on)
Rate mode: none
QOS scheduling: rx-(6q1t),tx-(1p6q0t)
CoS rewrite: no
ToS rewrite: no
SPAN: yes
UDLD: yes

MDIX: no
FEX Fabric: yes

This example shows how to display the physical Ethernet transceiver:

switch# show interface ethernet 1/1 transceiver
sfp is present
part number is SPP5101SR-C1
revision is A
serial number is ECL120901AV
nominal bitrate is 10300 MBits/sec
Link length supported for 50/125mm fiber is 82 m(s)
Link length supported for 62.5/125mm fiber is 26 m(s)
cisco id is --
cisco extended id number is 4

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OL-29480-06 29
Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
Displaying Input Packet Discard Information

This example shows how to display a brief interface status (some of the output has been removed for brevity):
switch# show interface brief

Ethernet VLAN Type Mode Status Reason Speed Port
Interface Ch #
Eth1/1 200 eth trunk up none 10G(D) --
Eth1/2 1 eth trunk up none 10G(D) --
Eth1/3 300 eth access down SFP not inserted 10G(D) --
Eth1/4 300 eth access down SFP not inserted 10G(D) --
Eth1/5 300 eth access down Link not connected 1000(D) --
Eth1/6 20 eth access down Link not connected 10G(D) --
Eth1/7 300 eth access down SFP not inserted 10G(D) --

This example shows how to display the CDP neighbors:

switch# show cdp neighbors

Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans-Bridge, B - Source-Route-Bridge
S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater,
V - VoIP-Phone, D - Remotely-Managed-Device,
s - Supports-STP-Dispute
Device ID Local Intrfce Hldtme Capability Platform Port ID
d13-dist-1 mgmt0 148 S I WS-C2960-24TC Fas0/9
n5k(FLC12080012) Eth1/5 8 S I s N5K-C5020P-BA Eth1/5

Displaying Input Packet Discard Information

Beginning with Cisco NX-OS Release 5.0(3)U2(1), you can get detailed information on what specific condition
led to an input discard on a given interface. Use the show hardware internal interface indiscard-stats
front-port x command to determine the condition that could be potentially responsible for the input discards
that are seen on port eth1/x. The switch output shows the discards for IPv4, STP, input policy, ACL-specific
discard, generic receive drop, and VLAN-related discards.
This example shows how to determine the condition that could be potentially responsible for the input discards:
switch# show hardware internal interface indiscard-stats front-port 1

| Counter Description | Count | |
IPv4 Discards 0
STP Discards 0
Policy Discards 100
ACL Drops 0
Receive Drops 0
Vlan Discards 33
Counter Information:
• IPv4 Discards—IPv4 Discards represent errors at the IP layer, for example the IP checksum error.
• STP Discards—STP Discards are incremented when the receive interface STP state is not forwarding
the packets received.
• Policy Discards—Policy Discards are incremented when there are discards because of the input policy
on the interface.
• ACL Drops—ACL drops indicate that incoming packets match an ACL entry with a drop action.

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30 OL-29480-06
Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
MIBs for Layer 2 Interfaces

• Receive Drops—This drop increment represents a condition when no output port is determined for an
ingress packet. Receive drops happen because of variety of reasons including IPv4, STP, and policy
discards. The drop counter increments with one of the above counters or separately.
• VLAN Discard—VLAN Discard indicates VLAN-based discards. For example, a VLAN-tagged packet
that is ingressing on a port that is not a member of the VLAN.

This example shows how to clear all the input discard counters:
switch# show hardware internal interface indiscard-stats front-port 1 clear

| Counter Description | Count | Last Increment | Last
Increment Time |

Discard Stats have been reset


MIBs for Layer 2 Interfaces

IF-MIB To locate and download MIBs, go to the following
Limited support includes only the following MIB cmtk/mibs.shtml
• ifMauType (Read-only) GET
• ifMauAutoNegSupported (Read-only) GET
• ifMauTypeListBits (Read-only) GET
• ifMauDefaultType (Read-write) GET-SET
• ifMauAutoNegAdminStatus (Read-write)
• ifMauAutoNegCapabilityBits (Read-only) GET
• ifMauAutoNegAdvertisedBits (Read-write)

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OL-29480-06 31
Configuring Layer 2 Interfaces
MIBs for Layer 2 Interfaces

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
32 OL-29480-06
Configuring Layer 3 Interfaces
This chapter contains the following sections:

• Information About Layer 3 Interfaces, page 33

• Licensing Requirements for Layer 3 Interfaces, page 36
• Guidelines and Limitations for Layer 3 Interfaces, page 36
• Default Settings for Layer 3 Interfaces, page 37
• SVI Autostate Disable, page 37
• DHCP Client Discovery on SVIs, page 37
• Configuring Layer 3 Interfaces, page 38
• Verifying the Layer 3 Interfaces Configuration, page 45
• Triggering the Layer 3 Interface Consistency Checker, page 46
• Monitoring Layer 3 Interfaces, page 46
• Configuration Examples for Layer 3 Interfaces, page 47
• Related Documents for Layer 3 Interfaces, page 48
• MIBs for Layer 3 Interfaces, page 48
• Standards for Layer 3 Interfaces, page 49
• Feature History for Layer 3 Interfaces, page 49

Information About Layer 3 Interfaces

Layer 3 interfaces forward packets to another device using static or dynamic routing protocols. You can use
Layer 3 interfaces for IP routing and inter-VLAN routing of Layer 2 traffic.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 33
Configuring Layer 3 Interfaces
Routed Interfaces

Routed Interfaces
You can configure a port as a Layer 2 interface or a Layer 3 interface. A routed interface is a physical port
that can route IP traffic to another device. A routed interface is a Layer 3 interface only and does not support
Layer 2 protocols, such as the Spanning Tree Protocol (STP).
All Ethernet ports are Layer 2 (switchports) by default. You can change this default behavior using the no
switchport command from interface configuration mode. To change multiple ports at one time, you can
specify a range of interfaces and then apply the no switchport command.
You can assign an IP address to the port, enable routing, and assign routing protocol characteristics to this
routed interface.
You can assign a static MAC address to a Layer 3 interface. The default MAC address for a Layer 3 interface
is the MAC address of the virtual device context (VDC) that is associated with it. You can change the default
MAC address of the Layer 3 interface by using the mac-address command from the interface configuration
mode. A static MAC address can be configured on SVI, Layer 3 interfaces, port channels, Layer 3 subinterfaces,
and tunnel interfaces. You can also configure static MAC addresses on a range of ports and port channels.
However, all ports must be in Layer 3. Even if one port in the range of ports is in Layer 2, the command is
rejected and an error message appears. For information on configuring MAC addresses, see the Layer 2
Switching Configuration Guide for your device.
You can also create a Layer 3 port channel from routed interfaces.
Routed interfaces and subinterfaces support exponentially decayed rate counters. Cisco NX-OS tracks the
following statistics with these averaging counters:
• Input packets/sec
• Output packets/sec
• Input bytes/sec
• Output bytes/sec

You can create virtual subinterfaces on a parent interface configured as a Layer 3 interface. A parent interface
can be a physical port or a port channel.
Subinterfaces divide the parent interface into two or more virtual interfaces on which you can assign unique
Layer 3 parameters such as IP addresses and dynamic routing protocols. The IP address for each subinterface
should be in a different subnet from any other subinterface on the parent interface.
You create a subinterface with a name that consists of the parent interface name (for example, Ethernet 2/1)
followed by a period and then by a number that is unique for that subinterface. For example, you could create
a subinterface for Ethernet interface 2/1 named Ethernet 2/1.1 where .1 indicates the subinterface.
Cisco NX-OS enables subinterfaces when the parent interface is enabled. You can shut down a subinterface
independent of shutting down the parent interface. If you shut down the parent interface, Cisco NX-OS shuts
down all associated subinterfaces as well.
One use of subinterfaces is to provide unique Layer 3 interfaces to each VLAN that is supported by the parent
interface. In this scenario, the parent interface connects to a Layer 2 trunking port on another device. You
configure a subinterface and associate the subinterface to a VLAN ID using 802.1Q trunking.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
34 OL-29480-06
Configuring Layer 3 Interfaces
VLAN Interfaces

The following figure shows a trunking port from a switch that connects to router B on interface E 2/1. This
interface contains three subinterfaces that are associated with each of the three VLANs that are carried by the
trunking port.

Figure 2: Subinterfaces for VLANs

VLAN Interfaces
A VLAN interface or a switch virtual interface (SVI) is a virtual routed interface that connects a VLAN on
the device to the Layer 3 router engine on the same device. Only one VLAN interface can be associated with
a VLAN, but you need to configure a VLAN interface for a VLAN only when you want to route between
VLANs or to provide IP host connectivity to the device through a virtual routing and forwarding (VRF)
instance that is not the management VRF. When you enable VLAN interface creation, Cisco NX-OS creates
a VLAN interface for the default VLAN (VLAN 1) to permit remote switch administration.
You must enable the VLAN network interface feature before you can configure it. The system automatically
takes a checkpoint prior to disabling the feature, and you can roll back to this checkpoint. For information
about rollbacks and checkpoints, see the System Management Configuration Guide for your device.

Note You cannot delete the VLAN interface for VLAN 1.

You can route across VLAN interfaces to provide Layer 3 inter-VLAN routing by configuring a VLAN
interface for each VLAN that you want to route traffic to and assigning an IP address on the VLAN interface.
For more information on IP addresses and IP routing, see the Unicast Routing Configuration Guide for your
The following figure shows two hosts connected to two VLANs on a device. You can configure VLAN
interfaces for each VLAN that allows Host 1 to communicate with Host 2 using IP routing between the VLANs.

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OL-29480-06 35
Configuring Layer 3 Interfaces
Loopback Interfaces

VLAN 1 communicates at Layer 3 over VLAN interface 1and VLAN 10 communicates at Layer 3 over VLAN
interface 10.

Figure 3: Connecting Two VLANs with VLAN Interfaces

Loopback Interfaces
A loopback interface is a virtual interface with a single endpoint that is always up. Any packet that is transmitted
over a loopback interface is immediately received by this interface. Loopback interfaces emulate a physical
You can use loopback interfaces for performance analysis, testing, and local communications. Loopback
interfaces can act as a termination address for routing protocol sessions. This loopback configuration allows
routing protocol sessions to stay up even if some of the outbound interfaces are down.

Tunnel Interfaces
Cisco NX-OS supports tunnel interfaces as IP tunnels. IP tunnels can encapsulate a same- layer or higher
layer protocol and transport the result over IP through a tunnel that is created between two routers.

Licensing Requirements for Layer 3 Interfaces

This feature does not require a license. Any feature not included in a license package is bundled with the Cisco
NX-OS system images and is provided at no extra charge to you. For a complete explanation of the Cisco
NX-OS licensing scheme, see the Cisco NX-OS Licensing Guide.

Guidelines and Limitations for Layer 3 Interfaces

Layer 3 interfaces have the following configuration guidelines and limitations:
• If you change a Layer 3 interface to a Layer 2 interface, Cisco NX-OS shuts down the interface, reenables
the interface, and removes all configuration specific to Layer 3.

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36 OL-29480-06
Configuring Layer 3 Interfaces
Default Settings for Layer 3 Interfaces

• If you change a Layer 2 interface to a Layer 3 interface, Cisco NX-OS shuts down the interface, reenables
the interface, and deletes all configuration specific to Layer 2.

Default Settings for Layer 3 Interfaces

The default setting for the Layer 3 Admin state is Shut.

SVI Autostate Disable

The SVI Autostate Disable feature enables the Switch Virtual Interface (SVI) to be in the “up” state even if
no interface is in the “up” state in the corresponding VLAN.
An SVI is also a virtual routed interface that connects a VLAN on the device to the Layer 3 router engine on
the same device. The ports in a VLAN determine the operational state of the corresponding SVI. An SVI
interface on a VLAN comes “up” when at least one port in the corresponding VLAN is in the Spanning Tree
Protocol (STP) forwarding state. Similarly, the SVI interface goes “down” when the last STP forwarding port
goes down or to any other state. This characteristic of SVI is called 'Autostate'.
You can create SVIs to define Layer 2 or Layer 3 boundaries on VLANs, or use the SVI interface to manage
devices. In the second scenario, the SVI Autostate Disable feature ensures that the SVI interface is in the “up”
state even if no interface is in the “up” state in the corresponding VLAN.

DHCP Client Discovery on SVIs

Cisco NX-OS Release 6.0(2)U3(1) introduces DHCP discovery on SVIs. You can configure the IP address
of a DHCP client by using the ip address dhcp command. This command sends a request from the DHCP
client to the DHCP server soliciting an IP address from the DHCP server. The DHCP client on the Cisco
Nexus switch uses the SVI identifier to identify itself to the DHCP server. The DHCP server uses this identifier
to send the IP address back to the DHCP client.
When a DHCP client is configured on the SVI with the DHCP server sending router and DNS options, the ip
route router-ip and ip name-server dns-ip commands are configured on the switch automatically.
If the switch is reloaded and, at the same time, the router and DNS options are disabled on the server side,
after the switch comes up, a new IP address is assigned to the SVI. However, the stale ip route command and
ip name-server command will still exist in the switch configuration. You must manually remove these
commands from the configuration.

Limitations for Using DHCP Client Discovery on SVIs

The following are the limitations for using DHCP client discovery on SVIs in Cisco NX-OS Release
• This feature is supported only with the default virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) instance.
• This feature is not supported for IPv6 addresses.
• The DHCP client configuration is not supported on routed ports.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 37
Configuring Layer 3 Interfaces
Configuring Layer 3 Interfaces

• The DNS server and default router option-related configurations are saved in the startup configuration
when you enter the copy running-config startup-config command. When you reload the switch, if this
configuration is not applicable, you might have to remove it.
• You can configure a maximum of six DNS servers on the switch, which is a switch limitation. This
maximum number includes the DNS servers configured by the DHCP client and the DNS servers
configured manually.
• If the number of DNS servers configured on the switch is more than six, and if you get a DHCP offer
for an SVI with DNS option set, the IP address is not assigned to the SVI.

Configuring Layer 3 Interfaces

Configuring a Routed Interface

Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# interface ethernet Enters interface configuration mode.

Step 3 switch(conifg-if)# no switchport Configures the interface as a Layer 3 interface and deletes
any configuration specific to Layer 2 on this interface.
Note To convert a Layer 3 interface back into a Layer
2 interface, use the switchport command.
Step 4 switch(config-if)# Configures an IP address for this interface.
Step 5 switch(config-if)# medium (Optional)
{broadcast | p2p} Configures the interface medium as either point to point
or broadcast.
Note The default setting is broadcast, and this setting
does not appear in any of the show commands.
However, if you do change the setting to p2p, you
will see this setting when you enter the show
running-config command.
Step 6 switch(config-if)# show interfaces (Optional)
Displays the Layer 3 interface statistics.

Step 7 switch(config-if)# copy (Optional)

running-config startup-config Saves the change persistently through reboots and restarts
by copying the running configuration to the startup

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
38 OL-29480-06
Configuring Layer 3 Interfaces
Configuring a Subinterface

This example shows how to configure an IPv4-routed Layer 3 interface:

switch# configure terminal

switch(config)# interface ethernet 2/1
switch(config-if)# no switchport
switch(config-if)# ip address
switch(config-if)# copy running-config startup-config

Configuring a Subinterface
Before You Begin
• Configure the parent interface as a routed interface.
• Create the port-channel interface if you want to create a subinterface on that port channel.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch(config-if)# copy (Optional)
running-config startup-config Saves the change persistently through reboots and
restarts by copying the running configuration to the
startup configuration.

Step 2 switch(config)# interface ethernet Enters interface configuration mode. The range for the
slot/port.number slot is from 1 to 255. The range for the port is from 1
to 128.

Step 3 switch(config-if)# [ip | ipv6] address Configures an IP address for this interface.
Step 4 switch(config-if)# encapsulation Configures IEEE 802.1Q VLAN encapsulation on the
dot1Q vlan-id subinterface. The range for the vlan-id is from 2 to
Step 5 switch(config-if)# show interfaces (Optional)
Displays the Layer 3 interface statistics.

Step 6 switch(config-if)# copy (Optional)

running-config startup-config Saves the change persistently through reboots and
restarts by copying the running configuration to the
startup configuration.

This example shows how to create a subinterface:

switch# configure terminal

switch(config)# interface ethernet 2/1
switch(config-if)# ip address
switch(config-if)# encapsulation dot1Q 33
switch(config-if)# copy running-config startup-config

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 39
Configuring Layer 3 Interfaces
Configuring the Bandwidth on an Interface

Configuring the Bandwidth on an Interface

You can configure the bandwidth for a routed interface, port channel, or subinterface.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# interface Enters interface configuration mode. The range for the slot is
ethernet slot/port from 1 to 255. The range for the port is from 1 to 128.

Step 3 switch(conifg-if)# bandwidth Configures the bandwidth parameter for a routed interface,
[value | inherit [value]] port channel, or subinterface, as follows:
• value—Size of the bandwidth in kilobytes. The range is
from 1 to 10000000.
• inherit—Indicates that all subinterfaces of this interface
inherit either the bandwidth value (if a value is specified)
or the bandwidth of the parent interface (if a value is not

Step 4 switch(config-if)# copy (Optional)

running-config startup-config Saves the change persistently through reboots and restarts by
copying the running configuration to the startup configuration.

This example shows how to configure Ethernet interface 2/1 with a bandwidth value of 80000:

switch# configure terminal

switch(config)# interface ethernet 2/1
switch(config-if)# bandwidth 80000
switch(config-if)# copy running-config startup-config

Configuring a VLAN Interface


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# feature interface-vlan Enables VLAN interface mode.

Step 3 switch(config)# interface vlan number Creates a VLAN interface. The number range is
from 1 to 4094.

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40 OL-29480-06
Configuring Layer 3 Interfaces
Configuring a Loopback Interface

Command or Action Purpose

Step 4 switch(config-if)# [ip | ipv6 ] address Configures an IP address for this interface.
Step 5 switch(config-if)# no shutdown Brings the interface up administratively.

Step 6 switch(config-if)# show interface vlan (Optional)

number Displays the VLAN interface statistics. The
number range is from 1 to 4094.

Step 7 switch(config-if)# copy running-config (Optional)

startup-config Saves the change persistently through reboots and
restarts by copying the running configuration to
the startup configuration.

This example shows how to create a VLAN interface:

switch# configure terminal

switch(config)# feature interface-vlan
switch(config)# interface vlan 10
switch(config-if)# ip address
switch(config-if)# copy running-config startup-config

Configuring a Loopback Interface

Before You Begin
Ensure that the IP address of the loopback interface is unique across all routers on the network.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# interface loopback Creates a loopback interface. The instance range is
instance from 0 to 1023.

Step 3 switch(config-if)# [ip | ipv6 ] address Configures an IP address for this interface.
Step 4 switch(config-if)# show interface (Optional)
loopback instance Displays the loopback interface statistics. The
instance range is from 0 to 1023.

Step 5 switch(config-if)# copy running-config (Optional)

startup-config Saves the change persistently through reboots and
restarts by copying the running configuration to the
startup configuration.

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OL-29480-06 41
Configuring Layer 3 Interfaces
Assigning an Interface to a VRF

This example shows how to create a loopback interface:

switch# configure terminal

switch(config)# interface loopback 0
switch(config-if)# ip address
switch(config-if)# copy running-config startup-config

Assigning an Interface to a VRF

Before You Begin
Assign the IP address for a tunnel interface after you have configured the interface for a VRF.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# interface Enters interface configuration mode.

Step 3 switch(conifg-if)#vrf member vrf-name Adds this interface to a VRF.

Step 4 switch(config-if)# [ip | Configures an IP address for this interface. You

ipv6]ip-address/length must do this step after you assign this interface
to a VRF.

Step 5 switch(config-if)# show vrf [vrf-name] (Optional)

interface interface-type number Displays VRF information.

Step 6 switch(config-if)# show interfaces (Optional)

Displays the Layer 3 interface statistics.

Step 7 switch(config-if)# copy running-config (Optional)

startup-config Saves the change persistently through reboots and
restarts by copying the running configuration to
the startup configuration.

This example shows how to add a Layer 3 interface to the VRF:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface loopback 0
switch(config-if)# vrf member RemoteOfficeVRF
switch(config-if)# ip address
switch(config-if)# copy running-config startup-config

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
42 OL-29480-06
Configuring Layer 3 Interfaces
Configuring an Interface MAC Address

Configuring an Interface MAC Address

You can configure a static MAC address on SVI, Layer 3 interfaces, port channels, Layer 3 subinterfaces,
and tunnel interfaces. You can also configure static MAC addresses on a range of ports and port channels.
However, all ports must be in Layer 3. Even if one port in the range of ports is in Layer 2, the command is
rejected and an error message appears.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# interface ethernet Enters interface configuration mode.

Step 3 switch(config-if)# [no] Configures the interface MAC address. The no form
mac-address static router MAC removes the configuration. You can enter the MAC address
address in any one of the four supported formats:
• E.E.E

Do not enter any of the following invalid MAC addresses:

• Null MAC address—0000.0000.0000
• Broadcast MAC address—FFFF.FFFF.FFFF
• Multicast MAC address—0100.DAAA.ADDD

Step 4 switch(config-if)# show interface (Optional) Displays all information for the interface.
ethernet slot/port

This example shows how to configure an interface MAC address:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface ethernet 3/3
switch(config-if)# mac-address aaaa.bbbb.dddd
switch(config-if)# show interface ethernet 3/3

Configuring SVI Autostate Disable

You can configure a SVI to remain active even if no interfaces are up in the corresponding VLAN. This
enhancement is called Autostate Disable.

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OL-29480-06 43
Configuring Layer 3 Interfaces
Configuring a DHCP client on an SVI


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# system default Reenables the system default autostate behavior on
interface-vlan autostate Switching Virtual Interface (SVI) in a VLAN. Use
the no form of the command to disable the autostate
behavior on SVI.
Step 3 switch(config)# feature Enables the creation of VLAN interfaces SVI.
Step 4 switch(config)# interface vlan vlan Disables the VLAN interface and enters interface
id configuration mode.
Step 5 (config-if)# [no] autostate Disables the default autostate behavior of SVIs on the
VLAN interface.
Step 6 (config-if)# end Returns to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 7 show running-config interface vlan (Optional) Displays the running configuration for a
vlan id specific port channel.

This example shows how to configure the SVI Autostate Disable feature:
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# system default interface-vlan autostate
switch(config)# feature interface-vlan
switch(config)# interface vlan 2
switch(config-if)# no autostate
switch(config-if)# end

Configuring a DHCP client on an SVI

You can configure the IP address of a DHCP client on a SVI.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# interface vlan vlan id Creates a VLAN interface. The range of vlan id is
from 1 to 4094

Step 3 switch(config-if)# ip address dhcp Requests the DHCP server for an IP address.

Step 4 switch(config)# copy running-config (Optional)

startup-config Saves the change persistently through reboots and
restarts by copying the running configuration to the
startup configuration.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
44 OL-29480-06
Configuring Layer 3 Interfaces
Verifying the Layer 3 Interfaces Configuration

This example shows how to configure the IP address of a DHCP client on an SVI:
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface vlan 15
switch(config-if)# ip address dhcp

Verifying the Layer 3 Interfaces Configuration

Use one of the following commands to verify the configuration:

Command Purpose
show interface ethernet slot/port Displays the Layer 3 interface configuration, status,
and counters (including the 5-minute exponentially
decayed moving average of inbound and outbound
packet and byte rates).

show interface ethernet slot/port brief Displays the Layer 3 interface operational status.

show interface ethernet slot/port capabilities Displays the Layer 3 interface capabilities, including
port type, speed, and duplex.

show interface ethernet slot/port description Displays the Layer 3 interface description.

show interface ethernet slot/port status Displays the Layer 3 interface administrative status,
port mode, speed, and duplex.

show interface ethernet slot/port.number Displays the subinterface configuration, status, and
counters (including the f-minute exponentially
decayed moving average of inbound and outbound
packet and byte rates).

show interface port-channel channel-id.number Displays the port-channel subinterface configuration,

status, and counters (including the 5-minute
exponentially decayed moving average of inbound
and outbound packet and byte rates).

show interface loopback number Displays the loopback interface configuration, status,
and counters.

show interface loopback number brief Displays the loopback interface operational status.

show interface loopback number description Displays the loopback interface description.

show interface loopback number status Displays the loopback interface administrative status
and protocol status.

show interface vlan number Displays the VLAN interface configuration, status,
and counters.

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OL-29480-06 45
Configuring Layer 3 Interfaces
Triggering the Layer 3 Interface Consistency Checker

Command Purpose
show interface vlan number brief Displays the VLAN interface operational status.

show interface vlan number description Displays the VLAN interface description.

show interface vlan number private-vlan mapping Displays the VLAN interface private VLAN

show interface vlan number status Displays the VLAN interface administrative status
and protocol status.

Triggering the Layer 3 Interface Consistency Checker

You can manually trigger the Layer 3 interface consistency checker to compare the hardware and software
configuration of all physical interfaces in a module and display the results. To manually trigger the Layer 3
Interface consistency checker and display the results, use the following command in any mode:


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 show consistency-checker l3-interface Starts the Layer 3 interface consistency check on all
module slot Layer 3 physical interfaces of a module that are up and
displays its results.

This example shows how to trigger the Layer 3 interface consistency check and display its results:
switch# show consistency-checker l3-interface module 1
L3 LIF Checks: L3 Vlan, CML Flags, IPv4 Enable
Consistency Check: PASSED
No inconsistencies found for:

Monitoring Layer 3 Interfaces

Use one of the following commands to display statistics about the feature:

Command Purpose
show interface ethernet slot/port counters Displays the Layer 3 interface statistics (unicast,
multicast, and broadcast).

show interface ethernet slot/port counters brief Displays the Layer 3 interface input and output

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
46 OL-29480-06
Configuring Layer 3 Interfaces
Configuration Examples for Layer 3 Interfaces

Command Purpose
show interface ethernet slot/port counters detailed Displays the Layer 3 interface statistics. You can
[all] optionally include all 32-bit and 64-bit packet and
byte counters (including errors).

show interface ethernet slot/port counters error Displays the Layer 3 interface input and output

show interface ethernet slot/port counters snmp Displays the Layer 3 interface counters reported
by SNMP MIBs. You cannot clear these counters.

show interface ethernet slot/port.number counters Displays the subinterface statistics (unicast,
multicast, and broadcast).

show interface port-channel channel-id.number Displays the port-channel subinterface statistics

counters (unicast, multicast, and broadcast).

show interface loopback number counters Displays the loopback interface input and output
counters (unicast, multicast, and broadcast).

show interface loopback number counters detailed Displays the loopback interface statistics. You can
[all] optionally include all 32-bit and 64-bit packet and
byte counters (including errors).

show interface loopback number counters errors Displays the loopback interface input and output

show interface vlan number counters Displays the VLAN interface input and output
counters (unicast, multicast, and broadcast).

show interface vlan number counters detailed [all] Displays the VLAN interface statistics. You can
optionally include all Layer 3 packet and byte
counters (unicast and multicast).

show interface vlan counters snmp Displays the VLAN interface counters reported
by SNMP MIBs. You cannot clear these counters.

Configuration Examples for Layer 3 Interfaces

This example shows how to configure Ethernet subinterfaces:
switch# configuration terminal
switch(config)# interface ethernet 2/1.10
switch(config-if)# description Layer 3 for VLAN 10
switch(config-if)# encapsulation dot1q 10
switch(config-if)# ip address
switch(config-if)# copy running-config startup-config

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OL-29480-06 47
Configuring Layer 3 Interfaces
Related Documents for Layer 3 Interfaces

This example shows how to configure a VLAN interface:

switch# configuration terminal
switch(config)# interface vlan 100
switch(config-if)# no switchport

switch(config-if)# ipv6 address 33:0DB::2/8

switch(config-if)# copy running-config startup-config

This example shows how to configure Switching Virtual Interface (SVI) Autostate Disable:
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# system default interface-vlan autostate
switch(config)# feature interface-vlan
switch(config)# interface vlan 2
switch(config-if)# no autostate
switch(config-if)# end
switch# show running-config interface vlan 2

This example shows how to configure a loopback interface:

switch# configuration terminal
switch(config)# interface loopback 3
switch(config-if)# no switchport
switch(config-if)# ip address
switch(config-if)# copy running-config startup-config

Related Documents for Layer 3 Interfaces

Related Topics Document Title
Command syntax Cisco Nexus 3000 Series Command Reference

IP “Configuring IP” chapter in the Cisco Nexus 3000

Series NX-OS Unicast Routing Configuration Guide

VLAN “Configuring VLANs” chapter in the Cisco Nexus

3000 Series NX-OS Layer 2 Switching Configuration

MIBs for Layer 3 Interfaces

CISCO-IF-EXTENSION-MIB To locate and download MIBs, go to the following

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
48 OL-29480-06
Configuring Layer 3 Interfaces
Standards for Layer 3 Interfaces

Standards for Layer 3 Interfaces

No new or modified standards are supported by this feature, and support for existing standards has not been
modified by this feature.

Feature History for Layer 3 Interfaces

Feature Name Release Feature Information
show interface vlan vlan-id counters 5.0(3)U3(1) The show interface vlan vlan-id counters
command command has been enhanced to correctly
show input and output packet counts.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 49
Configuring Layer 3 Interfaces
Feature History for Layer 3 Interfaces

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
50 OL-29480-06
Configuring Port Channels
This chapter contains the following sections:

• Information About Port Channels, page 51

• Configuring Port Channels, page 60
• Verifying Port Channel Configuration, page 68
• Triggering the Port Channel Membership Consistency Checker, page 68
• Verifying the Load-Balancing Outgoing Port ID , page 69
• Feature History for Port Channels, page 70

Information About Port Channels

A port channel bundles individual interfaces into a group to provide increased bandwidth and redundancy.
Port channeling also load balances traffic across these physical interfaces. The port channel stays operational
as long as at least one physical interface within the port channel is operational.
You create a port channel by bundling compatible interfaces. You can configure and run either static port
channels or port channels running the Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP).
Any configuration changes that you apply to the port channel are applied to each member interface of that
port channel. For example, if you configure Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) parameters on the port channel,
Cisco NX-OS applies those parameters to each interface in the port channel.
You can use static port channels, with no associated protocol, for a simplified configuration. For more efficient
use of the port channel, you can use the Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP), which is defined in IEEE
802.3ad. When you use LACP, the link passes protocol packets.

Related Topics
LACP Overview, on page 57

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 51
Configuring Port Channels
Understanding Port Channels

Understanding Port Channels

Using port channels, Cisco NX-OS provides wider bandwidth, redundancy, and load balancing across the
You can collect ports into a static port channel or you can enable the Link Aggregation Control Protocol
(LACP). Configuring port channels with LACP requires slightly different steps than configuring static port
channels. For information on port channel configuration limits, see the Verified Scalability document for your
platform. For more information about load balancing, see Load Balancing Using Port Channels, on page 54.

Note Cisco NX-OS does not support Port Aggregation Protocol (PAgP) for port channels.

A port channel bundles individual links into a channel group to create a single logical link that provides the
aggregate bandwidth of several physical links. If a member port within a port channel fails, traffic previously
carried over the failed link switches to the remaining member ports within the port channel.
Each port can be in only one port channel. All the ports in a port channel must be compatible; they must use
the same speed and operate in full-duplex mode. When you are running static port channels without LACP,
the individual links are all in the on channel mode; you cannot change this mode without enabling LACP.

Note You cannot change the mode from ON to Active or from ON to Passive.

You can create a port channel directly by creating the port-channel interface, or you can create a channel
group that acts to aggregate individual ports into a bundle. When you associate an interface with a channel
group, Cisco NX-OS creates a matching port channel automatically if the port channel does not already exist.
You can also create the port channel first. In this instance, Cisco NX-OS creates an empty channel group with
the same channel number as the port channel and takes the default configuration.

Note A port channel is operationally up when at least one of the member ports is up and that port’s status is
channeling. The port channel is operationally down when all member ports are operationally down.

Compatibility Requirements
When you add an interface to a port channel group, Cisco NX-OS checks certain interface attributes to ensure
that the interface is compatible with the channel group. Cisco NX-OS also checks a number of operational
attributes for an interface before allowing that interface to participate in the port-channel aggregation.
The compatibility check includes the following operational attributes:
• Port mode
• Access VLAN
• Trunk native VLAN
• Allowed VLAN list
• Speed

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
52 OL-29480-06
Configuring Port Channels
Compatibility Requirements

• 802.3x flow control setting

• Broadcast/Unicast/Multicast Storm Control setting
• Priority-Flow-Control
• Untagged CoS

Use the show port-channel compatibility-parameters command to see the full list of compatibility checks
that Cisco NX-OS uses.
You can only add interfaces configured with the channel mode set to on to static port channels. You can also
only add interfaces configured with the channel mode as active or passive to port channels that are running
LACP. You can configure these attributes on an individual member port.
When the interface joins a port channel, the following individual parameters are replaced with the values on
the port channel:
• Bandwidth
• MAC address
• Spanning Tree Protocol

The following interface parameters remain unaffected when the interface joins a port channel:
• Description
• LACP port priority
• Debounce

After you enable forcing a port to be added to a channel group by entering the channel-group force command,
the following two conditions occur:
• When an interface joins a port channel, the following parameters are removed and they are operationally
replaced with the values on the port channel; however, this change will not be reflected in the running
configuration for the interface:
• QoS
• Bandwidth
• Delay
• Service policy
• ACLs

• When an interface joins or leaves a port channel, the following parameters remain unaffected:
• Beacon
• Description

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 53
Configuring Port Channels
Load Balancing Using Port Channels

• LACP port priority

• Debounce
• Shutdown
• SNMP traps

Load Balancing Using Port Channels

Cisco NX-OS load balances traffic across all operational interfaces in a port channel by reducing part of the
binary pattern formed from the addresses in the frame to a numerical value that selects one of the links in the
channel. Port channels provide load balancing by default.
The basic configuration uses the following criteria to select the link:
• For a Layer 2 frame, it uses the source and destination MAC addresses.
• For a Layer 3 frame, it uses the source and destination MAC addresses and the source and destination
IP addresses.
• For a Layer 4 frame, it uses the source and destination MAC addresses and the source and destination
IP addresses.

Note You have the option to include the source and destination port number for the Layer 4

You can configure the switch to use one of the following methods (see the following table for more details)
to load balance across the port channel:
• Destination MAC address
• Source MAC address
• Source and destination MAC address
• Destination IP address
• Source IP address
• Source and destination IP address
• Destination TCP/UDP port number
• Source TCP/UDP port number
• Source and destination TCP/UDP port number

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
54 OL-29480-06
Configuring Port Channels
Resilient Hashing

Table 3: Port Channel Load-Balancing Criteria

Configuration Layer 2 Criteria Layer 3 Criteria Layer 4 Criteria

Destination MAC Destination MAC Destination MAC Destination MAC

Source MAC Source MAC Source MAC Source MAC

Source and destination Source and destination Source and destination Source and destination

Destination IP Destination MAC Destination MAC, Destination MAC,

destination IP destination IP

Source IP Source MAC Source MAC, source IP Source MAC, source IP

Source and destination IP Source and destination Source and destination Source and destination
MAC MAC, source and MAC, source and
destination IP destination IP

Destination TCP/UDP Destination MAC Destination MAC, Destination MAC,

port destination IP destination IP, destination

Source TCP/UDP port Source MAC Source MAC, source IP Source MAC, source IP,
source port

Source and destination Source and destination Source and destination Source and destination
TCP/UDP port MAC MAC, source and MAC, source and
destination IP destination IP, source and
destination port

Use the option that provides the balance criteria with the greatest variety in your configuration. For example,
if the traffic on a port channel is going only to a single MAC address and you use the destination MAC address
as the basis of port-channel load balancing, the port channel always chooses the same link in that port channel;
using source addresses or IP addresses might result in better load balancing.

Resilient Hashing
With the exponential increase in the number of physical links used in data centers, there is also the potential
for an increase in the number of failed physical links. In static hashing systems that are used for load balancing
flows across members of port channels or Equal Cost Multipath (ECMP) groups, each flow is hashed to a
link. If a link fails, all flows are rehashed across the remaining working links. This rehashing of flows to links
results in some packets being delivered out of order even for those flows that were not hashed to the failed
This rehashing also occurs when a link is added to the port channel or Equal Cost Multipath (ECMP) group.
All flows are rehashed across the new number of links, which results in some packets being delivered out of
order. Resilient hashing supports only unicast traffic.

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OL-29480-06 55
Configuring Port Channels
Hashing for NVGRE Traffic

The resilient hashing system in Cisco Nexus 3100 Series switches maps flows to physical ports. In case a link
fails, the flows assigned to the failed link are redistributed uniformly among the working links. The existing
flows through the working links are not rehashed and their packets are not delivered out of order.
Resilient hashing is supported only by ECMP groups and on port channel interfaces. When a link is added to
the port channel or ECMP group, some of the flows hashed to the existing links are rehashed to the new link,
but not across all existing links.
Resilient hashing does not support IPv6 traffic and IPv4 multicast traffic.

Hashing for NVGRE Traffic

You can use Network Virtualization using Generic Routing Encapsulatoin (NVGRE) to virtualize and extend
a network so that Layer 2 and Layer 3 topologies are created across distributed data centers. NVGRE uses
encapsulation and tunneling. NVGRE endpoints are network devices that act as interfaces between the physical
and virtualized networks.
Data frames are encapsulated or decapsulated at NVGRE endpoints using GRE tunneling. The endpoints
obtain the destination address for each data frame from the Tenant Network Identifier (TNI). The Key field
in the GRE header holds the 24-bit TNI. Each TNI represents a specific tenant’s subnet address.
Cisco NX-OS Release 6.0(2)U2(1) supports hashing for transit NVGRE traffic. You can configure the switch
to include the GRE Key field present in the GRE header in hash computations when NVGRE traffic is
forwarded over a port channel or an Equal Cost Multipath (ECMP).

Symmetric Hashing
To be able to effectively monitor traffic on a port channel, it is essential that each interface connected to a
port channel receives both forward and reverse traffic flows. Normally, there is no guarantee that the forward
and reverse traffic flows will use the same physical interface. However, when you enable symmetric hashing
on the port channel, bidirectional traffic is forced to use the same physical interface and each physical interface
in the port channel is effectively mapped to a set of flows.
Cisco NX-OS Release 6.0(2)U2(3) introduces symmetric hashing. When symmetric hashing is enabled, the
parameters used for hashing, such as the source and destination IP address, are normalized before they are
entered into the hashing algorithm. This process ensures that when the parameters are reversed (the source
on the forward traffic becomes the destination on the reverse traffic), the hash output is the same. Therefore,
the same interface is chosen.
Symmetric hashing is supported only on Cisco Nexus 3100 Series switches.
Only the following load-balancing algorithms support symmetric hashing:
• source-dest-ip-only
• source-dest-port-only
• source-dest-ip
• source-dest-port
• source-dest-ip-gre

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
56 OL-29480-06
Configuring Port Channels
Understanding LACP

Understanding LACP

LACP Overview

Note You must enable the LACP feature before you can configure and use LACP functions.

The following figure shows how individual links can be combined into LACP port channels and channel
groups as well as function as individual links.

Figure 4: Individual Links Combined into a Port Channel

With LACP, just like with static port channels, you can bundle up to 16 interfaces in a channel group.

Note When you delete the port channel, Cisco NX-OS automatically deletes the associated channel group. All
member interfaces revert to their previous configuration.

You cannot disable LACP while any LACP configurations are present.

LACP ID Parameters
LACP uses the following parameters:
• LACP system priority—Each system that runs LACP has an LACP system priority value. You can
accept the default value of 32768 for this parameter, or you can configure a value between 1 and 65535.
LACP uses the system priority with the MAC address to form the system ID and also uses the system
priority during negotiation with other devices. A higher system priority value means a lower priority.

Note The LACP system ID is the combination of the LACP system priority value and the MAC address.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 57
Configuring Port Channels
Understanding LACP

• LACP port priority—Each port configured to use LACP has an LACP port priority. You can accept the
default value of 32768 for the LACP port priority, or you can configure a value between 1 and 65535.
LACP uses the port priority with the port number to form the port identifier. LACP uses the port priority
to decide which ports should be put in standby mode when there is a limitation that prevents all compatible
ports from aggregating and which ports should be put into active mode. A higher port priority value
means a lower priority for LACP. You can configure the port priority so that specified ports have a lower
priority for LACP and are most likely to be chosen as active links, rather than hot-standby links.
• LACP administrative key—LACP automatically configures an administrative key value equal to the
channel-group number on each port configured to use LACP. The administrative key defines the ability
of a port to aggregate with other ports. A port’s ability to aggregate with other ports is determined by
these factors:
◦Port physical characteristics, such as the data rate, the duplex capability, and the point-to-point or
shared medium state
◦Configuration restrictions that you establish

Channel Modes
Individual interfaces in port channels are configured with channel modes. When you run static port channels,
with no protocol, the channel mode is always set to on. After you enable LACP globally on the device, you
enable LACP for each channel by setting the channel mode for each interface to active or passive. You can
configure either channel mode for individual links in the LACP channel group.

Note You must enable LACP globally before you can configure an interface in either the active or passive
channel mode.

The following table describes the channel modes.

Table 4: Channel Modes for Individual Links in a Port Channel

Channel Mode Description

passive LACP mode that places a port into a passive
negotiating state, in which the port responds to LACP
packets that it receives but does not initiate LACP

active LACP mode that places a port into an active

negotiating state, in which the port initiates
negotiations with other ports by sending LACP

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
58 OL-29480-06
Configuring Port Channels
Understanding LACP

Channel Mode Description

on All static port channels, that is, that are not running
LACP, remain in this mode. If you attempt to change
the channel mode to active or passive before enabling
LACP, the device returns an error message.
You enable LACP on each channel by configuring
the interface in that channel for the channel mode as
either active or passive. When an LACP attempts to
negotiate with an interface in the on state, it does not
receive any LACP packets and becomes an individual
link with that interface; it does not join the LACP
channel group.

Both the passive and active modes allow LACP to negotiate between ports to determine if they can form a
port channel, based on criteria such as the port speed and the trunking state. The passive mode is useful when
you do not know whether the remote system, or partner, supports LACP.
Ports can form an LACP port channel when they are in different LACP modes as long as the modes are
compatible as in the following examples:
• A port in active mode can form a port channel successfully with another port that is in active mode.
• A port in active mode can form a port channel with another port in passive mode.
• A port in passive mode cannot form a port channel with another port that is also in passive mode because
neither port will initiate negotiation.
• A port in on mode is not running LACP.

LACP Marker Responders

Using port channels, data traffic may be dynamically redistributed due to either a link failure or load balancing.
LACP uses the Marker Protocol to ensure that frames are not duplicated or reordered because of this
redistribution. Cisco NX-OS supports only Marker Responders.

LACP-Enabled and Static Port Channel Differences

The following table provides a brief summary of major differences between port channels with LACP enabled
and static port channels. For information about the maximum configuration limits, see the Verified Scalability
document for your device.

Table 5: Port Channels with LACP Enabled and Static Port Channels

Configurations Port Channels with LACP Enabled Static Port Channels

Protocol applied Enable globally. Not applicable.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 59
Configuring Port Channels
Configuring Port Channels

Configurations Port Channels with LACP Enabled Static Port Channels

Channel mode of links Can be either: Can only be On.
• Active
• Passive

LACP Port Channel MinLinks

A port channel aggregates similar ports to provide increased bandwidth in a single manageable interface. The
MinLinks feature allows you to define the minimum number of interfaces from a LACP bundle that must fail
before the port channel goes down.
The LACP port channel MinLinks feature does the following:
• Configures the minimum number of port channel interfaces that must be linked and bundled in the LACP
port channel.
• Prevents a low-bandwidth LACP port channel from becoming active.
• Causes the LACP port channel to become inactive if only a few active members ports supply the required
minimum bandwidth.

Note The MinLinks feature works only with LACP port channels. The device allows you to configure this
feature in non-LACP port channels, but the feature is not operational.

Configuring Port Channels

Creating a Port Channel
You can create a port channel before creating a channel group. Cisco NX-OS automatically creates the
associated channel group.

Note If you want LACP-based port channels, you need to enable LACP.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# interface port-channel Specifies the port-channel interface to configure, and
channel-number enters the interface configuration mode. The range is

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
60 OL-29480-06
Configuring Port Channels
Adding a Port to a Port Channel

Command or Action Purpose

from 1 to 4096. Cisco NX-OS automatically creates
the channel group if it does not already exist.

Step 3 switch(config)# no interface Removes the port channel and deletes the associated
port-channel channel-number channel group.

This example shows how to create a port channel:

switch# configure terminal
switch (config)# interface port-channel 1

Adding a Port to a Port Channel

You can add a port to a new channel group or to a channel group that already contains ports. Cisco NX-OS
creates the port channel associated with this channel group if the port channel does not already exist.

Note If you want LACP-based port channels, you need to enable LACP.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# interface type Specifies the interface that you want to add to a channel
slot/port group and enters the interface configuration mode.

Step 3 switch(config-if)# switchport mode (Optional)

trunk Configures the interface as a trunk port.

Step 4 switch(config-if)# switchport trunk (Optional)

{allowed vlan vlan-id | native vlan Configures necessary parameters for a trunk port.
Step 5 switch(config-if)# channel-group Configures the port in a channel group and sets the
channel-number mode. The channel-number range is from 1 to 4096.
Cisco NX-OS creates the port channel associated with
this channel group if the port channel does not already
exist. This is called implicit port channel creation.

Step 6 switch(config-if)# no channel-group (Optional)

Removes the port from the channel group. The port
reverts to its original configuration.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 61
Configuring Port Channels
Configuring Load Balancing Using Port Channels

This example shows how to add an Ethernet interface 1/4 to channel group 1:
switch# configure terminal
switch (config)# interface ethernet 1/4
switch(config-if)# switchport mode trunk
switch(config-if)# channel-group 1

Configuring Load Balancing Using Port Channels

You can configure the load-balancing algorithm for port channels that applies to the entire device.

Note If you want LACP-based port channels, you need to enable LACP.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# port-channel Specifies the load-balancing algorithm and hash for the
load-balance ethernet device. The range depends on the device. The default is
{[destination-ip | destination-ip-gre source-dest-mac.
| destination-mac | destination-port | Note The optional destination-ip-gre,
source-dest-ip | source-dest-ip-gre | source-dest-ip-gre and source-ip-gre keywords
source-dest-mac | source-dest-port | are used to include the NVGRE key in the hash
source-ip | source-ip-gre | source-mac computation. Inclusion of the NVGRE key is not
| source-port] symmetric | crc-poly} enabled by default in the case of port channels. You
must configure it explicitly by using these optional
The optional symmetric keyword is used to enable
or disable symmetric hashing. Symmetric hashing
forces bi-directional traffic to use the same physical
interface. Only the following load-balancing
algorithms support symmetric hashing:
• source-dest-ip-only
• source-dest-port-only
• source-dest-ip
• source-dest-port
• source-dest-ip-gre

Step 3 switch(config)# no port-channel (Optional)

load-balance ethernet Restores the default load-balancing algorithm of

Step 4 switch# show port-channel (Optional)

load-balance Displays the port-channel load-balancing algorithm.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
62 OL-29480-06
Configuring Port Channels
Configuring Hardware Hashing for Multicast Traffic

This example shows how to configure source IP load balancing for port channels:
switch# configure terminal
switch (config)# port-channel load-balance ethernet source-ip
This example shows how to configure symmetric hashing for port channels:
switch# configure terminal
switch (config)# port-channel load-balance ethernet source-dest-ip-only symmetric

Configuring Hardware Hashing for Multicast Traffic

By default, ingress multicast traffic on any port in the switch selects a particular port channel member to
egress the traffic. You can configure hardware hashing for multicast traffic to reduce potential bandwidth
issues and to provide effective load balancing of the ingress multicast traffic. Use the hardware multicast
hw-hash command to enable hardware hashing. To restore the default, use the no hardware multicast
hw-hash command.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# interface port-channel Selects the port channel and enters the interface
channel-number configuration mode.

Step 3 switch(config-if)# [no] hardware multicast Configures hardware hashing for the specified
hw-hash port channel.

This example shows how to configure hardware hashing on a port channel:

switch# configure terminal
switch (config)# interface port-channel 21
switch(config-if)# hardware multicast hw-hash

This example shows how to remove hardware hashing from a port channel:
switch# configure terminal
switch (config)# interface port-channel 21
switch(config-if)# no hardware multicast hw-hash

Enabling LACP
LACP is disabled by default; you must enable LACP before you begin LACP configuration. You cannot
disable LACP while any LACP configuration is present.
LACP learns the capabilities of LAN port groups dynamically and informs the other LAN ports. Once LACP
identifies correctly matched Ethernet links, it facilitates grouping the links into an port channel. The port
channel is then added to the spanning tree as a single bridge port.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 63
Configuring Port Channels
Configuring the Channel Mode for a Port


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# feature lacp Enables LACP on the switch.

Step 3 switch(config)# show feature (Optional)

Displays enabled features.

This example shows how to enable LACP:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# feature lacp

Configuring the Channel Mode for a Port

You can configure the channel mode for each individual link in the LACP port channel as active or passive.
This channel configuration mode allows the link to operate with LACP.
When you configure port channels with no associated protocol, all interfaces on both sides of the link remain
in the on channel mode.

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have enabled the LACP feature.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# interface type Specifies the interface to configure, and enters the interface
slot/port configuration mode.

Step 3 switch(config-if)# Specifies the port mode for the link in a port channel. After LACP
channel-group is enabled, you configure each link or the entire channel as active
channel-number [force] or passive.
[mode {on | active | passive}]
force—Specifies that the LAN port be forcefully added to the
channel group.
mode—Specifies the port channel mode of the interface.
active—Specifies that when you enable LACP, this command
enables LACP on the specified interface. The interface is in an
active negotiating state in which the port initiates negotiations with
other ports by sending LACP packets.
on—(Default mode) Specifies that all port channels that are not
running LACP remain in this mode.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
64 OL-29480-06
Configuring Port Channels
Configuring LACP Port Channel MinLinks

Command or Action Purpose

passive—Enables LACP only if an LACP device is detected. The
interface is in a passive negotiation state in which the port responds
to LACP packets that it receives but does not initiate LACP
When you run port channels with no associated protocol, the channel
mode is always on.

Step 4 switch(config-if)# no Returns the port mode to on for the specified interface.
channel-group number mode

This example shows how to set the LACP-enabled interface to active port-channel mode for Ethernet interface
1/4 in channel group 5:
switch# configure terminal
switch (config)# interface ethernet 1/4
switch(config-if)# channel-group 5 mode active

This example shows how to forcefully add an interface to the channel group 5:
switch(config)# interface ethernet 1/1
switch(config-if)# channel-group 5 force

Configuring LACP Port Channel MinLinks

The MinLink feature works only with LACP port channels. The device allows you to configure this feature
in non-LACP port channels, but the feature is not operational.

Important We recommend that you configure the LACP MinLink feature on both ends of your LACP port channel,
that is, on both the switches. Configuring the lacp min-links command on only one end of the port channel
might result in link flapping.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# interface Specifies the interface to configure and enters interface
port-channel number configuration mode.

Step 3 switch(config-if)# [no] lacp min-links Specifies the port channel interface to configure the
number number of minimum links and enters the interface
configuration mode.
The default value for number is 1. The range is from 1
to 16.
Use the no form of this command to disable this feature.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 65
Configuring Port Channels
Configuring the LACP Fast Timer Rate

Command or Action Purpose

Step 4 switch(config)# show running-config (Optional)
interface port-channel number Displays the port channel MinLinks configuration.

This example shows how to configure the minimum number of port channel interfaces on module 3:
switch# configure terminal
switch(config) # interface port-channel 3
switch(config-if) # lacp min-links 3
switch(config-if) #

Configuring the LACP Fast Timer Rate

You can change the LACP timer rate to modify the duration of the LACP timeout. Use the lacp rate command
to set the rate at which LACP control packets are sent to an LACP-supported interface. You can change the
timeout rate from the default rate (30 seconds) to the fast rate (1 second). This command is supported only
on LACP-enabled interfaces.

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have enabled the LACP feature.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# interface type Specifies the interface to configure and enters the
slot/port interface configuration mode.

Step 3 switch(config-if)# lacp rate fast Configures the fast rate (one second) at which LACP
control packets are sent to an LACP-supported

This example shows how to configure the LACP fast rate on Ethernet interface 1/4:

switch# configure terminal

switch(config)# interface ethernet 1/4
switch(config-if)# lacp rate fast

This example shows how to restore the LACP default rate (30 seconds) on Ethernet interface 1/4.

switch# configure terminal

switch(config)# interface ethernet 1/4
switch(config-if)# no lacp rate fast

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
66 OL-29480-06
Configuring Port Channels
Configuring the LACP System Priority and System ID

Configuring the LACP System Priority and System ID

The LACP system ID is the combination of the LACP system priority value and the MAC address.

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have enabled the LACP feature.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# lacp system-priority Configures the system priority for use with LACP.
priority Valid values are 1 through 65535, and higher numbers
have lower priority. The default value is 32768.

Step 3 switch# show lacp system-identifier (Optional)

Displays the LACP system identifier.

This example shows how to set the LACP system priority to 2500:
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# lacp system-priority 2500

Configuring the LACP Port Priority

You can configure each link in the LACP port channel for the port priority.

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have enabled the LACP feature.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# interface type Specifies the interface to configure, and enters the
slot/port interface configuration mode.

Step 3 switch(config-if)# lacp port-priority Configures the port priority for use with LACP. Valid
priority values are 1 through 65535, and higher numbers have
lower priority. The default value is 32768.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 67
Configuring Port Channels
Verifying Port Channel Configuration

This example shows how to set the LACP port priority for Ethernet interface 1/4 to 40000:
switch# configure terminal
switch (config)# interface ethernet 1/4
switch(config-if)# lacp port priority 40000

Verifying Port Channel Configuration

Use the following command to verify the port channel configuration information:

Command Purpose
show interface port channelchennal-number Displays the status of a port channel interface.

show feature Displays enabled features.

show resource Displays the number of resources currently available

in the system.

show lacp {counters | interface type slot/port | Displays LACP information.

neighbor | port-channel | system-identifier}
show port-channel compatibility-parameters Displays the parameters that must be the same among
the member ports in order to join a port channel.

show port-channel database [interface Displays the aggregation state for one or more
port-channel channel-number] port-channel interfaces.

show port-channel summary Displays a summary for the port channel interfaces.

show port-channel traffic Displays the traffic statistics for port channels.

show port-channel usage Displays the range of used and unused channel

show port-channel database Displays information on current running of the port

channel feature.

show port-channel load-balance Displays information about load-balancing using port


Triggering the Port Channel Membership Consistency Checker

You can manually trigger the port channel membership consistency checker to compare the hardware and
software configuration of all ports in a port channel and display the results. To manually trigger the port
channel membership consistency checker and display the results, use the following command in any mode:

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
68 OL-29480-06
Configuring Port Channels
Verifying the Load-Balancing Outgoing Port ID


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# show consistency-checker Starts a port channel membership consistency check
membership port-channels on the member ports of a port channel and displays
its results.

This example shows how to trigger a port channel membership consistency check and display its results:
switch# show consistency-checker membership port-channels
Checks: Trunk group and trunk membership table.
Consistency Check: PASSED
No Inconsistencies found for port-channel1111:
Module:1, Unit:0
['Ethernet1/4', 'Ethernet1/5', 'Ethernet1/6']
No Inconsistencies found for port-channel2211:
Module:1, Unit:0
['Ethernet1/7', 'Ethernet1/8', 'Ethernet1/9', 'Ethernet1/10']
No Inconsistencies found for port-channel3311:
Module:1, Unit:0
['Ethernet1/11', 'Ethernet1/12', 'Ethernet1/13', 'Ethernet1/14']
No Inconsistencies found for port-channel4095:
Module:1, Unit:0
['Ethernet1/33', 'Ethernet1/34', 'Ethernet1/35', 'Ethernet1/36', 'Ethernet1
/37', 'Ethernet1/38', 'Ethernet1/39', 'Ethernet1/40', 'Ethernet1/41', 'Ethernet1
/42', 'Ethernet1/43', 'Ethernet1/44', 'Ethernet1/45', 'Ethernet1/46', 'Ethernet1
/47', 'Ethernet1/48', 'Ethernet1/29', 'Ethernet1/30', 'Ethernet1/31', 'Ethernet1

Verifying the Load-Balancing Outgoing Port ID

Command Guidelines
The show port-channel load-balance command allows you to verify which ports a given frame is hashed to
on a port channel. You need to specify the VLAN and the destination MAC in order to get accurate results.

Note Certain traffic flows are not subject to hashing such as when there is a single port in a port-channel.

The show port-channel load-balance command supports only unicast traffic hashing. Multicast traffic hashing
is not supported.
To display the load-balancing outgoing port ID, perform one of the tasks:

Command Purpose
switch# show port-channel load-balance Displays the outgoing port ID.
forwarding-path interface port-channel
port-channel-id vlan vlan-id dst-ip src-ip dst-mac
src-mac l4-src-port port-id l4-dst-port port-id
ether-type ether-type ip-proto ip-proto

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 69
Configuring Port Channels
Feature History for Port Channels

This example shows how to display the load balancing outgoing port ID:

switch# show port-channel load-balance forwarding-path interface port-channel 10 vlan 1

dst-ip src-ip src-mac aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff
l4-src-port 0 l4-dst-port 1
Missing params will be substituted by 0's. Load-balance Algorithm on switch: source-dest-port
crc8_hash:204 Outgoing port id: Ethernet 1/1 Param(s) used to calculate load balance:
dst-port: 0
src-port: 0
dst-mac: 0000.0000.0000
src-mac: aabb.ccdd.eeff

Feature History for Port Channels

Feature Name Release Feature Information
Minimum Links 5.0(3)U3(1) Added information about
setting up and using the
Minimum Links feature.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
70 OL-29480-06
Configuring IP Tunnels
This chapter contains the following sections:

• Information About IP Tunnels, page 71

• Licensing Requirements for IP Tunnels, page 73
• Prerequisites for IP Tunnels, page 73
• Guidelines and Limitations for IP Tunnels, page 73
• Default Settings for IP Tunneling, page 74
• Configuring IP Tunnels, page 74
• Verifying the IP Tunnel Configuration, page 78
• Configuration Examples for IP Tunneling, page 79
• Related Documents for IP Tunnels, page 79
• Standards for IP Tunnels, page 79
• Feature History for Configuring IP Tunnels, page 80

Information About IP Tunnels

IP tunnels can encapsulate a same-layer or higher-layer protocol and transport the result over IP through a
tunnel created between two devices.
IP tunnels consists of the following three main components:
• Passenger protocol—The protocol that needs to be encapsulated. IPv4 is an example of a passenger
• Carrier protocol—The protocol that is used to encapsulate the passenger protocol. Cisco NX-OS supports
generic routing encapsulation (GRE), and IP-in-IP encapsulation and decapsulation as carrier protocols.
• Transport protocol—The protocol that is used to carry the encapsulated protocol. IPv4 is an example of
a transport protocol.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 71
Configuring IP Tunnels
GRE Tunnels

An IP tunnel takes a passenger protocol, such as IPv4, and encapsulates that protocol within a carrier protocol,
such as GRE. The device then transmits this carrier protocol over a transport protocol, such as IPv4.
You configure a tunnel interface with matching characteristics on each end of the tunnel.
You must enable the tunnel feature before you can configure it.

GRE Tunnels
You can use GRE as the carrier protocol for a variety of passenger protocols. The selection of tunnel interfaces
can also be based on the PBR policy.
The figure shows the IP tunnel components for a GRE tunnel. The original passenger protocol packet becomes
the GRE payload and the device adds a GRE header to the packet. The device then adds the transport protocol
header to the packet and transmits it.

Figure 5: GRE PDU

Point-to-Point IP-in-IP Tunnel Encapsulation and Decapsulation

Point-to-point IP-in-IP encapsulation and decapsulation is a type of tunnel that you can create to send
encapsulated packets from a source tunnel interface to a destination tunnel interface. The selection of these
tunnel interfaces can also be based on the PBR policy. This type of tunnel will carry both inbound and outbound

Multi-Point IP-in-IP Tunnel Decapsulation

Multi-point IP-in-IP decapsulate-any is a type of tunnel that you can create to decapsulate packets from any
number of IP-in-IP tunnels to one tunnel interface. This tunnel will not carry any outbound traffic. However,
any number of remote tunnel endpoints can use a tunnel configured this way as their destination.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
72 OL-29480-06
Configuring IP Tunnels
Licensing Requirements for IP Tunnels

Licensing Requirements for IP Tunnels

Product License Requirement
Cisco NX-OS IP tunnels require an Enterprise Services license. For
a complete explanation of the Cisco NX-OS licensing
scheme and how to obtain and apply licenses, see the
Cisco NX-OS Licensing Guide.

Prerequisites for IP Tunnels

IP tunnels have the following prerequisites:
• You must be familiar with TCP/IP fundamentals to configure IP tunnels.
• You are logged on to the switch.
• You have installed the Enterprise Services license for Cisco NX-OS.
• You must enable the tunneling feature in a device before you can configure and enable any IP tunnels.

Guidelines and Limitations for IP Tunnels

IP tunnels have the following configuration guidelines and limitations:
• Cisco NX-OS software supports the GRE header defined in IETF RFC 2784. Cisco NX-OS software
does not support tunnel keys and other options from IETF RFC 1701.
• The Cisco Nexus device supports the following maximum number tunnels:
◦GRE and IP-in-IP regular tunnels-8 tunnels
◦Multipoint IP-in-IP tunnels-32 tunnels

• Each tunnel will consume one Equal Cost Multipath (ECMP) adjacency.
• The Cisco Nexus device does not support the following features:
• Path maximum transmission unit (MTU) discovery
• Tunnel interface statistics
• Access control lists (ACLs)
• Unicast reverse path forwarding (URPF)
• Multicast traffic and associated multicast protocols such as Internet Group Management Protocol
(IGMP) and Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM)

• Cisco NX-OS software does not support the Web Cache Control Protocol (WCCP) on tunnel interfaces.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 73
Configuring IP Tunnels
Default Settings for IP Tunneling

• Cisco NX-OS software supports only Layer-3 traffic.

• Cisco NX-OS software supports ECMP across tunnels and ECMP for tunnel destination.
• IPv6-in-IPv6 tunnels is not supported.
• Limited control protocols, such as Border Gateway Protocol (BGP), Open Shortest Path First (OSPF),
and Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (EIGRP), are supported for GRE tunnels.

Default Settings for IP Tunneling

The following table lists the default settings for IP tunnel parameters.

Table 6: Default IP Tunnel Parameters

Parameters Default
Tunnel feature Disabled

Configuring IP Tunnels
Enabling Tunneling
Before You Begin
You must enable the tunneling feature before you can configure any IP tunnels.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# feature tunnel Enables the tunnel feature on the switch.

Step 3 switch(config)# exit Returns to configuration mode.

Step 4 switch(config)# show feature Displays the tunnel feature on the switch.

Step 5 switch# copy running-config (Optional)

startup-config Saves the change persistently through reboots and
restarts by copying the running configuration to the
startup configuration.

This example shows how to enable the tunnel feature:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# feature tunnel

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
74 OL-29480-06
Configuring IP Tunnels
Creating a Tunnel Interface

switch(config)# exit
switch(config)# copy running-config startup-config

Creating a Tunnel Interface

You can create a tunnel interface and then configure this logical interface for your IP tunnel. GRE mode is
the default tunnel mode.

Before You Begin

Both the tunnel source and the tunnel destination must exist within the same virtual routing and forwarding
(VRF) instance.
Ensure that you have enabled the tunneling feature.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# [no] interface tunnel Creates a new tunnel interface.

Step 3 switch(config)# tunnel mode {gre ip Sets this tunnel mode to GRE, ipip, or ipip
| ipip {ip | decapsulate-any}} decapsulate-only.
The gre and ip keywords specify that GRE encapsulation
over IP will be used.
The ipip keyword specifies that IP-in-IP encapsulation
will be used. The optional decapsulate-any keyword
terminates IP-in-IP tunnels at one tunnel interface. This
keyword creates a tunnel that will not carry any outbound
traffic. However, remote tunnel endpoints can use a
tunnel configured as their destination.

Step 4 switch(config)# tunnel source {ip Configures the source address for this IP tunnel.
address | interface-name}
Step 5 switch(config)# tunnel destination Configures the destination address for this IP tunnel.
{ip address | host-name}
Step 6 switch(config)# tunnel use-vrf (Optional)
vrf-name Uses the configured VRF instance to look up the tunnel
IP destination address.

Step 7 switch(config)# show interface (Optional)

tunnel number Displays the tunnel interface statistics.

Step 8 switch# copy running-config (Optional)

startup-config Saves the change persistently through reboots and restarts
by copying the running configuration to the startup

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 75
Configuring IP Tunnels
Configuring a Tunnel Interface Based on Policy Based Routing

This example shows how to create a tunnel interface:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface tunnel 1
switch(config)# tunnel source ethernet 1/2
switch(config)# tunnel destination
switch(config)# copy running-config startup-config

Configuring a Tunnel Interface Based on Policy Based Routing

You can create a tunnel interface and then configure this logical interface for your IP tunnel based on the PBR

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have enabled the tunneling feature.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# [no] interface Creates a new tunnel interface.

tunnel number
Step 3 switch(config)# ip address ip Configures an IP address for this interface.
Step 4 switch(config)# route-map Assigns a route map for IPv4 policy-based routing to the
map-name interface

Step 5 switch(config-route-map)# match ip Matches an IPv4 address against one or more IP access
address access-list-name name control lists (ACLs). This command is used for
policy-based routing and is ignored by route filtering or

Step 6 switch(config-route-map)# set ip Sets the IPv4 next-hop address for policy-based routing.
next-hop address Tunnel IP addresses can be specified as next-hop
addresses to select tunnel interfaces. This command uses
the first valid next-hop address if multiple addresses are
configured. Use the load-share option to select ECMP
across next-hop entries.

This example shows how to configure a tunnel interface that is based on PBR:
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface tunnel 1
switch(config)# ip address
switch(config)# route-map pbr1
switch(config-route-map)# match ip address access-list-name pbr1
switch(config-route-map)# set ip next-hop

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
76 OL-29480-06
Configuring IP Tunnels
Configuring a Tunnel Interface

Configuring a Tunnel Interface

You can set a tunnel interface to GRE tunnel mode, ipip mode, or ipip decapsulate-only mode. GRE mode is
the default tunnel mode.

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have enabled the tunneling feature.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# interface tunnel Enters a tunnel interface configuration mode.

Step 3 switch(config-if)# tunnel mode Sets this tunnel mode to GRE, ipip, or ipip decapsulate-only.
{gre ip | ipip {ip | The gre and ip keywords specify that GRE encapsulation
decapsulate-any}} over IP will be used.
The ipip keyword specifies that IP-in-IP encapsulation will
be used. The optional decapsulate-any keyword terminates
IP-in-IP tunnels at one tunnel interface. This keyword
creates a tunnel that will not carry any outbound traffic.
However, remote tunnel endpoints can use a tunnel
configured as their destination.

Step 4 switch(config-if)# show interface (Optional)

tunnel number Displays the tunnel interface statistics.

Step 5 switch(config-if)# mtu value Sets the maximum transmission unit (MTU) of IP packets
sent on an interface.

Step 6 switch(config-if)# copy (Optional)

running-config startup-config Saves the change persistently through reboots and restarts
by copying the running configuration to the startup

This example shows how to create the tunnel interface to GRE:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface tunnel 1
switch(config-if)# tunnel mode gre ip
switch(config-if)# copy running-config startup-config

This example shows how to create an ipip tunnel:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface tunnel 1
switch(config-if)# tunnel mode ipip
switch(config-if)# mtu 1400
switch(config-if)# copy running-config startup-config
switch(config-if)# no shut

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 77
Configuring IP Tunnels
Assigning VRF Membership to a Tunnel Interface

Assigning VRF Membership to a Tunnel Interface

You can add a tunnel interface to a VRF.

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have enabled the tunneling feature.
Assign the IP address for a tunnel interface after you have configured the interface for a VRF.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# interface tunnel number Enters interface configuration mode.

Step 3 switch(config)# vrf member vrf-name Adds this interface to a VRF.

Step 4 switch(config)# ip address ip-prefix/length Configures an IP address for this interface. You
must do this step after you assign this interface to
a VRF.

Step 5 switch(config)# show vrf [vrf-name] (Optional)

interface interface-type number Displays VRF information.

Step 6 switch(config-if)# copy running-config (Optional)

startup-config Saves the change persistently through reboots and
restarts by copying the running configuration to
the startup configuration.

This example shows how to add a tunnel interface to the VRF:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface tunnel 0
switch(config-if)# vrf member RemoteOfficeVRF
switch(config-if)# ip address
switch(config-if)# copy running-config startup-config

Verifying the IP Tunnel Configuration

Use the following commands to verify the configuration:

Command Purpose
show interface tunnel number Displays the configuration for the tunnel interface
(MTU, protocol, transport, and VRF). Displays input
and output packets, bytes, and packet rates.

show interface tunnel number brief Displays the operational status, IP address,
encapsulation type, and MTU of the tunnel interface.

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78 OL-29480-06
Configuring IP Tunnels
Configuration Examples for IP Tunneling

Command Purpose
show interface tunnel number description Displays the configured description of the tunnel

show interface tunnel number status Displays the operational status of the tunnel interface.

show interface tunnel number status err-disabled Displays the error disabled status of the tunnel

Configuration Examples for IP Tunneling

This example shows a simple GRE tunnel. Ethernet 1/2 is the tunnel source for router A and the tunnel
destination for router B. Ethernet interface 1/3 is the tunnel source for router B and the tunnel destination for
router A.
router A:
feature tunnel
interface tunnel 0
ip address
tunnel source ethernet 1/2
tunnel destination
tunnel mode gre ip
interface ethernet1/2
ip address

router B:
feature tunnel
interface tunnel 0
ip address
tunnel source ethernet 1/3
tunnel destination
tunnel mode gre ip
interface ethernet 1/3
ip address

Related Documents for IP Tunnels

Related Topics Document Title
IP tunnel commands Cisco Nexus 3000 Series Interfaces Command

Standards for IP Tunnels

No new or modified standards are supported by this feature, and support for existing standards has not been
modified by this feature.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 79
Configuring IP Tunnels
Feature History for Configuring IP Tunnels

Feature History for Configuring IP Tunnels

Table 7: Feature History for Configuring IP Tunnels

Feature Name Release Feature Information

Multi-point and Point-to-Point IP-in-IP 6.0(2)U2(1) Support for these tunnel modes was added.
encapsulation and decapsulation

IP tunnels 5.0(3)U4(1) This feature was introduced.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
80 OL-29480-06
Configuring VXLANs
This chapter contains the following sections:

• Overview, page 81
• Configuring VXLAN Traffic Forwarding, page 87
• Verifying the VXLAN Configuration, page 93
• Displaying MAC Addresses, page 95
• Clearing MAC Addresses, page 99

VXLAN Overview
The Cisco Nexus 3100 Series switches are designed for a hardware-based Virtual Extensible LAN (VXLAN)
function. These switches can extend Layer 2 connectivity across the Layer 3 boundary and integrate between
VXLAN and non-VXLAN infrastructures. Virtualized and multitenant data center designs can be shared over
a common physical infrastructure.
VXLANs enable you to extend Layer 2 networks across the Layer 3 infrastructure by using MAC-in-UDP
encapsulation and tunneling. In addition, you can use a VXLAN to build a multitenant data center by decoupling
tenant Layer 2 segments from the shared transport network.
When deployed as a VXLAN gateway, the Cisco Nexus 3100 Series switches can connect VXLAN and classic
VLAN segments to create a common forwarding domain so that tenant devices can reside in both environments.
A VXLAN has the following benefits:
• Flexible placement of multitenant segments throughout the data center.
It extends Layer 2 segments over the underlying shared network infrastructure so that tenant workloads
can be placed across physical pods in the data center.
• Higher scalability to address more Layer 2 segments.

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OL-29480-06 81
Configuring VXLANs
VXLAN Encapsulation and Packet Format

A VXLAN uses a 24-bit segment ID called the VXLAN network identifier (VNID). The VNID allows
a maximum of 16 million VXLAN segments to coexist in the same administrative domain. (In comparison,
traditional VLANs use a 12-bit segment ID that can support a maximum of 4096 VLANs.)
• Utilization of available network paths in the underlying infrastructure.
VXLAN packets are transferred through the underlying network based on its Layer 3 header. It uses
equal-cost multipath (ECMP) routing and link aggregation protocols to use all available paths.

VXLAN Encapsulation and Packet Format

A VXLAN is a Layer 2 overlay scheme over a Layer 3 network. It uses MAC-in-UDP encapsulation to extend
Layer 2 segments across the data center network. The transport protocol over the physical data center network
is IP plus UDP.
A VXLAN defines a MAC-in-UDP encapsulation scheme where the original Layer 2 frame has a VXLAN
header added and is then placed in a UDP-IP packet. With this MAC-in-UDP encapsulation, VXLAN tunnels
Layer 2 network over the Layer 3 network. The VXLAN packet format is shown in the following figure.

Figure 6: VXLAN Packet Format

A VXLAN uses an 8-byte VXLAN header that consists of a 24-bit VNID and a few reserved bits. The VXLAN
header and the original Ethernet frame are in the UDP payload. The 24-bit VNID identifies the Layer 2
segments and maintains Layer 2 isolation between the segments. A VXLAN can support 16 million LAN

VXLAN Tunnel Endpoints

A VXLAN uses VXLAN tunnel endpoint (VTEP) devices to map tenants' end devices to VXLAN segments
and to perform VXLAN encapsulation and deencapsulation. Each VTEP device has two types of interfaces:
• Switch port interfaces on the local LAN segment to support local endpoint communication through
• IP interfaces to the transport network where the VXLAN encapsulated frames will be sent

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82 OL-29480-06
Configuring VXLANs
VXLAN Packet Forwarding Flow

A VTEP device is identified in the IP transport network by using a unique IP address, which is a loopback
interface IP address. The VTEP device uses this IP address to encapsulate Ethernet frames and transmits the
encapsulated packets to the transport network through the IP interface. A VTEP device learns the remote
VTEP IP addresses and the remote MAC address-to-VTEP IP mapping for the VXLAN traffic that it receives.
The VXLAN segments are independent of the underlying network topology; conversely, the underlying IP
network between VTEPs is independent of the VXLAN overlay. The IP network routes the encapsulated
packets based on the outer IP address header, which has the initiating VTEP as the source IP address and the
terminating VTEP or multicast group IP address as the destination IP address.

VXLAN Packet Forwarding Flow

A VXLAN uses stateless tunnels between VTEPs to transmit traffic of the overlay Layer 2 network through
the Layer 3 transport network.

VXLAN Implementation on Cisco Nexus 3100 Series Switches

The Cisco Nexus 3100 Series switches support the hardware-based VXLAN function that extends Layer 2
connectivity across the Layer 3 transport network and provides a high-performance gateway between VXLAN
and non-VXLAN infrastructures.

Layer 2 Mechanisms for Broadcast, Unknown Unicast, and Multicast Traffic

A VXLAN on the Cisco Nexus 3100 Series switches uses flooding and dynamic MAC address learning to
do the following:
• Transport broadcast, unknown unicast, and multicast traffic
• Discover remote VTEPs
• Learn remote host MAC addresses and MAC-to-VTEP mappings for each VXLAN segment

A VXLAN can forward these traffic types as follows:

• Using multicast in the core—IP multicast reduces the flooding of the set of hosts that are participating
in the VXLAN segment. Each VXLAN segment, or VNID, is mapped to an IP multicast group in the
transport IP network. The Layer 2 gateway uses Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM) to send and
receive traffic from the rendezvous point (RP) for the IP multicast group. The multicast distribution tree
for this group is built through the transport network based on the locations of participating VTEPs.
• Using ingress replication—Each VXLAN segment or VXLAN network identifier (VNI) is mapped to
a remote unicast peer. The Layer 2 frame is VXLAN encapsulated with the destination IP address as
the remote unicast peer IP address and is sent out to the IP transport network where it gets unicast routed
or forwarded to the remote destination.

Layer 2 Mechanisms for Unicast-Learned Traffic

The Cisco Nexus 3100 Series switches perform MAC address lookup-based forwarding for VXLAN
unicast-learned traffic.

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OL-29480-06 83
Configuring VXLANs
VXLAN Layer 2 Gateway as a Transit Multicast Router

When Layer 2 traffic is received on the access side, a MAC address lookup is performed for the destination
MAC address in the frame. If the lookup is successful, VXLAN forwarding is done based on the information
retrieved as a result of the lookup. The lookup result provides the IP address of the remote VTEP from which
this MAC address is learned. This Layer 2 frame is then UDP/IP encapsulated with the destination IP address
as the remote VTEP IP address and is forwarded out of the appropriate network interface. In the Layer 3 cloud,
this IP packet is forwarded to the remote VTEP through the route to that IP address in the network.
For unicast-learned traffic, you must ensure the following:
• The route to the remote peer is known through a routing protocol or through static routes in the network.
• Adjacency is resolved.

VXLAN Layer 2 Gateway as a Transit Multicast Router

A VXLAN Layer 2 gateway must terminate VXLAN-multicast traffic that is headed to any of the groups to
which VNIs are mapped. In a network, a VXLAN Layer 2 gateway can be a multicast transit router for the
downstream multicast receivers that are interested in the group's traffic. A VXLAN Layer 2 gateway must do
some additional processing to ensure that VXLAN multicast traffic that is received is both terminated and
multicast routed. This traffic processing is done in two passes:
1 The VXLAN multicast traffic is multicast routed to all network receivers interested in that group's traffic.
2 The VXLAN multicast traffic is terminated, decapsulated, and forwarded to all VXLAN access side ports.

ECMP and LACP Load Sharing with VXLANs

Encapsulated VXLAN packets are forwarded between VTEPs based on the native forwarding decisions of
the transport network. Most data center transport networks are designed and deployed with multiple redundant
paths that take advantage of various multipath load-sharing technologies to distribute traffic loads on all
available paths.
A typical VXLAN transport network is an IP-routing network that uses the standard IP equal cost multipath
(ECMP) to balance the traffic load among multiple best paths. To avoid out-of-sequence packet forwarding,
flow-based ECMP is commonly deployed. An ECMP flow is defined by the source and destination IP addresses
and optionally, the source and destination TCP or UDP ports in the IP packet header.
All the VXLAN packet flows between a pair of VTEPs have the same outer source and destination IP addresses,
and all VTEP devices must use one identical destination UDP port that can be either the Internet Allocated
Numbers Authority (IANA)-allocated UDP port 4789 or a customer-configured port. The only variable element
in the ECMP flow definition that can differentiate VXLAN flows from the transport network standpoint is
the source UDP port. A similar situation for Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) hashing occurs if
the resolved egress interface that is based on the routing and ECMP decision is an LACP port channel. LACP
uses the VXLAN outer-packet header for link load-share hashing, which results in the source UDP port being
the only element that can uniquely identify a VXLAN flow.
In the Cisco Nexus 3100 Series switches implementation of VXLANs, a hash of the inner frame's header is
used as the VXLAN source UDP port. As a result, a VXLAN flow can be unique. The IP address and UDP
port combination is in its outer header while the packet traverses the underlay transport network.

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84 OL-29480-06
Configuring VXLANs
Guidelines and Limitations for VXLANs

Guidelines and Limitations for VXLANs

VXLAN has the following guidelines and limitations:
• IGMP snooping is not supported on VXLAN VLANs.
• VXLAN routing is not supported. The default Layer 3 gateway for VXLAN VLANs must be provisioned
on a different device.
• Ensure that the network can accommodate an additional 50 bytes for the VXLAN header.
• Only one Network Virtualization Edge (NVE) interface is supported on a switch.
• Layer 3 VXLAN uplinks are not supported in a nondefault virtual and routing forwarding (VRF) instance.
• Only one VXLAN IP adjacency is possible per physical interface.
• Switched virtual interfaces (SVIs) are not supported on VXLAN VLANs.
• Switched Port Analyzer (SPAN) Tx for VXLAN-encapsulated traffic is not supported for the Layer 3
uplink interface.
• Access control lists (ACLs) and quality of service (QoS) for VXLAN traffic to access direction are not
• SNMP is not supported on the NVE interface.
• Native VLANs for VXLAN are not supported.
• For ingress replication configurations, multiple VNIs cannot have the same remote peer IP configured.
• Use the ip pim spt-threshold infinity group-list command to ensure that Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)
is not selected for the VXLAN multicast group.
• The VXLAN source UDP port is determined based on the VNID and source and destination IP addresses.
• The UDP port configuration must be done before the NVE interface is enabled. If the UDP configuration
must be changed while the NVE interface is enabled, you must shut down the NVE interface, make the
UDP configuration change, and then reenable the NVE interface.
• When a VN-Segment is mapped to a native VLAN, if traffic is sent on any normal VLAN on that port
instead of getting switched in the VLAN, it gets forwarded in the VXLAN tunnel for the native VLAN.

Considerations for VXLAN Deployment

The following are some of the considerations while deploying VXLANs:
• A loopback interface IP is used to uniquely identify a VTEP device in the transport network.
• To establish IP multicast routing in the core, an IP multicast configuration, PIM configuration, and
Rendezvous Point (RP) configuration are required.
• You can configure VTEP-to-VTEP unicast reachability through any IGP protocol.
• You can configure a VXLAN UDP destination port as required. The default port is 4789.
• The default gateway for VXLAN VLANs should be provisioned on a different upstream router.

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OL-29480-06 85
Configuring VXLANs
vPC Guidelines and Limitations for VXLAN Deployment

• VXLAN multicast traffic should always use the RPT shared tree.
• An RP for the multicast group on the VTEP is a supported configuration. However, you must configure
the RP for the multicast group at the spine layer/upstream device. Because all multicast traffic traverses
the RP, it is more efficient to have this traffic directed to a spine layer/upstream device.

vPC Guidelines and Limitations for VXLAN Deployment

• You must bind NVE to a loopback address that is separate form other loopback addresses required by
Layer 3 protocols. Use a dedicated loopback address for VXLAN.
• vPC peers must have identical configurations for the following:
• Consistent VLAN to VN-Segment mapping.
• Consistent NVE binding:
• Using the same source interface IP address.
• Using consistent VNI to group mapping.

• For multicast, the vPC node that receives the (S,G) join from the RP becomes the designated forwarder
(DF). On the DF node, both encapsulation and decapsulation routes are installed for multicast. The other
vPC node does not initiate or terminate multicast traffic.
• Multicast traffic on a vPC that is hashed toward the non-DF switch traverses the multichassis EtherChannel
trunk (MCT) and is encapsulated on the DF node.
• When MCT is shut, the loopback interface on the secondary vPC is brought down and the status is
Admin Shut. The route to the loopback is withdrawn on the upstream and the upstream can divert all
traffic to the primary vPC.

Note Orphans that are connected to the secondary vPC experience a loss of traffic when the
MCT is shut down. This situation is similar to Layer 2 orphans in a secondary vPC of
a traditional vPC setup.

• In a VXLAN vPC, consistency checks are performed to ensure that NVE configurations and VN-Segment
configurations are identical across vPC peers.
• The router ID for unicast routing protocols must be different from the loopback IP address used for
• When MCT is no-shut, the NVE loopback interface is brought up again and the route is advertised
upstream to attract traffic.
• Configure an SVI between vPC peers and advertise routes between the vPC peers by using a routing
protocol with higher routing metric. This action ensures that the IP connectivity of the vPC node does
not go down if one vPC node fails.

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86 OL-29480-06
Configuring VXLANs
Configuring VXLAN Traffic Forwarding

Configuring VXLAN Traffic Forwarding

There are two options for forwarding broadcast, unknown unicast and multicast traffic on a VXLAN Layer
2 gateway. Layer 2 Mechanisms for Broadcast, Unknown Unicast, and Multicast Traffic, on page 83 provides
more information about these two options.
Before you enable and configure VXLANs, ensure that the following configurations are complete:
• For IP multicast in the core, ensure that the IP multicast configuration, the PIM configuration, and the
RP configuration are complete, and that a routing protocol exists.
• For ingress replication, ensure that a routing protocol exists for reaching unicast addresses.

Note On a Cisco Nexus 3100 Series switch that functions as a VXLAN Layer 2 gateway,
note that traffic that is received on the access side cannot trigger an ARP on the network
side. ARP for network side interfaces should be resolved either by using a routing
protocol such as BGP, or by using static ARP. This requirement is applicable for ingress
replication cases alone, not for multicast replication cases.

Enabling and Configuring the PIM Feature

Before you can access the PIM commands, you must enable the PIM feature.
This is a prerequisite only for multicast replication.

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have installed the LAN Base Services license.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# feature pim Enables PIM. By default, PIM is disabled.

Step 3 switch(config)# ip pim spt-threshold Creates the IPv4 Protocol Independent Multicast (PIM)
infinity group-list route-map-name (*, G) state only. Allows selection of the RPT only
and not the SPT.

Step 4 switch(config)# show running-config (Optional)

pim Shows the running-configuration information for PIM,
including the feature command.

Step 5 switch(config)# copy running-config (Optional)

startup-config Saves the change persistently through reboots and
restarts by copying the running configuration to the
startup configuration.

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OL-29480-06 87
Configuring VXLANs
Configuring a Rendezvous Point

This example shows how to enable the PIM feature:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# feature pim
switch(config)# ip pim spt-threshold infinity group-list rp_name
switch(config)# show running-config pim

!Command: show running-config pim

!Time: Wed Mar 26 08:04:23 2014

version 6.0(2)U3(1)
feature pim

ip pim spt-threshold infinity group-list rp_name

Configuring a Rendezvous Point

You can configure a rendezvous point (RP) by configuring the RP address on every router that will participate
in the PIM domain.
This is a prerequisite only for multicast replication.

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have installed the LAN Base Services license and enabled PIM.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# ip pim rp-address Configures a PIM RP address for a multicast group
rp-address [group-list ip-prefix | range. You can specify a route-map policy name that
route-map policy-name] lists the group prefixes to use with the match ip
multicast command. The default mode is ASM. The
default group range is through

Step 3 switch(config)# show ip pim (Optional)

group-range [ip-prefix] [vrf {vrf-name Displays PIM modes and group ranges.
| all | default | management}]
Step 4 switch(config)# copy running-config (Optional)
startup-config Saves the change persistently through reboots and
restarts by copying the running configuration to the
startup configuration.

This example shows how to configure an RP:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# ip pim rp-address group-list

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
88 OL-29480-06
Configuring VXLANs
Enabling a VXLAN

Enabling a VXLAN
Enabling VXLANs involves the following:
• Enabling the VXLAN feature
• Enabling VLAN to VN-Segment mapping

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have installed the VXLAN Enterprise license.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# [no] feature nv Enables the VXLAN feature.

Step 3 switch (config)# [no] feature Configures the global mode for all VXLAN bridge
vn-segment-vlan-based domains.
Enables VLAN to VN-Segment mapping. VLAN to
VN-Segment mapping is always one-to-one.

Step 4 switch(config)# copy running-config (Optional)

startup-config Saves the change persistently through reboots and
restarts by copying the running configuration to the
startup configuration.

This example shows how to enable a VXLAN and configure VLAN to VN-Segment mapping:
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# feature nv overlay
switch(config)# feature vn-segment-vlan-based
switch(config)# copy running-config startup-config

Mapping a VLAN to a VXLAN VNI


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# vlan vlan-id Specifies a VLAN.

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OL-29480-06 89
Configuring VXLANs
Configuring a Routing Protocol for NVE Unicast Addresses

Command or Action Purpose

Step 3 switch(config-vlan)# vn-segment vnid Specifies the VXLAN virtual network
identifier (VNID).

This example shows how to map a VLAN to a VXLAN VNI:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# vlan 3100
switch(config-vlan)# vn-segment 5000

Configuring a Routing Protocol for NVE Unicast Addresses

Configuring a routing protocol for unicast addresses involves the following:
• Configuring a dedicated loopback interface for NVE reachability.
• Configuring the routing protocol network type.
• Specifying the routing protocol instance and area for an interface.
• Enabling PIM sparse mode in case of multicast replication.

Note Open shortest path first (OSPF) is used as the routing protocol in the examples.

This is a prerequisite for both multicast and ingress replication.

Guidelines for configuring a routing protocol for unicast addresses are as follows:
• For ingress replication, you can use a routing protocol that can resolve adjacency, such as BGP.
• When using unicast routing protocols in a vPC topology, explicitly configure a unique router ID for the
vPC peers to avoid the VTEP loopback IP address (which is the same on the vPC peers) being used as
the router ID.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# interface loopback Creates a dedicated loopback interface for the NVE
instance interface. The instance range is from 0 to 1023.

Step 3 switch(config-if)# ip address Configures an IP address for this interface.

Step 4 switch(config-if)# ip ospf network Configures the OSPF network type to a type other
{broadcast | point-to-point} than the default for an interface.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
90 OL-29480-06
Configuring VXLANs
Creating a VXLAN Destination UDP Port

Command or Action Purpose

Step 5 switch(config-if)# ip router ospf Specifies the OSPF instance and area for an
instance-tag area area-id interface.

Step 6 switch(config-if)# ip pim sparse-mode Enables PIM sparse mode on this interface. The
default is disabled.
Enable the PIM sparse mode in case of multicast

This example shows how to configure a routing protocol for NVE unicast addresses:
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface loopback 10
switch(config-if)# ip address
switch(config-if)# ip ospf network point-to-point
switch(config-if)# ip router ospf 1 area
switch(config-if)# ip pim sparse-mode

Creating a VXLAN Destination UDP Port

The UDP port configuration should be done before the NVE interface is enabled.

Note If the configuration must be changed while the NVE interface is enabled, ensure that you shut down the
NVE interface, make the UDP configuration change, and then reenable the NVE interface.

Ensure that the UDP port configuration is done network-wide before the NVE interface is enabled on the
The VXLAN UDP source port is determined based on the VNID and source and destination IP addresses.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# vxlan udp port Specifies the destination UDP port number for VXLAN
number encapsulated packets. The default destination UDP
port number is 4789.

This example shows how to create a VXLAN destination UDP port:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# vxlan udp port 4789

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OL-29480-06 91
Configuring VXLANs
Creating and Configuring an NVE Interface

Creating and Configuring an NVE Interface

An NVE interface is the overlay interface that initiates and terminates VXLAN tunnels. You can create and
configure an NVE (overlay) interface.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# interface nve Creates a VXLAN overlay interface that initiates and
instance terminates VXLAN tunnels.
Note Only one NVE interface is allowed on the
Step 3 switch(config-if-nve)# Specifies a source interface.
source-interface loopback The source interface must be a loopback interface that is
instance configured on the switch with a valid /32 IP address. This
/32 IP address must be known by the transit routers in the
transport network and the remote VTEPs.

This example shows how to create and configure an NVE interface:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface nve 1
switch(config-if-nve)# source-interface loopback 10

Configuring Replication for a VNI

Replication for VXLAN network identifier (VNI) can be configured in one of two ways:
• Multicast replication
• Ingress replication

Configuring Multicast Replication

Before You Begin
• Ensure that the NVE interface is created and configured.
• Ensure that the source interface is specified.

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92 OL-29480-06
Configuring VXLANs
Verifying the VXLAN Configuration


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch(config-if-nve)# member vni {vnid Maps VXLAN VNIs to the NVE interface
mcast-group multicast-group-addr | vnid- range and assigns a multicast group to the VNIs.
mcast-group start-addr [end-addr]}

This example shows how to map a VNI to an NVE interface and assign it to a multicast group:
switch(config-if-nve)# member vni 5000 mcast-group

Configuring Ingress Replication

Before You Begin
• Ensure that the NVE interface is created and configured.
• Ensure that the source interface is specified.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch(config-if-nve)# member vni Maps VXLAN VNIs to the NVE interface.
Step 2 switch(config-if-nve-vni)# Enables ingress replication for the VNI to the specified
ingress-replication ip-address unicast address.
Note • A VNI can be associated only with a
single IP address.
• An IP address can be associated only with
a single VNI.

This example shows how to map a VNI to an NVE interface and create a unicast tunnel:
switch(config-if-nve)# member vni 5001
switch(config-if-nve-vni)# ingress-replication

Verifying the VXLAN Configuration

Use one of the following commands to verify the VXLAN configuration:

Command Purpose
show nve interface nve id Displays the configuration of an NVE interface.

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OL-29480-06 93
Configuring VXLANs
Verifying the VXLAN Configuration

Command Purpose
show nve vni Displays the VNI that is mapped to an NVE interface.

show nve peers Displays peers of the NVE interface.

show interface nve id counters Displays all the counters for an NVE interface.

show nve vxlan-params Displays the VXLAN UDP port configured.

This example shows how to display the configuration of an NVE interface:

switch# show nve interface nve 1
Interface: nve1, State: up, encapsulation: VXLAN
Source-interface: loopback10 (primary:, secondary:

This example shows how to display the VNI that is mapped to an NVE interface for multicast replication:
switch# show nve vni
Interface VNI Multicast-group VNI State
---------------- -------- --------------- ---------
nve1 5000 Up

This example shows how to display the VNI that is mapped to an NVE interface for ingress replication:
switch# show nve vni
Interface VNI Multicast-group VNI State
---------------- -------- --------------- ---------
nve1 5000 Up

This example shows how to display the peers of an NVE interface:

switch# show nve peers
Interface Peer-IP Peer-State
---------------- --------------- -------------
nve1 Up

This example shows how to display the counters of an NVE interface:

switch# show interface nv 1 counter

Port InOctets InUcastPkts
nve1 0 0

Port InMcastPkts InBcastPkts
nve1 0 0

Port OutOctets OutUcastPkts
nve1 0 0

Port OutMcastPkts OutBcastPkts
nve1 0 0

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94 OL-29480-06
Configuring VXLANs
Displaying MAC Addresses

This example shows how to display the VXLAN UDP port configured:
switch# show nve vxlan-params
VxLAN Dest. UDP Port: 4789

Displaying MAC Addresses

Enter one of these commands to display VXLAN and VLAN MAC addresses:

Command Purpose
show mac address-table Displays both VLAN and VXLAN MAC addresses.

show mac address-table vlan vlan-id Displays all the VxLAN MAC addresses that are
learned on the specified VLAN. For VN-Segment
mapped VLANs, it displays both local and remote
MAC addresses.

show mac address-table local Displays only locally learned MAC addresses on all
VLANs that are mapped to VN-Segments.

show mac address-table local vlan vlan-id Displays only locally learned MAC addresses on the
specified VLAN, which is mapped to a VN-Segment.

show mac address-table interface nve nve-id Displays all remote MAC addresses learned on NVE.

show mac address-table interface nve nve-id vni Displays all remote MAC addresses learned on the
vni-id VNI.

show mac address-table interface ethernet slot/port Displays all MAC addresses learned on the VLAN
vlan vlan-id on this interface.

show mac address-table interface nve nve-id peer Displays all MAC addresses learned on NVE from
ip-address the specified peer.
show mac address-table interface nve nve-id peer
vrf vrf-name ip-address

show mac address-table interface nve nve-id peer Displays all MAC addresses learned on NVE from
ip-address vni vni-id the specified peer on the specified VNI.
show mac address-table interface nve nve-id peer
vrf vrf-name ip-address vni vni-id

show mac address-table count local Displays the number of locally learned MAC address
table entries.

show mac address-table count local vlan vlan-id Displays the number of locally learned MAC address
table entries on the specified VLAN, which is mapped
to a VN-segment.

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OL-29480-06 95
Configuring VXLANs
Displaying MAC Addresses

Command Purpose
show mac address-table count interface nve nve-id Displays the number of remote MAC address table
entries learned on NVE.

show mac address-table count interface nve nve-id Displays the number of remote MAC address table
vni vni-id entries learned on the VNI.

show mac address-table count interface nve nve-id Displays the number of MAC address table entries
peer ip-address learned on NVE from the specified peer.
show mac address-table count interface nve nve-id
peer ip-address vrf vrf-name

show mac address-table count interface nve nve-id Displays the number of MAC address table entries
peer ip-address vni vni-id learned on NVE from the specified peer on the
specified VNI.
show mac address-table count interface nve nve-id
peer ip-address vrf vrf-name vni vni-id

This example shows how to display both VLAN and VXLAN MAC addresses:
switch# show mac address-table
* - primary entry, G - Gateway MAC, (R) - Routed MAC, O - Overlay MAC
age - seconds since first seen,+ - primary entry using vPC Peer-Link
VLAN MAC Address Type age Secure NTFY Ports/SWID.SSID.LID
* 109 0000.0410.0902 dynamic 470 F F Po2233
* 109 0000.0410.0912 dynamic 470 F F Po2233
* 109 0000.0410.0912 dynamic 470 F F nve1(
* 108 0000.0410.0802 dynamic 470 F F Po2233
* 108 0000.0410.0812 dynamic 470 F F Po2233
* 107 0000.0410.0702 dynamic 470 F F Po2233
* 107 0000.0410.0712 dynamic 470 F F Po2233
* 107 0000.0410.0712 dynamic 470 F F nve1(
* 106 0000.0410.0602 dynamic 470 F F Po2233
* 106 0000.0410.0612 dynamic 470 F F Po2233
* 105 0000.0410.0502 dynamic 470 F F Po2233
* 105 0000.0410.0512 dynamic 470 F F Po2233
* 105 0000.0410.0512 dynamic 470 F F nve1(
* 104 0000.0410.0402 dynamic 470 F F Po2233
* 104 0000.0410.0412 dynamic 470 F F Po2233
This example shows how to display all the VXLAN MAC addresses learned on the specified VLAN:
switch# show mac address-table vlan 107
* - primary entry, G - Gateway MAC, (R) - Routed MAC, O - Overlay MAC
age - seconds since first seen,+ - primary entry using vPC Peer-Link
VLAN MAC Address Type age Secure NTFY Ports/SWID.SSID.LID
* 107 0000.0410.0702 dynamic 470 F F Po2233
* 107 0000.0410.0712 dynamic 470 F F Po2233
* 107 0000.0410.0712 dynamic 470 F F nve1(
This example shows how to display only locally learned MAC addresses on all VLANs that are mapped to
switch# show mac address-table local
* - primary entry, G - Gateway MAC, (R) - Routed MAC, O - Overlay MAC
age - seconds since first seen,+ - primary entry using vPC Peer-Link
VLAN MAC Address Type age Secure NTFY Ports/SWID.SSID.LID

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96 OL-29480-06
Configuring VXLANs
Displaying MAC Addresses

* 109 0000.0410.0902 dynamic 470 F F Po2233

* 109 0000.0410.0912 dynamic 470 F F Po2233
* 108 0000.0410.0802 dynamic 470 F F Po2233
* 108 0000.0410.0812 dynamic 470 F F Po2233
* 107 0000.0410.0702 dynamic 470 F F Po2233
* 107 0000.0410.0712 dynamic 470 F F Po2233
* 106 0000.0410.0602 dynamic 470 F F Po2233
* 106 0000.0410.0612 dynamic 470 F F Po2233
* 105 0000.0410.0502 dynamic 470 F F Po2233
* 105 0000.0410.0512 dynamic 470 F F Po2233
* 104 0000.0410.0402 dynamic 470 F F Po2233
* 104 0000.0410.0412 dynamic 470 F F Po2233
* 103 0000.0410.0302 dynamic 470 F F Po2233
* 103 0000.0410.0312 dynamic 470 F F Po2233
* 102 0000.0410.0202 dynamic 470 F F Po2233
* 102 0000.0410.0212 dynamic 470 F F Po2233
* 101 0000.0410.0102 dynamic 470 F F Po2233
* 101 0000.0410.0112 dynamic 470 F F Po2233
* 100 0000.0410.0002 dynamic 470 F F Po2233
* 100 0000.0410.0012 dynamic 470 F F Po2233
This example shows how to display only locally learned MAC addresses on the specified VLAN, which is
mapped to a VN-Segment:
switch# show mac address-table local vlan 107
* - primary entry, G - Gateway MAC, (R) - Routed MAC, O - Overlay MAC
age - seconds since first seen,+ - primary entry using vPC Peer-Link
VLAN MAC Address Type age Secure NTFY Ports/SWID.SSID.LID
* 107 0000.0410.0702 dynamic 480 F F Po2233
* 107 0000.0410.0712 dynamic 480 F F Po2233
This example shows how to display all remote MAC addresses learned on NVE:
switch# show mac address-table interface nve 1
* - primary entry, G - Gateway MAC, (R) - Routed MAC, O - Overlay MAC
age - seconds since first seen,+ - primary entry using vPC Peer-Link
VN_SEGMENT MAC Address Type Age Remote Vtep/VxLAN Port
* 4100 0000.0110.0002 dynamic 1180 nve1(
* 4100 0000.0110.0012 dynamic 1180 nve1(
* 4101 0000.0110.0102 dynamic 1180 nve1(
* 4101 0000.0110.0112 dynamic 1180 nve1(
* 4102 0000.0110.0202 dynamic 1180 nve1(
* 4102 0000.0110.0212 dynamic 1180 nve1(
* 4103 0000.0110.0302 dynamic 1180 nve1(
* 4103 0000.0110.0312 dynamic 1180 nve1(
* 4104 0000.0110.0402 dynamic 1180 nve1(
* 4104 0000.0110.0412 dynamic 1180 nve1(
* 4105 0000.0110.0502 dynamic 1180 nve1(
* 4105 0000.0110.0512 dynamic 1180 nve1(
* 4106 0000.0110.0602 dynamic 1180 nve1(
* 4106 0000.0110.0612 dynamic 1180 nve1(
* 4107 0000.0110.0702 dynamic 1180 nve1(
* 4107 0000.0110.0712 dynamic 1180 nve1(
* 4108 0000.0110.0802 dynamic 1180 nve1(
* 4108 0000.0110.0812 dynamic 1180 nve1(
* 4109 0000.0110.0902 dynamic 1180 nve1(
* 4109 0000.0110.0912 dynamic 1180 nve1(
This example shows how to display all remote MAC addresses learned on the VNI:
switch# show mac address-table interface nve 1 vni 4100
* - primary entry, G - Gateway MAC, (R) - Routed MAC, O - Overlay MAC
age - seconds since first seen,+ - primary entry using vPC Peer-Link
VN_SEGMENT MAC Address Type Age Remote Vtep/VxLAN Port
* 4100 0000.0110.0002 dynamic 1230 nve1(

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OL-29480-06 97
Configuring VXLANs
Displaying MAC Addresses

* 4100 0000.0110.0012 dynamic 1230 nve1(

This example shows how to display all MAC addresses learned on NVE from the specified peer:
switch# show mac address-table interface nve 1 peer
* - primary entry, G - Gateway MAC, (R) - Routed MAC, O - Overlay MAC
age - seconds since first seen,+ - primary entry using vPC Peer-Link
VN_SEGMENT MAC Address Type Age Remote Vtep/VxLAN Port
* 4100 0000.0110.0002 dynamic 1400 nve1(
* 4100 0000.0110.0012 dynamic 1400 nve1(
* 4101 0000.0110.0102 dynamic 1400 nve1(
* 4101 0000.0110.0112 dynamic 1400 nve1(
* 4102 0000.0110.0202 dynamic 1400 nve1(
* 4102 0000.0110.0212 dynamic 1400 nve1(
* 4103 0000.0110.0302 dynamic 1400 nve1(
* 4103 0000.0110.0312 dynamic 1400 nve1(
* 4104 0000.0110.0402 dynamic 1400 nve1(
* 4104 0000.0110.0412 dynamic 1400 nve1(
* 4105 0000.0110.0502 dynamic 1400 nve1(
* 4105 0000.0110.0512 dynamic 1400 nve1(
* 4106 0000.0110.0602 dynamic 1400 nve1(
* 4106 0000.0110.0612 dynamic 1400 nve1(
* 4107 0000.0110.0702 dynamic 1400 nve1(
* 4107 0000.0110.0712 dynamic 1400 nve1(
* 4108 0000.0110.0802 dynamic 1400 nve1(
* 4108 0000.0110.0812 dynamic 1400 nve1(
* 4109 0000.0110.0902 dynamic 1400 nve1(
* 4109 0000.0110.0912 dynamic 1400 nve1(
This example shows how to display all MAC addresses learned on NVE from the specified peer on the specified
switch# show mac address-table interface nve 1 peer vni 4100
* - primary entry, G - Gateway MAC, (R) - Routed MAC, O - Overlay MAC
age - seconds since first seen,+ - primary entry using vPC Peer-Link
VN_SEGMENT MAC Address Type Age Remote Vtep/VxLAN Port
* 4100 0000.0110.0002 dynamic 1420 nve1(
* 4100 0000.0110.0012 dynamic 1420 nve1(
This example shows how to display the number of locally learned MAC address table entries:
switch# show mac address-table count local
MAC Entries for all vlans:
Dynamic Address Count: 20
Static Address (User-defined) Count: 0
Multicast MAC Address Count: 0
Total MAC Addresses in Use: 20

Total PVLAN Clone MAC Address Count: 0

This example shows how to display the number of locally learned MAC address table entries on the specified
VLAN, which is mapped to a VN-Segment:
switch# show mac address-table count local vlan 107
MAC Entries for all vlans:
Total MAC Addresses in Use: 2
This example shows how to display the number of remote MAC address table entries learned on NVE:
switch# show mac address-table count interface nve 1
MAC entries for all vlans:
Total MAC Address in use: 20
This example shows how to display the number of remote MAC address table entries learned on the VNI:
switch# show mac address-table count interface nve 1 vni 4100
MAC entries for all vlans:

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98 OL-29480-06
Configuring VXLANs
Clearing MAC Addresses

Total MAC Address in use: 2

This example shows how to display the number of MAC address table entries learned on NVE from the
specified peer:
switch# show mac address-table count interface nve 1 peer
MAC entries for all vlans:
Total MAC Address in use: 20
This example shows how to display the number of MAC address table entries learned on NVE from the
specified peer on the specified VNI:
switch# show mac address-table count interface nve 1 peer vni 4100
MAC entries for all vlans:
Total MAC Address in use: 2

Clearing MAC Addresses

Use one of the following commands to clear the address entries from the MAC address table:

Command Purpose
clear mac address-table dynamic Clears all MAC address entries in the MAC address

clear mac address-table dynamic vlan vlan-id Clears all VLAN and VXLAN MAC address entries
from the MAC address table.

clear mac address-table dynamic local Clears all locally learned MAC address entries on all
VLANs mapped to VN -Segments.

clear mac address-table dynamic local vlan vlan-id Clears all locally learned MAC address entries on the
specified VLAN.

clear mac address-table dynamic interface nve Clears all overlay learned MAC addresses.

clear mac address-table dynamic interface nve Clears all network-learnt MAC addresses on the
nve-id vni vni-id specified VNI.

clear mac address-table dynamic interface Clears all MAC addresses on the specified interface
Ethernet slot/port vlan vlan-id and VLAN.

clear mac address-table dynamic interface nve Clears all MAC addresses on the NVE interface for
nve-id peer ip-address the specified peer.
clear mac address-table dynamic interface nve
nve-id peer ip-address vrf vrf-name

clear mac address-table dynamic interface nve Clears all MAC addresses on the NVE interface from
nve-id peer ip-address vni vni-id the specified peer on the specified VNI.
clear mac address-table dynamic interface nve
nve-id peer ip-address vrf vrf-name vni vni-id

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OL-29480-06 99
Configuring VXLANs
Clearing MAC Addresses

This example shows how to clear all MAC address entries in the MAC address table:
switch# clear mac address-table dynamic
This example shows how to clear all VLAN and VXLAN MAC address entries from the MAC address table:
switch# clear mac address-table dynamic vlan 3100
This example shows how to clear all locally learned MAC address entries on all VLANs mapped to VN
switch# clear mac address-table dynamic local
This example shows how to clear all locally learned MAC address entries on the specified VLAN:
switch# clear mac address-table dynamic local vlan 3100
This example shows how to clear all overlay learned MAC addresses:
switch# clear mac address-table dynamic interface nve 1
This example shows how to clear all network-learnt MAC addresses on the specified VNI:
switch# clear mac address-table dynamic interface nve 1 vni 5000
This example shows how to clear all MAC addresses on the specified interface and VLAN:
switch# clear mac address-table dynamic interface Ethernet 1/1 vlan 3100
This example shows how to clear all MAC addresses on the NVE interface for the specified peer:
switch# clear mac address-table dynamic interface nve 1 peer vrf default
This example shows how to clear all MAC addresses on the NVE interface from the specified peer on the
specified VNI:
switch# clear mac address-table dynamic interface nve 1 peer vrf default vni 5000

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100 OL-29480-06
Configuring Virtual Port Channels
This chapter contains the following sections:

• Information About vPCs, page 101

• Guidelines and Limitations for vPCs, page 109
• Verifying the vPC Configuration, page 110
• vPC Default Settings, page 115
• Configuring vPCs, page 115

Information About vPCs

vPC Overview
A virtual port channel (vPC) allows links that are physically connected to two different Cisco Nexus devices
or Cisco Nexus Fabric Extenders to appear as a single port channel by a third device (see the following figure).
The third device can be a switch, server, or any other networking device. You can configure vPCs in topologies
that include Cisco Nexus devices connected to Cisco Nexus Fabric Extenders. A vPC can provide multipathing,
which allows you to create redundancy by enabling multiple parallel paths between nodes and load balancing
traffic where alternative paths exist.
You configure the EtherChannels by using one of the following:
• No protocol
• Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP)

When you configure the EtherChannels in a vPC—including the vPC peer link channel—each switch can
have up to 16 active links in a single EtherChannel.

Note You must enable the vPC feature before you can configure or run the vPC functionality.

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Configuring Virtual Port Channels

To enable the vPC functionality, you must create a peer-keepalive link and a peer-link under the vPC domain
for the two vPC peer switches to provide the vPC functionality.
To create a vPC peer link you configure an EtherChannel on one Cisco Nexus device by using two or more
Ethernet ports. On the other switch, you configure another EtherChannel again using two or more Ethernet
ports. Connecting these two EtherChannels together creates a vPC peer link.

Note We recommend that you configure the vPC peer-link EtherChannels as trunks.

The vPC domain includes both vPC peer devices, the vPC peer-keepalive link, the vPC peer link, and all of
the EtherChannels in the vPC domain connected to the downstream device. You can have only one vPC
domain ID on each vPC peer device.

Note Always attach all vPC devices using EtherChannels to both vPC peer devices.

A vPC provides the following benefits:

• Allows a single device to use an EtherChannel across two upstream devices
• Eliminates Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) blocked ports
• Provides a loop-free topology
• Uses all available uplink bandwidth
• Provides fast convergence if either the link or a switch fails
• Provides link-level resiliency
• Assures high availability


vPC Terminology
The terminology used in vPCs is as follows:
• vPC—combined EtherChannel between the vPC peer devices and the downstream device.
• vPC peer device—One of a pair of devices that are connected with the special EtherChannel known as
the vPC peer link.
• vPC peer link—link used to synchronize states between the vPC peer devices.
• vPC member port—Interfaces that belong to the vPCs.
• vPC domain—domain that includes both vPC peer devices, the vPC peer-keepalive link, and all of the
port channels in the vPC connected to the downstream devices. It is also associated to the configuration
mode that you must use to assign vPC global parameters. The vPC domain ID must be the same on both

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102 OL-29480-06
Configuring Virtual Port Channels
vPC Domain

• vPC peer-keepalive link—The peer-keepalive link monitors the vitality of a vPC peer Cisco Nexus
device. The peer-keepalive link sends configurable, periodic keepalive messages between vPC peer
No data or synchronization traffic moves over the vPC peer-keepalive link; the only traffic on this link
is a message that indicates that the originating switch is operating and running vPCs.

vPC Domain
To create a vPC domain, you must first create a vPC domain ID on each vPC peer switch using a number
from 1 to 1000. This ID must be the same on a set of vPC peer devices.
You can configure the EtherChannels and vPC peer links by using LACP or no protocol. When possible, we
recommend that you use LACP on the peer-link, because LACP provides configuration checks against a
configuration mismatch on the EtherChannel.
The vPC peer switches use the vPC domain ID that you configure to automatically assign a unique vPC system
MAC address. Each vPC domain has a unique MAC address that is used as a unique identifier for the specific
vPC-related operations, although the switches use the vPC system MAC addresses only for link-scope
operations, such as LACP. We recommend that you create each vPC domain within the contiguous network
with a unique domain ID. You can also configure a specific MAC address for the vPC domain, rather than
having the Cisco NX-OS software assign the address.
The vPC peer switches use the vPC domain ID that you configure to automatically assign a unique vPC system
MAC address. The switches use the vPC system MAC addresses only for link-scope operations, such as LACP
or BPDUs. You can also configure a specific MAC address for the vPC domain.
We recommend that you configure the same VPC domain ID on both peers and, the domain ID should be
unique in the network. For example, if there are two different VPCs (one in access and one in aggregation)
then each vPC should have a unique domain ID.
After you create a vPC domain, the Cisco NX-OS software automatically creates a system priority for the
vPC domain. You can also manually configure a specific system priority for the vPC domain.

Note If you manually configure the system priority, you must ensure that you assign the same priority value on
both vPC peer switches. If the vPC peer switches have different system priority values, the vPC will not
come up.

Peer-Keepalive Link and Messages

The Cisco NX-OS software uses a peer-keepalive link between the vPC peers to transmit periodic, configurable
keepalive messages. You must have Layer 3 connectivity between the peer switches to transmit these messages;
the system cannot bring up the vPC peer link unless a peer-keepalive link is already up and running.
If one of the vPC peer switches fails, the vPC peer switch on the other side of the vPC peer link senses the
failure when it does not receive any peer-keepalive messages. The default interval time for the vPC
peer-keepalive message is 1 second. You can configure the interval between 400 milliseconds and 10 seconds.
You can also configure a timeout value with a range of 3 to 20 seconds; the default timeout value is 5 seconds.
The peer-keepalive status is checked only when the peer-link goes down.

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OL-29480-06 103
Configuring Virtual Port Channels
Compatibility Parameters for vPC Peer Links

The vPC peer-keepalive can be carried either in the management or default VRF on the Cisco Nexus device.
When you configure the switches to use the management VRF, the source and destination for the keepalive
messages are the mgmt 0 interface IP addresses. When you configure the switches to use the default VRF, an
SVI must be created to act as the source and destination addresses for the vPC peer-keepalive messages.
Ensure that both the source and destination IP addresses used for the peer-keepalive messages are unique in
your network and these IP addresses are reachable from the VRF associated with the vPC peer-keepalive link.

Note We recommend that you configure the vPC peer-keepalive link on the Cisco Nexus device to run in the
management VRF using the mgmt 0 interfaces. If you configure the default VRF, ensure that the vPC
peer link is not used to carry the vPC peer-keepalive messages.

Compatibility Parameters for vPC Peer Links

Many configuration and operational parameters must be identical on all interfaces in the vPC. After you enable
the vPC feature and configure the peer link on both vPC peer switches, Cisco Fabric Services (CFS) messages
provide a copy of the configuration on the local vPC peer switch configuration to the remote vPC peer switch.
The system then determines whether any of the crucial configuration parameters differ on the two switches.
Enter the show vpc consistency-parameters command to display the configured values on all interfaces in
the vPC. The displayed configurations are only those configurations that would limit the vPC peer link and
vPC from coming up.
The compatibility check process for vPCs differs from the compatibility check for regular EtherChannels.

Configuration Parameters That Must Be Identical

The configuration parameters in this section must be configured identically on both switches at either end of
the vPC peer link.

Note You must ensure that all interfaces in the vPC have the identical operational and configuration parameters
listed in this section.
Enter the show vpc consistency-parameters command to display the configured values on all interfaces
in the vPC. The displayed configurations are only those configurations that would limit the vPC peer link
and vPC from coming up.

The switch automatically checks for compatibility of these parameters on the vPC interfaces. The per-interface
parameters must be consistent per interface, and the global parameters must be consistent globally.
• Port-channel mode: on, off, or active
• Link speed per channel
• Duplex mode per channel
• Trunk mode per channel:
◦Native VLAN
◦VLANs allowed on trunk

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104 OL-29480-06
Configuring Virtual Port Channels
Compatibility Parameters for vPC Peer Links

◦Tagging of native VLAN traffic

• Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) mode

• STP region configuration for Multiple Spanning Tree (MST)
• Enable or disable state per VLAN
• STP global settings:
◦Bridge Assurance setting
◦Port type setting—We recommend that you set all vPC interfaces as normal ports
◦Loop Guard settings

• STP interface settings:

◦Port type setting
◦Loop Guard
◦Root Guard

If any of these parameters are not enabled or defined on either switch, the vPC consistency check ignores
those parameters.

Note To ensure that none of the vPC interfaces are in the suspend mode, enter the show vpc brief and show
vpc consistency-parameters commands and check the syslog messages.

Configuration Parameters That Should Be Identical

When any of the following parameters are not configured identically on both vPC peer switches, a
misconfiguration might cause undesirable behavior in the traffic flow:
• MAC aging timers
• Static MAC entries
• VLAN interface—Each switch on the end of the vPC peer link must have a VLAN interface configured
for the same VLAN on both ends and they must be in the same administrative and operational mode.
Those VLANs configured on only one switch of the peer link do not pass traffic using the vPC or peer
link. You must create all VLANs on both the primary and secondary vPC switches, or the VLAN will
be suspended.
• Private VLAN configuration
• All ACL configurations and parameters
• Quality of service (QoS) configuration and parameters—Local parameters; global parameters must be
• STP interface settings:
◦BPDU Filter

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OL-29480-06 105
Configuring Virtual Port Channels
Per-VLAN Consistency Check

◦BPDU Guard
◦Link type
◦VLANs (Rapid PVST+)

To ensure that all the configuration parameters are compatible, we recommend that you display the
configurations for each vPC peer switch once you configure the vPC.

Per-VLAN Consistency Check

Type-1 consistency checks are performed on a per-VLAN basis when spanning tree is enabled or disabled on
a VLAN. VLANs that do not pass the consistency check are brought down on both the primary and secondary
switches while other VLANs are not affected.

vPC Auto-Recovery
When both vPC peer switches reload and only one switch reboots, auto-recovery allows that switch to assume
the role of the primary switch and the vPC links will be allowed to come up after a predetermined period of
time. The reload delay period in this scenario can range from 240 to 3600 seconds.
When vPCs are disabled on a secondary vPC switch due to a peer-link failure and then the primary vPC switch
fails or is unable to forward traffic, the secondary switch reenables the vPCs. In this scenario, the vPC waits
for three consecutive keepalive failures to recover the vPC links.
The vPC auto-recovery feature is disabled by default.

vPC Peer Links

A vPC peer link is the link that is used to synchronize the states between the vPC peer devices.

Note You must configure the peer-keepalive link before you configure the vPC peer link or the peer link will
not come up.

vPC Peer Link Overview

You can have only two switches as vPC peers; each switch can serve as a vPC peer to only one other vPC
peer. The vPC peer switches can also have non-vPC links to other switches.
To make a valid configuration, you configure an EtherChannel on each switch and then configure the vPC
domain. You assign the EtherChannel on each switch as a peer link. For redundancy, we recommend that you
should configure at least two dedicated ports into the EtherChannel; if one of the interfaces in the vPC peer
link fails, the switch automatically falls back to use another interface in the peer link.

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106 OL-29480-06
Configuring Virtual Port Channels
vPC Number

Note We recommend that you configure the EtherChannels in trunk mode.

Many operational parameters and configuration parameters must be the same in each switch connected by a
vPC peer link. Because each switch is completely independent on the management plane, you must ensure
that the switches are compatible on the critical parameters. vPC peer switches have separate control planes.
After configuring the vPC peer link, you should display the configuration on each vPC peer switch to ensure
that the configurations are compatible.

Note You must ensure that the two switches connected by the vPC peer link have certain identical operational
and configuration parameters.

When you configure the vPC peer link, the vPC peer switches negotiate that one of the connected switches
is the primary switch and the other connected switch is the secondary switch. By default, the Cisco NX-OS
software uses the lowest MAC address to elect the primary switch. The software takes different actions on
each switch—that is, the primary and secondary—only in certain failover conditions. If the primary switch
fails, the secondary switch becomes the operational primary switch when the system recovers, and the previously
primary switch is now the secondary switch.
You can also configure which of the vPC switches is the primary switch. If you want to configure the role
priority again to make one vPC switch the primary switch, configure the role priority on both the primary and
secondary vPC switches with the appropriate values, shut down the EtherChannel that is the vPC peer link
on both switches by entering the shutdown command, and reenable the EtherChannel on both switches by
entering the no shutdown command.
MAC addresses that are learned over vPC links are also synchronized between the peers.
Configuration information flows across the vPC peer links using the Cisco Fabric Services over Ethernet
(CFSoE) protocol. All MAC addresses for those VLANs configured on both switches are synchronized
between vPC peer switches. The software uses CFSoE for this synchronization.
If the vPC peer link fails, the software checks the status of the remote vPC peer switch using the peer-keepalive
link, which is a link between vPC peer switches, to ensure that both switches are up. If the vPC peer switch
is up, the secondary vPC switch disables all vPC ports on its switch. The data then forwards down the remaining
active links of the EtherChannel.
The software learns of a vPC peer switch failure when the keepalive messages are not returned over the
peer-keepalive link.
Use a separate link (vPC peer-keepalive link) to send configurable keepalive messages between the vPC peer
switches. The keepalive messages on the vPC peer-keepalive link determines whether a failure is on the vPC
peer link only or on the vPC peer switch. The keepalive messages are used only when all the links in the peer
link fail.

vPC Number
Once you have created the vPC domain ID and the vPC peer link, you can create EtherChannels to attach the
downstream switch to each vPC peer switch. That is, you create one single EtherChannel on the downstream
switch with half of the ports to the primary vPC peer switch and the other half of the ports to the secondary
peer switch.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 107
Configuring Virtual Port Channels
vPC Interactions with Other Features

On each vPC peer switch, you assign the same vPC number to the EtherChannel that connects to the downstream
switch. You will experience minimal traffic disruption when you are creating vPCs. To simplify the
configuration, you can assign the vPC ID number for each EtherChannel to be the same as the EtherChannel
itself (that is, vPC ID 10 for EtherChannel 10).

Note The vPC number that you assign to the EtherChannel that connects to the downstream switch from the
vPC peer switch must be identical on both vPC peer switches.

vPC Interactions with Other Features

vPC and LACP

The Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) uses the system MAC address of the vPC domain to form
the LACP Aggregation Group (LAG) ID for the vPC.
You can use LACP on all the vPC EtherChannels, including those channels from the downstream switch. We
recommend that you configure LACP with active mode on the interfaces on each EtherChannel on the vPC
peer switches. This configuration allows you to more easily detect compatibility between switches, unidirectional
links, and multihop connections, and provides dynamic reaction to run-time changes and link failures.
The vPC peer link supports 16 EtherChannel interfaces.

Note When you manually configure the system priority, you must ensure that you assign the same priority value
on both vPC peer switches. If the vPC peer switches have different system priority values, vPC does not
come up.

vPC Peer Links and STP

When you first bring up the vPC functionality, STP reconverges. STP treats the vPC peer link as a special
link and always includes the vPC peer link in the STP active topology.
We recommend that you set all the vPC peer link interfaces to the STP network port type so that Bridge
Assurance is automatically enabled on all vPC peer links. We also recommend that you do not enable any of
the STP enhancement features on VPC peer links.
You must configure a list of parameters to be identical on the vPC peer switches on both sides of the vPC
peer link.
STP is distributed; that is, the protocol continues running on both vPC peer switches. However, the configuration
on the vPC peer switch elected as the primary switch controls the STP process for the vPC interfaces on the
secondary vPC peer switch.
The primary vPC switch synchronizes the STP state on the vPC secondary peer switch using Cisco Fabric
Services over Ethernet (CFSoE).
The vPC manager performs a proposal/handshake agreement between the vPC peer switches that sets the
primary and secondary switches and coordinates the two switches for STP. The primary vPC peer switch then
controls the STP protocol for vPC interfaces on both the primary and secondary switches.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
108 OL-29480-06
Configuring Virtual Port Channels
Guidelines and Limitations for vPCs

The Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDUs) use the MAC address set for the vPC for the STP bridge ID in the
designated bridge ID field. The vPC primary switch sends these BPDUs on the vPC interfaces.

Note Display the configuration on both sides of the vPC peer link to ensure that the settings are identical. Use
the show spanning-tree command to display information about the vPC.

The Cisco Fabric Services over Ethernet (CFSoE) is a reliable state transport mechanism that you can use to
synchronize the actions of the vPC peer devices. CFSoE carries messages and packets for many features linked
with vPC, such as STP and IGMP. Information is carried in CFS/CFSoE protocol data units (PDUs).
When you enable the vPC feature, the device automatically enables CFSoE, and you do not have to configure
anything. CFSoE distributions for vPCs do not need the capabilities to distribute over IP or the CFS regions.
You do not need to configure anything for the CFSoE feature to work correctly on vPCs.
You can use the show mac address-table command to display the MAC addresses that CFSoE synchronizes
for the vPC peer link.

Note Do not enter the no cfs eth distribute or the no cfs distribute command. CFSoE must be enabled for
vPC functionality. If you do enter either of these commands when vPC is enabled, the system displays an
error message.

When you enter the show cfs application command, the output displays "Physical-eth," which shows the
applications that are using CFSoE.

Guidelines and Limitations for vPCs

vPCs have the following configuration guidelines and limitations:
• vPC is not qualified with IPv6.
• You must enable the vPC feature before you can configure vPC peer-link and vPC interfaces.
• You must configure the peer-keepalive link before the system can form the vPC peer link.
• The vPC peer-link needs to be formed using a minimum of two 10-Gigabit Ethernet interfaces.
• We recommend that you configure the same vPC domain ID on both peers and the domain ID should
be unique in the network. For example, if there are two different vPCs (one in access and one in
aggregation) then each vPC should have a unique domain ID.
• Only port channels can be in vPCs. A vPC can be configured on a normal port channel (switch-to-switch
vPC topology) and on a port channel host interface (host interface vPC topology).
• You must configure both vPC peer switches; the configuration is not automatically synchronized between
the vPC peer devices.
• Check that the necessary configuration parameters are compatible on both sides of the vPC peer link.
• You might experience minimal traffic disruption while configuring vPCs.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 109
Configuring Virtual Port Channels
Verifying the vPC Configuration

• You should configure all port channels in the vPC using LACP with the interfaces in active mode.
• You might experience traffic disruption when the first member of a vPC is brought up.
• OSPF over vPC and BFD with OSPF are supported on Cisco Nexus 3000 and 3100 Series switches.
However, BFD with OSPF over vPC peer links is not currently supported.

Verifying the vPC Configuration

Use the following commands to display vPC configuration information:

Command Purpose
switch# show feature Displays whether vPC is enabled or not.

switch# show port-channel capacity Displays how many EtherChannels are configured
and how many are still available on the switch.

switch# show running-config vpc Displays running configuration information for vPCs.

switch# show vpc brief Displays brief information on the vPCs.

switch# show vpc consistency-parameters Displays the status of those parameters that must be
consistent across all vPC interfaces.

switch# show vpc peer-keepalive Displays information on the peer-keepalive messages.

switch# show vpc role Displays the peer status, the role of the local switch,
the vPC system MAC address and system priority,
and the MAC address and priority for the local vPC

switch# show vpc statistics Displays statistics on the vPCs.

Note This command displays the vPC statistics
only for the vPC peer device that you are
working on.

For information about the switch output, see the Command Reference for your Cisco Nexus Series switch.

Viewing the Graceful Type-1 Check Status

This example shows how to display the current status of the graceful Type-1 consistency check:
switch# show vpc brief
(*) - local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-link

vPC domain id : 10
Peer status : peer adjacency formed ok
vPC keep-alive status : peer is alive
Configuration consistency status: success

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
110 OL-29480-06
Configuring Virtual Port Channels
Viewing a Global Type-1 Inconsistency

Per-vlan consistency status : success

Type-2 consistency status : success
vPC role : secondary
Number of vPCs configured : 34
Peer Gateway : Disabled
Dual-active excluded VLANs : -
Graceful Consistency Check : Enabled

vPC Peer-link status

id Port Status Active vlans
-- ---- ------ --------------------------------------------------
1 Po1 up 1

Viewing a Global Type-1 Inconsistency

When a global Type-1 inconsistency occurs, the vPCs on the secondary switch are brought down. The following
example shows this type of inconsistency when there is a spanning-tree mode mismatch.
The example shows how to display the status of the suspended vPC VLANs on the secondary switch:
switch(config)# show vpc
(*) - local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-link

vPC domain id : 10
Peer status : peer adjacency formed ok
vPC keep-alive status : peer is alive
Configuration consistency status: failed
Per-vlan consistency status : success
Configuration consistency reason: vPC type-1 configuration incompatible - STP
Mode inconsistent
Type-2 consistency status : success
vPC role : secondary
Number of vPCs configured : 2
Peer Gateway : Disabled
Dual-active excluded VLANs : -
Graceful Consistency Check : Enabled

vPC Peer-link status

id Port Status Active vlans
-- ---- ------ --------------------------------------------------
1 Po1 up 1-10

vPC status
id Port Status Consistency Reason Active vlans
------ ----------- ------ ----------- -------------------------- -----------
20 Po20 down* failed Global compat check failed -
30 Po30 down* failed Global compat check failed -

The example shows how to display the inconsistent status ( the VLANs on the primary vPC are not suspended)
on the primary switch:
switch(config)# show vpc
(*) - local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-link

vPC domain id : 10
Peer status : peer adjacency formed ok
vPC keep-alive status : peer is alive
Configuration consistency status: failed
Per-vlan consistency status : success
Configuration consistency reason: vPC type-1 configuration incompatible - STP Mo
de inconsistent
Type-2 consistency status : success
vPC role : primary
Number of vPCs configured : 2

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 111
Configuring Virtual Port Channels
Viewing an Interface-Specific Type-1 Inconsistency

Peer Gateway : Disabled

Dual-active excluded VLANs : -
Graceful Consistency Check : Enabled

vPC Peer-link status

id Port Status Active vlans
-- ---- ------ --------------------------------------------------
1 Po1 up 1-10

vPC status
id Port Status Consistency Reason Active vlans
------ ----------- ------ ----------- -------------------------- -----------
20 Po20 up failed Global compat check failed 1-10
30 Po30 up failed Global compat check failed 1-10

Viewing an Interface-Specific Type-1 Inconsistency

When an interface-specific Type-1 inconsistency occurs, the vPC port on the secondary switch is brought
down while the primary switch vPC ports remain up.The following example shows this type of inconsistency
when there is a switchport mode mismatch.
This example shows how to display the status of the suspended vPC VLAN on the secondary switch:
switch(config-if)# show vpc brief
(*) - local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-link

vPC domain id : 10
Peer status : peer adjacency formed ok
vPC keep-alive status : peer is alive
Configuration consistency status: success
Per-vlan consistency status : success
Type-2 consistency status : success
vPC role : secondary
Number of vPCs configured : 2
Peer Gateway : Disabled
Dual-active excluded VLANs : -
Graceful Consistency Check : Enabled

vPC Peer-link status

id Port Status Active vlans
-- ---- ------ --------------------------------------------------
1 Po1 up 1

vPC status
id Port Status Consistency Reason Active vlans
------ ----------- ------ ----------- -------------------------- -----------
20 Po20 up success success 1
30 Po30 down* failed Compatibility check failed -
for port mode

This example shows how to display the inconsistent status (the VLANs on the primary vPC are not suspended)
on the primary switch:
switch(config-if)# show vpc brief
(*) - local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-link

vPC domain id : 10
Peer status : peer adjacency formed ok
vPC keep-alive status : peer is alive
Configuration consistency status: success
Per-vlan consistency status : success

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
112 OL-29480-06
Configuring Virtual Port Channels
Viewing a Per-VLAN Consistency Status

Type-2 consistency status : success

vPC role : primary
Number of vPCs configured : 2
Peer Gateway : Disabled
Dual-active excluded VLANs : -
Graceful Consistency Check : Enabled

vPC Peer-link status

id Port Status Active vlans
-- ---- ------ --------------------------------------------------
1 Po1 up 1

vPC status
id Port Status Consistency Reason Active vlans
------ ----------- ------ ----------- -------------------------- -----------
20 Po20 up success success 1
30 Po30 up failed Compatibility check failed 1
for port mode

Viewing a Per-VLAN Consistency Status

To view the per-VLAN consistency or inconsistency status, enter the show vpc consistency-parameters
vlans command.
This example shows how to display the consistent status of the VLANs on the primary and the secondary
switch(config-if)# show vpc brief
(*) - local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-link

vPC domain id : 10
Peer status : peer adjacency formed ok
vPC keep-alive status : peer is alive
Configuration consistency status: success
Per-vlan consistency status : success
Type-2 consistency status : success
vPC role : secondary
Number of vPCs configured : 2
Peer Gateway : Disabled
Dual-active excluded VLANs : -
Graceful Consistency Check : Enabled

vPC Peer-link status

id Port Status Active vlans
-- ---- ------ --------------------------------------------------
1 Po1 up 1-10

vPC status
id Port Status Consistency Reason Active vlans
------ ----------- ------ ----------- -------------------------- -----------
20 Po20 up success success 1-10
30 Po30 up success success 1-10

Entering no spanning-tree vlan 5 command triggers the inconsistency on the primary and secondary VLANs:
switch(config)# no spanning-tree vlan 5

This example shows how to display the per-VLAN consistency status as Failed on the secondary switch:
switch(config)# show vpc brief
(*) - local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-link

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 113
Configuring Virtual Port Channels
Viewing a Per-VLAN Consistency Status

vPC domain id : 10
Peer status : peer adjacency formed ok
vPC keep-alive status : peer is alive
Configuration consistency status: success
Per-vlan consistency status : failed
Type-2 consistency status : success
vPC role : secondary
Number of vPCs configured : 2
Peer Gateway : Disabled
Dual-active excluded VLANs : -
Graceful Consistency Check : Enabled

vPC Peer-link status

id Port Status Active vlans
-- ---- ------ --------------------------------------------------
1 Po1 up 1-4,6-10

vPC status
id Port Status Consistency Reason Active vlans
------ ----------- ------ ----------- -------------------------- -----------
20 Po20 up success success 1-4,6-10
30 Po30 up success success 1-4,6-10

This example shows how to display the per-VLAN consistency status as Failed on the primary switch:
switch(config)# show vpc brief
(*) - local vPC is down, forwarding via vPC peer-link

vPC domain id : 10
Peer status : peer adjacency formed ok
vPC keep-alive status : peer is alive
Configuration consistency status: success
Per-vlan consistency status : failed
Type-2 consistency status : success
vPC role : primary
Number of vPCs configured : 2
Peer Gateway : Disabled
Dual-active excluded VLANs : -
Graceful Consistency Check : Enabled

vPC Peer-link status

id Port Status Active vlans
-- ---- ------ --------------------------------------------------
1 Po1 up 1-4,6-10

vPC status
id Port Status Consistency Reason Active vlans
------ ----------- ------ ----------- -------------------------- -----------
20 Po20 up success success 1-4,6-10
30 Po30 up success success 1-4,6-10
This example shows the inconsistency as STP Disabled:
switch(config)# show vpc consistency-parameters vlans

Name Type Reason Code Pass Vlans

------------- ---- ---------------------- -----------------------

STP Mode 1 success 0-4095
STP Disabled 1 vPC type-1 0-4,6-4095
incompatible - STP is
enabled or disabled on
some or all vlans
STP MST Region Name 1 success 0-4095
STP MST Region Revision 1 success 0-4095
STP MST Region Instance to 1 success 0-4095

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
114 OL-29480-06
Configuring Virtual Port Channels
vPC Default Settings

VLAN Mapping
STP Loopguard 1 success 0-4095
STP Bridge Assurance 1 success 0-4095
STP Port Type, Edge 1 success 0-4095
BPDUFilter, Edge BPDUGuard
STP MST Simulate PVST 1 success 0-4095
Pass Vlans - 0-4,6-4095

vPC Default Settings

The following table lists the default settings for vPC parameters.

Table 8: Default vPC Parameters

Parameters Default
vPC system priority 32667

vPC peer-keepalive message Disabled

vPC peer-keepalive interval 1 second

vPC peer-keepalive timeout 5 seconds

vPC peer-keepalive UDP port 3200

Configuring vPCs
Enabling vPCs
You must enable the vPC feature before you can configure and use vPCs.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# feature vpc Enables vPCs on the switch.

Step 3 switch# show feature (Optional)

Displays which features are enabled on the switch.

Step 4 switch# copy running-config (Optional)

startup-config Copies the running configuration to the startup

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 115
Configuring Virtual Port Channels
Disabling vPCs

This example shows how to enable the vPC feature:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# feature vpc

Disabling vPCs
You can disable the vPC feature.

Note When you disable the vPC feature, the Cisco Nexus device clears all the vPC configurations.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# no feature vpc Disables vPCs on the switch.

Step 3 switch# show feature (Optional)

Displays which features are enabled on the switch.

Step 4 switch# copy running-config (Optional)

startup-config Copies the running configuration to the startup

This example shows how to disable the vPC feature:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# no feature vpc

Creating a vPC Domain

You must create identical vPC domain IDs on both the vPC peer devices. This domain ID is used to
automatically form the vPC system MAC address.

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have enabled the vPC feature.
You must configure both switches on either side of the vPC peer link.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
116 OL-29480-06
Configuring Virtual Port Channels
Configuring a vPC Keepalive Link and Messages

Command or Action Purpose

Step 2 switch(config)# vpc domain Creates a vPC domain on the switch, and enters the
domain-id vpc-domain configuration mode. There is no default
domain-id ; the range is from 1 to 1000.
Note You can also use the vpc domain command to
enter the vpc-domain configuration mode for an
existing vPC domain.
Step 3 switch# show vpc brief (Optional)
Displays brief information about each vPC domain.

Step 4 switch# copy running-config (Optional)

startup-config Copies the running configuration to the startup

This example shows how to create a vPC domain:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# vpc domain 5

Configuring a vPC Keepalive Link and Messages

You can configure the destination IP for the peer-keepalive link that carries the keepalive messages. Optionally,
you can configure other parameters for the keepalive messages.
The Cisco NX-OS software uses the peer-keepalive link between the vPC peers to transmit periodic,
configurable keepalive messages. You must have Layer 3 connectivity between the peer devices to transmit
these messages. The system cannot bring up the vPC peer link unless the peer-keepalive link is already up
and running.
Ensure that both the source and destination IP addresses used for the peer-keepalive message are unique in
your network and these IP addresses are reachable from the Virtual Routing and Forwarding (VRF) instance
associated with the vPC peer-keepalive link.

Note We recommend that you configure a separate VRF instance and put a Layer 3 port from each vPC peer
switch into that VRF instance for the vPC peer-keepalive link. Do not use the peer link itself to send vPC
peer-keepalive messages.

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have enabled the vPC feature.
You must configure the vPC peer-keepalive link before the system can form the vPC peer link.
You must configure both switches on either side of the vPC peer link.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 117
Configuring Virtual Port Channels
Configuring a vPC Keepalive Link and Messages


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# vpc domain domain-id Creates a vPC domain on the switch if it does
not already exist, and enters the vpc-domain
configuration mode.

Step 3 switch(config-vpc-domain)# peer-keepalive Configures the IPv4 address for the remote end
destination ipaddress [hold-timeout secs | of the vPC peer-keepalive link.
interval msecs {timeout secs} | precedence Note The system does not form the vPC peer
{prec-value | network | internet | critical | link until you configure a vPC
flash-override | flash | immediate priority | peer-keepalive link.
routine} | tos {tos-value | max-reliability | The management ports and VRF are the defaults.
max-throughput | min-delay |
min-monetary-cost | normal} | tos-byte
tos-byte-value} | source ipaddress | vrf {name
| management vpc-keepalive}]
Step 4 switch(config-vpc-domain)# vpc (Optional)
peer-keepalive destination ipaddress source Configures a separate VRF instance and puts a
ipaddress Layer 3 port from each vPC peer device into that
VRF for the vPC peer-keepalive link.

Step 5 switch# show vpc peer-keepalive (Optional)

Displays information about the configuration for
the keepalive messages.

Step 6 switch# copy running-config startup-config (Optional)

Copies the running configuration to the startup

This example shows how to configure the destination IP address for the vPC-peer-keepalive link:

switch# configure terminal

switch(config)# vpc domain 5
switch(config-vpc-domain)# peer-keepalive destination

This example shows how to set up the peer keepalive link connection between the primary and secondary
vPC device:

switch(config)# vpc domain 100

switch(config-vpc-domain)# peer-keepalive destination source
Note:--------:: Management VRF will be used as the default VRF ::--------
This example shows how to create a separate VRF named vpc_keepalive for the vPC keepalive link and how
to verify the new VRF:

vrf context vpc_keepalive

interface Ethernet1/31
switchport access vlan 123

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
118 OL-29480-06
Configuring Virtual Port Channels
Creating a vPC Peer Link

interface Vlan123
vrf member vpc_keepalive
ip address
no shutdown
vpc domain 1
peer-keepalive destination source vrf

L3-NEXUS-2# show vpc peer-keepalive

vPC keep-alive status : peer is alive

--Peer is alive for : (154477) seconds, (908) msec
--Send status : Success
--Last send at : 2011.01.14 19:02:50 100 ms
--Sent on interface : Vlan123
--Receive status : Success
--Last receive at : 2011.01.14 19:02:50 103 ms
--Received on interface : Vlan123
--Last update from peer : (0) seconds, (524) msec

vPC Keep-alive parameters

--Destination :
--Keepalive interval : 1000 msec
--Keepalive timeout : 5 seconds
--Keepalive hold timeout : 3 seconds
--Keepalive vrf : vpc_keepalive
--Keepalive udp port : 3200
--Keepalive tos : 192

The services provided by the switch , such as ping, ssh, telnet,

radius, are VRF aware. The VRF name need to be configured or
specified in order for the correct routing table to be used.
L3-NEXUS-2# ping vrf vpc_keepalive
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=254 time=3.234 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=254 time=4.931 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=254 time=4.965 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=254 time=4.971 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=254 time=4.915 ms

--- ping statistics ---

5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0.00% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 3.234/4.603/4.971 ms

Creating a vPC Peer Link

You can create a vPC peer link by designating the EtherChannel that you want on each switch as the peer link
for the specified vPC domain. We recommend that you configure the EtherChannels that you are designating
as the vPC peer link in trunk mode and that you use two ports on separate modules on each vPC peer switch
for redundancy.

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have enabled the vPC feature.
You must configure both switches on either side of the vPC peer link


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 119
Configuring Virtual Port Channels
Checking the Configuration Compatibility

Command or Action Purpose

Step 2 switch(config)# interface Selects the EtherChannel that you want to use as the
port-channel channel-number vPC peer link for this switch, and enters the interface
configuration mode.

Step 3 switch(config-if)# vpc peer-link Configures the selected EtherChannel as the vPC peer
link, and enters the vpc-domain configuration mode.

Step 4 switch# show vpc brief (Optional)

Displays information about each vPC, including
information about the vPC peer link.

Step 5 switch# copy running-config (Optional)

startup-config Copies the running configuration to the startup

This example shows how to configure a vPC peer link:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface port-channel 20
switch(config-if)# vpc peer-link

Checking the Configuration Compatibility

After you have configured the vPC peer link on both vPC peer switches, check that the configurations are
consistent on all vPC interfaces.
The following QoS parameters support Type 2 consistency checks
• Network QoS—MTU and Pause
• Input Queuing —Bandwidth and Absolute Priority
• Output Queuing—Bandwidth and Absolute Priority

In the case of a Type 2 mismatch, the vPC is not suspended. Type 1 mismatches suspend the vPC.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# show vpc Displays the status of those parameters that
consistency-parameters{global|interface must be consistent across all vPC interfaces.

This example shows how to check that the required configurations are compatible across all the vPC interfaces:
switch# show vpc consistency-parameters global
Type 1 : vPC will be suspended in case of mismatch
Name Type Local Value Peer Value

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
120 OL-29480-06
Configuring Virtual Port Channels
Enabling vPC Auto-Recovery

------------- ---- ---------------------- -----------------------

QoS 2 ([], [], [], [], [], ([], [], [], [], [],
[]) [])

Network QoS (MTU) 2 (1538, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) (1538, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

Network Qos (Pause) 2 (F, F, F, F, F, F) (1538, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Input Queuing (Bandwidth) 2 (100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) (100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Input Queuing (Absolute 2 (F, F, F, F, F, F) (100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Output Queuing (Bandwidth) 2 (100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) (100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Output Queuing (Absolute 2 (F, F, F, F, F, F) (100, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
STP Mode 1 Rapid-PVST Rapid-PVST
STP Disabled 1 None None
STP MST Region Name 1 "" ""
STP MST Region Revision 1 0 0
STP MST Region Instance to 1
VLAN Mapping

STP Loopguard 1 Disabled Disabled

STP Bridge Assurance 1 Enabled Enabled
STP Port Type, Edge 1 Normal, Disabled, Normal, Disabled,
BPDUFilter, Edge BPDUGuard Disabled Disabled
STP MST Simulate PVST 1 Enabled Enabled
Allowed VLANs - 1,624 1
Local suspended VLANs - 624 -

Enabling vPC Auto-Recovery


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# vpc domain domain-id Enters vpc-domain configuration mode for an
existing vPC domain.

Step 3 switch(config-vpc-domain)# Enables the auto-recovery feature and sets the

auto-recovery reload-delay delay reload delay period. The default is disabled.

This example shows how to enable the auto-recovery feature in vPC domain 10 and set the delay period for
240 seconds:
switch(config)# vpc domain 10
switch(config-vpc-domain)# auto-recovery reload-delay 240
Enables restoring of vPCs in a peer-detached state after reload, will wait for 240 seconds
(by default) to determine if peer is un-reachable

This example shows how to view the status of the auto-recovery feature in vPC domain 10:
switch(config-vpc-domain)# show running-config vpc
!Command: show running-config vpc
!Time: Tue Dec 7 02:38:44 2010

version 5.0(3)U2(1)
feature vpc
vpc domain 10

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OL-29480-06 121
Configuring Virtual Port Channels
Configuring the Restore Time Delay

peer-keepalive destination


Configuring the Restore Time Delay

You can configure a restore timer that delays the vPC from coming back up until after the peer adjacency
forms and the VLAN interfaces are back up. This feature avoids packet drops if the routing tables fail to
converge before the vPC is once again passing traffic.

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have enabled the vPC feature.
You must configure both switches on either side of the vPC peer link with the following procedures.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# vpc domain Creates a vPC domain on the switch if it does not already
domain-id exist, and enters vpc-domain configuration mode.

Step 3 switch(config-vpc-domain)# delay Configures the time delay before the vPC is restored.
restore time The restore time is the number of seconds to delay
bringing up the restored vPC peer device. The range is
from 1 to 3600. The default is 30 seconds.

Step 4 switch# copy running-config (Optional)

startup-config Copies the running configuration to the startup

This example shows how to configure the delay reload time for a vPC link:
switch(config)# vpc domain 1
switch(config-vpc-domain)# delay restore 10

Excluding VLAN Interfaces from Shutting Down a vPC Peer Link Fails
When a vPC peer-link is lost, the vPC secondary switch suspends its vPC member ports and its switch virtual
interface (SVI) interfaces. All Layer 3 forwarding is disabled for all VLANs on the vPC secondary switch.
You can exclude specific SVI interfaces so that they are not suspended.

Before You Begin

Ensure that the VLAN interfaces have been configured.

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122 OL-29480-06
Configuring Virtual Port Channels
Configuring the VRF Name


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# vpc domain Creates a vPC domain on the switch if it does not already
domain-id exist, and enters vpc-domain configuration mode.

Step 3 switch(config-vpc-domain))# Specifies the VLAN interfaces that should remain up

dual-active exclude interface-vlan when a vPC peer-link is lost.
range—Range of VLAN interfaces that you want to
exclude from shutting down. The range is from 1 to 4094.

This example shows how to keep the interfaces on VLAN 10 up on the vPC peer switch if a peer link fails:

switch# configure terminal

switch(config)# vpc domain 5
switch(config-vpc-domain)# dual-active exclude interface-vlan 10

Configuring the VRF Name

The switch services, such as ping, ssh, telnet, radius, are VRF aware. You must configure the VRF name in
order for the correct routing table to be used.
You can specify the VRF name.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# ping ipaddress vrf vrf-name Specifies the virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) name
to use. The VRF name is case sensitive and can be a
maximum of 32 characters..

This example shows how to specifiy the VRF named vpc_keepalive:

switch# ping vrf vpc_keepalive
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=254 time=3.234 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=254 time=4.931 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=254 time=4.965 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=254 time=4.971 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=254 time=4.915 ms

--- ping statistics ---

5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0.00% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 3.234/4.603/4.971 ms

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OL-29480-06 123
Configuring Virtual Port Channels
Moving Other Port Channels into a vPC

Moving Other Port Channels into a vPC

Before You Begin
Ensure that you have enabled the vPC feature.
You must configure both switches on either side of the vPC peer link with the following procedure.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# interface Selects the port channel that you want to put into the vPC to
port-channel channel-number connect to the downstream switch, and enters interface
configuration mode.
Note A vPC can be configured on a normal port channel
(physical vPC topology) and on a port channel host
interface (host interface vPC topology)
Step 3 switch(config-if)# vpc number Configures the selected port channel into the vPC to connect
to the downstream switch. The range is from 1 to 4096.
The vPC number that you assign to the port channel that
connects to the downstream switch from the vPC peer switch
must be identical on both vPC peer switches.

Step 4 switch# show vpc brief (Optional)

Displays information about each vPC.

Step 5 switch# copy running-config (Optional)

startup-config Copies the running configuration to the startup configuration.

This example shows how to configure a port channel that will connect to the downstream device:
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface port-channel 20
switch(config-if)# vpc 5

Manually Configuring a vPC Domain MAC Address

Note Configuring the system address is an optional configuration step.

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have enabled the vPC feature.
You must configure both switches on either side of the vPC peer link.

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124 OL-29480-06
Configuring Virtual Port Channels
Manually Configuring the System Priority


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# vpc domain Selects an existing vPC domain on the switch, or creates
domain-id a new vPC domain, and enters the vpc-domain
configuration mode. There is no default domain-id; the
range is from 1 to 1000.

Step 3 switch(config-vpc-domain)# Enters the MAC address that you want for the specified
system-mac mac-address vPC domain in the following format: aaaa.bbbb.cccc.

Step 4 switch# show vpc role (Optional)

Displays the vPC system MAC address.

Step 5 switch# copy running-config (Optional)

startup-config Copies the running configuration to the startup

This example shows how to configure a vPC domain MAC address:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# vpc domain 5
switch(config-if)# system-mac 23fb.4ab5.4c4e

Manually Configuring the System Priority

When you create a vPC domain, the system automatically creates a vPC system priority. However, you can
also manually configure a system priority for the vPC domain.

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have enabled the vPC feature.
You must configure both switches on either side of the vPC peer link.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# vpc domain Selects an existing vPC domain on the switch, or creates
domain-id a new vPC domain, and enters the vpc-domain
configuration mode. There is no default domain-id; the
range is from 1 to 1000.

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OL-29480-06 125
Configuring Virtual Port Channels
Manually Configuring a vPC Peer Switch Role

Command or Action Purpose

Step 3 switch(config-vpc-domain)# Enters the system priority that you want for the specified
system-priority priority vPC domain. The range of values is from 1 to 65535. The
default value is 32667.

Step 4 switch# show vpc brief (Optional)

Displays information about each vPC, including
information about the vPC peer link.

Step 5 switch# copy running-config (Optional)

startup-config Copies the running configuration to the startup

This example shows how to configure a vPC peer link:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# vpc domain 5
switch(config-if)# system-priority 4000

Manually Configuring a vPC Peer Switch Role

By default, the Cisco NX-OS software elects a primary and secondary vPC peer switch after you configure
the vPC domain and both sides of the vPC peer link. However, you may want to elect a specific vPC peer
switch as the primary switch for the vPC. Then, you would manually configure the role value for the vPC
peer switch that you want as the primary switch to be lower than the other vPC peer switch.
vPC does not support role preemption. If the primary vPC peer switch fails, the secondary vPC peer switch
takes over to become operationally the vPC primary switch. However, the original operational roles are not
restored when the formerly primary vPC comes up again.

Before You Begin

Ensure that you have enabled the vPC feature.
You must configure both switches on either side of the vPC peer link.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# vpc domain Selects an existing vPC domain on the switch, or creates
domain-id a new vPC domain, and enters the vpc-domain
configuration mode. There is no default domain-id; the
range is from 1 to 1000.

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126 OL-29480-06
Configuring Virtual Port Channels
Manually Configuring a vPC Peer Switch Role

Command or Action Purpose

Step 3 switch(config-vpc-domain)# role Enters the role priority that you want for the vPC system
priority priority priority. The range of values is from 1 to 65535. The
default value is 32667.

Step 4 switch# show vpc brief (Optional)

Displays information about each vPC, including
information about the vPC peer link.

Step 5 switch# copy running-config (Optional)

startup-config Copies the running configuration to the startup

This example shows how to configure a vPC peer link:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# vpc domain 5
switch(config-if)# role priority 4000

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OL-29480-06 127
Configuring Virtual Port Channels
Manually Configuring a vPC Peer Switch Role

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
128 OL-29480-06
Configuring Q-in-Q VLAN Tunnels
This chapter contains the following sections:

• Information About Q-in-Q Tunnels, page 129

• Information About Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling, page 132
• Licensing Requirements for Q-in-Q Tunnels, page 135
• Guidelines and Limitations for Q-in-Q Tunneling, page 135
• Configuring Q-in-Q Tunnels and Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling, page 136
• Verifying the Q-in-Q Configuration, page 139
• Configuration Example for Q-in-Q and Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling, page 139
• Feature History for Q-in-Q Tunnels and Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling, page 140

Information About Q-in-Q Tunnels

A Q-in-Q VLAN tunnel enables a service provider to segregate the traffic of different customers in their
infrastructure, while still giving the customer a full range of VLANs for their internal use by adding a second
802.1Q tag to an already tagged frame.
Business customers of service providers often have specific requirements for VLAN IDs and the number of
VLANs to be supported. The VLAN ranges required by different customers in the same service-provider
network might overlap, and traffic of customers through the infrastructure might be mixed. Assigning a unique
range of VLAN IDs to each customer would restrict customer configurations and could easily exceed the
VLAN limit of 4096 of the 802.1Q specification.

Note Q-in-Q is supported on port channels. To configure a port channel as an asymmetrical link, all ports in
the port channel must have the same tunneling configuration.

Using the 802.1Q tunneling feature, service providers can use a single VLAN to support customers who have
multiple VLANs. Customer VLAN IDs are preserved and traffic from different customers is segregated within
the service-provider infrastructure even when they appear to be on the same VLAN. The 802.1Q tunneling
expands VLAN space by using a VLAN-in-VLAN hierarchy and tagging the tagged packets. A port configured

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OL-29480-06 129
Configuring Q-in-Q VLAN Tunnels
Information About Q-in-Q Tunnels

to support 802.1Q tunneling is called a tunnel port. When you configure tunneling, you assign a tunnel port
to a VLAN that is dedicated to tunneling. Each customer requires a separate VLAN, but that VLAN supports
all of the customer’s VLANs.
Customer traffic tagged in the normal way with appropriate VLAN IDs come from an 802.1Q trunk port on
the customer device and into a tunnel port on the service-provider edge switch. The link between the customer
device and the edge switch is an asymmetric link because one end is configured as an 802.1Q trunk port and
the other end is configured as a tunnel port. You assign the tunnel port interface to an access VLAN ID that
is unique to each customer.

Note Selective Q-in-Q tunneling is not supported. All frames entering the tunnel port are subjected to Q-in-Q

Figure 7: 802.1Q-in-Q Tunnel Ports

Packets that enter the tunnel port on the service-provider edge switch, which are already 802.1Q-tagged with
the appropriate VLAN IDs, are encapsulated with another layer of an 802.1Q tag that contains a VLAN ID
that is unique to the customer. The original 802.1Q tag from the customer is preserved in the encapsulated
packet. Therefore, packets that enter the service-provider infrastructure are double-tagged.
The outer tag contains the customer’s access VLAN ID (as assigned by the service provider), and the inner
VLAN ID is the VLAN of the incoming traffic (as assigned by the customer). This double tagging is called
tag stacking, Double-Q, or Q-in-Q.

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130 OL-29480-06
Configuring Q-in-Q VLAN Tunnels
Native VLAN Hazard

The following figure shows the differences between the untagged, tagged and double-tagged ethernet frames.

Figure 8: Untagged, 802.1Q-Tagged, and Double-Tagged Ethernet Frames

By using this method, the VLAN ID space of the outer tag is independent of the VLAN ID space of the inner
tag. A single outer VLAN ID can represent the entire VLAN ID space for an individual customer. This
technique allows the customer’s Layer 2 network to extend across the service provider network, potentially
creating a virtual LAN infrastructure over multiple sites.

Note Hierarchical tagging, that is multi-level dot1q tagging Q-in-Q, is not supported.

Native VLAN Hazard

When configuring 802.1Q tunneling on an edge switch, you must use 802.1Q trunk ports for sending out
packets into the service-provider network. However, packets that go through the core of the service-provider
network might be carried through 802.1Q trunks, ISL trunks, or nontrunking links. When 802.1Q trunks are
used in these core switches, the native VLANs of the 802.1Q trunks must not match any native VLAN of the
dot1q-tunnel port on the same switch because traffic on the native VLAN is not tagged on the 802.1Q
transmitting trunk port.
VLAN 40 is configured as the native VLAN for the 802.1Q trunk port from Customer X at the ingress edge
switch in the service-provider network (Switch B). Switch A of Customer X sends a tagged packet on VLAN
30 to the ingress tunnel port of Switch B in the service-provider network that belongs to access VLAN 40.
Because the access VLAN of the tunnel port (VLAN 40) is the same as the native VLAN of the edge-switch
trunk port (VLAN 40), the 802.1Q tag is not added to the tagged packets that are received from the tunnel
port. The packet carries only the VLAN 30 tag through the service-provider network to the trunk port of the
egress-edge switch (Switch C) and is misdirected through the egress switch tunnel port to Customer Y.

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Configuring Q-in-Q VLAN Tunnels
Information About Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling

The following figure shows the native VLAN hazard.

Figure 9: Native VLAN Hazard

A couple of ways to solve the native VLAN problem, are as follows:

• Configure the edge switch so that all packets going out an 802.1Q trunk, including the native VLAN,
are tagged by using the vlan dot1q tag native command. If the switch is configured to tag native VLAN
packets on all 802.1Q trunks, the switch accepts untagged packets but sends only tagged packets.

Note The vlan dot1q tag native command is a global command that affects the tagging
behavior on all trunk ports.

• Ensure that the native VLAN ID on the edge switch trunk port is not within the customer VLAN range.
For example, if the trunk port carries traffic of VLANs 100 to 200, assign the native VLAN a number
outside that range.

Information About Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling

Customers at different sites connected across a service-provider network need to run various Layer 2 protocols
to scale their topology to include all remote sites, as well as the local sites. The Spanning Tree Protocol (STP)
must run properly, and every VLAN should build a proper spanning tree that includes the local site and all
remote sites across the service-provider infrastructure. Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) must be able to

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132 OL-29480-06
Configuring Q-in-Q VLAN Tunnels
Information About Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling

discover neighboring Cisco devices from local and remote sites, and the VLAN Trunking Protocol (VTP)
must provide consistent VLAN configuration throughout all sites in the customer network.
When protocol tunneling is enabled, edge switches on the inbound side of the service-provider infrastructure
encapsulate Layer 2 protocol packets with a special MAC address and send them across the service-provider
network. Core switches in the network do not process these packets, but forward them as normal packets.
Bridge protocol data units (BPDUs) for CDP, STP, or VTP cross the service-provider infrastructure and are
delivered to customer switches on the outbound side of the service-provider network. Identical packets are
received by all customer ports on the same VLANs.
If protocol tunneling is not enabled on 802.1Q tunneling ports, remote switches at the receiving end of the
service-provider network do not receive the BPDUs and cannot properly run STP, CDP, 802.1X, and VTP.
When protocol tunneling is enabled, Layer 2 protocols within each customer’s network are totally separate
from those running within the service-provider network. Customer switches on different sites that send traffic
through the service-provider network with 802.1Q tunneling achieve complete knowledge of the customer’s

Note Layer 2 protocol tunneling works by tunneling BPDUs in the software. A large number of BPDUs that
comes into the supervisor module cause the CPU load to go up. The load It is controlled by Control Plane
Policing CoPP configured for packets marked as BPDU.

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OL-29480-06 133
Configuring Q-in-Q VLAN Tunnels
Information About Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling

For example, the following figure shows Customer X has four switches in the same VLAN that are connected
through the service-provider network. If the network does not tunnel BPDUs, the switches on the far ends of
the network cannot properly run the STP, CDP, 802.1X, and VTP protocols.

Figure 10: Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling

In the preceding example, STP for a VLAN on a switch in Customer X, Site 1 will build a spanning tree on
the switches at that site without considering convergence parameters based on Customer X’s switch in Site

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134 OL-29480-06
Configuring Q-in-Q VLAN Tunnels
Licensing Requirements for Q-in-Q Tunnels

The following figure shows the resulting topology on the customer’s network when BPDU tunneling is not

Figure 11: Virtual Network Topology Without BPDU Tunneling

Licensing Requirements for Q-in-Q Tunnels

Product License Requirement
Cisco NX-OS 802.1Q-in-Q VLAN tunneling and L2 protocol
tunneling require no license. Any feature not included
in a license package is bundled with the Cisco NX-OS
system images and is provided at no extra charge to
you. For a complete explanation of the Cisco NX-OS
licensing scheme, see the Cisco NX-OS Licensing

Guidelines and Limitations for Q-in-Q Tunneling

Q-in-Q tunnels and Layer 2 tunneling have the following configuration guidelines and limitations:
• Switches in the service-provider network must be configured to handle the increase in MTU size due to
Q-in-Q tagging.
• Selective Q-in-Q tunneling is not supported. All frames that enter the tunnel port will be subject to
Q-in-Q tagging.
• MAC address learning for Q-in-Q tagged packets is based on the outer VLAN (Service Provider VLAN)
tag. Packet forwarding issues may occur in deployments where a single MAC address is used across
multiple inner (customer) VLANs.
• Layer 3 and higher parameters cannot be identified in tunnel traffic (for example, Layer 3 destination
and source addresses). Tunneled traffic cannot be routed.

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OL-29480-06 135
Configuring Q-in-Q VLAN Tunnels
Configuring Q-in-Q Tunnels and Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling

• You should use MAC address-based frame distribution.

• You cannot configure the 802.1Q tunneling feature on ports that are configured to support private
VLANs. Private VLAN are not required in these deployments.
• CDP must be explicitly disabled, as needed, on the dot1Q tunnel port.
• You must disable IGMP snooping on the tunnel VLANs.
• You should run the vlan dot1Q tag native command to maintain the tagging on the native VLAN and
drop untagged traffic to prevent native VLAN misconfigurations.
• You must manually configure the 802.1Q interfaces to be edge ports.
• Dot1x tunneling is not supported.

Configuring Q-in-Q Tunnels and Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling

Creating a 802.1Q Tunnel Port
You create the dot1q-tunnel port using the switchport mode command.

Note You must set the 802.1Q tunnel port to an edge port with the spanning-tree port type edge command.
The VLAN membership of the port is changed when you enter the switchport access vlan vlan-id
You should disable IGMP snooping on the access VLAN allocated for the dot1q-tunnel port to allow
multicast packets to traverse the Q-in-Q tunnel.

Before You Begin

You must first configure the interface as a switchport.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# interface ethernet Specifies an interface to configure, and enters interface
slot/port configuration mode.

Step 3 switch(config-if)# switchport Sets the interface as a Layer 2 switching port.

Step 4 switch(config-if)# [no] switchport Creates an 802.1Q tunnel on the port. The port will go
mode dot1q-tunnel down and reinitialize (port flap) when the interface mode
is changed. BPDU filtering is enabled and CDP is
disabled on tunnel interfaces.

Step 5 switch(config-if)# exit Exits interface configuration mode.

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136 OL-29480-06
Configuring Q-in-Q VLAN Tunnels
Enabling the Layer 2 Protocol Tunnel

Command or Action Purpose

Step 6 switch(config)# show dot1q-tunnel (Optional)
[interface if-range] Displays all ports that are in dot1q-tunnel mode.
Optionally you can specify an interface or range of
interfaces to display.

Step 7 switch(config)# copy running-config (Optional)

startup-config Saves the change persistently through reboots and
restarts by copying the running configuration to the
startup configuration.

This example shows how to create an 802.1Q tunnel port:

switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface ethernet 7/1
switch(config-if)# switchport
switch(config-if)# switchport mode dot1q-tunnel
switch(config-if)# exit
switch(config)# exit
switch# show dot1q-tunnel

Enabling the Layer 2 Protocol Tunnel

You can enable protocol tunneling on the 802.1Q tunnel port.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# interface ethernet Specifies an interface to configure, and enters

slot/port interface configuration mode.

Step 3 switch(config)# switchport Sets the interface as a Layer 2 switching port.

Step 4 switch(config-if)# switchport mode Creates an 802.1Q tunnel on the port.

Step 5 switch(config-if)# [no] l2protocol Enables Layer 2 protocol tunneling. Optionally,
tunnel [cdp | stp | vtp] you can enable CDP, STP, or VTP tunneling.

Step 6 switch(config-if)# exit Exits interface configuration mode.

Step 7 switch(config)# copy running-config (Optional)

startup-config Saves the change persistently through reboots and
restarts by copying the running configuration to the
startup configuration.

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OL-29480-06 137
Configuring Q-in-Q VLAN Tunnels
Configuring Thresholds for Layer 2 Protocol Tunnel Ports

This example shows how to enable protocol tunneling on an 802.1Q tunnel port:
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface ethernet 7/1
switch(config-if)# switchport
switch(config-if)# switchport mode dot1q-tunnel
switch(config-if)# l2protocol tunnel stp
switch(config-if)# exit
switch(config)# exit

Configuring Thresholds for Layer 2 Protocol Tunnel Ports

You can specify the port drop and shutdown value for a Layer 2 protocol tunneling port.


Command or Action Purpose

Step 1 switch# configure terminal Enters global configuration mode.

Step 2 switch(config)# interface ethernet Specifies an interface to configure, and enters interface
slot/port configuration mode.

Step 3 switch(config-if)# switchport Sets the interface as a Layer 2 switching port.

Step 4 switch(config-if)# switchport mode Creates an 802.1Q tunnel on the port.

Step 5 switch(config-if)# [no] l2protocol Specifies the maximum number of packets that can be
tunnel drop-threshold [cdp | stp | processed on an interface before being dropped. Optionally,
vtp] you can specify CDP, STP, or VTP. Valid values for the
packets are from 1 to 4096.
The no form of this command resets the threshold values
to 0 and disables the drop threshold.

Step 6 switch(config-if)# [no] l2protocol Specifies the maximum number of packets that can be
tunnel shutdown-threshold [cdp | processed on an interface. When the number of packets is
stp | vtp] exceeded, the port is put in error-disabled state. Optionally,
you can specify the Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP),
Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), or VLAN Trunking
Protocol (VTP). Valid values for the packets is from 1 to

Step 7 switch(config-if)# exit Exits interface configuration mode.

Step 8 switch(config)# copy (Optional)

running-config startup-config Saves the change persistently through reboots and restarts
by copying the running configuration to the startup

This example shows how to configure a threshold for a Layer 2 protocol tunnel port:
switch# configure terminal
switch(config)# interface ethernet 7/1

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138 OL-29480-06
Configuring Q-in-Q VLAN Tunnels
Verifying the Q-in-Q Configuration

switch(config-if)# switchport
switch(config-if)# switchport mode dot1q-tunnel
switch(config)# l2protocol tunnel drop-threshold 3000
switch(config)# l2protocol tunnel shutdown-threshold 3000
switch(config)# exit
switch# copy running-config startup-config

Verifying the Q-in-Q Configuration

Use the following command to verify the Q-in-Q tunnel and Layer 2 protocol tunneling configuration

Command Purpose
clear l2protocol tunnel counters [interface if-range] Clears all the statistics counters. If no interfaces are
specified, the Layer 2 protocol tunnel statistics are
cleared for all interfaces.

show dot1q-tunnel [interface if-range] Displays a range of interfaces or all interfaces that
are in dot1q-tunnel mode.

show l2protocol tunnel [interface if-range | vlan Displays Layer 2 protocol tunnel information for a
vlan-id] range of interfaces or all dot1q-tunnel interfaces that
are part of a specified VLAN or all interfaces.

show l2protocol tunnel summary Displays a summary of all ports that have Layer 2
protocol tunnel configurations.

show running-config l2pt Displays the current Layer 2 protocol tunnel running

Configuration Example for Q-in-Q and Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling

This example shows a service provider switch that is configured to process Q-in-Q for traffic coming in on
Ethernet 7/1. A Layer 2 protocol tunnel is enabled for STP BPDUs. The customer is allocated VLAN 10
(outer VLAN tag).
switch# configure terminal
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
switch(config)# vlan 10
switch(config-vlan)# no shutdown
switch(config-vlan)# vlan configuration 8
switch(config-vlan-config)# no ip igmp snooping
switch(config-vlan-config)# exit
switch(config-vlan)# exit
switch(config)# interface ethernet 7/1
switch(config-if)# switchport
switch(config-if)# switchport mode dot1q-tunnel
switch(config-if)# switchport access vlan 10
switch(config-if)# spanning-tree port type edge
switch(config-if)# l2protocol tunnel stp
switch(config-if)# no shutdown
switch(config-if)# exit

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OL-29480-06 139
Configuring Q-in-Q VLAN Tunnels
Feature History for Q-in-Q Tunnels and Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling

switch(config)# exit

Feature History for Q-in-Q Tunnels and Layer 2 Protocol

Table 9: Feature History for Q-in-Q Tunnels and Layer 2 Protocol Tunneling

Feature Name Release Feature Information

Q-in-Q VLAN Tunnels 6.0(2)U1(1) This feature was introduced.

L2 Protocol Tunneling 6.0(2)U1(1) This feature was introduced.

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
140 OL-29480-06

40-Gigabit Ethernet interface speed 8 configuring (continued)

40-Gigabit Ethernet mode 8 routed interfaces 38
802.1q tunnel port, creating 136 subinterfaces 39
interfaces 136 VLAN interfaces 40
configuring 10 GbE interface speed 17
configuring 40 GbE interface speed 18
Configuring a DHCP client on an SVI 44
A configuring an NVE interface 92
adding ports 61 configuring LACP 63
port channels 61 configuring rendezvous points 88
Configuring Replication 92
configuring RPs 88
configuring unicast routing protocol 90
B configuring VXLAN UDP port 91
bandwidth 40 creating an NVE interface 92
configuring 40 Creating VXLAN UDP port 91
bud node 84

C debounce timer 11
changed information 1 parameters 11
description 1 debounce timer, configuring 26
channel mode 64 Ethernet interfaces 26
port channels 64 default interface 11
channel modes 58 default settings 37, 74
port channels 58 ip tunnels 74
clearing MAC addresses 99 Layer 3 interfaces 37
configuration 45 DHCP client configuration 37
Layer 3 interfaces 45 DHCP client configuration limitations 37
verifying 45 DHCP client discovery 37
configuration examples 47, 79 disabling 19, 22, 25, 27, 116
ip tunneling 79 CDP 22
Layer 3 interfaces 47 error-disabled recovery 25
configuring 25, 27, 38, 39, 40, 41, 66, 67 ethernet interfaces 27
description parameter 27 link negotiation 19
error-disabled recovery interval 25 vPCs 116
interface bandwidth 40 displaying MAC addresses 95
LACP fast timer rate 66 downlink delay 12
LACP port priority 67
loopback interfaces 41

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 IN-1

E interfaces 5, 6, 33, 34, 35, 36, 40, 41, 42, 46, 47, 71, 72, 75, 77, 78, 129, 132,
135, 136, 137, 138, 139
enabling 22, 23, 24 802.1q tunnel port, creating 136
CDP 22 assigning to a VRF 42
error-disabled detection 23 chassis ID 5
error-disabled recovery 24 configuring bandwidth 40
enabling feature nv overlay 89 gre tunnel, configuring 77
enabling PIM 87 gre tunnels 72
enabling VLAN to vn-segment mapping 89 ip tunnel configuration, verifying 78
Ethernet interfaces 8, 26 ip tunnels 71
debounce timer, configuring 26 ipip tunnel decapsulation-only, configuring 77
interface speed 8 ipip tunnel, configuring 77
layer 2 protocol tunnel 137
layer 2 protocol tunnel ports, thresholds configuring 138
F layer 2 protocol tunneling 132
Layer 3 33, 46, 47
feature history 49, 70, 80, 140 configuration examples 47
ip tunnels 80 monitoring 46
Layer 3 interfaces 49 loopback 36, 41
port channels 70 options 5
q-in-q tunnels, layer 2 protocol tunneling 140 q-in-q configuration, verifying 139
q-in-q tunneling, guidelines 135
q-in-q tunnels 129
q-in-q tunnels, licensing 135
G routed 34
gre tunnel, configuring 77 tunnel 36
interfaces 77 tunnel interface, creating 75
gre tunnels 72 UDLD 6
interfaces 72 VLAN 35, 40
guidelines 73 configuring 40
ip tunnels 73 ip tunnel configuration, verifying 78
guidelines and limitations 36, 109 interfaces 78
Layer 3 interfaces 36 ip tunneling 79
vPCs 109 configuration examples 79
guidelines and limitations for VXLAN 85 ip tunnels 71, 73, 74, 79, 80
default settings 74
feature history 80
guidelines 73
H interfaces 71
hardware hashing 63 licensing requirements 73
multicast traffic 63 prerequisites 73
standards 79
ipip decapsulate-only 72

ingress replication 93 L
interface information, displaying 28
layer 2 28 LACP 52, 57, 59, 60, 63, 65
interface MAC address, configuring 43 configuring 63
interface speed 8, 16 marker responders 59
configuring 16 port channel, minlinks 60, 65
Ethernet interfaces 8 port channels 57
system ID 57

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
IN-2 OL-29480-06

LACP fast timer rate 66 monitoring 46

configuring 66 Layer 3 interfaces 46
LACP port priority 67 Multi-point IP-in-IP decapsulation 72
configuring 67 multicast traffic 63
LACP-enabled vs static 59 hardware hashing 63
port channels 59 port channels 63
layer 2 9, 20, 28
interface information, displaying 28
svi autostate 9
svi autostate, disabling 20
layer 2 mechanism for broadcast, unknown unicast, and multicast new information 1
traffic 83 description 1
layer 2 mechanism for learnt unicast traffic 83 NVGRE traffic 56
layer 2 protocol tunnel 137
interfaces 137
layer 2 protocol tunneling 132
interfaces 132 P
Layer 3 interfaces 33, 36, 37, 38, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 parameters, about 11
configuration examples 47 debounce timer 11
configuring routed interfaces 38 physical Ethernet settings 12
default settings 37 point-to-point IP-in-IP encapsulation and decapsulation 72
feature history 49 port channel 68
guidelines and limitations 36 verifying configuration 68
interfaces 48, 49 port channel, minlinks 60, 65
Layer 3 48, 49 LACP 60, 65
feature history 49 port channeling 52
MIBs 48 port channels 40, 51, 52, 54, 57, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 70, 124
related documents 48 adding ports 61
standards 49 channel mode 64
licensing requirements 36 compatibility requirements 52
MIBs 48 configuring bandwidth 40
monitoring 46 creating 60
related documents 48 feature history 70
standards 49 hardware hashing 63
verifying 45 LACP 57
licensing requirements 36, 73 LACP-enabled vs static 59
ip tunnels 73 load balancing 54, 62
Layer 3 interfaces 36 port channels 54
limitations 37 moving into a vPC 124
Link Aggregation Control Protocol 52 STP 51
load balancing 62 port mode 14
port channels 62 interface 14
configuring 62 port modes 8
loopback interfaces 36, 41 prerequisites 73
configuring 41 ip tunnels 73

MIBs 31, 48 q-in-q configuration, verifying 139
Layer 2 interfaces 31 interfaces 139
Layer 3 interfaces 48 q-in-q tunneling, guidelines 135
interfaces 135

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
OL-29480-06 IN-3

q-in-q tunnels 129 T

interfaces 129
q-in-q tunnels, layer 2 protocol 140 tunnel interface 78
feature history 140 vrf membership, assigning 78
q-in-q tunnels, licensing 135 tunnel interfaces 36, 76
interfaces 135 configuring based on PBR 76
tunnel interfaces, creating 75
interfaces 75

related documents 48 U
Layer 3 interfaces 48
resilient hashing 55 UDLD 6, 7
restarting 27 aggressive mode 7
ethernet interfaces 27 defined 6
routed interfaces 34, 38, 40 nonaggressive mode 7
configuring 38 UDLD modeA 13
configuring bandwidth 40 configuring 13
Unidirectional Link Detection 6

SFP+ transceiver 8
Small form-factor pluggable (plus) transceiver 8 verifying 45
standards 49, 79 Layer 3 interface configuration 45
ip tunnels 79 VLAN 35
Layer 3 interfaces 49 interfaces 35
STP 51 VLAN interfaces 40
port channel 51 configuring 40
subinterfaces 34, 39, 40 VLAN to VXLAN VNI mapping 89
configuring 39 VNI to multicast group mapping 92
configuring bandwidth 40 vPC terminology 102
svi autostate 9 vPCs 109, 124
layer 2 9 guidelines and limitations 109
SVI autostate disable 37 moving port channels into 124
SVI autostate disable, configuring 43 VRF 42
svi autostate, disabling 20 assigning an interface to 42
layer 2 20 vrf membership, assigning 78
symmetric hashing 56 tunnel interface 78

Cisco Nexus 3000 Series NX-OS Interfaces Configuration Guide, Release 6.x
IN-4 OL-29480-06

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