The document contains log entries from an SNS (Samsung Networking Service) monitoring system. It logs information about the device's software version, default SNS settings, loading of models, and network connection state changes over time including connecting to and disconnecting from WiFi networks, switching between good and poor links, and the calculated QAI (Quality of Application Interface) in response to these events. It shows the SNS system monitoring the network and adjusting the QAI based on connection quality.
The document contains log entries from an SNS (Samsung Networking Service) monitoring system. It logs information about the device's software version, default SNS settings, loading of models, and network connection state changes over time including connecting to and disconnecting from WiFi networks, switching between good and poor links, and the calculated QAI (Quality of Application Interface) in response to these events. It shows the SNS system monitoring the network and adjusting the QAI based on connection quality.
The document contains log entries from an SNS (Samsung Networking Service) monitoring system. It logs information about the device's software version, default SNS settings, loading of models, and network connection state changes over time including connecting to and disconnecting from WiFi networks, switching between good and poor links, and the calculated QAI (Quality of Application Interface) in response to these events. It shows the SNS system monitoring the network and adjusting the QAI based on connection quality.
The document contains log entries from an SNS (Samsung Networking Service) monitoring system. It logs information about the device's software version, default SNS settings, loading of models, and network connection state changes over time including connecting to and disconnecting from WiFi networks, switching between good and poor links, and the calculated QAI (Quality of Application Interface) in response to these events. It shows the SNS system monitoring the network and adjusting the QAI based on connection quality.