ReEd 3 Final Exam 20211
ReEd 3 Final Exam 20211
ReEd 3 Final Exam 20211
SY 2023-2024
Re-Ed 3
Liturgy and Sacraments
TEST I- True or False; Read each statement carefully to determine its truth or falsity of
the idea expressed to each statement. Write A if the idea if the idea expressed in the
statement is true and if false write B, Write your answer on the space before each
people of God
A 9. Can do Church administration work A 19. Spiritual
Father of the local
Church/ Diocese
B 10. Chief priest and pastor of a diocese B 20. An
active agent for building
Christian community
3 Give the two pastoral care of the dying /deceased or dead person
B. Depression E. Arthritis
C. Cancer
1. What is the anointing of the sick and what are its effects? Illustrate in drawing
the rites performed by the priest for those at the point of death.
The Sacrament of Holy Orders, is the placing of a man into the order through
which he receives the gift of the Holy Spirit, permitting him to exercise sacred, which
flows only from Christ through his Church. This happens through apostolic succession
in the imposition of hands by one or more bishops within the Catholic faith. There are
three degrees of ordination: deacon, priest and bishop. Through this ordained ministry,
a man “acts in the person of Christ,” meaning that in the Catholic sacraments, Christ
himself is present to His Church through the ordained minister. The ministry of Christ,
passed down through the Apostles, makes Christ truly present through the seven
sacraments in Catholic churches all over the world — in every age. Ordained ministers
in the Eastern Church — the Eastern Orthodox — also possess the fullness of this
sacrament, and can therefore validly administer the sacraments proper to their
The actual rite of Ordination takes place in the two parts that follow. First is the
ancient symbol of the Laying on of Hands. The ordinand will go before the Bishop and
the Bishop prays in silence as he places his hands on the head of the candidate. This
gesture was first used by the apostles in the election of the first deacons for service in
the Church (Acts 6:6). Using this same gesture the priests now come forward to impose
hands. This is a sign that they, too, share the same gift of ordination through the gift of
the Holy Spirit. When the priests have finished, they will raise their hand (as at the
consecration of the Mass) in blessing as the Bishop prays the Prayer of Consecration.
This prayer is the second part of the actual Ordination. The assembly responds "Amen"
to the Bishop's prayer as a sign of our assent, too, of the sacred action that has taken
3. Do you think there would be more vocations to the priesthood if there were
married clergy? Why?
Not necessarily, If already ordained a priest, they cannot subsequently marry.
Having married priests would certainly help the vocations crisis, and they may
relate better to married people etc. However, believing that married priests are the
answer assumes that they are mature, happily married `men.
4. Write at least three Biblical texts about Anointing of the Sick and explain each,
(2 points each)
Biblical Texts
a. James 5:14
b. Mark 6:13
wounds of
the waylaid
Jew, Luke
says that, in
the last
sickness of
Herod, his
him to be
anointed with
oil. It
need not be
that the
used oil for
purposes. It
was used,
probably, like
imposition of
or like
our Savior's
anointing the
eyes of the
blind with
clay; also as
a sign,
of imparting
that aid and
comfort from
God which
sought, and
which was
” by the
soothing and
of oil.
c. 1 John 2:20 .
20 But you have an anointing from the Holy One, This
anointing referred to the spirit of God being poured out by Jesus and
all of you know the truth.[a] “The Holy One” on those
who have come to faith in Christ. This anointing
receive from him abides in you” meaning it was lasting. The New
Testament described
Jesus as the Anointed One who also anointed
those who believe in Him.
Lord Jesus Christ, call the hearts of men and women in responding to a life of
service with You. Accompany them throughout their discernment and
formation. And send them throughout the world as they gather God’s people
back to the bosom of the Father. Amen