B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering Artificial Intelligence Third Year 2023 24
B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering Artificial Intelligence Third Year 2023 24
B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering Artificial Intelligence Third Year 2023 24
Affiliated to
Bachelor of Technology
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence)
Third Year
Bachelor of Technology
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence)
Sl. Subject Periods Evaluation Scheme
Subject Name Semester Total Credit
No. Codes
Design and Analysis of
1 ACSE0501 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4
2 ACSE0502 Computer Networks 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4
3 ACSE0503 Design Thinking-II 2 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 3
4 ACSE0505 Web Technology 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 150 3
5 Departmental Elective-I 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 150 3
6 Departmental Elective-II 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 150 3
Design and Analysis of
7 ACSE0551 0 0 2 25 25 50 1
Algorithms Lab
8 ACSE0552 Computer Networks Lab 0 0 2 25 25 50 1
9 ACSE0555 Web Technology Lab 0 0 2 25 25 50 1
10 ACSE0559 Internship Assessment-II 0 0 2 50 50 1
Constitution of India, Law and
ANC0501 /
11 Engineering / Essence of 2 0 0 30 20 50 50 100
Indian Traditional Knowledge
MOOCs (For B.Tech. Hons.
List of MOOCs (Coursera) Based Recommended Courses for Third Year (Semester-V) B. Tech Students
S. No. Subject Code Course Name University / Industry Partner Name No of Hours Credits
1 AMC0066 Block Chain Platforms UNIVERSITY AT BUFFALO 16 1
2 AMC0071 Decentralized Applications UNIVERSITY AT BUFFALO 18 1
Internship (3-4 weeks) shall be conducted during summer break after semester-IV and will be assessed
during Semester-V
Compulsory Audit Course (Non Credit - ANC0501/ANC0502)
All Compulsory Audit Courses (a qualifying exam) has no credit.
Total and obtained marks are not added in the Grand Total.
Abbreviation Used: -
L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, P: Practical, CT: Class Test, TA: Teacher Assessment, PS: Practical Sessional,
TE: Theory End Semester Exam., PE: Practical End Semester Exam.
List of Departmental Electives
Sl. Departmental Subject Bucket
Subject Name Branch Semester
No. Electives Codes Name
1 Elective-I ACSE0511 CRM Fundamentals AI 5
2 Elective-II ACSE0513 CRM Administration AI 5
3 Elective-I ACSAI0512 Data Analytics AI 5
Business Intelligence and Data Analytics
4 Elective-II ACSAI0519 AI
Visualization 5
Python Web Development with
5 Elective-I ACSE0512 Full Stack AI
Django 5
6 Elective-II ACSE0514 Design Patterns AI 5
7 Elective-I ACSAI0515 Mobile Application Development Mobility AI 5
8 Elective-II ACSAI0521 Development in Swift Fundamentals Management AI 5
Bachelor of Technology
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence)
Sl. Subject Periods Evaluation Scheme
Subject Name Semester Total Credit
No. Codes
Blockchain Technology and
1 ACSAI0601 3 1 0 30 20 50 100 150 4
Application Development
2 ACSML0601 Machine Learning 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 150 3
3 ACSE0603 Software Engineering 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 150 3
4 Departmental Elective-III 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 150 3
5 Departmental Elective-IV 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 150 3
6 Open Elective-I 3 0 0 30 20 50 100 150 3
Blockchain Technology and
7 ACSAI0651 Application Development 0 0 2 25 25 50 1
8 ACSML0651 Machine Learning Lab 0 0 2 25 25 50 1
9 ACSE0653 Software Engineering Lab 0 0 2 25 25 50 1
10 ACSE0659 Mini Project 0 0 2 50 50 1
Essence of Indian Traditional
ANC0602 /
11 Knowledge / Constitution of 2 0 0 30 20 50 50 100
India, Law and Engineering
MOOCs (For B.Tech.
Hons. Degree)
List of MOOCs (Coursera) Based Recommended Courses for Third Year (Semester-VI) B. Tech Students
S. No. Subject Code Course Name University / Industry Partner Name No of Hours Credits
1 AMC0086 Introduction to Machine Learning Duke University 26 2
2 AMC0126 Smart Contracts University at Buffalo 17 1
S. No. Subject Code Course Name University / Industry Partner Name No of Hours Credits
1 AMC0093 Machine Learning with Python IBM 23 1.5
Introduction to Deep Learning &
2 AMC0118 IBM 8 0.5
Neural Networks with keras
Internship (3-4 weeks) shall be conducted during summer break after semester-VI and will be assessed
during semester-VII.
Compulsory Audit Course (Non Credit - ANC0601/ANC0602)
All Compulsory Audit Courses (a qualifying exam) has no credit.
Total and obtained marks are not added in the Grand Total.
Abbreviation Used: -
L: Lecture, T: Tutorial, P: Practical, CT: Class Test, TA: Teacher Assessment, PS: Practical Sessional,
TE: Theory End Semester Exam., PE: Practical End Semester Exam.
List of Departmental Electives
Bachelor of Technology
Computer Science and Engineering (Artificial Intelligence)
Pre-requisites: Basic knowledge of any programming language like C/C++/ Python/Java, Data Structures,
Discrete Structures and Graph Theory
Course Contents / Syllabus
UNIT-I Introduction 8 Hours
Algorithms, Analyzing Algorithms, Complexity of Algorithms, Amortized Analysis, Growth of Functions, Methods
of solving Recurrences, Performance Measurements, Sorting and Order Statistics –Insertion Sort, Shell Sort, Heap
Sort, Priority queue, Comparison of Sorting Algorithms, Sorting in Linear Time, Counting Sort, Radix Sort.
Dynamic Programming concepts, Examples Such as All Pair Shortest Paths – Warshal’s and Floyd’s Algorithms, 0/1
Knapsack, Longest Common Sub Sequence, Matrix Chain Multiplication, Resource Allocation Problem. Graph
searching (BFS, DFS), Backtracking, Branch and Bound with Examples Such as Travelling Salesman Problem, Graph
Coloring, n-Queen Problem, Hamiltonian Cycles and Sum of Subsets.
UNIT-V Selected Topics 8 Hours
String Matching Algorithms such as Rabin-karp Matcher, Finite Automaton Matcher, KMP Matcher, Boyer
Moore Matcher. Theory of NP-Completeness, Approximation Algorithms and Randomized Algorithms.
Course outcome: After completion of this course students will be able to
Analyze the asymptotic performance of algorithms and write rigorous
CO 1 K4
correctness proofs for algorithms.
Use efficient data structures such as RB tree, B tree, binomial and Fibonacci
CO 2 K3
heaps etc. according to the problem
Apply divide and conquer and greedy algorithm approach for solving different
CO 3 K5
problems such
Apply important algorithmic design paradigms and methods of analysis such as
CO 4 K5
dynamic programming, backtracking, branch and bound.
Demonstrate tractable and intractable problems and the classes P, NP and NP-
CO 5 complete problems. And also use Algorithms for solving string matching K3
Text books:
1) Thomas H. Coreman, Charles E. Leiserson and Ronald L. Rivest, “Introduction to Algorithms”, Printice
Hall of India.
2) E. Horowitz & S Sahni, "Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms".
3) Aho, Hopcraft, Ullman, “The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms” Pearson Education, 2008.
4) LEE "Design & Analysis of Algorithms (POD)", McGraw Hill.
Reference Books:
1. Richard E.Neapolitan "Foundations of Algorithms" Jones & Bartlett Learning.
2. Jon Kleinberg and ÉvaTardos, Algorithm Design, Pearson, 2005.
3. Michael T Goodrich and Roberto Tamassia, Algorithm Design: Foundations, Analysis, and Internet
Examples, Second Edition, Wiley, 2006.
4. Harry R. Lewis and Larry Denenberg, Data Structures and Their Algorithms, Harper Collins, 1997
5. Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne, Algorithms, fourth edition, Addison Wesley, 2011.
NPTEL/ Youtube/ Faculty Video Link:
Unit 1 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDN4rrl48XKpZkf03iYFl-
https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/101/106101060/EVALUATION SCHEME 3RD
YEAR AI.docx
Unit 2 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDN4rrl48XKpZkf03iYFl-
Unit 3 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDN4rrl48XKpZkf03iYFl-
Unit 4 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDN4rrl48XKpZkf03iYFl-
Unit 5 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLDN4rrl48XKpZkf03iYFl-
Course Code ACSE0502 L T P Credits
Course Title COMPUTER NETWORKS 3 1 0 4
Course objective:
Objective of this course is to develop an understanding of computer networking basics, different components of
computer networks, various protocols, modern technologies and their applications.
Pre-requisites: Basic knowledge of Computer system and their interconnection, operating system, Digital logic and
design and hands on experience of programming languages.
Course Contents / Syllabus
UNIT-I Introduction 8 Hours
Goals and applications of networks, Categories of networks, Organization of the Internet, ISP, The OSI reference model,
TCP/IP protocol suite, Network devices and components, Mode of communications
Physical Layer: Network topology design, Types of connections, LAN, MAN and MAN Transmission media, Signal
transmission and encoding, Network performance and transmission impairments, Switching techniques and
multiplexing, IEEE standards.
UNIT-II Data Link layer 8 Hours
Framing, Error Detection and Correction, Flow control (Elementary Data Link Protocols, Sliding Window protocols).
Medium Access Control and Local Area Networks: Channel allocation, Multiple access protocols, LAN standards, Link
layer switches & bridges.
UNIT-III Network Layer 8 Hours
Point-to-point networks, Logical addressing, Basic internetworking (IP, CIDR, ARP, RARP, DHCP, ICMP), IPv4,
Routing, forwarding and delivery, Static and dynamic routing, Routing algorithms and protocols, Congestion control
algorithms, IPv6.
UNIT-IV Transport Layer 8 Hours
Process-to-process delivery, Transport layer protocols (UDP and TCP), Connection management, Flow control and
retransmission, Window management, TCP Congestion control, Quality of service.
UNIT-V Application Layer 8 Hours
Domain Name System, World Wide Web and Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, Electronic mail, File Transfer Protocol,
Remote login, Network management, Data compression, VPN, Cryptography – basic concepts, Firewalls.
Course outcome: After completion of this course students will be able to
Build an understanding of the fundamental concepts and Layered Architecture of
CO 1 K2, K6
computer networking.
Understand the basic concepts of link layer properties to detect error and develop
CO 2 K2, K6
the solution for error control and flow control.
Design, calculate, and apply subnet masks and addresses to fulfil networking
CO 3 K3, K4, K6
requirements and calculate distance among routers in subnet.
Understand the duties of transport layer, Session layer with connection
CO 4 K2, K4
management of TCP protocol.
CO 5 Discuss the different protocols used at application layer. K2
Text books:
1. Behrouz Forouzan, “Data Communication and Networking” Fourth Edition-2006, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Andrew Tanenbaum “Computer Networks”, Fifth Edition-2011, Prentice Hall.
3. William Stallings, “Data and Computer Communication”, Eighth Edition-2008, Pearson.
Reference Books:
1. Kurose and Ross, “Computer Networking- A Top-Down Approach”, Eighth Edition-2021, Pearson.
2. Peterson and Davie, “Computer Networks: A Systems Approach”, Fourth Edition-1996, Morgan Kaufmann
NPTEL/ YouTube/ Faculty Video Link:
Unit 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LX_b2M3IzN8
Unit 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnbvhoxHn8M
Unit 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ddM9AcreVqY
Unit 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwoD5YsGACg
Unit 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTwYSA478eA&list=PLJ5C_6qdAvBH01tVf0V4PQsCxGE3hSqEr
Course code ACSE0503 LT P Credits
Course Objectives: The objective of this course is to upgrade Design Thinking skills by learning & applying
advanced and contextual Design Thinking Tools. It aims to solve a Real-Life Problem by applying Design
Thinking to create an impact for all the stakeholders
Design thinking & Innovation, Design Thinking Mindset and Principles, recap of 5-Step Process of Design
Thinking, Design Approaches, additional in-depth examples of each design approaches. Simon Sinek’s – Start with
Why, The Golden Circle , Asking the “Why” behind each example (an in-class activity of asking 5-WHYS) , The
Higher Purpose, in-class activity for LDO & sharing insights
Visualization and it’s importance in design thinking , reflections on wheel of life (in-class activity for visualization
& Wheel of Life), Linking it with Balancing Priorities (in class activity), DBS Singapore and Bank of Americas’
Keep the Change Campaign. Litter of Light & Arvind Eye Care Examples, understanding practical application of
design thinking tools and concepts, case study on McDonald’s Milkshake / Amazon India’s Rural Ecommerce &
Working on 1-hour Design problem, Applying RCA and Brainstorm on innovative solutions.
Prototyping (Convergence): Prototyping mindset, tools for prototyping – Sketching, paper models, pseudo-codes,
physical mockups, Interaction flows, storyboards, acting/role-playing etc, importance of garnering user feedback
for revisiting Brainstormed ideas.
Napkin Pitch, Usability, Minimum Viable Prototype, Connecting Prototype with 3 Laws, A/B Testing, Learning
Launch. Decision Making Tools and Approaches – Vroom Yetton Matrix, Shift-Left, Up, Right, Value Proposition,
Case study: Careerbuddy, You-Me-Health Story & IBM Learning Launch.
In-class activities on prototyping- paper-pen / physical prototype/ digital prototype of project’s 1000gm idea.
Leadership, types, qualities and traits of leaders and leadership styles, Leaders vs Manager, Personas of Leaders &
Managers, Connecting Leaders-Managers with 13 Musical Notes, Trait theory, LSM (Leadership Situational
Model), Team Building Models: Tuckman’s and Belbin’s. Importance of Spatial elements for innovation.
Interconnectedness and mutual fulfilment among the four orders of nature recyclability and self-regulation in
nature, Thinking expansion for harmony: Self-exploration (Johari’s window), group behaviour, interpersonal
behaviour and skills, Myers-Briggs personality types (MBTI), FIRO-B test to repair relationships.
CO 2 Construct innovate ideas using design thinking tools and converge to feasible K6
idea for breakthrough solution
CO 3 Implement storytelling for persuasive articulation K3
CO 5 Understand the role of a human being in ensuring harmony in society and nature. K2
1. Arun Jain, UnMukt : Science & Art of Design Thinking, 2020, Polaris
2. Gavin Ambrose and Paul Harris, Basics Design 08: Design Thinking, 2010, AVA Publishing SA
3. R R Gaur, R Sangal, G P Bagaria, A Foundation Course in Human Values and Professional Ethics, First Edition,
2009, Excel Books: New Delhi
Reference Books:
1. Jeanne Liedta, Andrew King and Kevin Benett , Solving Problems with Design Thinking – Ten Stories of What Works,
2013, Columbia Business School Publishing.
2. Dr Ritu Soryan, Universal Human Values and Professional Ethics, 2022, Katson Books.
3. Vijay Kumar, 101 Design Methods: A Structured Approach for Driving Innovation in Your Organization, 2013, John
Wiley and Sons Inc, New Jersey.
4. Roger L. Martin, Design of Business: Why Design Thinking is the Next Competitive Advantage, 2009, Harvard
Business Press, Boston MA.
Unit II https://www.coursera.org/lecture/uva-darden-design-thinking-innovation/the-ibm-story-iq0kE
Unit IV https://www.worldofinsights.co/2020/10/infographic-8-design-thinking-skills-for-leadership-development/
Unit V https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFGVcx1Us5Y
Course Code ACSE0505 L T P Credits
Course Title WEB TECHNOLOGY 3 0 0 3
Course objective: This course covers different aspect of web technology such as HTML, CSS, Java Script and
provide fundamental concepts of Internet, Web Technology and Web Programming. Students will be able to build a
proper responsive website.
Pre-requisites: Basic Knowledge of any programming language like C/C++/Python/Java. Familiarity with basic
concepts of Internet.
Course Contents / Syllabus
UNIT-I Basics of Web Technology & Testing 8 Hours
History of Web and Internet, connecting to Internet, Introduction to Internet services and tools, Client-Server
Computing, Protocols Governing Web, Basic principles involved in developing a web site, Planning process, Types
of Websites, Web Standards and W3C recommendations, Web Hosting Basics, Types of Hosting Packages,
Introduction to Web testing, Functional Testing,
Usability & Visual Testing, Performance & Load Testing.
UNIT-II Introduction to HTML & XML 8 Hours
HTML, DOM- Introduction to Document Object Model, Basic structure of an HTML document, Mark up Tags,
Heading-Paragraphs, Line Breaks, Understand the structure of HTML tables. Lists, working with Hyperlinks, Image
Handling, Understanding Frames and their needs, HTML forms for User inputs. New form Elements- date, number,
range, email, search and data list, Understanding audio, video and article tags XML Syntax, Elements, Attributes,
Namespaces, Display, HTTP request, Parser, DOM, XPath, XSLT, XQuerry, XLink, Validator, DTD and XML
UNIT-III Concepts of CSS3 & Bootstrap 8 Hours
Creating Style Sheet, CSS Properties, CSS Styling (Background, Text Format, Controlling Fonts), Working with block
elements and objects, Working with Lists and Tables, CSSIdandClass, BoxModel(Introduction, JavaScript
Borderproperties,PaddingProperties, Marginproperties) CSS Advanced(Grouping, Dimension, Display, Positioning,
Floating, Align,Pseudoclass,NavigationBar,ImageSprites,Attributesector),CSSColor,CreatingpageLayoutandSite.
Bootstrap Features & Bootstrap grid system, Bootstrap Components, Bootstrap Plug-Ins.
5 Implementation of stop and wait protocol in any language like C++ , Java or CO3
6 Implementation of hamming code (7, 4) code to limit the noise. We have to code CO3
the bit data in to 7bit data by adding 3 parity bits. Implement in in any language
like C++ , Java or Python.
7 Implementation of Caesar cipher technique & RSA algorithm in any language like CO4
C++ , Java or Python.
8 Write a program in java to find the IP address of the system. CO4
9 Write a program in java to find the IP address of the any site if name is given. CO4
Implementing the concepts of PHP and creating Server Side Pages. K3, K6
CO 5
Course Code ACSE0511 LTP Credits
Course Title CRM FUNDAMENTALS 3 0 0 3
Course objective: This course is designed to help in understanding the fundamentals of CRM. It will help in
providing better services for Sales, Marketing and Customer Relations in an Enterprise. To make the students
understand the organizational need, benefits and process of creating long-term value for individual customers. To
disseminate knowledge regarding the concept of e-CRM and e-CRM technologies. To enable the students understand
the technological and human issues relating to implementation of Customer Relationship Management in the
Pre-requisites: None
Course Contents / Syllabus
UNIT-I Introduction 8 Hours
CRM- definition, history, goals. Sources of CRM value. Components of CRM: people, process, technology.
Evolution of CRM: marketing and its principles, customer relations to CRM. Dynamics of Customer Supplier
Relationships, Nature and context of CRM, Strategy and Organization of CRM: strategy, The relationship-oriented
organization: Mission, Culture, Structure, People, Communication & Information Systems.
Pre-requisites: Creative thinking and which is being used by the creative talent in your business areas.
Course Contents / Syllabus
UNIT I Introduction 8 Hours
Sales force Platform Basics, User Management, Data Modelling ,Data Management, Identity Basic , Data Security
,Lightning Experience Customization, Lightning APP Builder Sales force Mobile App Customization, User Engagement
, Formulas and Validation, Data Security, Picklist Administration.
UNIT II Lightning & Salesforce App Experience Customization 8 Hours
Formula and Validation, Accounts and Contacts for Lightning Experience, Lead and Opportunity for Lightning
Experience, Product Quotes and Contracts, Campaign Basic.
UNIT III Salesforce Administration 8 Hours
Service Cloud for lightning Experience, Sales force mobile app customization, AppExchange basic Duplicate
Management Lightning Experience for Sales force Classic Users, Chatter Administration for Lightning Experience,
Reports and Dashboards for lightning experience, Lightning experience customization, Lightning experience rollout ,
Sales force flow, Lightning experience report dashboard Specialist.
UNIT IV Lightning Experience 8 Hours
Prepare Your Sales force Org for Users, Customize an Org to Support a New Business Unit, Protect Your Data in Sales
force, Customize a Sales Path for Your Team, Customize a Sales force Object, Import and Export with Data Management
UNIT V Learn Admin Essentials in Lightning Experience 8 Hours
Create Reports and Dashboards for Sales and Marketing Managers, Improve Data Quality for Your Sales and Support
Teams, Create a Process for Managing Support Cases, User Engagement, Business Administration Specialist.
Course outcome: After completion of this course students will be able to:
CO 1 Understand the fundamental concepts of data analytics in the areas that plays K1
major role within the realm of data science.
CO 2 Explain and exemplify the most common forms of data and its representations. K2
Reference Books:
1)Open Data for Sustainable Community: Glocalized Sustainable Development Goals, Neha Sharma, Santanu Ghosh,
Monodeep Saha, Springer, 2021.
2)The Data Science Handbook, Field Cady, John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2017
3)Data Mining Concepts and Techniques, Third Edition, Jiawei Han, Micheline Kamber, Jian Pei, Morgan Kaufmann,
Unit 1 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL15FRvx6P0OWTlNBS_93NHG2hIn9cynVT
Unit 2 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLy_2iUCG87DxxkLX4Pc3wCvsF1yAvz0T
Unit 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhO3fBiMDag
Unit 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q4pyaVZjqk0
Unit 5 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWPirh4EWFpGXTBu8ldLZGJCUeTMBpJFK
Course code ACSAI0519 LTP Credits
Course objective: This course covers fundamental concepts of Business Intelligence tools, techniques,
components and its future. As well as a bit more formal understanding of data visualization concepts and
techniques. The underlying theme in the course is feature of Tableau, its capabilities.
Pre-requisites: Basic Knowledge of Business intelligence.
Course Contents / Syllabus
Business Intelligence (BI), Scope of BI solutions and their fitting into existing infrastructure, BI Components and
architecture, BI Components, Future of Business Intelligence, Functional areas of BI tools, End user assumptions,
setting up data for BI, Data warehouse, OLAP and advanced analytics, Supporting the requirements of senior
executives including performance management, Glossary of terms and their definitions specific to the field of BI
and BI systems.
Introductions and overview: What Tableau can and cannot do well, Debug and troubleshoot installation and
configuration of the software.
Creating Your First visualization: Getting started with Tableau Software, Using Data file formats, connecting
your Data to Tableau, creating basic charts (line, bar charts, Tree maps), Using the Show me panel
Tableau Calculations: Overview of SUM, AVR, and Aggregate features Creating custom calculations and
fields, Applying new data calculations to your visualization.
Formatting Visualizations: Formatting Tools and Menus, formatting specific parts of the view, Editing and
Formatting Axes.
Describe the Power BI ecosystem, Define Power BI and its relationship with Excel, Discuss the Power BI suite
of products, Describe how the Power BI products integrate, Explain the typical analytics process flow,
Differentiate between the various data sources, Connect Power BI to a data source, Clean and transform data to
ensure data quality, Load the data to the Power BI Data Model, Describe the Power BI ecosystem, Define Power
BI and its relationship with Excel, Discuss the Power BI suite of products, Describe how the Power BI products
integrate, Explain the typical analytics process flow.
1. Efraim Turban, Ramesh Sharda, Dursun Delen, “Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems”,
9th Edition, Pearson 2013.
2. Learning Tableau 10 - Second Edition: Business Intelligence and data visualization that brings your
business into focus” by Joshua N. Milligan
3. Tableau Your Data! - “Daniel G. Murray and the Inter Works BI Team”-Wiley
Reference Books:
1. Larissa T. Moss, S. Atre, “Business Intelligence Roadmap: The Complete Project Lifecycle of Decision
Making”, Addison Wesley, 2003.
2. Carlo Vercellis, “Business Intelligence: Data Mining and Optimization for Decision Making”, Wiley
Publications, 2009.
3. David Loshin Morgan, Kaufman, “Business Intelligence: The Savvy Manager‟s Guide”, Second
Edition, 2012.
Unit 3 What Is Power BI? | Introduction To Microsoft Power BI | Power BI Training | Edureka - YouTube
Unit 4 https://www.tableau.com/academic/students
Course Code ACSE0512 L T P Credits
Course objective: This course focuses on how to design and build static as well as dynamic webpages and
interactive web based applications. These courses mainly focus how Python operates within web development using
the increasingly popular Django framework.
Pre-requisites: Students should have good knowledge of Python Programming and Python coding experience.
Pre-requisites: Object Oriented Analysis and Design. Data structures and algorithms. Programming Language
(C++ or Java)
Course Contents / Syllabus
UNIT-I Introduction 8 Hours
Describing Design Patterns, Design Patterns in Smalltalk MVC, The Catalog of Design Patterns, Organizing the
Catalogue, Design Patterns for Solving the Real life Problems, Selection and Use of Design patterns . Principle of
least knowledge.
UNIT-II Creational Design Pattern 8 Hours
Creational Patterns: Abstract Factory, Builder, Factory Pattern, Prototype Pattern, Singleton pattern..
Multimedia Supported audio and video formats, Audio capture, Bluetooth, Animation.
UNIT-IV Android Application Deployment 8 Hours
Persisting data using SQLite database, Testing and debugging Android Application, Packaging and Android
Application Deployment on device with Windows, Android Permissions. Testing and publishing of Mobile
Applications on different app stores.
1) Develop in Swift Fundamentals, XCode 12 or Higher, Apple Inc.
Reference Books:
1) Develop in Swift Fundamentals, XCode 12 or Higher, Apple Inc.
B. TECH. THIRD YEAR 5th/ 6th
Course code ANC0501 L T P Credits
Astronomy in India, Chemistry in India, Mathematics in India, Physics in India, Agriculture in India, Medicine in
India , Metallurgy in India, Geography, Biology, Harappan Technologies, Water Management in India, Textile
Technology in India ,Writing Technology in India Pyrotechnics in India Trade in Ancient India/,India’s
Dominance up to Pre-colonial Times.
Indian Architect, Engineering and Architecture in Ancient India, Sculptures, Pottery, Painting, Indian Handicraft,
UNESCO’S List of World Heritage sites in India, Seals, coins, Puppetry, Dance, Music, Theatre, drama, Martial
Arts Traditions, Fairs and Festivals, UNESCO’S List of Intangible Cultural Heritage, Calenders, Current
developments in Arts and Cultural, Indian’s Cultural Contribution to the World. Indian Cinema.
COURSE OUTCOMES: After completion of this course students will be able to
CO 1 Understand the basics of past Indian politics and state polity. K2
CO 2 Understand the Vedas, Upanishads, languages & literature of Indian society. K2
CO 3 Know the different religions and religious movements in India. K4
CO 4 Identify and explore the basic knowledge about the ancient history of Indian K4
agriculture, science & technology, and Ayurveda.
CO 5 Identify Indian dances, fairs & festivals, and cinema. K1
Text Books:
1. Sivaramakrishna (Ed.), Cultural Heritage of India-Course Material, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai, 5th
Edition, 2014.
2. S. Baliyan, Indian Art and Culture, Oxford University Press, India
3. Nitin Singhania, Indian Art and Culture: for civil services and other competitive Examinations,3rd Edition,Mc
Graw Hill
Reference Books:
1. Romila Thapar, Readings In Early Indian History Oxford University Press, India
2. Basham, A.L., The Wonder that was India (34th impression), New Delhi, Rupa & co.
Cryptography Techniques
Data Structures and AlgorithmsIntroduction
to Programming
Course Contents / Syllabus
UNIT-I Introduction 8 HOURS
Introduction: Overview of Block chain, Public Ledgers, Bitcoin, Smart Contracts, Block in a Block chain,
Transactions, Distributed Consensus, Public vs Private Block chain, Understanding Crypto currency to Block chain,
Permissioned Model of Block chain, Overview of Security aspects of Blockchain
Crypto Primitives: Cryptographic Hash Function, Properties of a hash function, Hash pointer and Merkle tree, Digital
Signature, Public Key Cryptography, basic cryptocurrency
Working with Consensus in Bitcoin: Distributed consensus in open environments, Consensus in a Bitcoin network,
Proof of Work (PoW) – basic introduction, Proof of Stake, Proof of Burn and Proof ofElapsed Time, Bitcoin Minning,
Mining Difficulty, Mining Pool, Block Reward, Transaction cost.
Working with Consensus in Ethereum: Consensus in Ethereum Network, Proof of Work, Proof of Stake, Proof of
Authority, Ethereum Mining, Mining Difficulty Algorithm, Block Reward, Uncle Reward, Transaction Cost.
Introduction: Architecture Overview, Key Terminologies, Key Concepts, Ethereum Network, Ethereum Client,
Ethereum Virtual Machines, state database, Important ERC standards.
Application Development: Ethereum Public/Private network, Ethereum Test networks, Solidity, Writing Smart
contract, deploy Smart contracts, Smart contract coding standards, Smart contract securityand vulnerability.
Introduction: Architecture Overview, Key Terminologies, Key Concepts, Identities and Policies,Membership and
Access Control, Channels and Private data, Transaction Validation, Consensus (Solo, Kafka and Raft), Hyperledger
Fabric 1.x vs Hyperledger Fabric 2.x
Application development: Hyperledger Fabric 1.x and Hyperledger Fabric 2.x Network design, Chaincode life
cycle, Writing Chaincode, Deploying Chaincode.
Course outcome: After completion of this course students will be able to
CO1 Understand blockchain technology. K2
CO2 Develop blockchain based solutions and write smart contract using Hyperledger K6
Fabric andEthereum frameworks.
CO3 Build and deploy blockchain application for on premise and cloud-based architecture K6
CO4 Integrate ideas from various domains and implement them using blockchain K3
technology indifferent perspectives.
CO5 Understand key terminologies and Develop Blockchain hyper ledger fabric. K6
Reference books:
1. Andreas M. Antonopoulos and Gavin Wood, “Mastering Ethereum: Building Smart Contractsand DApps”,
2. Melanie Swan, “Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy”, O′Reilly
3. Matt Zand, Xun (Brian) Wu, and Mark Anthon, “Hands-on Smart Contract Development withHyperledger
Fabric V2: Building Enterprise Blockchain Applications”, O′Reilly
NPTEL/ Youtube/ Faculty Video Link:
1. DLT Labs channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrDO3c1gITXt2QjA7SUMwtA
2. DLT Labs Blogs: https://www.dltlabs.com/blog
3. Hyperledger Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7_X0WkMtkWzaVUKF-PRBNQ
4. Ethereum Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNOfzGXD_C9YMYmnefmPH0g
5. NPTEL: https://nptel.ac.in/noc/courses/noc20/SEM1/noc20-cs01/
Course code ACSML0601 L T P Credits
Course title MACHINE LEARNING 3 0 0 3
Course objective: To introduction to the fundamental concepts in machine learning and popular machine
learning algorithms. To understand the standard and most popular supervised learning algorithm.
Pre-requisites: Basic Knowledge of Machine learning.
Course Contents / Syllabus
INTRODUCTION – Learning, Types of Learning, Well defined learning problems, Designing a Learning System,
History of ML, Introduction of Machine Learning Approaches, Introduction to Model Building, Sensitivity
Analysis, Underfitting and Overfitting, Bias and Variance, Concept Learning Task, Find – S Algorithms, Version
Space and Candidate Elimination Algorithm, Inductive Bias, Issues in Machine Learning and Data Science Vs
Machine Learning.
Ensembles methods: Bagging & boosting, C5.0 boosting, Random Forest, Gradient Boosting Machines and
Reinforcement Learning: Introduction to Reinforcement Learning, Learning Task, Example of Reinforcement
Learning in Practice, Learning Models for Reinforcement – (Markov Decision process, Q Learning – Q Learning
function, QLearning Algorithm), Application of Reinforcement Learning.
Course outcome: After completion of this course students will be able to:
CO1 Understanding utilization and implementation proper machine learning algorithm. K2
CO2 Understand the basic supervised machine learning algorithms. K2
CO3 Understand the difference between supervise and unsupervised learning. K2
CO4 Understand algorithmic topics of machine learning and mathematically deep K2
enough to introduce the required theory.
CO5 Apply an appreciation for what is involved in learning from data. K3
Text books:
1) Marco Gori , Machine Learning: A Constraint-Based Approach, Morgan
Kaufmann. 2017
2) Ethem Alpaydin, Machine Learning: The New AI, MIT Press-2016
3) Bishop, Christopher. Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition. New York, NY: Oxford University Press,
4) Tom M. Mitchell, “Machine Learning”, McGraw-Hill, 2010
Reference Books:
1) Ryszard, S., Michalski, J. G. Carbonell and Tom M. Mitchell, Machine Learning: An Artificial Intelligence
Approach, Volume 1, Elsevier. 2014
2) Stephen Marsland, Taylor & Francis 2009. Machine Learning: An Algorithmic Perspective.
3) Ethem Alpaydin, (2004) “Introduction to Machine Learning (Adaptive Computation and Machine
Learning)”, The MIT Press.
4) Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Predictive Data Anayltics: Algorithms, Worked Examples, and Case
Studies 1st Edition by John D. Kelleher
Unit 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fC7V8QsPBec&list=PL1xHD4vteKYVpaIiy295pg6_SY5qznc77&index=2
Unit 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTAR0kT1swg&list=PL1xHD4vteKYVpaIiy295pg6_SY5qznc77&index=3
Unit 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTSCbxSxsg&list=PL1xHD4vteKYVpaIiy295pg6_SY5qznc77&index=4
Unit 4 https://youtu.be/rthuFS5LSOo
Unit 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vMpHk44XXo&list=PL1xHD4vteKYVpaIiy295pg6_SY5qznc77&index=5
Reinforcement Learning Tutorial | Reinforcement Learning Example Using Python | Edureka - YouTube
Association Rule Mining – Solved Numerical Question on Apriori Algorithm(Hindi) - YouTube
Q Learning Explained | Reinforcement Learning Using Python | Q Learning in AI | Edureka -
Course code ACSE0603 L T P Credits
Course title SOFTWARE ENGINEERING 3 0 0 3
Course objective:
“To teach the students all phases of the Software Development Life Cycle(SDLC) and their role in software
development through theory as well as practice.” Students will be able to apply the scientific knowledge in systematic
way to create and build cost effective software solutions.
Pre-requisites: Basic knowledge about software and its types. Basic knowledge of OOPs concepts.
Unit 2 https://youtu.be/mGkkZoFc-4I
Unit 3 https://youtu.be/sGxgZxwuHzc
Unit 4 https://youtu.be/BNk7vni-1Bo
Unit 5 https://youtu.be/8swQr0kckZI
Course code ACSE0653 LT P Credit
2. Draw the use case diagram: specify the role of each of the actors, Data Flow CO2
Diagram (DFD): All levels.
4. Prepare a SRS document in line with the IEEE recommended standards. CO2
5. Create a Software Design Document (SDD): Object and Class diagram. CO3
6. Create Interaction diagram: sequence diagram, collaboration diagram for SDD. CO3
Lab Course Outcome: After completion of this course students will be able to
CO1 Develop python programs to work on Data sets and Implement Artificial K6
Neural Network Techniques.
CO2 Explore different types of tensor and perform exploratory data analysis on K4
different data sets.
CO3 Apply Automatic Image Captioning with Keras ---Facial Recognition. K3
Course code ACSAI0651 LTP Credit
List of Experiments:
Sr. No. Name of Experiment CO
1 Implement hash functions using SHA-256 and MD5 algorithms. Try to find various uses CO1
of the hash functions and differentiate between hashing and encryption.
2 Generate Public-Private key pairs for Bitcoin and Ethereum addresses. CO1
3 Connect to Public/Testnet Ethereum Blockchain network using popular wallets CO1
(Metamask, Brave browser) and understand various terminology like gas, gas fee, gas
price, and priority fee.
Send test ether from one account to another.
4 Send test ether to the deployed smart contract. CO2
Look at transactions on Blockchain explorer and understand transaction structure.
5 Create a raw blockchain transaction (without the help of Wallet) and push it to CO2
TestNet (using DL unify).
6 Deploy template smart contract (ERC-20, ECR-721) on TestNet(using DL CO2
Unify), understand ABI, and execute a function on the deployed smart contracts.
7 Create a Private Ethereum Blockchain network. CO2
Lab Course Outcome: After completion of this course students will be able to: CO
CO 1 Understand the use of various Hash functions and analyze the vulnerabilities in any K2
computing system
CO 2 Deploy blockchain application for on premise as well as cloud-based architecture also K4
write smart contract using Ethereum and Hyperledger.
Course code ACSML0651 LT P Credit
Course title MACHINE LEARNING LAB 0 0 2 1
List of Experiments:
Sr. No. Name of Experiment CO
1 Write a program to perform various types of regression (Linear & Logistic). CO2
3 Write a program to demonstrate the working of the decision tree based CO2
ID3algorithm. Use an appropriate data set for building the decision tree and apply
this knowledge to classify a new sample.
4 Write a program to implement k-Nearest Neighbour algorithm to classify the iris CO1
dataset. Print both correct and wrong predictions. Java/Python ML library classes
can be used for this problem.
5 Apply EM algorithm to cluster a set of data. Use the same data set for clustering CO3
using k-Means algorithm. Compare the results of these two algorithms and comment
on the quality of clustering.
7 Implement the non-parametric Locally Weighted Regression algorithm to fit data CO1
points. Select appropriate data set for your experiment and draw graphs.
10 Implement naïve Bayesian Classifier model. Write the program to calculate the CO4
accuracy, precision, and recall for your data set.
2 Draw the use case diagram: specify the role of each of the actors, Data Flow CO2
Diagram(DFD): All levels.
4 Prepare a SRS document in line with the IEEE recommended standards. CO2
Lab Course Outcome: After completion of this course students will be able to
CO 1 Formulate and propose a plan for creating a model for real world problems. K2,K4,K6
CO 2 Analyze structural Modeling. K4
CO 3 Understand behavioural Modeling. K2
CO 4 Create architectural Modeling. K6
CO 5 Apply various testing strategies. K3, K4
Course code ACSE0611 L T P Credits
Course title CRM DEVELOPMENT 3 0 0 3
Course objective: Meet the tools and technologies that power development on the Salesforce platform. Give your
data structure with objects, fields, and relationships. Automate processes for every app, experience, and portal with
declarative tools. Use Visual force to build custom user interfaces for mobile and web apps. Write robust code by
executing Apex unit tests.
Pre-requisites: Creative thinking and which is being used by the creative talent in your business areas.
Pandas data structures – Series and Data Frame, Data wrangling using pandas, Statistics with Pandas,
Mathematical Computing Using NumPy, Data visualization with Python Descriptive and Inferential Statistics,
Introduction to Model Building, Probability and Hypothesis Testing, Sensitivity Analysis, Regular expression: RE
Connecting to a database (sqlite) using Python, Sending DML and DDL queries and processing the result from a
Python Program, Handling error, NOSQL query using MongoDB, MongoDB Compass.
Introducing Advanced Deep Learning with Keras, Deep Neural Networks, Autoencoders, Generative Adversarial
Networks (GANs), Improved GANs, Disentangled Representation GANs, Cross-Domain GANs, Variational
Autoencoders (VAEs), Deep Reinforcement Learning, Policy Gradient Methods.
Course outcome: After completion of this course students will be able to:
CO1 Install, Code and Use Python & R Programming Language in R Studio IDE to K1
perform basic tasks on Vectors, Matrices and Data frames.
CO2 Implement the concept of the R packages. K3
CO3 Understand the basic concept of the MongoDB. K2
CO4 Understand and apply the concept of the RNN and tensorflow. K4
CO5 Understand and evaluate the concept of the keras in deep learning. K4
1.Glenn J. Myatt, Making sense of Data: A practical Guide to Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Mining, John
Wiley Publishers, 2007.
2. Learning TensorFlow by Tom Hope, Yehezkel S. Resheff, Itay Lieder O'Reilly Media, Inc.
3. Advanced Deep Learning with TensorFlow 2 and Keras: Apply DL, GANs, VAEs, deep RL, unsupervised
learning, object detection and segmentation, and more, 2nd Edition.
4. Glenn J. Myatt, Making sense of Data: A practical Guide to Exploratory Data Analysis and Data Mining,
John Wiley Publishers, 2007.
Reference Books:
1. Boris lublinsky, Kevin t. Smith, Alexey Yakubovich, “Professional Hadoop Solutions”, 1 st Edition, Wrox,
2. Chris Eaton, Dirk Deroos et. al., “Understanding Big data”, Indian Edition, McGraw Hill, 2015.
Unit 1 https://www.ibm.com/cloud/blog/python-vs-r
Unit 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5R5SdYzQBI
Unit 3 https://hevodata.com/learn/data-engineering-and-data-engineers/
Unit 4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjEZmH7byZQ
Unit 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pWp3PhYI-OU
Course code ACSAI0622N L T P Credits
Course title SOCIAL MEDIA ANALYTICS 3 0 0 3
Course objective: To understand text mining and social media data analytic activities and apply the
complexities of processing text and network data from different data sources.
Pre-requisites: Python/R.
Course Contents / Syllabus
Overview: Text and Sentiment Mining, Semantic Analysis Applications, Sentiment Analysis Process,
Speech Analytics, Text Representation- tokenization, stemming, stop words, TF-IDF, Feature Vector
Representation, Named Entity Recognition (NER), N-gram modelling, Text Clustering, Text Classification,
Topic Modelling-LDA, HDP. Sentiment Classification, feature based opinion mining, comparative
sentence, and relational mining, Opinion Summarization, Opinion spam detection.
CO 3 Analyze and design the Spring Core Modules and DI to configure and wire beans K4,K5
(application objects) together
CO 4 Design Model View Controller architecture and ready components that can be used K2, K3, K6
to develop flexible and loosely coupled web applications.
CO 5 Deploy JPA to Map, store, retrieve, and update data from java objects to relational K5
databases and vice versa.
Text books:
1. Bhave, “Programming with Java”, Pearson Education, 2009
2. Herbert Schieldt, “The Complete Refernce: Java”, TMH, 1991
3. Hans Bergsten, “Java Server Pages”, SPD O’Really, 1985
4. Katy Sierra and Bert Bates, “Head First: Java”, O’Really, 2008
5. Katy Sierra and Bert Bates, “Head First: Servlets & JSP”, O’Really , 2008
Reference Books:
1. NaughtonSchildt, “The Complete Refernce: JAVA2”, TMH ,1991
2. Balagurusamy E, “Programming in JAVA”, TMH, 2010
3. Introduction to Web Development with HTML, CSS, JavaScript (Cousera Course)
Unit 4 https://youtu.be/-qfEOE4vtxE
Unit 5 https://youtu.be/_GMEqhUyyFM
Course Code ACSE0614 L T P Credits
Course objective:
This course focuses on how to design and build static as well as dynamic webpages and interactive web applications.
Students examine advanced topics like Angular, nodejs, Mongodb and Express framework for interactive web
applications that use rich user interfaces.
Pre-requisites: Basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and ES6 required.
Course Contents / Syllabus
UNIT-I Introduction to Nodejs 8 Hours
Installing Nodejs, Node in-built packages (buffer, fs, http, os, path, util, url) Node.js modules, File System Module,
Json data, Http Server and Client, Error handling with appropriate HTTP, Callback function, asynchronous programing
REST API’s(GET, POST PUT, DELETE UPDATE), GraphQL, Promises, Promise Chaining, Introduction to template
engine (EJS).
UNIT-II Express Framework 8 Hours
Configuring Express, Postman configuration, Environment Variables, Routing, Defining pug templates, HTTP method
of Express, URL binding, middleware function, Serving static files, Express sessions, REST full API’s, FORM data
in Express, document modeling with Mongoose.
UNIT-III Basics of Angular js 8 Hours
Typescript, Setup and installation, Power of Types, Functions, Function as types Optional and default parameters,
Arrow functions, Function overloading, Access modifiers, Getters and setters, Read-only & static, Abstract classes,
Interfaces, Extending and Implementing Interface, Import and Export modules.
UNIT-IV Building Single Page App with Angular js 8 Hours
MVC Architecture, One-way and Two-way data binding, AngularJS Expressions, AngularJS Controllers, AngularJS
Modules, adding controller to a module, Component, Dependency Injection, Filters, Tables, AngularJS Forms and
Forms validation, Select using ng-option, AngularJS AJAX.
UNIT-V Connecting Angular js with MongoDB 8 Hours
Environment Setup of Mongodb, data modeling, The current SQL/NoSQL landscape, Create collection in Mongodb,
CRUD Operations in MongoDB. Mongo's feature set, Introduction to Mongoose, understanding mongoose schemas
and datatypes, Connecting Angular with mongoDB using API.
Course outcome: After completion of this course students will be able to
Explain, analyze and apply the role of server-side scripting language like Nodejs
CO 1 K2, K3
in the workings of the web and web applications.
Demonstrate web application framework i.e., Express is to design and implement
CO 2 K3, K6
typical dynamic web pages and interactive web based applications.
Apply the knowledge of Typescript that are vital in understanding angular is, and
CO 3 analyze the concepts, principles and methods in current client-side technology to K3, K6
implement angular application over the web.
Analyze build and develop single page application using client-side programming
CO 4 K3, K4
i.e. angular js and also develop a static web application.
Understand the impact of web designing by database connectivity with Mongodb
CO 5 in the current market place where everyone use to prefer electronic medium for K2, K3
shoping, commerce, and even social life also.
Text books:
1. Amos Q. Haviv (Author), Adrian Mejia (Author), Robert Onodi (Author), “Web Application Development
with MEAN”,3rdIllustrated Edition 2017,Packt Publications.
2. Simon Holmes (Author), Clive Herber (Author), “Getting MEAN with Mongo, Express, Angular, and
Node”, 2nd Edition 2016, Addison Wesley Publication.
3. Dhruti Shah, “Comprehensive guide to learn Node.js”, 1st Edition, 2018 BPB Publications.
4. Christoffer Noring, Pablo Deeleman, “Learning Angular”,3rd Edition,2017
5. Packt publications.
Reference Books:
1. Anthony Accomazzo, Ari Lerner, and Nate Murray, “Fullstack Angular: The Complete Guide to AngularJS
and Friends”,4th edition, 2020 International Publishing.
2. David Cho, “Full-Stack Angular, Type Script, and Node: Build cloud-ready web applications using Angular
10 with Hooks and GraphQL”,2nd edition, 2017 Packt Publishing Limited.
3. Richard Haltman & Shubham Vernekar, “Complete node.js: The fast guide: Learn complete backend
development with node.js”5th edition, 2017 SMV publication.
4. Glenn Geenen,Sandro Pasquali , Kevin Faaborg, “Mastering Node.js: Build robust and scalable real-time
server-side web applications efficiently” 2nd edition Packt Publishing Limited.
5. Greg Lim,”Beginning Node.js, Express & MongoDB Development ,kindle edition, international publishing.
6. Daniel Perkins, “AngularJS Master Angular.js with simple steps, guide and instructions” 3rd edition, 2015
SMV publication.
7. Peter Membrey, David Hows, Eelco Plugge, “MongoDB Basics”, 2nd edition,2018 International Publication.
NPTEL/ YouTube/ Faculty Video Link:
Course code ACSAI0614 L T P Credits
CO 2 Work with data from a server and analyze new iOS APIs that allow for much richer K4
app experiences.
CO 3 Learn to display large collections of data in multiple formats. K1
CO 4 Learn how to turn an idea into a concrete app design through brainstorming, K1
planning, iterative prototyping, and user interviews
CO 5 Apply tsshe advanced concepts of Swift and XCode to build the projects K3
1) Develop in Swift Data Collections, XCode 12 or Higher, Apple Inc.
2) Develop in Swift Explorations, XCode 12 or Higher, Apple Inc.
Reference Books:
1) Develop in Swift Data Collections, XCode 12 or Higher, Apple Inc.
Course code ACSAI0620 L T P Credits
Course objective: The objective of this course is to understand the basics of AR and VR. It will focus on
understanding Unreal Engine. The course will cover the top platform for game development and the creation of
cutting-edge real-time 3D environments. It will explore the understanding of essential tools driving important fields
like VR/AR, training, and architectural visualization.
Pre-requisites: None
Course Contents / Syllabus
Introduction to Virtual Reality & Augmented Reality. Difference between VR and AR, History of VR.
Learn the basics - The differences between VR&AVR. Why are these technologies so popular now?, key players in
this space, Popular VR & AR Devices? How do we create VR/AR experiences, Benefits of VR-AR, Challenges in
VR, AR, and Careers related to VR, AR.
Platforms and Paradigms: VR-AR Developer Platforms -Demystifying the jargons- FOV- Degrees of freedom VR,
Sensors required for VR devices, Evolution of VR-AR, Learn about the Multidisciplinary stream that combines
various techniques to create VR-AR experiences, World of 360o videos.
Principles of AR/VR - Immersion, Teleportation, Interaction, Sensors, Haptics, 360-degree view, Motion &
Orientation, Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Magnetometer, Depth sensing, Azure Kinect; Challenges – Realistic sense,
Nausea, Depth, Non interfering sensors, Ergonomics.
Introduction to Headsets and SW tools required to create VR-AR applications. Basic steps required to create VR-AR
AR, VR Applications, Platforms, Devices – HMD, Smart Glasses, Smart Phone based systems; Intro to Vuforia ;
Examples - Gaming, Manufacturing, Oil & Gas, E-Commerce, Entertainment, Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram filters
and much more, Education, Training (VMT, Disti), Medical, Fundamental surgery, Military
Course outcome: After completion of this course students will be able to:
CO 1 Analyze various requirements and capabilities of modern augmented and virtual reality K4
CO 2 Describe augmented and virtual reality applications to suit a wide variety of needs. K2
CO 3 Describe the capabilities and limitations of the techniques that make virtual and K2
augmented reality possible.
CO4 Identify audit and logging needs in application development, Describe the background K1
of augmented and virtual reality and apply counter measures.
CO 5 Demonstrate and use emerging technologies and tools for Augmented and Virtual K3
reality analysis to provide the best Application.
1. Alan B. Craig, Understanding Augmented Reality, Concepts and Applications, Morgan Kaufmann, 2013.
2. Burdea, G. C. and P. Coffet. Virtual Reality Technology, Second Edition. Wiley-IEEE Press, 2003/2006.
Reference Books:
1. Jason Jerald. The VR Book: Human-Centered Design for Virtual Reality.Morgan& Claypool:2015
Astronomy in India, Chemistry in India, Mathematics in India, Physics in India, Agriculture in India, Medicine in
India, Metallurgy in India, Geography, Biology, Harappan Technologies, Water Management in India, Textile
Technology in India ,Writing Technology in India Pyrotechnics in India Trade in Ancient India/,India’s Dominance
up to Pre-colonial Times.