en-US 17 2021-06-11
Drill carrier C400, C900
To avoid death or injury you MUST read, understand and follow
operator's and maintenance manuals before installing, inspecting,
operating, servicing, testing, cleaning, transporting, storing,
dismantling or disposing of the product or a part or accessory of the
product. Keep this publication for future reference.
Copyright © Sandvik
ID:GUID-F0D1D652-8C51-40E7-A5A0-C5BD79455334 en-US 17 2021-06-11
Drill carrier C400, C900
Copyright © Sandvik
ID:GUID-F0D1D652-8C51-40E7-A5A0-C5BD79455334 en-US 17 2021-06-11
Drill carrier C400, C900
Table of Contents
1 Introduction.......................................................................9
1.1 The purpose of these instructions............................................................ 9
1.1.1 Validity of the manuals...................................................................... 9
3 Main Components.......................................................... 15
3.1 C400, C900 main components................................................................. 15
3.1.1 Diesel engine...................................................................................15
3.1.2 Drive train........................................................................................ 20
3.1.3 Hydraulic oil receiver....................................................................... 20
3.1.4 Fuel tank..........................................................................................21
3.1.5 Rear axle......................................................................................... 21
3.1.6 Front axle........................................................................................ 22
3.1.7 Aftertreatment system (with Tier4).................................................. 22
Copyright © Sandvik
ID:GUID-F0D1D652-8C51-40E7-A5A0-C5BD79455334 en-US 17 2021-06-11
Drill carrier C400, C900
4.7 Adjustments in steering and brake circuits........................................... 87
4.7.1 Measuring equipment and tools...................................................... 87
4.7.2 Measuring points............................................................................. 87
4.7.3 Before adjustments......................................................................... 88
4.7.4 Adjusting steering circuit main pressure relief valve (10.9)............. 89
4.7.5 Adjusting steering circuit pilot pressure reducing valve (10.11)...... 90
4.7.6 Adjusting steering circuit retarder pressure relief valve (10.14)...... 91
4.7.7 Adjusting brake circuit main pressure relief valve (10.8).................92
4.7.8 Adjusting brake circuit retarder pressure relief valve (10.15).......... 94
4.8 Parking brake test..................................................................................... 95
4.9 Service brake test..................................................................................... 96
Copyright © Sandvik
ID:GUID-F0D1D652-8C51-40E7-A5A0-C5BD79455334 en-US 17 2021-06-11
Drill carrier C400, C900
6.2.6 Replacing the engine oil and oil filter............................................ 133
6.2.7 Replacing the fuel filters................................................................ 137
6.2.8 Checking the tightness and condition of the poly-V-belt............... 138
6.2.9 Checking the engine for leaks and general condition................... 139
6.2.10 Checking the piping and hoses..................................................... 139
6.2.11 Checking engine cooling system...................................................139
6.2.12 Checking the general condition of cooling and heating system.... 140
6.2.13 Replacing the coolant....................................................................141
6.2.14 Adjusting the valve clearances......................................................144
6.2.15 Replacing the air filter cartridge (Tier3)......................................... 144
6.2.16 Replacing the air filter cartridge (Tier4)......................................... 145
6.2.17 Replacing the air filter cartridge (Stage V).................................... 147
6.2.18 Replacing the air filter safety cartridge (Tier3).............................. 148
6.2.19 Replacing the air filter safety cartridge (Tier4).............................. 149
6.2.20 Replacing the air filter safety cartridge (Stage V)..........................150
6.2.21 Replacing DEF supply module filter (Tier4)...................................151
6.2.22 Replacing the DEF supply module filter (Stage V)........................ 151
6.2.23 Replacing DEF tank filter (Tier4)................................................... 153
6.2.24 Replacing the DEF tank filter (Stage V)........................................ 154
6.2.25 Replacing crankcase breather filter (Tier4)................................... 157
8 Troubleshooting........................................................... 177
8.1 Carrier troubleshooting.......................................................................... 177
Copyright © Sandvik
ID:GUID-F0D1D652-8C51-40E7-A5A0-C5BD79455334 en-US 17 2021-06-11
Drill carrier C400, C900
Copyright © Sandvik
ID:GUID-F0D1D652-8C51-40E7-A5A0-C5BD79455334 en-US 17 2021-06-11
Drill carrier C400, C900
1.1 The purpose of these instructions
This manual contains supplementary information for operation,
maintenance and repair of a component.
These instructions must be followed along with other manuals of the rig,
any instructions given in local laws and regulations, any orders given by
local authorities, and all protective measures specific for the site.
Before operating, or performing maintenance or repair procedures for the
component or system described in this manual, read and understand the
information in operator´s and maintenance manuals supplied with the
machine. Pay special attention to the safety information in chapter Safety
and environmental instructions of those manuals.
1.1.1 Validity of the manuals
This manual, and especially the safety information, is valid only if no
unauthorized changes to the product are made.
Continuing improvement and advancement of product design might have
caused changes to your product which are not included in this publication.
Note also that if a third party has made changes to the product after
delivery from the manufacturer, this publication does not include information
on these changes or their influences on the product.
Whenever a question arises regarding your product, or this manual, please
consult your local Sandvik representative for the latest available
Incorrect operating, service, and adjustment procedures could cause
death or severe injuries.
Operating, service, and adjustment procedures must be carried out
only by personnel with specialized operation and service training.
Read and ensure that you understand the operating, maintenance,
and safety instructions before using or servicing the drill rig. Use
appropriate personal protective equipment, depending on the task.
Note! Take all safety factors into consideration and perform your work with
care. Follow all the safety regulations of the drilling site.
Unexpected machine movements could cause death or severe injury.
Shut down the engine and power pack(s) unless they are required to
be running for adjustment purposes.
Keep your head, hands, feet and loose clothing away from power-
driven parts.
Do not grab the steering wheel/stick or other controls when
mounting the vehicle.
Ignition sources like smoking, open flames, welding work and sparks
together with combustible materials, can cause fire and if not
avoided, could lead to death or severe injury.
Remove any accumulated oil, grease, and dirt from the machine
before starting any maintenance or service work.
Unexpected machine movement will cause death or severe injury.
Before removing the cylinders or their overcenter or non-return
valves, support the boom, feed and rock drill/top drive carefully so
that they do not move during maintenance. Do not work under
components that are supported only by hydraulics.
High-pressure fluid remaining in hydraulic lines can cause death or
severe injury.
Never carry out maintenance or repair work on a pressurized system.
Relieve pressure before opening fittings, plugs or hydraulic valve
cartridges. Use a bleeder screw to relieve the pressure behind the
valves or cartridges, or wait until the unit is depressurized, before
removing the components.
High-pressure hydraulic fluid spray can penetrate skin and could
cause death or severe injury.
Search for leaks with a piece of cardboard or wood. Never try to
locate a leak by feeling with your hand. Seek immediate medical
attention if you are hit by a hydraulic fluid spray.
The oil circulating in the hydraulic systems is hot and can cause
severe burns to the skin.
Let the oil cool down before starting any maintenance work.
Hot fluids can cause severe burns.
Let the fluids cool down before starting any maintenance work.
Let the fluids cool down before draining them.
Use appropriate personal protective equipment.
3.1 C400, C900 main components
10 3 9 6
5 4
8 18
19 15
16 13
14 11 4 5 7
8 18
19 17
7 6
14 4 5 11 20
8 17 18
3 19
12 2
1 9 16 6 20
23 14
19 18 8
10 15
16 12 9 6 23
5 4 21 22 14
1 Gearbox
2 Cardan shaft
3 4
6 3
4 1
6 5
2 8
Diesel exhaust fluid
1 Supplies urea-water solution into the system.
(DEF) supply module
Consumption of DEF/AdBlueR is approximately 5% of diesel
2 DEF tank fuel use. Tank should be refilled every time the fuel tank is refil-
3 Crankcase breather filter Filters the crankcase blow-by gases.
When urea-water solution temperature in the DEF tank lowers
4 DEF heating valve enough, the valve opens and the heating water circuit starts to
heat the fluid in the tank.
Diesel oxidation catalyst In the catalyst, carbon monoxide (CO) is oxidized to carbon di-
(DOC) oxide (CO2) and water.
Decomposition reactor
6 In the tube, urea-water solution is injected in the exhaust gas.
tube (DRT)
Selective catalytic reduc- In the module, urea is converted to ammonia which reacts with
tion (SCR) module oxides of nitrogen (NOx) to form nitrogen (N2) and water.
Engine control module Manages SCR aftertreatment system and initiates automatic
(ECM) exhaust system cleaning when needed.
M6 5.60 bar
26 (180)
1.11.1 1.11.2 ,
125 µm
Drill carrier C400, C900
45°C 9
480 bar 480 bar +28 bar
4.5 4 5
1.7 4.7
Hydrostatic transmission
Copyright © Sandvik
1.3 1.5 4.8 PCOR
2 bar
1.4 1.8
1.6 4.2
480 bar
16 cm³ / 23 cm³
7 7.1 7.2
Drill carrier C400, C900
Proportional solenoid
4.2 Motor displacement control with mechanical feedback (C1).
Strikes HST motor towards maximum angle when HST sys-
4.3 Pressure compensator
tem pressure rises ie. performs anti-stall function.
Brake pressure defeat (BPD), tramming direction selection
4.4 On/off solenoid valve
Loop flushing shuttle Selects flushing oil flow from low pressure side of the HST
valve system.
4.6 Loop flushing relief valve Adjusts the flushing flow to 20 l/min.
4.7 Rotation speed sensor Measures HST motor rotation and vehicle speed.
4.8 Servo cylinder Adjusts the angle ie. the displacement of the motor (4.1).
Tramming oil cooler (die-
Removes the heat from HST system when cooling the flush-
5 sel combicooler, middle
ing oil.
Performs as a pressure relief valve (2 bar) in the flushing cir-
6 Check valve
cuit and HST pump and HST motor case drain.
7 Carrier double pump
Delivers oil to the steering circuit, boom and carrier func-
7.1 Steering pump
7.2 Brake pump Delivers oil to the brake circuit and air conditioning.
Oil receiver for steering and brake circuits, hydrostatic trans-
8 Hydraulic oil receiver
mission, drilling and carrier functions.
Directs HST flushing oil straight to hydraulic oil receiver (8)
HST flushing oil thermo-
9 and bypasses the tramming oil cooler (5) when flushing oil is
stat valve
cold (under 45 °C).
190 bar
Option, only with
articulation locking
10.1 Y187A
12 Y187B
Drill carrier C400, C900
14 10.22
Steering system
Copyright © Sandvik
10.16 160 bar
Not with DT912D
8.1 8.2
29 (180)
Drill carrier C400, C900
The valve controls the activation of steering circuit retarder func-
tion. When energized the valve opens connection between steer-
Steering circuit re- ing circuit main pressure line and the spring chamber of steering
tarder control valve circuit priority valve. Steering circuit pressure rises to predefined
level and generates extra load for hydrostatic transmission and
diesel engine.
Steering circuit re- The pressure relief valve determines the steering circuit pressure
10.14 tarder pressure relief level together with steering circuit priority valve spring (10 bar)
valve when steering circuit retarder function is activated.
Brake circuit retarder The pressure relief valve determines the brake circuit pressure
pressure relief valve level when brake circuit retarder function is activated.
The valve controls the activation of brake circuit retarder function.
When energized the valve opens connection between the spring
Brake circuit retarder chamber of brake circuit retarder valve and brake circuit retarder
10.16 pressure relief valve.
control valve
Brake circuit pressure rises to predefined level and generates ex-
tra load for hydrostatic transmission and diesel engine.
Acts as brake circuit retarder valve and rises the brake circuit
Brake circuit retarder
10.17 pressure when piloted to close with brake circuit retarder control
Valve controls the pressurization of carrier functions with diesel.
Carrier functions When energized the valve pilots steering circuit free circulation
10.18 pressurization control cut-off/retarder valve (10.12) to close and plugs the hydraulic oil
valve receiver (8) connection. The oil coming from steering pump is
routed to secondary circuit instead of tank line.
Supplies the restricted oil flow from steering circuit main pressure
10.19 Orifice
line to steering circuit retarder control valves.
Drains and unloads the load sensing (LS) line of steering valve to
10.20 Orifice
un-pressurized tank connection.
Slows down the opening steering circuit free circulation cut-off/
10.21 Dampening orifice retarder valve (10.12) when carrier functions pressurization con-
trol valve (10.18) is de-energized.
Load-hold check
10.22 Prevents back flow and load sinking.
Carrier hydraulics
10.23 Manual operation of the carrier hydraulics pressurization.
pressurizing stud
11 Steering cylinder (left)
Steering cylinder
Makes the articulation joint stiffer by blocking the connection be-
Articulation locking tween the steering valve port A and steering cylinders. Valve is
valve (left, optional) activated and kept active during drilling after the machine has
been navigated.
Makes the articulation joint stiffer by blocking the connection be-
Articulation locking tween the steering valve port B and steering cylinders. Valve is
valve (right, optional) activated and kept active during drilling after the machine has
been navigated.
16.3 17.3
15 15.1
Drill carrier C400, C900
Braking system
25 24.4 24.3
18 24.1
PORT 1 19 20
26 27
Copyright © Sandvik
ID:GUID-F0D1D652-8C51-40E7-A5A0-C5BD79455334 en-US 17 2021-06-11
PORT 6 22 23
135 -
160 bar
21.1 21.5
33 (180)
Drill carrier C400, C900
The isolation valve (21.3) ensures the operation of the rear service
brake circuit in the event of a hose breakage in the front service
21.3 Isolation valve
brake circuit. The valve closes if the rear service brake circuit pres-
sure drops below 120 bar.
The isolation valve (21.4) ensures the operation of the front service
brake circuit in the event of a hose breakage in the rear service
21.4 Isolation valve
brake circuit. The valve closes if the front service brake circuit pres-
sure drops below 120 bar.
21.5 Check valve Prevents discharge of service brake pressure.
Service brake pres-
Serves as an oil reserve for the service brake circuit of the rear
22 sure accumulator
brake cylinders.
Service brake pres-
Serves as an oil reserve for the service brake circuit of the front
23 sure accumulator
brake cylinders.
Parking brake mani-
24 Controls the parking brake functions of both front and rear axles.
Controls the release and the activation of spring applied brakes. Di-
Parking brake con-
24.1 rects the operating pressure to the rear brake cylinders when ener-
trol valve (front)
gized and removes the pressure when de-energized.
Controls the release and the activation of spring applied brakes. Di-
Parking brake con-
24.2 rects the operating pressure to the front brake cylinders when ener-
trol valve (rear)
gized and removes the pressure when de-energized.
Parking brake re-
24.3 lease pressure sen- Monitors the pressure level of the front parking brake circuit.
sor (front)
Parking brake re-
24.4 lease pressure sen- Monitors the pressure level of the rear parking brake circuit.
sor (rear)
Service brake pres- The sensor measures the pressure from front service brake circuit
sure sensor and supplies information to control system.
The sensor continuously monitors the rear circuit accumulator
Service brake accu- charging pressure and supplies information to control system. The
26 mulator charge pres- pressure level is indicated to the operator. If the pressure level
sure sensor (rear) drops down below the limits the control system automatically engag-
es the spring applied brakes.
The sensor continuously monitors the front circuit accumulator
Service brake accu- charging pressure and supplies information to control system. The
27 mulator charge pres- pressure level is indicated to the operator. If the pressure level
sure sensor (front) drops down below the limits the control system automatically engag-
es the spring applied brakes.
HVAC control block
Limits the maximum pressure level and adjusts the oil flow rate for
28 (not shown in the fig-
heating, ventilation, and air condition (HVAC) hydraulic motor.
HVAC hydraulic mo-
29 tor (not shown in the Activates and actuates the HVAC air conditon unit.
19 20 23 22 8
13 14 17
450 bar
480 bar
1.10 1.7
A 1.1
480 bar
28 bar
2 1.5
1.6 450 bar
1.11.2 M3
L2 B
F M1 T1
L10 L7 L6
R4 R5 R1 E
R6 L9 R3 L8
L2 L5 L4 R2 L1
S4 S7
B2 B1
M2 S8 S5
S6 S1
A3 S3
A2 A1
10.14 BC
15 15.1
19 20
21.3 21
21.1 21.5
21.1 T P
21.4 A2 21.2 B3 A1
24.3 24.4
24.4 24.3
SB 24
MA MP 24.2
T Pd
4.6 Operation
4.6.1 Operation of the closed hydraulic system
A simple closed hydraulic circuit consists of the hydraulic pump, hydraulic
motor, pressure lines connecting the pump and the motor, and high and low
pressure lines. The direction of the load determines high and low pressure
side of the system. The pressure relief valves are installed between the
pressure lines and they protect the system.
In a closed hydraulic circuit, the return oil from the motor flows in the low
pressure line to the intake side of the hydraulic pump without passing the
receiver. Oil in the system changes gradually, because of the leaks from the
pump and motor. A separate charge pump constantly charges the low
pressure side of the closed circuit, replacing the oil that flows to the
receiver because of the leaks.
The charge pump operates in an open circuit and pumps oil from the
receiver to the closed circuit. The remainder of the volume flow, which is
needed in the circuit, returns to the receiver through the charge pressure
relief valve. The charge pressure relief valve setting determines the charge
pressure, which is also used as a control pressure for the pump and the
Sandvik's closed hydraulic system is a power transmission system with a
stepless control.
α 2
α max.
0 0
1 4
1 Hydraulic pump
2 Hydraulic motor
3 High pressure line
4 Low pressure line
The system in the figure above includes a variable displacement pump (1)
and a hydraulic motor (2). The pump runs only in one direction, but it has a
stepless angle control to both directions, which means that the flow
direction can be changed. Usually the pump is attached to the diesel motor
with straight gear ratio. The hydraulic motor runs in both directions, but it
has a stepless angle control only to positive direction. The motor is usually
attached to the mechanical transmission.
A closed hydraulic system with a receiver and relief valves
7 6
12 11
13 3 5 2
9 1 12
The charge pump (9) in the figure above replaces the drainage oil and
controls the closed circuit pump and motor. The charge pressure fills the
low pressure side of the closed circuit through the non-return valve (12).
The charge pressure relief valve (11) limits the charge pressure according
to pump and motor control requirements. The drainage oil flows through the
cooler (10), which removes heat from the system, to the receiver (7). The
system's filter (13) is installed in line after the charge pump (9).
4.6.2 Operation of hydrostatic transmission
5.60 bar
46 (180)
1.11.1 1.11.2 ,
125 µm
Drill carrier C400, C900
45°C 9
Charge pressure circuit
480 bar
480 bar +28 bar
4.5 4 5
1.7 4.7
4.4 6
Copyright © Sandvik
1.3 1.5 4.8 PCOR 2 bar
1.4 1.8
1.6 4.2
480 bar
16 cm³ / 23 cm³
7 7.1 7.2
Drill carrier C400, C900
• to generate pilot pressure for the servo cylinder (1.4) which adjusts the
angle of HST variable displacement pump (1)
• to feed oil to the closed-loop system's low pressure circuit
• to serve as a parking brake release pressure.
The charge pump (1.2) is a gear pump with fixed displacement and it is
located in the rear end of the HST variable displacement pump (1.1).
HST charge pressure filter (3) is a remote filter and its filtering capability is
8 µm. When the pressure difference over the filter element exceeds 3.7
bars, the blocking indicator reacts and sends a signal to the control system.
If the pressure difference exceeds 5.6 bars, the by-pass valve opens and
the oil is no more filtered.
The charge pump (1.2) delivers oil to the port F of the hydrostatic
transmission pump (1) and continues to port IN of the HST charge pressure
filter (3). Oil flows through the filter element to port OUT and back to port E
of the hydrostatic transmission pump (1). The charge pressure relief valve
(1.5) limits the maximum pressure of the charge pressure circuit to 28-32
bars. The additional oil flows through the charge pressure relief valve (1.5)
to the pump case and continues from port L4 to the flushing circuit.
28 bar charge pressure is used to adjust the angle of HST variable
displacement pump (1) through proportional solenoid valves (1.11.1 and
1.11.2). While tramming the charge pressure feeds oil to the closed-loop
system's low pressure circuit through high pressure relief valves (1.8 or
1.9). From port M3 the oil flows to port P of the parking brake manifold (24).
5.60 bar
48 (180)
1.11.1 1.11.2 ,
125 µm
Flushing circuit
Drill carrier C400, C900
45°C 9
480 bar 480 bar +28 bar
Flushing circuit
4.5 4 5
1.7 4.7
2 1.9 4.6 4.1
89/24 cm³ 1.1 1.2 160 cm³
165/34 cm³
480 bar + 28 bar
16 bar
28 bar
4.4 6
Copyright © Sandvik
1.3 1.5 4.8 PCOR 2 bar
1.6 4.2
480 bar
16 cm³ / 23 cm³
7 7.1 7.2
Drill carrier C400, C900
The flushing circuit cools down the closed-loop HST circuit and maintains
the temperature balance in the system.
Oil flows to the case of the hydrostatic transmission pump (1) through the
charge pressure relief valve (1.5) and from the internal leaks of the HST
variable displacement pump (1.1). The case leak oil flows from the port L4
to the hydrostatic transmission motor (4) port L2. The hot oil from the
closed-loop HST circuit flows through the loop flushing shuttle valve (4.5)
and loop flushing relief valve (4.6) to the hydrostatic transmission motor (4)
case and onward to drain port L1. Oil from the internal motor leaks flows
also to drain port L1. The HST flushing oil thermostat valve (9) is attached
to port L1 and directs oil under 45 °C straight to hydraulic oil receiver (8)
port R5. When the oil temperature is over 45 °C, the HST flushing oil
thermostat valve (9) changes position and the oil flows from port 3 onward
to tramming oil cooler (5) port IN. The oil cools down in the tramming oil
cooler (5) and continues from port OUT to hydraulic oil receiver (8) port R2.
In the hydrostatic transmission motor (4) port L2 is a spring loaded check
valve (6) which performs as a pressure relief valve and protects the
hydrostatic transmission pump (1) case and hydrostatic transmission motor
(4) case from over pressures e.g. when oil is cold.
M6 5.60 bar
50 (180)
1.11.1 1.11.2 ,
125 µm
Tramming forward
Drill carrier C400, C900
45°C 9
480 bar
480 bar +28 bar
4.5 4 5
Tramming forward
1.10 1.7 4.7
2 1.9 4.6 4.1
160 cm³
89/24 cm³ 1.1 1.2
165/34 cm³
480 bar + 28 bar
16 bar
28 bar 6
Copyright © Sandvik
1.3 1.5 4.8 PCOR 2 bar
1.4 1.8
1.6 4.2
480 bar
16 cm³ / 23 cm³
7 7.1 7.2
Drill carrier C400, C900
5.60 bar
52 (180)
1.11.1 1.11.2 ,
125 µm
Drill carrier C400, C900
Tramming backward
45°C 9
480 bar
480 bar +28 bar
4.5 4 5
1.7 4.7
Tramming backward
2 89/24 cm³
1.9 4.6 4.1
1.1 1.2 160 cm³
165/34 cm³
480 bar + 28 bar
16 bar
28 bar
Copyright © Sandvik
1.3 1.5 4.8 PCOR 2 bar
1.4 1.8
1.6 4.2
480 bar
16 cm³ / 23 cm³
7 7.1 7.2
Drill carrier C400, C900
5.60 bar
54 (180)
1.11.1 1.11.2 ,
125 µm
Drill carrier C400, C900
45°C 9
480 bar
480 bar +28 bar
Tramming forward uphill
4.5 4 5
1.7 4.7
1.9 4.6 4.1
Copyright © Sandvik
1.3 1.5 4.8 PCOR
2 bar
1.4 1.8
1.6 4.2
480 bar
16 cm³ / 23 cm³
7 7.1 7.2
Drill carrier C400, C900
56 (180)
1.11.1 1.11.2 ,
125 µm
Drill carrier C400, C900
45°C 9
480 bar
480 bar +28 bar
4.5 4 5
Tramming forward downhill
1.7 4.7
2 1.2 1.9 4.6 4.1
160 cm³
89/24 cm³ 1.1
165/34 cm³
480 bar + 28 bar
Copyright © Sandvik
1.3 1.5 4.8 PCOR 2 bar
1.4 1.8
1.6 4.2
480 bar
16 cm³ / 23 cm³
7 7.1 7.2
Drill carrier C400, C900
60 (180)
11 Without articulation locking
190 bar
LEFT 13 Option, only with
articulation locking
190 bar
Option, only with
articulation locking
10.1 Y187A
12 Y187B
Drill carrier C400, C900
14 10.22
Without articulation locking
TRAMMING VALVE, PORT S Only with power pack tramming 10.9 220 bar
Copyright © Sandvik
Only with DT912D 3/4”
10.16 160 bar
Not with DT912D
7 10.17
7.1 7.2
8.1 8.2
Drill carrier C400, C900
While the steering joystick is not operated and the retarder function is off,
drill rig’s steering angle does not change. Steering circuit is in free
circulation mode. The steering pump (7.1) delivers oil to steering and brake
control manifold (10) port PS. Both pilot control valves (10.2, 10.3) are in
neutral position and the main spool (10.1) is not actuated. The oil flows
through steering circuit priority valve (10.10) and from there onward to
steering circuit free circulation cut-off valve (10.12). The carrier functions
pressurization control valve (10.18) is not operated and oil flows through
free circulation cut-off valve to tank connection T. From the tank connection
oil flows back to the hydraulic oil receiver.
62 (180)
11 Without articulation locking
190 bar
LEFT 13 Option, only with
articulation locking
190 bar
Option, only with
articulation locking
10.1 Y187A
12 Y187B
Drill carrier C400, C900
14 10.22
Without articulation locking
10.19 10.10 10.21
Copyright © Sandvik
Only with DT912D 3/4”
10.16 160 bar
Not with DT912D
7 10.17
7.1 7.2
8.1 8.2
Drill carrier C400, C900
Pushing the steering joystick forward causes the steering angle to change
and drill rig turns right when tramming direction is forward. The further the
joystick is pushed the faster the drill rig turns.
The steering pump (7.1) delivers oil to port PS of steering and brake control
manifold (10). The pilot circuit pressure reducing valve (10.11) reduces and
supplies the maximum pressure of 35 bar to pilot circuit and pilot control
valves (10.2 and 10.3). Pilot control valves are electro-proportional
pressure reducing valves which supply the reduced pressure from the pilot
line to main spool (10.1).
The pilot pressure level supplied to main spool is proportional to electric
current of the pilot control valves. And again the movement of main spool is
proportional to the pilot control pressure. The bigger the pressure is faster
the steering angle changes. The main spool (10.1) changes position when
the pilot pressure is supplied to it by pilot control valve (10.3). This opens
the flow path from steering circuit main pressure line via load-hold check
valve (10.22) and the main spool to working port A and allows the oil to flow
to the working port A. Working port A maximum pressure is limited to 190
bar by a shock/anti-cavitation valve (10.6).
The movement of main spool simultaneously opens a flow path for load
sensing (LS) signal through the main spool. The load sensing pressure
signal of working line A is copied to the load sensing line by the copy spool
(10.4). The pressure of the load sensing line is reduced from steering circuit
main pressure line by the copy spool in way that the reduced pressure
matches with the load pressure in working line A. The copy spool is
physically located inside the main spool.
The pressure in load sensing line reaches also the spring chamber of the
steering circuit priority valve (10.10) causing it to close proportional to
pressure level. The load sensing line pressure together with the 10 bar
spring of the priority valve always prioritize the steering function above the
other functions. The load sensing pressure also reaches the steering circuit
retarder pressure relief valve (10.14) which limits the pressure in load
sensing line.
From the working port A the oil flows to the piston side of left steering
cylinder (11), causing it to extend and to the piston rod side of the right
steering cylinder (12), causing it to retract. The returning oil from the piston
rod side of the left steering cylinder and the piston side of the right steering
cylinder flows to the working port B of steering and brake control manifold,
through the main spool (10.1) to tank connection T.
From the tank connection the returning oil flows back to the hydraulic oil
receiver. The steering cylinders move and the steering angle changes as
long as the steering joystick is pushed forward. Centering the steering
joystick back to middle position also centers the main spool (10.1) causing
the movement of the steering cylinders to stop and the steering angle
remains unchanged.
If the drill rig is equipped with the optional articulation locking valves (13
and 14) the oil between the steering and brake control manifold and the
steering cylinders always flows through the valves. The purpose of the
articulation locking valves is to make articulation joint stiffer during drilling
and after the machine has been navigated. During the tramming the valves
are always in neutral position and thus open.
66 (180)
LEFT 13 Option, only with
articulation locking
190 bar
Option, only with
articulation locking
14 10.22
Drill carrier C400, C900
Without articulation locking
230 bar
30 Only with DT912D TO OA-COOLER FAN
10.11 10.8 200 bar
Copyright © Sandvik
Y386 200 bar CONTROL BLOCK
30.5 10.18
10.16 160 bar
Not with DT912D
Only with optional
safety canopy
30.7 30 bar
30.8 Y417
Changing the steering angle to right during power pack tramming
Pushing the steering joystick forward causes the steering angle to change
and drill rig turns right when tramming direction is forward. The further the
joystick is pushed the faster the drill rig turns.
When the operator pushes the steering joystick forward during power pack
tramming, control system energizes the steering circuit pressurization
enabler valve (30.9 / Y415) allowing oil flow through the valve. Oil flows
through the steering circuit pressure reducing valve (30.11) to the steering
circuit check valve (30.14). From the check valve (30.14) oil flows to the
port S of the power pack tramming manifold (30) and forward to the port PS
of the steering and brake control manifold (10). Once the operator centers
the steering joystick the control system de-energizes the enabler valve
(30.9) and thus cuts off the oil supply to steering.
The pilot circuit pressure reducing valve (10.11) reduces and supplies 35
bar maximum pressure to pilot circuit and pilot control valves (10.2 and
10.3). Pilot control valves are electro-proportional pressure reducing valves
which supply the reduced pressure from the pilot line to main spool (10.1).
The pilot pressure level supplied to main spool is proportional to electric
current of the pilot control valves. And again the movement of main spool is
proportional to the pilot control pressure. The bigger the pressure is faster
the steering angle changes. The main spool (10.1) changes position when
the pilot pressure is supplied to it by pilot control valve (10.3). This opens
the flow path from steering circuit main pressure line via load-hold check
valve (10.22) and the main spool to working port A and allows the oil to flow
to the working port A. Working port A maximum pressure is limited to 190
bars by a shock/anti-cavitation valve (10.6).
The movement of main spool simultaneously opens a flow path for load
sensing (LS) signal through the main spool. The load sensing pressure
signal of working line A is copied to the load sensing line by the copy spool
(10.4). The pressure of the load sensing line is reduced from steering circuit
main pressure line by the copy spool in way that the reduced pressure
matches with the load pressure in working line A. The copy spool is
physically located inside the main spool.
The pressure in load sensing line reaches also the spring chamber of the
steering circuit priority valve (10.10) causing it to close proportional to
pressure level. The load sensing line pressure together with the 10 bar
spring of the priority valve always prioritize the steering function above the
other functions. The load sensing pressure also reaches the steering circuit
retarder pressure relief valve (10.14) which limits the pressure in load
sensing line.
From the working port A the oil flows to the piston side of left steering
cylinder (11), causing it to extend and to the piston rod side of the right
steering cylinder (12), causing it to retract. The returning oil from the piston
rod side of the left steering cylinder and the piston side of the right steering
cylinder flows to the working port B of steering and brake control manifold,
through the main spool (10.1) to tank connection T.
From the tank connection the returning oil flows to the hydraulic oil receiver
port T4. The steering cylinders move and the steering angle changes as
long as the steering joystick is pushed forward. Centering the steering
joystick back to middle position also centers the main spool (10.1) causing
the movement of the steering cylinders to stop and the steering angle
remains unchanged.
If the drill rig is equipped with the optional articulation locking valves (13
and 14) the oil between the steering and brake control manifold and the
steering cylinders always flows through the valves. The purpose of the
articulation locking valves is to make articulation joint stiffer during drilling
and after the machine has been navigated. During the tramming the valves
are always in neutral position and thus open.
70 (180)
11 Without articulation locking
190 bar
LEFT 13 Option, only with
articulation locking
190 bar
Option, only with
articulation locking
10.1 Y187A
12 Y187B
Drill carrier C400, C900
14 10.22
Without articulation locking
TRAMMING VALVE, PORT S Only with power pack tramming 220 bar
Copyright © Sandvik
Only with DT912D 3/4”
200 bar
10.18 PORT T
10.16 160 bar
Not with DT912D
7 10.17
7.1 7.2
8.1 8.2
Drill carrier C400, C900
Pulling the steering joystick backward causes the steering angle to change
and drill rig turns left when tramming direction is forward. The further the
joystick is pulled the faster the drill rig turns.
The steering pump (7.1) delivers oil to port PS of steering and brake control
manifold (10). The pilot circuit pressure reducing valve (10.11) reduces and
supplies the maximum pressure of 35 bar to pilot circuit and pilot control
valves (10.2 and 10.3). Pilot control valves are electro-proportional
pressure reducing valves which supply the reduced pressure from the pilot
line to main spool (10.1).
The pilot pressure level supplied to main spool is proportional to electric
current of the pilot control valves. And again the movement of main spool is
proportional to the pilot control pressure. The bigger the pressure is faster
the steering angle changes. The main spool (10.1) changes position when
the pilot pressure is supplied to it by pilot control valve (10.2). This opens
the flow path from steering circuit main pressure line via load-hold check
valve (10.22) and the main spool to working port B and allows the oil to flow
to the working port B. Working port B maximum pressure is limited to 190
bar by a shock/anti-cavitation valve (10.7).
The movement of main spool simultaneously opens a flow path for load
sensing (LS) signal through the main spool. The load sensing pressure
signal of working line B is copied to the load sensing line by the copy spool
(10.5). The pressure of the load sensing line is reduced from steering circuit
main pressure line by the copy spool in way that the reduced pressure
matches with the load pressure in working line B. The copy spool is
physically located inside the main spool.
The pressure in the load sensing line reaches also the spring chamber of
the steering circuit priority valve (10.10) causing it to close proportional to
pressure level. The load sensing line pressure together with the 10 bar
spring of the priority valve always prioritize the steering function above the
other functions. The load sensing pressure also reaches the steering circuit
retarder pressure relief valve (10.14) which limits the pressure in load
sensing line.
From the working port B the oil flows to the piston rod side of left steering
cylinder (11), causing it to retract and to the piston side of the right steering
cylinder (12), causing it to extend. The returning oil from the piston side of
the left steering cylinder and the piston rod side of the right steering
cylinder flows to the working port A of steering and brake control manifold,
through the main spool (10.1) to tank connection T.
From the tank connection the returning oil flows back to the hydraulic oil
receiver. The steering cylinders move and the steering angle changes as
long as the steering joystick is pulled backward. Centering the steering
joystick back to middle position also centers the main spool (10.1) causing
the movement of the steering cylinders to stop and the steering angle
remains unchanged.
If the drill rig is equipped with the optional articulation locking valves (13
and 14) the oil between the steering and brake control manifold and the
steering cylinders always flows through the valves. The purpose of the
articulation locking valves is to make articulation joint stiffer during drilling
and after the machine has been navigated. During the tramming the valves
are always in neutral position and thus open.
74 (180)
11 Without articulation locking
190 bar
LEFT 13 Option, only with
articulation locking
190 bar
Option, only with
articulation locking
10.1 Y187A
12 Y187B
Drill carrier C400, C900
14 10.22
Without articulation locking
220 bar
230 bar
30.2 PORT IN
Y385 10.19
30.3 10.10 10.21
Copyright © Sandvik
30.4 10.12
Only with DT912D 3/4”
10.18 PORT T
10.16 160 bar
Not with DT912D
30.7 30 bar
30.8 Y417
Changing the steering angle to left during power pack tramming
30.12 10.17
Pulling the steering joystick backward causes the steering angle to change
and drill rig turns left when tramming direction is forward. The further the
joystick is pulled the faster the drill rig turns.
When the operator pulls the steering joystick backward, control system
energizes the steering circuit pressurization enabler valve (30.9 / Y415)
allowing oil flow through the valve. Oil flows through the steering circuit
pressure reducing valve (30.11) to the steering circuit check valve (30.14).
From the check valve (30.14) oil flows to the port S of the power pack
tramming manifold (30) and forward to the port PS of the steering and
brake control manifold (10). Once the operator centers the steering joystick
the control system de-energizes the enabler valve (30.9) and thus cuts off
the oil supply to steering.
The pilot circuit pressure reducing valve (10.11) reduces and supplies 35
bar maximum pressure to pilot circuit and pilot control valves (10.2 and
10.3). Pilot control valves are electro-proportional pressure reducing valves
which supply the reduced pressure from the pilot line to main spool (10.1).
The pilot pressure level supplied to main spool is proportional to electric
current of the pilot control valves. And again the movement of main spool is
proportional to the pilot control pressure. The bigger the pressure is faster
the steering angle changes. The main spool (10.1) changes position when
the pilot pressure is supplied to it by pilot control valve (10.3). This opens
the flow path from steering circuit main pressure line via load-hold check
valve (10.22) and the main spool to working port B and allows the oil to flow
to the working port B. Working port B maximum pressure is limited to 190
bars by a shock/anti-cavitation valve (10.7).
The movement of main spool simultaneously opens a flow path for load
sensing (LS) signal through the main spool. The load sensing pressure
signal of working line B is copied to the load sensing line by the copy spool
(10.5). The pressure of the load sensing line is reduced from steering circuit
main pressure line by the copy spool in way that the reduced pressure
matches with the load pressure in working line B. The copy spool is
physically located inside the main spool.
The pressure in the load sensing line reaches also the spring chamber of
the steering circuit priority valve (10.10) causing it to close proportional to
pressure level. The load sensing line pressure together with the 10 bar
spring of the priority valve always prioritize the steering function above the
other functions. The load sensing pressure also reaches the steering circuit
retarder pressure relief valve (10.14) which limits the pressure in load
sensing line.
From the working port B the oil flows to the piston rod side of left steering
cylinder (11), causing it to retract and to the piston side of the right steering
cylinder (12), causing it to extend. The returning oil from the piston side of
the left steering cylinder and the piston rod side of the right steering
cylinder flows to the working port A of steering and brake control manifold,
through the main spool (10.1) to tank connection T.
From the tank connection the returning oil flows to the hydraulic oil receiver
port T4. The steering cylinders move and the steering angle changes as
long as the steering joystick is pulled backward. Centering the steering
joystick back to middle position also centers the main spool (10.1) causing
the movement of the steering cylinders to stop and the steering angle
remains unchanged.
If the drill rig is equipped with the optional articulation locking valves (13
and 14) the oil between the steering and brake control manifold and the
steering cylinders always flows through the valves. The purpose of the
articulation locking valves is to make articulation joint stiffer during drilling
and after the machine has been navigated. During the tramming the valves
are always in neutral position and thus open.
4.6.4 Operation of brake circuit
78 (180)
11 Without articulation locking
10.6 190 bar
10 21
LEFT 13 21.3
Option, only with 190 bar
articulation locking 10.7 21.4
Option, only with
articulation locking
12 Y187B
Drill carrier C400, C900
14 10.22 21.5
Without articulation locking
200 bar
10.11 35 bar 10.8
220 bar
To carrier/sub selection valve, port 2
Only with power pack (SUB option for DT922i)
tramming, from 10.9 Only DT912D To OA-cooler fan control block, port V1
power pack tramming
Service brake circuit free circulation
Copyright © Sandvik
oil collector, port 1
200 bar 100 bar
160 bar
Not with DT912D
7 10.17
7.1 7.2
8.1 8.2
Drill carrier C400, C900
The brake pump (7.2) delivers oil to port PB of steering and brake control
manifold (10). Oil flows through the manifold to port CV. The brake circuit
main pressure relief valve (10.8) is located between the ports PB and CV
and its purpose is to limit the maximum pressure of service brake circuit to
200 bar. From the port CV oil continues to flow to the port P of the
accumulator charging valve (21). During the free circulation the pressures
in both brake accumulators (22 and 23) are between the 135 and 160 bar
and the control valve (21.2) has changed its position. The changed position
of control valve (21.2) allows also the priority valve (21.1) to change its
position and the oil flow is guided to the secondary circuit and port S. From
the port S oil returns to the steering and brake control manifold’s port CR.
Oil continues to flow through the brake circuit retarder valve (10.17) and
onward to port AC. From the port AC oil flows to HVAC (28) control block
port P2. Inside the HVAC control block oil flows from port P2 to port A.
From HVAC control block oil flows to air condition hydraulic motor (29) and
its port P. From the hydraulic motor port T oil flows via pressurized return
collector to oil cooler and onward back to hydraulic oil receiver.
16.3 17.3
15 15.1
Drill carrier C400, C900
25 24.4 24.3
18 24.1
PORT 1 19
Copyright © Sandvik
26 27
Service brake accumulator charging and braking
PORT 6 22 23
135 -
160 bar
21.1 21.5
Drill carrier C400, C900
82 (180)
16.1 17.1
16.3 17.3
15 15.1
24 -B225P
25 M6 5.60 bar
19 20 18
Operation of spring applied brakes
Copyright © Sandvik
1.11.1 1.11.2
135 -
160 bar
The spring applied brake circuit receives oil from the hydrostatic
transmission circuit. The oil supplied by the charge pump (1.2) of the
hydrostatic transmission pump (1). From the charge pump oil flows to
transmission pump’s port F. From there oil continues to flow to HST charge
pressure filter (3) and its port IN. Oil flows out of the filter from port OUT
and returns to transmission pump’s port E. Oil reaches also the charge
pressure relief valve (1.5) which limits the maximum pressure of the charge
pressure circuit to 28 bars.
Oil continues to flow out of port M3 of transmission pump (1) and to park
brake manifold’s (24) port P. The releasing of the spring applied brakes is
controlled by two control valves one for front axle (24.1) and one for the
rear axle (24.2). While uncontrolled the valves block the connection
between port P and the spring applied brake cylinders (16.2 and 17.2). In
uncontrolled position the cylinders (16.2 and 17.2) are connected to the
tank line via ports A and B of the park brake manifold (24) and the brakes
remain applied by the springs. When the control valves (24.1 and 24.2) are
activated the oil passes from the port P via control valves to ports A and B.
From the port A oil flows to connections P1 of the front axle. Oil enters the
piston rod side chambers of the front parking brake cylinders (16.2). The oil
pressure pushes the springs and releases the spring applied brakes of the
front axle. From the port B oil flows to connections P1 of the rear axle. Oil
enters the piston rod side chambers of the rear parking brake cylinders
(17.2). The oil pressure pushes the springs and releases the spring applied
brakes of the rear axle. Pressure sensors (24.3 and 24.4) are used for
monitoring the pressures of spring applied brakes. After the spring applied
brakes are released, the pressure levels should be 21-35 bars, otherwise a
notice is given on GUI. Also the pressure difference between the front and
rear axles must stay under 5 bars, if not a notice is given on GUI. When the
spring applied brakes are engaged again by the control valves (24.1 and
24.2), the pressure sensors monitor that pressure drops below 5 bar in both
working lines A and B, if not an alarm is given.
4.6.5 Operation of retarder circuit
Both the steering and the brake circuits have retarder function and the
valves for controlling the hydraulic retarder. The purpose of the retarders is
to generate the extra load for hydrostatic transmission from steering and
brake hydraulics, to make the tramming downhill easier and to prevent
diesel engine from overrun. Retarder function has two control principles
which are the maximum rpm limit and the rpm difference monitoring. In
maximum rpm limit the retarder is activated immediately if diesel engine
rpm is higher than set by the parameter and deactivated when diesel
engine rpm is lower than the parameter for a certain amount of time. In rpm
difference monitoring the retarder is activated when diesel engine rpm is
higher than the request for a time set by the parameter. The retarder is
deactivated when the diesel engine rpm is lower than request for time set
by parameter. Both steering and brake circuit retarders are activated
84 (180)
11 Without articulation locking
190 bar
LEFT 13 Option, only with
articulation locking
190 bar
Option, only with
articulation locking
10.1 Y187A
12 Y187B
Drill carrier C400, C900
14 10.22
Without articulation locking
10.19 10.21
Copyright © Sandvik
Only with DT912D 3/4”
10.13 10.23
7 10.17
7.1 7.2
8.1 8.2
Drill carrier C400, C900
86 (180)
11 Without articulation locking
190 bar
Option, only with
articulation locking 190 bar
10.1 Y187A
14 10.22
Without articulation locking
220 bar
B963P B962P
Operation of brake circuit retarders
10.19 10.10 10.21
Copyright © Sandvik
Only with DT912D 3/4”
21.3 21 10.20 10.23
160 bar
21.4 PORT T
8.1 8.2
Drill carrier C400, C900
Brake circuit retarder activation is controlled with the brake circuit retarder
control valve (10.16). The activation of control valve (10.16) connects the
spring chamber of brake circuit retarder valve (10.17) with the brake circuit
retarder pressure relief valve (10.15). The purpose of pressure relief valve
(10.15) is to limit the hydraulic pressure in spring chamber of valve (10.17).
Simultaneously the connection between the tank line and the spring
chamber of retarder valve (10.17) is closed. The part of incoming oil flow to
valve (10.17) internally enters to the spring chamber via the small orifice.
The oil pressure in spring chamber together with the 5 bar spring of the
valve (10.17) partially closes the valve and causes the main pressure to
rise to a level of 160 bar. The increasing pressure level loads the diesel
engine preventing it from overrun.
While the brake retarder is active the brake pump (7.2) normally delivers oil
to port PB of the steering and brake control manifold (10). Oil flows through
the manifold to port CV. From the port CV oil continues to flow to the port P
of the accumulator charging valve (21). The active brake retarder generates
back-pressure to the port S of the accumulator charging valve. The back-
pressure generated in port S is the same or little higher than the normal
160 bar cut-out pressure of accumulator charging. This causes the priority
valve (21.1) and the control valve (21.2) to change their positions. Main oil
flow is guided to port S of the accumulator charging valve (21). Due to the
back-pressure in port S, the accumulators are constantly charged with the
port S pressure as long as the retarder is active. From the port S oil returns
to port CR of the steering and brake control manifold (10). After the port CR
oil reaches the brake circuit retarder valve (10.17) which is partially closed
due to pressure in its spring chamber. The oil flow passes through the
brake retarder valve (10.17) and continues to the port AC. From the port
AC oil continues to flow to HVAC control block port P2. From there on oil
flows to port A and again via the hydraulic motor of air condition unit to
pressurized return collector and to oil cooler and finally back to the
hydraulic oil receiver (8).
Measuring Pressure
Description Size
point gauge
MBC Secondary circuit pressure G1/4 – M16x2 250 bar
MPB Brake supply pressure G1/4 – M16x2 250 bar
MCR Brake line pressure G1/4 – M16x2 250 bar
MAC Brake outlet pressure G1/4 – M16x2 250 bar
Measuring points in steering and brake control manifold (10)
Y209 1
If the machine is equipped with the high pressure washer, the electrical
connector Y209 from the high pressure washer control block’s solenoid
valve needs to be unplugged before performing any adjustments. After the
2. Loosen the locking nut from steering circuit main pressure relief valve
(10.9) and turn the adjusting screw counterclockwise fully open.
3. Start the diesel engine.
4. Push the pressurizing stud (10.23) and turn it counterclockwise to
release the stud to up position to pressurize the carrier hydraulics.
5. Apply shortly the maximum diesel engine rpm.
6. Turn the adjusting screw of the valve (10.9) clockwise until the reading
in pressure gauge is 220 bars.
7. Tighten the locking nut of the valve (10.9).
8. Return the diesel engine rpm to idle.
9. Push the pressurizing stud (10.23) and turn it clockwise to lock the stud
to down position. Check from the pressure gauge that the pressure level
drops to free circulation level (less than 30 bars).
10. Shut down the engine.
11. Remove the pressure gauge from the measuring connector MPS.
MX 10.11
8. Turn the adjusting screw of the valve (10.8) fully clockwise but
simultaneously strictly observe that the reading in pressure gauge
connected to MPB does not exceed 205 bars.
If the pressure tends to exceed 205 bars, use brake circuit retarder
pressure relief valve (10.15) to reduce the pressure to be able to turn
the adjusting screw of valve (10.8) fully closed.
9. Turn the adjusting screw of the valve (10.15) until the reading in
pressure gauge connected to MCR is 210 bars.
Note! The maximum pressure level allowed to brake accumulators is 210
bars so it must never be exceeded.
10. Turn the adjusting screw of the valve (10.8) counterclockwise until the
reading in pressure gauge connected to MPB drops to 200 bars.
11. Tighten the locking nut of the valve (10.8).
12. Turn the adjusting screw of the valve (10.15) until the reading in
pressure gauge connected to MCR is 160 bars.
13. Tighten the locking nut of the valve (10.15).
14. Release the boom zoom function.
15. Return the diesel engine rpm to idle and shut down the engine after
16. Remove the pressure gauges from the measuring connectors MPB and
17. Unplug the electrical connector Y167 from the valve (10.16) and return
the electrical connectors back to their original positions - connector
Y344 to valve (10.16) and connector Y167 to valve (10.18).
11. Return the diesel engine rpm to idle and shut down the engine after
12. Remove the pressure gauge from the measuring connector MCR.
13. Unplug the electrical connector Y167 from the valve (10.16) and return
the electrical connectors back to their original positions - connector
Y344 to valve (10.16) and connector Y167 to valve (10.18).
An accident or false working methods could result in loose rim parts.
The loose rim parts will be ejected under pressure and will cause
death or serious injury.
Follow the safety precautions.
Do not attempt to repair disc wheel assembly parts. Replace them
with new parts of the same size, type, and make. Ensure that all tire
and rim parts are undamaged and correctly assembled before
inflating the tires.
In the event of tire explosion, the resulting power shock and ejected
tire/tool debris will cause death or severe injury.
In addition to tire failure, also improper operation or servicing may
result in tire explosion. Read and follow the instructions given in this
manual to avoid tire explosion.
• Unauthorized people are not allowed in the vicinity of the wheel during
the tire is being inflated.
• Always check after pressurization that the tire sits on the rim correctly
before removing the wheel from the cage.
• See separate instructions in the manual Tire change and rim inspection.
Checking the tire condition
Check that the tires are undamaged and properly mounted.
When the tire damage is detected early enough, it may be possible to
repair the tire, which increases its service life, or remove the need to
replace the tire in difficult conditions.
Checking the tire pressure
Note! Checking the tire pressure does not apply to foam filled tires.
Check the pressure of the tires using a pressure gauge. Ensure that the
protective caps are reinstalled on the valve stems after pressure checks
and filling procedures have been performed.
The correct tire filling pressures are:
10 bar 10 bar 12.00 - 20
• DL311 / DL321
• DD320S
• DD321 / DD411 / DT621 10 bar 10 bar 12.00 - 20
• DL411 / DL431
• DS421
NC7 12.00 - 20
10 bar 10 bar 14.00 - 20 (with RSH
• DS411
8 bar 8 bar
• DD421 / DT721 10 bar (optional with 10 bar (optional with 14.00 - 24
• DL421 Bridgestone tires) Bridgestone tires)
• DD511 / DD531
10 bar 10 bar 14.00 - 24
• DS511
• DT820 / DT821
• DT112x - DT123x
10 bar 10 bar 14.00 - 24
• DT112xi - DT123xi
• DT1131-JP / DT1131-SC
8 bar 8 bar
• DD422i 10 bar (DD422i, op- 10 bar (DD422i, op- 14.00 - 24
• DD422iE tional with Bridge- tional with Bridge-
stone tires) stone tires)
• DU412i
• DL422iE
• DL432i
• DS412i 10 bar 10 bar 14.00 - 24
• DS412iE
• DS412i-R
• DS422i
• DS512i 14.00 - 24
10 bar 10 bar 17.50 - 25 (with
• DT922i
TRH/SRH option)
• DT923i
8 bar 8 bar 14.00 - 24
• DT912D
10 bar 10 bar 14.00 - 24
• DT1132i
Check the tightening torque of the nuts (lubricated). The tightening torques
630 Nm 630 Nm 12.00 - 20
• DL311 / DL321
• DD320S
• DD321 / DD411 / DT621 740 Nm 740 Nm 12.00 - 20
• DL411 / DL431
• DS421
NC7 12.00 - 20
630 Nm 630 Nm
• DS411 14.00 - 20 (with RSH boom)
• DD421 / DT721 740 Nm 740 Nm 14.00 - 24
• DL421
• DD410 / DD420
630 Nm 630 Nm 12.00 - 20
• DL410 / DL420 / DL430
• DS410 / DS420
• DD511 / DD531
740 Nm 740 Nm 14.00 - 24
• DS511
• DT820 / DT821
• DD422i
• DD422iE
• DL422iE
• DL432i
740 Nm 740 Nm 14.00 - 24
• DS412i
• DS412iE
• DS412i-R
• DS422i
• DU412i
• DS512i 14.00 - 24
740 Nm 740 Nm
• DT922i 17.50 - 25 (with TRH/SRH option)
• DT923i
740 Nm 740 Nm 14.00 - 24
• DT912D
550 Nm 740 Nm 14.00 - 24
• DT1132i
1. The engine must be level when checking the oil level to make sure the
measurement is correct.
2. Engage the parking brake and shut off the engine for an accurate
reading. Wait at least 15 minutes after shutting off the engine to check
the oil level.
3. Check the oil level from the
dipstick (1). The oil level must
be between the MIN and MAX
2 1
4. If the oil level is too low, add oil through the filler opening (2) up to the
MAX mark on the dipstick.
Explosive release of fluids from pressurized cooling system could
cause serious burns.
Shut off engine. Only remove filler cap when cool enough to touch
with bare hands. Slowly loosen cap to first stop to relieve pressure
before removing completely. Always wear safety gloves and safety
glasses when adding coolant.
Lubricate the propeller shaft fittings. All drive line sections are furnished
with grease nipples on universal joints and telescopic sections. Lubrication
must be done carefully to avoid damage of the seals.
Greasing points:
• Propeller shaft fittings
• Seat hinge pins
• Transmission
• Center hinge
• Support bearings
• Rear oscillation
• Cable reel hinges
• Switchgear hinges
• Steering cylinder pins
• Cabin lifting/tilting device (optional)
6.1.2 Checking the planetary gear oil level
1. Rotate the wheel hub so that the center point of the oil filling opening is
at the same horizontal level than the center point of the axle.
2. Remove the inspection and
filling plug (1).
3. Check the oil level. The oil level must be at the lower level of the filling
4. Add oil if necessary. Allow the oil to settle for a few minutes. There is
enough oil when a drop of oil comes out of the opening during filling.
5. Reinstall the inspection and filling plug.
6.1.3 Checking the differential gear oil level
Unexpected boom movement will cause death or severe injury.
Boom support fixing bolts may break down and boom support with
boom(s) may fall down if the bolts' tightness is not regularly
6.1.7 Filling the gas pre-charge pressure for the brake accumulators
An accumulator filled with wrong type of gas could explode and
cause death or severe injury.
Use only nitrogen (N2) to fill a pressure accumulator.
A pressure accumulator repaired in a faulty manner can explode and
could cause death or severe injury.
Repairing a pressure accumulator by welding or in any other faulty
manner is strictly prohibited. Replace a faulty pressure accumulator
with a new one.
Breakage of the accumulator when filling a damaged or worn
accumulator could cause death or severe injury.
Do not fill an unchecked or too worn accumulator.
9 7 6 5 4 2 1
10 3
N2 8
Uncontrolled machine movement could cause death, severe injury or
property damage.
Make sure that the machine can not move unintentionally. Park the
machine on a level surface if possible. Use wheel wedges to prevent
machine movement.
5. Install a flexible tube in rear axle bleeding screw (B1) and put the other
end of the tube into a receptacle.
B2 B1 B1 B2
6. Push the stud Y961 (2) to release the rear axle parking brakes and
keep the stud pushed down.
7. Have an assistant to open the bleeding screw (B1) about one turn.
8. Have an assistant to close the bleeding screw when the oil coming from
the tube is free of air.
9. Release the stud Y961 (2).
10. Remove the swing support and install it to the other end of the rear axle.
11. Do the steps 5-9 in the other end of the rear axle.
12. Remove the swing support.
13. Install the flexible tube in front axle bleeding screw (B1) and put the
other end of the tube into a receptacle.
14. Push the stud Y960 (3) to release the front axle parking brakes and
keep the stud pushed down.
15. Do the steps 7-8.
16. Release the stud Y960 (3).
17. Do the steps 13-16 in the other end of the front axle.
18. Reinstall the rubber cover (1).
If needed, bleed the service brakes at the same time, please refer to
section Bleeding the service brakes.
Note! Make sure that used oil is correctly disposed.
Related information
Bleeding the service brakes (Page 115)
B2 B1 B1 B2
5. Press the brake pedal all the way down and release it.
Repeat this so many times that the oil coming from the tube is free of
6. Close the bleeding screw and remove the flexible tube.
7. Remove the swing support and install it to the other end of the rear axle.
8. Do the steps 3-6 to the other end of the axle.
9. Remove the swing support.
10. Do the steps 3-6 in both ends of the front axle.
11. Stop the engine.
Do the following steps if the machine is equipped with power pack
tramming option:
12. Install the carrier joint locking bar according to instructions in section
Protective devices.
13. Start the power pack.
14. Lower the boom support.
15. Lower the boom support jacks.
Uncontrolled machine movement during brake disc wear check
could cause death, severe injury or property damage.
Always exercise extreme caution when going under the drill rig.
Apply parking brake and use wheel wedges to prevent the machine
movement. Make sure the machine can not be started unexpectedly.
Make sure the drill rig is on a steady and level surface. Apply the parking
brake and wheel wedges on place.
This check is recommended to be carried out when the oil in the center
gear is to be changed and must be carried out for both sides of the axle.
1. Remove the inspection plug from side of the trumpet arm, next to the
center section. The brake discs can be seen through the hole.
2. While parking brake applied, check the clearance between the reaction
plates with feeler gauge.
3. If the clearance between the reaction plate is less than 5.2 mm (0.205
in), replace the friction plates and reaction plates on the both sides of
the axle.
Brake test shall always be performed before tramming. If the brakes do not
hold during the test and the brake pressures are correct, it is likely that the
brake discs have been worn. Replace the brake discs and intermediate
discs on the both sides of the axle.
6.1.11 Checking the middle-joint bearings
Turn the steering back and forth with small movements to check the middle-
joint bearings. Check the play that may have developed in the middle-joint
bearings. If there is any play, replace the bearings.
6.1.12 Checking the oscillation axle bearings
Rear-axle oscillation allows the carrier to turn in the longitudinal direction of
the axle.
Lift the rear axle off the ground and, using small movements, check the play
that may have developed in the oscillation bearings. If there is any play,
replace the bearings.
6.1.13 Changing the transmission oil
1. Place a container under the
drain plug (1).
2. Open the drain plug (1) and drain the oil into a receptacle.
3. Close the drain plug (1).
4. Open the inspection and filling plug (2).
5. Add oil into the gearbox.
For the correct oil volume and type, please refer to section Filling
6. Close the filling plug (2).
Note! Make sure that used oil is correctly disposed.
Related information
Filling capacities (Page 164)
1 3 2
2 3
1. Attach a pressure gauge to the steering and brake control manifold's (1)
pressure measuring point (2).
2. Start the engine.
3. Push the steering stick forward or pull it backward until the articulation
reaches the extreme position.
4. The pressure level should be approximately 200 bars (maximum 220
5. If needed, adjust the main pressure relief valve (3) to decrease the
pressure level.
6. Move the steering stick until the rig is straightened.
7. Shut down the engine.
8. Remove the pressure gauge.
2. Check that the coolers have no damaged fins, corrosion, or dirt (grease,
oil, insects, leaves, etc.).
3. Clean the coolers with a high-pressure washer. Keep the nozzle at a
safe distance and do not use too high pressure, to avoid damaging the
coolers. You can also use compressed air to clean the coolers. Do not
use over 5.5 bar pressure.
1 Maintenance indicator
2 Reset button
Replace the air filter cartridge when the maintenance indicator (1) drops
from green zone to red (arrow), refer to section Replacing the air filter
cartridge. After replacing the cartridge, push the reset button (2).
Related information
Replacing the air filter cartridge (Tier3) (Page 144)
Replacing the air filter cartridge (Tier4) (Page 145)
1. Visually inspect the intake piping daily for wear points and damage to
piping, loose clamps, or punctures that can damage the engine.
2. Replace damaged pipes and tighten loose clamps, as necessary, to
prevent the air system from leaking.
Torque Value: 6 Nm (AERO BG clamps) and 7 Nm (AERO HKFK
3. Check for corrosion under the clamps and hoses of the intake system
piping. Corrosion can allow corrosive products and dirt to enter the
intake system. Disassemble and clean, as required.
8. Apply clean oil to the sealing surfaces of the filter element and the filter
9. Place a new filter element into the filter housing.
10. Turn the filter housing clockwise to install it back to its place.
11. Tighten the filter housing.
Note! Make sure that there are no leaks when the engine is started the next
Note! Make sure that the used filter element is correctly disposed.
2. Clean the oil filter (1) and the area around the filter.
Hot and pressurized coolant could cause serious burns.
Never open the cap of the expansion tank if the coolant temperature
is over 50 °C.
Use safety gloves. Remove the cap carefully.
Hot and pressurized coolant could cause serious burns.
Never open the cap of the expansion tank if the coolant temperature
is over 50 °C. Remove the cap carefully. Use safety gloves.
Note! Before replacing the coolant, check that the cooling and heating
system is in good condition and has no leaks.
Note! Cover the pipes etc below the drain plugs and place a receptacle
under the engine.
1. Position the drill rig on a level surface.
2. Shut down the engine.
3. Let the engine cool down.
4. Open the cap (1) of the expansion tank carefully to allow the pressure to
drop and then remove the cap.
QSB4.5 Tier3
QSBx.x Tier4F
QSB4.5 Tier4F
QSB6.7 Tier4F
1 2
2. Turn the air filter cover (3) counterclockwise and remove it.
3. Remove air filter cartridge and safety cartridge (4).
4. Install a new air filter safety cartridge (4).
Make sure that no dirt can enter the inlet duct. Check the condition of
seals and the sealing surfaces when replacing the filters. Replace
damaged seals. The seals must be installed carefully in their proper
5. Install a new air filter cartridge.
6. Reinstall the air filter cover (3) and turn it clockwise.
Make sure that the dust ejection valve points downward.
7. Close the lever (2).
8. Push the maintenance indicator (1) reset button.
9. Visually check the condition of the indicator (1).
a) Check the condition and mounting of the connector and the
condition of the cable.
b) Replace the indicator if necessary.
Note! Do not clean the air filter safety cartridge.
QSB4.5 Tier4F
QSB6.7 Tier4F
1 2
Bx.x Stage V
5 3
8. Put the header back into its place and reinstall the screws.
9. Reinstall the tank and strap.
10. When the tank is dry, close the drain plug and fill the tank with fresh
Related information
Handling DEF/AdBlue solution (Page 173)
3. Remove the tank and place a receptacle under the drain plug (4).
4. Open the door (1), remove the screws (2) and the strap (3).
5. Remove the tank and place a receptacle under the drain plug (4).
6. Open the drain plug (4) and empty the tank into the receptacle.
7. Rinse the tank carefully with warm water.
8. Remove the header screws and lift the header (6) out of the tank.
9. Replace the tank filter (5), if it is dirty.
10. Put the header back into its place and reinstall the screws.
11. Reinstall the tank.
12. When the tank is dry, close the drain plug (4) and fill the tank with fresh
QSB4.5 Tier4F
8 9 7
QSB6.7 Tier4F
2. Open the inlet cover (3) or drain cover (4).
3. Remove the used filter element (5) and o-ring (6) from the breather
4. Install a new filter element.
5. Lubricate new o-ring with fresh oil and install it into its place.
6. Reinstall the cover (3 or 4) and tighten it.
• Avoid mixing lubricants. Please use oils recommended or oils with
corresponding characteristics!
• Ensure the vehicle is level before filling tanks and sumps.
• Oil should only be changed with the engine hot.
• Clean carefully all lubricating fittings, breathers and oil check windows.
• When the engine is drained, clearly mark it so that it is not operated
before it is refilled. In the event of prolonged shutdown with engine or
circuits drained, provide a device preventing accidental start-up without
• Analyse drained lubricant if appropriate.
• Ensure regularity of lubrication.
• The intervals given are those for normal usage. For tougher working
conditions, the person responsible must set down other intervals.
• Ensure daily reading of hour meter. This operation determines when
lubrication is due.
7.1.1 Diesel engine
Diesel fuels
Only use commercially available vehicle diesel fuel (DIN EN590 or ASTM
D975). Diesel fuel quality and fuel sulfur content must comply with all
existing emissions regulations for the area in which the engine operates.
Use ONLY ultra low sulfur diesel (ULSD) fuel with a maximum of 0.0015%
(15 mg/kg) sulfur content. Grades such as marine diesel fuel, heating oil
etc. are not permissible.
No fuel additives are needed. Improper fuel additive usage may cause
damage on fuel injection equipment of diesel engines. The use of fuel
additives could affect warranty rights.
Note! Do not mix used diesel engine oil or any other type of lubricating oil
with diesel fuel.
Fuel added from drums or cans could be contaminated. This could lead to
malfunctions in the fuel system. Always filter the fuel before adding it to the
Flow improvers
The effectiveness of flow improvers is not guaranteed with all fuels. Comply
with the product manufacturer’s recommendations. Any Cummins Inc.
Service Station can provide information on approved flow improvers.
Keep the quantity added as low as possible, bearing in mind the ambient
temperature. The addition of 5 % by volume of kerosene will improve the
fuel’s resistance to cold by about 1°C. Never add more than 50 % kerosene
to the fuel.
For reasons of safety, add the kerosene to the diesel only in the fuel tank.
Add the kerosene first, then the diesel. Run the engine for a short time to
allow the mixture to reach all parts of the fuel system.
The use of fuel that is approved by Cummins Inc. and published in the
applicable fuel specifications is an integral part of Cummins Inc. warranty
Note! If Cummins Inc fuel specifications are not observed or if products are
used that have not been approved in writing by Cummins Inc, serious
engine damage is to be expected.
Customers, Customer Care and Manufacturing are to be informed (e.g. by
means of the Equipment Operating Instructions or a separate memo) of
Cummins Inc. fuel specifications, in order that they can be adhered to.
Ambient temperature
°C -40 -30 -20 -10 0 +10 +20 +30 +40 +50 +60
°F -40 -22 -4 +14 +32 +50 +68 +86 +104 +122 +140
SAE 0W -- 20
SAE 0W -- 30
SAE 0W -- 40
SAE 5W -- 30
SAE 5W -- 40
SAE 10W -- 30
SAE 15W -- 40
Engine coolant
Engine coolant is a mixture of water and corrosion prevention agents / anti-
freeze agent. To prevent corrosion and to elevate the boiling point of the
coolant, the mixture must be used in the cooling system throughout the
When choosing the corrosion preventing agents / anti-freeze agent for the
engine coolant, refer to the engine manufacturer's manual.
Engine coolant must be changed at certain intervals. The characteristics of
the coolant and its additives weaken and are lost as the coolant ages.
Refer to the engine manufacturer's manual.
The engine cooling system is filled at the factory with a mixture of 50%
water and 50% Maintain Fricofin V anti-freeze, which is a pink-violet
monoethylene glycol-based fluid. Only this same Maintain Fricofin V anti-
freeze or pure water may be added to the cooling system.
Oil specification
Recommended lubricants:
1. Caterpillar TO-4
2. John Deere J20 C, D
3. Military MIL-PRF-2140G
4. Allison C-4
5. Dexron II Equivalent - see note below
1.7 L / planetary
Front/rear axle
gear Sandvik
(Axle 123, wet API GL-4
8 L / differential OH10W30-KS
1.6 L / planetary
Front/rear axle
gear Sandvik
(Axle 213, wet API GL-4
14 L / differential OH10W30-KS
2.3 L / planetary
Front/rear axle
gear Sandvik
(Axle 113, wet API GL-4
16 L / differential OH10W30-KS
4.7 L / planetary
Front axle
gear Sandvik
(Axle 114, wet API GL-4
21 L/ differential OH10W30-KS
Front/rear axle
Titan Gear LS SAE
(Axle 37R/43R, 45 L API GL-5
wet brake)
Front/rear axle
2-5% from axles
(Axle 37R/43R,
oil capacity Lubrizol 6178LZ
wet brake)
(45 L)
Sandvik OH46 for
cold ambient tem-
Sandvik OH46 Sandvik OH68 for
Sandvik OH68 normal ambient
Hydraulic oil DIN 51524 part 2 Sandvik OH100 temperatures
tank, drilling 200 L (HLP), ISO Plantohyd SE 46 Sandvik OH100 for
(NC5) 6743-4 (HM) (Biodegradable) high ambient tem-
Plantohyd SE 68 peratures
(Biodegradable) Viscosity class is
chosen according
to operating condi-
Sandvik OH46 for
cold ambient tem-
Sandvik OH46 Sandvik OH68 for
Sandvik OH68 normal ambient
Hydraulic oil
DIN 51524 part 2 Sandvik OH100 temperatures
tank, drilling
210 L (HLP), ISO Plantohyd SE 46 Sandvik OH100 for
TC7/TC8 (DS 6743-4 (HM) (Biodegradable) high ambient tem-
Plantohyd SE 68 peratures
(Biodegradable) Viscosity class is
chosen according
to operating condi-
Sandvik OH46 for
cold ambient tem-
Sandvik OH46 Sandvik OH68 for
Sandvik OH68 normal ambient
Hydraulic oil
DIN 51524 part 2 Sandvik OH100 temperatures
tank, drilling
290 L (HLP), ISO Plantohyd SE 46 Sandvik OH100 for
(TC8 and NC7- 6743-4 (HM) (Biodegradable) high ambient tem-
Plantohyd SE 68 peratures
(Biodegradable) Viscosity class is
chosen according
to operating condi-
Sandvik OH46 for
cold ambient tem-
Sandvik OH46 Sandvik OH68 for
Sandvik OH68 normal ambient
Hydraulic oil DIN 51524 part 2 Sandvik OH100 temperatures
tank, drilling 380 L (HLP), ISO Plantohyd SE 46 Sandvik OH100 for
(TC9) 6743-4 (HM) (Biodegradable) high ambient tem-
Plantohyd SE 68 peratures
(Biodegradable) Viscosity class is
chosen according
to operating condi-
Sandvik OH46 for
cold ambient tem-
Sandvik OH46 Sandvik OH68 for
Sandvik OH68 normal ambient
Hydraulic oil DIN 51524 part 2 Sandvik OH100 temperatures
tank, drilling 470 L (HLP), ISO Plantohyd SE 46 Sandvik OH100 for
(TC11–TC12) 6743-4 (HM) (Biodegradable) high ambient tem-
Plantohyd SE 68 peratures
(Biodegradable) Viscosity class is
chosen according
to operating condi-
Sandvik OH46 for
cold ambient tem-
Sandvik OH46 Sandvik OH68 for
Sandvik OH68 normal ambient
Hydraulic oil DIN 51524 part 2 Sandvik OH100 temperatures
tank, drilling 480 L (HLP), ISO Plantohyd SE 46 Sandvik OH100 for
(C1000) 6743-4 (HM) (Biodegradable) high ambient tem-
Plantohyd SE 68 peratures
(Biodegradable) Viscosity class is
chosen according
to operating condi-
Sandvik OH46 for
cold ambient tem-
Sandvik OH46 Sandvik OH68 for
Sandvik OH68 normal ambient
Hydraulic oil DIN 51524 part 2 Sandvik OH100 temperatures
tank, tramming 55 L (HLP), ISO Plantohyd SE 46 Sandvik OH100 for
(NC5) 6743-4 (HM) (Biodegradable) high ambient tem-
Plantohyd SE 68 peratures
(Biodegradable) Viscosity class is
chosen according
to operating condi-
Sandvik OH46 for
cold ambient tem-
Sandvik OH46 Sandvik OH68 for
Sandvik OH68 normal ambient
Hydraulic oil DIN 51524 part 2 Sandvik OH100 temperatures
tank 270 L (HLP), ISO Plantohyd SE 46 Sandvik OH100 for
(C400, C900) 6743-4 (HM) (Biodegradable) high ambient tem-
Plantohyd SE 68 peratures
(Biodegradable) Viscosity class is
chosen according
to operating condi-
Drop box
SAE 90 Renolin Unisyn XT
(C400, C900) 2.4 L
API GL-4 150
(NC5) (DD320S)
Transfer gearbox SAE 30
11 L Sandvik OT30
(C400E) API GL-4
SAE 75 W / 90
Cable reel gear- API GL-5 Mobil Mobilube
2.7 L
box SAE 80 W / 90 80W-90
Titan Supergear
HYP 75W-90 cold
ambient tempera-
SAE 75 W / 90 Titan Supergear
Gear box of rota- API GL-5 HYP 75W-90
1.8 L Titan Gear HYP LD
tion mechanism SAE 80 W / 90 Titan Gear HYP LD
SAE 80W-90 for
API GL-5 SAE 80W-90
normal and high
ambient tempera-
Gear box of rota-
tion mechanism ISO 12925-1 type Shell OMALA HD
CKD 460
Refer to the unit
Compressor Sandvik OC10-H / compressor decal
(CTN9) AEON S for the exact first
filling fluid type.
Refer to the unit
Compressor Sandvik OC10-H / compressor decal
(CT10/16) AEON S for the exact first
filling fluid type.
Refer to the unit
Compressor Sandvik OC10-H / compressor decal
(CTN10/16) AEON S for the exact first
filling fluid type.
Refer to the unit
Compressor Sandvik OC10-H / compressor decal
(CT28) AEON S for the exact first
filling fluid type.
Refer to the unit
Compressor Sandvik OC10-H / compressor decal
(CT40) AEON S for the exact first
filling fluid type.
Oil: Sandvik
Hammer lubrica- OS100
45 L
tion Grease: Arox NM
Sandvik OG100-H
for cold ambient
Sandvik OG100-H
Boom grease Sandvik OG220-H
Sandvik OG220-H
for normal and
high ambient tem-
Air conditioner
refrigerant 1500 g Sandvik R-134a
(NC4 carrier)
Air conditioner
refrigerant DS511 / DS520 ->
1950 g Sandvik R-134a
(TC8 and NC7- 2000g
series carriers)
Air conditioner
1950 g Sandvik R-134a
(TC9–12 carrier)
(C1000 carrier)
Air conditioner
1800 g Sandvik R-134a
(C400-C900 car-
Refer to separate
ISO-100 (high vis-
Air conditioner air conditioner Reniso PAG 46 /
cosity) or ISO-46
oil manual for the Reniso PAG 100
(low viscosity)
Top drive 3.8 L or
Fuchs Renolin Uni-
syn XT 220
Fuel, diesel en-
gine Thermoshell Win-
55 L EN 590
(Deutz ter 1202
Fuel, diesel en-
(MB 904/906 LA, Thermoshell Win-
Cummins 150 L EN 590
ter 1202
QSB 4.5/6.7,
Cummins B4.5/
Fuel, diesel en-
Thermoshell Win-
(Cummins 100 / 155 L EN 590
ter 1202
QSB 4.5, Tier3/
Fuel, diesel en-
(Cummins Thermoshell Win-
410 L EN 590
QSB 6.7, Tier4F) ter 1202
(C900DH carri-
Maintain Fricofin
Diesel engine
BS 6580, AFNOR, V(old)
coolant 22 L
ASTM D 3306 Sandvik OF-cool-
(MB 904 LA)
ant (new)
Maintain Fricofin
Diesel engine
BS 6580, AFNOR, V(old)
coolant 27 L
ASTM D 3306 Sandvik OF-cool-
(MB 906 LA)
ant (new)
Diesel engine Maintain Fricofin
coolant BS 6580, AFNOR, V(old)
32 L
(Cummins ASTM D 3306 Sandvik OF-cool-
QSB 4.5, Tier4i) ant (new)
Diesel engine
Maintain Fricofin
25 L (Tier3) BS 6580, AFNOR, V(old)
(Cummins ASTM D 3306
27 L (Tier4F) Sandvik OF-cool-
QSB 4.5, Tier3,
ant (new)
Diesel engine
Maintain Fricofin
35 L (Tier4F) BS 6580, AFNOR, V(old)
(Cummins ASTM D 3306
45 L (Tier4i) Sandvik OF-cool-
QSB 6.7, Tier4F,
ant (new)
Diesel engine Maintain Fricofin
coolant BS 6580, AFNOR, V(old)
27 L
(Cummins B4.5, ASTM D 3306 Sandvik OF-cool-
StageV) ant (new)
Diesel engine Maintain Fricofin
coolant BS 6580, AFNOR, V(old)
35 L
(Cummins B6.7, ASTM D 3306 Sandvik OF-cool-
StageV) ant (new)
Diesel exhaust
19 L ISO 22241 DEF/AdBlueR
QSB 4.5, Tier4F)
Diesel exhaust
17 L ISO 22241 DEF/AdBlueR
(Cummins B4.5,
Diesel exhaust
QSB 6.7, Tier4F)
(C900DH carri- 38 L ISO 22241 DEF/AdBlueR
(Cummins B6.7,
StageV) (C1000
340 L (compo-
nent A)
Resin tanks
340 L (compo-
nent B)
Refill the DEF tank every time the fuel tank is refilled in order to ensure the
operation of the aftertreatment system.
DEF/AdBlue® solution spillages may not be washed into drains. If a spill
should occur the solution must be absorbed using dry sand or other non-
flammable material and handled according to local and national regulations.
New stickers
Oil re c e ive r
Replace old stickers with the new ones after oil change. Attach new
stickers to the original places on the oil receiver.
When changing over from conventional to biodegradable oil, or wise versa,
it is advisable to provide the rig with new stickers .
7.4.5 Storage
Biodegradable oil shall be stored in a closed container to avoid absorption
of water. Avoid exposing biodegradable oil to sunlight or great variations in
temperature. The max. permissible water content is 0,1%.
8.1 Carrier troubleshooting
The use of self-diagnostics is the primary troubleshooting method for the
The troubleshooting diagram shows the real-time electrical signaling
between control devices and the system components.
Select → Troubleshooting.
A troubleshooting diagram may include the following elements:
4 2
4. Individual valve IDs. The value after the ID shows the control current
that is received when using the control device.
5. A gray signaling arrow before a component shows that the signaling
connection is inactive. A colored arrow indicates that the signal is active
and the component is being controlled. If a certain signal should be
active and it is shown as grey, that component is probably causing the
problem. Note that an inactive signal does not mean that the component
is not working.
Tire change and rim inspection
To avoid death or injury you MUST read, understand and follow
operator's and maintenance manuals before installing, inspecting,
operating, servicing, testing, cleaning, transporting, storing,
dismantling or disposing of the product or a part or accessory of the
product. Keep this publication for future reference.
Copyright © Sandvik
ID:GUID-9776D7EE-544C-453F-8186-A2322E29401A en-US 5 2021-02-17
Tire change and rim inspection
Copyright © Sandvik
ID:GUID-9776D7EE-544C-453F-8186-A2322E29401A en-US 5 2021-02-17
Tire change and rim inspection
Table of Contents
1 Introduction.......................................................................7
1.1 The purpose of these instructions............................................................ 7
1.1.1 Validity of the manuals...................................................................... 7
3 Main components........................................................... 11
3.1 Tire markings.............................................................................................11
3.2 Rims............................................................................................................11
3.2.1 Rim markings.................................................................................. 13
Copyright © Sandvik
ID:GUID-9776D7EE-544C-453F-8186-A2322E29401A en-US 5 2021-02-17
Tire change and rim inspection
Copyright © Sandvik
ID:GUID-9776D7EE-544C-453F-8186-A2322E29401A en-US 5 2021-02-17
Tire change and rim inspection
1.1 The purpose of these instructions
This manual contains supplementary information for operation,
maintenance and repair of a component.
These instructions must be followed along with other manuals of the rig,
any instructions given in local laws and regulations, any orders given by
local authorities, and all protective measures specific for the site.
Before operating, or performing maintenance or repair procedures for the
component or system described in this manual, read and understand the
information in operator´s and maintenance manuals supplied with the
machine. Pay special attention to the safety information in chapter Safety
and environmental instructions of those manuals.
1.1.1 Validity of the manuals
This manual, and especially the safety information, is valid only if no
unauthorized changes to the product are made.
Continuing improvement and advancement of product design might have
caused changes to your product which are not included in this publication.
Note also that if a third party has made changes to the product after
delivery from the manufacturer, this publication does not include information
on these changes or their influences on the product.
Whenever a question arises regarding your product, or this manual, please
consult your local Sandvik representative for the latest available
Never go under the rig, when it has been lifted onto the jacks.
Always support the drill rig properly when detaching the wheels.
Also make sure that the support structure is strong enough as the
rigs weigh 3 000 – 60 000 kilos depending on the rig type. Pay special
attention to the load-carrying capacity of the ground on which the
support is placed.
When removing the wheel of the oscillating axle, pay attention to the
changing weight of the axle and to the fact that the axle end of the
wheel to be detached can rise up. We recommend using wooden
wedges to prevent the swinging of the oscillating axle.
If the rim and tire are in good condition, deflate the tire to a pressure of 35
kPa (0.35 bar, 5 psi), prior to loosening any wheel nuts.
If it is not possible to use any devices for removing the wheel, you must do
it by hand. This is done from behind, as seen from the direction of tire
tread. The wheel may tip over, which is why you must make sure there is
enough room for escaping the falling wheel. The wheel of a drill rig can
weigh several hundreds of kilos. Be cautious when servicing the wheel on
slanting surfaces.
Most drill rigs can be lifted onto their jacks so that the tire is visibly off the
ground. Always place a support under the axle, if you take the wheel off.
Unscrew the bolts and detach the wheel.
3.1 Tire markings
Sandvik uses tubeless tires with tube on drill rigs. When replacing the tire,
ensure the load capacity, size and type of the new tire are corresponding
the unit and rim specifications.
3.2 Rims
Rims are manufactured according to European Tyre and Rim Technical
Organisation (ETRTO) standards.
Sandvik uses 3- or 4-piece tube type (TT) rims.
NOTE! It is prohibited to use any other than Sandvik rims on Sandvik drill
2 1 1 4
2 5
3-piece rim
1 1 4
3 5
7 6
4-piece rim
Tires on tube type rims shall be fitted with appropriate tube and flap.
Ensure the fitted tire, tube and flap are correct for the rim size.
1 2 3 4 5
When disc wheel is damaged, change the whole disc wheel at once.
Do not change a single part of the disc wheel.
1. Stretched
Note! Never use a stretched lock ring (closing ring).
After the inflation, the tire and wheel components shall be inspected while
still in the restraining device (safety cage) to make sure that they are
properly seated and locked.
Always inspect that tire and the rim components match before
inflating the tire. Make sure the tire fits the rim. Pay special attention
to the compatibility of the closed rim parts to each other, and make
sure all the parts are in correct place.
Always use a safety cage or some other safety device when inflating
the tires. Never pressurize the tires of heavy machines over 150 kPa
(22 psi, 1.5 bar) without a safety cage or taking other sufficient safety
precautions. After pressurization, always check that the tire sits on
the rim correctly before removing the wheel from the safety cage.
Never stand beside the wheel, sit on the tire or lean over the tire
while inflating the tire. Inflate the tire from an appropriate distance.
Stand far enough (at least 1.5 m) and on the side of the tread. Use the
kind of mouth piece for the air hose that can be locked to the valve.
If you notice anything abnormal, empty and check the tire, the rim
and the mounting. If the tire will not rise normally onto the rim, or if
you hear a creaky noise during the pressurization, empty the tire and
remove it from the rim and find out the reason for the problem. Never
use a damaged tire.
Before filling the foam, rim assembly and rim components shall be
inspected for cracks, wear and other possible failures. See chapter
"Inspections on wheel components".
4.4.4 Handling the foam filled tire
Sandvik installed foam filled tires can be separated from Sandvik air filled
ones by checking the color of the inflating valve cap. It is yellow when foam
filled tires are used.
Note! Increased tire weight must be considered when handling the tire. A
foam filled tire assembly weights up to twice as much as an air filled tire
The foam fillings cannot be reused and are harmful to environment.
Disposal of foam filled tires shall be done according to local regulations
together with the instructions given by the manufacturer of the foam fillings
and foam dealer.
Check the weights of the wheel assemblies from a technical manual (e.g.
Weights and dimensions).
To avoid death or injury you MUST read, understand and follow
operator's and maintenance manuals before installing, inspecting,
operating, servicing, testing, cleaning, transporting, storing,
dismantling or disposing of the product or a part or accessory of the
product. Keep this publication for future reference.
Copyright © Sandvik
ID:GUID-41788589-C620-4AF2-90C6-E7DC0DB07EA5 en-US 4 2020-03-10
Cummins engine fault codes
Copyright © Sandvik
ID:GUID-41788589-C620-4AF2-90C6-E7DC0DB07EA5 en-US 4 2020-03-10
Cummins engine fault codes
Table of Contents
1 Engine fault detection...................................................... 7
1.1 Fault detection (method 1)......................................................................... 7
1.2 Fault Detection (method 2).........................................................................7
Copyright © Sandvik
ID:GUID-41788589-C620-4AF2-90C6-E7DC0DB07EA5 en-US 4 2020-03-10
Cummins engine fault codes
Copyright © Sandvik
ID:GUID-41788589-C620-4AF2-90C6-E7DC0DB07EA5 en-US 4 2020-03-10
Cummins engine fault codes
Related information
SAE Diagnostic Trouble Codes and Cummins Fault Codes (Page 9)
• The ECM will automatically blink the first fault code after the
'Diagnostic/manual regeneration switch' (S22) is turned on. Each
active fault shall blink twice, wrapping around to the first fault code at
the end.
2. Blinking of Fault Codes:
• The figure below shows the pattern of the fault code blinking scheme
as indicated by the 'Engine shutdown indicator light' (1) and 'Check
engine warning light' (2). A pause between fault codes lasts 2
Each block represents 0.5 seconds 1 2
Y = Check engine warning light (2) ON
R = Engine shutdown indicator light (1) ON
3 2 2 Pause Pause Pause
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Engine Control Module Criti-
111 T/S 629 12 Red Controller #1 cal Internal Failure - Bad in-
telligent device or component
Engine Magnetic Speed/Posi-
System Diagnos- tion Lost Both of Two Signals
115 T 612 2 Red
tic Code #2 - Data erratic, intermittent or
Intake Manifold 1 Pressure
Engine Intake
Sensor Circuit - Voltage
122 T/S 102 3 Amber Manifold #1 Pres-
above normal, or shorted to
high source
Intake Manifold 1 Pressure
Engine Intake
Sensor Circuit - Voltage be-
123 T/S 102 4 Amber Manifold #1 Pres-
low normal, or shorted to low
Intake Manifold 1 Pressure -
Engine Intake
Data Valid But Above Normal
124 T 102 16 Amber Manifold #1 Pres-
Operating Range - Moderate-
ly Severe Level
Accelerator Pedal or Lever
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor 1 Circuit -
131 T 91 3 Red
Position 1 Voltage above normal, or
shorted to high source
Accelerator Pedal or Lever
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor 1 Circuit -
132 T 91 4 Red
Position 1 Voltage below normal, or
shorted to low source
Remote Accelerator Pedal or
Remote Accelera- Lever Position Sensor 1 Cir-
133 T/S 974 3 Red
tor Pedal Position cuit - Voltage above normal,
or shorted to high source
Remote Accelerator Pedal or
Remote Accelera- Lever Position Sensor 1 Cir-
134 T/S 974 4 Red
tor Pedal Position cuit - Voltage below normal,
or shorted to low source
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Engine Oil Rifle Pressure 1
Engine Oil Pres- Sensor Circuit - Voltage
135 T/S 100 3 Amber
sure above normal, or shorted to
high source
Engine Oil Rifle Pressure 1
Engine Oil Pres- Sensor Circuit - Voltage be-
141 T/S 100 4 Amber
sure low normal, or shorted to low
Engine Oil Rifle Pressure -
Engine Oil Pres- Data Valid But Below Normal
143 T/S 100 18 Amber
sure Operating Range - Moderate-
ly Severe Level
Engine Coolant Temperature
Engine Coolant 1 Sensor Circuit - Voltage
144 T/S 110 3 Amber
Temperature above normal, or shorted to
high source
Engine Coolant Temperature
Engine Coolant 1 Sensor Circuit - Voltage be-
145 T/S 110 4 Amber
Temperature low normal, or shorted to low
Engine Coolant Temperature
Engine Coolant - Data Valid But Above Nor-
146 T/S 110 16 Amber
Temperature mal Operating Range - Mod-
erately Severe Level
Accelerator Pedal or Lever
Accelerator Pedal Position 1 Sensor Circuit Fre-
147 T/S 91 1 Red
Position 1 quency - Data valid but below
normal operating Range
Accelerator Pedal or Lever
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor 1 - Data valid
148 T/S 91 0 Red
Position 1 but above normal operational
range - Most Severe Level
Engine Coolant Temperature
Engine Coolant - Data valid but above normal
151 T/S 110 0 Red
Temperature operational range - Most Se-
vere Level
Intake Manifold 1 Tempera-
Engine Intake
ture Sensor Circuit - Voltage
153 T/S 105 3 Amber Manifold 1 Tem-
above normal, or shorted to
high source
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Intake Manifold 1 Tempera-
Engine Intake
ture Sensor Circuit - Voltage
154 T/S 105 4 Amber Manifold 1 Tem-
below normal, or shorted to
low source
Intake Manifold 1 Tempera-
Engine Intake
ture - Data valid but above
155 T 105 0 Red Manifold 1 Tem-
normal operational range -
Most Severe Level
Sensor Supply 2 Circuit -
Sensor supply
187 T/S 3510 4 Amber Voltage below normal, or
voltage 2
shorted to low source
Coolant Level Sensor 1 Cir-
Engine Coolant
195 T 111 3 Amber cuit - Voltage above normal,
or shorted to high source
Coolant Level Sensor 1 Cir-
Engine Coolant
196 T 111 4 Amber cuit - Voltage below normal,
or shorted to low source
Coolant Level - Data Valid
Engine Coolant But Below Normal Operating
197 T/S 111 18 Amber
Level Range - Moderately Severe
Barometric Pressure Sensor
Barometric Pres-
221 T 108 3 Amber Circuit - Voltage above nor-
mal, or shorted to high source
Barometric Pressure Sensor
Barometric Pres-
222 T 108 4 Amber Circuit - Voltage above nor-
mal, or shorted to low source
Sensor Supply 2 Circuit -
Sensor supply
227 T/S 3510 3 Amber Voltage above normal, or
voltage 2
shorted to high source
Engine Crankshaft Speed/
Position - Data valid but
234 T/S 190 0 Red Engine Speed
above normal operational
range - Most Severe Level
Coolant Level - Data valid but
Engine Coolant
235 T/S 111 1 Red below normal operational
range - Most Severe Level
External Speed Command In-
Engine External
put (Multiple Unit Synchroni-
237 T/S 644 2 Amber Speed Command
zation) - Data erratic, intermit-
tent or incorrect
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Sensor Supply 3 Circuit -
Sensor supply
238 T/S 3511 4 Amber Voltage below normal, or
voltage 3
shorted to low source
Sensor Supply 3 Circuit -
Sensor supply
239 T/S 3511 3 Amber Voltage above normal, or
voltage 3
shorted to high source
Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed -
Wheel-Based Ve-
241 T/S 84 2 Amber Data erratic, intermittent or in-
hicle Speed
Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed
Wheel-Based Ve- Sensor Circuit tampering has
242 T/S 84 10 Amber
hicle Speed been detected - Abnormal
rate of change
Engine Fan Clutch Fan Control Circuit - Voltage
245 T 647 4 Amber 1 Output Device below normal, or shorted to
Driver low source
Ambient Air Temperature
Ambient Air Tem- Sensor 1 Circuit - Voltage
249 T 171 3 Amber
perature above normal, or shorted to
high source
Ambient Air Temperature
Ambient Air Tem- Sensor 1 Circuit - Voltage be-
256 T 171 4 Amber
perature low normal, or shorted to low
Engine Fuel Pump Pressuriz-
Engine Fuel Pump
ing Assembly 1 Circuit - Volt-
271 T/S 1347 4 Amber Pressurizing As-
age below normal, or shorted
sembly #1
to low source
Engine Fuel Pump Pressuriz-
Engine Fuel Pump
ing Assembly 1 Circuit - Volt-
272 T/S 1347 3 Amber Pressurizing As-
age above normal, or shorted
sembly #1
to high source
Engine Fuel Pump Pressuriz-
Engine Fuel Pump
ing Assembly 1 - Mechanical
281 T 1347 7 Amber Pressurizing As-
system not responding or out
sembly #1
of adjustment
J1939 Network
#1, Primary Vehi- SAE J1939 Multiplexing PGN
285 T/S 639 9 Amber cle Network (pre- Timeout Error - Abnormal up-
viously SAE date rate
J1939 Data Link)
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
J1939 Network
#1, Primary Vehi- SAE J1939 Multiplexing Con-
286 T/S 639 13 Amber cle Network (pre- figuration Error - Out of Cali-
viously SAE bration
J1939 Data Link)
SAE J1939 Multiplexing Re-
mote Accelerator Pedal or
Remote Accelera-
288 T/S 974 19 Red Lever Position Sensor Sys-
tor Pedal Position
tem - Received Network Data
In Error
Proprietary Datalink Error
Proprietary Data-
291 T 625 9 Red (OEM/Vehicle Datalink) - Ab-
normal update rate
Auxiliary Temper- Auxiliary Temperature Sensor
292 T 441 14 Red
ature 1 Input 1 - Special Instructions
Auxiliary Temperature Sensor
Auxiliary Temper- Input 1 Circuit - Voltage
293 T/S 441 3 Amber
ature 1 above normal, or shorted to
high source
Auxiliary Temperature Sensor
Auxiliary Temper- Input 1 Circuit - Voltage below
294 T/S 441 4 Amber
ature 1 normal, or shorted to low
Auxiliary Pressure Auxiliary Pressure Sensor In-
296 T 1388 14 Red
#2 put 2 - Special Instructions
Auxiliary Pressure Sensor In-
Auxiliary Pressure put 2 Circuit - Voltage above
297 T/S 1388 3 Amber
#2 normal, or shorted to high
Auxiliary Pressure Sensor In-
Auxiliary Pressure put 2 Circuit - Voltage below
298 T/S 1388 4 Amber
#2 normal, or shorted to low
Injector Solenoid Driver Cylin-
Engine Injector
322 T/S 651 5 Amber der 1 Circuit - Current below
Cylinder #01
normal or open circuit
Injector Solenoid Driver Cylin-
Engine Injector
323 T/S 655 5 Amber der 5 Circuit - Current below
Cylinder #05
normal or open circuit
Injector Solenoid Driver Cylin-
Engine Injector
324 T/S 653 5 Amber der 3 Circuit - Current below
Cylinder #03
normal or open circuit
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Injector Solenoid Driver Cylin-
Engine Injector
325 T/S 656 5 Amber der 6 Circuit - Current below
Cylinder #06
normal or open circuit
Injector Solenoid Driver Cylin-
Engine Injector
331 T/S 652 5 Amber der 2 Circuit - Current below
Cylinder #02
normal or open circuit
Injector Solenoid Driver Cylin-
Engine Injector
332 T/S 654 5 Amber der 4 Circuit - Current below
Cylinder #04
normal or open circuit
Engine Coolant Temperature
Engine Coolant
334 S 110 2 Amber - Data erratic, intermittent or
Idle Shutdown Ve- Idle Shutdown Vehicle Acces-
hicle Accessories sories Relay Driver Circuit -
338 T 1267 3 Amber
Relay Driver Cir- Voltage above normal, or
cuit shorted to high source
Idle Shutdown Ve- Idle Shutdown Vehicle Acces-
hicle Accessories sories Relay Driver Circuit -
339 T 1267 4 Amber
Relay Driver Cir- Voltage below normal, or
cuit shorted to low source
Engine Control Module Warn-
ing Internal Hardware Failure
343 T/S 629 12 Amber Controller #1
- Bad intelligent device or
Transmission Output Shaft
Transmission Out- Speed - Data Valid But Above
349 T/S 191 16 Amber
put Shaft Speed Normal Operating Range -
Moderately Severe Level
ECU Power Out- Injector Power Supply - Bad
351 T/S 3597 12 Amber put Supply Volt- intelligent device or compo-
age #1 nent
Sensor Supply 1 Circuit -
Sensor supply
352 T/S 3509 4 Amber Voltage below normal, or
voltage 1
shorted to low source
Sensor Supply 1 Circuit -
Sensor supply
386 T/S 3509 3 Amber Voltage above normal, or
voltage 1
shorted to high source
Engine Oil Rifle Pressure -
Engine Oil Pres- Data valid but below normal
415 T/S 100 1 Red
sure operational range - Most Se-
vere Level
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Water in Fuel Indicator - Data
Amber Water In Fuel Indi- Valid But Above Normal Op-
418 T/S 97 15
(Blinking) cator erating Range - Least Severe
Water in Fuel Indicator Sen-
Water In Fuel Indi- sor Circuit - Voltage above
428 T/S 97 3 Amber
cator normal, or shorted to high
Water in Fuel Indicator Sen-
Water In Fuel Indi- sor Circuit - Voltage below
429 T/S 97 4 Amber
cator normal, or shorted to low
Accelerator Pedal or Lever
Accelerator Pedal Idle Validation Switch - Data
431 T/S 558 2 Amber
1 Low Idle Switch erratic, intermittent or incor-
Accelerator Pedal or Lever
Accelerator Pedal
432 T/S 558 13 Red Idle Validation Switch Circuit -
1 Low Idle Switch
Out of Calibration
Engine Oil Rifle Pressure -
Engine Oil Pres-
435 T/S 100 2 Amber Data erratic, intermittent or in-
Battery 1 Voltage - Data Valid
Battery Potential / But Below Normal Operating
441 T 168 18 Amber
Power Input 1 Range - Moderately Severe
Battery 1 Voltage - Data Valid
Battery Potential / But Above Normal Operating
442 T 168 16 Amber
Power Input 1 Range - Moderately Severe
Injector Metering Rail 1 Pres-
Engine Injector
sure - Data valid but above
449 T 157 0 Red Metering Rail 1
normal operational range -
Most Severe Level
Injector Metering Rail 1 Pres-
Engine Injector
sure Sensor Circuit - Voltage
451 T/S 157 3 Amber Metering Rail 1
above normal, or shorted to
high source
Injector Metering Rail 1 Pres-
Engine Injector
sure Sensor Circuit - Voltage
452 T/S 157 4 Amber Metering Rail 1
below normal, or shorted to
low source
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Injector Metering Rail 2 Pres-
Engine Injector
sure Sensor Circuit - Voltage
483 T/S 1349 3 Amber Metering Rail 2
above normal, or shorted to
high source
Injector Metering Rail 2 Pres-
Engine Injector
sure Sensor Circuit - Voltage
484 S 1349 4 Amber Metering Rail 2
above normal, or shorted to
high source
Intake Manifold 1 Tempera-
Engine Intake
ture - Data Valid But Above
488 T/S 105 16 Amber Manifold Temper-
Normal Operating Range -
Moderately Severe Level
Transmission Output Shaft
Transmission Out- Speed - Data Valid But Below
489 T/S 191 18 Amber
put Shaft Speed Normal Operating Range -
Moderately Severe Level
Multiple Unit Synchronization
Engine Synchroni-
497 T/S 1377 2 Amber Switch - Data erratic, intermit-
zation Switch
tent or incorrect
Sensor Supply 6 Circuit -
Sensor supply
515 T/S 3514 3 Amber Voltage above normal, or
voltage 6
shorted to high source
Sensor Supply 6 Circuit -
Sensor supply
516 T/S 3514 4 Amber Voltage below normal, or
voltage 6
shorted to low source
Auxiliary Intermediate (PTO)
System Diagnos- Speed Switch Validation - Da-
523 T 611 2 Amber
tic Code #1 ta erratic, intermittent or in-
Auxiliary Input/Output 2 Cir-
527 T/S 702 3 Amber Auxiliary I/O #02 cuit - Voltage above normal,
or shorted to high source
Auxiliary Input/Output 3 Cir-
529 T/S 703 3 Amber Auxiliary I/O #03 cuit - Voltage above normal,
or shorted to high source
Fuel Delivery Pressure Sen-
Engine Fuel Deliv- sor Circuit - Voltage above
546 T 94 3 Amber
ery Pressure normal, or shorted to high
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Fuel Delivery Pressure Sen-
Engine Fuel Deliv- sor Circuit - Voltage below
547 T 94 4 Amber
ery Pressure normal, or shorted to low
Injector Metering Rail 1 Pres-
Engine Injector
sure - Data Valid But Above
553 T/S 157 16 Amber Metering Rail 1
Normal Operating Range -
Moderately Severe Level
Crankcase Pressure - Data
Engine Crankcase Valid But Above Normal Op-
555 T/S 101 16 Amber
Pressure erating Range - Moderately
Severe Level
Crankcase Pressure - Data
Engine Crankcase valid but above normal opera-
556 T/S 101 0 Red
Pressure tional range - Most Severe
Injector Metering Rail 1 Pres-
Engine Injector
sure - Data Valid But Below
559 T/S 157 18 Amber Metering Rail 1
Normal Operating Range -
Moderately Severe Level
Starter Relay Driver Circuit -
Engine Starter
584 T/S 677 3 Amber Voltage above normal, or
Motor Relay
shorted to high source
Starter Relay Driver Circuit -
Engine Starter
585 T/S 677 4 Amber Voltage below normal, or
Motor Relay
shorted to low source
Turbocharger 1 Speed - Data
Engine Turbo- Valid But Above Normal Op-
595 T/S 103 16 Amber
charger 1 Speed erating Range - Moderately
Severe Level
Auxiliary Commanded Dual
Engine External
599 T/S 640 14 Red Output Shutdown - Special
Protection Input
Engine was Shot Engine Shot Down Hot - Con-
611 S 1383 31 None
Down Hot dition Exists
Amber Engine Oil Engine Oil Change Interval -
649 T/S 1378 31
(Blinking) Change Interval Condition Exists
Turbocharger 1 Speed - Data
Engine Turbo- Valid But Below Normal Oper-
687 T/S 103 18 Amber
charger 1 Speed ating Range - Moderately Se-
vere Level
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Engine Crankshaft Speed/
689 T/S 190 2 Amber Engine Speed Position - Data erratic, inter-
mittent or incorrect
Engine Turbo- Turbocharger 1 Compressor
charger 1 Com- Intake Temperature Circuit -
691 T/S 1172 3 Amber
pressor Intake Voltage above normal, or
Temperature shorted to high source
Engine Turbo- Turbocharger 1 Compressor
charger 1 Com- Intake Temperature Circuit -
692 T/S 1172 4 Amber
pressor Intake Voltage below normal, or
Temperature shorted to low source
Engine Turbo-
Turbocharger 1 Compressor
charger 1 Com-
693 S 1172 2 Amber Intake Temperature - Data er-
pressor Intake
ratic, intermittent or incorrect
Engine Speed / Position
Camshaft and Crankshaft
731 T/S 723 7 Amber Engine Speed 2 Misalignment - Mechanical
system not responding or out
of adjustment
Engine Turbo- Turbocharger 1 Compressor
charger 1 Com- Intake Pressure Circuit - Volt-
741 T/S 1176 3 Amber
pressor Intake age above normal, or shorted
Pressure to high source
Engine Turbo- Turbocharger 1 Compressor
charger 1 Com- Intake Pressure Circuit - Volt-
742 T/S 1176 4 Amber
pressor Intake age below normal, or shorted
Pressure to low source
Engine Turbo-
Turbocharger 1 Compressor
charger 1 Com-
743 T/S 1176 2 Amber Intake Pressure - Data errat-
pressor Intake
ic, intermittent or incorrect
Brake Switch Circuit - Voltage
769 S 597 3 Amber Brake Switch above normal, or shorted to
high source
Brake Switch Circuit - Voltage
771 S 597 4 Amber Brake Switch below normal, or shorted to
low source
Engine Camshaft Speed / Po-
778 T/S 723 2 Amber Engine Speed 2 sition Sensor - Data erratic,
intermittent or incorrect
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
ECU Power Out- Power Supply Lost With Igni-
1117 T/S 3597 2 None put Supply Volt- tion On - Data erratic, inter-
age #1 mittent or incorrect
Injector Solenoid Driver Cylin-
Engine Injector der 2 - Mechanical system
1141 T 652 7 Amber
Cylinder #02 not responding or out of ad-
Injector Solenoid Driver Cylin-
Engine Injector der 3 - Mechanical system
1142 T 653 7 Amber
Cylinder #03 not responding or out of ad-
Injector Solenoid Driver Cylin-
Engine Injector der 4 - Mechanical system
1143 T 654 7 Amber
Cylinder #04 not responding or out of ad-
Injector Solenoid Driver Cylin-
Engine Injector der 5 - Mechanical system
1144 T 655 7 Amber
Cylinder #05 not responding or out of ad-
Injector Solenoid Driver Cylin-
Engine Injector der 6 - Mechanical system
1145 T 656 7 Amber
Cylinder #06 not responding or out of ad-
Accelerator Pedal or Lever
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor 2 Circuit -
1239 T/S 2623 3 Amber
#1 Channel 2 Voltage above normal, or
shorted to high source
Accelerator Pedal or Lever
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor 2 Circuit -
1241 T/S 2623 4 Amber
#1 Channel 2 Voltage below normal, or
shorted to low source
Accelerator Pedal or Lever
Accelerator Pedal
1242 T/S 91 2 Red Position Sensor 1 - Data er-
Position 1
ratic, intermittent or incorrect
Accelerator Pedal or Lever
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor 1 Circuit -
1358 T/S 91 3 Amber
Position 1 Voltage above normal, or
shorted to high source
Accelerator Pedal or Lever
Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor 1 Circuit -
1359 T/S 91 4 Amber
Position 1 Voltage below normal, or
shorted to low source
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Overspeed Shutdown Relay
Overspeed Shut-
1427 T 4185 31 Amber Driver Diagnostic has detect-
down Relay Driver
ed an error - Condition Exists
Low Oil Pressure (LOP) Shut-
Low Oil Pressure
down Relay Driver Diagnostic
1428 T 4186 31 Amber Shutdown Relay
has detected an error - Con-
dition Exists
High Engine Temperature
High Engine Tem-
(HET) Shutdown Relay Driver
1429 T 4187 31 Amber perature Shut-
Diagnostic has detected an
down Relay Driver
error - Condition Exists
Pre-Low Oil Pressure Warn-
Pre-Low Oil Pres-
ing Relay Driver Diagnostic
1431 T 4188 31 Amber sure Indicator Re-
has detected an error - Con-
lay Driver
dition Exists
Pre-High Engine Pre-High Engine Temperature
Temperature Warning Relay Driver Diag-
1432 T 4223 31 Amber
Warning Relay nostic has detected an error -
Driver Condition Exists
SAE J1939 Multiplexed Ac-
Accelerator Pedal celerator Pedal or Lever Sen-
1515 T/S 91 19 Red
Position 1 sor System - Received Net-
work Data In Error
Auxiliary Pressure Sensor In-
Auxiliary Pressure put 1 Circuit - Voltage above
1539 T/S 1387 3 Amber
#1 normal, or shorted to high
Auxiliary Pressure Sensor In-
Auxiliary Pressure put 1 Circuit - Voltage below
1621 T/S 1387 4 Amber
#1 normal, or shorted to low
Engine Misfire Engine Misfire Cylinder 1 -
1654 T 1323 31 Amber
Cylinder #1 Condition Exists
Engine Misfire Engine Misfire Cylinder 2 -
1655 T 1324 31 Amber
Cylinder #2 Condition Exists
Engine Misfire Engine Misfire Cylinder 3 -
1656 T 1325 31 Amber
Cylinder #3 Condition Exists
Engine Misfire Engine Misfire Cylinder 4 -
1657 T 1326 31 Amber
Cylinder #4 Condition Exists
Engine Misfire Engine Misfire Cylinder 5 -
1658 T 1327 31 Amber
Cylinder #5 Condition Exists
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Engine Misfire Engine Misfire Cylinder 6 -
1659 T 1328 31 Amber
Cylinder #6 Condition Exists
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Oxi-
1664 T 4796 31 Amber Diesel Oxidation dation Catalyst Missing -
Catalyst Missing Condition Exists
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Aftertreatment 1 haust Fluid Tank Level Sen-
1668 T/S 1761 4 Amber Diesel Exhaust sor Circuit - Voltage below
Fluid Tank Level normal, or shorted to low
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Aftertreatment 1 haust Fluid Tank Level Sen-
1669 T/S 1761 3 Amber Diesel Exhaust sor Circuit - Voltage above
Fluid Tank Level normal, or shorted to high
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Aftertreatment 1 haust Fluid Tank Level - Data
1673 T/S 1761 1 Amber Diesel Exhaust valid but below normal opera-
Fluid Tank Level tional range -Most Severe
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Tank Temperature
1677 T/S 3031 4 Amber
Fluid Tank Tem- Sensor - Voltage below nor-
perature mal, or shorted to low source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Tank Temperature
1678 T/S 3031 3 Amber
Fluid Tank Tem- Sensor - Voltage above nor-
perature mal, or shorted to high source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Tank Temperature
1679 T/S 3031 2 Amber
Fluid Tank Tem- - Data erratic, intermittent or
perature incorrect
Aftertreatment 1
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust
1682 T/S 3362 31 Amber haust Fluid Dosing Unit Input
Fluid Dosing Unit
Lines - Condition Exists
Input Lines
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Tank Heater -
1683 T 3363 3 Amber
Fluid Tank 1 Heat- Voltage above normal, or
er shorted to high source
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Tank Heater -
1684 T 3363 4 Amber
Fluid Tank 1 Heat- Voltage below normal, or
er shorted to low source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
Diesel Exhaust Fluid Quality Sensor Circuit -
1685 T/S 3364 4 Amber
Fluid Tank 1 Qual- Voltage below normal, or
ity shorted to low source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
Diesel Exhaust Fluid Quality Sensor Circuit -
1686 T/S 3364 3 Amber
Fluid Tank 1 Qual- Voltage above normal, or
ity shorted to high source
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Oxi-
Aftertreatment 1 dation Catalyst Conversion
Diesel Oxidation Efficiency - Data Valid But
1691 T 5298 18 Amber
Catalyst Conver- Below Normal Operating
sion Efficiency Range - Moderately Severe
Aftertreatment 1 Outlet NOx
Aftertreatment 1
1694 T/S 3226 2 Amber Sensor - Data erratic, inter-
Outlet NOx
mittent or incorrect
Sensor Supply 5 - Voltage
Sensor supply
1695 T/S 3513 3 Amber above normal, or shorted to
voltage 5
high source
Sensor Supply 5 - Voltage be-
Sensor supply
1696 T/S 3513 4 Amber low normal, or shorted to low
voltage 5
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Aftertreatment 1
haust Fluid Tank Heater - Da-
Diesel Exhaust
1712 T 3363 18 Amber ta Valid But Below Normal
Fluid Tank 1 Heat-
Operating Range - Moderate-
ly Severe Level
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Aftertreatment 1
haust Fluid Tank Heater - Da-
Diesel Exhaust
1713 T/S 3363 16 Amber ta Valid But Above Normal
Fluid Tank 1 Heat-
Operating Range - Moderate-
ly Severe Level
Aftertreatment 1
Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
Diesel Exhaust
1714 T/S 3364 13 Amber Fluid Quality - Out of Calibra-
Fluid Tank 1 Qual-
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Aftertreatment 1
Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
Diesel Exhaust
1715 T/S 3364 11 Amber Fluid Quality - Root Cause
Fluid Tank 1 Qual-
Not Known
Crankcase Pressure Circuit -
Engine Crankcase
1843 T/S 101 3 Amber Voltage above normal, or
shorted to high source
Crankcase Pressure Circuit -
Engine Crankcase
1844 T/S 101 4 Amber Voltage below normal, or
shorted to low source
Water in Fuel Indicator - Data
Water In Fuel Indi- Valid But Above Normal Op-
1852 T/S 97 16 Amber
cator erating Range - Moderately
Severe Level
Engine Exhaust Exhaust Gas Recirculation
Gas Recirculation Differential Pressure - Data
1866 T 411 2 Amber
1 Differential Pres- erratic, intermittent or incor-
sure rect
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment Diesel Particu-
Diesel Particulate late Filter Differential Pres-
1879 T/S 3251 3 Amber
Filter Differential sure Sensor Circuit - Voltage
Pressure above normal
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment Diesel Particu-
Diesel Particulate late Filter Differential Pres-
1881 T/S 3251 4 Amber
Filter Differential sure Sensor Circuit - Voltage
Pressure below normal
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment Diesel Particu-
Diesel Particulate late Filter Differential Pres-
1883 T/S 3251 2 Amber
Filter Differential sure Sensor - Data erratic, in-
Pressure termittent or incorrect
Aftertreatment 1 Intake NOx
Aftertreatment 1 Sensor Circuit - Voltage be-
1885 T/S 3216 4 Amber
Intake NOx low normal, or shorted to low
Aftertreatment 1 Outlet NOx
Aftertreatment 1 Sensor Circuit - Voltage be-
1887 T/S 3226 4 Amber
Outlet NOx low normal, or shorted to low
Engine Variable
Geometry Turbo- VGT Actuator Driver Circuit -
1894 T 641 9 Amber
charger Actuator Abnormal update rate
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Engine Exhaust
Gas Recirculation EGR Valve Controller - Out of
1896 T 2791 13 Amber
1 (EGR1) Valve Calibration
Engine Variable
Geometry Turbo- VGT Actuator Controller - Out
1898 T/S 641 13 Amber
charger Actuator of Calibration
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment Diesel Particu-
Diesel Particulate late Filter Differential Pres-
1921 T/S 3251 16 Amber
Filter Differential sure - Data Valid But Above
Pressure Normal Operating Range
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment Diesel Particu-
Diesel Particulate late Filter Differential Pres-
1922 T/S 3251 0 Red
Filter Differential sure - Data valid but above
Pressure normal Operating Range
ECU Power Output Supply
ECU Power Out-
Voltage 1 - Data Valid But Be-
1938 T 3597 18 Amber put Supply Volt-
low Normal Operating Range
age #1
- Moderately Severe Level
Crankcase Pressure - Data
Engine Crankcase
1942 T 101 2 Amber erratic, intermittent or incor-
EGR Valve Control Circuit
Engine Exhaust
Over Temperature - Data Val-
Gas Recirculation
1961 T 2791 15 Amber id But Above Normal Operat-
1 (EGR1) Valve
ing Range - Least Severe
VGT Actuator Driver Over
Engine Variable
Temperature (Calculated) -
Geometry Turbo-
1962 T 641 15 Amber Data Valid But Above Normal
charger Actuator
Operating Range - Least Se-
vere Level
Crankcase Pressure - Data
Amber Engine Crankcase Valid But Above Normal Op-
1974 T 101 15
(Blinking) Pressure erating Range - Least Severe
VGT Actuator Driver Over
Engine Variable
Temperature (Calculated) -
Geometry Turbo-
1976 T/S 641 15 None Data Valid But Above Normal
charger Actuator
Operating Range - Least Se-
vere Level
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Par-
ticulate Filter System - Data
1981 T 3936 15 Amber Diesel Particulate
Valid But Above Normal Op-
Filter System
erating Range - Level
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Par-
1993 T/S 4795 31 Amber Diesel Particulate ticulate Filter Missing - Condi-
Filter Missing tion Exists
Sensor Supply 4 Circuit -
Sensor supply
2185 T/S 3512 3 Amber Voltage above normal, or
voltage 4
shorted to high source
Sensor Supply 4 Circuit -
Sensor supply
2186 T/S 3512 4 Amber Voltage below normal, or
voltage 4
shorted to low source
Engine Variable
Geometry Turbo- VGT Actuator Driver Circuit -
2198 T/S 641 11 Amber
charger Actuator Root Cause Not Known
Engine Exhaust EGR Valve Position Circuit -
2272 T 27 4 Amber Gas Recirculation Voltage below normal, or
1 Valve Position shorted to low source
Engine Exhaust Exhaust Gas Recirculation
Gas Recirculation Differential Pressure Sensor
2273 T 411 3 Amber
1 Differential Pres- Circuit - Voltage above nor-
sure mal, or shorted to high source
Engine Exhaust Exhaust Gas Recirculation
Gas Recirculation Differential Pressure Sensor
2274 T 411 4 Amber
1 Differential Pres- Circuit - Voltage below nor-
sure mal, or shorted to low source
Turbocharger 1 Speed - Data
Engine Turbo- Valid But Above Normal Op-
2288 T 103 15 None
charger 1 Speed erating Range - Least Severe
Engine Fuel Ac- Electronic Fuel Injection Con-
2311 T/S 633 31 Amber tuator 1 Control trol Valve Circuit - Condition
Command Exists
Engine Crankshaft Speed/
2321 T/S 190 2 None Engine Speed Position - Data erratic, inter-
mittent or incorrect
Engine Camshaft Speed / Po-
2322 T/S 723 2 None Engine Speed 2 sition Sensor - Data erratic,
intermittent or incorrect
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Engine Turbo- Turbocharger Turbine Intake
charger 1 Calcu- Temperature - Data Valid But
2346 T 2789 15 None
lated Turbine In- Above Normal Operating
take Temperature Range - Least Severe
Engine Exhaust
EGR Valve Control Circuit -
Gas Recirculation
2349 T 2791 5 Amber Current below normal or open
1 (EGR1) Valve
Engine Exhaust
EGR Valve Control Circuit -
Gas Recirculation
2353 T 2791 6 Amber Current above normal or
1 (EGR1) Valve
grounded circuit
Engine Exhaust
EGR Valve Control Circuit -
Gas Recirculation
2357 T 2791 7 Amber Mechanical system not re-
1 (EGR1) Valve
sponding or out of adjustment
Engine Brake Actuator Driver
Engine (Compres-
Output 2 Circuit - Voltage be-
2363 T 1073 4 Amber sion) Brake Out-
low normal, or shorted to low
put #2
Engine Brake Actuator Driver
Engine (Compres-
Output 2 Circuit - Voltage
2367 T 1073 3 Amber sion) Brake Out-
above normal, or shorted to
put #2
high source
Fuel Filter Differential Pres-
Engine Fuel Filter
sure - Data Valid But Above
2372 T 95 16 Amber Differential Pres-
Normal Operating Range -
Moderately Severe Level
Exhaust Gas Pressure Sen-
Engine Exhaust sor 1 Circuit - Voltage above
2373 T/S 1209 3 Amber
Gas Pressure 1 normal, or shorted to high
Exhaust Gas Pressure Sen-
Engine Exhaust sor 1 Circuit - Voltage below
2374 T/S 1209 4 Amber
Gas Pressure 1 normal, or shorted to low
Exhaust Gas Recirculation
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Sensor Circuit -
2375 T 412 3 Amber Gas Recirculation
Voltage above normal, or
1 Temperature
shorted to high source
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Exhaust Gas Recirculation
Engine Exhaust
Temperature Sensor Circuit -
2376 T 412 4 Amber Gas Recirculation
Voltage below normal, or
1 Temperature
shorted to low source
Engine Fan Clutch Fan Control Circuit - Voltage
2377 T 647 3 Amber 1 Output Device above normal, or shorted to
Driver high source
Engine Variable VGT Actuator Driver Circuit
Geometry Turbo- (Motor) - Mechanical system
2387 T/S 641 7 Amber
charger Actuator not responding or out of ad-
#1 justment
Coolant Level - Data Valid
Amber Engine Coolant
2448 T/S 111 17 But Below Normal Operating
(Blinking) Level
Range - Least Severe Level
Engine Variable
Geometry Turbo- VGT Actuator Controller - Out
2449 T 641 13 Red
charger Actuator of Calibration
Engine Crankshaft Speed/
Position - Data Valid But
2468 T/S 190 16 Amber Engine Speed Above Normal Operating
Range - Moderately Severe
Exhaust Gas Pressure 1 -
Engine Exhaust
2554 T/S 1209 2 Amber Data erratic, intermittent or in-
Gas Pressure 1
Engine Intake Air Heater 1
Engine Intake Air
2555 T 729 3 Amber Circuit - Voltage above nor-
Heater Driver #1
mal, or shorted to high source
Engine Intake Air Heater 1
Engine Intake Air
2556 T 729 4 Amber Circuit - Voltage below nor-
Heater Driver #1
mal, or shorted to low source
Auxiliary PWM Driver 1 Cir-
Auxiliary PWM
2557 T/S 697 3 Amber cuit - Voltage above normal,
Driver #1
or shorted to high source
Auxiliary PWM Driver 1 Cir-
Auxiliary PWM
2558 T/S 697 4 Amber cuit - Voltage below normal,
Driver #1
or shorted to low source
Engine Charge Air Cooler
Engine Charge Air
Outlet Temperature - Voltage
2571 T/S 2630 3 Amber Cooler 1 Outlet
above normal, or shorted to
high source
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Engine Charge Air Cooler
Engine Charge Air
Outlet Temperature - Voltage
2572 T/S 2630 4 Amber Cooler 1 Outlet
below normal, or shorted to
low source
Engine Variable
VGT Actuator Controller -
Geometry Turbo-
2634 T/S 641 12 Red Bad intelligent device or com-
charger Actuator
Engine Variable
Geometry Turbo- VGT Actuator Driver Circuit -
2635 T 641 31 Red
charger Actuator Condition Exists
Engine Variable
Geometry Turbo- VGT Actuator Driver Circuit -
2636 T/S 641 9 Red
charger Actuator Abnormal update rate
Aftertreatment Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Oxi-
2637 T 5018 11 None Diesel Oxidation dation Catalyst Face Plugged
Catalyst - Root Cause Not Known
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Oxi-
Aftertreatment 1 dation Catalyst Conversion
Diesel Oxidation Efficiency - Data Valid But
2638 T/S 5298 17 None
Catalyst Conver- Below Normal Operating
sion Efficiency Range - Moderately Severe
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment Diesel Particu-
Diesel Particulate late Filter Differential Pres-
2639 T/S 3251 15 None
Filter Differential sure - Data valid but above
Pressure normal Operating Range
Engine Coolant Engine Coolant Temperature
2646 T 110 31 Amber
Temperature - Condition Exists
Engine Coolant Engine Coolant Temperature
2659 T 110 31 None
Temperature - Condition Exists
Engine Diesel Particulate Fil-
Engine Diesel ter Intake Pressure - Data
2754 T 81 16 Amber Particulate Filter Valid But Above Normal Op-
Intake Pressure erating Range - Moderately
Severe Level
Aftertreatment 1 Outlet NOx
Aftertreatment 1
2771 T/S 3226 9 Amber Sensor - Abnormal update
Outlet NOx
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Diesel Particulate
Particulate Trap Active Re-
Filter Active Re-
Amber generation Inhibited Due to
2777 T 3703 31 generation Inhibit-
(Blinking) Inhibit Switch - Condition Ex-
ed Due to Inhibit
Aftertreatment Fuel Rate -
Aftertreatment 1 Data Valid But Above Normal
2778 S 3481 16 Amber
Fuel Rate Operating Range - Moderate-
ly Severe Level
Exhaust Gas Recirculation
Engine Exhaust
Temperature - Data Valid But
2961 T 412 15 None Gas Recirculation
Above Normal Operating
1 Temperature
Range - Least Severe Level
Exhaust Gas Recirculation
Engine Exhaust Temperature - Data Valid But
2962 T 412 16 Amber Gas Recirculation Above Normal Operating
1 Temperature Range - Moderately Severe
Intake Manifold 1 Tempera-
Engine Intake
ture - Data Valid But Above
2964 T 105 15 None Manifold #1 Tem-
Normal Operating Range -
Least Severe Level
Engine Intake Intake Manifold 1 Pressure -
2973 S 102 2 Amber Manifold #1 Pres- Data erratic, intermittent or in-
sure correct
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Aftertreatment 1
haust Fluid Dosing Unit Tem-
2976 T 3361 2 Amber Diesel Exhaust
perature - Data erratic, inter-
Fluid Dosing Unit
mittent or incorrect
Engine Torque Engine Torque Limit Feature -
2998 T 1632 14 Amber
Limit Feature Special Instructions
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Par-
ticulate Filter Outlet Pressure
Diesel Particulate
3133 T/S 3610 3 Amber Sensor Circuit - Voltage
Filter Outlet Pres-
above normal, or shorted to
high source
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Par-
ticulate Filter Outlet Pressure
Diesel Particulate
3134 T/S 3610 4 Amber Sensor Circuit - Voltage be-
Filter Outlet Pres-
low normal, or shorted to low
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Aftertreatment Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Par-
Diesel Particulate ticulate Filter Outlet Pressure
3135 T/S 3610 2 Amber
Filter Outlet Pres- - Data erratic, intermittent or
sure incorrect
Engine Air Shutoff Circuit -
Engine Air Shutoff
3139 T/S 3667 3 Amber Voltage above normal, or
shorted to high source
Engine Air Shutoff Circuit -
Engine Air Shutoff
3141 T/S 3667 4 Amber Voltage below normal, or
shorted to low source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 SCR Intake
SCR Catalyst In- Temperature Sensor Circuit -
3142 T/S 4360 3 Amber
take Gas Temper- Voltage above normal, or
ature shorted to high source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 SCR Intake
SCR Catalyst In- Temperature Sensor Circuit -
3143 T 4360 4 Amber
take Gas Temper- Voltage below normal, or
ature shorted to low source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 SCR Intake
SCR Catalyst In- Temperature Sensor - Data
3144 T/S 4360 2 Amber
take Gas Temper- erratic, intermittent or incor-
ature rect
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 SCR Outlet
SCR Catalyst Out- Temperature Sensor Circuit -
3146 T/S 4363 3 Amber
let Gas Tempera- Voltage above normal, or
ture shorted to high source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 SCR Outlet
SCR Catalyst Out- Temperature Sensor Circuit -
3147 T/S 4363 4 Amber
let Gas Tempera- Voltage below normal, or
ture shorted to low source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 SCR Outlet
SCR Catalyst Out- Temperature Sensor - Data
3148 T/S 4363 2 Amber
let Gas Tempera- erratic, intermittent or incor-
ture rect
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 SCR Cata-
3151 T/S 4794 31 Amber SCR Catalyst lyst System Missing - Condi-
System tion Exists
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 SCR Intake
SCR Catalyst In- Temperature - Data Valid But
3164 T 4360 15 None
take Gas Temper- Above Normal Operating
ature Range - Least Severe
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 SCR Outlet
SCR Catalyst Out- Temperature - Data valid but
3165 T/S 4363 0 Red
let Gas Tempera- above normal operational
ture range - Most Severe
Tachograph Output Shaft
Tachograph out-
3186 T 1623 9 Amber Speed - Abnormal update
put shaft speed
Tachograph Output Shaft
Tachograph out-
3213 T 1623 19 Amber Speed - Received Network
put shaft speed
Data In Error
Aftertreatment 1 Intake NOx
Aftertreatment 1
3228 T 3216 2 Amber Sensor - Data erratic, inter-
Intake NOx
mittent or incorrect
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 SCR Intake
SCR Catalyst In- Temperature - Data valid but
3229 T 4360 0 Red
take Gas Temper- above normal operational
ature range - Most Severe Level
Aftertreatment 1 SCR Intake
Aftertreatment 1
Temperature - Data Valid But
SCR Catalyst In-
3231 T 4360 16 Red Above Normal Operating
take Gas Temper-
Range - Moderately Severe
Aftertreatment 1 Intake NOx
Aftertreatment 1
3232 T/S 3216 9 Amber Sensor - Abnormal update
Intake NOx
Aftertreatment 1 SCR Outlet
Aftertreatment 1
Temperature - Data Valid But
SCR Catalyst Out-
3235 T/S 4363 16 Red Above Normal Operating
let Gas Tempera-
Range - Moderately Severe
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Line Heater 1 Cir-
3237 T 4340 3 Amber
Fluid Line Heater cuit - Voltage above normal,
1 State or shorted to high source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Line Heater 1 Cir-
3238 T 4340 4 Amber
Fluid Line Heater cuit - Voltage below normal,
1 State or shorted to low source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Line Heater 2 Cir-
3239 T 4342 3 Amber
Fluid Line Heater cuit - Voltage above normal,
2 State or shorted to high source
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Line Heater 2 Cir-
3241 T 4342 4 Amber
Fluid Line Heater cuit - Voltage below normal,
2 State or shorted to low source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Tank Heater - Me-
3242 T 3363 7 Amber
Fluid Tank 1 Heat- chanical system not respond-
er ing or out of adjustment
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Par-
Aftertreatment 1
ticulate Filter System - Me-
3245 T 3936 7 Amber Diesel Particulate
chanical system not respond-
Filter System
ing or out of adjustment
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Oxi-
dation Catalyst Intake Tem-
Diesel Oxidation
3251 T/S 4765 16 Red perature - Data Valid But
Catalyst Intake
Above Normal Operating
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Par-
Diesel Particulate ticulate Filter Intake Tempera-
3253 T/S 3242 16 Red
Filter Intake Gas ture - Data Valid But Above
Temperature Normal Operating Range
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Par-
Diesel Particulate ticulate Filter Intake Tempera-
3254 T 3242 15 Amber
Filter Intake Gas ture - Data Valid But Above
Temperature Normal Operating Range
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Par-
Diesel Particulate ticulate Filter Outlet Tempera-
3255 T/S 3246 16 Red
Filter Outlet Gas ture - Data Valid But Above
Temperature Normal Operating Range
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Par-
Diesel Particulate ticulate Filter Outlet Tempera-
3256 T 3246 15 Amber
Filter Outlet Gas ture - Data Valid But Above
Temperature Normal Operating Range
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Line Heater 1 Cir-
3258 T 4340 5 Amber
Fluid Line Heater cuit - Current below normal or
1 State open circuit
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Line Heater 2 Cir-
3261 T 4342 5 Amber
Fluid Line Heater cuit - Current below normal or
2 State open circuit
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Anti-theft Encryp-
Anti-theft Encryption Seed -
3298 T 1194 13 Red tion Seed Present
Out of Calibration
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Par-
Diesel Particulate ticulate Filter Intake Tempera-
3311 T/S 3242 0 Red
Filter Intake Gas ture - Data valid but above
Temperature normal operation
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Par-
Diesel Particulate ticulate Filter Outlet Tempera-
3312 T/S 3246 0 Red
Filter Outlet Gas ture - Data valid but above
Temperature normal operation
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Oxi-
dation Catalyst Intake Tem-
Diesel Oxidation
3313 T/S 4765 4 Amber perature Sensor Circuit - Volt-
Catalyst Intake
age below normal, or shorted
to low source
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Oxi-
dation Catalyst Intake Tem-
Diesel Oxidation
3314 T/S 4765 3 Amber perature Sensor Circuit - Volt-
Catalyst Intake
age above normal, or shorted
to high source
Aftertreatment Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Oxi-
Diesel Oxidation dation Catalyst Intake Tem-
3315 T/S 4765 2 Amber
Catalyst Intake perature - Data erratic, inter-
Temperature mittent or incorrect
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Par-
Aftertreatment 1
ticulate Filter Intake Tempera-
Diesel Particulate
3316 T/S 3242 4 Amber ture Sensor Circuit - Voltage
Filter Intake Gas
below normal, or shorted to
low source
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Par-
Aftertreatment 1
ticulate Filter Intake Tempera-
Diesel Particulate
3317 T/S 3242 3 Amber ture Sensor Circuit - Voltage
Filter Intake Gas
above normal, or shorted to
high source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Par-
Diesel Particulate ticulate Filter Intake Tempera-
3318 T/S 3242 2 Amber
Filter Intake Gas ture - Data erratic, intermittent
Temperature or incorrect
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Par-
Aftertreatment 1
ticulate Filter Outlet Tempera-
Diesel Particulate
3319 T/S 3246 3 Amber ture Sensor Circuit - Voltage
Filter Outlet Gas
above normal, or shorted to
high source
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Par-
Aftertreatment 1
ticulate Filter Outlet Tempera-
Diesel Particulate
3321 T/S 3246 4 Amber ture Sensor Circuit - Voltage
Filter Outlet Gas
below normal, or shorted to
low source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Par-
Diesel Particulate ticulate Filter Outlet Tempera-
3322 T/S 3246 2 Amber
Filter Outlet Gas ture - Data erratic, intermittent
Temperature or incorrect
SAE J1939 Multiplexed Ac-
Accelerator Pedal celerator Pedal or Lever Sen-
3326 T/S 91 9 Red
Position 1 sor System - Abnormal up-
date rate
Transmission Output Shaft
Transmission Out-
3328 T 191 9 Amber Speed - Abnormal update
put Shaft Speed
J1939 Network #2 - Data er-
3329 T 1231 2 None J1939 Network #2
ratic, intermittent or incorrect
J1939 Network #3 - Data er-
3331 T 1235 2 None J1939 Network #3
ratic, intermittent or incorrect
Engine Air Filter Differential
Engine Air Filter 1 Pressure - Data Valid But
3341 T/S 107 16 Amber Differential Pres- Above Normal Operating
sure Range - Moderately Severe
Aftertreatment 1
Aftertreatment Diesel Particu-
Diesel Particulate
3375 T/S 5397 31 Amber late Filter Regeneration too
Filter Regenera-
Frequent - Condition Exists
tion too Frequent
Aftertreatment 1
Aftertreatment Diesel Particu-
Diesel Particulate
3376 T/S 5319 31 Amber late Filter Incomplete Regen-
Filter Incomplete
eration - Condition Exists
Transmission Output Shaft
Transmission Out-
3418 T 191 19 Amber Speed - Received Network
put Shaft Speed
Data In Error
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Sensor Supply 7 Circuit -
Sensor supply
3419 T/S 5125 3 Amber Voltage above normal, or
voltage 7
shorted to high source
Sensor Supply 7 Circuit -
Sensor supply
3421 T/S 5125 4 Amber Voltage below normal, or
voltage 7
shorted to low source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
Diesel Exhaust Fluid Line Heater 3 Circuit -
3422 T 4344 3 Amber
Fluid Line Heater Voltage above normal, or
3 State shorted to high source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
Diesel Exhaust Fluid Line Heater 3 Circuit -
3423 T 4344 4 Amber
Fluid Line Heater Voltage below normal, or
3 State shorted to low source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
Diesel Exhaust Fluid Line Heater 3 Circuit -
3425 T 4344 5 Amber
Fluid Line Heater Current below normal or open
3 State circuit
Anti-Lock Braking Anti-Lock Braking (ABS) Con-
3488 T 563 9 Amber
(ABS) Active troller - Abnormal update rate
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Aftertreatment 1 haust Fluid Tank Level - Data
3497 T/S 1761 17 Diesel Exhaust Valid But Below Normal Oper-
Fluid Tank Level ating Range - Least Severe
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Aftertreatment 1 haust Fluid Tank Level - Data
3498 T/S 1761 18 Diesel Exhaust Valid But Below Normal Oper-
Fluid Tank Level ating Range - Moderately Se-
vere Level
Wheel-Based Vehicle Speed -
Wheel-Based Ve-
3525 T 84 19 Amber Received Network Data In Er-
hicle Speed
Accelerator Pedal or Lever
Accelerator Pedal
3527 T/S 558 19 Red Idle Validation Switch - Re-
1 Low Idle Switch
ceived Network Data In Error
Accelerator Pedal or Lever
Accelerator Pedal
3528 S 558 9 Red Idle Validation Switch - Ab-
1 Low Idle Switch
normal update rate
Ambient Air Tem- Ambient Air Temperature -
3531 T 171 9 Amber
perature Abnormal update rate
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Engine Intake Throttle Actua-
Engine Throttle
3542 S 51 2 Amber tor Position Sensor - Data Er-
Valve 1 Position 1
ratic, Intermittent, or Incorrect
NOx limits ex-
ceeded due to In- NOx limits exceeded due to
3543 T 4094 31 Amber sufficient Diesel Insufficient Reagent Quality -
Exhaust Fluid Condition Exists
Aftertreatment 1 Outlet NOx
Aftertreatment 1
3545 T/S 3226 10 Amber Sensor - Abnormal rate of
Outlet NOx
NOx limits ex-
Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
ceeded due to
3547 T/S 4096 31 Amber Fluid Tank Empty - Condition
Empty Diesel Ex-
haust Fluid Tank
Engine Wait to Engine Wait to Start Lamp -
3555 T 1081 9 Amber
Start Lamp Abnormal update rate
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Aftertreatment 1
haust Fluid Dosing Unit - Volt-
3558 T/S 3361 3 Amber Diesel Exhaust
age above normal, or shorted
Fluid Dosing Unit
to high source
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Aftertreatment 1
haust Fluid Dosing Unit - Volt-
3559 T/S 3361 4 Amber Diesel Exhaust
age below normal, or shorted
Fluid Dosing Unit
to low source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
Diesel Exhaust Fluid Line Heater Relay -
3562 T 5491 3 Amber
Fluid Line Heater Voltage above normal, or
Relay shorted to high source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
Diesel Exhaust Fluid Line Heater Relay -
3563 T 5491 4 Amber
Fluid Line Heater Voltage below normal, or
Relay shorted to low source
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Aftertreatment 1
haust Fluid Dosing Valve 1
3565 S 5394 3 Amber Diesel Exhaust
Circuit - Voltage Above Nor-
Fluid Dosing Valve
mal or Shorted to High
Aftertreatment Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
3567 T/S 5394 5 Amber Diesel Exhaust Fluid Dosing Valve - Current
Fluid Dosing Valve below normal or open circuit
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
Fluid Dosing Valve - Mechani-
3568 T/S 5394 7 Amber Diesel Exhaust
cal system not responding or
Fluid Dosing Valve
out of adjustment
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Pressure Sensor -
3571 T/S 4334 3 Amber
Fluid Doser Abso- Voltage above normal, or
lute Pressure shorted to high source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Pressure Sensor -
3572 T/S 4334 4 Amber
Fluid Doser Abso- Voltage below normal, or
lute Pressure shorted to low source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Pressure Sensor -
3574 T/S 4334 18 Amber
Fluid Doser Abso- Data Valid But Below Normal
lute Pressure Operating Range
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Pressure Sensor -
3575 T/S 4334 16 Amber
Fluid Doser Abso- Data Valid But Above Normal
lute Pressure Operating Range
Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
Aftertreatment 1
Fluid Return Valve - Voltage
3577 T 4376 3 Amber Diesel Exhaust
above normal, or shorted to
Fluid Return Valve
high source
Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
Aftertreatment 1
Fluid Return Valve - Voltage
3578 T 4376 4 Amber Diesel Exhaust
below normal, or shorted to
Fluid Return Valve
low source
Aftertreatment SCR Catalyst
Aftertreatment 1 Conversion Efficiency - Data
3582 T 4364 18 Amber SCR Conversion Valid But Below Normal Oper-
Efficiency ating Range - Moderately Se-
vere Level
Aftertreatment 1
Aftertreatment 1 Outlet NOx
Outlet Gas NOx
3583 T/S 5031 10 Amber Sensor Heater - Abnormal
Sensor Heater
rate of change
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Pressure Sensor -
3596 T/S 4334 2 Amber
Fluid Doser Abso- Data erratic, intermittent or in-
lute Pressure correct
Engine Coolant Coolant Level Sensor - Ab-
3613 T 111 9 Amber
Level normal Update Rate
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
SAE J1939 Multi-
Coolant Level Sensor - Re-
3614 T 111 19 Amber plexing PGN
ceived Network Data in Error
Engine Fan Clutch Engine Fan Clutch 2 Control
3633 T 5484 3 Amber 2 Output Device Circuit - Voltage above nor-
Driver mal, or shorted to high source
Engine Fan Clutch Engine Fan Clutch 2 Control
3634 T 5484 4 Amber 2 Output Device Circuit - Voltage below nor-
Driver mal, or shorted to low source
Transmission Out- Transmission Output Retard-
3641 T/S 748 9 Amber
put Retarder er - Abnormal update rate
Aftertreatment 1
Aftertreatment 1 Intake NOx
Intake Gas NOx
3649 T/S 5024 10 Amber Sensor Heater - Abnormal
Sensor Heater
rate of change
Aftertreatment 1 Outlet NOx
Aftertreatment 1
Sensor Power Supply - Data
3681 T/S 3228 2 Amber Outlet Gas Sensor
erratic, intermittent or incor-
Power Status
Aftertreatment 1 Intake NOx
Aftertreatment 1
Sensor Power Supply - Data
3682 T/S 3218 2 Amber Intake Gas Sen-
erratic, intermittent or incor-
sor Power Status
Engine Control Engine Control Module Cali-
3697 T/S 630 12 Red Module Calibra- bration Memory - Bad intelli-
tion Memory gent device or component
Aftertreatment Aftertreatment SCR Operator
SCR Operator In- Inducement - Data valid but
3712 T/S 5246 0 Red
ducement Severi- above normal operational
ty range - Most Severe level
Engine Protection Engine Protection Torque De-
3714 T/S 1569 31 Amber
Torque Derate rate - Condition Exists
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Outlet NOx
3717 T 3226 13 Amber
Outlet NOx Sensor - Out of Calibration
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Intake NOx -
3718 T 3216 13 Amber
Intake NOx Out of Calibration
Battery 1 Voltage - Data Valid
Battery Potential /
3724 T 168 17 Amber But Below Normal Operating
Power Input 1
Range - Least Severe Level
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Aftertreatment 1 Intake NOx
Aftertreatment 1
3725 T/S 3216 10 Amber Sensor - Abnormal rate of
Intake NOx
High Pressure High Pressure Common Rail
Common Rail Fuel Pressure Relief Valve -
3727 T/S 5571 7 None
Fuel Pressure Re- Mechanical system not re-
lief Valve sponding or out of adjustment
Engine Starter Mode Over-
Engine Starter
3737 T/S 1675 31 None crank Protection - Condition
High Pressure High Pressure Common Rail
Common Rail Fuel Pressure Relief Valve -
3741 T/S 5571 0 Amber
Fuel Pressure Re- Data valid but above normal
lief Valve operational range
Aftertreatment 1 Intake NOx
Aftertreatment 1
3748 T/S 3216 20 Amber Sensor - Data not Rational -
Intake NOx
Drifted High
Aftertreatment 1 Outlet NOx
Aftertreatment 1
3749 T 3226 20 Amber Sensor - Data not Rational -
Outlet NOx
Drifted High
Aftertreatment SCR Catalyst
System - Mechanical system
3751 T 4792 7 None SCR Catalyst
not responding or out of ad-
Diesel Particulate
Diesel Particulate Filter Active
Filter Active Re-
Regeneration Inhibited Due to
3753 T 3713 31 None generation Inhibit-
System Timeout - Condition
ed Due to System
Aftertreatment Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
3755 T 5394 2 None Diesel Exhaust Fluid Dosing Valve - Data er-
Fluid Dosing Valve ratic, intermittent or incorrect
Auxiliary Temperature Sensor
Auxiliary Temper- Input 2 Circuit - Voltage
3765 T/S 442 3 Amber
ature 2 above normal, or shorted to
high source
Auxiliary Temperature Sensor
Auxiliary Temper- Input 2 Circuit - Voltage below
3766 T/S 442 4 Amber
ature 2 normal, or shorted to low
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Estimated Engine Estimated Engine Parasitic
3838 S 2978 9 Amber Parasitic Losses - Losses - Percent Torque - Ab-
Percent Torque normal update rate
Cruise Control Enable Switch
Cruise Control En-
3841 S 596 2 Amber - Data erratic, intermittent or
able Switch
Cruise Control Cruise Control Disable Com-
3843 T/S 5603 9 None
Disable Command mand - Abnormal update rate
Cruise Control Cruise Control Pause Com-
3844 T 5605 31 None
Pause Command mand - Condition Exists
Cruise Control Cruise Control Disable Com-
3845 T/S 5603 31 None
Disable Command mand - Condition Exists
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
Diesel Exhaust Fluid Quality - Data valid but
3866 T/S 3364 1 Amber
Fluid Tank 1 Qual- below normal operational
ity range - Most Severe Level
Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
Aftertreatment 1
Fluid Quality - Data Valid But
Diesel Exhaust
3867 T 3364 18 Amber Below Normal Operating
Fluid Tank 1 Qual-
Range - Moderate Severe
Aftertreatment 1
Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
Diesel Exhaust
3868 T/S 3364 9 Amber Fluid Quality - Abnormal up-
Fluid Tank 1 Qual-
date rate
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
Diesel Exhaust Fluid Quality Sensor - Me-
3876 T 3364 7 Amber
Fluid Tank 1 Qual- chanical system not respond-
ity ing or out of adjustment
Aftertreatment 1
Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
Diesel Exhaust
3877 T 3364 12 Amber Fluid Quality Sensor - Bad in-
Fluid Tank 1 Qual-
telligent device or component
Aftertreatment 1
Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
Diesel Exhaust
3878 T/S 3364 2 Amber Fluid Quality - Data erratic, in-
Fluid Tank 1 Qual-
termittent or incorrect
Aftertreatment Aftertreatment Diesel Particu-
Diesel Particulate late Filter Temperature Sen-
4151 T/S 5742 9 Amber
Filter Temperature sor Module - Abnormal up-
Sensor Module date rate
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Aftertreatment Se-
Aftertreatment Selective Cat-
lective Catalytic
alytic Reduction Temperature
4152 T/S 5743 9 Amber Reduction Tem-
Sensor Module - Abnormal
perature Sensor
update rate
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Aftertreatment 1
haust Fluid Dosing Unit Heat-
Diesel Exhaust
4155 T 5746 3 Amber er Relay - Voltage Above Nor-
Fluid Dosing Unit
mal, or Shorted to high
Heater Relay
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Dosing Unit Heat-
4156 T 5746 4 Amber
Fluid Dosing Unit er Relay - Voltage below nor-
Heater Relay mal, or shorted to low source
Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
Aftertreatment 1
Fluid Return Valve - Mechani-
4157 T 4376 7 Amber Diesel Exhaust
cal system not responding or
Fluid Return Valve
out of adjust
Aftertreatment Aftertreatment Diesel Particu-
Diesel Particulate late Filter Temperature Sen-
4158 T/S 5742 12 Amber
Filter Temperature sor Module - Bad intelligent
Sensor Module device or component
Aftertreatment Se-
Aftertreatment Selective Cat-
lective Catalytic
alytic Reduction Temperature
4159 T/S 5743 12 Amber Reduction Tem-
Sensor Module - Bad intelli-
perature Sensor
gent device or component
Aftertreatment Diesel Particu-
late Filter Temperature Sen-
Diesel Particulate
4161 T/S 5742 3 Amber sor Module - Voltage Above
Filter Temperature
Normal, or Shorted to high
Sensor Module
Aftertreatment Diesel Particu-
late Filter Temperature Sen-
Diesel Particulate
4162 T/S 5742 4 Amber sor Module - Voltage below
Filter Temperature
normal, or shorted to low
Sensor Module
Aftertreatment Diesel Particu-
late Filter Temperature Sen-
Diesel Particulate
4163 T/S 5742 16 Amber sor Module- Data Valid But
Filter Temperature
Above Normal Operating
Sensor Module
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Aftertreatment Se- Aftertreatment Selective Cat-
lective Catalytic alytic Reduction Temperature
4164 T/S 5743 3 Amber Reduction Tem- Sensor Module - Voltage
perature Sensor Above Normal, or Shorted to
Module high source
Aftertreatment Se- Aftertreatment Selective Cat-
lective Catalytic alytic Reduction Temperature
4165 T/S 5743 4 Amber Reduction Tem- Sensor Module - Voltage be-
perature Sensor low normal, or Shorted to low
Module source
Aftertreatment Se-
Aftertreatment Selective Cat-
lective Catalytic
alytic Reduction Temperature
4166 T/S 5743 16 Amber Reduction Tem-
Sensor Module - Data Valid
perature Sensor
But Above Normal
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Dosing Unit Heat-
4168 T 5745 3 Amber
Fluid Dosing Unit er - Voltage Above Normal, or
Heater Shorted to High
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Dosing Unit Heat-
4169 T 5745 4 Amber
Fluid Dosing Unit er - Voltage below normal, or
Heater shorted to low source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Dosing Unit Heat-
4171 T 5745 18 Amber
Fluid Dosing Unit er - Data Valid But Below
Heater Normal Operating Range
Aftertreatment Re- Aftertreatment Regeneration
4213 T 3695 2 Amber generation Inhibit Inhibit Switch - Data erratic,
Switch intermittent or incorrect
Anti-Lock Braking Anti-Lock Braking (ABS) Ac-
4215 T 563 31 None
(ABS) Active tive - Condition Exists
Aftertreatment 1
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust
4243 T 3515 10 Amber haust Fluid Temperature 2 -
Fluid Temperature
Abnormal Rate of Change
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Dosing Tempera-
4249 T 4337 10 Amber
Fluid Dosing Tem- ture - Abnormal Rate of
perature Change
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Aftertreatment 1
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust
haust Fluid Dosing Unit Heat-
4251 T 5798 10 Amber Fluid Dosing Unit
er Temperature - Abnormal
Heater Tempera-
Rate of Change
Aftertreatment Aftertreatment Diesel Particu-
Diesel Particulate late Filter Temperature Sen-
4259 T/S 5742 11 Amber
Filter Temperature sor Module - Root Cause Not
Sensor Module Known
Aftertreatment Se-
Aftertreatment Selective Cat-
lective Catalytic
alytic Reduction Temperature
4261 T/S 5743 11 Amber Reduction Tem-
Sensor Module - Root Cause
perature Sensor
Not Known
High Pressure High Pressure Common Rail
Common Rail Fuel Pressure Relief Valve -
4262 T/S 5571 3 Amber
Fuel Pressure Re- Voltage Above Normal, or
lief Valve Shorted to High Source
High Pressure High Pressure Common Rail
Common Rail Fuel Pressure Relief Valve -
4263 T/S 5571 4 Amber
Fuel Pressure Re- Voltage below normal, or
lief Valve shorted to low source
High Pressure
High Pressure Common Rail
Common Rail
4265 S 5571 11 Amber Fuel Pressure Relief Valve -
Fuel Pressure Re-
Root Cause Not Known
lief Valve
Aftertreatment 1
Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
Diesel Exhaust
4277 T/S 3364 10 Amber Fluid Quality - Abnormal Rate
Fluid Tank 1 Qual-
of Change
Desired Engine Desired Engine Fueling State
4284 S 5793 9 Amber
Fueling State - Abnormal Update Rate
J1939 Network #4 J1939 Network #4 - Data er-
4437 T 1668 2 None
- Data erratic ratic, intermittent or incorrect
Aftertreatment 1
Aftertreatment 1 Outlet NOx
Outlet NOx Sen-
4452 S 3226 7 Amber Sensor Closed Loop Opera-
sor Closed Loop
tion - Condition Exists
Engine Air Shutoff - Mechani-
4484 T/S 3667 7 Red Engine Air Shutoff cal System Not Responding
or Out of Adjustment
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Vehicle Identifica- Vehicle Identification Number
4517 T 237 13 Amber
tion Number - Out of Calibration
Brake Pedal Position - Data
Brake Pedal Posi-
4526 S 521 2 Amber erratic, intermittent or incor-
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Oxi-
Diesel Oxidation dation Catalyst Outlet Gas
4533 T 4766 3 Amber Catalyst Outlet Temperature Sensor Circuit -
Gas Temperature Voltage above normal, or
Sensor Circuit shorted to high source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Oxi-
Diesel Oxidation dation Catalyst Outlet Gas
4534 T 4766 4 Amber Catalyst Outlet Temperature Sensor Circuit -
Gas Temperature Voltage below normal, or
Sensor Circuit shorted to low source
Aftertreatment 1
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust
4572 T/S 3031 9 Amber haust Fluid Tank Temperature
Fluid Tank Tem-
- Abnormal Update Rate
Aftertreatment Aftertreatment Diesel Particu-
4584 T/S 3936 14 Red Diesel Particulate late Filter System - Special
Filter System Instructions
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 SCR Cata-
4585 T/S 4792 14 Red SCR Catalyst lyst System - Special Instruc-
System tions
Aftertreatment 1 SAE J1939 Multiplexing PGN
4677 T/S 1761 9 Amber Diesel Exhaust Timeout Error - Abnormal up-
Fluid Tank Level date rate
Auxiliary Input/Output 2 Cir-
4724 S 702 5 Amber Auxiliary I/O #02 cuit - Current below normal or
open circuit
Auxiliary Input/Output 2 Cir-
4725 S 702 6 Amber Auxiliary I/O #02 cuit - Current above normal or
grounded circuit
Aftertreatment 1
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust
4731 T/S 3031 13 Amber haust Fluid Tank Temperature
Fluid Tank Tem-
Sensor - Out of Calibration
Aftertreatment 1
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust
4732 T 1761 13 Amber haust Fluid Tank Level Sen-
Fluid Tank Tem-
sor - Out of Calibration
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Auxiliary Input/Output 1 -
4734 T/S 701 14 Red Auxiliary I/O #01
Special Instructions
Aftertreatment 1
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust
4737 T/S 3031 11 Amber haust Fluid Tank Temperature
Fluid Tank Tem-
- Root Cause Not Known
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
4739 T/S 1761 11 Amber Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Tank Level Sen-
Fluid Tank Level sor - Root Cause Not Known
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Temperature 2
4743 T 3515 5 Amber
Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit - Current be-
2 low normal or open circuit
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Temperature 2
4744 T 3515 6 Amber
Fluid Temperature Sensor Circuit - Current
2 above normal or grounded
Aftertreatment 1
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust
4745 T 3515 11 Amber haust Fluid Temperature 2 -
Fluid Temperature
Root Cause Not Known
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment Intake Oxygen
4747 S 3217 20 Amber Intake Percent Sensor - Data Not Rational -
Oxygen 1 Drifted High
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment Intake Oxygen
4748 S 3217 21 Amber Intake Percent Sensor - Data Not Rational -
Oxygen 1 Drifted Low
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment Outlet Oxygen
4749 S 3227 20 Amber Outlet Percent - Data Not Rational - Drifted
Oxygen 1 High
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment Outlet Oxygen
4751 S 3227 21 Amber Outlet Percent - Data Not Rational - Drifted
Oxygen 1 Low
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
4768 T/S 3521 11 Amber Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Property - Root
Fluid Property Cause Not Known
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Aftertreatment 1
haust Fluid Tank Level Sen-
4769 T/S 1761 10 Amber Diesel Exhaust
sor - Abnormal Rate of
Fluid Tank Level
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Fan Speed - Data Valid but
4789 T 1639 0 Amber Fan Speed Above Normal Operational
Range - Most Severe Level
Fan Speed - Data Valid but
4791 T 1639 1 Amber Fan Speed Below Normal Operational
Range - Most Severe Level
Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
Fluid Quality - Data Valid But
4842 T/S 3364 15 None Diesel Exhaust
Above Normal Operating
Fluid Quality
Range - Least Severe Level
Aftertreatment Se-
lective Catalytic Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
4863 T/S 5245 31 Amber Reduction Opera- Fluid Tank Low Level Indica-
tor Inducement tor
High Pressure
High Pressure Common Rail
Common Rail
4867 T/S 5571 31 Amber Fuel Pressure Relief Valve -
Fuel Pressure Re-
Condition Exists
lief Valve
Maintain ECU Power Lamp -
4951 T 6655 3 Amber ECU Power Lamp Voltage Above Normal, or
Shorted to High Source
Maintain ECU Power Lamp -
4952 T 6655 4 Amber ECU Power Lamp Voltage Below Normal, or
Shorted to Low Source
Alternator 1 Status - Voltage
Alternator 1 Sta-
4953 S 3353 3 Amber Above Normal, or Shorted to
High Source
Alternator 1 Status - Voltage
Alternator 1 Sta-
4954 S 3353 4 Amber Below Normal, or Shorted to
Low Source
Variable Geometry Variable Geometry Turbo-
4956 T/S 6713 13 Red Turbocharger Ac- charger Actuator Software -
tuator Out of Calibration
Variable Geometry Variable Geometry Turbo-
4957 T/S 6713 31 Red Turbocharger Ac- charger Actuator Software -
tuator Condition Exists
VGT Actuator VGT Actuator Driver Circuit -
5177 T/S 6713 9 Amber
Driver Circuit Abnormal update rate
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Fan Blade Pitch Position Sen-
Engine Fan Blade sor Circuit - Voltage Above
5183 T 6799 3 Amber
Pitch Normal, or Shorted to High
Fan Blade Pitch Position Sen-
Engine Fan Blade sor Circuit - Voltage Below
5184 T 6799 4 Amber
Pitch Normal, or Shorted to Low
Fan Blade Pitch - Mechanical
Engine Fan Blade
5185 T 6799 7 Amber system not responding or out
of adjustment
Engine Air Shutoff Status -
Engine Air Shutoff
5221 T 3667 2 Red Data erratic, intermittent or in-
Tachograph Out- Tachograph Output Shaft
5248 T/S 1623 13 Amber
put Shaft Speed Speed - Out of Calibration
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
5278 T 6802 31 Amber haust Fluid Dosing System
Frozen - Condition Exists
Engine Emergen- Engine Emergency Shutdown
5291 T 520808 31 Amber cy Shutdown Switch Actived - Condition
Switch Actived Exists
Excessive Time
Excessive Time Since Last
Since Last Engine
5292 T/S 520809 31 Amber Engine Air Shutoff Mainte-
Air Shutoff Mainte-
nance Test - Condition Exists
nance Test
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Par-
Aftertreatment 1
ticulate Filter Ash Load Per-
Mainte- Diesel Particulate
5383 S 3720 15 cent - Data Valid But Above
nance Filter Ash Load
Normal Operating Range -
Least Severe Level
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Oxi-
Diesel Oxidation dation Catalyst Outlet Gas
5386 T 4766 2 Amber
Catalyst Outlet Temperature - Data Erratic,
Gas Temperature Intermittent, or Incorrect
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Oxi-
Aftertreatment 1
dation Catalyst Outlet Gas
Diesel Oxidation
5387 T 4766 0 Red Temperature - Data Valid But
Catalyst Outlet
Above Normal Operating
Gas Temperature
Range - Most Severe Level
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Oxi-
Aftertreatment 1 dation Catalyst Outlet Gas
Diesel Oxidation Temperature - Data Valid But
5388 T 4766 16 Red
Catalyst Outlet Above Normal Operating
Gas Temperature Range - Moderately Severe
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Oxi-
Aftertreatment 1
dation Catalyst Outlet Gas
Diesel Oxidation
5389 T 4766 15 Amber Temperature - Data Valid But
Catalyst Outlet
Above Normal Operating
Gas Temperature
Range - Least Severe Level
Aftertreatment Diesel Oxida-
Diesel Oxidation
tion Catalyst Temperature
5391 T 6882 9 Amber Catalyst Tempera-
Sensor Module - Abnormal
ture Sensor Mod-
Update Rate
Aftertreatment Diesel Oxida-
Diesel Oxidation
tion Catalyst Temperature
5392 T 6882 12 Amber Catalyst Tempera-
Sensor Module - Bad Intelli-
ture Sensor Mod-
gent Device or Component
Aftertreatment Aftertreatment Diesel Oxida-
Diesel Oxidation tion Catalyst Temperature
5393 T 6882 3 Amber Catalyst Tempera- Sensor Module - Voltage
ture Sensor Mod- Above Normal or Shorted to
ule High Source
Aftertreatment Aftertreatment Diesel Oxida-
Diesel Oxidation tion Catalyst Temperature
5394 T 6882 4 Amber Catalyst Tempera- Sensor Module - Voltage Be-
ture Sensor Mod- low Normal or Shorted to Low
ule Source
Aftertreatment Diesel Oxida-
Diesel Oxidation
tion Catalyst Temperature
5395 T 6882 11 Amber Catalyst Tempera-
Sensor Module - Root Cause
ture Sensor Mod-
Not Known
Aftertreatment Diesel Oxida-
tion Catalyst Temperature
Diesel Oxidation
Sensor Module - Data Valid
5396 T 6882 16 Amber Catalyst Tempera-
But Above Normal Operating
ture Sensor Mod-
Range - Moderately Severe
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Engine Air Filter Differential
Engine Air Filter 1
Pressure - Data Valid But
5576 T/S 107 15 Amber Differential Pres-
Above Normal Operating
Range - Least Severe Level
High Pressure Common Rail
High Pressure
Fuel Pressure Relief Valve -
Common Rail
5585 T 5571 15 Amber Data Valid But Above Normal
Fuel Pressure Re-
Operating Range - Least Se-
lief Valve
vere Level
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Oxi-
5617 T 524286 31 Amber Diesel Oxidation dation Catalyst System- Spe-
Catalyst System cial Instruction
SCR System
SCR System Cleaning Inhibit-
Cleaning Inhibited
5631 T 6928 31 None ed Due to System Timeout -
Due to System
Condition Exists
SCR System
SCR System Cleaning Inhibit-
Mainte- Cleaning Inhibited
5632 T/S 6918 31 ed Due to Inhibit Switch -
nance Due to Inhibit
Condition Exists
SCR Operator In- SCR Operator Inducement
5653 T/S 6881 9 Amber ducement Over- Override Switch - Abnormal
ride Switch Update Rate
SCR Operator In- SCR Operator Inducement
5654 T/S 6881 13 Amber ducement Over- Override Switch - Out of Cali-
ride Switch bration
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 SCR Con-
5655 S 4364 31 Amber SCR Conversion version Efficiency - Condition
Efficiency Exists
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Outlet NOx
5689 S 3226 11 Amber Outlet NOx Sen- Sensor - Root Cause Not
sor Known
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Par-
Diesel Particulate ticulate Filter Differential
5715 S 3251 10 Amber
Filter Differential Pressure - Abnormal Rate of
Pressure Change
Aftertreatment 1
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Par-
Diesel Particulate
5716 S 3610 10 Amber ticulate Filter Outlet Pressure
Filter Outlet Pres-
- Abnormal Rate of Change
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Pump Command
5864 S 4375 3 Amber
Fluid Pump Drive Circuit - Voltage Above Nor-
Percentage mal or Shorted to High
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Pump Command
5865 S 4375 4 Amber
Fluid Pump Drive Circuit - Voltage Below Nor-
Percentage mal or Shorted to Low Source
Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
Fluid Dosing Unit Relay
5866 S 520953 3 Amber Feedback - Voltage Above
Normal or Shorted to High
Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
Fluid Dosing Unit Relay
5867 S 520953 4 Amber
Feedback- Voltage Below
Normal or Shorted to Low
Aftertreatment 1 SCR Feed-
Aftertreatment 1 back Control Status - Me-
5868 S 4339 7 Amber SCR Feedback chanical System Not Re-
Control Status sponding or Out of Adjust-
Electronic Throttle Control
Engine Throttle
Actuator Driver Circuit - Volt-
5879 S 3464 3 Amber Actuator 1 Control
age Above Normal or Shorted
to High Source
Electronic Throttle Control
Engine Throttle
Actuator Driver Circuit - Volt-
5881 S 3464 4 Amber Actuator 1 Control
age Below Normal or Shorted
to Low Source
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Aftertreatment 1
haust Fluid Pressure - Me-
Diesel Exhaust
5935 S 4334 7 Amber chanical System Not Re-
Fluid Doser 1 Ab-
sponding or Out of Adjust-
solute Pressure
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Aftertreatment 1
haust Fluid Pressure - Data
Diesel Exhaust
5936 S 4334 15 Amber Valid But Above Normal Op-
Fluid Doser 1 Ab-
erating Range - Least Severe
solute Pressure
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Diesel Particulate Diesel Particulate Filter 1
Filter 1 Conditions Conditions Not Met for Active
5938 T/S 3750 14 Amber
Not Met for Active Regeneration - Condition Ex-
Regeneration ists
Machine Constrained Opera-
tion- Abnormal Update Rate.
No Communication or an in-
valid data transfer rate has
5939 T/S 520968 9 Amber
been detected on the J1939
data link between the ECM
and the machine electronic
control unit.
Machine Constrained Opera-
tion- Received Network Data
5941 T/S 520968 19 None in Error. The received J1939
datalink message was not
Battery 1 Voltage - Data Valid
Battery Potential /
6256 T/S 168 15 None But Above Normal Operating
Power Input 1
Range - Least Severe Level
Battery 1 Voltage - Data Valid
Battery Potential / But Below Normal Operating
6257 T/S 168 17 None
Power Input 1 Range - Moderately Severe
Electric Lift Pump for Engine
Engine Electric
Fuel Supply Circuit - Voltage
6258 T 1075 3 None Lift Pump for En-
above normal, or shorted to
gine Fuel Supply
high source
Electric Lift Pump for Engine
Engine Electric
Fuel Supply Circuit - Voltage
6259 T 1075 4 None Lift Pump for En-
below normal, or shorted to
gine Fuel Supply
low source
Engine Fan Clutch Fan Control Circuit - Voltage
6263 T/S 647 3 None 1 Output Device above normal, or shorted to
Driver high source
Engine Fan Clutch Fan Control Circuit - Voltage
6264 T/S 647 4 None 1 Output Device below normal, or shorted to
Driver low source
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Par-
Aftertreatment 1
ticulate Filter System - Me-
6265 T 3936 7 None Diesel Particulate
chanical system not respond-
Filter System
ing or out of adjustment
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Crankcase Breather Filter
Crankcase breath- Heater Circuit - Voltage
6336 T 862 3 None
er Heater Circuit above normal, or shorted to
high source
Crankcase Breather Filter
Crankcase breath- Heater Circuit - Voltage below
6337 T 862 4 None
er Heater Circuit normal, or shorted to low
Engine (Compres- Engine Brake Actuator Driver
6418 T 1072 3 None sion) Brake Out- 1 Circuit - Voltage above nor-
put #1 mal, or shorted to high source
Engine (Compres- Engine Brake Actuator Driver
6419 T 1072 4 None sion) Brake Out- 1 Circuit - Voltage below nor-
put #1 mal, or shorted to low source
Engine Brake Actuator Driver
Engine (Compres-
Output 2 Circuit - Voltage
6421 T 1073 3 None sion) Brake Out-
above normal, or shorted to
put #2
high source
Engine Brake Actuator Driver
Engine (Compres-
Output 2 Circuit - Voltage be-
6422 T 1073 4 None sion) Brake Out-
low normal, or shorted to low
put #2
Engine Fan Clutch Engine Fan Clutch 2 Control
6456 T/S 5484 3 None 2 Output Device Circuit - Voltage above nor-
Driver mal, or shorted to high source
Engine Fan Clutch Engine Fan Clutch 2 Control
6457 T/S 5484 4 None 2 Output Device Circuit - Voltage below nor-
Driver mal, or shorted to low source
Aftertreatment 1 Intake NOx
Aftertreatment 1
6458 T 3216 20 None Sensor - Data not Rational -
Intake NOx
Drifted High
Aftertreatment 1 Intake NOx
Aftertreatment 1
6459 T 3216 21 None Sensor - Data not Rational -
Intake NOx
Drifted High
Aftertreatment 1 Outlet NOx
Aftertreatment 1
6462 T 3226 20 None Sensor - Data not Rational -
Outlet NOx
Drifted High
Aftertreatment 1 Outlet NOx
Aftertreatment 1
6463 T 3226 21 None Sensor - Data not Rational -
Outlet NOx
Drifted High
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Aftertreatment 1 Outlet NOx
Aftertreatment 1
6464 T 3226 2 None Sensor - Data Erratic, Inter-
Outlet NOx
mittant, or Incorrect.
Fan Speed - Data Valid but
6467 T/S 1639 15 None Fan Speed Above Normal Operational
Range - Least Severe Level
Fan Speed - Data Valid but
6468 T/S 1639 17 None Fan Speed Below Normal Operational
Range - Most Severe Level
Fan Speed - Data Erratic, In-
6469 T 1639 2 None Fan Speed
termittent, or Incorrect
Fan Blade Pitch Position Sen-
Engine Fan Blade sor Circuit - Voltage Above
6471 T/S 6799 3 None
Pitch Normal, or Shorted to High
Fan Blade Pitch Position Sen-
Engine Fan Blade sor Circuit - Voltage Below
6472 T/S 6799 4 None
Pitch Normal, or Shorted to Low
Engine Fan Blade Fan Blade Pitch - Data Errat-
6473 T 6799 2 None
Pitch ic, Intermittent, or Incorrect
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Tank Heater - Me-
6475 T/S 3363 7 None
Fluid Tank 1 Heat- chanical system not respond-
er ing or out of adjustment
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Aftertreatment 1
haust Fluid Tank Heater - Da-
Diesel Exhaust
6476 T/S 3363 18 None ta Valid But Below Normal
Fluid Tank 1 Heat-
Operating Range - Moderate-
ly Severe Level
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
Diesel Exhaust Fluid Line Heater Relay -
6477 T/S 5491 3 None
Fluid Line Heater Voltage above normal, or
Relay shorted to high source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
Diesel Exhaust Fluid Line Heater Relay -
6478 T/S 5491 4 None
Fluid Line Heater Voltage below normal, or
Relay shorted to low source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Tank Heater -
6479 T/S 3363 3 None
Fluid Tank 1 Heat- Voltage above normal, or
er shorted to high source
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Tank Heater -
6481 T/S 3363 4 None
Fluid Tank 1 Heat- Voltage below normal, or
er shorted to low source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Line Heater 1 Cir-
6482 T 4340 5 None
Fluid Line Heater cuit - Current below normal or
1 State open circuit
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Line Heater 2 Cir-
6483 T 4342 5 None
Fluid Line Heater cuit - Current below normal or
2 State open circuit
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
Diesel Exhaust Fluid Line Heater 3 Circuit -
6484 T 4344 5 None
Fluid Line Heater Current below normal or open
3 State circuit
Electronic Throttle Control
Electronic Throttle
Actuator Driver Circuit-Volt-
6493 T 3464 3 None Control Actuator
age above normal, or shorted
Driver Circuit
to high source
Electronic Throttle Control
Electronic Throttle
Actuator Driver Circuit-Volt-
6494 T 3464 4 None Control Actuator
age above normal, or shorted
Driver Circuit
to low source
Electronic Throttle Control
Electronic Throttle
Actuator Driver Circuit- Cur-
6496 T 3464 5 None Control Actuator
rent Below Normal or Open
Driver Circuit
Engine Intake Engine Intake Throttle Actua-
Throttle Actuator tor Position Sensor Circuit-
6497 T/S 51 3 None
Position Sensor Voltage above normal, or
Circuit shorted to high source
Engine Intake Engine Intake Throttle Actua-
Throttle Actuator tor Position Sensor Circuit-
6498 T/S 51 4 None
Position Sensor Voltage above normal, or
Circuit shorted to low source
ECU Power Output Supply
ECU Power Out-
Voltage 1 - Data Valid But Be-
6499 T/S 3597 17 None put Supply Volt-
low Normal Operating Range
age #1
- Moderately Severe Level
Maintain ECU Power Lamp -
6511 T/S 6655 3 None ECU Power Lamp Voltage Above Normal, or
Shorted to High Source
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Maintain ECU Power Lamp -
6512 T/S 6655 4 None ECU Power Lamp Voltage Below Normal, or
Shorted to Low Source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Dosing Unit Heat-
6513 T 5745 17 None
Fluid Dosing Unit er - Data Valid But Below
Heater Normal Operating Range
Aftertreatment SCR Catalyst
Aftertreatment 1 Conversion Efficiency - Data
6517 T 4364 17 None SCR Conversion Valid But Below Normal Oper-
Efficiency ating Range - Moderately Se-
vere Level
Aftertreatment Outlet NOx
Sensor Circuit- Voltage below
6521 T 3226 4 None Outlet NOx Sen-
normal or shorted to low
sor Circuits
Coolant Level Sensor 1 Cir-
Engine Coolant
6522 T/S 111 3 None cuit - Voltage above normal,
or shorted to high source
Coolant Level Sensor 1 Cir-
Engine Coolant
6523 T/S 111 4 None cuit - Voltage below normal,
or shorted to low source
Engine Oil Temperature Sen-
Engine Oil Tem- sor 1 Circuit - Voltage above
6524 T 175 3 None
perature 1 normal, or shorted to high
Engine Oil Temperature Sen-
Engine Oil Tem- sor 1 Circuit - Voltage below
6525 T 175 4 None
perature 1 normal, or shorted to low
Aftertreatment 1
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust
6526 T/S 1761 13 None haust Fluid Tank Level Sen-
Fluid Tank Tem-
sor - Out of Calibration
Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
Aftertreatment 1
Fluid Return Valve - Mechani-
6527 T 4376 7 None Diesel Exhaust
cal system not responding or
Fluid Return Valve
out of adjust
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Aftertreatment 1
haust Fluid Dosing Unit Heat-
Diesel Exhaust
6529 T 5746 3 None er Relay - Voltage Above Nor-
Fluid Dosing Unit
mal, or Shorted to high
Heater Relay
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Line Heater 1 Cir-
6531 T/S 4340 3 None
Fluid Line Heater cuit - Voltage above normal,
1 State or shorted to high source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Line Heater 1 Cir-
6532 T/S 4340 4 None
Fluid Line Heater cuit - Voltage below normal,
1 State or shorted to low source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Line Heater 2 Cir-
6533 T/S 4342 3 None
Fluid Line Heater cuit - Voltage above normal,
2 State or shorted to high source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Line Heater 2 Cir-
6534 T/S 4342 4 None
Fluid Line Heater cuit - Voltage below normal,
2 State or shorted to low source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
Diesel Exhaust Fluid Line Heater 3 Circuit -
6535 T/S 4344 3 Amber
Fluid Line Heater Voltage above normal, or
3 State shorted to high source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
Diesel Exhaust Fluid Line Heater 3 Circuit -
6536 T/S 4344 4 Amber
Fluid Line Heater Voltage below normal, or
3 State shorted to low source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Line Heater Relay
6537 T 5491 7 None
Fluid Line Heater - Mechanical system not re-
Relay sponding or out of adjustment
Aftertreatment Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Oxi-
Diesel Oxidation dation Catalyst Intake Tem-
6539 T 4765 2 None
Catalyst Intake perature - Data erratic, inter-
Temperature mittent or incorrect
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Par-
ticulate Filter Outlet Pressure
Diesel Particulate
6551 T 3610 3 None Sensor Circuit - Voltage
Filter Outlet Pres-
above normal, or shorted to
high source
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Par-
ticulate Filter Outlet Pressure
Diesel Particulate
6552 T 3610 4 None Sensor Circuit - Voltage be-
Filter Outlet Pres-
low normal, or shorted to low
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Aftertreatment Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Par-
Diesel Particulate ticulate Filter Outlet Pressure
6553 T 3610 2 None
Filter Outlet Pres- - Data erratic, intermittent or
sure incorrect
Engine Exhaust
EGR Valve Control Circuit -
Gas Recirculation
6555 T 2791 7 None Mechanical system not re-
1 (EGR1) Valve
sponding or out of adjustment
Engine Intake Air Heater 1
Engine Intake Air
6556 T/S 729 3 None Circuit - Voltage above nor-
Heater Driver #1
mal, or shorted to high source
Engine Intake Air Heater 1
Engine Intake Air
6557 T/S 729 4 None Circuit - Voltage below nor-
Heater Driver #1
mal, or shorted to low source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Tank Temperature
6559 T 3031 4 None
Fluid Tank Tem- Sensor - Voltage below nor-
perature mal, or shorted to low source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
6562 T 1761 11 None Diesel Exhaust haust Fluid Tank Level Sen-
Fluid Tank Level sor - Root Cause Not Known
Auxiliary Intermediate (PTO)
PTO Governor Speed Switch Validation - Da-
6563 T/S 976 2 None
State ta erratic, intermittent or in-
Aftertreatment 1 Outlet NOx
Aftertreatment 1
6565 T 3226 10 None Sensor - Abnormal rate of
Outlet NOx
Aftertreatment Re- Aftertreatment Regeneration
6568 T/S 3695 2 None generation Inhibit Inhibit Switch - Data erratic,
Switch intermittent or incorrect
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 SCR Outlet
SCR Catalyst Out- Temperature Sensor Circuit -
6569 T 4363 3 None
let Gas Tempera- Voltage above normal, or
ture shorted to high source
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 SCR Outlet
SCR Catalyst Out- Temperature Sensor Circuit -
6571 T 4363 4 None
let Gas Tempera- Voltage below normal, or
ture shorted to low source
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Aftertreatment 1
Aftertreatment 1 Outlet NOx
Outlet Gas NOx
6581 T 5031 10 None Sensor Heater - Abnormal
Sensor Heater
rate of change
Auxiliary Temper- Auxiliary Temperature Sensor
6583 S 441 14 Amber
ature 1 Input 1 - Special Instructions
Auxiliary Pressure Auxiliary Pressure Sensor In-
6584 S 1388 14 Amber
#2 put 2 - Special Instructions
Engine Speed - Root Cause
6595 S 190 11 None Engine Speed
Not Known
Diesel Particulate
Diesel Particulate Filter Active
Filter Active Re-
Regeneration Inhibited Due to
6596 T/S 3713 31 Amber generation Inhibit-
System Timeout - Condition
ed Due to System
SCR System
SCR System Cleaning Inhibit-
Cleaning Inhibited
6597 T 6928 31 Amber ed Due to System Timeout -
Due to System
Condition Exists
Engine Cranks Slowly - Con-
6599 S 521002 31 None
dition Exists
Engine Starter Motor Relay
Engine Starter
Control Circuit - Voltage
6611 S 6385 3 Amber Motor Relay Con-
Above Normal or Shorted to
High Source
Engine Starter Motor Relay
Engine Starter
Control Circuit - Voltage Be-
6612 S 6385 4 Amber Motor Relay Con-
low Normal or Shorted to Low
SCR Monitoring
SCR Monitoring System Mal-
6613 S 5842 14 Amber System Malfunc-
function - Special Instructions
Parking Brake Switch - Data
Parking Brake
6618 S 70 2 None Erratic, Intermittent, or Incor-
Aftertreatment 1
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Ex-
Diesel Exhaust
6619 T/S 3515 10 None haust Fluid Temperature 2 -
Fluid Temperature
Abnormal Rate of Change
Aftertreatment 1 Intake NOx
Aftertreatment 1
6621 T 3216 10 None Sensor - Abnormal rate of
Intake NOx
J1939 J1939 J1939 SPN
Fault Type* Lamp Cummins Description
SPN FMI Description
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 SCR System
SCR System Con- Conditions Not Met for Active
6634 T 7848 14 Amber
ditions Not Met for Cleaning - Special Instruc-
Active Cleaning tions
Aftertreatment 1 Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Oxi-
6726 T/S 4796 31 None Diesel Oxidation dation Catalyst Missing -
Catalyst Missing Condition Exists
Aftertreatment Diesel Exhaust
Aftertreatment 1
Fluid Quality - Data Valid But
Diesel Exhaust
6752 T/S 3364 18 None Below Normal Operating
Fluid Tank 1 Qual-
Range - Moderately Severe
Aftertreatment Aftertreatment System As-
6771 S 521032 14 Red
System Assembly sembly - Special Instructions
Desired Engine Desired Engine Fueling State
6938 S 5793 9 None
Fueling State - Abnormal Update Rate
Engine Start Re- Engine Start Request - Ab-
6939 S 7745 9 None
quest normal Update Rate
Engine Start Re- Engine Start Request - Out of
7133 S 7745 13 Amber
quest Calibration
Engine Start Consent - Out of
7134 S 7746 13 Amber
Engine Turbocharger Speed -
Engine Turbo- Data Valid But Above Normal
7135 S 103 15 Amber
charger 1 Speed Operating Range - Least Se-
vere Level
Engine Protection Engine Protection Torque De-
7285 S 1569 14 Amber
Torque Derate rate - Special Instructions
Engine Start Re- Engine Start Request - Ab-
7393 S 7745 9 Amber
quest normal Update Rate
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Par-
Aftertreatment 1
ticulate Filter Intake Tempera-
Diesel Particulate
7453 S 3242 15 None ture - Data Valid But Above
Filter Intake Gas
Normal Operating Range -
Least Severe Level
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Par-
Aftertreatment 1
ticulate Filter Outlet Tempera-
Diesel Particulate
7454 S 3246 15 None ture - Data Valid But Above
Filter Outlet Gas
Normal Operating Range -
Least Severe Level
Copyright © Sandvik
ID:GUID-41788589-C620-4AF2-90C6-E7DC0DB07EA5 en-US 4 2020-03-10