PerfoX 3000 Analog Catalog
PerfoX 3000 Analog Catalog
PerfoX 3000 Analog Catalog
Perfox 3000
Shenzhen Browiner Tech Co., Ltd This brochure includes standard & optional configuration.
Please contact our local sales representative for availability information.
Tel: +86 755 2691 7186 Specifications and appearance are subject to change without notice.
Email: [email protected]
Add: Room 501, Building C, Ganghongji Hi-tech Intelligent Industrial Park,
No.1008, Songbai Road, Shenzhen, 518055, P.R. CHINA. Ver: 202207V01
PerfoX 3000
Optimize Daily Workflow
High Reliability
Adopting advanced technology in the entire imaging chain for superior images, PerfoX 3000 is
the ideal choice for radiology. With configuration flexibility,PerfoX 3000 can always fit your
specific imaging needs. Also, there are a series of option to offer your better experience.
X-ray tube
X-ray tube without cover allows faster heat dissipation.
Large heat capacity can support continuous radiography.
With high performance, PerfoX 3000 is designed to optimize daily workflow in radiology room.
Therefore, everyone can get better experience.
For the patient
faster and better
For the administrator
achieve higher efficiency
in daily workflow
Ease of Positioning
Four-way floating tabletop
Lying emergency
Wheelchair position bed
Using a removable grid allows for images with In-tray charging simplifies examination workflow
higher contrast and higher resolution at lower dose. efficiently.