All HTML Tags

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Tag name Description

<!-- --> This tag is used to apply comment in an HTML document.

<!DOCTYPE> This tag is used to specify the version of HTML

<a> It is termed as anchor tag and it creates a hyperlink or link.

<abbr> It defines an abbreviation for a phrase or longer word.

<acronym> It defines acronym for a word. (Not supported in HTML5)

<address> It defines the author's contact information of the HTML article

<applet> It defines an embedded Java applet. (Not supported in HTML5)

<area> It defines the area of an image map.

<article> It defines the self-contained content.

<aside> It defines content aside from main content. Mainly represented as sidebar.

<audio> It is used to embed sound content in HTML document.

<b> It is used to make a text bold.

<base> This tag defines the base URL for all relative URL within the document.

<basefont> This tag is used to set default font, size and color for all elements of
document. (Not supported in HTML5)

<bdi> This tag is used to provide isolation for that part of text which may be
formatted in different directions from its surrounding text.

<bdo> It is used to override the current text direction.

<big> This tag is used to make font size one level larger than its surrounding
content. (Not supported in HTML5)

<blockquote> It is used to define a content which is taken from another source.

<body> It is used to define the body section of an HTML document.

<br> It is used to apply single line break.

<button> It is used to represent a clickable button

<canvas> It is used to provide a graphics space within a web document.

<caption> It is used to define a caption for a table.

<center> It is used to align the content in center. (Not supported in HTML5)

<cite> It is used to define the title of the work, book, website, etc.

<code> It is used to display a part of programming code in an HTML document.

<col> It defines a column within a table which represent common properties of

columns and used with the <colgroup> element.

<colgroup> It is used to define group of columns in a table.

<data> It is used to link the content with the machine-readable translation.

<datalist> It is used to provide a predefined list for input option.

<dd> It is used to provide definition/description of a term in description list.

<del> It defines a text which has been deleted from the document.

<details> It defines additional details which user can either view or hide.

<dfn> It is used to indicate a term which is defined within a sentence/phrase.

<dialog> It defines a dialog box or other interactive components.

<dir> It is used as container for directory list of files. (Not supported in HTML5)

<div> It defines a division or section within HTML document.

<dl> It is sued to define a description list.

<dt> It is used to define a term in description list.

<em> It is used to emphasis the content applied within this element.

<embed> It is used as embedded container for external file/application/media, etc.

<fieldset> It is used to group related elements/labels within a web form.

<figcaption> It is used to add a caption or explanation for the <figure> element.

<figure> It is used to define the self-contained content, and s mostly refer as single

<font> It defines the font, size, color, and face for the content. (Not supported in

<footer> It defines the footer section of a webpage.

<form> It is used to define an HTML form.

<frame> It defines a particular area of webpage which can contain another HTML
file. (Not supported in HTML5)

<frameset> It defines group of Frames. (Not supported in HTML5)

<h1> to <h6> It defines headings for an HTML document from level 1 to level 6.

<head> It defines the head section of an HTML document.

<header> It defines the header of a section or webpage.

<hr> It is used to apply thematic break between paragraph-level elements.

<html> It represents root of an HTML document.

<i> It is used to represent a text in some different voice.

<iframe> It defines an inline frame which can embed other content.

<img> It is used to insert an image within an HTML document.

<input> It defines an input field within an HTML form.

<ins> It represent text that has been inserted within an HTML document.

<isindex> It is used to display search string for current document. (Not supported
in HTML5)

<kbd> It is used to define keyboard input.

<label> It defines a text label for the input field of form.

<legend> It defines a caption for content of <fieldset>

<li> It is used to represent items in list.

<link> It represents a relationship between current document and an external


<main> It represents the main content of an HTML document.

<map> It defines an image map with active areas.

<mark> It represents a highlighted text.

<marquee> It is used to insert the scrolling text or an image either horizontally or

vertically. (Not supported in HTML5)

<menu> It is used for creating a menu list of commands.

<meta> It defines metadata of an HTML document.

<meter> It defines scalar measurement with known range or fractional value.

<nav> It represents section of page to represent navigation links.

<noframes> It provides alternate content to represent in browser which does not

support the <frame> elements. (Not supported in HTML5)
<noscript> It provides an alternative content if a script type is not supported in

<object> It is used to embed an object in HTML file.

<ol> It defines an ordered list of items.

<optgroup> It is used to group the options of a drop-down list.

<option> It is used to define options or items in a drop-down list.

<output> It is used as container element which can show result of a calculation.

<p> It represents a paragraph in an HTML document.

<param> It defines parameter for an <object> element

<picture> It defines more than one source element and one image element.

<pre> It defines preformatted text in an HTML document.

<progress> It defines the progress of a task within HTML document.

<q> It defines short inline quotation.

<rp> It defines an alternative content if browser does not supports ruby

<rt> It defines explanations and pronunciations in ruby annotations.

<ruby> It is used to represent ruby annotations.

<s> It render text which is no longer correct or relevant.

<samp> It is used to represent sample output of a computer program.

<script> It is used to declare the JavaScript within HTML document.

<section> It defines a generic section for a document.

<select> It represents a control which provides a menu of options.

<small> It is used to make text font one size smaller than document?s base font

<source>> It defines multiple media recourses for different media element such as
<picture>, <video>, and <audio> element.

<span> It is used for styling and grouping inline.

<strike> It is used to render strike through the text. (Not supported in HTML5)

<strong> It is used to define important text.

<style> It is used to contain style information for an HTML document.

<sub> It defines a text which displays as a subscript text.

<summary> It defines summary which can be used with <details> tag.

<sup> It defines a text which represent as superscript text.

<svg> It is used as container of SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics).

<table> It is used to present data in tabular form or to create a table within HTML

<tbody> It represents the body content of an HTML table and used along with
<thead> and <tfoot>.

<td> It is used to define cells of an HTML table which contains table data

<template> It is used to contain the client side content which will not display at time
of page load and may render later using JavaScript.

<textarea> It is used to define multiple line input, such as comment, feedback, and
review, etc.

<tfoot> It defines the footer content of an HTML table.

<th> It defines the head cell of an HTML table.

<thead> It defines the header of an HTML table. It is used along with <tbody> and
<tfoot> tags.

<time> It is used to define data/time within an HTML document.

<title> It defines the title or name of an HTML document.

<tr> It defines the row cells in an HTML table

<track> It is used to define text tracks for <audio> and <video> elements.

<tt> It is used to define teletype text. (Not supported in HTML5)

<u> It is used to render enclosed text with an underline.

<ul> It defines unordered list of items.

<var> It defines variable name used in mathematical or programming context.

<video> It is used to embed a video content with an HTML document

<wbr> It defines a position within text where break line is possible.

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