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The means of human trafficking occurs internationally, affecting many countries and
nations, including the United States. The United States has highlighted the issue of human
trafficking and has imposed efforts to stop Human trafficking within their country. "The United
States government has made the global fight against human trafficking a policy priority and
employs a whole-of-government approach to hold human traffickers accountable, protect
victims, and prevent this crime." (DOS) This paper will further analyze the issue of human
trafficking in the United States and focus on the strategies used to prevent the involuntary
movement of people.
Emily I Ramirez
JSIS 478- Migrant smugging &Human Trafficking
Group Project
these traffickers have chosen to traffic these individuals knowing that this action is a criminal
act. "human trafficking has become the most pervasive criminal activity in the world." (Sara
McGeough with Amber Van Schooneveld)
Background/ history:
Throughout this history, the United States has been aware of the national issue of
modern-day human trafficking starting in 1860. However, the United States did not act on this
issue until 2000, when they established The Trafficking Victims Protection Act, which enforced
the three P's: protection, prevention, and prosecution. It provided these individuals with
increased protection, strengthening the government's prevention efforts and enhancing the
capacity of federal prosecutors against human traffickers. Later, in 2003, The Trafficking Victims
Protection Act was reauthorized. The U.S. Department of Justice "refined federal criminal
provisions against trafficking, to include adding human trafficking crimes as a Racketeer
Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) predicate, and created a civil remedy enabling
trafficking victims to file lawsuits against their traffickers in federal district court. The TVPRA
2003 also established a Senior Policy Operating Group (SPOG) within the executive branch "to
coordinate activities of federal departments and agencies regarding policies (including grants and
grant policies) involving the international trafficking of persons and the implementation of" the
TVPA." over the years there have been several reauthorizations of the Trafficking Victims
Protection Act adding in 2005 "provided extraterritorial jurisdiction over trafficking offenses
committed overseas by persons employed by or accompanying the federal government." ( DOJ)
and in 2017 "provided additional funding and mandates to support victims of trafficking, and to
increase transparency of the federal government's anti-trafficking work." (DOJ)
Emily I Ramirez
JSIS 478- Migrant smugging &Human Trafficking
Group Project
index mentioned, "The 2023 Global Slavery Index (GSI) estimates that on any given day in
2021, there were 1.1 million people living in modern slavery in the U.S., a prevalence of 3.3
people in modern slavery for every thousand people in the country." (GSI) This shows the
magnitude of individuals experiencing Modern-day slavery, displaying in many different forms
and violating many of these individual fundamental rights.
Emily I Ramirez
JSIS 478- Migrant smugging &Human Trafficking
Group Project
The National plan of action for stopping modern-day human trafficking not only in the United
States but in the world is one of the United States' priority issues to address. However, it has
been evolving and increasing in strategy and involvement of organizations. Alongside these
organizations that are used to stop human trafficking is the President's Interagency Task Force to
Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (PITF), which "consists of 20 agencies across the
federal government responsible for coordinating U.S. government-wide efforts to combat
trafficking in persons." (DOS) it is evident that the united states are heavily involved in the end
of human trafficking using many resources and governmental assistance. The goal of the national
action plan approach is to reduce or eliminate human trafficking within the nation in three years.
Emily I Ramirez
JSIS 478- Migrant smugging &Human Trafficking
Group Project
An Office of the Administration for Children & Families. “Federal Government Efforts to
Bureau of Justice Statistics. “Human Trafficking Data Collection Activities, 2023 | Bureau of
Giovagnoni, Becky, and Amber Van Schooneveld. “The History of Human Trafficking.” The
House, The White. “FACT SHEET: President’s Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat
Emily I Ramirez
JSIS 478- Migrant smugging &Human Trafficking
Group Project
United States Department of State.” United States Department of State, 13 Jan. 2023,
Emily I Ramirez
JSIS 478- Migrant smugging &Human Trafficking
Group Project
U.S Department of State. “The President’s Interagency Task Force - United States Department of
Shelley, Louise. Human Trafficking: A Global Perspective, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
Schooneveld, Amber Van. “Where Does Human Trafficking Occur?” The Exodus Road, 30 Jan.
2023, theexodusroad.com/where-does-human-trafficking-occur/.
The White House. “FACT SHEET: President’s Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat