Paper 2021 Template - For All Students

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Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy


Alessandra Zanelli

Guidelines to format papers for final assignment of DULBS 2021

Name Surname AUTHOR*, another AUTHOR a

*University, Master / Bachelor course of ….

Nationality of the Author
Email Address of Author

Affiliation of another author if different from the first Author

This document contains information about the desired format of the final paper for all students of DULBS
course 2021

edition. The paper must be written in English and should be laid out on A4 paper size. You can produce
your paper by simply replacing the contents of this file. Submit both the source file (.docx file format)
and the PDF document (.pdf file format). Your abstract should be a single paragraph of text only (no
equations, figures or special characters) and should be limited to about 15 to 20 lines of text in 12pt Times
New Roman [Style: Normal].

Keywords: Include a list in 10pt Times New Roman [Style: Keywords] of between five and ten keywords or terms, separated by
commas, using nouns or adjective(s)-plus-noun forms that are relatively standard in the field of lightweight construction. (For
example: lightweight structures, structural membrane, sustainability, performance, conceptual design, form finding, optimization,

1. Introduction
Manuscripts may be prepared using Microsoft Word, or another convenient editor provided the result follows
the format of the file you are just reading and provided the result can be converted to a .pdf file. Please
remember that your files should not be password protected or otherwise locked as the editors may need to
make additional minor edits and formatting changes.

Copyright © 2021 by <name(s) of the author(s)> under permission of License Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.
DULBS 2021

If you use Microsoft Word, please make use of this template (the file you are just reading). You can produce
your manuscript by simply replacing the contents of this file and saving it as a Word document. You may
need to adjust the format by specifically applying the Microsoft Word Styles within this document that have
been assigned understandable style names, cited here within [square brackets].

The paper should be a maximum of 12 pages in length when formatted with this template. Make sure that the
ratio of figures to text is well proportioned. Page limits for papers are strict, and authors violating them will
be asked to make edits to reduce their paper lengths if necessary.

Papers will be published in electronic format as PDF files, so the use of color in figures and photos is possible
and encouraged.

2. Layout of text
All text, figures and tables should be placed within this template maintaining the provided margins and layout
settings. All elements of the paper are to be in the font Times New Roman. This sample file gives the basic
layout, and the vast majority of the text, including the text of the Abstract, is in 12pt Times New Roman
justified full [Style: Normal].

Please do not modify or write in the headers or footers, except for inserting the names of the authors in the
first-page footer as indicated.

The paper should start with the Times New Roman 16pt bold title of the contribution as exemplified above
[Style: Title]. The title should have capital letters only at the beginning of the first word and for proper nouns
or acronyms. Next are the names of all authors in 12pt [Style: Authors] and in 10pt the affiliation of the
authors [Style: Affiliation].

Please mark the corresponding author with an asterisk. Use all capital letters for the surnames of all authors,
precede the surname by the forename, and provide full first forenames rather than only initials. Indicate the
affiliation of the corresponding author using the asterisk and the affiliations of other authors using superscript
lower-case letters a, b, …

The Abstract [Style: Normal] and Keywords [Style: Keywords] follow the authors’ affiliations. The above
layout example of Keywords describes their desired characteristics.

All of the numbered first-level headings, as well as the unnumbered headings for the Abstract,
Acknowledgements and References are in 14pt bold [Style: Heading 1]. Section headings for the first level
should be consecutively numbered and should have capital letters only at the beginning of the section title and
for proper nouns and acronyms.

2.1. Subsections
Headings for second-level subsections are 12pt bold [Style: Heading 2] and are numbered as shown in this

DULBS 2021


2.1.1. Third-level subsections

Headings for third-level subsections, if needed, are 12pt italic [Style: Section Heading 3] and are numbered as
shown in this example. Please do not use any further levels of subsections.

2.2. Equations
Equations ought to appear centered, numbered consecutively as shown in the example.

= (1)
  E 

J C (T = const.)   P    + (1 − P )

 E 
  C  

Use right tabs at the right margin to justify equation numbers to that edge, and the equation numbers should
be in parentheses. Simple equations and assignments, like ν = 0, may appear within the text, with variables

2.3. Footnotes
Footnotes should not be used. In the rare case where notes are necessary, please use Endnotes.

2.4. Units
Use SI units exclusively.

2.5. Figures and tables

Figures and tables must be embedded into the text and not supplied separately. Tables should be labeled and
numbered as “tables”. Figures and photos should all be labeled and numbered as “figures”. The captions are
centered, set above the tables and below the figures, using 10,5pt [Style: Captions] as shown below. As the
papers will be disseminated in electronic format, colored photos, pictures and diagrams do not produce any
additional cost and are strongly encouraged. However, note that some readers may prefer to print your article
for detailed study; it is therefore advisable to design your diagrams such that they are also legible in black and
white. Below is an example which the authors may find useful.

Table 1: This is a typical table caption. Obtain permission and include the acknowledgment required by the copyright holder if a
figure is being reproduced from another source.

An example of a column Column A Column B

heading (t) (t)
And an entry 1 2
And another entry 3 4
And another entry 5 6

DULBS 2021

Figure 1: This is a typical figure/photo caption. Obtain permission and include the acknowledgment required by the
copyright holder if a figure is being reproduced from another source.

3. Referencing literature
Use the APA citation style (more information here) as shown in the sample reference list at the end of this
template. To make it easier for readers to follow reference citations in text, it is recommended that authors
refer to previous literature by indicating author(s) surname(s), the year of publication and page number if
necessary, enclosed within parentheses (e.g. Forster 2004 or Monticelli and Zanelli, 2016, p. 420). The APA
style dictates that the references that have been cited in the text should be listed at the end of the paper. Place
references in alphabetical order by the surname of the first author followed by the initials of the author’s given
name. Arrange references with the same author(s) by year of publication, beginning with the earliest.

4. Conclusion: submission of contributions

Papers should be uploaded to the Symposium submission website by the announced deadline. Submissions
should be made in Microsoft Word (.docx) and/or PDF format(s) following the instructions on the submission

Authors must also upload the “Copyright Declaration” form provided on the TensiNet Symposium 2019


DULBS 2021

Avoiding identifying any of the authors prior to peer review.

Forster B., and Mollaert M. (eds.) (2004), European design guide for tensile surface structures: TensiNet,

Monticelli C., Zanelli A. (2016), Life Cycle Design and Efficiency Principles for Membrane Architecture:
Towards a New Set of Eco-design Strategies. In: Procedia Engineering, vol. 155 (pp. 416-425).

Mollaert M., De Laet L., Pyl L. and Devos R. (2015), The design of tensile surface structures. Steel
Construction, vol. 8, pp. 251–258.

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