Data Subject Access Request Form (GDPR)

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Data Subject Access Request Form

Article 15 of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679) (GDPR)
grants you the right to access your personal data held by Test Valley Borough Council,
including the right to obtain confirmation that we process your personal data, receive certain
information about the processing of your personal data, and obtain a copy of the personal data
which the Council processes.

Your request will be assessed in accordance with the GDPR and the Data Protection Act 2018,
supported by Information Commissioner Office guidance.

Requests must be in writing. You can use this form to provide the necessary information.
Requests must be submitted:-

 via email to [email protected] ;

 via postal mail to Test Valley Borough Council, Data Protection Administrator, Legal and
Democratic Services, Beech Hurst, Weyhill Road, Andover SP10 3AJ.

A response should be provided within one month of receipt of the request, or, if later,
one month of receipt of any information requested to clarify the request and/or any
information requested to confirm your identity The time limit maybe extended by a
further two months if the request is complex or if you have made a number of requests.
We will let you know within one month if the time limit is be extended and why. In the
majority of cases there is no fee. A reasonable fee may be charged if the request is
manifestly unfounded or excessive or if additional copies are requested.

Alternatively, manifestly unfounded or excessive requests may be refused.

In addition to exercising your access right, the GDPR also grants you the right to:

• Request correction or erasure of your personal data.

• Restrict or object to certain types of data processing.

• Make a complaint with the local data protection authority.

For more information on your rights under the GDPR, see the Council’s Privacy Notice page
on the website at

I. Requester Name (Data Subject) and Contact Information

Please provide the data subject’s information in the space provided below. If you are
making this request on the data subject’s behalf, you should provide your name and
contact information in Section III.

We will only use the information you provide on this form to identify you and the personal data
you are requesting access to, and to respond to your request.

First and last name:

GDPR Subject Access Request 1 Test Valley Borough Council

Any other names that you are or have
been known by (including nicknames
and former names):

Home address:

Post Code:

Date of birth:

Telephone number:

Email address:

Please provide other unique identifiers

or related information to help us locate
your personal data (for example,
government identification number or
customer account number):

II. Proof of Data Subject’ s Identity

Type of ID supplied e.g. copy of driving licence, passport, etc.

You must provide proof of your identity before the Council can respond to your access request.
To help establish your identity, you must provide identification that clearly shows your name,
date of birth, and current address. A photocopy or a scanned image of one of the following is
acceptable as proof of identity: passport or photo identification such as a driver’s licence,
national identification number card, or birth or adoption certificate. If you have changed your
name, please provide the relevant documents evidencing the change.

If you do not have any of these forms of identification available, please contact Legal and
Democratic Services, [email protected], 01264 368000 for advice on other
acceptable forms of identification.

The Council might request additional information from you to help confirm your identity and
your right to access, and to provide you with the personal data which is held about you.

III. Requests Made on a Data Subject’s Behalf

Please complete this section of the form with your name and contact details if you are
acting on the data subject’s behalf.

GDPR Subject Access Request 2 Test Valley Borough Council

First and last name:

Company or Organisation name:


Post Code:

Telephone number:

Email address:

You must provide proof of the data subject’s identity before the Council can respond to the
request, as set out in Section III above.

In addition, you must provide proof of your legal authority to act on the data subject’s behalf,
such as a written consent signed by the data subject, a certified copy of a Power of Attorney,
or evidence of parental responsibility.

The Council may request additional information from you to help confirm your identity or that of
the data subject. The Council reserves the right to refuse to act on your request if it is unable
to verify your legal authority to act on the data subject’s behalf.

IV. Information

Information Requested

To help locate the personal data you seek, please provide as much detail as possible about
the personal data you are requesting access to. Please include the specific areas of service
GDPR Subject Access Request 3 Test Valley Borough Council
you require the Council to search (e.g. Housing benefit, Council Tax, Planning), together with
time frames, dates, names, types of documents, file numbers, or any other information to
help locate your personal data.

The Council will contact you for additional information if the scope of your request is unclear or
does not provide sufficient information for a search to be conducted (for example, if you
request “all information about me”).

If the information you request reveals personal data about a third party, the Council will either
seek that individual’s consent before responding to your request, or it will redact third parties’
personal data before responding.

V. Signature and

I, , confirm that the information provided on this form is

correct and that I am the person whose name appears on this form. I understand that: (1) Test
Valley Borough Council must confirm proof of identity and may need to contact me again for
further information; (2) my request will not be valid until Test Valley Borough Council receives
all of the required information to process the request; and (3) I am entitled to one free copy of
the personal data I have requested, and acknowledge that for any further copies I request,
Test Valley Borough Council may charge a reasonable fee based on administrative costs.

If you would like to receive a copy of the personal data you are requesting access to, please
indicate below whether you would like a hard copy or an electronic copy:

Electronic copy. Hard copy.

Signature Date

[VI. Authorised Person Signature

I, , confirm that I am authorised to act on behalf of the

data subject. I understand that Test Valley Borough Council must confirm my identity and my
legal authority to act on the data subject’s behalf, and may need to request additional verifying

Signature Date

GDPR Subject Access Request 4 Test Valley Borough Council

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