Modulational and Three Wave Decay Instabilities in Degenerate Electron-Ion Dense Plasmas
Modulational and Three Wave Decay Instabilities in Degenerate Electron-Ion Dense Plasmas
Modulational and Three Wave Decay Instabilities in Degenerate Electron-Ion Dense Plasmas
Ch. Rozina, S. Ali, H. A. Shah, and M. Jamil
Following the drift kinetic and fluid descriptions, the we assume that the external magnetic is applied along
effects of electron density and temperature were studied on the z–axis, i.e., B0 ^z ; where B0 is the strength of magnetic
the parametric instability during the propagation of lower field and ^z is the unit vector in a Cartesian coordinates sys-
hybrid waves in tokamak.27 The parametric decay of Alfven tem. The electric field associated with DUHWs is E
waves in solar wind was explored both in turbulent and non- x^Ex0 expðik0 x ix0 tÞ þ c:c with k0 the wave number and
turbulent plasmas.28 Simulation studies were also carried out x0 the wave frequency. For our purpose, we consider the
by using the ideal MHD module of PLUTO code to identify basic QHD equations including the electron momentum
the existence of instability in those plasmas. Laboratory equation in the presence of quantum corrections through the
observations were performed to show parametric shear Fermi pressure, quantum Bohm potential, and exchange-
Alfven wave instability.29 It has been experimentally correlation forces as
observed that intense high-frequency electric fields indeed ( !)
excite the parametric instabilities of electron and ion waves @Vð1Þ e ð 1Þ 1 ð1Þ Bð1Þ
e ð0Þ
resulting in the heating of plasma.30,31 More specifically, the ¼ E þ Ve B 1 þ ð0Þ
@t me c B
dissipation of electromagnetic energy into a plasma by
damping of electrostatic waves and/or anomalous absorp- rPFe h2 2 ð1Þ rnð1Þ
þ ð0Þ
rr ne ve;xc ð0Þ
tion32 leads to heating the plasma with significant high tem- me ne 4m2e ne me ne
peratures. Physically, parametric instabilities contribute to
coronal heating,33 the observed spectrum and cross helicity and the continuity equation for electrons
of solar wind turbulence34 as well as the damping of fast
magnetosonic waves in fusion plasmas.35,36 Thus, recogniz- @nð1Þ @ ð1Þ
þ nð0Þ
e ð1 þ NS ÞVex ¼ 0; (4)
ing the importance of parametric instabilities in different @t @x
plasmas, we extend the work24 to include statistical Fermi
pressure that is consistent with degenerate dense environ- where Vð1Þe is the perturbed electron fluid velocity associated
ments, like white dwarfs, neutron stars, and magnetars. with DUHWs, hð¼ h=2pÞ being the scaled Planck constant,
In this model, we investigate24 nonlinear behavior of e is the magnitude of electronic charge, and c is the speed of
parametrically coupled high-frequency degenerate upper light in vacuum, PFe represents the Fermi statistical pressure
hybrid waves (DUHWs) with ion cyclotron and Alfven defined in Eq. (1). The third term on R.H.S is the Bohm
waves to showing the impact of Fermi pressure on three potential showing the quantum diffraction effects and the
wave decay and modulational instabilities. We therefore last term of Eq. (3) pinpoints the electron exchange-
derive various nonlinear dispersion relations and calculate correlation potential in terms of high density, which is one of
the corresponding parametric growth rates with quantum set- the important quantum effects in dense quantum plasmas.39
tings. The plasma under consideration is comprised of A general model that shows such exchange-correlation
degenerate electrons obeying the quantum-mechanical potentials is usually described by the density functional
degenerate Fermi distribution and classical ions. Since the theory.40 In the present study, we are looking at the interac-
electrons are lighter than ions such that their thermal De tions between the electrons governed by the electrostatic
Broglie wavelength is larger than that of ions as well. Hence, (Hartree) and exchange-correlation potentials, the normal-
the quantum behavior of electrons is reached faster than the ized electron exchange-correlation potential in terms of com-
ions. The equation of state describing the degenerate elec- plicated function
of electron density is given as
trons in terms of Fermi pressure law is given by ve;xc ¼ 0:985e
1þ 0:034 1=3 1=3
ln ð1 þ 18:37aBe n0e Þ n0e ; where
aBe ne
me v2Fe n3e aBe ð¼ h2 =me e2 Þ represents the effective Bohr atomic radius
PFe ¼ ; (1)
3ne0 and is the relative dielectric constant of the material, and
where the electron mass is denoted by me and ne represents NS ð¼ neð0Þ Þ is the ratio of electron density oscillations-to-its
the total density of Fermi electrons with equilibrium state equilibrium density at a slow timescale. Rewriting Eq. (3)
ne0 :vFe ð¼ 2KB TFe =me Þ1=2 being the electron Fermi velocity into scalar components and solving together Eqs. (1), (2),
with Fermi temperature37 as and (4) into the x–component of the Poisson equation
2 2
h2 n3e ð3p2 Þ3 @ ð 1Þ
TFe ¼ : (2) E þ 4penð1Þ
e ¼ 0; (5)
2me KB @x x
This shows that Fermi temperature is dependent on the equi- we finally obtain a dispersion relation for DUHWs as
librium electron density and an electron energy distribution "
becomes a step-like function in the degenerate limit (i.e., @2 2 2 B 2
þ x þ 2Xce ð0Þ þ xpe NS
absolute temperature T ¼ 0).38 @t2 UH
! #
þ r Ve;xc r vFe r ð1 þ NS Þ Eð1Þ
2 2 2 2
x ¼ 0;
4m2e @x2
To investigate the properties of nonlinear propagation of
electrostatic degenerate upper hybrid waves (DUHWs), (6)
092903-3 Rozina et al. Phys. Plasmas 25, 092903 (2018)
where x2UH ¼ X2ce þ x2pe and r2 ¼ r2x þ r2z :Xce ðxpe Þ is the @Vix e ð1Þ
¼ rx / Xci Viy ; (8)
electron gyrofrequency (electron plasma frequency). In @t mi
ð1Þ ð1Þ
te;xc rne
deriving Eq. (6), we have utilized ð0Þ
¼ Ve;xc r neð0Þ with since in our consideration, the electric field is along the x-
me ne ne
Ve;xc being the electron exchange-correlation speed, which axis, so
can be defined as
( @Viy ð1Þ
¼ Xci Vix ;
0:985e2 1 ð0Þ 1=3 0:985e2 0:034
1 @t
Ve;xc ¼ 1=2 n þ
me 3 e aBe
and the x–component of the continuity equation is
1=3 9 =
18:37aBe 13 nð0Þ
e @NS ð1Þ
ð0Þ 1=3 ; : þ rx Vix ¼ 0: (10)
1 þ 18:37aBe ne @t
Now, solving together (8)–(10), we eventually arrive at
It is noticeable here that in the absence of density and magnetic
field oscillations, i.e., Ns ¼ 0 ¼ Bð1Þ ; Eq. (6) is reduced to @2 e @2
þ X2ci N^ s ¼ /: (11)
h2 2 2
@t2 þ x2UH þ 4m 2 2 2
2 @x r Ve;xc r vFe r
x ¼ 0; show- @t2 mi @x2
ing that the upper hybrid pump wave frequency is significantly Further elimination of / from Eqs. (7) and (11) leads to a
modified by the electron Fermi pressure in addition to electron nonlinear dispersion relation of DICWs as
exchange-correlation effects. By seeking a plane wave solution,
we may arrive at the dispersion relation in a quantum dense @2 e2 @2
1=2 2
þ X2IC NS ¼ hjEx j2 i; (12)
plasma as x0 ¼ x2UH þ 4m h2
2 2 2 2
þv2Fe k02 @t 4mi me xpe @x2
2 kx0 k0 þ Ve;xc k0 ;
2 2 1=2
where k0 ¼ ðkx0 þ kz0 Þ represents the pump wave number. where the degenerate ion-cyclotron frequency containing the
2 2
In the limit kz0 kx0 ; the quantum pump frequency becomes ion-acoustic Fermi speed CF ð¼ 23 KBmTiFe Þ1=2 and given by
n o1=2
h2 4
as x0 ¼ x2UH þ 4m 2 2 2 2
2 k0 þ Ve;xc k0 þ vFe k0 : By neglecting h2 @ 2 2
X2IC ¼ X2ci þ r C2F r2 : (13)
the electron Fermi speed v2Fe ¼ 0; we can easily retrieve the 4me mi @x2
previous result24 from Eq. (6).
The nonlinear term appears on the R.H.S of Eq. (12) due to
the presence of upper-hybrid Ponderomotive force. If this
force is neglected, then a modified dispersion relation of the
These are the electrostatic perturbation (X ’ Xci ) that ion-cyclotron waves is obtained by seeking the plane wave
propagate almost perpendicular to the magnetic field in a solution. Note that quantum electron density correlations and
degenerate dense magnetoplasma. On the ion time scales, Fermi statistical pressure have strong dependence on the dis-
the electrons are assumed to be massless (inertialess) par- persion relation of DICWs.
ticles (X ’ kz VTe ) along the z–direction. The dynamics of
electrons in the perpendicular direction is neglected here. To IV. NONLINEAR INTERACTION OF DUHWs WITH
calculate the electrostatic potential associated with DICWs DICWs
in the presence of upper-hybrid Ponderomotive force and
In this section, we study the amplitude modulation of
electron Fermi pressure, we simplify the momentum equa-
the wave packet due to nonlinear interaction of electrostatic
tion for inertialess electrons using the charge-neutrality
ð1Þ degenerate upper hybrid waves (DUHWs) and degenerate
ði:e:; nð1Þ
e ¼ ni Þ; as
ion-cyclotron waves (DICWs). In our consideration, the elec-
e2 h2 trons behave quantum mechanically and therefore the quan-
rz hjE2x ji þ erz / þ r z r2 N S tum effects owing to Fermi pressure, exchange-correlations,
4me xpe 4me
and quantum diffraction are entirely associated with elec-
2 2
me Ve;xc rz NS KB TFe rz NS ¼ 0 trons, while ions act as classical species. In order to derive a
3 nonlinear dispersion relation for parametric instabilities in a
or degenerate electron-ion plasma, we consider nonlinear inter-
action of high-frequency pump ðx0; k0 Þ DUHWs having the
e 2 h2 me 2 2 KB TFe electric field oscillations Ex ¼ Ex0 exp ðik0 :r ix0 tÞ þ c:c
/¼ hjEx ji r2 NS þ Ve;xc NS þ NS :
4me xpe 4me e e 3 e with low-frequency electrostatic DICWs ðX; kÞ having the
(7) density fluctuations NS ¼ N^ S exp ðik:r iXtÞ: This would
produce two upper hybrid sidebands, i.e., Ex6 exp ðik6 :r
Similarly, the dynamics of magnetized classical ions under ix6 tÞ involving the frequencies x6 ¼ X6x0 and wave
the influence of electric and magnetic fields can be described numbers k6 ¼ k 6 k0. Assuming the magnetic field oscilla-
by the ion equation of motion in component form as tions to be absent B(1) ¼ 0 and following the standard
092903-4 Rozina et al. Phys. Plasmas 25, 092903 (2018)
method,23 we then apply the Fourier transform and collect Then by using the coinciding roots X ¼ XIC þ icIC and X
the same phasor terms on both sides of Eq. (6) to obtain ¼ b a þ icIC where XIC icIC ; we may obtain from
Eq. (20) as
C6 Ex6 ¼ N^ S x2pe Ex06 ; (14)
xpe kx jEx0 j
cIC ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi : (21)
where ð0Þ
! 8 XIC x0 mi pne
h2 2 2
C6 ¼ x26 x2UH 2 2 2 2
2 kx6 k6 Ve;xc k6 vFe k6 : This is the growth rate of three wave decay instability which
has strong dependence on Fermi statistical speed through the
(15) parameter XIC, i.e., the increase in Fermi speed leads to the
reduction of the growth rate of three wave decay instability.
Similarly, the Fourier transforms and matching of phasor
However, the growth rate is directly proportional to the strength
terms on both sides of Eq. (12) lead to
of electric field involving the DUHWs that is quite evident
kx2 from the above expression. Next, for modulational instability,
X2 X2IC N^ S ¼ ð0Þ
hjEx0 Ex þ E?x0 Ex0þ ji: (16) both the upper and lower sidebands C6 are assumed to be reso-
16mi pne
nant, then one may simply obtain from Eq. (19)
Taking into account the inequality X x0 for high- x2pe kx2 jEx0 j2
frequency pump wave, Eq. (15) will become as X2 X2IC X2 þ b2 2Xb a2 ¼ ð0Þ
a: (22)
16x0 mi pne
C6 ¼ 62x0 ½X7a b; (17)
Further if we assume X b; the growth rate of modula-
where tional instability cmIC may be reduced to
h2 2 2
x20 ¼ x2UH þ 2 kx0 2
k0 þ ðVe;xc þ v2Fe Þk02 ; x2pe kx2 a 1
4me cmIC ¼ jEx0 j2 : (23)
( 16x0 mi pne
h2 2 2
2 2
a¼ k k þ kx0 k þ kx2 k02 þ 4kx kx0 k:k0
8m2e x0 x 0 Note that modulational growth rate instability cmIC is a
) strong function of electric field of DUHWs and Fermi speed
1 2 2 2 2 through the parameter a.
þ ðV þ vFe Þðk þ k0 Þ ;
2x0 e;xc
b¼ kx kx0 k2 þ k02 þ kx2 þ kx0
4m2e x0 Here to study the nonlinear dispersion relation of degen-
! erate Alfven waves in a magnetized degenerate electron-ion
1 2 2 plasma accounting for Fermi statistical pressure, we consider
þ ðVe;xc þ vFe Þk:k0 : (18)
x0 the momentum equations of inertialess degenerate electrons
and classical mobile ions, respectively, as
It is noticeable here that the upper-hybrid frequency x0 is 1 ð1Þ e2 x2
significantly affected by the Fermi speed, whereas the modi- ð1Þ
e E þ Ve B ð0Þ
r 4H hjEx j2 i
c 4me xpe
fied frequency shifts are appearing due to nonlinear coupling
of degenerate upper hybrid waves with degenerate ion cyclo- h2 rnð1Þ 2 nð1Þ
þ ð0Þ
rr2 nð1Þ
e ve;xc
KB TFe r ð0Þ ¼0
tron waves. Furthermore, we may obtain from Eqs. (14) and 4ne me ne 3 ne
(16), the nonlinear dispersion relation for parametrically cou- (24)
pled DUHWs and DICWs as
x2pe kx2 jEx0 j2 X 1 ð1Þ
X X2IC ¼ : (19) @Vi 1 ð1Þ
16mi pne þ; C6 mi ¼ e Eð1Þ þ Vi Bð0Þ : (25)
@t c
Equation (19) appears as a consequence of nonlinear Adding Eqs. (24) and (25) and expressing the total current
interaction of high frequency DUHWs with low-frequency ð0Þ ð1Þ
density as J ð1Þ ¼ eðni Vi nð0Þ ð1Þ
e Ve Þ, also by making use
DICWs and is the required dispersion equation to investigate ð1Þ
of the Maxwell equation r B ¼ 4pJc and quasineutral-
both three wave decay and modulation instabilities. To cal- ð0Þ
ity condition, ni nð0Þ
e to finally arrive at
culate the nonlinear damping of three wave decay interac-
tion, we consider the lower sideband C to be resonant, ð1Þ 2 2
while the upper sideband Cþ is assumed to be off-resonant,
B ð0Þ
ðr Bð1Þ Þ e r xH hjEx j2 i
@t ð0Þ 4me mi x4pe
4pmi n i
then in this case Eq. (19) may be reduced to
h2 2 ð1Þ me 2 nð1Þ
e 2 nð1Þ
þ rr n V r C r ;
x2pe kx2 jEx0 j2 ð0Þ
4me mi ne
mi e;xc nð0Þ F
ðX2 X2IC ÞðX þ a bÞ ¼ ð0Þ
: (20) e e
32x0 mi pne (26)
092903-5 Rozina et al. Phys. Plasmas 25, 092903 (2018)
ð0Þ ve;xc rne This is the dispersion relation for parametrically coupled
where VA ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
shows the Alfven speed and ð0Þ
4pmi ni m e ne DUHWs and Alfven waves in a degenerate magnetoplasma.
2 rne
¼ Ve;xc For the three wave decay interaction, the lower sideband C
ð0Þ : Further using the x–component of Eq. (26) into
ne is assumed to be resonant and the upper sideband Cþ is
Eq. (10), which gives us assumed to be off-resonant, and thus, one may obtain from
Eq. (32)
@2 2 @
e2 x2H @ 2
Veff N S ¼ hjEx j2 i; (27)
@t2 @x2 4me mi x4pe @x2 2 2
2 2 xH xpe þ 2Xce
e k
X2 Va2 kx2 ð½X þ a bÞ ¼ x
jEx0 j2 :
where 8mi me x0 x4pe
!1=2 (33)
Veff ¼ VA2 r2 þ C2F (28) Next, for the growth rate, we suppose X ¼ Va kx þ icAL and
4me mi
X ¼ b a þ icAL to obtain
is the effective Alfven speed influenced by the quantum dif- 1=2 sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
fraction and electron degenerate pressure effects. It is impor- e x2pe þ 2X2ce xUH kx
tant to note here that in deriving Eq. (28), we have made the cA ¼ jEx0 j ; (34)
4x2pe Veff x0 mi me
ð1Þ ð1Þ
use of the frozen-in field condition as ð ð0Þ Þ ¼ ðBBð0Þ Þ NS : It
which clearly reflects that the growth rate of three wave
is also clear from Eq. (28) that in the absence of nonlinear
decay instability is a function of magnetic field, while it is an
interaction of the degenerate upper hybrid pump wave, one
inverse square function of effective Alfven speed V eff. For
may obtain the dispersion relation of degenerate Alfven
modulational instability, the upper and lower sidebands C6
waves, as
! are both to be assumed resonant; thus Eq. (32) gives
h 2 2
X2 ¼ Veff
2 2
kx VA2 þ C2F kx2 ; (29) 2 e2 kx2 x2H x2pe þ 2X2ce
4me mi
X Va2 kx2 ðX bÞ2 a2 ¼ jEx0 j2 a:
4mi me x4pe x0
whereas for classical regime ðh2 ! 0Þ and CF ¼ 0, one can
easily retrieve from Eq. (29) the dispersion equation of the
usual Alfven waves in the case of electron-ion plasma. Assuming that X b, we can obtain the growth rate of
Equations (6) and (27) are the governing equations for inves- modulational instability, as
tigating nonlinear interaction between DUHWs and DAWs
0 11=4
in dense quantum magnetoplasma.
x2UH x2pe þ 2X2ce
e2 kx2
@ A
cmA ¼ a jEx0 j1=2 : (36)
The nonlinear interaction between the degenerate upper-
hybrid pump wave and degenerate Alfven waves can be This shows that the growth rate associated with modulational
studied by solving Eqs. (6) and (27), whereas in this case the instability in a magnetized dense plasma is strongly influ-
pump wave contains the oscillating magnetic field as well enced by the perpendicular electric field owing to DUHWs
through the frozen field condition. Accordingly, by using the and the electron Fermi speed through the parameter a. Thus,
Fourier transformation and after matching the phasors, we Eqs. (21), (23), (34), and (36) are the main results that can be
can express Eqs. (6) and (27), respectively, as solved numerically to ascertain that the growth rates of three
wave decay and modulation instabilities have strong electric
C6 Ex6 ¼ x2pe þ 2X2ce N^ S Exo6 (30) field dependence Ex0 ð¼ 1010 V=mÞ involving the DUHWs41
that are scattered by the nonresonant electron density
and perturbations.
h i e2 kx2 x2H
2 2 ^
X2 Veff kx N S ¼ 4
4mi me xpe
To show the impact of quantum corrections owing to
where Ex0þ ¼ Ex0 and Ex0 ¼ Ex0 ,
and the upper and lower Fermi pressure and electron exchange-correlations on the
sidebands C6 are defined in Eq. (15). Similarly, we solve growth rates of three wave decay and modulational instabil-
Eqs. (30) and (31) along with (15) to eventually obtain the ities, we solve numerically Eqs. (21) and (23) arising from
nonlinear dispersion equation, as the nonlinear interaction of DUHWs with DICWs as well as
Eqs. (34) and (36) resulting from the nonlinear interaction
h i e2 kx2 x2UH x2pe þ 2X2ce X 1 DUHWs with DAWs. We also choose some typical parame-
X2 Veff
kx2 ¼ 4
jEx0 j2 : ters in cgs units such as n0 ’ 1025 –1027 ; B0 ’ 106 , and TF
4mi me xpe C
þ; 6 ’ 1:94 106 consistent with white dwarfs, magnetars, and
(32) interiors of neutron stars.42 For graphical representation,
092903-6 Rozina et al. Phys. Plasmas 25, 092903 (2018)
FIG. 1. The normalized growth rate (~c IC Þ of the three wave decay instability
[by scaling Eq. (21)] is plotted against the normalized wave number k~x for
FIG. 3. The normalized growth rate ~c A ð¼ cA =xpe Þ of the three wave decay
different values of electron density ne0 ¼ 1025 cm–3 (blue solid line),
instability [by normalizing Eq. (34)] is plotted against the normalized wave
1026 cm–3 (black dashed line), and 1027 cm–3 (red dotted line). These values
number k~x for different values of ion-acoustic Fermi speed CF 1.03 107
correspond to electron Fermi speeds vFe 4.4 108 cm/s, 9.6 108 cm/s,
cm/s (blue solid curve), 2.2 107 cm/s (black dashed curve), and
and 2.1 109 cm/s, respectively. The electric field is fixed at value
4.8 107 cm/s (red dotted curve). These values correspond to the electron
Ex0 ¼ 0:3 106 statvolt=cm.
density values ne0 ¼ 1025 cm–3, 1026 cm–3, and 1027 cm–3, respectively, with
a fixed electric field strength Ex0 ¼ 0.3 106 statvolt/cm.
Eq. (21) can be normalized by the scaled parameters, as k~
¼ kkFe ; k~0 ¼ k0 kFe ; k~x ¼ kx kFe ; c~F ¼ vcFeF ; ~v XC ¼ vvXC ~ IC
~ 0 ¼ xxpe0 ; X
¼ xpe ; and ~c IC ¼ xpe . It may be noticed from Fig. 1 that when
the electron density increases, the associated electron Fermi To conclude, we have examined the effects of Fermi
temperature, electron Fermi speed, and electron exchange- pressure and exchange-correlations on the profiles of three
correlation speeds would also increase and consequently, the wave decay and modulational instabilities in an electron-ion
magnitude of the growth rate due to three wave decay insta- degenerate magnetoplasma. Following the standard techni-
bility reduces. Figure 2 displays that how the variation of ques, we have obtained the nonlinear dispersion equations
electron Fermi pressure via the electron density modifies the for DUHWs, DICWs, and DAWs in terms of density and
growth rate of modulational instability (~c mIC Þ as a function magnetic field fluctuations. High-frequency DUHWs are
of normalized wave number (k~x Þ: However, Figs. 3 and 4 nonlinearly coupled with DICWs and DAWs which lead to
represent the growth rates of the three wave decay and mod- three wave decay and modulational instabilities. It is worth-
ulational instabilities produced due to the parametric cou- while to mention that quantum Bohm potential represents
pling of DUHWs with DAWs. Note that growth rate the density fluctuations at quantum scales and introduces a
instabilities decrease by increasing the electron density con- dispersion term to modify the frequencies of DUHWs,
centration. Additionally, the growth rates of these instabil- DICWs, and DAWs. On the other hand, Fermi pressure can
ities have strong dependence on the strength of electric field. be coupled with the exchange-correlation terms to signifi-
cantly alter the growth rates of three wave decay and
FIG. 2. The normalized growth rate (~c mIC Þ of the modulational instability FIG. 4. The normalized growth rate ~c mA ð¼ cmA =xpe Þ of the modulation
[by normalizing Eq. (23)] is plotted against the normalized wave number k~x instability [by normalizing Eq. (36)] is plotted against the normalized wave
for different values of electron density ne0 ¼ 1025 cm–3 (blue solid curve), number k~x for different values of electron density ne0 ¼ 1025 cm3 (blue
1026 cm–3 (black dashed curve), and 1027 cm–3 (red dotted curve). Other solid curve), 1026 cm–3 (black dashed curve), and 1027 cm–3 (red dotted
parameters are the same as in Fig. 1. curve). Other parameters are the same as Fig. 3.
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