Lesson Plan in Mathematics
Lesson Plan in Mathematics
Lesson Plan in Mathematics
I. Learning Objectives
a. describe the different kinds of polygons according to its classification
b. differentiate the types of polygons; and
c. specify the importance of polygons through citing its application in real-life.
2. Greetings
Once again, good morning Good morning teacher Mywill.
children! Good morning classmates.
I am glad to see you again.
3. Classroom Management
But before that, kindly pick up the
pieces of paper around you. And (Students will pick up the pieces of
let me just remind you our paper around them and will listen to
classroom rules. their teacher as she explains the
classroom rules.)
(Teacher will shortly explain the
classroom rules)
4. Checking of Attendance
Ms. Secretary, who is absent Ma’am there are no students absent
today? today.
5. Motivation
Everybody stand up, we are going
to have a group energizer activity
called forming shapes. During this
activity, you will walk criss cross
through the room. And once I clap
my hands I will instruct you to
group yourselves into numbers
that I want and you need to form
in the shapes that I will tell.
Very good!
Let’s have a riddle that will serve (Students will raise their hands.)
as a review.
-I measure less than 90o, what am
I? Acute Angle
-I measure 110o, what am I? Obtuse Angle
2. Activity
I prepared here a short activity for
you my dear grade 5 students,
and it is called shape hunting. All
you have to do is to write down on
your worksheet that I will be
giving you, as many different
geometric shapes you can see in
the pattern within 40 seconds.
Is that clear?
Yes teacher!
Are you all ready? Readying ready na kami!
Very good, let us start.
3. Analysis
Do you usually see this geometric (Students may answer yes or no.)
shapes in your surrounding?
Can you tell me some objects that (Students may tell different objects.)
we can compare from this
(Students’ answer may vary.)
What do you call to all of this
4. Abstraction
Based on the activity that we did,
what do you think is our lesson for
today? (Students’ answer may vary.)
Very Good!
5. Application
(The teacher will show different
road signs and the students will
identify the meaning and shape of
the sign.)
Pedestrian Crossing
School Zone
Two way
C. Generalization
Class can you give me some
examples of Polygons that can be
seen at home? (Students will raise their hands and will
cite some examples.)
Polygons are everywhere. Do you
believe in that? Yes teacher!