CCF Commerce CSR 13 Sem. 1

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Syllabi for Semester 1 & 2 of B.Com. 4-year Programme And B. Com. (MDC) 3-year Programme Under NEP-2020
Effective from the Academic Session 2023-24
Semester 1 Major Paper 1
Financial Accounting I (Credit of the Paper 4)
Semester-end Examinations: 75 marks + Tutorial Examinations:25 marks=Total 100 marks
Unit Topic Details
Nature of accounting; Users of accounting information; Qualitative
characteristics of accounting information.
Double entry book keeping system – Basic accounting equation, meaning of
assets, liabilities, equity, revenue and expenses. Accounting Cycle -
1 Introduction Recording of transaction: Journal, Ledger and preparation of Trial
Bases of accounting; cash basis and accrual basis.
Basic concepts and conventions: entity, money measurement, going
concern, cost, realisation, accruals, periodicity, consistency, prudence
(conservatism), materiality, matching and full disclosures.
Concept of revenue recognition and recognition of expenses.
Inventories: meaning. Significance of inventory valuation. Lower of cost or
market rule; Inventory ascertainment and reconciliation.
The nature of depreciation. The accounting concept of depreciation. Factors
Concepts for
in the measurement of depreciation. Methods of computing depreciation:
determination of business
straight line method, diminishing balance and Units of production method;
Disposal of depreciable assets; change in estimate and method of charging
2 depreciation. Accounting for depreciation: Asset-depreciation, Asset-
Reserves and provisions: Meaning; Objective; Types &Accounting
Capital and revenue expenditures and receipts: generalintroduction only.
Adjustment (including goods with customers pending approval) and
rectification entry
Final accounts of Trading Preparation of financial statements: of sole proprietorship business entities
3 Concern from a trial balance – Manufacturing, Trading, Profit & Loss Account and
Balance Sheet
Financial statements of Preparation of Receipts & Payments A/c, Income & Expenditure A/c and
Not for Profit organisations Balance Sheet
4 and Transaction approach
from Incomplete records
Sectional and Self- Concept of sectional balancing, preparation of control accounts. Self-
5 balancingledger balancing Ledger: advantages; Recording process; preparation of
Adjustment accounts.
Relevant Accounting Standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India are to befollowed.
Suggested Reading:Basic Accounting, Rajni Sofat & Preeti Hiro, PHI, Sukla, Grewal, Gupta: Advanced Accountancy Vol. I, S Chand, R. L. Gupta &
Radheswamy, Advanced Accountancy Vol. I, S. Chand, Maheshwari & Maheshwari, Advanced Accountancy Vol. I, Vikash Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.,
Sehgal & Sehgal, Advanced Accountancy Vol. I, Taxman Publication, Hanif & Mukherjee, Financial Accounting, TMH, Frank Wood, Business
Accounting Vol 1, Pearson, Tulsian, Financial Accounting, Pearson, Mukherjee and Mukherjee, Financial Accounting I, Oxford, Accounting Standards
issued by ICAI, Amitava Basu & Sibasish Datta, Financial Accounting I, Tee Dee Pub. Ltd., Debarshi Bhattacharya (Ratul), Financial Accounting I, Law
Semester 1 Minor Paper 1
Principles and Practice of Management (Credit of the Paper 4)
Semester-end Examinations: 75 marks + Tutorial Examinations:25 marks=Total 100 marks
Unit-1: Introduction:
Management-definition, importance, functions, levels of management, managerial tasks and skills, Management theories - Classical
(Taylor & Fayol), Neo-classical (Elton mayo & Mary Parker Follet) and Modern School of management (Peter Drucker & Michael
Porter) Managerial roles (Mintzberg), Social Responsibility of Management and its significance.
Unit-2: Planning:
Meaning, nature, purpose, types, premises, elements of planning and limitations of planning; Strategic planning- concept, process and
importance, Decision Making - concept, importance; Environment analysis and SWOT analysis [concept and elements]
Unit-3: Organizing:
Concept, need, principles, steps in organising, different organization structure [line, staff, functional, project and new organisational
structure – basic concepts] Departmentation-need, basis, Delegation of Authority-elements, principles; Centralization and
Decentralization of Authority; Span of Management; concept and factors determining span of management
Unit-4: Directing and Leadership:
Directing: concepts, elements and importance; Leadership: Concept, importance, types, Major theories of Leadership (Likert’s
system four theory, Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid theory, Fred Fiedler’s situational leadership, Tannenbaum & Schmidt’s
Behavioural Model, Trait theory of leadership)
Unit- 5: Motivation, Co-ordination and Control:
Motivation: Concept, steps, importance, Motivation theories: Maslow’s Need-Hierarchy theory, Herzberg’s Two- factor theory and
McGregor’s theory of X and Y;. Coordination: concepts, importance, principles; Control: concepts, importance and Managerial tools of
Suggested Reading: Kaul, V.K.,Business Management, Vikash, Koontz &Weirich, Essentials of Management, TMH, Principles of Management, Meenakshi Gupta, PHI, Stoner & Freeman, Management ,
PHI, Drucker, P.F., Managing Challanges for the 21st Century, Butterworth, Oxford, Mitra, J.K., Principles of Management, Oxford, Debnath S.K, & Dutta S.P., Principles and Practice of Management, Tee
Dee Pub. (P) Ltd., Kaul Vijay Kumar, Business Management, Vikas Publishing House.

Semester 1 Inter-Disciplinary / Multi-Disciplinary(IDC / MDC) Paper 1

Microeconomics (Credit of the Paper 3)
Semester-end Examinations: 50 marks + Tutorial Examinations:25 marks=Total 75 marks
Unit-I Introduction : Definition of Microeconomics, Macroeconomics--positive and normative economics--Basic concepts--scarcity and
choice--Production Possibility Curve--Central Problem of the Economy--concept of slope
Unit-II: Theory of Demand and Supply
Demand and Supply : Concepts of Demand-derived demand--Demand function--Determinants of demand -- Law of Demand & its
expectations--Movement along the Demand curve and shift of the Demand curve-- Concepts of Supply and Supply function--Law
of Supply --Movement along the supply curve and shift of the supply curve--Market equilibrium and Determination of price--Effect
of change in the Demand and Supply on Equilibrium price
Elasticity of Demand and Supply : Price elasticity of demand --Determinants and Measurement of price elasticity--Relationship
between slope and price elasticity of demand--Income elasticity of demand--Cross price Elasticity of Demand --Elasticity of Supply
Unit III: Theory of Consumer Behaviour : Concept of Utility and Marginal utility--The Law of Diminishing marginal Utility--Cardinal
Utility theory-Concept and significance of Consumer Surplus--Consumer’s Equilibrium in case of single and two commodities--
Concept of Ordinal utility theory--Indifference curve and its properties-- Marginal Rate of Substitution--Budget Line and Budget
equation--Consumer’s Equilibrium
Unit IV: Theory of Production and Cost : Concept of Production Function--Fixed and Variable inputs--Short run and Long run--
Relation among Total, Average and Marginal Product--Law of Variable Proportion--Return to Scale--Isoquants, Isocosts and
Producer’s equilibrium (Graphical Explanation)--Concepts of Economic Cost and Opportunity Cost--Short Run and Long run Cost
Functions--Relation among Average Cost, Average Variable Cost and Marginal Cost--Long run Average Cost Curve from Short Run
Average Cost curves
Unit V :Revenue and Market : Definition and different forms of Market--Revenue under Different Market Structure--Relation
among Total Revenue, Average revenue and Marginal Revenue--Perfect Competition and Monopoly--Features, Equilibrium of the
firm ( Short Run and Long Run)--Short run supply curve of a firm under perfect competition--Price discrimination under monopoly--
concepts and conditions
Suggested readings : Microeconomics, Mukherjee sampat, Mukherjee Mallinath & Ghosh Amitava, PHI, Pindyck R and Rubinfeld D.L, Micro Economics, Pearson, Gould & Ferguson, Micro Economic
Theory, Mankiw.N.G., Principles of Microeconomics, Cengage, Dasgupta P and Khan P, Microeconomics and Statistics, Elegant Publication. Bhattacharyya S, Microeconomics and Indian Economics, Oxford
University Press, Majumdar D and Banerjee A, Microeconomics and Statistics, ABS Publishing House, Dwivedi, D.N., Managerial Economics, Vikash Publications, Sarkhel J, Salim S and Dutta S,
Microeconomics and Statistics, Book Syndicate, De Bipul, Microeconomics, Tee Dee Publications (P) Ltd. (Bengali & English Version), Jana Dipparna, Microeconomics 1, Law Point.


Entrepreneurship Development (Credit of the Paper 4)
Semester-end Examinations: 75 marks + Tutorial Examinations:25 marks=Total 100 marks
Unit-1 : Entrepreneur: meaning, features, functions and different types (Innovative, imitating, fabian, drone, social, intrapreneur,
technopreneur, ecopreneur) ;Entrepreneurship Meaning, elements, determinants and importance; need for creativity and innovation in
Entrepreneurship; Role of family business in India; The contemporary role models in Indian business [including Women
Entrepreneur]: their values, business philosophy and behaviouralorientations; Conflict in family business and its resolution.
Unit-2 : Public and private system of stimulation, support and sustainability of entrepreneurship, requirement, availability and access
to finance, marketing assistance, technology, and industrial accommodation, Role of industries/entrepreneur’s associations
and self-help groups, The concept, role and functions of business incubators, angel investors, venture capital and private equity fund.
Unit-3 : Sources of business ideas [concept and features] and tests of feasibility [concept and objective], innovation life cycle, creative
process, Significance of writing the business plan/project proposal; Concept, importance and contents of business plan/project
proposal; Designing business processes, location, layout, operation, planning & control; preparation of feasibility study report and project
report [Unit to be studied along-with Case Studies as far as practicable]
Unit-4 : Mobilizing Resources for entrepreneurship, Need for finance in entrepreneurship; Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises:
meaning, advantages and disadvantages; Startup: mobilizing resources for start-up: Accommodation and utilities; Preliminary
contracts with the vendors, suppliers, bankers, principal customers, basic startup problems, methods to solve startup problems.
Suggested readings : Kuratko and Rao, Entrepreneurship: A South Asian Perspective, Cengage Learning., Sharma, S., Entrepreneurship Development, PHI, Robert Hisrich, Michael Peters, Dean Shepherd,
Entrepreneurship, McGraw-Hill Education, Desai, Vasant. Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development and Management. Mumbai, Himalaya Publishing House., Dollinger, Mare J. Entrepreneurship: Strategies
and Resources. Illinois, Irwin., Holt, David H. Entrepreneurship: New Venture Creation. Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi., Plsek, Paul E. Creativity, Innovation and Quality. (Eastern Economic Edition), New
Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India. ISBN-81-203-1690-8., Singh, Nagendra P. Emerging Trends in Entrepreneurship Development. New Delhi: ASEED., SS Khanka, Entrepreneurial Development, S. Chand & Co,
Delhi., K Ramachandran, Entrepreneurship Development, McGraw-Hill Education, SIDBI Reports on Small Scale Industries Sector., Mukherjee & Roy, Entrepreneurship Development, Oxford, Chandra B &
Biswas B, Entrepreneurship Development, Tee Dee Pub (P) Ltd (Bengali & English Version)

Syllabi for AEC and VAC will be provided by the respective UGBOS
(2 Credits – Th 2, Tu 0)

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