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Observation Protocol for Teachers in the Evaluation Phase

Direction: Please give your observations and suggestions on the design observed of the
Development of the Portable CCTV Trainer: An instructional device in Electronics or any course
of actions followed/demonstrated by the teacher and the students in using the Portable CCTV
Trainer. Encircle the rating chosen.

Degree of Implementation Other Observations

Design 3 2 1

Portability 1.1 The Portable 1.1 The portable 1.1 The Portable
CCTV Trainer has a CCTV trainer offers CCTV Trainer has a
compact and good portability, but bulky design and
lightweight design it may require some heavy construction
allows for easy effort to carry and make it challenging
transportation to transport from one to transport,
various locations location to another. requiring significant
without any hassle. effort to move
between locations.

Camera System 2.1 The camera 2.1 The camera 2.1 The camera
system provides system provides system of the
clear and detailed adequate footage Portable CCTV
footage, allowing for demonstrating Trainer struggles to
users to effectively surveillance provide clear and
demonstrate scenarios, although detailed footage,
surveillance it may lack some hindering effective
scenarios in various advanced features demonstration of
environments. found in higher end surveillance
systems. scenarios and

Monitor 3.1 The Portable 3.1 The monitor of 3.1 The monitor of
CCTV Trainer the portable CCTV the portable CCTV
monitor offering a trainer is trainer is lacking in
high-resolution satisfactory, display quality and
display with vivid providing a decent functionality
colors and excellent display quality with resulting in blurry
contrast. adequate resolution images, making it
and color accuracy. challenging to
analyze surveillance
footage accurately.

Power Supply 4.1 The power 4.1 The power 4.1 The power
supply of the supply of the supply of the
portable CCTV portable CCTV portable CCTV
trainer is highly trainer meets trainer falls short of
efficient and expectations by expectations, lacking
versatile, providing offering reliable versatility and
seamless operation performance and reliability.
in various flexibility.


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