Geography Form Two 2024
Geography Form Two 2024
Geography Form Two 2024
SCHOOL: ______________________________________________
TERM: 1st & 2nd
YEAR: 2024
Main Specific Period s Teaching & Learning Tools
Competence Competence Teaching Activities Month Week Reference Assessment Tools Remarks
- Quizzes,
questions and answers,
- class
To guide students to discuss problems presentation, tests, monthly
For Secondary
UNDERSTAND facing large scale agriculture. Using evaluation
Describe Large Schools. Literature on large scale
NATURE OF experiences from USA, the teacher to guide January Week 4 1 - project work,
scale Agriculture Students agriculture
AGRICULTURE students to discuss on how to improve debates, group discussion,
Book Form
large scale agriculture in Tanzania. - observation,
Two. By T.I.E
work, take home
- Quizzes,
questions and answers,
- class
i) Using photographs showing mining centres Geography
presentation, tests, monthly
to guide students to discuss types of mining For Secondary
CARRY OUT evaluation
Types of mining industries. Schools. Photographs showing
SUSTALNABL April Week 3 3 - project work,
industry (ii)To guide students to prepare a. Students different mining centres
E MINING debates, group discussion,
summary of the discussion on the types of Book Form
- observation,
mining industries. Two. By T.I.E
work, take home
(i) Through reading texts on minerals the - Quizzes,
teacher to guide students to discuss on questions and answers,
major minerals found in the world. (ii) - class
Teacher to guide students to identify the presentation, tests, monthly
Show Types and : For Secondary
CARRY OUT types of the minerals found in the world. evaluation
distribution of Schools. Photographs showing
SUSTALNABL (iii) By the use of world minerals maps and April Week 4 2 - project work,
mining regions in Students different mining centres
E MINING samples of different minerals the teacher to debates, group discussion,
the world. Book Form
guide students to identify minerals found in - observation,
Two. By T.I.E
the world, remedial
work, take home
- Quizzes,
questions and answers,
(i) By using a map to guide students in groups
- class
to study data showing the production of Geography
presentation, tests, monthly
Contribution of different minerals in Tanzania and make For Secondary
CARRY OUT 1. Real: jewels. 2. Pictures evaluation
mining industry presentations. Schools.
SUSTALNABL May Week 1 2 showing jewels and gem. 3. - project work,
to the economy (ii)To provide real jewels or pictures of jewels Students
E MINING Map of economic activities debates, group discussion,
of Tanzania. and gem and guide students to study them Book Form
- observation,
and explain their importance to the economy Two. By T.I.E
of Tanzania.
work, take home
(i) To organize a visit to the - Quizzes,
nearestmining area for students to observe questions and answers,
the effects of mining activities to the - class
Alleviate The environment. presentation, tests, monthly
For Secondary
CARRY OUT effects of the (ii) To guide students to name, Charts and pictures depicting evaluation
SUSTALNABL mining industry differentareas in Tanzania which are affected May Week 1 1 environmental degradation - project work,
E MINING in the by the mining activities iii) To guide students caused by mining. debates, group discussion,
Book Form
environment. to propose ways of minimizing effects of - observation,
Two. By T.I.E
mining to the environment. remedial
work, take home
FIRST – TERM BREAK 31/05/2024 – 01/07/2024
Using texts on manufacturing industries the - Quizzes,
to guide students to define manufacturing questions and answers,
industries. Geography - class
SUPPORT Concept and (i) Using various photographs and actual For Secondary Texts on manufacturing presentation, tests, monthly
MANUFACTIT importance of industrial products, the teacher to guide Schools. industries, Photographs of evaluation
JULY Week 1 3
RI NG manufacturing students to explain the importance of Students industrial products. Actual - project work,
INDUSTRY industries manufacturing industry. Book Form industrial products. debates, group discussion,
To guide students to discuss and present how Two. By T.I.E - observation,
they benefit from manufacturing industry and remedial
make summary work, take home a
10 / 15
Main Specific Period s Teaching & Learning Tools
Competence Competence Teaching Activities Month Week Reference Assessment Tools Remarks
- Quizzes,
questions and answers,
Geography - class
SUPPORT For Secondary presentation, tests, monthly
Write Factors for Using photographs to guide students to
MANUFACTIT Schools. Photographs of manufacturing evaluation
location of discuss and identify factors for location of July Week 4 3 - project work,
RING Students industries.
industries. industries. debates, group discussion,
Two. By T.I.E - observation,
work, take home assignment
- Quizzes,
Using photographs to guide students in questions and answers,
discussing the production of: (i) Cars in - class
Japan (ii) Electronic • Photographs on production presentation, tests, monthly
SUPPORT For Secondary
Equipment in South Korea of cars in Japan, electronic evaluation
Focal Studies (iii) Textiles in Tanzania To guide students to August Week 2 3 equipment in South Korea - project work,
RI NG Students
read relevant texts on the industries in the and textile in Tanzania. • debates, group discussion,
focal countries and draw lessons for Tanzania Texts on industrial activities, - observation,
Two. By T.I.E
to view of successes and problems being remedial
realized. work, take home
- Quizzes,
questions and answers,
- class
presentation, tests, monthly
USE POWER For Secondary
• Photographs showing evaluation
AND ENERGY Define Power To guide students brainstorm the definition Schools.
August Week 3 2 different types of power and - project work,
RESOURCES and Energy of power and energy. Students
energy, debates, group discussion,
- observation,
Two. By T.I.E
work, take home
MID TERM BREAK 30/08/2024 – 16/09/2024
To arrange a filed visit or use maps and - Quizzes,
picture showing area where energy/power is questions and answers,
produced and then guide students to identify - class
Geography • Map of the world showing
Show Methods the equipment used to extract energy and presentation, tests, monthly
USE POWER For Secondary areas where energy and
of power. (ii) To guide students to discuss on evaluation
AND ENERGY Schools. power are produced. •
acquiring/extra various methods used to extract power and SEPT Week 3 1 - project work,
RESOURCES Students Pictures showing various
cting power and energy. (iii) By citing one or two examples (ic debates, group discussion,
SUSTAINABLE Book Form methods/equipm ent for
energy. water (HEP) and solar power) teacher to - observation,
Two. By T.I.E acquiring ife xtract ing the
discuss in groups the sources of power and remedial
how they are extracted. (iv) To guide each work, take home
group to present and make summary. assignment
(i) To guide students to discuss on the uses of - Quizzes,
power and energy resources at family level. questions and answers,
(ii) By using pictures and photographs - class
State showing how power and energy is uses, to presentation, tests, monthly
USE POWER For Secondary
Importance and guide students in groups to discuss the • Pictures and photographs • evaluation
AND ENERGY Septem Schools.
uses of power importance of power resources. (iii) To guide Week 3 2 Actual samples of cookers, - project work,
RESOURCES ber Students
and energy students in groups to present and summarize calculators. debates, group discussion,
resources the uses and importance of all types of - observation,
Two. By T.I.E
energy and power resources. remedial
work, take home
- Quizzes,
questions and answers,
- class
(i) To guide students to brainstorm presentation, tests, monthly
For Secondary Texts on power and energy
ASSES thedefinition of transport and main types of evaluation
Main types of Schools. resources. Maps showing
TRANSPORT transport in the world. Octobe r Week 2 3 - project work,
transport Students transport system in East Africa
ACTIVITIES (ii) With the aid of transportation debates, group discussion,
Book Form and in the world,
mapsthe teacher - observation,
Two. By T.I.E
work, take home
(i) Using maps of the region, to guide - Quizzes,
students to discuss the problems facing questions and answers,
transportation in East Africa. (ii) To guide - class
students to suggest problems facing presentation, tests, monthly
Alleviate For Secondary
ASSES transportation in their areas and make Maps of relief features of East evaluation
Problem s facing Schools.
TRANSPORT summary. Octobe r Week 3 3 Africa. A site of modern - project work,
transport Students
ACTIVITIES iii)To guide students to discuss the solutions transport systems, debates, group discussion,
industry Book Form
taken in addressing the problems facing - observation,
Two. By T.I.E
transportation in Tanzania. remedial
work, take home