9 Jerad DLId 0636 Vol 004 Issue 0021
9 Jerad DLId 0636 Vol 004 Issue 0021
9 Jerad DLId 0636 Vol 004 Issue 0021
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1 author:
Falguni Desai
Shri M R Desai Arts and E E L K Commerce College
All content following this page was uploaded by Falguni Desai on 21 April 2020.
Our existence on planet earth blossom due to blessing of mother earth, she is the goddess of
nature according to Hindu mythology. She is the Supreme elixir of our existence on earth.
She continuously plays her role from our being to perishing on this planet she sustains our
life cycle in her own accordance. But our acts are not complimentary to her sustenance, thus
by abusing the earth we are endangering our own existence. Increasing natural hazards are
the result of our atrocious acts of exploiting our earth. Ancient Indian texts reveal the
concern for environmental issues in form of mythology and tradition. This paper examines
some of the beliefs and practices underlying traditional Hindu religions’ attitude towards
nature and its strategic extension as a tool for Environmental conservation. It is high time we
turn to our ancestral roots because by protecting environment we shall protect the entire
humanity, let us pass on the rich Vedic heritage and its teachings to our future generations
and make this earth a better place for them to live in.
Key Words : Ecology, Kshiti (earth), Apah (water), Teja (light/heat), Vayu (air)
Fig. 1 : Prakriti, Fig: 2 : Ganga, Fig. 3 : Surya, Fig. 4 : Agni, Fig. 5 : Vayu,
(earth/shakti), Apah (water/) Teja (light/heat) Teja (light/heat) Marut (air)
Journal of Environmental Research And Development Vol. 4 No. 2, October-December 2009
The respect Indians have for all forms of natural environment. As no movement
life is well known. We protect nature with whether biological, natural, human or
religious fervor. The sacred groves are the metaphysical can subsist outside the sphere
repositories of biological resources. Trees are of the earth, the concept of the Mother Earth
protected and worshipped for their assimilates a wide range of meanings.
ecological, economical, medicinal and social The entire earth is continual by a
importance. They are the representatives of harmonious cosmic principle; this principle
the ecology, species and genetic diversity. is known as Rta or cosmic order in Vedic
Sustainable society is one that functions and system. It is the self-regulative law of
lives in harmony with earth systems such that harmony. It is the uncongenial power, the
future generations will be able to function underlying regulator of all life on earth at the
with equal or greater ease and the quality of natural and human level. The two functions
life will in no way be diminished. Hindu
of the earth, birth and death, are embodied in
religious traditions teach us that the earth is
the fundamental ecological principle of
sacred, the fact that traditionally helps to
interdependence. In every environment, the
exert control over how people interact with
hilly, desert or forest, the plant and animal
the natural world. The use of religion as a
species that constitute the biotic community,
tool for environment conservation is
together with the soil, air, and water are
justified. Firstly most lasting social change is
inherently organized so as to form a unified
anchored in a deep moral imperative.
life support system. There exist elaborate and
Secondly values based rationales for
extensive networks. If even one fraction of
protecting biodiversity are widely held and
this association is harmed, it would destroy
persuasive. Thirdly religion humanizes and
and weaken the whole composition. There is
personalizes choices about environment and
no space for devastate in nature’s finely
more importantly, understanding ethics
balanced economy. Whatever is used is
backed by individuals’ religions will help us
recycled once again through seasonal flux.
make better decisions on complex issues.
The fundamental intuition of the cyclic order
Vedic man was nature centered for him of the seasons is celebrated by the seers:
the nature and its phenomena were part of Your circling seasons, nights succeeding
eternal divine design10. The ideas of the days, Your summer, O Earth, your splashing
Prakriti incorporate a countless meanings. rains, Yours winter and frosty season
The celebrated Prthivi-sukta (also referred to
yielding too spring-may each and all produce
as Bhumi-sukta) in the Atharva Veda sums
for us milk.11
up the Vedic attitude towards earth.
Supposition in this paper is that the The Vedic literature reflects a religion of
evocative, authoritarian and ecologic writing nature, where man is conceived as a part and
on nature deities found in Vedic literature parcel of its natural circumstances and
was a means to indoctrinate ecological concern for earth is hinted as follows:
awareness. Their significance lies in the fact Earth’s stability : The Sun never sets or
that the images provide that methodologies rises and it is the earth, which rotates. The
and strategies adopted in the past to sustain gravitational effect of solar system makes the
the imbalances and terrorization posed to the earth stable.12
Journal of Environmental Research And Development Vol. 4 No. 2, October-December 2009
Non- corrosive axle of the earth : The The divine and brilliant Usha (Dawn):
axle of the earth does not get rusted and the Mathematicians and astronomers are advised
earth continues to revolve on its axle.13 in the Veda that all calculations of time
Ashvinaus (scientists in Vedic code) have should start from the divine and brilliant
been advised to learn thoroughly about Usha (dawn). Formless being of light Usha
Prakriti (Nature), characteristics and various Devi is described as the brilliant daughter of
qualities of water, air, fire, electricity and the glorious Surya deva (Sun). She represents
heat and sound energy i.e. environment. The dawn and time in Prakriti. Even the
earth revolving and going round the Sun like calculation of Pralaya and Sristi (dissolution
a calf following the mother is mentioned in and creation) of the universe are based on
Rig Veda .14 Earth surrounded by air on all Dawn and also the Sun, after taking into
sides, revolved on its axle and measures the consideration the gravitational effect of the
set path. Lightening and energy are its main entire solar system. 17 Rig-Veda refers to ten
manifestation; its axle does not get rusted. 15 directions based on the rays of Sun, with four
Ether is the ocean of sound waves. Sun, stars, main directions i.e. East, West, North and
earth, other planets and the entire Nature South. Obviously, Vedic seers divided
exist on the basis of indestructible syllable directions into an angle of 36 degrees, each
“OM” which is the cosmic Word described which led to the discovery of the Sun watch
as shabad Brahma in the Vedas. There is a used in ancient India. All calculations were
mention that human beings should spread based on ecosystem and were designed for
this Word OM in the sky/ether which helps the preservation of bionetwork and
in making the earth, ecosystem, stable and environment. 18
free from environmental hazards, pollution Nature/Mother earth = religious
and other evil effects. aspect =divine concept of Vedas = mode of
The unawareness about the subtle environment protection to maintain
atoms has now become the major cause of ecological balance = evade entropy in
over exploitation of the earth : The ecology: It is due to the spirit of God
“Ashvinaus” - the epithet for scientists in the pervading both in the Sun and the Earth and
Vedas, have to utilize their inner divine also due to gigantic Design of Brahma the
instruments for the welfare of mankind on only supreme Reality. The human beings
the principle of Idd Nan Mmam - nothing for should protect the earth revolving very fast
self all for society. The unawareness about like a deer by observing and following the
the subtle atoms has now become the major permanent laws of social, moral and
physical, ecological order ordained by God
cause of over exploitation of the earth as a
and described as Rta in the Vedas and other
quarry, leading to all kinds of pollution,
scriptures of the Hindus. Such brave people
environmental hazards and other moral and
who observe and follow these Rta help in the
social degradation. Finding no divinity in
preservation of land (earth). 19 The science of
matter, man’s ego exploitation continues and Time is also linked with the Sun and his
he finds even a sense of pride in this daughter Usha Devi.20 Each dawn reduces
negativity, bereft of any spiritualism. There life span of the matter in all animate and
are a large number of hymns through which inanimate life and it reminds the human
the scientists have been advised to do further beings to set a proper timetable from
research and discover various kinds of morning to night This of reduction means
conveyances, which could move in disorder we recognize it as entropy in
firmament, earth and the sea. 16 modern science. Owing to its subtle nature
Journal of Environmental Research And Development Vol. 4 No. 2, October-December 2009
Time should never be wasted. All mundane, are about its forces and life-supporting
material and spiritual duties should be energies, the clearer is our perception of its
discharged punctually as per the timetable rhythm. From the digesting activity of our
fixed with reference to the dawn21. intestines to the firing of the neurons in the
Understanding of all the attributes of brain, every single function of the organs and
Prakriti: In Rig -Veda, Indra deva is an cells in our bodies reflects the beat which
important being of light that represents mirrors the rhythm of nature so we have to
power, destroys followers of non divine be in harmony with Rta the cosmic rhythm
professions, bribe takers, adulterators of which balances the earth. The state of our
food, medicines and other evil minded health: physical, emotional, and mental is
persons. He represents power and strength of entirely dependent on this rhythm. When the
Prakriti. Even his name is derived rhythm stops beating through the vital trinity
scientifically from two words “Indha and of each individual's nature: body, mind, and
Ra.” Indha is fuel and Ra is transforming soul, individual perishes.
energy, a kind of cosmic fire. Indhra or Indra The health of the natural environment,
is thus power, energy and strength which with all its variety of animated and non-
provides constant fuel in the Nature and animated entities is entirely Rta-dependent as
destroys those who create obstructions in his we humans are the part of this Rta we have
noble activities. Since Atharva Rsis were to play our role in saving the mother earth
worshippers of holy fire, in Atharva Veda, revising and following the preaching of our
Agni deva in charge of holy fire and its ancestors of worshiping the earth as diety
and saving it. The self-organizing capacity of
attributes became the most important deva.
nature's dynamics is sustained through the
He was also made lord of vows. Thus all
constant interactions of the astonishing
promises of good conduct, behavior, variety of the living creatures and their
protection and care of wife and children, environment. What is crucial to be
following the path of enlightened liberalism, underlined in the context of wholesome
maintaining the air, water and atmosphere ecology is that every single entity existing in
free from pollution, etc., are made before the nature, be this entity animate or non-animate,
holy fire. In this manner the Vedic is equally important for the realization of the
metaphysicists provided divinity to Prakriti dynamic interactions of the living creatures
and describe her as the supreme Mother so and their environment, and therefore the
that human beings refrain from exploiting Vedic texts emphasize that for the support of
her. the self-organizing urge of nature and its all-
pervading rhythm we have to be in harmony
CONCLUSION with nature and its elements.
Nature the mother earth in its essence is Every single entity in nature is
not a machine. Living matter exists only by endowed with equal right to exist, interact,
the order of the transcendent life, the one and evolve, and thus to contribute in its
which is formless, invisible, but knowable overall self-organization and rhythm. And
through its effect. Nature constitutes a set of vice versa, the self-organizing urge of nature
self-originating, self-organizing and self- and its rhythm manifest through the motion,
sustaining forms. The rhythm of Vedic Rta interaction, and evolutionary potential of
the earthly balance is within us. The above every existing entity, without assigning ranks
discussion makes clear that our Vedic texts of priorities among them; they all are equally
revealed that closer our connection with the open for this urge to make them move,
natural environment and the more aware we interact, and evolve in synchrony. If some
Journal of Environmental Research And Development Vol. 4 No. 2, October-December 2009
entities were favored by nature at the protecting the earth so that the earth will
expense of others, the integrity of nature: its protect us in reciprocate.
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If U Protect NATURE….
NATURE will Protect U