Cultural Regions of The Wolrd
Cultural Regions of The Wolrd
Cultural Regions of The Wolrd
• The variables of cultures include economic organization, social customs,
traditional values, dietary habits, dress patterns, language, etc.
Hearths – They are the source areas from where ideas, innovations, and ideologies
radiated that changed the world beyond. It is an ancient concept and doesn’t exist
E.g. – Hwang Ho, Mesopotamia, etc.
• 7 cultural hearths:
1. The Nile river valley
2. The Indus river valley
3. The Wei-Huang river valley
4. The Ganga river valley
5. Mesopotamia
6. Mesoamerica
7. West Africa
Core – Cultural hearths expanded into cores. It is a medieval concept. India has 3 cores-
1. Rigveda – in Punjab
2. Later Vedic culture – in Bihar
3. Dravidian culture – in the south (in and around Thanjavur)
Realm – It is the largest possible area of cultural influence. It is a wider concept and
includes overlaps and transitional areas. It can be discontinuous. E.g. Islam realm.
Great political geographer – Moodie said – Land is a great divide line of the peoples of
the world“. The emergence of the European state is an example here.
• Living realm
• Arrested Realm, and
• Abortive realm
Broek & Webb’s classification
• They tried to establish the dominance of a particular phenomenon over the
evolution of the cultural landscape
• They found that the impact of religious values is tremendous over the entire
cultural system
• A cultural-religious investigation reveals that the culture of a particular region
becomes ineffective once the religious impact is withdrawn
• They have used 8 variables for cultural regionalization of the world
1. Race
2. Religion
3. Language
4. Economic Unionism
5. Folk
6. Habit or Diet
7. Dresses
8. Beliefs orthodox/scientific
Broek further wrote that of all these 8 variables, society has the maximum bearing of
religion. It is the religion which compels to adopt certain kind of economies, dresses,
food habits, and beliefs. It also brings temptations to learn certain languages. It is the
religion that provides some restrictions at the time of cultural mingling.
All other variables are directly or indirectly controlled by religion. However, giving due
emphasis to all these factors, he had divided the world into major, meso, and micro
cultural realms.
He divided the world into 4 major cultural realms and 2 meso realms.
1. Occidental Realm
2. Islamic Realm
3. Indian Realm
4. East Indian Realm
Major cultural realms
Occidental Realm
Occidental culture is the culture of European society. It is influenced to a great extent by
Christianity. It has regional modifications on the basis of varying levels of
industrialization, political and economic thought, colonization, commercialization,
urbanization, and development of transport systems, land development of social,
political, and economic institutions.
In many parts of the occidental culture, the impact of non-religious factors, particularly
the effect of modernization, is so great that the religious values are sidelined. Post-
industrial Europe is fast emerging as a society where traditional values are nearly
abandoned. Occidental culture covers a vast area. It is further divided into six sub-
regions considering the impact of the regional environment.
Islamic Cultural Realm
• Even Islam gave messages to perform prayers for five times facing Mecca
• These two religious messages contributed to the development of permanent
settlements and cultural permanency
• Recently, the culture of this region is influenced by ‘Petro-dollars’ so there is a
high level of urbanization and modernization
• Immigrants have created pluralistic urban culture but the social system is yet to
be significantly altered and modernized
• That’s why they are yet to become developed countries in spite of high
Meso-African Culture
• It is the culture of African tribes. This culture is also known as the Negro culture.
• It is not being able to develop due to multiple tribes having different
cultures. About 220 isolated cultural pockets within Africa can be found.
• Most of them have animist culture, depending on nature and not god e.g.
Natural habitat on trees, etc.
• There is slow interaction with modern values. The inflow of modernization has
begun in this region
• It principally includes tropical Africa. Similar cultural systems can be seen among
the American Red Indians, Latin American tribes, Australian aboriginals, and
several tribes of the Asia-Pacific region.
• Historian Toynbee has used the term ‘marginalized culture’ for these traditional
culture units. Some geographers even include Eskimos under this cultural
realm. Thus, it is a widely scattered cultural realm characterized by marginalized
and relatively isolated communities.
• The classification gives more emphasis on religion
• There is a neglect of the influence of physiographic aspects
Although this classification is a good attempt, but globalization is weakening the
boundaries and the
civilizations are moving continually towards a global multifaceted culture.