Essay For English Language
Essay For English Language
Essay For English Language
Crafting an essay on the subject of "Essay for English Language" can be a daunting task, as it
involves a paradoxical challenge of both being meta and informative. It requires delving into the
intricacies of the English language while simultaneously employing the language itself effectively.
The difficulty lies in striking the right balance between theoretical discussions on language principles
and the practical application of those principles in the essay.
To begin with, defining the scope of the essay can be a complex endeavor. The English language is
vast and dynamic, with its grammar, syntax, semantics, and rich history. Deciding what aspects to
focus on becomes a crucial decision, and it requires a deep understanding of the subject matter.
Furthermore, incorporating relevant examples and references to support the arguments adds an extra
layer of complexity.
The challenge extends to the need for clarity and coherence. Balancing a sophisticated and nuanced
discussion on the English language with the requirement for accessibility and readability can be
intricate. It demands not only a profound knowledge of linguistic nuances but also a skillful
application of rhetorical devices to engage the reader effectively.
The essay's structure is another potential stumbling block. Striking the right balance between
introduction, body, and conclusion while maintaining a logical flow of ideas is a meticulous task.
Each paragraph needs to contribute to the overarching theme while ensuring smooth transitions
between thoughts.
Additionally, avoiding clichés and presenting original insights on a topic that has been explored
extensively poses a significant challenge. It requires a creative approach to weave together a narrative
that is both enlightening and refreshing for the reader.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Essay for English Language" demands a high level of
proficiency in both the subject matter and the language itself. It necessitates a delicate balance
between theoretical depth and practical application, clarity, and complexity. While the process may
be arduous, the reward lies in creating a piece that not only encapsulates the essence of the English
language but also showcases the writer's mastery over the craft of essay writing.
For those seeking assistance with similar essays or any writing challenges, it's worth exploring the
resources available on . Professionals and experts in the field can provide guidance,
support, and even custom essays tailored to specific requirements, making the writing process more
manageable and less daunting.
Essay For English Language Essay For English Language
The Story Of The Mannequin
The Mannequin
A family owned a shop known for the one of a kind mannequins and beautiful clothing,
but it had to close down recently due to a family crisis. It all started three days ago
when the girl s grandmother had a nervous breakdown due to her schizophrenia. She
recalls the memories of her grandmother talking to herself as well as having bizarre
discussions or even hallucinations at times. Those thoughts frightened her as her dear
loving grandmother would fall ill and would even act out violently at times of frustration.
She thought to herself that not being able to control yourself, including thoughts and
actions would be the scariest thing since the illness would take over you completely. Her
mother decided that it d be best if the family remained in the house while her
grandmother could be in another environment for a while, however girl had to stay home
until the parents came back. Unwillingly, the girl agreed to move in though she knew
that her mother did have some kind of childhood trauma in this house that she refused to
As the oil lamp flickered in her room at her grandmother s home along with the eerie
sound that the wooden floor made when stepped on, the girl heard a deafening voice
coming from the distorted walls telling her to get out. She shook her head in disbelief as
if she was saying to herself that she was going insane and then repeating to herself for
the fortieth time that things as ghost or spirit surely only existed in her
Chronic Cough Case Study
Thank you very much for referring Anna along for further investigation of her most
recent two week history of cough in the setting of her two year history of chronic cough.
As you are aware over the last two to three years she has noticed that she has an
uncontrollable dry cough most days. It is worsened with talking, sipping cold water and
occasionally even cold air. She does not have any regular post nasal drip or GORD
symptoms. It was thought that this was perhaps representative of asthma. Two years ago
she tried some Flutiform without any significant benefit. The symptoms are not
associated with any shortness of breath or wheeze.
Two weeks ago, she had what sounds to be viral upper respiratory tract infection which
has caused a profound worsening of her cough. She also believes with the normal
laryngeal cough which she is describing has changed in nature and she is describing a
bronchitic type cough, though it is not productive. Thank you for organising a chest x
ray which did not reveal any significant abnormalities. I ... Show more content on ...
The worsening cough more recently though possibly is from post nasal drip from an
ongoing runny nose and as such I have started her on Nasonex. Alongside that, given the
10% incidence of asymptomatic GORD worsening laryngeal hypersensitivity, I have
started her on Nexium 20mg twice a day. The very mild expiratory wheeze on the chest
was a surprising finding and perhaps does represent underlying asthma. But given that
she is on the road to recovery, I have suggested that she could just trial some Ventolin as
required. I will then see her in three to four weeks time with a formal mannitol
bronchoprovocation test to further determine whether or not she has active asthma and to
discuss further referral to the Melbourne Voice Analysis Centre where they specialise in
managing laryngeal
Black Blizzard Research Paper
I am a young child who was in the dust storm and who has experienced the black
blizzard. I have many experiences on this day and will be sharing it with you. I will
also tell you the day everything we did to get back to normal and live our life again.
Another thing i will mention is what was the black blizzard and the way we got out.
First during the day the dust storm was coming you could see the 7,000 feet high
storm coming in our direction. While the storm was coming everyone was panicking
on what to do some people were getting prepared on what to do. When the storm hit it
was a disaster and i could hardly see anything. Some people were still outside and i was
wondering what was going on and could hear or see anything because of the storm it
was a whole disaster for our city.... Show more content on ...
The rags were not even helping us that much we could still taste the dust in our mouths
and at that point couldn t see anything. The dust storm is a storm that was like nothing
before it was worse than any other storm we have encountered. The people in the town
wanted to leave but couldn t because the storm got there car engines all messed up.
Some people got there cars to work and when they got it ot start up they decided where
to go.
Later on people started to head to the west or tried to at least without the storm
messing them up. They wanted to try and go to california so they could get out of the
storm and start all over. They think if they go to california they will be able to get a
job or something and live there. Sooner or later other people went with their ideas and
went to california so they could start over as well. Later we i went with my family to
california so we could start over as
Thoreau And King Comparison
The cultural texts from King and Thoreau about racial inequality were noticeably
different in their deliveries; however, by taking advantage of their shared ability to form
eloquent phrases and demonstrate clear vision, both authors were successful in
conveying the benefits of governmental change and societal progression. Thoreau
lamented over the inaction of his fellow citizens and expressed his sentiments with an
unforgiving and assertive tone; King on the other hand, was more conscious of his white
centric audience and understood that in order to maintain Thoreau s beliefs in his letter,
he would have to come across as more respectful and understanding of his readers. Rather
than sounding hostile, King simply addresses times when the government s orders have
disenfranchised African Americans,... Show more content on ...
Thoreau used Civil Disobedience to question the possibility of organizing the rights of
man, and infused its paragraphs with his fears of a systematic government that could not
be resisted or changed (Thoreau). His fears were paralleled in King s statement that
Birmingham city officials consistently refused to engage in good faith negotiation, which
underscored the government s inability to reform itself and showed how African
American lives would be affected if action was not taken in a timely manner. Change,
King continued, would only be sustained if southern governments willed themselves to
converse in monologue rather than dialogue (King). This deliberate juxtaposition helped
mold his argument that negotiation was not feasible due to the one sidedness of the
conversation about race. His subsequent conclusion was that taking direct action was
simply a moral responsibility that African Americans should pursue