Dental Assisting Courses
Dental Assisting Courses
Dental Assisting Courses
Program Courses
This course provides an overview and realistic introduction to the Dental Assisting
profession and program specific expectations and requirements will be provided.
Ethical and legal issues related to the practice of dentistry and dental assisting are
discussed. Case situations are evaluated to determine appropriate management in
accordance with the principles of dental ethics and jurisprudence. The
professionalism and legalities of all members of the dental team will be discussed in
detail, it will enable the student to understand the expectations of the profession
and the workplace. Students will consider their role in the dental team, identify other
members of the team, develop an appreciation for being affiliated with a profession
and learn how to use a problem-solving approach to deal with conflicts that may
arise within the dental team. An overview of the history of dentistry will be provided
at this time. The course introduces the students to the learning environment of the
CDI campus and is intended to provide all students with a common place to begin the
dental assisting program. Defined and published policies and procedures unique to
the CDI Dental Assisting Program will be discussed. Overview of the Dental Assisting
Program History of Dentistry Members of the Dental Team Responsibilities of the
Dental Team Members Professional Organization Dental Ethics Dentistry and the Law
Dental Terminology