The Rise of The Originate-to-Distribute Model

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Vitaly M. Bord and João A. C.


The Rise of the Originate-

to-Distribute Model
and the Role of Banks in
Financial Intermediation
1. Introduction banks with yet another venue for distributing the loans that
they originate. In principle, banks could create CLOs using the
istorically, banks used deposits to fund loans that they loans they originated, but it appears they prefer to use collateral
H then kept on their balance sheets until maturity. Over
time, however, this model of banking started to change. Banks
managers—usually investment management companies—that
put together CLOs by acquiring loans, some at the time of
began expanding their funding sources to include bond syndication and others in the secondary loan market.2
financing, commercial paper financing, and repurchase Banks’ increasing use of the originate-to-distribute model
agreement (repo) funding. They also began to replace their has been critical to the growth of the syndicated loan market,
traditional originate-to-hold model of lending with the so- of the secondary loan market, and of collateralized loan
called originate-to-distribute model. Initially, banks limited obligations in the United States. The syndicated loan market
the distribution model to mortgages, credit card credits, and rose from a mere $339 billion in 1988 to $2.2 trillion in 2007,
car and student loans, but over time they started to apply it the year the market reached its peak. The secondary loan
to corporate loans. This article documents how banks adopted market, in turn, evolved from a market in which banks
the originate-to-distribute model in their corporate lending participated occasionally, most often by selling loans to other
business and provides evidence of the effect that this shift has banks through individually negotiated deals, to an active,
had on the growth of nonbank financial intermediation. dealer-driven market where loans are sold and traded much
Banks first started “distributing” the corporate loans they like other debt securities that trade over the counter. The
originated by syndicating loans and also by selling them in the volume of loan trading increased from $8 billion in 1991 to
secondary loan market.1 More recently, the growth of the $176 billion in 2005.3 The securitization of corporate loans also
market for collateralized loan obligations (CLOs) has provided experienced spectacular growth in the years that preceded the
1 financial crisis. Before 2003, the annual volume of new CLOs
In loan syndications, the lead bank usually retains a portion of the loan and
places the remaining balance with a number of additional investors, usually issued in the United States rarely surpassed $20 billion. After
other banks. This arrangement is made in conjunction with, and as part of,
the loan origination process. In contrast, the secondary loan market is a According to the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association,
seasoned market in which a bank, including lead banks and syndicate 97 percent of corporate loan CLOs in 2007 were structured by financial
participants, can subsequently sell an existing loan (or part of a loan). institutions that did not originate the loans.

Vitaly M. Bord is a former associate economist and João A. C. Santos The authors thank Nicola Cetorelli, Stavros Peristiani, an anonymous reviewer,
a vice president at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. and participants at a Federal Reserve Bank of New York seminar for useful
comments. The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily
Correspondence: [email protected]
reflect the position of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York or the Federal
Reserve System.

FRBNY Economic Policy Review / July 2012 21

that, loan securitization grew rapidly, topping $180 billion loans over time, and it has complete information on investors’
in 2007. loan shares over the life of the credit. We discuss the SNC
Investigating the extent of U.S. banks’ adoption of the database in more detail in the data section.
originate-to-distribute model in corporate lending has proved Our study of the change in banks’ corporate lending model
difficult because of data limitations. Thomson Reuters Loan yields a number of significant findings. Although the data
Pricing Corporation’s DealScan database, arguably the most indicate that lead banks increasingly used the originate-to-
comprehensive data source on the syndicated loan market and distribute model from the early 1990s on, we conclude that this
the source used by many researchers in the past, imposes increase was limited to a large extent to term loans; in their
serious limitations on the investigation of this issue. This credit-line business with corporations, banks continued to rely
database includes information available only at the time of loan on the traditional originate-to-hold model. Further, we find
origination, making it impossible to use it to investigate what that lead banks increasingly “distributed” their term loans by
happens to the loan after origination. Furthermore, DealScan selling larger portions of them not only at the time of the loan
has very limited information on investors’ loan shares at the origination, but also in the years after origination. For example,
time of origination. The information on the credit shares in 1988, the first year of our sample, lead banks retained in
that each syndicate participant holds is sparse, and even the aggregate 21 percent of the term loans they originated that year.
information on the share that the lead bank—the bank that sets In 2007, lead banks retained only 6.7 percent of the term loans
the terms of the loan—retains at origination is missing for originated in that year. By 2010, lead banks had managed to
71 percent of all DealScan credits. further lower their share in the credits they had originated in
The Loan Syndication Trading Association database 2007 to 3.4 percent.
contains micro information on the loans traded in the Our investigation into the entities investing in bank loans
secondary market, but it has no information about the identity confirms that other banks were not quick to step in and take
of the seller(s) or buyer(s), ruling out its use to close the over as lead banks reduced their stake in the loans they
information gaps in DealScan. Financial statements filed with originated. Instead, we find that new loan investors, including
the Federal Reserve, in turn, contain information only on the investment managers and CLOs, increasingly assumed
credit that banks keep on their balance sheets and thus cannot control of the credit business. In 1993, all together, nonbank
be used to ascertain the volume of credit that banks originate. investors acquired 13.2 percent of the term loans originated
These statements contain information on the loans that banks that year. In 2007, they acquired 56.3 percent of the term
hold for sale, but, as Cetorelli and Peristiani (2012) explain in loans originated in that year, a 327 percentage point increase
detail elsewhere in this volume, this variable provides limited from fifteen years earlier.
information on the extent to which banks have replaced the The trends documented in this article have important
originate-to-hold model with the originate-to-distribute implications. Banks’ increasing use of the originate-to-
model in their lending business.4 distribute model in their term-lending business will lead to a
We rely instead on a novel data source, the Shared National transfer of important portions of credit risk out of the banking
Credit program (SNC) run by the Federal Deposit Insurance system. In the process, however, it will contribute to the growth
Corporation, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve of financial intermediation outside the banking system,
System, and the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. Like including a larger role for unregulated “shadow banking”
DealScan, the SNC program is dominated by syndicated loans. institutions.5 It will also, over time, make the credit kept by
In contrast to DealScan, however, the SNC program tracks banks on their balance sheets less representative of the still-
essential role they perform in financial intermediation.
Researchers have suggested several explanations for the development of the
In addition, banks’ increasing use of the originate-to-
secondary market, including the capital standards introduced with the 1988
Basel Accord (Altman, Gande, and Saunders 2004), the standardization of distribute model could lead to some weakening of lending
loan documentation and settlement procedures that came about with the standards. According to several theories—including those of
establishment of the Loan Syndication Trading Association in 1995 (Hugh and Ramakrishnan and Thakor (1984), Diamond (1984), and
Wang 2004), and the increase in demand and liquidity resulting from the
increasing involvement of institutional investors (Yago and McCarthy 2004). Holmström and Tirole (1993)—banks add value because of
See Gorton and Haubrich (1990) for a detailed description of the loan-sales their comparative advantage in monitoring borrowers. To
market in the 1980s. carry out this task properly, banks must hold the loans they
This variable does not distinguish corporate loans from all the other loans originate until maturity. If they instead anticipate keeping only
that banks may intend to sell. Further, since there is no information on when
the loans held for sale were originated, ascertaining banks’ relative use of the a small portion of a loan, their incentives to screen loan
originate-to-distribute model based on this variable is difficult. Lastly, the
variable reports only the loans that banks “intend” to sell, not the actual See Pozsar et al. (2010) for a detailed account of the growth of shadow
loans that they sold. banking in the United States.

22 The Rise of the Originate-to-Distribute Model

applicants properly and to design the terms of the loan contract 2. Data, Methodology, and Sample
will diminish.6 They will also have less incentive to monitor Characterization
borrowers during the life of the loan.7 The growth of the
CLO business has likely exacerbated these risks because
CLO investors invest in new securities that depend on the
performance of the “reference portfolio,” which is made up 2.1 Data
of many loans, often originated by different banks.8
Banks’ adoption of the originate-to-distribute model may Our main data source for this project is the Shared National
also hinder the ability of corporate borrowers to renegotiate Credit program, run by the Federal Deposit Insurance
their loans after they have been issued.9 This difficulty may Corporation, the Federal Reserve Board, and the Office
arise not only because the borrower will have to renegotiate of the Comptroller of the Currency. At the end of each year,
with more investors but also because the universe of investors the SNC program gathers confidential information on all
acquiring corporate loans is more heterogeneous. credits that exceed $20 million and are held by three or more
Finally, our evidence that banks continue to use the federally supervised institutions.11
traditional originate-to-hold model in the provision of credit For each credit, the SNC program reports the identity of the
lines supports the argument that banks retain a unique ability borrower, the type of the credit (term loan or credit line, for
to provide liquidity to corporations, possibly because of their example), purpose (such as working capital, mergers, or
access to deposit funding.10 Our findings are in line with the acquisitions), amount, maturity date, and rating. In addition,
theories advanced by Holmström and Tirole (1998) and the program reports information on the lead arranger and
Kashyap, Rajan, and Stein (2002) concerning banks’ liquidity syndicate participants, including their identities and the share
provision to corporations. Still, as Santos (2012) documents, of the credit they hold.
banks’ provision of liquidity to depositors and corporations The SNC data fit nicely with our goal of investigating
exposes them to a risk of concurrent runs on both sides of their the role that banks continue to play in the origination of
balance sheets. corporate credit in the United States and the role they have
The remainder of our article is organized as follows. played in the growth of financial intermediation outside the
The next section presents our data and methodology and banking system. Since the SNC program gathers information
characterizes our sample. Section 3 documents U.S. banks’ on each syndicated credit at the end of every year, we can link
transition from the originate-to-hold model to the originate- credits over time and determine the portion of each credit
to-distribute model in corporate lending over the past two that stays in the banking sector and the portion acquired by
decades. Section 4 identifies the relative role of the various nonbank financial institutions both at the time of the credit
investors that increasingly buy the credit originated by origination and in each subsequent year during the life of
banks. Section 5 summarizes our findings and their larger the credit. In addition, since we have this information over
implications. the past two decades, we can investigate how the relative
importance of the various players in the syndicated loan
market has evolved over time.
We complement the SNC data with information from the
See Pennacchi (1988) and Gorton and Pennacchi (1995) for models that
Moody’s Structured Finance Default Risk Service Database and
capture these moral hazard problems. from Standard and Poor’s Capital IQ. The Moody’s database
Recent studies, including Sufi (2007), Ivashina (2009), and Focarelli, Pozzolo, has information on structured finance products, including the
and Casolaro (2008), document that lead banks in loan syndicates use the size, origination date, and names. We rely on the Moody’s
retained share to align their incentives with those of syndicate participants
and commit to future monitoring.
database to identify CLOs among the syndicate participants
See Bord and Santos (2010) for evidence that the rise of the CLO business reported in the SNC program that do not have the letters CLO
contributed to riskier lending. in their names. We use the Capital IQ database to identify
Borrowers often renegotiate their credits to adjust the terms of their loans private equity firms, hedge funds, and mutual funds among
(Roberts and Sufi 2009) or to manage the maturity they have left in their credits the syndicate participants.
(Mian and Santos 2011).
See Gatev, Schuermann, and Strahan (2009) and Gatev and Strahan (2006)
for empirical evidence in support of banks’ dual liquidity role to depositors The confidential data were processed solely within the Federal Reserve
and corporations. for the analysis presented in this article.

FRBNY Economic Policy Review / July 2012 23

2.2 Methodology contributed to an upward trend in the number of credits in the
SNC database. In 1989, the SNC database had 5,402 credits, of
Our investigation into the effect of the originate-to-distribute which 1,368 were originated in that year. In 2007, at the peak
model on the importance of banks in financial intermediation of the business cycle, it had 8,248 credits, of which 2,114 were
has two parts. We begin by investigating how the rise of that originated in that year.
model affected the portion of each credit that the lead bank To get a better sense of the SNC database coverage, we
retains during the life of the credit. To this end, for each credit compare the annual value of credits included in that database
in the SNC program, we first compute the portion that the lead with the annual value of credits in DealScan, the database
bank retains on its balance sheet at origination. Next, because mentioned above that has been extensively used for research on
banks sometimes sell or securitize part of their credits after they bank corporate lending in recent years.12 Chart 1 reports the
originate them, we compute the portion of the credit that the annual value of new credits—that is, credits originated in each
lead bank still retains on its balance sheet three years after the year—in the SNC database and the annual value of credits
origination year. reported in DealScan. Since SNC covers only credits above
In the second part of our investigation, we identify the $20 million, we also report the annual value of credits in
DealScan above that threshold. To make the information from
buyers of bank credits and how the role of the various buyers
the two databases even more comparable, we further adjust the
has changed over the past two decades. For each credit, we
information reported from DealScan by excluding credits that
compute the portion that the lead bank sells to other banks
are classified as “restatements” of previous credits, since this
and the portion that it sells outside the banking sector,
indicates a renegotiation of an existing credit.13
distinguishing in the latter case whether the acquiring
From Chart 1, it is apparent that both databases pick up the
institution is an insurance company, a finance company, a
positive trend in the volume of credit as well as the effect of the
pension fund, an investment manager, a private equity firm,
three recessions in the United States during the sample period
a CLO, or a broker or investment bank. This part of our
(1990-91, 2001, and 2008-09). It is also clear that the main
investigation allows us to pin down the role that banks have
difference between the two databases is that DealScan reports
played in the growth of financial intermediation outside the
information on new credits as well as information on renegoti-
banking system in general and their role in the growth of
ations of existing credits. The fact that SNC reports only credits
shadow banking in particular.
above $20 million while DealScan contains information on
Because the nature of the credit contract may affect
credits above $100,000 does not constitute an important
the lead bank’s ability to sell or securitize the credit, we difference between the two databases. When we adjust the
distinguish between term loans and credit lines throughout information reported in DealScan to “match” the credits
our investigation. For a similar reason, we also categorize the reported in the SNC database, the difference between the
credits according to their purpose: that is, whether they are two databases becomes very small. On average, each
to fund mergers and acquisitions or capital expenditures year the volume of credit reported in the SNC database
or whether they are to serve corporate purposes. is 37.2 percent of that reported in DealScan. When we restrict
the credits in DealScan to those above $20 million, that share
increases to 37.8 percent; when we further drop renegotiations
from DealScan, the share rises to 74.4 percent.
2.3 Sample Characterization

Our sample covers the period 1988-2010. On average, we

observe 7,432 credits each year. Of these, 1,758 are new credits Examples of papers that use DealScan include Dennis and Mullineaux
(2000), Hubbard, Kuttner, and Palia (2002), Santos and Winton (2008, 2010),
originated in the year, and 5,674 are credits originated in prior
Hale and Santos (2009, 2010), Sufi (2007), Bharath et al. (2009), Santos (2011),
years. Even though the criteria for inclusion of a credit in the Paligorova and Santos (2011), and Bord and Santos (2011).
SNC program remained unchanged throughout the sample 13
In SNC, renegotiations do not usually give rise to a new credit, while in
period, inflation and growth over the past two decades DealScan they do.

24 The Rise of the Originate-to-Distribute Model

Chart 1
Loan Volumes Reported in the SNC and DealScan Databases

Billions of U.S. dollars Billions of U.S. dollars

2,400 2,400
2,200 SNC Issuance by Year 2,200 LPC Issuance by Year
All loans
2,000 2,000
1,800 1,800
1,600 1,600
1,400 1,400
1,200 1,200
1,000 1,000
Loans of greater
800 800 than $20 million
600 600
400 400 Loans of greater than
$20 million, excluding
200 200 renegotiations
0 0
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

Sources: Shared National Credit (SNC) database, produced jointly by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System, and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency; DealScan database, produced by Thomson Reuters Loan Pricing Corporation (LPC).

3. From Originate-to-Hold institution is classified as a bank may vary over time. For
to Originate-to-Distribute example, Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs are classified as
banks only from January 1, 2009, when they became BHCs. For
In traditional banking, banks originate credits and hold them the period preceding this date, they are not counted as banks
on their balance sheet until their maturity. Over time, however, since they were operating as investment banks.
banks began to replace the originate-to-hold model with the In 1988, the first year of the sample period, lead banks
originate-to-distribute model, whereby they originate a credit retained in aggregate a stake of 17.6 percent of the credits they
and sell or securitize a portion of it at the time of origination or originated in that year, including term loans and credit lines
later. In this section, we investigate how the adoption of the (Chart 2).14 Beginning in 1990, when they retained in aggregate
originate-to-distribute model reduced the exposure of banks 22.2 percent, lead banks started to decrease their share of the
to the credits they originated over the past two decades. credits they originated, reaching a low of 10.5 percent in 1999.
During the 2000s, the aggregate shares varied with the business
cycle but generally remained steady at around 13 percent.
The market share of the credits that lead banks retain at
3.1 Distribution at the Time of Credit origination has clearly fallen, but the representation of this
Origination decline in Chart 2 is skewed by the large number of credit lines
in our sample. As we can see from Chart 3, while banks have
To investigate the effect of the originate-to-distribute model increasingly replaced the originate-to-hold model with the
on the exposure of banks to the credits they originate, we begin originate-to-distribute model over the past two decades, this
by looking at the lead banks’ market share of the credits they substitution has been far more pronounced in the origination
originate, at the time of the credit origination. of term loans than of credit lines. To be sure, this difference was
For our purposes, “banks” are all institutions that are not immediately apparent: In 1988, lead banks retained in
regulated and that perform the traditional bank roles of aggregate 17.6 percent of the credit lines and 21 percent of the
maturity and credit transformation. Thus, the banks discussed
throughout our article refer to all commercial banks, bank Here, and throughout the rest of the article, we use the terms market share
holding companies (BHCs), thrifts and thrift holding and aggregate share interchangeably. By lead banks’ market or aggregate share,
we mean the share of all credits that the lead banks, taken together, retain.
companies, credit unions, and foreign banking organizations, It is computed as the sum of all the lead banks’ retained credit amounts
including their domestic branches. Note that whether an divided by the sum of all new credits they originated that year.

FRBNY Economic Policy Review / July 2012 25

term loans they extended in that year. These shares declined financial crisis, lead banks increased their market share of the
to 10.3 percent and 10.0 percent, respectively, by 1999. credit lines they originated to 14.1 percent but decreased their
However, in the first decade of the 2000s, while lead banks market share of the term loans they originated to 8.8 percent.
continued the trend of decreasing their market share of term These aggregate trends are consistent with the trends in the
loans, they reversed the trend for credit lines. By 2006, the last average share of the credit that the lead bank retains on its
year before the data pick up the effects of the most recent balance sheet. This share was equal to 32 percent for credit
lines in 1988 and 31 percent for term loans in the same
year. By 1999, these shares had declined to 17 percent and
Chart 2
16 percent, respectively. Then, in the first decade of the new
Lead Banks’ Market Share of Syndicated Loans
century, the average credit-line share retained by the lead
at Credit Origination
bank increased to 24 percent by 2006, whereas the average
Market share share retained in term loans increased slightly but essentially
0.30 remained stable, at 17 percent, by the same year.
Since average retained shares are much higher than the
aggregate (market) shares, the data indicate that banks tend to
keep smaller shares of the larger credits that they originate.
Recall that the average retained share is a simple average of the
0.15 credit shares that banks keep on the balance sheet, while the
aggregate share is a weighted average of these shares, with the
0.10 weights defined by the size of the credits.
The disparity between the trends in lead banks’ market
0.05 shares of credit lines and term loans shows the effect of banks’
increasing syndication and securitization of term loans. These
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 trends, though suggestive of these effects, do not reflect the
whole story, since they account only for the role of lead banks
Source: Shared National Credit database, produced jointly by the Federal and exclude that of banks that participate in the loan syndicate
Deposit Insurance Corporation, Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System, and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. (syndicate-participant banks). We discuss this issue further in
a later section.

Chart 3
Lead Banks’ Market Share of Credits at Origination, by Credit Type

Market share Market share

0.30 0.30
Credit Lines Term Loans
0.25 0.25

0.20 0.20

0.15 0.15

0.10 0.10

0.05 0.05

0 0
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

Source: Shared National Credit database, produced jointly by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,
and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.

26 The Rise of the Originate-to-Distribute Model

Even though banks substituted the originate-to-distribute corporate purposes and in particular to fund mergers and
model for the originate-to-hold model at a faster pace in their acquisitions, possibly because of the additional risk such
term-loan business, they did not use the former uniformly loans tend to carry. In contrast, they continued to use their
across all types of term loans. For instance, they varied their traditional originate-to-hold model when they extended
retention rates depending on the purpose of the loan, as can loans for capital expenditures.
be seen in Chart 4. Over time, banks increasingly used the
originate-to-distribute model when they extended loans for

3.2 Distribution after the Credit Origination

Chart 4
Lead Banks’ Market Share of Term Loans The decline in the share of credits that lead banks originate
at Origination by Credit Purpose did not occur only at the time of the credit origination but
continued throughout the life of the credit. To investigate this
Market share effect, we began by selecting cohorts of credits originated each
0.4 Capital expenditures year that we observed for at least three years. Next, we
computed the market share of the credits that the lead banks
0.3 retained at the time of origination and three years later. Both of
these shares are depicted in Chart 5. The left panel shows the
market shares for credit lines, while the right panel shows the
0.2 market shares for term loans. To allow us to observe all the
credits for three years, we end the chart with credits originated
in 2007. Recall that our sample ends in 2010.
A quick look at Chart 5 shows two important results. First,
Corporate purposes Mergers and in the years after credit-line origination, lead banks either did
0 acquisitions not sell off additional portions of the credit lines or sold off a
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 very small (aggregate) share. This practice prevailed at the
beginning of our sample period in the late 1980s and continued
Source: Shared National Credit database, produced jointly by the Federal
Deposit Insurance Corporation, Board of Governors of the Federal throughout the sample period, with the exception of the early-
Reserve System, and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. to-mid-1990s when lead banks seemed to have sold off more
of the credit lines.

Chart 5
Lead Banks’ Market Share of Credits at Origination and Three Years Later

Market share Market share

0.30 0.30
Credit Lines Term Loans
0.25 0.25

0.20 0.20
Year 0
0.15 0.15
Year 3 Year 0

0.10 0.10
Year 3
0.05 0.05

0 0
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

Source: Shared National Credit database, produced jointly by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,
and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.

FRBNY Economic Policy Review / July 2012 27

Second, as the term loans held by lead banks aged, the 4. Who Buys Bank Credit Lines
banks increasingly reduced their aggregate exposure to them. and Term Loans?
In the previous section, we documented that, over time, lead
banks retained at origination a smaller market share of the Given our finding that over time lead banks are retaining a
term loans they originated. Chart 5 shows that this decline smaller and smaller portion of the credits they originate
continued even after the origination year. For example, of the (especially in the case of term loans), a natural question to ask
term loans that banks originated in 1988, they retained in is, Who buys these credits? Answering this question—and, in
aggregate 21.4 percent at origination. Three years later, these particular, finding out whether banks or other institutional
banks had, in aggregate, 18.7 percent of these term loans on investors such as pension funds and hedge funds are buying
their balance sheet. In 2004, lead banks retained in aggregate these credits—is important because these institutions have
8.6 percent of the term loans they originated in that year. quite different monitoring capabilities and incentives for
Three years later, the banks’ aggregate exposure to the same renegotiating existing credits. Answering this question also
set of term loans had been reduced to 7.1 percent. In 2007, the helps us understand the growth of shadow banking in the past
last year in our sample for which we conducted this exercise, decade and the links of these institutions to the banking sector.
lead banks retained a market share of 6.7 percent of their term
loans at the time of origination. By 2010, they had lowered
their market share of these same term loans to 3.4 percent.
4.1 The Role of Banks as Credit Acquirers
We obtain similar results when we track the individual share
of each credit that the lead bank retains on its balance sheet. For
We start by investigating whether, as the lead banks have
credit lines, lead banks either decreased their average retained
lowered the share of credits they retain at origination, other
shares very little or not at all. For example, of the credit lines banks have increased the share of credit they hold as syndicate
originated in 1988, on average banks retained 30.5 percent at participants. The left panel of Chart 6 shows for the total credit
origination and 28.5 percent three years later. In 2004, lead extended under credit lines each year, the portion that lead
banks retained, on average, 21.6 percent at origination and banks retained, the portion acquired by banks that are
21.2 percent three years later. For term loans, however, lead syndicate participants, and the portion acquired by the
banks tended to cut back more of their credit exposure. Of the remaining investors. The right panel of the chart reports the
term loans originated in 1988, banks retained an average of same information for term loans.
35.2 percent at origination and 30.7 percent three years later. As the chart shows, although the market share of credit
In 2004, banks retained on average 19.2 percent at origination lines retained by lead banks decreased through the 1990s and
and 18.0 percent three years later. increased through the 2000s, the total market share held by all
In sum, the results reported in this section show that over banks (both lead and syndicate-participant banks) remains
the past two decades, banks largely continued to use the fairly stable, at an average of 92 percent during the pre-crisis
traditional originate-to-hold model when they extended credit sample period. In fact, when lead banks’ market share
lines to corporations but increasingly switched to the originate- decreased in the 1990s, the syndicate-participant banks’
to-distribute model for term loans. This evidence suggests that market share increased, and that share increased more than
banks have a unique ability to provide liquidity to corporations the lead banks’ share decreased. Similarly, from 2000 to 2010,
by extending credit lines to them. It also highlights the need syndicate-participant banks’ market share decreased more
to reconsider the measures traditionally used to capture the than the lead banks’ market share increased. In other words,
importance of banks as providers of credit to corporations. credit-line provision continues to be in essence a “bank
As banks increasingly adopt the originate-to-distribute model, business.”
conventional measures of bank lending activity, which rely on Term loans, however, present a different picture. As we can
the credit kept by banks on their balance sheets, will tend to see from the right panel of Chart 6, the decline in the lead
understate the role they play in the credit-origination process. banks’ aggregate retained share was accompanied by an even
In the next section, we investigate which institutions are buying bigger decline in the share of the term loans acquired by other
the credits that banks originate. banks.15
The picture is fairly similar when we consider the average share held by
banks. For credit lines, the average share held by syndicate-participant banks
remained stable at approximately 10 percent throughout the time period.
By contrast, for term loans, the average share held by syndicate-participant
banks decreased from its peak of 14 percent in 1991 (11 percent in 1988) to
6.3 percent in 2006.

28 The Rise of the Originate-to-Distribute Model

Of the $47 billion in term loans originated in 1988, banks, These patterns remain when we consider how the market
including lead banks and syndicate-participant banks, retained share of bank investors changed over the life of the loan. As
on their balance sheet 88.6 percent of the amount of credit. Chart 7 shows, syndicate-participant banks did not sell off their
Of the $315 billion in term loans originated in 2007, banks market share of credit lines during the lifetime of the loans but,
retained on their balance sheet 43.7 percent. Thus, banks (lead apart from short periods in the early 1990s and mid-2000s, they
banks and syndicate-participant banks) more than halved their did decrease their market share of term loans as the loans
market share of term loans from 1988 to 2007. matured. In fact, for term loans that we observe for at least

Chart 6
Banks’ Retained Credits at Origination: Lead Banks versus Non-Lead Banks

Market share Market share

Credit Lines Term Loans
1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8
0.6 Syndicate-participant banks 0.6
Lead banks
0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

Source: Shared National Credit database, produced jointly by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,
and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.

Chart 7
Syndicate-Participant Banks’ Market Share of Credits at Origination and Three Years Later

Market share Market share

0.9 0.9
Year 0 Credit Lines Term Loans
0.8 0.8
Year 0
0.7 Year 3 0.7

0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
0.4 0.4
Year 3
0.3 0.3

0.2 0.2

0.1 0.1
0 0
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

Source: Shared National Credit database, produced jointly by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,
and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.

FRBNY Economic Policy Review / July 2012 29

Chart 8
Nonbank Investors’ Market Share by Credit Type

Market share Market share

Credit Lines Term Loans
Foreign nonbank organizations
0.5 Other
Finance companies
0.4 Pension funds 0.8
Private equity firms
0.3 Investment management firms 0.6
Brokers and investment banks
Collateralized loan obligations
0.2 0.4
Insurance companies

0.1 0.2

0 0
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010

Source: Shared National Credit database, produced jointly by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,
and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.

three years, of the $17 billion of such loans originated in 1988, panel) of the main nonbank investors in these markets:
banks (both lead and syndicate-participant banks) kept on insurance companies, investment management firms, finance
their balance sheets 90.2 percent in 1988 but only 86.9 percent companies, collateralized loan obligation managers, private
three years later. Similarly, of the $17 billion in term loans equity firms, brokers and investment banks, pension funds,
issued in 2007, banks kept on their balance sheets 42.1 percent and foreign nonbank organizations.17
at origination but only 32.8 percent three years later. Looking at the information on credit lines, we see that the
Thus, for credit lines, syndicate-participant banks tended to market share of nonbank investors in credit lines is very small,
offset the actions of the lead banks at origination, and they less than 10 percent in each year. This finding was expected,
tended to hold the credit lines to maturity (or at least for three given our previous evidence that banks continue to play a
years). For term loans, in contrast, syndicate-participant banks, dominant role in the provision of liquidity to corporations
like lead banks, have been decreasing the market share they through credit lines. The nonbank entities that have the highest
retain at origination and over the years after origination.16 market share are finance companies, pension plans, investment
managers, and “other.”18 Finance companies first appear in
our credit-line data in 1992, when they held a market share
of 0.2 percent. They reached their peak market share in 2002
4.2 The Role of Nonbank Financial with 3.2 percent of all credit lines originated.
Given the decline in the portion of term loans retained in the The different categories are identified in a variety of ways: by keyword;
by information from the National Information Center run by the Federal
banking sector, the next question to ask is, Who are the Reserve System, which identifies banks, bank holding companies, foreign
investors that have been increasing their presence in this banking organizations, finance companies, insurance companies, and so on;
market? To address this question, we report in Chart 8 the by matching to the Moody’s Structured Finance Database, which allows us
to identify CLOs; and by matching to Capital IQ to identify investment
market shares at the time of credit origination in the credit- management firms and private equity firms. Investment management firms
line market (left panel) and the term-loan market (right are identified as hedge funds, mutual funds, or asset managers. Note that
institutions may shift across categories over time. For example, for most of
Interestingly, the average shares for syndicate-participant banks did not our sample, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley are identified as investment
change much over the life of the credit, for both credit lines and term loans. banks. However, after they officially converted their status to BHCs in the
With the exception of loans originated during the recessions of 1990 and 2001 first quarter of 2009, they are classified as BHCs. Finally, note that for the
(for which the average participant bank share decreased over the loans’ remaining analysis, we exclude nonbank entities that are part of banking
lifetime), on average, syndicate-participant banks retained the same share entities—for example, finance companies that are part of BHCs. (Including
at origination as three years later. them does not substantially change our analysis.)

30 The Rise of the Originate-to-Distribute Model

Turning our attention to term loans, we see from the right share of the term-loan business. These investors have been
panel of Chart 8 that finance companies, CLOs, brokers, and buying larger portions of the credits at the time of their
investment managers have been increasing their share in the origination, and they continue to increase such investments
market for term loans and that nonbank investors— in the years after origination. From 2000 to 2007, on average,
particularly, investment managers and CLOs—play a much CLOs acquired 12.6 percent of the term loans originated in
bigger role in this market than in the credit-line market. each year, while investment managers acquired on average
Investment managers first appear in our data in 1992, when
they acquired 2 percent of the term loans originated that year.
Chart 9
Similarly, CLOs first appear in our data in 1994, when they held
Role of Finance Companies
0.3 percent of the term loans originated in that year. By 2007,
these investors had acquired 13.6 percent and 15.5 percent,
Market share
respectively, of the term loans issued in that year. Again, note 0.30
that all of these numbers underestimate the true presence of
each category in the market since the “other” grouping 0.25
contains institutions that could not be accurately matched to
any of the categories from our sources; nonetheless, most of
these institutions probably do fall into one of these categories.
Finance companies first appear in the term-loan data in 1989,
when they acquired 0.03 percent of the term loans issued that 0.10
year; at their peak in 1998, they held 7.3 percent of the term
Year 3
loans issued that year. Private equity firms currently represent 0.05
a small share of the market (0.8 percent in 2010), but they have Year 0
been steadily building their presence in this market, from 0
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
0.4 percent in 1996 to 3 percent in 2007. In contrast, insurance
companies continue to play a minor role: the share of the term Source: Shared National Credit database, produced jointly by the Federal
loans held by insurance companies increased from 0.2 percent Deposit Insurance Corporation, Board of Governors of the Federal
Reserve System, and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.
in 1988 to 1.0 percent in 2007.

Chart 10
4.3 Nonbank Investors’ Shares Role of Investment Managers
after Loan Origination
Market share
We documented earlier that both lead banks and syndicate-
Year 3
participant banks continue to reduce the share of their term 0.25
loans in the years following origination. In Charts 9 through
11, we examine the market shares of the top three nonbank 0.20
investors in the syndicated loan market at the time of the credit
origination and three years later. Because these nonbank 0.15
investors invest mainly in term loans, we limit our analysis
to the term-loan market.
Year 0
Finance companies kept their share of the term-loan market
more or less constant over the past decade. In contrast, CLOs
and investment managers have been increasing their market 0
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
The majority of the institutions in the “other” category were not clearly
identified by our sources as belonging to one of the categories discussed above. Source: Shared National Credit database, produced jointly by the Federal
Because much of the identification was done through name matching, Deposit Insurance Corporation, Board of Governors of the Federal
institutions for which the quality of the match was in question were also placed Reserve System, and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.
in the “other” category. Finally, the category also contains a very small number
of Article XII New York investment companies, data processing servicers,
individuals, and foundations.

FRBNY Economic Policy Review / July 2012 31

Our investigation into the investors that bought the bank
Chart 11 loans shows that traditional institutional investors and, in
Role of Collateralized Loan Obligations particular, new loan investors—including investment managers
and CLOs—began taking over more of the credit business.
Market share
0.30 Our findings have several important implications for the
theme of this volume. They show that in evaluating the
0.25 importance of banks in financial intermediation, analysts must
use measures of the credit that banks originate, as opposed to
Year 3 measures of the credit they retain on their balance sheets.
Indeed, our findings confirm that measures of the importance
of banks that rely on the credit held by banks on their balance
Year 0 sheets will increasingly understate the essential role that banks
play in financial intermediation. Our findings also show that
0.05 banks have been an important contributor to the so-called
shadow banking system.19 For example, in 1993, of the
1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
$22.7 billion in term loans originated, banks sold $2.2 billion to
the shadow banking system. By comparison, in 2007, of the
Source: Shared National Credit database, produced jointly by the Federal $315 billion in term loans originated, they sold $125 billion to
Deposit Insurance Corporation, Board of Governors of the Federal
the shadow banking system. In about two decades, the annual
Reserve System, and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency.
volume of term loans that banks supplied to nonaffiliated
shadow-banking institutions increased by $123 billion.
Lastly, our findings suggest some interesting questions
8.7 percent of this market. Three years later, such institutions
for future research. Does the increasing presence of nonbank
held 18.2 percent and 12.9 percent of these loans, respectively.
financial institutions in loan syndicates affect lending terms or
This evidence shows that over the past two decades, as banks
hinder borrowers’ ability to renegotiate their credits? Does the
have increasingly opted to retain on their balance sheet a
decline in a lead bank’s retained share of the credits it originates
smaller portion of the term loans they originated, they have
affect the nature of its relationship with borrowers? What are
been fueling the growth of nonbank institutions, in particular
the implications of the decline in a bank’s retained share for its
CLOs and investment managers.
incentives to assess the creditworthiness of loan applicants or
to track the viability of loans? Researchers have been using the
share of a credit held by the lead bank at the time of origination
as a proxy for the bank’s monitoring incentives. As our
5. Final Remarks evidence shows, however, this share may be a biased proxy
Our analysis of banks’ role in financial intermediation reveals for the bank’s exposure during the life of a loan. It would be
that beginning in the early 1990s, lead banks increasingly used interesting to investigate the implications of the decline in the
the originate-to-distribute model in their corporate lending bank’s credit share for its monitoring incentives during the life
business. This increase, however, was largely limited to term of the credit.
loans. In general, banks continued to rely on the traditional
originate-to-hold model in the credit-line business. Further,
we find that more and more lead banks “distributed” their
term loans by selling larger portions of them, not only at 19
For these computations, “shadow banking institutions” are defined as CLOs,
the time of the loan origination but also in the years after brokers and investment banks, investment managers, private equity firms,
origination. finance companies, and foreign nonbank institutions.

32 The Rise of the Originate-to-Distribute Model


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The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
or the Federal Reserve System. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York provides no warranty, express or implied, as to the
accuracy, timeliness, completeness, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose of any information contained in
documents produced and provided by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in any form or manner whatsoever.

34 The Rise of the Originate-to-Distribute Model

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