SBLC TE Syllabus

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Semester-VI Course Code Course Name Credits CEL60S Skill Based Lab Course-I0T 1s Contact Hours Credits Assigned Theory Practical | Tutorial | Theory | Practical] Tutorial | Total - oe : - 15 - 1s ™ Term cory Work/Practical/Oral Internal Assessment nd Sem | Duration | Tom Total FadSem | “otend | (| Pract. | Oral Test | Test] Average | E*™ | sem exam | WOM - - - : 25 -_ [25 [50 Course Objectives 2 4 To Provide hands on training on anal structure and Steel structure. , modelling and design of R. C. C. Framed ‘To prepare the database and perform its statistical analysis using relevant software. To understand and apply the basic functions of excel for data analysis, preparation of programs and generation of reports having mathematical and pictorial representation. To design reliable and sustainable transportation systems. To evaluate the demand of water for given population and create the proper distribution system To Apply the basic knowledge of various computer languages to create the programme pertaining to civil engineering domain, Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, leamer will be able to: 1 2 3 4 6 To understand the functions involved various softwares related to civil engineering field. To perform different functions of the software related to analysing modelling and designing the structure, creation of database and its analysis. To describe and represent the data obtained from site, experimental work in various formats as per industrial requirements To import road geometric design into the software as well as relate with the design standards applied into the software. To design the effective distribution network system for the distribution of water urees. To apply the knowledge to create the programme in excel and various computer languages for solving problems pertaining to civil engineering field. List of Ex} periments (Minimum Fight) Module Detailed Content Analysis, Modelling and Design of structure using professional software 1s 1 | Introduction to structural engineering software. Study of basic o commands and tools ‘Analysis of determinate and in-determinate structure, Extraction of 2 | shear force and bending moment diagram for given structure 03 manually as well using software 3 | Developing @ model of simple plan of a building (Square or o rectangular) 4 _| Analysis of frames —R. C. C. framed structure 03 5 _| Analysis of frames — Steel structure 03 Preparation and analysis of database using open-source software 03 Introduction to statistical software — Basic function required for 6 | preparing database, statistical analysis of the data and its 03 representation Excel 15 Introduction to function required for preparing tatistical analysis of the data and its graphical representation 7 |a. Creation of database of result obtained from Traffic volume 03 survey and its analys b. Creating database of results obtained from laboratory experiments and its analysis Preparation of programme using various functions in excel or any other relevant exercise in civil engineering field 8 | 1. Mix design of concrete 03 2. Design of pavement 3._Desigh of structural members Preparation of checklist for various items of work in building 9 | construction for quality control, Preparation of various reports like 03 Daily progress report, Daily Labour report, Weekly progress report, : Weekly Labour report, Geotechnical reports, Audit reports Use of transportation engineering related software for creation of 10 | contour, creation of cross section, setting horizontal and vertical 03 alignment and calculation of cut and fill 11 __ | Use of open-source software for designing and simulation of water 0 distribution network Programming using open-source software C or C+ o java or python 06 1__ | Introduction to programming software, Basies commands and took 0 for development of programme related to civil engineering field 13 __ | Programming for ivil Engineers with content related to any domains 03 of Civil Engineering problem solving using programming software. Assessment: ‘Term Work IncludingLaboratory Work comprisingof minimum 5 software generatedreports/sheets/program ‘outputs along with minimum 5 assignments or reports, distribution of marks for Term Work shall beas follows: 10 Marks (comprising of min, 5 software generated Laboratory Work aboratony Wort sheets/program outputs) Assignments 10 Marks (comprising of min, 5 Reports) Attendance (05 Marks Further, while giving weightage of marks on the attendance, following guidelines shall be resorted to: 75%- 80%: 03 Marks; 81%- 90%: 04 Marks; 91% onwards: 05 Marks. End Semester Oral Examination Oral exam will be based on Laboratory Work performed Reference Books: 1 Software manuals, IS 456, IS 800 Refereed Journal papers on Software applications Manual on Water Supply and Treatment, C. P. HE. E. O., Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, New Delhi ‘The *C” Programming Language, B.W Kemighan & D.M Ritchie, Prentice Hall of India Statistics for Managers, Using Microsoft Excel, 8th Edition, David M., Levine, Pearson India Education service Pvt td Recommended Books: 1 Excel with Microsoft Excel: Comprehensive & Easy Guide to Lean Advanced MS Excel Paperback — 1 January 2019 by Naveen Mishra (Author); Publisher: Penman Books; Publication date: | January 2019; ISBN-10: 9389024153; ISBN-13: 978-9389024159 Structural Modeling, Analysis & Design Using Staad Pro Software Paperback - 15 October 2015 by Vignesh Kumar M (Author); Publisher: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing; Genre: Business & Economics; ISBN: 9783848447671, 9783848447671 Discovering Statistics Using SPSS for Windows: Advanced Techniques for the Beginner; By Andy P. Field; Publisher:Sage Publications; ISBN:9780761957553, 0761957553 Quality Management in Construction Projects; By Abdul Razzak Rumane; Copyright ‘Year 2018; ISBN 9780367890032; Published December 10, 2019 by CRC Press Introduction to Machine Learning with Python: A Guide for Data Scientists Paperback — 7 October 2016; by Andreas C. Mueller (Author), Sarah Guido (Author); ISBN-10 1449369413; ISBN-13: 978-14493694 5, Ist Edition; Publisher O ‘Reilly Semester-VI Course Code Course Name Credits CEMG601 Mini Project -2B 1S Contact Hours Credits Assigned Theory Practical | Tutorial | Theory | Practical | Tuto Total 03 15 = 15 oh Term cory Work/Practical/Oral Internal Assessment Duration Total EndSem| of End } Term | ps | ovat Test-1 ‘Test-tt | Average | Exam | Sem =| Work | "Pt | Oral Exam 5 5 : 5 ; 25 [2s [30 Rationale Civil engineers deal with many challenges on daily basis, The civilengineeringindustry's growth has been need based and society centric. Computers and IT systems have touched almost every part of our lives and inter-disciplinary approach is way of life ahead. Mumbai University proposed Mini projects in the syllabus so that the budding civil engineers can connect with the world outside their textbooks and havethe idea of future course. The Mini project should actually provide solution to a typical problem after a brainstorming and in a stipulated period. The solutions based on software, development of computer application, or IT systems based on. artificial intelligence or IOT are expected from civil engineering students. The competitions ahead will give students the experience of the civil engineering industry's real-world problems and make students brainstorm ideas, learn, and explore the civil engineering industry. Course Objectives: 1 “To recognize societal problems and convert them into a problem statement by understanding of facts and ideas in a group activity.(BTL-2) 2 ‘To deal with new problems and situations by applying acquired knowledge, facts, techniques and rules in a different way.(BTL-3) ‘To examine and break information into parts, by analyzing motives or causes. (BTL-4) To leam evaluating information, validity of ideas and work based on a set of criteria (BTL-5) 5 To create solutions by compiling information together in a novel way.(BTL-6) 6 To design software based model, application or IT system by combining elements in a new pattern or proposing new solutions. (BTL-6) Course Outcomes: At the end of the course, leamer will be able to: 1 Identify problems based on societal /research needs and formulate a solution strategy 2 Apply fundamentals to develop solutions to solve societal problems in a group. Analyze the specific need, formulate the problem and deduce the interdisciplinary approaches, software-based solutions and computer applications. 4 Develop systematic flow chart, evaluate inter disciplinary practices, devices, available software, estimate and recommend possible solutions. 5 Draw the proper inferences from available results through theoretical/experimental/simulations and assemble physical systems. 6 Create devises or design a computer program or develop computer application. ines for Mini Project-2B Expected outcome is Software based, “A Computerized Model/ A software/ A computer program, an IOT application or A Computer or Mobile based application ”. Students shall forma group of 3 to 4 students, while forming a group shall not be allowed less than three or more than four students, as it is a group activity Students should find ‘List of Mini project- 2B problems’ in University web portal, and in consultation with faculty supervisor/head of department/internal committee of faculties select the title Students shall submit implementation plan in the form of GanPERT/CPM chart, which will cover weekly activity of mini project. A log book to be prepared by each group, wherein group can record weekly work progress, guide/supervisor can verify and record notes/comments. Faculty supervisor may give inputs to students during mini project activity; however, focus shall be on self-learning Students in a group shall understand problem effectively, propose multiple solution and select best possible solution in consultation with guide/ supervisor. Students shall convert the best solution into A Computerized Model’ a software! A computer program, an IOT application or A Computer or Mobile based application using various components of their domain areas and demonstrate, The solution to be validated with proper justification and report to be compiled in standard format of University of Mumbai, With the focus on the self-leaming, innovation, addressing societal problems and entrepreneurship quality development within the students through the Mini Projects, it ispreferable that Students come out with original solution However, based on the individual students or group capability, with the mentor’s recommendations, if the proposed Mini Project adhering to the qualitative aspects mentioned above gets completed in odd semester, then that group can beallowed to work on the extension of the Mini Project with suitable improvements/modifications or a completely new project idea in even semester. This policy can be adopted on case-by-case basis. List of approved problems for Mini Project -2B: Development for Mobile App for Smart Traffic Management System Using Intemet of S501: Things Seon, Development for Mobile App ForloTbased sman traffic signalmoniforingsystem sing $502; vehicle Count Gs03, Development oF (AT Based) software or mobile App. To Wentify quantity of (bricks, $03" pipes, bars ete.) from photograph Sso4, Development of (AI Based) software or mobile App. To identify size of eracks in distressed structure from coin aimed photograph S505, Development of (AI Based) software or mobile App. To identify size of eracks in distressed structure Development of (AI Based) software or mobile App. For Assessment of Irrigation sso6: De Water Quality Index. Gso7, Development of (AI Based) software or mobile App. For Ground Water Qualiy monitoring in industrial zone. sos, Pevclopment of (AI Based) software or mobile App Advanced Karthquake Resistant Techniques $509; Development of Remote Monitoring System For Civil Engineering projects $510; Application of Geographic Information system using Quantum GIS software. gsi, Developmentof (ATBased) oftware ormobile App for Building Information Modelling SSIS gsing ArchiCAD/ Revit architecture software $512, Development of (AI Based) software or mobile App Digitization of Slump cone Test ssi; DNERPRRATGT(AT Bae) sofort moble App Dighton of other mesbanea so1a, Development of (AT Based) software or mobile App Civil Engineering quantiy 514% calculator. Sais, Development of (Al Based) software or mobile App Digiization of Now-destrcive 515: testing of concrete-various methods. S516, Developmentof (AlBased) softwareormobile App Mapping of area using Total Station 516: and plotting the same on 3-< draftin Sei. Preparation of Excel VBA sheet for solving Survey, Soll Mechanics, Siuctural Analysis problems Geig, Developmentof (AlBased)softwareormobile App Smartsieet lights and aullTovaton monitoring in the cloud over oT $519, Development of AI Based) software or mobile App IOT based smart inigation system g520, Development of (AT Based) software or mobile App Smart cies: Traffic data monitoring over loT for easy transportation/alternative rout ~_Developmentof(AI Based) software ormobile App Dam gate level monitoring for waler $521: resource analysis and dam gate control over loT. Gann, Development of (AI Based) software or mobile App Smart colony: RFID based gate 522: security system, street lights, and water pump automation, Gana, Development of (AT Based) software or mobile App Agriculture automation using GSM (soil moisture level control and motor control) a from faculty, industry and alumni.) tentative list, this list will be con ously updated by contributions Guidelines for Assessment of Mini Proje; + Term Work ‘The review/ progress monitoring committee shall be constituted by head of departments of each institute. The progress of mini projectto be evaluated on continuous basis, minimum two reviews in each semester. In continuous assessment focus shall also be on each individual student, assessment based on individual's contribution in group activity, their understanding and response to questions. Distribution of Term work marks for both semesters shall be as below: Marks awarded by guide/supervisor based on log book 10 Marks Marks awarded by review committee 10 Marks Quality of Project report 5 Marks Review/progress monitoring committee may consider following points for assessment based on either one year or half year project as mentioned in general guidelines. ‘+ Assessment criteria of Mini Project: Mini Project shall be assessed based on following criteria: Quality of survey/ need identification Clarity of Problem definition based on need. Innovativeness in solutions Feasibility of proposed problem solutions and selection of best solution Cost effectiveness Societal impact Innovativeness, Cost effectivens s and Societal impact Full functioning of working model as per stated requirements Effective use of skill sets Effective use of standard engineering norms Contribution of an individuals as member or leader Clarity in written and oral communication In one year, project, first semester evaluation may be based on first six criteria’s and remaining may be used for second semester evaluation of performance of students in mini project. In case of half year project all criteria in generic may be considered for evaluation of performance of students in mini project. Guidelines for Assessment of Mini Project Practica/Oral Examination: Report should be prepared as per the guidelines issued by the University of Mumbai. Mini Project shall be assessed through a presentation and demonstration of working model by the student project group to a panel of Internal and External Examiners preferably fiom, industry or research organizations having experience of more than five years and approved by head of Institution. Students shall be motivated to publish a paper based on the work in Conferences/students competitions, Mini Project shall be assessed based on following points: Quality of problem and Clarity Tnnovativeness in solutions Cost effectiveness and Societal impact Full functioning of working model as per stated requirements Effective use of skill sets Effective use of standard engineering norms Contribution of an individuals as member or leader Clarity in written and oral communication

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